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Author Topic: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).  (Read 12798 times)

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2012, 08:04:24 PM »

this whole thread is tears...  :rotfl:

The year closing off nice...

Amen Brother!  :D

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2012, 08:17:01 PM »
Borse stuff Sam. Very good stuff and damn funny too .... and sometimes dangerously close to reality Presshah!
Supportin' de Warriors right tru.

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #32 on: December 14, 2012, 08:20:05 PM »
Ah freind online told me once it had a person who use to create their own thread and reply to it on a forum (not this forum) . People sick like that.

thank god WE doh have no weirdos like that here eh  :devil:

I eh too sure bout dat nah.    :cursing:
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

Offline Debbie

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2012, 07:04:17 AM »
My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton.
By Samuel Edwards.

Sam - So tell we ah lil bit bout yourself nah.
Tim Kee - Allyuh, my position safe now, we reach. That is all you need to know, Gold Cup and all man jack happy like pappie, even Jack himself happy to. I want to make ah name for myself here and I will do so very soon.

Sam - You said once that you was willing to work with de SWO, is this true.
Tim Kee - Allyuh is some real asshole they you know. Allyuh does believe everything allyuh read, I only do that to win votes and praises. What can de SWO do for me? Fuentes done warm me about allyuh here.... (((ring))) (((ring))... hello.... [hello, Jack here]... yes sir, how can I help.... [ah see yuh doing ah interview with that hardon fella from de SWO site, so keep this easy for now, make sure yuh dont pick any players from de 06 Warriors team and any players from Central FC, or else de deal done].... ok, ok, ah understand...... by de way, yuh still grounded from leaving Trinidad?, yuh still in de no fly list? because I wanted yuh to come Antigua for de finals..... busy tone....(beep))) (((beep))... [please hand up]]
Sam - Who was that....
Time Kee - Meh wife, she wanted meh to pick up some chennet from de market on meh way home.

Sam - Well, that is F00k up.
Tim Kee - I go tell you what F up. Is years now I planning for this and Jack Warner always blocking meh because I did not want to challenge him for de post, now is my time and I going and make history. I even hire a terrorist Jamal Shabaaz incase anyone try to ambush meh, is Jack Warner who train meh and I plan on carring out his command, Jack Warner once he alive he will always be connected to T&T football in many ways.

Sam - So who you plan on hiring to help transform the TTFF now as we look forward.
Tim Kee - Well, we have Anton here and we plan to keep him, I already call up Lincoln Phillips and he coming on a one year contract starting January 2013, he will be incharge of training prisoners and pensioners so when they come out of jail they have a place to go and de retired people could wok here too and get a pention, Lincoln love to train and he could talk de panties off a nun. And we thinking about bringing back Richard Brathwaite because we just sign a contract with Bio Fitness Club in Westmall and they say between him, Derek King and Jamal Shabaaz who go loose they belly first they will donate one million dollars to T&T football, by de way, Jack already taking a percentage of that. We plan on promoting Richard Groden to chief macco where he will be responsible for macco oppositions, scouting nah, a position we never had before.

Sam - So wha yuh think about de 06 Warriors and de court case with de TTFF.
Tim Kee - Me and Jack sat down and plan out what we will do. We got rid of a TTFF account and what ever money we need the government will give us that directly, we also open a new account name "TT Football Filters" where money will go into that association to help feed the TTFF, this way, we get money under the table and the TTFF accounts shows broke. Now de players cant get no money because we found a way to hide it from them, even the current team cant trace us. Asked yourself why Colin Murray step down from the race, because apart from de Shabazz threat, he wasn't down with de program. Sam, we control de zones and de TTFF, de fella who open he mouth from de central zone questing the way I got this job will be fired soon. We have our ways and Jack assured us that he will always take care of us once we obey his rules. The Center of Excellence will be ours very soon, Jack planning to transfer the documents to me personally soon.

Sam - So whats up with de ole staff. Weh eh have young people in T&T.
Tim Kee - Yuh f00cking blind or what, ent Shaun Fuentes young.

Sam - O gosh sorry nah Time Key, yuh eh have to cuss meh.
Tim Kee - Allyuh fellas does watch everything, like everything so easy, I getting man who I know will work for me, I eh want to hire any Tom, Dick and Harry. Yuh eh see what Jack did when he was here, he had his boys and I was one of them, I laid low and learn de trade and now ah here to make it wok.

