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Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans and security consultant discuss issues at Guatemala game
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868.com)

There were barely 9,000 spectators in their seats for kick off last Friday, as the Trinidad and Tobago National Senior Team squared off against Guatemala in a vital Russia 2018 World Cup qualifier.

The Soca Warriors “12th man”—the fans—could not get in. By the restart, there were double the number of supporters, although roughly 2,000 ticketed fans simply gave up and went home.

Security consultant and former National Security Minister Gary Griffith—who was in charge of stadium operations for Trinidad and Tobago’s last home qualifier against St Vincent and the Grenadines—blamed the furore on an unnamed Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) official who supposedly overrode his instructions.

TTFA vice-president Ewing Davis is the football body representative with responsibility for match security.

“They foolishly decided to override what I directed and have the ticket scanning done at the main entrance point, which was absolutely ridiculous,” Griffith told Wired868, “as you cannot expect to scan 20,000 tickets by four persons at one point. I specifically stated that the scanning of tickets would take place at the 12 odd entrance gates to get into the Stadium, as per the Policy, and only scanning for persons would be done at the main entrances to get into the compound…

“Ten minutes into the  game, and with nearly 10,000 persons stranded outside, I made a judgement call and directed that the tickets should just be taken from each patron, and allow them entry and scan the ticket after.

“This system ensured that over 8,000 persons got into the Stadium in 30 minutes… Had I not done so, many would never have entered before the game ended.”

So what did Soca Warriors fans who attended the match think of the whole affair?

Wired868 asked Kirwin, Savitri, Brian and ‘Mango’ to share their experience with us.

Wired868: What was the experience like for Trinidad and Tobago’s World Cup qualifier against Guatemala?

Kirwin: Sigh, unfortunately the experience was not a pleasant one again. Firstly, the traffic and parking situation was stressful. I chose to walk from the Fire Station on Wrightson Road to get to the venue quicker. To enter the stadium was even more tedious. I took it for granted that we truly learnt something after the St Vincent and the Grenadines game where [everything was] very good. Hence, I got into the line [for the Guatemala match] at about 6:30pm and was in my seat at 7:21 pm.

I took the entrance adjacent to the Hasely Crawford Stadium Training Field. The line there was about 40-50 feet long and about 10 people wide. Problem was there existed only two lanes to get your tickets scanned. Nonsense! To make matters worse, people kept skipping the line. There were some guys with florescent green jackets written ‘steward’ on it. They served little purpose as they just observed the line skipping taking place. No attempt was being made to keep some semblance of order there.

The stewards did not appear to be Trinis either. One even got into an argument with a patron.

I’ve attended other games, some with as much as 80,000 attendance and entrance to the stadium took no more than five minutes. The difference is the number of entry points… I don’t think it requires much thought into finding a solution for the problems we encountered. I must mention that there was a bottleneck to exit the stadium, which is another unnecessary security risk.

Savitri: Every single time I attend a game at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, it’s been a nightmare. Friday was no worse than any other, except that they were scanning tickets at the gate instead of the turnstiles.

It took us about 30 minutes to get through the gates. The security and bag check personnel were situated too close to the scanners, so everyone with bags were crossing those coming in. There were two gates opened to the uncovered stand—both before and after the game. This was amazing, since the crowd leaving was more concentrated. We eventually found seats right over the tunnel. I thought, for security/safety reasons, they could’ve opened more exits to allow a faster flow out of the stadium.

By the way, I never left my seat once the match started. There were just three out of six toilets operational in one of the ladies’ sections.

Brian: Well I had issues with how it was organised.They said that the gates were opening from 4pm and that didn’t happen. I got through due to a partner working with [a company associated with the game] and they hadn’t even set up the ticket scanner yet!
I saw that a lot of people didn’t get a chance to see the entire first half due to the stupidity of the organisers and some even got soaked in the rain waiting to get in.

There should be more turnstiles available for easy access. And if they are saying that the games open at a particular time, well then they should be ready at the time given.

To be honest, it was a joke. They didn’t even check me as I walked in. I could have had a gun in my pocket.

