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Author Topic: FLASHING BLUE LIGHT SYNDROME  (Read 3932 times)

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Offline weary1969

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« on: July 01, 2013, 09:28:05 AM »
Cure needed urgently  for memmbers of this  govt.

Moonilal applied for siren, lights in Range Rover
Published: Monday, July 1, 2013DENYSE RENNE
The $24,000 a month Range Rover HSE leased by the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is for use by employees, it was Minister of Housing Dr Roodal Moonilal who applied to the transport commissioner Ruben Cato for permission to install a siren and two strobe lights in the vehicle.

Sources say Moonilal’s initial application was rejected by Cato, since the minister could not properly explain the reason (s) he needed the “blue lights.” Apart from this, Moonilal did not have law enforcement escorts driving the vehicle, which was another requirement for granting permission. Around the same time, sources said, Cato also had an application for a similar vehicle outfitting from then national security minister Jack Warner. In rejecting Moonilal’s application, Cato approved Warner’s application.

The T&T Guardian understands Moonilal subsequently submitted another application, this time through the security ministry. Cato was on leave at the time and the request was  granted by assistant transport commissioner Basdeo Gosine. Contacted by the T&T Guardian and asked on what grounds he needed the “blue lights and siren” installed in the Rover, the minister, via text message, said: “These are security matters. I feel insecure with your questions.”

Also asked on what grounds Basdeo acceded to the request, Moonilal did not respond. Questions thus remain as to why Moonilal is using the vehicle exclusively and why he installed “blue lights and siren” in the vehicle if it was for use by HDC employees as well. Last week, former HDC board chairman Henckle Lall justified the leasing of the Rover, saying the corporation purchases “rugged vehicles for the terrain.” Lall had said the Range Rover was not leased specifically for the minister but for HDC officials.

“Nothing is leased for the minister, all vehicles are leased for the HDC,” he said. Since the vehicle was leased in February 2011 it has been in use by Moonilal. The T&T Guardian contacted a well known mechanic who specialises in Range Rovers to ask his opinion on the suitability for local terrain. The mechanic, who did not wish to be identified, said it would not be a wise choice because the Rover HSE is a luxury sport vehicle.

The mechanic said while it is used for rough terrain in other countries, T&T did not really have such difficult areas and the cost for repairing and maintaining them varies and parts locally were expensive, with one shock costing  a minimum $10,000. “It is a great vehicle for outdoors. This vehicle is used in heavy terrain in the US, England and other countries, but their terrains are worse than ours,"the mechanic said.


Asked what he considered “heavy terrain” in T&T, he said, “Going into the oil fields or even into the rice fields in Caroni. The fields in Caroni are terrible, even tractors get stuck there,” he said. Checks into some of the locations visited by Moonilal since the lease of the Range Rover revealed he is yet to venture into any terrain which could be classified as “heavy.”



The Range Rover

The Range Rover HSE was leased from Furness Car Rentals. HDC pays a monthly fee of $24,150 for it, while the total lease agreement for the three-year period is $869,400. The lease runs from February 2011 to February 2014. At the time of the approval, the HDC board also included Douglas Johnson, Gunness Sudama, Graig Davis, Reyna Kowlessar, Nadia Ali and James Lambert.


Moonilal's response

Moonilal had told the T&T Guardian, “The Rover is very sturdy. The vehicle was provided as a lease vehicle in keeping with (the) practice before to provide vehicles to ministers. “I also use other vehicles depending on work requirements. As for choice, Rover is strong and equipped for the terrain. You seldom see a Rover in highway accidents.”
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Offline Peong

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« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2013, 01:39:00 PM »
What de freak is wrong with these ppl

Offline 1-868

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« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2013, 02:50:47 PM »
Moonilal and his family at risk  :cursing: :bs:

By TTnewsflash Reporter)

MINISTER of Housing Dr. Roodal Moonilal claims that his life and that of his family are now at risk because of a Guardian Newspaper report.

The article dated today, highlighted Moonilal’s application for a siren and two strobe lights on his government leased Land Rover.

Moonilal claimed that his request was based on security reasons, since he said there are criminal elements operating in the housing industry.

He claimed that the article has exposed his family to danger and that he will now be forced to change vehicles.
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Phenomenal, lovely atmosphere.

Offline congo

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« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2013, 03:34:38 PM »
Never see come see all the way to the corridors of power....Someone help us..!!!

Offline grimm01

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« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2013, 08:17:27 PM »
Moonilal and his family at risk  :cursing: :bs:

By TTnewsflash Reporter)

MINISTER of Housing Dr. Roodal Moonilal claims that his life and that of his family are now at risk because of a Guardian Newspaper report.

The article dated today, highlighted Moonilal’s application for a siren and two strobe lights on his government leased Land Rover.

Moonilal claimed that his request was based on security reasons, since he said there are criminal elements operating in the housing industry.

He claimed that the article has exposed his family to danger and that he will now be forced to change vehicles.
- See more at:

These people really take people for fools yes. So the criminal elements didn't know the Minister driving around in a Range Rover??? How de ass knowing the vehicle have blue lights leaving him and his family exposed???? Real jackazzness masquerading as leadership in that place.