Sam - So Jamaal Shabaaz, let me ask you, how yuh get this wok.
Jamaal - I was a musician and was very good with the skin flute. Furthermore, how yuh thing Tim Kee win election and Colin Murray pull out, ah put meh boy Abu Bakr on he case, Tim Kee had to win because nothing was going on in Guyana for me again and T&T was de only option out, ah cry lil bit for them, fool them up and ride out, they realy gullible. I did it all with Caledonia and now I want to do it all with the national team. Do you know I is de only coach in T&T to coach two teams (a club and international team with Guyana and now T&T) at the same time while still on the TTFF books. This is a record not even Jim Reeves could break.

Sam - So what is your take on the Caribbean Cup.
Jamaal - Let them haters talk now. We beat Dominican Republic a team who rank in de top 100 to qualify for it. We will go to de gold cup now and carry de same bunch of players to make history there. Like yuh eh see how fit and active we strikers playing boy Sam, Jorsling could run faster than Marvin Andrews now, Richard Roy could shoot de ball anywhere from 2 yards out and all you need to do it give Jamal Gay his head phones while he playing and he does run like ah elephant. Them players we have real good now, man playing for a blackberry, they dont even want cash, some of them. Even though all our goals came from midfield, between our forwards we manage to get 1 shot on goal in 4 games, and that is not bad, one in 4 is great if you ask me, de lottery is one in a million. Our team is playing with a plan, to defend and chase de oppositions till they get tired and then score on them.

Sam - But Jameal, ent is Haiti win that really qualify us.
Jamal - Yea, but still, who counting that, we went there and take care of business,,,, look everbody congratulating us now,,,,,. Look man, Trinis easy to fool up, yuh eh see how de players celebrating in de buss like they just beat Brazil. All de time people wanted my head, now we beat DR and people love me again, I just plan on doing my thing. Look 15 years ago, we coulda take a local B team and win de Caribbean Cup now we happy with just qualifying for de Gold Cup. Throw a fete and every man jack in T&T happy.

Sam - I am glad de team doing good and fighting eh, but I eh like de tactics and by de way, how Charles and you getting along.
Jamaal - First things first, them fellas have to humble, they dont have a choice, Derek King is a kiss ass ever since Bertille St Clair was here and he keep up with his tradition, so we kept him and fire Angus Eve. Hutson Charles is a dummy but he love de game, you ever listen to him talk, how he does fumble, looking for a words to say, so I came here to enhance de staff and eventually push Charles out like Latas did Maturana. As for how de team playing, I like to see us play defensive, I dont care about scoring goals, this is why we bring Jorsling, Roy and Gay, 3 players who look de same, play de same with different age, so when one retire ah next one they to replace him. We have Theobald and even if he look like he have no life left in him, he does pass ah good ball, and Guerra, he could play and learnt his trade under Jemmot, so yuh know he is ah baller, we also have 5 central defenders and we love to attack down de center, to hell with wide players, we want to play narrow football because de team not fit enough to run the width of the field. Sooner or later we will have de whole Caledonia AIA side representing T&T and people will see what I did for my commuity. Is I who get Aubrey David to play for T&T, he know I had got the job before it was announce to the public and it help him made up his mind. Sooner or later I will get a few good young Guyanese players to play for T&T, wait, Jamaica importing English, well, we import locals, allyuh feel is only wild meat we does import from Guyana, is players too.

Sam - So now de team qualify for de Gold Cup and seeing that you cant go to de US because you ban, who go coach de team.
Jamaal - My assistant Jerry Moe at Caledonia will take my place for de tournament nah, who else,,,, wake up man, de writing on de wall, to be successful, you have to get people who will serve your interest. Listen, I am like a seven colors guppy, if they want me to be sah-man, well, ah sahman.... people have to coup... oh shit, I mean coop,,, how de hell coup came in my mind.... (((ring))) (((ring))) (((ring))) hold on Sam, I have to answer this... hello.... [hello, this is truetrini, ah coming Antigua next week].... come nah, you come anytime, we need support .... [yea, them fellas real sour up here, but I happy for you, is a long time I wanted to meet you and now ah have de chance, can I bring anything for you when ah coming down].... yea, bring some condoms and a pack ah jockie shorts for meh, de jokie shorts they have in T&T does only fall under meh naval and if does feel real uncomfortable, not to mention, they only have white here, so everytime ah take ah shit, if I dont wash off, I does see shit stain on it because meh asshole real hairy.... [o gosh, keep one of de dirty jockie shorts for meh, I want to see, because I thought I was de only one with de same problem, I want to see, ok]... yea, bye now.... [o gosh,,, Tallman and Flex go be real happy for meh, ah finally on de TTFF staff books, now de SWO go beg meh to be ah moderator.]....