And guess who was sitting in front of me? [National Security Minister Edmund] Dillon!

Mango: Well back in the days it was really easier to get into the stadium to see the games. Most of the ticket entrances used to be open compared to now. I was really happy that I didn’t attend the game against, I think it was either St Vincent or the USA, because I heard getting into the stadium was horrible.

But this time I decided to go because I was told that it would be much better. When we got there around 5.30pm, it wasn’t too bad and I think that it took us about 30 minutes to enter the stadium. And while I was taking pictures of the crowd [from my seat], I realised that a lot of the stadium was still empty including the covered stands and, about 33 minutes into the game, the empty seats began to be filled. So I guess the reason for this was that the entrance to come in was really backed up and this is also because of the searching of [patrons] at the gate.

The other thing I noticed as a security expert is that the screeners were beeping when individuals went through them but no one was checked to see what items they had on their person. So I don’t know how they determined if folks had weapons on them.

And of course on exiting after the game, we went through the same entrance that we came in, instead of some other gates being opened. I guess they don’t get a lot of volunteers like back in the days or they are just about cutting cost and don’t really care about the patrons anymore. They know that our people will always complain and rant about things and, when another event or game is coming around again, it is right back to go through the same madness. Them really good yes.

Wired868: What will be going through your mind when the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) advertises its next home game?

Kirwin: To be honest, I would be attending no matter the situation. But it’s somewhat of a mental toll knowing there’s a possibility you have to endure the same drama again. It sucks a bit of the anticipation and energy from supporters because the focus drifts from football and the players and the support you’ll give, to how horrible the management is to enter the stadium and about trying to recover from that turmoil.

It makes you question your worth as a fan, because your getting into the stadium is not prioritised.

Savitri: I promise not to go to any match again. The worry of my car being towed was too much and instead of ticket scalpers it was TT$50 to park in a soggy, grassy spot. The Hasely Crawford Stadium has outgrown it’s usefulness.

Brian: I would definitely be thinking about their lack or organisation skills for our next home game because it was piss poor. But to be honest, I’m enjoying what [Soca Warriors coach Stephen] Hart has done so far. So I would go [to the game] no matter what.

Mango: That was my last game going to the Stadium unless they make it much easier to enter and exit when the game has concluded. Them really good yes.

For whatever it is worth, Griffith promised a better experience for fans at the next football event.

“Yet again there are over 8,000 persons very upset and rightfully so,” said Griffith, “and simply because some decided to do their own thing, override what I had drafted, and cause havoc.

“I can promise you that this would not take place again, and all relevant personnel would adhere to what is drafted in the Operational Policy, and not try to ‘do their own thing’.”

Editor’s Note: The TTFA’s security consultant, Gary Griffith, responds to Mango’s concern about the body scanners:

“The scanners are designed to trigger from the smallest object to a heavy massive metal object, with five colour coded signals above the scanner. It makes no sense to stop and then search every person anytime the scanner triggers off, as almost every person has  car keys, a cell phone, etc. So those were the individuals that would be allowed to enter.

“It is only when it triggers above three lights, that the persons are then stopped, as it is a metal object above car key/ cell phones, so this is the  alert to then search those persons.

“If we were to search everyone at every signal of the scanner, then each person would be searched and they would then probably have entered an hour or two after the game.”

« Last Edit: September 09, 2016, 06:16:43 AM by Flex »

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2016, 05:33:11 AM »
Until the TTFA demonstrate consistent proper handling of crowd management i keeping my routine. What happened on Friday was madness.

If gates opening 4, I inside the stadium by 5 latest. Umbrella and headphones to pass the time no stress.
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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2016, 07:46:23 AM »

Pressure to get in and out!

Published on Sep 5, 2016, 11:00 pm AST

By Gregory Aboud
Port of Spain


Like thousands of others I was made to wait for more than one hour to gain entry to the National Stadium on September 2 for the T&T-Guatemala game.

I arrived at the Lions entrance at 6.40 p.m. and by the time I got to my seat the scoreboard showed 35 minutes of the game gone.

