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Lawrence grilled by TTFA panel
« Reply #480 on: November 29, 2019, 02:26:51 PM »
Lawrence grilled by TTFA panel
By Keith Clement (T&T Guardian)

A con­tro­ver­sy is brew­ing over how the new­ly-ap­point­ed William Wal­lace Trinidad and To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) ex­ec­u­tive is go­ing about its af­fairs.

For­mer T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent Os­mond Down­er has al­ready ar­gued that Wal­lace and his team can­not func­tion un­til a full board has been con­sti­tut­ed, as there is cur­rent­ly no quo­rum of nine mem­bers. This, he said, oc­curred be­cause on­ly two mem­ber bod­ies of­fered up their board mem­bers dur­ing Sun­day's AGM, bring­ing the to­tal of du­ly con­sti­tut­ed board mem­bers to just five.

And in the wake of this comes word that cur­rent T&T coach Den­nis Lawrence was in­ter­viewed by Wal­lace and a pan­el that in­clud­ed peo­ple who sup­port­ed the Unit­ed TTFA slate elect­ed dur­ing Sun­day's AGM and in­di­vid­u­als who were not board mem­bers.

"It's very clear to me that the Unit­ed TTFA is run­ning the TTFA," a source, who spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty, told Guardian Me­dia on Thurs­day.

The source said apart from Wal­lace and his new three-mem­ber team, Kei­th Look Loy, An­tho­ny Har­ford and Aza­ad Khan were al­so part of the meet­ing where Lawrence was grilled on his per­for­mance in re­cent months.

The source said apart from Lawrence, the group al­so met with se­nior team man­ag­er Richard Piper, head of the TTFA Elite Pro­gramme Gary St Rose and sev­er­al oth­er peo­ple on Wednes­day.

In a press re­lease on Wednes­day evening, the TTFA con­firmed that "Wal­lace and his team of of­fi­cers, Vice Pres­i­dents Clynt Tay­lor, Su­san Joseph-War­rick and Joseph Sam Phillip, main­tained a high tem­po ap­proach to their first days in of­fice with an­oth­er eight-hour meet­ing to­day at the FA’s head of­fice in Cou­va." How­ev­er, the re­lease did not men­tion the in­volve­ment of Look Loy, Har­ford and Khan in the ex­er­cise.

Guardian Me­dia un­der­stands, how­ev­er, that Look Loy, Har­ford and Khan at­tend­ed the meet­ing as the TTFA tech­ni­cal ad­vi­sor, mar­ket­ing ad­vi­sor and record­ing sec­re­tary re­spec­tive­ly.

When con­tact­ed on Thurs­day, Look Loy con­firmed the ap­point­ments of both Har­ford and him­self but not­ed they were pres­i­dents of the NFA and Su­per League re­spec­tive­ly.

Ef­forts to con­tact both Wal­lace and Har­ford were un­suc­cess­ful.

How­ev­er, the source took is­sue with the in­volve­ment of in­di­vid­u­als who did not face the TTFA elec­tion process on Sun­day.

The source point­ed out that Khan had served in the ca­pac­i­ty of in­ter­im TTFA gen­er­al sec­re­tary af­ter David John-Williams was elect­ed pres­i­dent in No­vem­ber 2015 and served for about a year.

The source added, "I am very sur­prised and dis­ap­point­ed with this ac­tion by the new pres­i­dent and elect­ed of­fi­cers, who told the pub­lic and the foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty that the for­mer pres­i­dent (John-Williams) was act­ing ul­tra virus to the con­sti­tu­tion, but less than a week af­ter be­ing elect­ed they are do­ing the same thing that they were very vo­cal about and frowned up­on. They are mak­ing de­ci­sions with­out a board be­ing con­sti­tut­ed and those de­ci­sions in­volved and are in­flu­enced by Look Loy and Har­ford, who are mem­bers of the Unit­ed TTFA team that was cam­paign­ing to re­move the last pres­i­dent. This could nev­er be good for the sport go­ing for­ward."

In an ex­clu­sive in­ter­view in Wednes­day's T&T Guardian, Down­er, one of the ar­chi­tects of the TTFA con­sti­tu­tion, says there is cur­rent­ly no TTFA board and on­ly this body can make tru­ly bind­ing de­ci­sions ac­cord­ing to ar­ti­cle 36 and 37 of the con­sti­tu­tion. This is be­cause on­ly mem­bers un­der­took the process to ap­point their rep­re­sen­ta­tives to the board dur­ing Sun­day’s AGM, ac­cord­ing to item 12 and 16 of the con­sti­tut­ed agen­da.

Down­er made the com­ment as he sought to clar­i­fy what de­ci­sion-mak­ing pow­ers the new­ly-elect­ed of­fi­cers of the TTFA un­der Wal­lace now pos­sess.

