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Offline kaliman2006

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2013, 07:14:04 AM »
He may or may not be aware of it, but Sotomayor is also touching on a class issue. The segment of African-American folks displaying the deviant behaviour really occupies the lower socio-economic classes in the United States. Unfortunately, the media tends to focus on this portion of the black populace, because of their criminal acts which may or may not be borne out of their economic and social conditions. The few middle-class African-Americans, male and female I have met, tended not to exhibit this type of behaviour. The women were definitely not as abrasive as their counterparts from lesser economic means and the men were well-spoken and upwardly mobile in terms of their career goals and ambitions.

In my own personal experience as a member of T&T's black middle class, I would say the same for the peers in my social network. While we did go through a phase in our adoloescence of wanting to affect the destructive behaviour depicted on some rap and dancehall videos, for the most part, it did not really derail our life paths because we had a familial network that kept us grounded and anchored when some of us threatened to veer off course. I know the experiences of my own circle of friends may or may not have been similar to those in other parts of T&T. However, based on what I remember growing up, many went on to universities abroad and are living productive lives now.

This is something that many African-descended youth in T&T, the US and other countries with significant African-descended populations do not have. So, it is within this context that Sotomayor, either wittingly or unwittingly, is couching his commentary.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 10:56:28 AM by kaliman2006 »

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2013, 08:40:59 AM »
good talk kaliman

Offline gawd on pitch

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2013, 12:12:14 PM »
Interesting commentary.

I think he makes one or two good points.. But thats about it.

I feel you Asylum.. This guy is the black "Rush Limbaugh" in the making..  Critiquing the black/African community is one thing... But "taking a dump" on the community, hmmm.. I think that is still a consequence of black/African self hatred. The other racial/ethnic communities rarely "take dumps" on their community in the same manner. When the other racial/ethnic groups do their shit.. Their leaders and members never associate it to their race or ethnicity in the same light as Sotomayor (black Rush Limbaugh)

Its true that all racial/ethnic groups have their flaws as well. But we tend to be under the microscope the most..

JC.. your point about us slowly becoming extinct, is a sad possibility.. But what are we doing to challenge that? I think shitting on our community in the same manner is not the way to go. And if it was, then we wouldnt have had great people like Bob Marley, Marcus Garvey, Kwame Toure, etc.. I prefer not to take "large dumps on my community" and watch on the sideline while we (black/African people) become the world's underclass.

Offline gawd on pitch

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2013, 12:18:14 PM »
He may or may not be aware of it, but Sotomayor is also touching on a class issue. The segment of African-American folks displaying the deviant behaviour really occupies the lower socio-economic classes in the United States. Unfortunately, the media tends to focus on this portion of the black populace, because of their criminal acts which may or may not be borne out of their economic and social conditions. The few middle-class African-Americans, male and female I have met, tended not to exhibit this type of behaviour. The women were definitely not as abrasive as their counterparts from lesser economic means and the men were well-spoken and upwardly mobile in terms of their career goals and ambitions.

In my own personal experience as a member of T&T's black middle class, I would say the same for the peers in my social network. While we did go through a phase in our adoloescence of wanting to affect the destructive behaviour depicted on some rap and dancehall videos, for the most part, it did not really derail our life paths because we had a familial network that kept us grounded and anchored when some of us threatened to veer off course. I know the experiences of my own circle of friends may or may not have been similar to those in other parts of T&T. However, based on what I remember growing up, many went on to universities abroad and are living productive lives now.

This is something that many African-descended youth in T&T, the US and other countries with significant African-descended populations do not have. So, it is within this context that Sotomayor, either wittingly or unwittingly, is couching his commentary.

Well said Kaliman.. This is more a class issue than a race one. Sotomayor is making it a race one.