Sam - So how we plan to prepare for de gold cup. And do you plan to call Rondell Winshester to de team, I hear he ok.
Jamaal - Well we planning on playing a series of big games from June 30, 2013, Guyana, Siparia Spurs and Biche United waiting and ready. As for Winchester, to be honest them blasted Tobagoians to dam chupid, yuh eh see how Keon Daniel moving, he ducking we because he had some goat race he wanted to attend..... (((ring))) (((ring)))... who de hell is this now.... hello... [hello, this is coops from de SWO, them fellas wanted change, well, they get it now, ah glad for yuh..... ah have ah question though]... go ahead.... [anychace I could get back meh wok with de TTFF, I dont mind, I dont even want pay, I go wok for food and anychace Colin Rocke and Ivan Sampson could make de team now? them fellas never get a fair chance]..... call meh about 12 tonight.... [ok, thanx, eh, thanx.., that fellas really nice boy, them fellas on de site so negative eh... wait, I go have to fix them straight.].....

Sam - So what is de real story with Cornell Glen.
Jamaal - Cornell only on money, he come here and training by he self like he is some dam superstar and only asking how much he go get pay, nobody bigger than de team, he will never play for T&T again. Yuh eh see how Keith Look Loy boil down like baggie now and de 06 Warriors only grand charging in public, they should tell they lawyer to change his name from Towley to toe-lee...., Glen go do de same.

Sam - Mr Anton, leh meh ask yuh a few question nah, how de trip in Antigua going so far.
Anton - Well, it good so far, I had to leave de women team in Costa Rica and run to Antigua to technically assist de senior men team. They needed a lift, so ah walk with a few blue movies and evey man was lifted from there on. We go beat Martinique, we have a full squad of 10 defenders, 3 slow forwards and a man who look like Dwight Yorke horn child.... we go surprise real people, allyuh wait.... them fellas in Antigua only asking if Theobald is Yorke....

Sam - How yuh find de team playing.
Anton - De guys are playing really good, infact, I will bet my last dollar we will win the caribbean cup and then go on to win the gold cup. We want to show the foreign base players we do not need them. And all those foreign born players who want to play for T&T better think twice, because we dont want them. I will show Gally, Angus Eve and all the haters back home we dont need them. The Corneals is a name that will never disappear as long as T&T football is there.

Sam - Did you really sell letuce in the market to survive.
Anton - Sam, de amount of money we made on football and my father theif from the TTFF and FIFA we could retire for life, but the reason why I told the public I was selling lettuce is because ah wanted to fool up Watson to,,, so he could retire, Jack said get rid of him and so we had to do what we had to do. Tim Kee and Jack Warner is very close friends and as you can see as soon as Tim Kee came here, money flowing.

Sam - Do you plan on marking T&T football.
Anton - We have Tony Harford here, have no fear, he real good, infact he so good he does market T&T football and nobody does even see when or what he does. He even saving us money, he said he only buying 20 tickets for de players to go to de Caribbean Cup and save de money from de other 3 and deposite it into de TTFF purse so staff members will get some retirement money. If you notice we have a ole staff and we just making sure we are taken care off our guys, because over the years we slave for T&T. When the government didn't pay us for one year, did you see anyone of us move? hell no, we stood here because in de end we looking at the big picture... (((ring))) (((ring))) (((ring))) (((ring))), hold on Sam..... hello....... [yea, hello, this is truetrini here, from de USA]....... wapon pardna.... [I day, ah wanted to pass by you to see how I could assist de team].... yea come through nah, them fellas need ah like back rub [o gosh ah coming, ah coming, Anil they] yea, Anil here and he need to take out some fustration, so make sure you pass ok, see you in a while, later [o gosh, meh prick hard, Anton is de best, Shabazz is de best, Anil Roberts is de best,,,, Charles is ah good fella, ah cant wait to tell them boys on de site].


This is hilarious, and the weird thing is, I was starting to believe the interview had it not been for a few things that made it not true.

This is a seriously funny joke.

And this best I have red ever about T&T football.

A+ for originality.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 09:46:36 AM by Flex »

Offline Sando

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2012, 10:47:37 AM »
I will get sin reading this on a Sunday...

Sam at his best....

And Mr Jack Horner, you walk into that my friend...

I radda keep my mouth close....

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2012, 04:18:14 PM »
This is why I don't normally visit here because you guys say the most stupidest things.

Sam, what the hell is a Radda F00cker?

Make sense please !!!

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2012, 03:39:11 PM »
My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton.
By Samuel Edwards.

Sam - So tell we ah lil bit bout yourself nah.
Tim Kee - Allyuh, my position safe now, we reach. That is all you need to know, Gold Cup and all man jack happy like pappie, even Jack himself happy to. I want to make ah name for myself here and I will do so very soon.