Down­er, a for­mer FI­FA and TTFA ref­er­ee in­struc­tor, was re­spond­ing to claims by Wal­lace that the TTFA met on Mon­day and his ex­ec­u­tive had tak­en sev­er­al de­ci­sions and again on Wednes­day with an ex­pand­ed group that in­clud­ed non-board mem­bers and made fur­ther de­ci­sions.
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #481 on: November 29, 2019, 03:00:00 PM »
What were the elected officers expected to do this week? Pitch marbles, sit on their hands? No one should have left that meeting on Sunday until there was either (1) a fully constituted Board or (2) a resolution or general agreement that the elected officers could proceed with the business effective immediately (as contemplated in the Constitution) until such time as the fully constituted Board would be established.

All this grumbling that is taking place should have been responsive to either of the above. The zones need to get their houses in order. This deficiency rests on the outgoing administration because the election took place under its watch and from the inception failed to comply with the timelines specified in the Constitution.

I appreciate the ultra vires concern but to equate and compare the nature of the activities that have occurred during the course of this week, with the type of unilateral ultra vires actions with which DJW engaged as president, is to be incredulously disingenuous. Here you have multilateral collective activity with informed transparency versus activity that lacked absolute consensus and that only came to light through the penetration of those dedicated to bringing sunshine to the covering efforts of the autocrat. Lehwe not make a mockery of the thing with out of context detractions.

I think the majority of the stakeholders have welcomed the access restrictions placed on the TTFA accounts on the timeline that they occurred because immediacy provided the best guarantee of integrity ... not waiting until such time as the zones get their asses in gear. They had been on notice of what they needed to do for WEEKS!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2019, 03:12:09 PM by asylumseeker »

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #482 on: November 29, 2019, 03:09:29 PM »
Cosign. Seriously how hard is it to get a representative on the board? Stakeholders so disenfranchised from the whole process they don't want a say at all?

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #483 on: November 29, 2019, 03:19:24 PM »
Mischief cyah done

Offline pull stones

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #484 on: November 29, 2019, 03:58:11 PM »
I understand your reasoning, but I can't see what good it will do us. We have $50mil in debt, adding to it is the exact wrong thing to do. The problem for the NT went much deeper than Lawrence - perhaps if we actually paid staff and players to work with him then results would improve?

The man got paid for a job, moved from a solid, comfortable and well-paid job in Belgium to join this shitstorm. I can't fault him for wanting to make the best of the situation given he's already flown half-way across the world. Joevin and Molino are quality players, but I doubt the main issue is with Lawrence - it's probably more to do with cut match fees, lack of protection when playing, and lack of insurance for players. It's noticeable that these are both players in their prime, with well paid jobs in a decent league and professional contracts. They have a lot to lose from poor management.

If they still stay away after the new TTFA head sorts out what's happening with the NT, I will be more concerned.

He could have refused the job, knowing fully well the dictator fired Hart on improper grounds... he made a self serving move, it wasn’t to progress football, he played along with the sabotage and even benched our best players and didn’t select others.

He wasn’t any significant member on Belgium, national team coach was a step up and an honour, you may think coaching Trinidad is a shit job, but not to the real fans of this board... He came in to sabotage and tow the line, I don’t care how much we owe him, he didn’t want to sign clauses for lack of performance bc he’s a saboteur like the dictator... he’s not qualified for this job tbh

Jones didn’t have any issues starting under Hart, in fact he was one of the players who was sad Hart was gone in a video interview...

Fire Lawrence, and deal with the money matters after, he can happily go back to his dream job in Belgium and can stop sabotaging our team..

Guys it’s not just Molino and Jones, other players fed up too, some saying that they just can’t play under Lawrence because they do not believe in his philosophy or lack there of. They have no faith in him.

The new administration is aware of this. And I’m not talking about no USL or I league players. European based players, that have been around.

Today DL supposed to submit his technical report. I hope it’s rejected. I know SH and Derek would come back of the terms are right. Unfinished business. The players believed in SH and co. Without belief what’s the point.
please don’t take this the wrong way, but with all due respect I would like to know how credible is your info, because believe me when i say I would definitely 100% believe it because I’ve been saying for months now that those guys don’t look happy playing for lawrence. the team has a lackluster approach to the game and even during the gold cup the body language of the players were like they didn’t even feel like playing and were there just going through the motions.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #485 on: November 29, 2019, 09:41:39 PM »
I understand your reasoning, but I can't see what good it will do us. We have $50mil in debt, adding to it is the exact wrong thing to do. The problem for the NT went much deeper than Lawrence - perhaps if we actually paid staff and players to work with him then results would improve?

The man got paid for a job, moved from a solid, comfortable and well-paid job in Belgium to join this shitstorm. I can't fault him for wanting to make the best of the situation given he's already flown half-way across the world. Joevin and Molino are quality players, but I doubt the main issue is with Lawrence - it's probably more to do with cut match fees, lack of protection when playing, and lack of insurance for players. It's noticeable that these are both players in their prime, with well paid jobs in a decent league and professional contracts. They have a lot to lose from poor management.

If they still stay away after the new TTFA head sorts out what's happening with the NT, I will be more concerned.