Offline just cool

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2013, 11:17:54 PM »
Listen fellas, before allyuh get me wrong lemme just clear the air, i said i like tommy, not bc he makes me laugh, or bc he's critical of these ghetto savages, but bc he makes me think.

tommy says things that most of us already know about the community @ large, but what makes him useful is that he puts it under a microscope and breaks down the dynamic thereof, not only the offenders, but the non offenders who just stands by and not get involved (the camera phone recorders and the laughers).

if yuh really examine the black community, whether lower middle or upper class, we tend to follow a lot of street generated values, we never want to be seen as uncool, bc in todays world , being black automatically translate into being cool, in other words, the poster boys for pop culture no matter what class you're from.

we don't snitch, we don't hold our women hands in public, men don't show public or private affection for each other, that is perceived as facking gay in today's black mens reality!!

we are fixated with violent super heroes (mike tyson, rambo, 50 cents,the terminator, optimus prime) just to name ah few, we don't apologize even when we're wrong (that is seen as week as f#ck),  we settle all of our disputes with disrespect, name calling, violence and profanity, matter of fact we only call the cops when a vehicular accident occurs, we no longer greet each other respectfully, for instance saying to someone "good morning neighbor", in today's black world that is seen as faggotry!.

all that i have underline is rooted deep in prison culture!! which is prevalent amongst black males mainly  men under 50 yrs old from any walk of life, whether fist 2nd or ghetto class. IMO there's no class amongst most black folk, but rather income brackets based on education and ambition.

a lot of these well to do educated blacks have relatives in the hood, matter of fact, when black america was formed there were progressive black neighborhoods in the early south that comprised of highly skilled professionals and hard working folk who wanted great things for their progeny, but like i said, that was more so in the south.

when the south was impoverished by the industrial revolution a lot of black professionals and lay men started heading north to find jobs, particularly in cities like chicago, boston, detroit, indianapolis, LA, st louis and to some extent new york.

despite the fact that there was no jim crowe laws in these states, most of them were segregated by choice and in some cases income zones, thus the formation of some of the first urban ghettos in the north, so black ppl were forced to live in low income areas bc of their income bracket.

after desegregation the ppl with a little more money moved out these ghettos and started moving into the suburbs often being scorned by the white population who would more or less move out leaving these neighborhoods bc it was becoming too brown for their taste, with some of these neighborhoods becoming good black middle class neighborhoods.

as the yrs progressed blacks with a little money started running from these inner city ghettos moving into the burbs joining the first group of blacks to make the move, but they brought the ghetto with them, that's when the progressive blacks started doing like the whites who preceded them, they headed for higher ground leaving these suburbs to the new niggers that moved in.

in reality there's no black upper class, bc there was never a huge black aristocracy, they were too few and too far between like the bryant gumbels, al rookers and tony browns of black america who are anomalies.

most black well to do are new comers to money and societal standards, and they all have something in common, relatives in the so called "hood". ppl like oprah, bill cosby, janet jackson, cissy houston, quincy jones and eddie murhpy are all guilty of this.

 IMO, most black men under 40 world wide are all susceptible to this new and "improved" delinquent black hip hop macho "super hero" ultra masculine culture, and they adhere to it's rules rigorously, unless they are nerds like the yute with the 4.0 GPA or the yutes who came from well rounded homes.

it's even spreading to other cultures, just look @ tim goopee singh son, is he from the hood??

« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 06:04:03 AM by just cool »
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2013, 11:28:08 PM »
These evil black mdfckrs terrorizing the whole planet!!

the white man finally succeeded in destroying the black image with espionage.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiH2dUFv43Y" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/LiH2dUFv43Y</a>
Hey JC, to embed a video, copy & paste the YouTube address for the video you wish to embed into your post then highlight the address and click the insert flash button.

Then remove the words watch? from the address line and then replace the = sign with a / like here: http://www.youtube.com/v/LiH2dUFv43Y using the video address above.

That's it, it is as simple as that.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 11:30:26 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2013, 12:03:27 AM »
This one is interesting!!

Man Still Paying Child Support 25 Years After Childs Death
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/E38eYBeq81o" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/E38eYBeq81o</a>
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline ribbit

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2013, 09:08:42 AM »
this is a great one that addresses the question of "class":

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/wAKdYMT4FcA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/wAKdYMT4FcA</a>

sotomayor hits the nail on the head. if princeton-educated michelle obama is supposed to represent upper class and she feel she has to "look up" to a high school dropout like beyonce what kind of example does that set? jc, yuh right - there is no black upper class.

