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Dominican Republic News Thread
« on: November 27, 2013, 03:48:45 AM »
Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
Wednesday, November 27 2013

IN WHAT Caricom chairman and TT’s Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar described as the “first salvo” against the Dominican Republic (DR) following that country’s Constitutional Court ruling denying citizenship to persons of Haitian heritage, Caricom has halted consideration of the DR’s request for membership to the regional group.

The decision was announced yesterday at a media conference following a meeting of the Bureau of the Conference of Heads of Government of Caricom at the Diplomatic Centre in St Ann’s.

The Bureau consists of Persad-Bissessar as current chairman, incoming chairman and St Vincent Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves and immediate past chair, Haitian President Michel Martelly.

Persad-Bissessar described the meeting as “very productive and vigorous discussions”.

Asked about the possible expulsion of the DR from economic partnership Cariforum, she said the matter was discussed but they took the position to hold on this issue for another day and, “not shoot all our guns on the same day”.

She said there were other options against the DR as well, including severing of diplomatic ties and the suspension of consideration of the DR joining Caricom is the “first salvo.” She noted that for now they will engage in dialogue with the DR.

Gonsalves said the DR must operate in good faith reiterating the point by quoting the Bible: “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” He said Caricom is prepared to consider other measures if the DR fails to operate in good faith. Persad-Bissessar read from a draft Caricom statement on the issue.

“Caricom condemns the abhorrent and discriminatory ruling of September 23, 2013, of the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic on nationality which retroactively strips tens of thousands of Dominicans, mostly of Haitian descent, of citizenship rendering them stateless and with no recourse to appeal,” she read.

Caricom described as “especially repugnant” that the ruling ignored earlier recommendations made by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) that the DR adapt its immigration laws and practices in accordance with the provisions of the American Convention on Human Rights.

Caricom, she said, noted that the ruling also violates the Dominican Republic’s international human rights obligations and “created an environment where, with the abrogation (repeal) of rights that flow from citizenship, arbitrariness can flourish as illustrated by recent media reports of the forced deportation to Haiti of persons claiming to be Dominican and with no linguistic or familial ties to that country.”

Caricom, she continued, reiterates its call to the government of the Dominican Republic to take the “necessary political, legislative, judicial and administrative steps urgently to redress the grave humanitarian situation created by the ruling.

“The Community also calls on regional and hemispheric countries and organisations to lend their voice to urge the Dominican Republic to right this terrible wrong,” Caricom stated.

Caricom noted that while it welcomed the intervention by Venezuela to assist in resolving the issue “given the grave humanitarian implications of the court ruling the Community cannot allot its relationship with the Dominican Republic to continue as normal. In that regard, the Community, at this time, will suspend consideration of the request by the Dominican Republic for membership of Caricom.

Caricom added that it will review its relationship with the Dominican Republic “in other fora”: including Cariforum, Community of Latin American and Carribean States, the Organisation of American States and the Association of Caribbean States.

“This cannot be business as usual,” Persad-Bissessar said. “Moreover we call on the global and regional community to pressure the government of the Dominican Republic to adopt urgent measures to ensure that the jaundiced decision of the Constitutional Court does not stand and that the full citizenship rights of persons of Haitian descent, born in the Dominican Republic, are guaranteed. The Caribbean Community accords this matter the highest priority,” she said.

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 05:23:03 AM »
Although Newsday's coverage on this issue is incomplete, the position struck by CARICOM is absolutely correct.

Beyond that, there was a time when there would not have been a collective voice on this issue, such that it would have been regarded as a purely internal matter lacking the need for regional treatment.

Good to see a departure from those days. Comrade Ralph wukking.

(Presents quite a paradoxical issue for a PP government, doesn't it?)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 05:26:38 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2013, 07:02:49 AM »
Daiz ah good move. What de DR is doing is despicable.
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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2013, 07:20:24 PM »
good things happening to good people: a good thing
good things happening to bad people: a bad thing
bad things happening to good people: a bad thing
bad things happening to bad people: a good thing

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2013, 09:39:26 PM »
Daiz ah good move. What de DR is doing is despicable.

Yeah... they need to be isolated and pressure put on them to whatever extent possible.  I'd love to see the UN get involved as well.

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2013, 11:26:32 PM »
Although Newsday's coverage on this issue is incomplete, the position struck by CARICOM is absolutely correct.

Beyond that, there was a time when there would not have been a collective voice on this issue, such that it would have been regarded as a purely internal matter lacking the need for regional treatment.

Good to see a departure from those days. Comrade Ralph wukking.

(Presents quite a paradoxical issue for a PP government, doesn't it?)
I'm off topic but I think it's relevant.
On tv6 news tonight they played played a clip of PM KBP .She was was asked if companies with interests in Jamaica expressed concerns to her about the proposed boycott of T&T products. With a rather confused look she basically said she directed Dookeran to go to Jamaica to talk to them to help resolve issues. As is her custom she deferred to her Minister.

My prelude was inspired by your reference to Ralph. He's an old battleaxe and as one Vinci friend told me he is the encyclopedia and his opponents are copy books . His country is a small one but his intellect and leadership make him stand out in CARICOM. What do you think our PM brings to the table at meetings such as this one ?

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2013, 11:31:30 PM »
My prelude was inspired by your reference to Ralph. He's an old battleaxe and as one Vinci friend told me he is the encyclopedia and his opponents are copy books . His country is a small one but his intellect and leadership make him stand out in CARICOM. What do you think our PM brings to the table at meetings such as this one ?