Offline fishs

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« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2013, 10:04:27 PM »

 Yuh know I does wonder how we keep putting these crooks and scoundrels into power.

Is ah friend remind me the other day that this was one of the main men behind summit finance, one of the finance companies that went bust in the early 90's where the talk was the directors made off with loads of people money !!!

So this kind of flagrant misuse of public funds ent no real surprise to me.
Ah want de woman on de bass

Offline Bourbon

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« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2013, 10:07:06 PM »

CITING security concerns, Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal said yesterday he would no longer be using the Range Rover luxury vehicle leased by the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) for its employees.

Moonilal said since the use of the vehicle has been reported, everywhere he went, he has been bombarded by persons, especially those who wanted government houses.

Moonilal spoke about the issue yesterday after attending a  ceremony to officially hand over letters of appointment to the new HDC board.

The function took place at Cypress Hills Housing Community, Union Hall, San Fernando.

Moonilal described the publicising of his use of the vehicle as “disturbing, horrific, terrible and a tragedy”.

“I have asked the HDC board to take back the vehicle I have. We have had some security concerns now where our vehicle is known in the public. People are stopping us on the highways. They are congregating by the vehicle where I go and it is posing a security threat.”

Moonilal said as Minister of Housing he was the “landlord of criminal elements” and had to be taking extra precautions about his personal

He said he has never broken a law or policy in all his life and permission was obtained for use of the vehicle.

“We obtain permission for everything we have. We have very serious conditions...there are about 25 conditions associated with those vehicles which we obtain and we try our best to abide with.”

Moonilal said he was upset by the newspaper reports and would be meeting with the owners of the Trinidad Publishing Company on the matter.

Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal said yesterday he has been forced to return his Housing Development Corporation-leased Range Rover HSE because of security threats as a result of reports published in the T&T Guardian.  Moonilal made the comment at the installation of the new HDC’s board at Union Hall, San Fernando, when asked about a T&T Guardian story yesterday, which noted that his request to outfit the $24,000-a-month vehicle with siren and flashing blue lights was initially turned down by Transport Commissioner Reuben Cato.



Moonilal, who arrived at the function in the Range Rover, said: “I took note of the report. I have asked the HDC to take back the vehicle and I have asked them to contact the Guardian and ask them to recommend a vehicle for me, because they have interviewed some unknown mechanic who made some comments about the vehicle, so we are asking the Guardian to recommend an appropriate vehicle for me to use.” The minister said the T&T Police Service also had “internal correspondence” about the security concerns which he would be taking to Guardian Media Ltd in a day. He accused the T&T Guardian and investigative reporter Denyse Renne, who wrote the reports, of putting his life and his family’s lives at risk. “Since the Guardian has started this campaign against me, we have had some security concerns now, where our vehicle is known in the public,” Moonilal said. “People are stopping us on the highways, congregating around the vehicle wherever I go and it is posing a security threat. I am very disturbed that the Trinidad Publishing Company and the Guardian has exposed myself and family to security threats,” he said.

  The T&T Publishing Company was the former name of Guardian Media Ltd. He added: “As I said in the presentation, when you are a Minister of Housing you are the landlord of criminal elements. “There are certain parts of Port-of-Spain where there are people who do work in the housing sector who are people with very long criminal records.  “This is part of it and those people from time-to- time need to see me for different things.” Saying it was not wise for a Housing Minister to be in a private car, he said: “I did not want it to come to this but after seeing what they had done today, I think it was horrible that people will expose me and my wife to that level of threats, where persons with criminal records will know what vehicle I use and will be able to approach me anywhere.”


Moonilal said he was breaking no law or policy and it was a tragedy that the Guardian “has exposed me to this risk now where my wife cannot go anywhere in that vehicle. I cannot drive it certainly, no.” Asked if he had received any threats, he said: “The kind of people we deal with in the housing sector, particularly in some areas, their very presence is threatening enough.”
He said there were 25 conditions associated with obtaining the Range Rover and he had abided by them.  Noting that Renne was the reporter referred to in the Section 34 e-mail scandal, he said she “is on a campaign to hound me down, where my security is now threatened.


“I would like the Guardian and that particular reporter to know that it is very terrible to conduct this kind of campaign,” he said, adding that he was not involved in the “fabrication of the e-mail.” Asked whether his new vehicle would be outfitted with sirens and strobe lights, he said: “I cannot talk about security arrangements. I am also a member of the National Security Council.  “In fact, when we talk about security, people condemn us, and when we don’t they still condemn us,” he added.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 07:10:57 AM by Bourbon »
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline sammy

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« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2013, 11:30:33 AM »
i real real dislike moonilal boy....whey...
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Offline Jay10

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« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2013, 06:17:42 PM »
This vehicle is the same vehicle parked in front the door at the HDC when it is in use. The number plates are not hidden and could be seen clearly from the roadway. So every single word that moonilal uttered is rubbish.

Offline Brownsugar

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« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2013, 06:40:38 PM »
i real real dislike moonilal boy....whey...

He is one firetrucking clown!!  And according to Her Majesty, the heir apparent of the party......the UNC really in a mess if that is their heir apparent.....waste of firetrucking time!!!!
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...


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