He could have refused the job, knowing fully well the dictator fired Hart on improper grounds... he made a self serving move, it wasn’t to progress football, he played along with the sabotage and even benched our best players and didn’t select others.

He wasn’t any significant member on Belgium, national team coach was a step up and an honour, you may think coaching Trinidad is a shit job, but not to the real fans of this board... He came in to sabotage and tow the line, I don’t care how much we owe him, he didn’t want to sign clauses for lack of performance bc he’s a saboteur like the dictator... he’s not qualified for this job tbh

Jones didn’t have any issues starting under Hart, in fact he was one of the players who was sad Hart was gone in a video interview...

Fire Lawrence, and deal with the money matters after, he can happily go back to his dream job in Belgium and can stop sabotaging our team..

Guys it’s not just Molino and Jones, other players fed up too, some saying that they just can’t play under Lawrence because they do not believe in his philosophy or lack there of. They have no faith in him.

The new administration is aware of this. And I’m not talking about no USL or I league players. European based players, that have been around.

Today DL supposed to submit his technical report. I hope it’s rejected. I know SH and Derek would come back of the terms are right. Unfinished business. The players believed in SH and co. Without belief what’s the point.
please don’t take this the wrong way, but with all due respect I would like to know how credible is your info, because believe me when i say I would definitely 100% believe it because I’ve been saying for months now that those guys don’t look happy playing for lawrence. the team has a lackluster approach to the game and even during the gold cup the body language of the players were like they didn’t even feel like playing and were there just going through the motions.

Pullstones, everyone that I mentioned in my statement, I  spoke to. So credible...straight from the players and tentative coach.
Soca in mih vein, Soca in meh blood
Soca in yuh vein, Soca in blood,
Soca in we vein, Soca in we blood,
It's a heart of love, can't deny soca, cuz its good fuh de soul...
Trinidad and Tobago jump up now!

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #486 on: November 29, 2019, 09:57:10 PM »
Cosign. Seriously how hard is it to get a representative on the board? Stakeholders so disenfranchised from the whole process they don't want a say at all?

Undermining Wallace and the path forward... people seem to forget that the dictator got 20 votes ... there is a silent movement that is corrupt and wants it to remain that way, despite the downfall of our society and football, for their own benefits

I’m not a bit surprised, who has Keith clement supported? Has he written pro dictator articles?

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #487 on: November 29, 2019, 10:03:20 PM »
‘We don’t have the money to fire Dennis Lawrence’
By Narissa Fraser (T&T Newsday)

John-Williams says: I never hired TT head coach but…

PRESIDENT of the T&T Football Association (TTFA) David John-Williams says he had no part to play in Dennis Lawrence being selected as head coach of the senior men’s national team.

Lawrence was appointed on January 21, 2017 and has led the team to only six victories since then. He replaced Tom Saintfiet, who came in after Stephen Hart’s dismissal in 2016, but resigned 35 days into his tenure. The most recent win for TT under Lawrence was on Sunday when the team demolished Anguilla – FIFA’s lowest ranked team – 15-0.

Speaking with Newsday, at the W Connection head office, in Couva on Tuesday, the TTFA boss said initially, there was a committee responsible for choosing a coach and he was not involved. He said he “recused himself from the discussion” because one of the contenders was Stuart Charles-Fevrier – a long-standing coach of his club W Connection.

“A lot of people in this country believe that David John-Williams – or let me put it in the more common term – ‘DJW’ is responsible for Dennis Lawrence being the men’s national coach. Dennis had a two-year contract and let me add this – when Stephen Hart left, we had a technical committee, independent of me, to select all the coaches, shortlist and do a technical report.

“Then the rest of the board elected Dennis Lawrence as senior men’s national coach. They did not accept the recommendations of the technical committee. What happened after that? The entire technical committee resigned and felt that they were disrespected.”

Lawrence’s contract was renewed in February for two and a half years. John-Williams said when it was time for Lawrence’s contract to be reviewed, 11 of the 13 TTFA board members were present and the vote went ten to one.” The only person who voted against the renewal was Super League president Keith Look Loy.”

John-Williams said people in T&T only see wins and losses rather than the “bigger picture” the administration is focusing on, which is financial stability.

“Unfortunately, we live in a society of instant gratification and (are) results-oriented. And we live in a society where we see in the English Premiership, where a man loses five games and they buss he throat. Because in the morning, you know what? I could go and pick up a coach in the morning. And that same coach who get he throat buss could go to a next team and get nine wins on a trot. But we don’t live in a country where we could pick up a men’s national team coach like that.

“We don’t have the money to fire Dennis Lawrence in the morning.”

In an official document obtained by Newsday, the money obtained by the TTFA via match appearance fees between 2016 and 2019 totals to US$6,045,627.68.

“What do you prefer, financial stability or wins on the pitch?” John-Williams asked.

“Under this administration, we have been able to generate over $6 million in match fees for the men’s national team when nobody else could have done it. Go and compare that to the previous coach.”