Sam - You said once that you was willing to work with de SWO, is this true.
Tim Kee - Allyuh is some real asshole they you know. Allyuh does believe everything allyuh read, I only do that to win votes and praises. What can de SWO do for me? Fuentes done warm me about allyuh here.... (((ring))) (((ring))... hello.... [hello, Jack here]... yes sir, how can I help.... [ah see yuh doing ah interview with that hardon fella from de SWO site, so keep this easy for now, make sure yuh dont pick any players from de 06 Warriors team and any players from Central FC, or else de deal done].... ok, ok, ah understand...... by de way, yuh still grounded from leaving Trinidad?, yuh still in de no fly list? because I wanted yuh to come Antigua for de finals..... busy tone....(beep))) (((beep))... [please hand up]]
Sam - Who was that....
Time Kee - Meh wife, she wanted meh to pick up some chennet from de market on meh way home.

Sam - Well, that is F00k up.
Tim Kee - I go tell you what F up. Is years now I planning for this and Jack Warner always blocking meh because I did not want to challenge him for de post, now is my time and I going and make history. I even hire a terrorist Jamal Shabaaz incase anyone try to ambush meh, is Jack Warner who train meh and I plan on carring out his command, Jack Warner once he alive he will always be connected to T&T football in many ways.

Sam - So who you plan on hiring to help transform the TTFF now as we look forward.
Tim Kee - Well, we have Anton here and we plan to keep him, I already call up Lincoln Phillips and he coming on a one year contract starting January 2013, he will be incharge of training prisoners and pensioners so when they come out of jail they have a place to go and de retired people could wok here too and get a pention, Lincoln love to train and he could talk de panties off a nun. And we thinking about bringing back Richard Brathwaite because we just sign a contract with Bio Fitness Club in Westmall and they say between him, Derek King and Jamal Shabaaz who go loose they belly first they will donate one million dollars to T&T football, by de way, Jack already taking a percentage of that. We plan on promoting Richard Groden to chief macco where he will be responsible for macco oppositions, scouting nah, a position we never had before.

Sam - So wha yuh think about de 06 Warriors and de court case with de TTFF.
Tim Kee - Me and Jack sat down and plan out what we will do. We got rid of a TTFF account and what ever money we need the government will give us that directly, we also open a new account name "TT Football Filters" where money will go into that association to help feed the TTFF, this way, we get money under the table and the TTFF accounts shows broke. Now de players cant get no money because we found a way to hide it from them, even the current team cant trace us. Asked yourself why Colin Murray step down from the race, because apart from de Shabazz threat, he wasn't down with de program. Sam, we control de zones and de TTFF, de fella who open he mouth from de central zone questing the way I got this job will be fired soon. We have our ways and Jack assured us that he will always take care of us once we obey his rules. The Center of Excellence will be ours very soon, Jack planning to transfer the documents to me personally soon.

Sam - So whats up with de ole staff. Weh eh have young people in T&T.
Tim Kee - Yuh f00cking blind or what, ent Shaun Fuentes young.

Sam - O gosh sorry nah Time Key, yuh eh have to cuss meh.
Tim Kee - Allyuh fellas does watch everything, like everything so easy, I getting man who I know will work for me, I eh want to hire any Tom, Dick and Harry. Yuh eh see what Jack did when he was here, he had his boys and I was one of them, I laid low and learn de trade and now ah here to make it wok.

Sam - So Jamaal Shabaaz, let me ask you, how yuh get this wok.
Jamaal - I was a musician and was very good with the skin flute. Furthermore, how yuh thing Tim Kee win election and Colin Murray pull out, ah put meh boy Abu Bakr on he case, Tim Kee had to win because nothing was going on in Guyana for me again and T&T was de only option out, ah cry lil bit for them, fool them up and ride out, they realy gullible. I did it all with Caledonia and now I want to do it all with the national team. Do you know I is de only coach in T&T to coach two teams (a club and international team with Guyana and now T&T) at the same time while still on the TTFF books. This is a record not even Jim Reeves could break.

Sam - So what is your take on the Caribbean Cup.
Jamaal - Let them haters talk now. We beat Dominican Republic a team who rank in de top 100 to qualify for it. We will go to de gold cup now and carry de same bunch of players to make history there. Like yuh eh see how fit and active we strikers playing boy Sam, Jorsling could run faster than Marvin Andrews now, Richard Roy could shoot de ball anywhere from 2 yards out and all you need to do it give Jamal Gay his head phones while he playing and he does run like ah elephant. Them players we have real good now, man playing for a blackberry, they dont even want cash, some of them. Even though all our goals came from midfield, between our forwards we manage to get 1 shot on goal in 4 games, and that is not bad, one in 4 is great if you ask me, de lottery is one in a million. Our team is playing with a plan, to defend and chase de oppositions till they get tired and then score on them.