Your friend is being more than a bit generous towards Gonzalves... he must be a supporter, because rumors of his "intellect and leadership" are greatly exaggerated.

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2013, 06:18:38 AM »
My prelude was inspired by your reference to Ralph. He's an old battleaxe and as one Vinci friend told me he is the encyclopedia and his opponents are copy books . His country is a small one but his intellect and leadership make him stand out in CARICOM. What do you think our PM brings to the table at meetings such as this one ?

Your friend is being more than a bit generous towards Gonzalves... he must be a supporter, because rumors of his "intellect and leadership" are greatly exaggerated.

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2013, 08:35:38 AM »
Although Newsday's coverage on this issue is incomplete, the position struck by CARICOM is absolutely correct.

Beyond that, there was a time when there would not have been a collective voice on this issue, such that it would have been regarded as a purely internal matter lacking the need for regional treatment.

Good to see a departure from those days. Comrade Ralph wukking.

(Presents quite a paradoxical issue for a PP government, doesn't it?)
I'm off topic but I think it's relevant.
On tv6 news tonight they played played a clip of PM KBP .She was was asked if companies with interests in Jamaica expressed concerns to her about the proposed boycott of T&T products. With a rather confused look she basically said she directed Dookeran to go to Jamaica to talk to them to help resolve issues. As is her custom she deferred to her Minister.

My prelude was inspired by your reference to Ralph. He's an old battleaxe and as one Vinci friend told me he is the encyclopedia and his opponents are copy books . His country is a small one but his intellect and leadership make him stand out in CARICOM. What do you think our PM brings to the table at meetings such as this one ?

In a room with Martelly, KPB and Gonsalves, Gonsalves is going to be the dominant political personality and intellectual author.

(Regarding KPB: she has her limitations, but she's not without contribution. Yet, even with her current standing as CARICOM chair, I wouldn't describe her as primus inter pares or possessed with the gifts to be such informally).

Offline Jah Gol

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Re: Caricom blanks Dominican Republic
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2013, 05:45:38 PM »
Although Newsday's coverage on this issue is incomplete, the position struck by CARICOM is absolutely correct.

Beyond that, there was a time when there would not have been a collective voice on this issue, such that it would have been regarded as a purely internal matter lacking the need for regional treatment.

Good to see a departure from those days. Comrade Ralph wukking.

(Presents quite a paradoxical issue for a PP government, doesn't it?)
I'm off topic but I think it's relevant.
On tv6 news tonight they played played a clip of PM KBP .She was was asked if companies with interests in Jamaica expressed concerns to her about the proposed boycott of T&T products. With a rather confused look she basically said she directed Dookeran to go to Jamaica to talk to them to help resolve issues. As is her custom she deferred to her Minister.

My prelude was inspired by your reference to Ralph. He's an old battleaxe and as one Vinci friend told me he is the encyclopedia and his opponents are copy books . His country is a small one but his intellect and leadership make him stand out in CARICOM. What do you think our PM brings to the table at meetings such as this one ?

In a room with Martelly, KPB and Gonsalves, Gonsalves is going to be the dominant political personality and intellectual author.

(Regarding KPB: she has her limitations, but she's not without contribution. Yet, even with her current standing as CARICOM chair, I wouldn't describe her as primus inter pares or possessed with the gifts to be such informally).
I figured as much .

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Dominican Republic
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2019, 08:01:08 PM »
Anyone following the reports of tourists dying suddenly in the DR? The reports are 10 but following reports on Instagram and Twitter it seems to be much higher.

A 10th American has died while vacationing in the Dominican Republic

(CNN) A man from New York died while vacationing in the Dominican Republic earlier this month, according to a US State Department official, making him the 10th American tourist to have died during or after their stay in the Caribbean nation.

The official confirmed the death in response to questions from CNN about media reports regarding the man, whose family said he suddenly became ill and died last Monday.

The State Department official did not offer details on the man's identity or cause of death, but a family member identified him as Vittorio Caruso, 56, of Glen Cove, Long Island, according to CNN affiliate News 12 Long Island.

Caruso's sister-in-law, Lisa Maria Caruso, told News 12 Long Island that Vittorio Caruso died after suffering respiratory distress and possibly a heart attack while on vacation.

The family received a phone call saying Caruso was sick, she said. Minutes later, they received a second call telling them he had died, the station reported.
According to Lisa Maria Caruso, her brother-in-law was enjoying part of his retirement in the Dominican Republic after he sold a Glen Cove pizza shop he'd owned with his brother for the past 12 years, News 12 Long Island reported.

CNN has reached out to Caruso's family for comment.

The Dominican Republic National Police confirmed to CNN that Caruso died at a hospital in Santo Domingo. According to police, he'd been receiving medical attention since June 11.

He died of respiratory failure, police said, citing the physician. An autopsy is pending.

The spate of deaths has led some Americans to wonder whether they should cancel upcoming trips to the Dominican Republic. But officials there have tried to assure travelers the deaths are isolated events.
CNN has previously reported that the deaths could potentially be related to alcohol. The FBI is helping local authorities with toxicology tests in at least three of the recent deaths.

Sunday, the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Punta Cana said it was removing liquor dispensers from guest room minibars. The resort said the decision was made independently and not as a result of two deaths that occurred at its property. Source
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