He said he believes the team has always been well prepared under Lawrence, adding that Sunday’s win over Anguilla was phenomenal.

“Beating a team 15-0 whether they top-ranked or lowest ranked in the world is phenomenal. In any sphere of the world, that is quality that is performance. But you know what they will say? ‘It’s Anguilla.’

“We don’t have the finance of a USA, we don’t have the finance of a Mexico, a population of a Mexico, Costa Rica, Belgium, Brazil. We don’t have that.”

A source close to John-Williams told Newsday the administration is often criticised for choosing “difficult” opponents for friendly matches. But he said this is the only way growth can occur.

“The T&T team could look good if we continue to play opposition like Anguilla and Grenada and St Lucia. So the choice in opposition could quell all the rumours and the talk and the banter. But the administration has taken a specific decision to say if we have to develop football, we must play harder oppositions. And if we say that, there’s a high possibility that we would probably lose. But the only way to independently and collectively grow is through that.”

But Look Loy said he believes John-Williams is making excuses as he piloted the extension of Lawrence’s contract. He said he still has not seen a copy of the head coach’s contract.

“That is absolute nonsense. That is a typical shaking of responsibility by the president of the TTFA. He is the chairman of the board of directors and therefore, ultimately the buck stops with him. He came to the board and proposed that we should renew it and arguments were made back and forth. I argued that he could not be renewed. I even offered a compromised position of having him appointed until the end of the (Concacaf) Gold Cup.”

“He can’t afford to fire him but he could find $1 million for the League of Champions which is in total chaos. You have 12 teams getting over $50,000 each then you have to pay for referees, commissioners, administration, travelling to Tobago, etc. It’s a matter of what you want to find money for.”

On November 4, the TTFA launched its League of Champions which runs until April 12. It will feature a number of teams who either opted out of the 2019 Terminix Super League or were deemed non-compliant, as well as a National XI (TT Under-17 team).

Look Loy said many of the arguments in support of Lawrence banked on him being from T&T and that he should be given a chance since he’s “one of their own.”

“The appointment of the national coach doesn’t have to do with if we like you or what passport you carry, but if you could do the job and we could afford you.”

John-Williams will be aiming to retain his presidency in the upcoming TTFA elections on November 24. He will go up against Secondary Schools Football president William Wallace, and owner of Terminix La Horquetta Rangers Richard Ferguson.

The national team will face Ecuador today in a friendly match and they will go up against Honduras, on Sunday, in the Concacaf Nations League.

Since when is Costa Rica richer than us? That’s BS, also who did the technical committee recommend who does he claim fired Hart since the dictator intends to lie his way out of this one...

Who resigned from the technical committee, can someone post those names so we know who those idiots are?

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #488 on: November 29, 2019, 11:11:03 PM »
I understand your reasoning, but I can't see what good it will do us. We have $50mil in debt, adding to it is the exact wrong thing to do. The problem for the NT went much deeper than Lawrence - perhaps if we actually paid staff and players to work with him then results would improve?

The man got paid for a job, moved from a solid, comfortable and well-paid job in Belgium to join this shitstorm. I can't fault him for wanting to make the best of the situation given he's already flown half-way across the world. Joevin and Molino are quality players, but I doubt the main issue is with Lawrence - it's probably more to do with cut match fees, lack of protection when playing, and lack of insurance for players. It's noticeable that these are both players in their prime, with well paid jobs in a decent league and professional contracts. They have a lot to lose from poor management.

If they still stay away after the new TTFA head sorts out what's happening with the NT, I will be more concerned.

He could have refused the job, knowing fully well the dictator fired Hart on improper grounds... he made a self serving move, it wasn’t to progress football, he played along with the sabotage and even benched our best players and didn’t select others.

He wasn’t any significant member on Belgium, national team coach was a step up and an honour, you may think coaching Trinidad is a shit job, but not to the real fans of this board... He came in to sabotage and tow the line, I don’t care how much we owe him, he didn’t want to sign clauses for lack of performance bc he’s a saboteur like the dictator... he’s not qualified for this job tbh

Jones didn’t have any issues starting under Hart, in fact he was one of the players who was sad Hart was gone in a video interview...

Fire Lawrence, and deal with the money matters after, he can happily go back to his dream job in Belgium and can stop sabotaging our team..

Guys it’s not just Molino and Jones, other players fed up too, some saying that they just can’t play under Lawrence because they do not believe in his philosophy or lack there of. They have no faith in him.

The new administration is aware of this. And I’m not talking about no USL or I league players. European based players, that have been around.

Today DL supposed to submit his technical report. I hope it’s rejected. I know SH and Derek would come back of the terms are right. Unfinished business. The players believed in SH and co. Without belief what’s the point.
please don’t take this the wrong way, but with all due respect I would like to know how credible is your info, because believe me when i say I would definitely 100% believe it because I’ve been saying for months now that those guys don’t look happy playing for lawrence. the team has a lackluster approach to the game and even during the gold cup the body language of the players were like they didn’t even feel like playing and were there just going through the motions.