Offline Bakes

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2013, 01:31:17 PM »
sotomayor hits the nail on the head. if princeton-educated michelle obama is supposed to represent upper class and she feel she has to "look up" to a high school dropout like beyonce what kind of example does that set? jc, yuh right - there is no black upper class.

How far did your parents go in school?  Yuh grandparents?

Stop talking shit.


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2013, 02:41:58 PM »
sotomayor hits the nail on the head. if princeton-educated michelle obama is supposed to represent upper class and she feel she has to "look up" to a high school dropout like beyonce what kind of example does that set? jc, yuh right - there is no black upper class.

How far did your parents go in school?  Yuh grandparents?

Stop talking shit.

Beyonce is in the same class as...

Rosa Parks
Sidney Poitier
Joe Louis
Whoopie Goldberg
Pearl Bailey
Louis Armstrong
Ray Charles

and other degenerate negroes who wasted their lives because they dropped out of school. I mean, who in God's name would ever look up to or take inspiration from a black nigger dropout like like Rosa Parks?

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Offline ribbit

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #40 on: March 26, 2013, 03:53:55 PM »
sotomayor hits the nail on the head. if princeton-educated michelle obama is supposed to represent upper class and she feel she has to "look up" to a high school dropout like beyonce what kind of example does that set? jc, yuh right - there is no black upper class.

How far did your parents go in school?  Yuh grandparents?

Stop talking shit.

utterly irrelevant. go back to sleep.

sotomayor hits the nail on the head. if princeton-educated michelle obama is supposed to represent upper class and she feel she has to "look up" to a high school dropout like beyonce what kind of example does that set? jc, yuh right - there is no black upper class.

How far did your parents go in school?  Yuh grandparents?

Stop talking shit.

Beyonce is in the same class as...

Rosa Parks
Sidney Poitier
Joe Louis
Whoopie Goldberg
Pearl Bailey
Louis Armstrong
Ray Charles

and other degenerate negroes who wasted their lives because they dropped out of school. I mean, who in God's name would ever look up to or take inspiration from a black nigger dropout like like Rosa Parks?

yuh get half the point sotomayor makes and yuh miss the other half of the point as well.

all allyuh watch the clip before posting.


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #41 on: March 26, 2013, 04:46:42 PM »
doh worry, i get your point loud and clear.

i watched the clip. it is verbal too too.

saying i 'miss the point' is a piss poor rebuttal.

lemme give you an 'alternative' list of dropouts from grade school to university

Larry Ellison
Bill Gates
Michael Dell
Johnny Depp
Paul Allen
John Travolta
Ansel Adams
Julie Andrews
Richard Branson
Irving Berlin
Steve Martin
Dean Martin
Bjorn Borg
Jennifer Capriati
George Burns
Marlon Brando
Andrew Caregie
Mark Twain
Davy Crockett
Charles Dickens
Bob Dylan
Steve Wozniak
Clark Gable
Uma Thurman
Robert DeNiro
Dustin Hoffman
John Wayne
Quentin Tarantino
Mark Zuckerberg
Steve Jobs
Ted Turner
Roman Abramovich
Sheldon Adelson
David Geffen
Sidney Weinberg
Edward Albee
Walt Disney
Frank lloyd Wright
Barry Goldwater

Other lowlifes like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln could not be bothered to even attend college or even finsih their schooling.

Do these people send a bad message as well?

Or is it only wrong when black people do it.


« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 04:52:16 PM by ZANDOLIE »
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Offline Bakes

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #42 on: March 26, 2013, 04:52:03 PM »
utterly irrelevant. go back to sleep.

The only thing "utterly irrelevant" here is you... as demonstrated time and time again.