No explanations or excuses can make any difference when it was so plain to see that there was no capacity at the gate to cope with the crowd that was trying to enter. And this is not the first time – it was the same for the last several games.

It is so obvious that the organisers do not care about the public especially the many parents who are bringing their children to the game – it feels like the same cold-hearted disregard that we face on so many occasions when dealing with officialdom.

The situation was just as critical when we were leaving as the gates at the Jean Pierre Complex entrance had not been cleared of the lane-scaffolding and the crowd was severely restricted in exiting. What would we have done in an emergency?

Pressure to get in and pressure to get out!

It cannot be an issue of funding because it was a sold-out stadium at $150 and $300 per ticket.

Football supporters remind me of the type of people that I meet at the Panorama finals in the Savannah or pan on the Avenue – sensible and logical. While standing and waiting we were huddled closely together quite tightly with kids being cradled among us — many, many persons made their remarks — the average consensus — “they just don't care about us”. Most persons said so with a shrug of acceptance – this acceptance is just as bothersome to me as the repeated disregard for the public.

The lack of care and respect for each other is trending in many aspects of our national life, especially when dealing with the authorities responsible for renewals, transfers, approvals etc.

In my opinion this callousness is changing who we are and transforming a society from the thoughtful and considerate people that we once were into “every man for himself”.

It is sad and we must rage against it with purpose, grace and dignity to stop this decay.


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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2016, 08:37:10 AM »
TTFA to probe ticket fiasco at stadium

Joel Julien
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Alcohol was prohibited during the World Cup qualifying football match between T&T and Guatemala on Friday night because the T&T Football Association (TTFA) felt it did not make any sense to pay $100,000 for a bar licence. So said acting general secretary of the TTFA, Azaad Khan.

Without a bar licence, no alcohol could be legally brought to the venue. Khan also apologised to patrons who had to endure the “torture” of trying to enter the Hasely Crawford stadium for the game.

The estimated crowd at the football match was around 17,000 and there were six people at the gates scanning tickets for the game. This left thousands of ticket holders still packed in a crowd outside of the gate while the game was already in progress.

“We have not sat down and looked at that yet but yes, there was a serious problem. I saw what happened I mean that was torture,” Khan said.

“I think we have to apologise for what happened and try to make sure that that does not happen again because if I was a fan out there...that was too much,” he said.

There were two assigned entrances for ticket holders. Those for uncovered stands had to enter through the St John’s Gate while ticket holders for the covered stands had to enter through the Lion’s Gate.

Security adviser to the TTFA Gary Griffith said someone decided to override the operational policy he had put in place for the last World Cup qualifying game at the Hasely Crawford Stadium against St Vincent and the Grenadines in March.

“It was inappropriate, it was ill-advised. You do not scan tickets at one entrance point. You cannot scan 20,000 tickets at one area. The plan will be at future games the ticket scanning will obviously take place at the 12 entrance points around the stadium so people will have the assurance that that will never take place again.

“Whoever made that decision to override what I had done, it was inappropriate and unfortunate but it will not reoccur,” Griffith said.

There was a good turnout for the game with the stadium being packed with the majority of patrons wearing red.

Griffith said while the ban of alcohol at football events is not new he does not feel that this country requires such a stringent measure.

“My personal view of it as a security consultant for the TTFA is that based on our threat assessment for here there really is not a need for us to go to that extreme, it is not to say that we have spectators who are unruly,” he said.

“I believe this will not take place in the future and there will not be a situation like that so that alcohol would most likely will be sold in the future.”

The restrictions however did not stop some beers being sold illegally at the venue.

Contacted for comment, TTFA president David John Williams said he would have to look into the issue of the prohibition of alcohol at the game with the Local Organising Committee.


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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2016, 08:54:16 AM »

Man waiting on here tusty since Saturday for your match report!
Yuh hang up yuh fingers or wah dred?  :D

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2016, 08:54:38 AM »
This is the best article regarding the above issue.

It was published in the Trinidad Guardian and the author has a number of suggestions that should be implemented.


I moved early and was inside at 5, but I cannot for the life of me understand why these clowns keep getting it wrong game after game.