Pullstones, everyone that I mentioned in my statement, I  spoke to. So credible...straight from the players and tentative coach.
I've found Stallion to be a credible source, his reports are usually true.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #489 on: November 30, 2019, 12:12:27 AM »
I understand your reasoning, but I can't see what good it will do us. We have $50mil in debt, adding to it is the exact wrong thing to do. The problem for the NT went much deeper than Lawrence - perhaps if we actually paid staff and players to work with him then results would improve?

The man got paid for a job, moved from a solid, comfortable and well-paid job in Belgium to join this shitstorm. I can't fault him for wanting to make the best of the situation given he's already flown half-way across the world. Joevin and Molino are quality players, but I doubt the main issue is with Lawrence - it's probably more to do with cut match fees, lack of protection when playing, and lack of insurance for players. It's noticeable that these are both players in their prime, with well paid jobs in a decent league and professional contracts. They have a lot to lose from poor management.

If they still stay away after the new TTFA head sorts out what's happening with the NT, I will be more concerned.

He could have refused the job, knowing fully well the dictator fired Hart on improper grounds... he made a self serving move, it wasn’t to progress football, he played along with the sabotage and even benched our best players and didn’t select others.

He wasn’t any significant member on Belgium, national team coach was a step up and an honour, you may think coaching Trinidad is a shit job, but not to the real fans of this board... He came in to sabotage and tow the line, I don’t care how much we owe him, he didn’t want to sign clauses for lack of performance bc he’s a saboteur like the dictator... he’s not qualified for this job tbh

Jones didn’t have any issues starting under Hart, in fact he was one of the players who was sad Hart was gone in a video interview...

Fire Lawrence, and deal with the money matters after, he can happily go back to his dream job in Belgium and can stop sabotaging our team..

Guys it’s not just Molino and Jones, other players fed up too, some saying that they just can’t play under Lawrence because they do not believe in his philosophy or lack there of. They have no faith in him.

The new administration is aware of this. And I’m not talking about no USL or I league players. European based players, that have been around.

Today DL supposed to submit his technical report. I hope it’s rejected. I know SH and Derek would come back of the terms are right. Unfinished business. The players believed in SH and co. Without belief what’s the point.


Stallion is ah real one...

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #490 on: November 30, 2019, 08:31:51 AM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #491 on: November 30, 2019, 05:31:24 PM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #492 on: December 01, 2019, 01:04:12 AM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

Molino hasn’t done anything for our national team... Cummings was the blessing, Williams was ok, we have other defenders better, peltier ain’t winning games for us, so I could say goodbye to all of them tbh

Akeem, and others can replace them tbh

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #493 on: December 01, 2019, 03:38:41 AM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

Molino hasn’t done anything for our national team... Cummings was the blessing, Williams was ok, we have other defenders better, peltier ain’t winning games for us, so I could say goodbye to all of them tbh

Akeem, and others can replace them tbh
controversial please stop living up to your name and listen before talking mate, when I made that statement it was intended to set the record straight that not all the players were in love with hart, and not to say who was good for the team or not. in relation to molino, tell me who’s been better at scoring or assisting on this team other than molino and jovin? so to say we don’t need him is just absolutely dishonest.

in the last 20 games name the scorers on this team apart from jovin and molino? and telfer is fairly new so he don’t count. one of the reasons why we lost so many games was because we had no scorers, once kenwin left and molino was injured we had no one step up and assume the responsibility.

 levi and Nathan lewis needs a road map to find the back of the net, jomol Williams is as dangerous as a mosquito is to a shark, and forget that midfield the trio of hyland  leston Paul and kevan george who is worth less than farthing in the attack. so please tell me if we don’t need molino then who’s going to fill his shoes?
love him or hate him he’s still our best goal scorer and u til we find a suitable replacement, boy oh boy do we ever need jovin jones and kevin molino.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 03:52:14 AM by pull stones »

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #494 on: December 01, 2019, 04:02:27 AM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

Molino hasn’t done anything for our national team... Cummings was the blessing, Williams was ok, we have other defenders better, peltier ain’t winning games for us, so I could say goodbye to all of them tbh

Akeem, and others can replace them tbh
you're always on about Cummings but tell me how many goals did he score for us? I remember he was benched quite a few games by steven hart himself, it’s true the lad had some skills but to act like he was the next coming or even an instant game changer would be stretching it. keron was a nice addition to the team. he knew how to pass he had some speed and a football brain, but the lad will never play for us again so why even mention him?

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #495 on: December 01, 2019, 09:51:48 AM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

Molino hasn’t done anything for our national team... Cummings was the blessing, Williams was ok, we have other defenders better, peltier ain’t winning games for us, so I could say goodbye to all of them tbh

Akeem, and others can replace them tbh
you're always on about Cummings but tell me how many goals did he score for us? I remember he was benched quite a few games by steven hart himself, it’s true the lad had some skills but to act like he was the next coming or even an instant game changer would be stretching it. keron was a nice addition to the team. he knew how to pass he had some speed and a football brain, but the lad will never play for us again so why even mention him?

um given time Cummings coulda been to us, what firmino is to liverpool, he had what many of our other attacking players never showed "naturally", hustle, real hustle, look at some of his highlights and see how many chances came of his press and hustle....he was being integrated slowly but he had real impact when he played most times. sad loss really 
I pity the fool....