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #43 on: March 26, 2013, 04:54:24 PM »
doh worry, i get your point loud and clear.

i watched the clip. it is verbal too too.

saying i 'miss the point' is a piss poor rebuttal.

lemme give you an 'alternative' list of dropouts from grade school to university

Larry Ellison
Bill Gates
Michael Dell
Johnny Depp
Paul Allen
John Travolta
Ansel Adams
Julie Andrews
Richard Branson
Irving Berlin
Steve Martin
Dean Martin
Bjorn Borg
Jennifer Capriati
George Burns
Marlon Brando
Andrew Caregie
Mark Twain
Davy Crockett
Charles Dickens
Bob Dylan
Steve Wozniak
Clark Gable
Uma Thurman
Robert DeNiro
Dustin Hoffman
John Wayne
Quentin Tarantino
Mark Zuckerberg
Steve Jobs
Ted Turner
Roman Abramovich
Sheldon Adelson
David Geffen
Sidney Weinberg
Edward Albee
Walt Disney
Frank lloyd Wright
Barry Goldwater

Other lowlifes like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln could not be bothered to even attend college or even finsih their schooling.

Do these people send a bad message as well?

Or is it only wrong when black people do it.


You have time with that half-wit.  The foundation is flawed once you start with the premise that one can only "look up" to people who are formally educated.

Offline gawd on pitch

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #44 on: March 26, 2013, 05:24:53 PM »
doh worry, i get your point loud and clear.

i watched the clip. it is verbal too too.

saying i 'miss the point' is a piss poor rebuttal.

lemme give you an 'alternative' list of dropouts from grade school to university

Larry Ellison
Bill Gates
Michael Dell
Johnny Depp
Paul Allen
John Travolta
Ansel Adams
Julie Andrews
Richard Branson
Irving Berlin
Steve Martin
Dean Martin
Bjorn Borg
Jennifer Capriati
George Burns
Julie Andrews
Marlon Brando
Andrew Caregie
Mark Twain
Davy Crockett
Charles Dickens
Bob Dylan
Steve Wozniak
Clark Gable
Uma Thurman
Robert DeNiro
Dustin Hoffman
John Wayne
Quentin Tarantino
Mark Zuckerberg
Steve Jobs
Ted Turner
Roman Abramovich
Sheldon Adelson
David Geffen
Sidney Weinberg
Edward Albee
Walt Disney
Frank lloyd Wright
Barry Goldwater

Other lowlifes like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln could not be bothered to even attend college or even finsih their schooling.

Do these people send a bad message as well?

Or is it only wrong when black people do it.


I was going to call you an idiot.. But I do not want to resort to name calling like many posters on here.

Although, your list of white high school drop outs seems extensive.. Most of them on the list are from working class and middle class families.  The black high school drop outs.. most of them are from poor and working poor families.

White high school drop outs still make more money than black high school graduates in Canada and America. In the end.. its not about high school. Its about the education and training you do after high school. Completing high school increases your chances of attending post secondary school. And post secondary school gives you more job security and stability than anything under.

And yes it is wrong when we do it.. Especially considering that black people are slowly becoming the worlds underclass
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 05:29:16 PM by gawd on pitch »


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #45 on: March 26, 2013, 05:27:31 PM »
Hey Einstein was brilliant in school, many look up to him yet that bastard married a woman who was his first cousin maternally and his second cousin paternally!  Genius!


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2013, 05:28:12 PM »
doh worry, i get your point loud and clear.

i watched the clip. it is verbal too too.

saying i 'miss the point' is a piss poor rebuttal.

lemme give you an 'alternative' list of dropouts from grade school to university

Larry Ellison
Bill Gates
Michael Dell
Johnny Depp
Paul Allen
John Travolta
Ansel Adams
Julie Andrews
Richard Branson
Irving Berlin
Steve Martin
Dean Martin
Bjorn Borg
Jennifer Capriati
George Burns
Julie Andrews
Marlon Brando
Andrew Caregie
Mark Twain
Davy Crockett
Charles Dickens
Bob Dylan
Steve Wozniak
Clark Gable
Uma Thurman
Robert DeNiro
Dustin Hoffman
John Wayne
Quentin Tarantino
Mark Zuckerberg
Steve Jobs
Ted Turner
Roman Abramovich
Sheldon Adelson
David Geffen
Sidney Weinberg
Edward Albee
Walt Disney
Frank lloyd Wright
Barry Goldwater

Other lowlifes like George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln could not be bothered to even attend college or even finsih their schooling.

Do these people send a bad message as well?

Or is it only wrong when black people do it.