Sam - But Jameal, ent is Haiti win that really qualify us.
Jamal - Yea, but still, who counting that, we went there and take care of business,,,, look everbody congratulating us now,,,,,. Look man, Trinis easy to fool up, yuh eh see how de players celebrating in de buss like they just beat Brazil. All de time people wanted my head, now we beat DR and people love me again, I just plan on doing my thing. Look 15 years ago, we coulda take a local B team and win de Caribbean Cup now we happy with just qualifying for de Gold Cup. Throw a fete and every man jack in T&T happy.

Sam - I am glad de team doing good and fighting eh, but I eh like de tactics and by de way, how Charles and you getting along.
Jamaal - First things first, them fellas have to humble, they dont have a choice, Derek King is a kiss ass ever since Bertille St Clair was here and he keep up with his tradition, so we kept him and fire Angus Eve. Hutson Charles is a dummy but he love de game, you ever listen to him talk, how he does fumble, looking for a words to say, so I came here to enhance de staff and eventually push Charles out like Latas did Maturana. As for how de team playing, I like to see us play defensive, I dont care about scoring goals, this is why we bring Jorsling, Roy and Gay, 3 players who look de same, play de same with different age, so when one retire ah next one they to replace him. We have Theobald and even if he look like he have no life left in him, he does pass ah good ball, and Guerra, he could play and learnt his trade under Jemmot, so yuh know he is ah baller, we also have 5 central defenders and we love to attack down de center, to hell with wide players, we want to play narrow football because de team not fit enough to run the width of the field. Sooner or later we will have de whole Caledonia AIA side representing T&T and people will see what I did for my commuity. Is I who get Aubrey David to play for T&T, he know I had got the job before it was announce to the public and it help him made up his mind. Sooner or later I will get a few good young Guyanese players to play for T&T, wait, Jamaica importing English, well, we import locals, allyuh feel is only wild meat we does import from Guyana, is players too.

Sam - So now de team qualify for de Gold Cup and seeing that you cant go to de US because you ban, who go coach de team.
Jamaal - My assistant Jerry Moe at Caledonia will take my place for de tournament nah, who else,,,, wake up man, de writing on de wall, to be successful, you have to get people who will serve your interest. Listen, I am like a seven colors guppy, if they want me to be sah-man, well, ah sahman.... people have to coup... oh shit, I mean coop,,, how de hell coup came in my mind.... (((ring))) (((ring))) (((ring))) hold on Sam, I have to answer this... hello.... [hello, this is truetrini, ah coming Antigua next week].... come nah, you come anytime, we need support .... [yea, them fellas real sour up here, but I happy for you, is a long time I wanted to meet you and now ah have de chance, can I bring anything for you when ah coming down].... yea, bring some condoms and a pack ah jockie shorts for meh, de jokie shorts they have in T&T does only fall under meh naval and if does feel real uncomfortable, not to mention, they only have white here, so everytime ah take ah shit, if I dont wash off, I does see shit stain on it because meh asshole real hairy.... [o gosh, keep one of de dirty jockie shorts for meh, I want to see, because I thought I was de only one with de same problem, I want to see, ok]... yea, bye now.... [o gosh,,, Tallman and Flex go be real happy for meh, ah finally on de TTFF staff books, now de SWO go beg meh to be ah moderator.]....

Sam - So how we plan to prepare for de gold cup. And do you plan to call Rondell Winshester to de team, I hear he ok.
Jamaal - Well we planning on playing a series of big games from June 30, 2013, Guyana, Siparia Spurs and Biche United waiting and ready. As for Winchester, to be honest them blasted Tobagoians to dam chupid, yuh eh see how Keon Daniel moving, he ducking we because he had some goat race he wanted to attend..... (((ring))) (((ring)))... who de hell is this now.... hello... [hello, this is coops from de SWO, them fellas wanted change, well, they get it now, ah glad for yuh..... ah have ah question though]... go ahead.... [anychace I could get back meh wok with de TTFF, I dont mind, I dont even want pay, I go wok for food and anychace Colin Rocke and Ivan Sampson could make de team now? them fellas never get a fair chance]..... call meh about 12 tonight.... [ok, thanx, eh, thanx.., that fellas really nice boy, them fellas on de site so negative eh... wait, I go have to fix them straight.].....