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #496 on: December 01, 2019, 10:15:21 AM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

Molino hasn’t done anything for our national team... Cummings was the blessing, Williams was ok, we have other defenders better, peltier ain’t winning games for us, so I could say goodbye to all of them tbh

Akeem, and others can replace them tbh
you're always on about Cummings but tell me how many goals did he score for us? I remember he was benched quite a few games by steven hart himself, it’s true the lad had some skills but to act like he was the next coming or even an instant game changer would be stretching it. keron was a nice addition to the team. he knew how to pass he had some speed and a football brain, but the lad will never play for us again so why even mention him?

um given time Cummings coulda been to us, what firmino is to liverpool, he had what many of our other attacking players never showed "naturally", hustle, real hustle, look at some of his highlights and see how many chances came of his press and hustle....he was being integrated slowly but he had real impact when he played most times. sad loss really
i totally agree the lad was a nice addition to the team great find, but contro is saying that he replaced molino when he was injured and that we don’t need molino anymore when nothing could be further from the truth. one of the reasons why lawrence had such a goal drought the last two years was because molino was absent due to injury, if contro would go back and look he would see that molino was our only goal scorer for years now, who else was banging them in?

ATM we just can’t afford to part with such a player both him and jovin jones. we don’t have attacking players who could run the length of the field like molino and score.....telfer maybe....but the jury is still out on him and he’s yet to prove his worth. right now if we don’t secure a whole back line or at least get two good center halves and a couple of goal scorers.....from god knows where, then we’re toast.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #497 on: December 01, 2019, 11:50:23 AM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

Molino hasn’t done anything for our national team... Cummings was the blessing, Williams was ok, we have other defenders better, peltier ain’t winning games for us, so I could say goodbye to all of them tbh

Akeem, and others can replace them tbh
you're always on about Cummings but tell me how many goals did he score for us? I remember he was benched quite a few games by steven hart himself, it’s true the lad had some skills but to act like he was the next coming or even an instant game changer would be stretching it. keron was a nice addition to the team. he knew how to pass he had some speed and a football brain, but the lad will never play for us again so why even mention him?

um given time Cummings coulda been to us, what firmino is to liverpool, he had what many of our other attacking players never showed "naturally", hustle, real hustle, look at some of his highlights and see how many chances came of his press and hustle....he was being integrated slowly but he had real impact when he played most times. sad loss really
i totally agree the lad was a nice addition to the team great find, but contro is saying that he replaced molino when he was injured and that we don’t need molino anymore when nothing could be further from the truth. one of the reasons why lawrence had such a goal drought the last two years was because molino was absent due to injury, if contro would go back and look he would see that molino was our only goal scorer for years now, who else was banging them in?

ATM we just can’t afford to part with such a player both him and jovin jones. we don’t have attacking players who could run the length of the field like molino and score.....telfer maybe....but the jury is still out on him and he’s yet to prove his worth. right now if we don’t secure a whole back line or at least get two good center halves and a couple of goal scorers.....from god knows where, then we’re toast.

I don't think he replaces Molino, they are different types of creative outlets, molino has "educated" feet, joevin too.......pess was ah disruptive force physically that created through the causing of chaos.....molino and joevin have undeniable talent but they are not truly disruptive to opposing defenses except through passing, Molino is a good runner but I don't consider that to be his "weapon", passing and positional awareness definitely
I pity the fool....

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #498 on: December 01, 2019, 12:12:47 PM »
Remember the players put together a list of coaches they want to play for. If memory serves me right, Hart was top of the list. That should tell us something about the rapport that Hart had with the players.

Bringing Hart back is the most logical move. Discussions are already taking place. Hart has a lot of character. An educated man. He did not go after the TTFA for more money because he did not want to burn the bridge.. My guess is that we should hear his status soon. If he wasn't interested in returning, we would have heard that by now.
if memory serves me well then not all the players were unhappy with hart’s departure, I remember molino having problems with hart in the end both him a mikel Williams and corn curls peltier, actually I think the camp was split down the middle with those who wanted him gone and those who actually wanted him to remain, I think hart was also losing the dressing room with some mischief making going on in the camp.