I was going to call you an idiot.. But I do not want to resort to name calling like many posters on here.

Although, your list of white high school drop outs seems extensive.. Most of them on the list are from working class and middle class families.  The black high school drop outs.. most of them are from poor and working poor families.

White high school drop outs still make more money than black high school graduates in Canada and America. In the end.. its not about high school. Its about the education and training you do after high school. Completing high school increases your chances of attending post secondary school. And post secondary school gives you more job security and stability than anything under.

hear thios next one!  ~~~~sigh~~~~


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2013, 05:53:39 PM »

I was going to call you an idiot.. But I do not want to resort to name calling like many posters on here.

Although, your list of white high school drop outs seems extensive.. Most of them on the list are from working class and middle class families.  The black high school drop outs.. most of them are from poor and working poor families.

White high school drop outs still make more money than black high school graduates in Canada and America. In the end.. its not about high school. Its about the education and training you do after high school. Completing high school increases your chances of attending post secondary school. And post secondary school gives you more job security and stability than anything under.

Thanks, I'm not going to call you a jackass for suggesting that Beyonce has no 'job security'. Or that she is from a working poor family.

Perhaps she should have not taken such an extreme risk on a music career and finished high school. She could have been a perfectly good insurance salesman.

I'm also not going to call you a jackass for claiming that being 'middle class' is somehow a justification for not finishing high school. Or a prerequisite to becoming a millionaire. Let me tell you something you might already know but fail to truly understand. American Black people, as an entire community were perhaps most prosperous when they were denied opportunity for higher learning, after Jim Crow and before desegregation. They forged strong businesses and developed extensive commercial ties. It ain't the books that made people like C.J Walker.

As for your statement that white high school dropouts make more money than college educated blacks....ASSUMING this is factual....then what is the point of blacks going to school? Perhaps african-americans would do better dropping out of school and enrolling in trades, or starting their own businesses...like Beyonce. Why anyone would condem her for being a dropout when she did EXACTLY the right thing?

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Offline gawd on pitch

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2013, 06:32:38 PM »

I was going to call you an idiot.. But I do not want to resort to name calling like many posters on here.

Although, your list of white high school drop outs seems extensive.. Most of them on the list are from working class and middle class families.  The black high school drop outs.. most of them are from poor and working poor families.

White high school drop outs still make more money than black high school graduates in Canada and America. In the end.. its not about high school. Its about the education and training you do after high school. Completing high school increases your chances of attending post secondary school. And post secondary school gives you more job security and stability than anything under.

Thanks, I'm not going to call you a jackass for suggesting that Beyonce has no 'job security'. Or that she is from a working poor family.

Perhaps she should have not taken such an extreme risk on a music career and finished high school. She could have been a perfectly good insurance salesman.

I'm also not going to call you a jackass for claiming that being 'middle class' is somehow a justification for not finishing high school. Or a prerequisite to becoming a millionaire. Let me tell you something you might already know but fail to truly understand. American Black people, as an entire community were perhaps most prosperous when they were denied opportunity for higher learning, after Jim Crow and before desegregation. They forged strong businesses and developed extensive commercial ties. It ain't the books that made people like C.J Walker.

As for your statement that white high school dropouts make more money than college educated blacks....ASSUMING this is factual....then what is the point of blacks going to school? Perhaps african-americans would do better dropping out of school and enrolling in trades, or starting their own businesses...like Beyonce. Why anyone would condem her for being a dropout when she did EXACTLY the right thing?

You dont have too look far to find many "Beyonces" who thought they can make it in singing.. But were not able too. Beyonce and anyone else you name are only exceptions to the rule.

Here is a quick history lesson.. Public education (whether its Eurocentric or not) is what created the middle class. Before education became public, you either had to come from royalty or come from the merchant class in order to get access to education..

For every one black high school drop out that has makes at least 50k a year.. I will show you about 20 that have at least graduated college and make more than 50k a year. There is a direct correlation between education and income. But on a whole, dropping out of school and not pursuing anything after will guarantee a life of "pay cheque to pay cheque living" for most blacks in America.