It is years this incompetence going on and it turns away families, the elderly, the handicapped and the civilized amongst us.

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2016, 09:07:10 AM »

Man waiting on here tusty since Saturday for your match report!
Yuh hang up yuh fingers or wah dred?  :D



I think the match report era is over as a picture is worth a thousand words.

The match report was useful in the days of no tv, no radio or internet stream and people needed "eyes" to visualize what was going on.

However, with video and social media I think the job of filling in the blanks and soaking up the atmosphere is captured.

I must Big up Andre, Omar and Firebrand who have captured visually what the match report in its day intended to do.

Besides...I getting old, life happening and I do like to rock back and enjoy a game or take a  :beermug:

I not retiring just yet, but I cannot make the every game commitment as before.

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2016, 11:15:07 AM »
Say it ent so Bro!

Understand where you coming from and we all getting old (sic)er  :banginghead:
But NO ONE could do it as you do it! I remember when I was living foreign and even if I saw the game on tv or the net, I was still waiting patiently on your match report, it was still friggin hilarious!
The anecdotes,verbs and pronouns  like ......." the man have a first touch like ah rapist"!
Classsic bro!

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2016, 01:17:08 PM »
Touches your report is a must..one to confirm what we saw...two.some here elaborate or have a different agenda...your report clears the air
 Before I personally read it..it's classified
After the reading I had been thoroughly informed

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2016, 01:38:43 PM »
How many here TRULY ready to contribute to some finances to Touches to compensate for his time and unique insights in doing the match report?

Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2016, 02:05:05 PM »
I am!!! ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2016, 05:17:02 PM »
Play ‘Warrior’ games with stadium empty
Published on Sep 9, 2016, 10:30 pm AST
Express - Letter to the Editor

I call on the T&T Football Association to play the remaining five home World Cup qualifiers behind closed doors (ie. without any spectators). The people in charge have demonstrated that they are ill-equipped to host events of this magnitude.

All but two exit gates reportedly remained closed at the end of the recent match against Guatemala. A fatal crush was a distinct possibility. The chances of a crush outside the stadium at the start of the match has been well documented, and stories of parents holding their children up above their shoulders to avoid asphyxiation were common. Many patrons who triggered metal detectors were told to proceed to their seats without being searched.

While matches behind closed doors will come at a financial cost, it would be firmly in the name of spectator safety. The demand for tickets for upcoming matches will far outweigh supply. With the inevitable introduction of counterfeit tickets taken into account, along with the baffling campaign to reintroduce the sale of alcohol at the stadium, I fear that a major tragedy will occur unless the stadium remains empty.

Will Biscan
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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2016, 05:18:19 PM »
Touches, I understand and support your decision, and I thank you for the pure joy that you have brought me through your match reports.  :beermug:

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2016, 08:05:22 PM »
Touches one of the 1st things I ever read here was your match report v Bahrain the return leg. TV etc eh want nutten with yuh writing. So please reconsider.
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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2016, 11:02:22 AM »
Leaving this here. I hope we don't (and never again) see a repeat of what went on at the USA and Guatemala matches. Be safe, everyone.  :beermug:

Security advisory for World Cup qualifier.

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association wishes to inform the Public that a meticulous Security Operational Policy will be in place, adhering to FIFA regulations to ensure  the safety and security of all those who attend the CONCACAF Final Round 2018 World Cup qualifying match between Trinidad and Tobago and Costa Rica commencing at 7:00 pm on Friday November 11th at the Hasely Crawford Stadium.

Several meetings and on site viewing have been conducted  with all the different arms of the Protective Services, TTFA Security officials and SPORTT to ensure that there would be a comprehensive Security Operational Plan, and all of this would be monitored and coordinated through a Venue Operations Centre in the Stadium on matchday.

That being the case, spectators can feel comfortable to know that all that is required to ensure their safety and security has and would be implemented as meticulous Security arrangements  have been made starting as soon as the teams land in our country.

A thorough research was conducted to rectify matters of the past that may have inconvenienced patrons, and even though there will be strict security protocols implemented, due to intense meetings and planning by a professional Security Secretariat that was set up to ensure that this game would be incident free. Systems will be implemented to also ensure that there would be no undue frustration for spectators such as long lines and waiting periods to enter the venue.