Molino hasn’t done anything for our national team... Cummings was the blessing, Williams was ok, we have other defenders better, peltier ain’t winning games for us, so I could say goodbye to all of them tbh

Akeem, and others can replace them tbh
you're always on about Cummings but tell me how many goals did he score for us? I remember he was benched quite a few games by steven hart himself, it’s true the lad had some skills but to act like he was the next coming or even an instant game changer would be stretching it. keron was a nice addition to the team. he knew how to pass he had some speed and a football brain, but the lad will never play for us again so why even mention him?

um given time Cummings coulda been to us, what firmino is to liverpool, he had what many of our other attacking players never showed "naturally", hustle, real hustle, look at some of his highlights and see how many chances came of his press and hustle....he was being integrated slowly but he had real impact when he played most times. sad loss really
i totally agree the lad was a nice addition to the team great find, but contro is saying that he replaced molino when he was injured and that we don’t need molino anymore when nothing could be further from the truth. one of the reasons why lawrence had such a goal drought the last two years was because molino was absent due to injury, if contro would go back and look he would see that molino was our only goal scorer for years now, who else was banging them in?

ATM we just can’t afford to part with such a player both him and jovin jones. we don’t have attacking players who could run the length of the field like molino and score.....telfer maybe....but the jury is still out on him and he’s yet to prove his worth. right now if we don’t secure a whole back line or at least get two good center halves and a couple of goal scorers.....from god knows where, then we’re toast.

I don't think he replaces Molino, they are different types of creative outlets, molino has "educated" feet, joevin too.......pess was ah disruptive force physically that created through the causing of chaos.....molino and joevin have undeniable talent but they are not truly disruptive to opposing defenses except through passing, Molino is a good runner but I don't consider that to be his "weapon", passing and positional awareness definitely
i agree, but try telling that to contro.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #499 on: December 01, 2019, 12:16:45 PM »
Seems like a timely moment to use the 2018 First Citizens as a reference point to remind us all who we are talking about.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo</a>

Boom! Yuh cyah seriously compare anyone on the T&T scene with this player.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #500 on: December 01, 2019, 12:31:33 PM »
Seems like a timely moment to use the 2018 First Citizens as a reference point to remind us all who we are talking about.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo</a>

Boom! Yuh cyah seriously compare anyone on the T&T scene with this player.

KAOS!!!!......how old is he now......last I heard was that he was not a regular starter and had not regained the pre gunshot mojo...and that was a while back
I pity the fool....

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #501 on: December 01, 2019, 12:38:15 PM »
Seems like a timely moment to use the 2018 First Citizens as a reference point to remind us all who we are talking about.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo</a>

Boom! Yuh cyah seriously compare anyone on the T&T scene with this player.

KAOS!!!!......how old is he now......last I heard was that he was not a regular starter and had not regained the pre gunshot mojo...and that was a while back

He was 27 when he was shot. The footage above is from last year.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #502 on: December 01, 2019, 01:00:50 PM »
You know I’m beginning to wonder if the fat boss was really sabotaging this team from the onset as mad contro alluded too. looking back on it, just before we went to panama to play that copa qualifier on the eve of the training camp for the game Cummings got shot then K.jones was injured and molino was injured, so our three main goal threats were unavailable.

I wondered about our instant drop in form as soon as the man entered our football, it’s either he’s a real jumbie or he was working to bring down TT football, but then the question would be why, wouldn’t he be working against himself in that regard? it’s really puzzling as to why he hated hart so much, at least enough want him to fail so he could fire him and bring in .........Tom Saintfiet? it just don’t make any sense I’m puzzled.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 01:15:46 PM by pull stones »

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #503 on: December 01, 2019, 01:24:50 PM »
You know I’m beginning to wonder if the fat boss was really sabotaging this team from the onset as mad contro alluded too. looking back on it, just before we went to panama to play that copa qualifier on the eve of the training camp for the game Cummings got shot then K.jones was injured and molino was injured, so our three main goal threats were unavailable.

I wondered about our instant drop in form as soon as the man entered our football, it’s either he’s a real jumbie or he was working to bring down TT football, but then the question would be why, wouldn’t he be working against himself in that regard? it’s really puzzling as to why he hated hart so much, at least enough want him to fail so he could fire him and bring in .........Tom Saintfiet? it just don’t make any sense I’m puzzled.

you're a logical thinking data driven kind of guy, so it would be puzzling.  In any society, community these sorts exist and can cause (as he has) massive retrogression. Just glad it's behind us but w/a massive clean up effort ahead
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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #504 on: December 01, 2019, 01:26:35 PM »
You know I’m beginning to wonder if the fat boss was really sabotaging this team from the onset as mad contro alluded too. looking back on it, just before we went to panama to play that copa qualifier on the eve of the training camp for the game Cummings got shot then K.jones was injured and molino was injured, so our three main goal threats were unavailable.

I wondered about our instant drop in form as soon as the man entered our football, it’s either he’s a real jumbie or he was working to bring down TT football, but then the question would be why, wouldn’t he be working against himself in that regard? it’s really puzzling as to why he hated hart so much, at least enough want him to fail so he could fire him and bring in .........Tom Saintfiet? it just don’t make any sense I’m puzzled.

I bet he intended to keep Morace but not "St. Flee".

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #505 on: December 01, 2019, 02:32:14 PM »
Seems like a timely moment to use the 2018 First Citizens as a reference point to remind us all who we are talking about.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo</a>

Boom! Yuh cyah seriously compare anyone on the T&T scene with this player.