The only difference between you and myself is that I am "class conscious".. While you are "a-s-s conscious"

One last thing, your point about black Americans being better off before segregation, maybe true.. But access to education did not cause that.. Racism in America became more sophisticated.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 06:38:56 PM by gawd on pitch »

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2013, 07:08:32 PM »

I was going to call you an idiot.. But I do not want to resort to name calling like many posters on here.

Although, your list of white high school drop outs seems extensive.. Most of them on the list are from working class and middle class families.  The black high school drop outs.. most of them are from poor and working poor families.

White high school drop outs still make more money than black high school graduates in Canada and America. In the end.. its not about high school. Its about the education and training you do after high school. Completing high school increases your chances of attending post secondary school. And post secondary school gives you more job security and stability than anything under.

And yes it is wrong when we do it.. Especially considering that black people are slowly becoming the worlds underclass

You couldn't call him an idiot on that basis without seeming like one yourself... who are the "most" who are "from working and middle-class families"?  Your statement even if true, only serves to further undermine the notion that Michelle Obama is somehow wrong for elevating Beyonce as a role model, given the latter's humble background.

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #50 on: March 26, 2013, 07:14:37 PM »
I am not referring to that Bakes. I was not talking about Obama elevating Beyonce.. I am suggesting that it was easier for the whites who dropped out of school to achieve more than blacks who dropped out. Many of those whites who dropped out already had something. For the blacks that were on the list.. They came from much less.


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2013, 07:58:27 PM »
Who cares if she dropped out of high school really?  The millions who buy her music?  The people who admire her musical talent?

How does admiring her somehow get translated to it is ok to drop out of school?

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2013, 08:07:33 PM »
I am not referring to that Bakes. I was not talking about Obama elevating Beyonce.. I am suggesting that it was easier for the whites who dropped out of school to achieve more than blacks who dropped out. Many of those whites who dropped out already had something. For the blacks that were on the list.. They came from much less.

The whole thing about her dropping out of school is a non-starter to begin with... I'm sure that's not why Michelle Obama reportedly said she "looks up" to her.


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2013, 09:54:56 PM »

You dont have too look far to find many "Beyonces" who thought they can make it in singing.. But were not able too. Beyonce and anyone else you name are only exceptions to the rule.

Here is a quick history lesson.. Public education (whether its Eurocentric or not) is what created the middle class. Before education became public, you either had to come from royalty or come from the merchant class in order to get access to education..

For every one black high school drop out that has makes at least 50k a year.. I will show you about 20 that have at least graduated college and make more than 50k a year. There is a direct correlation between education and income. But on a whole, dropping out of school and not pursuing anything after will guarantee a life of "pay cheque to pay cheque living" for most blacks in America.

The only difference between you and myself is that I am "class conscious".. While you are "a-s-s conscious"

One last thing, your point about black Americans being better off before segregation, maybe true.. But access to education did not cause that.. Racism in America became more sophisticated.

(1) Yes Bill Gates is an exception to the rule. so is Steve Jobs. So is De Niro, Dylan, Beyonce, Hendrix, Billie Holliday, Miles Davis, Michael Dell, Carnegie, Zuckerberg. What is your point exactly?

(2) Public education led to the rise of the middle class? Every high school dropout knows that that the roots of the middle class lay in agricultural and  industrial innovation. And in the rise of the MERCHANT class. This PRECEDED public education.

(3) You missing the point in spectacular fashion, and by a long country mile. Bakes done set allyuh straight. I'll repeat what he said.

"The foundation is flawed once you start with the premise that one can only "look up" to people who are formally educated".

The 1st Lady stated she admired Beyonce. Ribbit made the claim that it was inappropriate for a 1st Lady to admire a high school drop out. I made mention of several influential people who been public school, high school and unversity drop outs. One of them is Bill Gates. Is it therefore also inappropriate to admire Bill Gates...or a Ted Turner, who was expelled from college, or a Sheldon Adelson, who was a high school drop out?

Instead of celebrating a young black person's talent, ambition and drive allyuh want to find some way to denigrate and deny their success. Who really gives a shit if Michelle Obama admires Beyonce?