The TTFA will however seek the support of the public to ensure that such concerns  can be even further reduced, if they can adhere to these regulations, and this would cause the entrance into the Stadium to be made even easier for all.

Access points to Stadium- Gates

There will be Five (5) specific Gates that provide access to the Hasely Crawford Stadium

Gate 1

Main Entrance -[ Manned by Private Security of Stadium]
Only access is for maintenance staff, and to park in area east of Jean Pierre Complex only

Gate 2 A– Between Jean Pierre car park entrance point and Gate 2 B.

This is the Gate for access for Seasoned ticket holders uncovered stand
Facing northwards [where ticket sales on match day are usually conducted .Only seasoned uncovered stand ticket holders to have access point at this Gate

Gate 2 B-  next to St John’s Ambulance headquarters

Only entrance for all spectators of uncovered stand – not season ticket holders
No vehicles, security personnel, media, or vendors to have access through this gate

Gate 3- Opposite Lion’s Gate

Entrance for spectators with covered stand tickets [ including covered stand seasoned tickets]
Access also through this gate for –

• Vendors arriving between 1100 hrs to 1600 hrs.
• Differently abled drivers,
• Accredited media
• Team buses
• Accredited staff

Gate 4- Castro Gate

-Access for VIP invitees


• Spectator Information Desk for query of tickets etc- Jean Pierre Complex Booth [facing Uncovered stand)

No tickets will be on sale at the Match Venue on Game Day but will remain on sale until 7pm at Lotto Locations within the vicinity of the Hasely Crawford Stadium. There will be no parking for patrons inside the Stadium except for working personnel and match day officials, team buses and emergency and protective services vehicles. Gates open at 4pm.

Patrons are asked to have tickets in hand upon entering the security checkpoints.

We are requesting that the following guidelines be adhered to:

– No Coolers
– No large Knapsacks
– No alcohol to be brought into the Stadium by spectators
-All spectators will be scanned via Walk through scanners on entry,
– All spectators are asked to have their ticket in their hand to show on entry into the Stadium just prior to being searched at  Security Check Points
– As much as possible, other than motor vehicle keys, spectators are asked to refrain from walking with any type of metal object, to prevent a secondary check.
Spectators are advised of the following restrictions and would not be permitted to bring the following into the Stadium
• Chairs
• Firearms, weapons, and knives
• Fireworks, explosives, and flammable items
• Mace/gas containers
• Glass bottles or containers
• Alcohol
• Illegal drugs or narcotics
• Cans (soft drinks and alcohol)
• Video cameras/ camcorders
• Large Umbrellas:
• Own foodstuff (with plastic cutlery)
• Flasks, Soft drinks/water in plastic bottles
• Banners & Flags that may be deemed vulgar, racial, discriminatory, sexual in nature, or display advertising which may in any way conflict with the rights of the sponsors of the event or deemed to be offensive, or impact on the view of other spectators.

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2016, 12:20:19 PM »
Anyone know if alcohol will be on sale this time?

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2016, 08:54:44 PM »
Never a dull moment in Trinidad football. These people in sports in trinidad would never achieve anything until they abandon these dark ages policies. I am very suprised that Steven hart still wants this job, had it been any other reputable foreign coach they would hav Been long gone.

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2016, 05:14:23 AM »
That plan looking like the same one from last game.....steups!! 
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2016, 05:16:06 AM »

Man waiting on here tusty since Saturday for your match report!
Yuh hang up yuh fingers or wah dred?  :D



I think the match report era is over as a picture is worth a thousand words.

WWWWWHHHHHAAAATTTT? ?? ?!!!    :'( :'(
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2016, 07:01:43 AM »
That plan looking like the same one from last game.....steups!! 

The only difference to me is that they split the entrance for the uncovered section into two: season pass and one-off tickets. I'm not sure how many season passes were sold for the uncovered section, so I don't know how much help this measure will be.  ???