Sam - So what is de real story with Cornell Glen.
Jamaal - Cornell only on money, he come here and training by he self like he is some dam superstar and only asking how much he go get pay, nobody bigger than de team, he will never play for T&T again. Yuh eh see how Keith Look Loy boil down like baggie now and de 06 Warriors only grand charging in public, they should tell they lawyer to change his name from Towley to toe-lee...., Glen go do de same.

Sam - Mr Anton, leh meh ask yuh a few question nah, how de trip in Antigua going so far.
Anton - Well, it good so far, I had to leave de women team in Costa Rica and run to Antigua to technically assist de senior men team. They needed a lift, so ah walk with a few blue movies and evey man was lifted from there on. We go beat Martinique, we have a full squad of 10 defenders, 3 slow forwards and a man who look like Dwight Yorke horn child.... we go surprise real people, allyuh wait.... them fellas in Antigua only asking if Theobald is Yorke....

Sam - How yuh find de team playing.
Anton - De guys are playing really good, infact, I will bet my last dollar we will win the caribbean cup and then go on to win the gold cup. We want to show the foreign base players we do not need them. And all those foreign born players who want to play for T&T better think twice, because we dont want them. I will show Gally, Angus Eve and all the haters back home we dont need them. The Corneals is a name that will never disappear as long as T&T football is there.

Sam - Did you really sell letuce in the market to survive.
Anton - Sam, de amount of money we made on football and my father theif from the TTFF and FIFA we could retire for life, but the reason why I told the public I was selling lettuce is because ah wanted to fool up Watson to,,, so he could retire, Jack said get rid of him and so we had to do what we had to do. Tim Kee and Jack Warner is very close friends and as you can see as soon as Tim Kee came here, money flowing.

Sam - Do you plan on marking T&T football.
Anton - We have Tony Harford here, have no fear, he real good, infact he so good he does market T&T football and nobody does even see when or what he does. He even saving us money, he said he only buying 20 tickets for de players to go to de Caribbean Cup and save de money from de other 3 and deposite it into de TTFF purse so staff members will get some retirement money. If you notice we have a ole staff and we just making sure we are taken care off our guys, because over the years we slave for T&T. When the government didn't pay us for one year, did you see anyone of us move? hell no, we stood here because in de end we looking at the big picture... (((ring))) (((ring))) (((ring))) (((ring))), hold on Sam..... hello....... [yea, hello, this is truetrini here, from de USA]....... wapon pardna.... [I day, ah wanted to pass by you to see how I could assist de team].... yea come through nah, them fellas need ah like back rub [o gosh ah coming, ah coming, Anil they] yea, Anil here and he need to take out some fustration, so make sure you pass ok, see you in a while, later [o gosh, meh prick hard, Anton is de best, Shabazz is de best, Anil Roberts is de best,,,, Charles is ah good fella, ah cant wait to tell them boys on de site].

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I swear to God, this is the funniest and most believable interview I've read for the year on this forum!

Sam is a super talented comedy script-writer and should be working on movie scripts, seriously!

Sam you wasting your talent man! You need to team up with some well know movie maker/director and write a comedy series based around T&T football, it will be a blockbuster that will put Santana in the shade!

We could even use puppets as the characters/actors and make slight changes with the names so that the show makers don't get sued.  :idea:
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 09:47:13 AM by Flex »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Jack Horner

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2012, 09:11:05 AM »
I am glad someone finally putting Mr Truetrini in his place. But leave Jack Warner out of this.

I am so mad, if you guys scared of this Sam guy, I am not and I dont normally cuss, but I will make an exception.

Sam, you is a motherf**ker.

I hope you respect Jack now from now.

Horner, I am not a motherf00cker.

I am a Radda F00cker.

I would not waste my time replying to you Mr Sam.

Remember, I am a powerful man and I could sue you and Mr truetrini and close down this website tomorrow if I wanted too.

So thread carefully Pal.

***message sent from my hummer***
Jack Warner will rise again and the world will beg him him to return and he will say "NO".............

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2012, 09:37:08 AM »
***message sent while giving a stranger a hummer***

ah fix the typo for you Mr Horner
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2012, 09:44:59 AM »

***message sent from my hummer***
I'm guessing it so small u sit to pee ???
« Last Edit: December 18, 2012, 09:48:26 AM by lefty »
I pity the fool....

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Re: Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2012, 09:55:11 AM »
I am glad someone finally putting Mr Truetrini in his place. But leave Jack Warner out of this.

I am so mad, if you guys scared of this Sam guy, I am not and I dont normally cuss, but I will make an exception.

Sam, you is a motherf**ker.