But doh let me stop yuh from bestowing your great wisdom, education and your pretentious 'class conciousness' on us poor unwashed masses.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 11:18:18 PM by ZANDOLIE »
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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #54 on: March 26, 2013, 10:56:49 PM »
Who cares if she dropped out of high school really?  The millions who buy her music?  The people who admire her musical talent?

How does admiring her somehow get translated to it is ok to drop out of school?

thru the magic of self-delusion

when michelle obama admires beyonce she is a classless black hoe. but when reagan and the libertarian wing of the GOP endorsed college drop out barry goldwater in '64 to be the leader of the free world that is a-ok. if it was not for nixon's admiration and trust of goldwater he would not have taken direction to avoid impeachment. how much more high school credits did goldwater have over beyonce that make him more qualified to run the u.s.a., lol

« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 10:59:18 PM by ZANDOLIE »
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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2013, 11:28:54 PM »
Who cares if she dropped out of high school really?  The millions who buy her music?  The people who admire her musical talent?

How does admiring her somehow get translated to it is ok to drop out of school?

thru the magic of self-delusion

when michelle obama admires beyonce she is a classless black hoe. but when reagan and the libertarian wing of the GOP endorsed college drop out barry goldwater in '64 to be the leader of the free world that is a-ok. if it was not for nixon's admiration and trust of goldwater he would not have taken direction to avoid impeachment. how much more high school credits did goldwater have over beyonce that make him more qualified to run the u.s.a., lol

Hey I liked Goldwater...lol

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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #56 on: March 27, 2013, 09:59:27 AM »
zando, yuh lorse yur mind or what?!

all them athlete/entertainer yuh name there is precisely the kind of problem with aspirations that black youth in america facing. no lie, you go to a typical classroom with black youth, the ONLY things them kids want is to be rappers or play in nba. do the math - out of a typical class how many could be rappers or play in the nba? the culture setting up most kids to fail. (see the documentary waiting for superman for the reference)

for the non-entertainers/athletes like bill gates and michael dell - they had the brains, the ambition and even some idea of where they could make money. if a youth want to drop out of school to do something in tech, that is a trend. they have a fellow that paying talented kids to do this (peter thiel). they have some entrepreneurs that start out like that. but in the lower class areas, dropouts heading to the corners to sling dope. that different.

expanding on this point: some people have their own connections and networks that can be leveraged by people that want to drop out of high school. a jewish fella in nyc could drop out of high school and still end up doing well because of the strength of his community. reality is the black urban network will have a dropout working a corner. the ghetto network is a dead end.

michelle obama missed an opportunity to raise the profile of someone in the trenches. ah mean, she went to big school, she couldn't think of one person that helped along the way? they have a math prof at georgia tech that been working hard for decades to gain a foothold in a profession that has historically not had many blacks at all. that is a trailblazer. that is the kind of person that should be getting more praise. without these kinds of trailblazers, there's no networks for black youth; at least none that will take them anywhere.

should be no surprise. michelle and she husband want to play celebrity, going on all kind of talk shows, chatting up letterman and leno. inviting common to the white house. i'll bet obama on ellen next to see who could rub michelle foot better.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 12:26:32 PM by ribbit »


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #57 on: March 28, 2013, 12:39:59 PM »
Ribbit, I have heard these same fallacious, tired and oversubscribed ‘education model’ arguments that you put forward here many, many times before. Hell, I even used to buy into them. And I could spend all day dismantling them bit by bit.

However in the interests of time I will hold you accountable to your own statement.

if princeton-educated michelle obama is supposed to represent upper class and she feel she has to "look up" to a high school dropout like beyonce what kind of example does that set?

Exactly what qualities does Beyonce Knowles lack that are present in fellow dropouts like Bill Gates, Michael Dell or Sheldon Adelson? She is an extremely ambitious, driven person, who works very hard to improve herself, stay relevant, and give the very best product to her customer base. She is in a committed marriage, has no children out of wedlock, and is very financially stable. Her songs are always clean, she does not curse, call people bitches, niggers, whores or otherwise.

Through music Beyonce encourages black women to enter similarly committed relationships and be financially independent. She conducts herself like a lady and is never in some self-induced scandal for personal gain like Lady Gaga or Madonna.