KAOS!!!!......how old is he now......last I heard was that he was not a regular starter and had not regained the pre gunshot mojo...and that was a while back

He was 27 when he was shot. The footage above is from last year.
so dat would make him what 29-30, might he still be useful for a couple years if he and d TTFA interested, but then can he up his level given his circumstances.
I pity the fool....

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #506 on: December 01, 2019, 02:44:37 PM »
You know I’m beginning to wonder if the fat boss was really sabotaging this team from the onset as mad contro alluded too. looking back on it, just before we went to panama to play that copa qualifier on the eve of the training camp for the game Cummings got shot then K.jones was injured and molino was injured, so our three main goal threats were unavailable.

I wondered about our instant drop in form as soon as the man entered our football, it’s either he’s a real jumbie or he was working to bring down TT football, but then the question would be why, wouldn’t he be working against himself in that regard? it’s really puzzling as to why he hated hart so much, at least enough want him to fail so he could fire him and bring in .........Tom Saintfiet? it just don’t make any sense I’m puzzled.

he was sabotaging d team, dat team dat qualified for hex and hit SVG for 6 was inactive for months because dat fat c**t kept getting friendlies outside the Fifa window, to force pro league read W Con players into the team, they never matched the intensity of the core team because pro league ain't known for intensity, so the standard would have immediately dropped. and by the time the core came back everything drilled in was lost.......doh think we ever play with dat gold cup intensity ever again
I pity the fool....

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #507 on: December 01, 2019, 03:05:10 PM »
Seems like a timely moment to use the 2018 First Citizens as a reference point to remind us all who we are talking about.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo</a>

Boom! Yuh cyah seriously compare anyone on the T&T scene with this player.

KAOS!!!!......how old is he now......last I heard was that he was not a regular starter and had not regained the pre gunshot mojo...and that was a while back

He was 27 when he was shot. The footage above is from last year.
so dat would make him what 29-30, might he still be useful for a couple years if he and d TTFA interested, but then can he up his level given his circumstances.

31. He was shot in 2015. A player of that ability need only do two things aside from sleeping and eating well: be in the right mentality and have the physical endurance to play. Tactically he is no slouch and technically yuh done now.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 03:11:33 PM by asylumseeker »

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #508 on: December 01, 2019, 07:04:36 PM »
Seems like a timely moment to use the 2018 First Citizens as a reference point to remind us all who we are talking about.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/iGs7HtTquUo</a>

Boom! Yuh cyah seriously compare anyone on the T&T scene with this player.

KAOS!!!!......how old is he now......last I heard was that he was not a regular starter and had not regained the pre gunshot mojo...and that was a while back

He was 27 when he was shot. The footage above is from last year.
so dat would make him what 29-30, might he still be useful for a couple years if he and d TTFA interested, but then can he up his level given his circumstances.

31. He was shot in 2015. A player of that ability need only do two things aside from sleeping and eating well: be in the right mentality and have the physical endurance to play. Tactically he is no slouch and technically yuh done now.
he seems to be a cool bloke, no telling what would have been had he not been shot and we to play in the mls. trinidad is a very very very toxic place, these people have so much but are so impoverished in their psyche.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence was complicit as well, he needs to ride out
« Reply #509 on: December 02, 2019, 03:50:59 AM »
You know I’m beginning to wonder if the fat boss was really sabotaging this team from the onset as mad contro alluded too. looking back on it, just before we went to panama to play that copa qualifier on the eve of the training camp for the game Cummings got shot then K.jones was injured and molino was injured, so our three main goal threats were unavailable.

I wondered about our instant drop in form as soon as the man entered our football, it’s either he’s a real jumbie or he was working to bring down TT football, but then the question would be why, wouldn’t he be working against himself in that regard? it’s really puzzling as to why he hated hart so much, at least enough want him to fail so he could fire him and bring in .........Tom Saintfiet? it just don’t make any sense I’m puzzled.

he was sabotaging d team, dat team dat qualified for hex and hit SVG for 6 was inactive for months because dat fat c**t kept getting friendlies outside the Fifa window, to force pro league read W Con players into the team, they never matched the intensity of the core team because pro league ain't known for intensity, so the standard would have immediately dropped. and by the time the core came back everything drilled in was lost.......doh think we ever play with dat gold cup intensity ever again

Mad? You mean More intuitive and intelligent than most... last time I checked I scored a low 140s in uni over 15 years ago and then over a year ago 160 (IQ) don’t ever address me as mad again

The only mad one is yourself for not listening to someone more intelligent and insightful than yourself

Cummings can still play on this team btw, right behind the striker just as SH had him... he was shot in the right leg as a warning, he’s lucky they didn’t hit an artery, thank god

People like the dictator will do anything for money, let that settle a little bit pull stones, use your brain, it’s not always what it seems and football is very corrupt

« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 03:53:05 AM by Controversial »


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