I hope you respect Jack now from now.

Horner, I am not a motherf00cker.

I am a Radda F00cker.

I would not waste my time replying to you Mr Sam.

Remember, I am a powerful man and I could sue you and Mr truetrini and close down this website tomorrow if I wanted too.

So thread carefully Pal.

***message sent from my hummer***

Hahaha, sue? For what? That is yuh big threat.?
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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2012, 10:33:00 AM »
I am glad someone finally putting Mr Truetrini in his place. But leave Jack Warner out of this.

I am so mad, if you guys scared of this Sam guy, I am not and I dont normally cuss, but I will make an exception.

Sam, you is a motherf**ker.

I hope you respect Jack now from now.

Horner, I am not a motherf00cker.

I am a Radda F00cker.

I would not waste my time replying to you Mr Sam.

Remember, I am a powerful man and I could sue you and Mr truetrini and close down this website tomorrow if I wanted too.

So thread carefully Pal.

***message sent from my hummer***

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Meh belly hurting meh

Stop please.... stop....

 :rotfl: :rotfl:

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #42 on: December 18, 2012, 10:39:31 AM »

I would not waste my time replying to you Mr Sam.

Remember, I am a powerful man and I could sue you and Mr truetrini and close down this website tomorrow if I wanted too.

So thread carefully Pal.

***message sent from my hummer***

HA HA HA look at this insecure little troll. Boasting about being powerful on an internet forum!  :rotfl:
de fack I seeing here  :rotfl: ... get a life.

Thread carefully eh allyuh.

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2012, 10:59:41 AM »

Sam - So how we plan to prepare for de gold cup. And do you plan to call Rondell Winshester to de team, I hear he ok.
Jamaal - Well we planning on playing a series of big games from June 30, 2013, Guyana, Siparia Spurs and Biche United waiting and ready. As for Winchester, to be honest them blasted Tobagoians to dam chupid, yuh eh see how Keon Daniel moving, he ducking we because he had some goat race he wanted to attend..... (((ring))) (((ring)))... who de hell is this now.... hello... [hello, this is coops from de SWO, them fellas wanted change, well, they get it now, ah glad for yuh..... ah have ah question though]... go ahead.... [anychace I could get back meh wok with de TTFF, I dont mind, I dont even want pay, I go wok for food and anychace Colin Rocke and Ivan Sampson could make de team now? them fellas never get a fair chance]..... call meh about 12 tonight.... [ok, thanx, eh, thanx.., that fellas really nice boy, them fellas on de site so negative eh... wait, I go have to fix them straight.].....

Sam - So what is de real story with Cornell Glen.
Jamaal - Cornell only on money, he come here and training by he self like he is some dam superstar and only asking how much he go get pay, nobody bigger than de team, he will never play for T&T again. Yuh eh see how Keith Look Loy boil down like baggie now and de 06 Warriors only grand charging in public, they should tell they lawyer to change his name from Towley to toe-lee...., Glen go do de same.

Interesting but true about we might be preparing for the Gold Cup from June 30th for a cup in July.

And the Towley part funny no hell. How come Football Supporter didn't reply yet ?

 ;D   :D   ;)

Coops, we you !!!

And this Jack Horner guy is a comedian.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 09:48:04 AM by Flex »


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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #44 on: December 18, 2012, 12:10:49 PM »

***message sent from my hummer***

i eh go go lie, this is a friggin CLASSIC! horner yuh good yes, lol
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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #45 on: December 18, 2012, 12:58:25 PM »
bahahahah ...  :rotfl:  nice ...
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #46 on: December 18, 2012, 06:25:00 PM »
Boy horner you just like yuh ugly fardder!! always making dumb threats.

and yeh, we still waiting on the tsunami!
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2012, 06:32:13 PM »
Boy horner you just like yuh ugly fardder!! always making dumb threats.

and yeh, we still waiting on the tsunami!
Boy if i did know you personally i would fack wid you every time i see you.

i would pecong your mugly arse anywhere i saw yuh, you woulda had tuh pay ah gunta tuh kill me bc i woulda make yuh life miserable, talking all this bullshit bout sueing and losing the site, i'm not even sure you could do that yuh mug!

Eh TT, how come you eh reply to this slop, wham yuh gone under yuh bed tuh hide bc of this schmuck??
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.