She has won multiple awards for her music, and is a songwriter on the same level as Carole king. She has also received multiple awards for her service to the community including an award for journalism, and an NAACP image award. Beyonce has raised and donated MILLIONS for many children’s causes, victims of Hurricane Katrina, Haitian relief, food drives, eradicating sex trafficking and for women’s issues. She donated $ 100,000 to aid those affected by Hurricane Ike. All that and more DESPITE the lack of a college education

The woman is absolutely a great example for the black community.

You however look at her and see a worthless ‘low class’ black ‘dropout’. That is your shortcoming, not hers.

You hate Obama so much you overreach yourself and talk without thinking. Now yuh trying to hide behind the issue of education and blacks.

Again….I want to hear what qualities does Beyonce lack that Bill Gates, Dell or Adelson have such that they are worthy of admiration and she is not.  Thanks
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 12:47:40 PM by ZANDOLIE »
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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #58 on: April 01, 2013, 01:08:24 PM »
Ribbit, I have heard these same fallacious, tired and oversubscribed ‘education model’ arguments that you put forward here many, many times before. Hell, I even used to buy into them. And I could spend all day dismantling them bit by bit.

However in the interests of time I will hold you accountable to your own statement.

if princeton-educated michelle obama is supposed to represent upper class and she feel she has to "look up" to a high school dropout like beyonce what kind of example does that set?

Exactly what qualities does Beyonce Knowles lack that are present in fellow dropouts like Bill Gates, Michael Dell or Sheldon Adelson? She is an extremely ambitious, driven person, who works very hard to improve herself, stay relevant, and give the very best product to her customer base. She is in a committed marriage, has no children out of wedlock, and is very financially stable. Her songs are always clean, she does not curse, call people bitches, niggers, whores or otherwise.

Through music Beyonce encourages black women to enter similarly committed relationships and be financially independent. She conducts herself like a lady and is never in some self-induced scandal for personal gain like Lady Gaga or Madonna.

She has won multiple awards for her music, and is a songwriter on the same level as Carole king. She has also received multiple awards for her service to the community including an award for journalism, and an NAACP image award. Beyonce has raised and donated MILLIONS for many children’s causes, victims of Hurricane Katrina, Haitian relief, food drives, eradicating sex trafficking and for women’s issues. She donated $ 100,000 to aid those affected by Hurricane Ike. All that and more DESPITE the lack of a college education

The woman is absolutely a great example for the black community.

You however look at her and see a worthless ‘low class’ black ‘dropout’. That is your shortcoming, not hers.

You hate Obama so much you overreach yourself and talk without thinking. Now yuh trying to hide behind the issue of education and blacks.

Again….I want to hear what qualities does Beyonce lack that Bill Gates, Dell or Adelson have such that they are worthy of admiration and she is not.  Thanks

zando, yur "facts" are stale. check out the latest effort from beyonce:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/-S31aR9a5Fc" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/-S31aR9a5Fc</a>

i guess beyonce incorporated (the business side) win out and decide she have to roll in the gutter to get some of that attention rihanna and dem taking. and of course, she have no problems following suit, even with a child in tow. that's your standard of integrity? ah mean in a few years, she might be having a wardrobe malfunction at the superbowl like janet.

an educational system should prepare the majority of those for success, not winnow out a minority for success. ah doh see the benefit of encouraging the majority of black youths to invest themselves in the attention-seeking behaviours that are part and parcel of being in the media spotlight as athletes/entertainers. like apollo creed said: "carry a leather briefcase" - there's some truth to that.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2013, 01:48:07 PM by ribbit »


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Re: Love this guy!
« Reply #59 on: April 01, 2013, 03:29:03 PM »
Lol, take win. After 10 years she make a stupid move and use the word bitches in one of her songs. What a nasty black ho!!!! Rush Limbaugh was right after all.


Now back to reality. Michelle Obama made those comments back in 2011, and lastly in feb 2013, before that song ever came out.

After all the old talk you still have not answered my question. So although I fully expect you to duck the question again, I'll ask one more time.....

What qualities does Beyonce lack that Bill Gates, Dell or Adelson have such that they are worthy of admiration and she is not. 
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