This release also fails to address many other things, including but not limited to:
  • Exit gates remaining locked and spectators being forced to leave through narrow entrance gates
  • Metal detectors going off and spectators being told to go ahead
  • Lack of stewarding
  • Lack of assigned seating
  • Ridiculous traffic getting into Port of Spain

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2016, 06:02:17 PM »
That plan looking like the same one from last game.....steups!! 

The only difference to me is that they split the entrance for the uncovered section into two: season pass and one-off tickets. I'm not sure how many season passes were sold for the uncovered section, so I don't know how much help this measure will be.  ???

This release also fails to address many other things, including but not limited to:
  • Exit gates remaining locked and spectators being forced to leave through narrow entrance gates
  • Metal detectors going off and spectators being told to go ahead
- Understandable concern
  • Lack of stewarding
- to a certain extent maybe needed.
  • Lack of assigned seating
- Don't think this is needed. Culture must play a part in creating a fan base and an atmosphere that is "unique".
  • Ridiculous traffic getting into Port of Spain
- Job for City Mayor more so than TTFA.

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2016, 06:51:34 AM »
Was Touches' experience the same for others, re. entry? If so, credit should be given where due.

People the TTFF, Gary Griffith, Security, whatever advisors they had finally got it right and I was in the stadium in under 30 seconds.

All the various gates were open, they were properly manned and I passed tru security in no time. I then got a matchday program, a free bmobile cup and a Trini Flag...yes a mini flag and it wasn't a cheap one. It was the proper ting with good nylon flag material, plastic stick and gold finish top. The kinda mini flag that you paying $45 in the airport in duty free. The match program is top stuff, pictures and stats of all the players, message from the TTFF, an article by Corneal, good souvenir to keep.

The stadium organizers had all the turnstiles open and I walked to an empty one and entered..no line again. It took me three minutes to get in the stadium, a record! Well done organizers keep it up!

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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2016, 12:31:34 PM »
Was Touches' experience the same for others, re. entry? If so, credit should be given where due.

People the TTFF, Gary Griffith, Security, whatever advisors they had finally got it right and I was in the stadium in under 30 seconds.

All the various gates were open, they were properly manned and I passed tru security in no time. I then got a matchday program, a free bmobile cup and a Trini Flag...yes a mini flag and it wasn't a cheap one. It was the proper ting with good nylon flag material, plastic stick and gold finish top. The kinda mini flag that you paying $45 in the airport in duty free. The match program is top stuff, pictures and stats of all the players, message from the TTFF, an article by Corneal, good souvenir to keep.

The stadium organizers had all the turnstiles open and I walked to an empty one and entered..no line again. It took me three minutes to get in the stadium, a record! Well done organizers keep it up!

Yeh, I reach de Hasely about 6:40pm, and by 6:41pm I was inside. Compare dat tuh de Guatemala game. I reach dey about 5:15pm-5:30pm, and me eh get inside until after de game start.
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Offline Tallman

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TTFA got it right
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2016, 12:32:45 PM »
TTFA got it right
By Will Biscan (T&T Express Letter)

I have written on two past occasions to urge the powers-that-be at the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) to play home World Cup qualifiers behind closed doors, because of the horrific experiences that supporters faced in entering and exiting the Hasely Crawford stadium at previous matches against the USA and Guatemala.

It is only fair that I write again to congratulate the TTFA and related parties on the smooth and effective experience for fans who attended the match against Costa Rica last Friday.

From all reports, patrons were able to get through the security checkpoints quickly, and the overall experience was a pleasant one (except for the result on the field).

I would like to sound one cautionary note: with only 13,345 attending this match, there may be more challenging crowds in the future to test the organisers—perhaps in the next home game against Panama in March 2017.

I urge the TTFA to keep reviewing their procedures and striving for excellence in providing a safe supporter experience. But for now, very well done.
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Re: Why must we suffer so? Warriors fans discuss issues at Guatemala match
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2016, 05:05:21 AM »
Yeah the experience was 1,000% better this time.......down to the brochure distributed with player profiles and the Hex schedule........but like Tallman say, the crowd was not as big as the Guatemala match so the real test would be a game day with a huge crowd.....
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...


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