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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #48 on: December 18, 2012, 06:34:57 PM »
Justcool  I doh play with shit

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #49 on: December 18, 2012, 06:37:22 PM »

Sam - So how we plan to prepare for de gold cup. And do you plan to call Rondell Winshester to de team, I hear he ok.
Jamaal - Well we planning on playing a series of big games from June 30, 2013, Guyana, Siparia Spurs and Biche United waiting and ready. As for Winchester, to be honest them blasted Tobagoians to dam chupid, yuh eh see how Keon Daniel moving, he ducking we because he had some goat race he wanted to attend..... (((ring))) (((ring)))... who de hell is this now.... hello... [hello, this is coops from de SWO, them fellas wanted change, well, they get it now, ah glad for yuh..... ah have ah question though]... go ahead.... [anychace I could get back meh wok with de TTFF, I dont mind, I dont even want pay, I go wok for food and anychace Colin Rocke and Ivan Sampson could make de team now? them fellas never get a fair chance]..... call meh about 12 tonight.... [ok, thanx, eh, thanx.., that fellas really nice boy, them fellas on de site so negative eh... wait, I go have to fix them straight.].....

Sam - So what is de real story with Cornell Glen.
Jamaal - Cornell only on money, he come here and training by he self like he is some dam superstar and only asking how much he go get pay, nobody bigger than de team, he will never play for T&T again. Yuh eh see how Keith Look Loy boil down like baggie now and de 06 Warriors only grand charging in public, they should tell they lawyer to change his name from Towley to toe-lee...., Glen go do de same.

Interesting but true about we might be preparing for the Gold Cup from June 30th for a cup in July.

And the Towley part funny no hell. How come Football Supporter didn't reply yet ?

 ;D   :D   ;)

Coops, we you !!!

And this Jack Horner guy is a comedian.

Sorry, only just reach from work!! Not sure what you feel I should say. This is funny stuff, and Sam ain't sparing anyone. Keep it going, Sam!!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 09:48:54 AM by Flex »

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #50 on: December 18, 2012, 06:37:39 PM »
Justcool  I doh play with shit
TT doh try dat! i see yuh dun man for way less, just put the rich daddy's boy in he place nah TT, and show him who is boss around here.
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.


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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #51 on: December 19, 2012, 12:00:06 AM »
justcool, I suspect that Jack Horner is a senior poster here (senior in the sense, been here a long time and could even be a well liked and respected poster who on head.)  Although is a real f**king dotish head..buh say what Right?

I here too long not to observe a certain pattern and trend in posters styles...!

Jack Horner eh jes show up here, he has been here all along, this is just a new incarnation.

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #52 on: December 19, 2012, 04:14:11 AM »
justcool, I suspect that Jack Horner is a senior poster here (senior in the sense, been here a long time and could even be a well liked and respected poster who on head.)  Although is a real f**king dotish head..buh say what Right?

I here too long not to observe a certain pattern and trend in posters styles...!

Jack Horner eh jes show up here, he has been here all along, this is just a new incarnation.
Oooooohhhhhh, he's one of those huh?
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2012, 04:45:49 AM »
I'm sure the IP address can be checked.
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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2012, 06:11:15 AM »
I'm sure the IP address can be checked.
Since when hummers have IP addresses?  ;)

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2012, 06:28:39 AM »
Lol good one.
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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2012, 08:41:07 AM »
Now I MUST read this thread.....
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...


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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2012, 12:47:54 PM »
I'm sure the IP address can be checked.
Since when hummers have IP addresses?  ;)

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Offline Jack Horner

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2012, 12:54:00 PM »
I cannot believe that you guys will promote this nonsense.

If I was a moderator here I would ban both Sam and truetrini from this board permanently, especially truetrini, he is like a crab-louse trapped in a dirty break neck panty.

Pastor Stuart, who ever you are, let me make this clear to you, these guys are full of sin and everyman will pay for his or her action, prayers cannot help them, their mouth is fill with dirt and their tongues are green with pollution and by the others coming here and support this only encourage this bullocks.

Do not waste your time paying for them.

But I will let you guys know this, not everyone will like you especially when you are successful and they will always try to cut you down.

Let me also remind you that Jack Warner is your Prime Minister, a position no one here will ever get.

Jack went from having a weak job with FIFA under racist white men to being one of the most powerful men in Trinidad and Tobago.

And whether you like him or not he is your BOSS!!!!

You know what I feel to do, buy this site from Flex and ban every user from here, infact, disconnect the forum like T&TEC do electricity in Cedros.

***message sent from my hummer***

« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 12:58:38 PM by Jack Horner »
Jack Warner will rise again and the world will beg him him to return and he will say "NO".............

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Re: My interview with Shabazz, Tim Kee and Anton (EXPLICIT).
« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2012, 01:07:44 PM »
I want to thank Sam for his contribution. Only he could so comprehensively dispatch that troll over the boundary for six.


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