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Author Topic: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.  (Read 25463 times)

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #90 on: November 17, 2019, 02:36:21 AM »
School football is excitement — Mr Clinton.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Dear Ed­i­tor

Mr Clin­ton (a for­mer play­er from Ari­ma), how in this world can you watch some shots on TV 6 be­tween St An­tho­ny's Col­lege and Tran­quil­li­ty Sec­ondary School and make such a state­ment. The sto­ry head­line sure­ly sug­gests that you are speak­ing in gen­er­al. You need to move from in front of your TV and watch some pre­mier­ship games.

The most ex­cit­ing, and en­ter­tain­ing foot­ball in Trinidad and To­ba­go right now comes from the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League. Mr Clin­ton, Year af­ter year the crowds turn out to watch these play­ers and games, one or two lazy ones will watch TV 6 sports and judge, and make dis­re­spect­ful com­ments.

These kids work hard on the foot­ball field two or three times a week, apart from that they have home­work, lessons, and still have to be in school ear­ly the next morn­ing. The coach­es do not have the lux­u­ry of hav­ing them for two ses­sions a day or every day of the week. Coach­es al­so have to deal with who is miss­ing to­day from school and prac­tice be­cause of lessons or some pun­ish­ment is­sued by the school, which may al­so re­sult in stu­dents be­ing banned. The Sec­ondary School Foot­ball is alive and kick­ing. I in­vit­ed you to join the oth­er sup­port­ers on the side­lines to wit­ness the fi­nal few games left in the 2019 In­ter­Col tour­na­ment.

Nigel Grosvenor
SS­FL Coach

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #91 on: November 19, 2019, 02:41:59 AM »
Holy Name wins North Intercol title.
By Rachael Thompson-King (Guardian).

Ha­vana Ramdeen and Bri­tan­ny Ma­habir played key roles in help­ing Holy Name Con­vent School cop the North In­ter­col ti­tle in the Co­ca Co­la Girls In­ter­col fi­nal on Sun­day at St Mary's Ground in St Clair, Port-of-Spain.

Ramdeen, who scored a dou­ble in Holy Name's semi­fi­nal 5-0 win against last week, again net­ted a pair of goals so too her team­mate Ma­habir to see their team to a com­fort­able 7-2 vic­to­ry over Bish­op Anstey.

Sha­day Grell, Analeisse Arneaud and Char­l­ize Hood each scored one for the cham­pi­on team against a tough Bish­op Anstey unit.

Down South, Pleas­antville Sec­ondary re­peat­ed as cham­pi­on of that zone with a cool 7-2 win over Fyz­abad An­gli­can at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la.

In Cen­tral, Cara­pichaima East al­so re­tained its In­ter­col crown, de­feat­ing Mir­a­cle Min­istries 2-1 in the ti­tle-match.

The cham­pi­ons in the oth­er two zones will be de­cid­ed lat­er this week with Five Rivers fac­ing off against El Do­ra­do East in the East fi­nal at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma 1.30 pm and on Sat­ur­day, Sig­nall Hill will bat­tle Spey­side in the To­ba­go fi­nal at a venue to be an­nounced.

To­day, the Five Rivers and Holy Name Con­vent will face off for the Girls Un­der-15 na­tion­al ti­tle at Bish­op East in Trinci­ty from 3 pm.



Holy Name 7 (Ha­vana Ramdeen 2, Bri­tan­ny Ma­habir 2, Sha­day Grell, Analeisse Arneaud, Char­l­ize Hood) vs Bish­op Anstey 2


Pleas­antville 7 vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can 2


Cara­pichaima East 2 vs Mir­a­cle Min­istries 1

« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 02:57:25 AM by Flex »
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Pres, Naps clash for south InterCol again
« Reply #92 on: November 20, 2019, 09:56:33 AM »
Pres, Naps clash for south InterCol again
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

Na­pari­ma Col­lege and Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege will clash for yet an­oth­er time in the fi­nal of the South Zone of the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­Col on Mon­day.

The two fierce Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) ri­vals earned the right to con­test the ti­tle that Naps cur­rent­ly holds, af­ter re­spec­tive vic­to­ries over Pleas­antville Sec­ondary 1-0 and St Bene­dict’s Col­lege 3-0 at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la yes­ter­day.

The tal­ent­ed Isa Bram­ble got the lone strike for Na­pari­ma in the 28th minute in an un­der-par per­for­mance.

Speak­ing af­ter­wards, Na­pari­ma man­ag­er Per­cy Sam­lals­ingh said the poor per­for­mance may have been as a re­sult of a few days off the play­ers were giv­en. How­ev­er, he said they will be ready for the con­test on Mon­day.

“We have sev­er­al rea­sons why we will want to win that clash. First­ly, we have to de­fend our ti­tle, sec­ond­ly, it’s a der­by match and third­ly, it’s a fi­nal, be­cause once you lose you are out,” Sam­lals­ingh said.

The clash will be the fourth meet­ing be­tween the teams this sea­son, two of which end­ed in vic­to­ry for Na­pari­ma on penal­ties, while the oth­er end­ed in a goal­less tie.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege coach Shawn Coop­er mean­while just wants his play­ers to con­vert the chances that come their way.

Against St Bene­dict’s yes­ter­day, Pres got a dou­ble from Dante Gilbert and an­oth­er from Jaiye Shep­pard in their win­ning ef­fort.

But Coop­er wants his play­ers to don their goalscor­ing boots for the fi­nal en­counter, say­ing in their oth­er match­es against Naps this sea­son they al­ways had the bet­ter of the ex­changes but Naps scored their chances.

“We have ded­i­cat­ed our train­ing ses­sions for that match to work on goal scor­ing. But in the end, how­ev­er, it’s up to the play­ers to com­pose them­selves and use the prop­er tech­nique to con­vert dur­ing match­es,” Coop­er said.

In To­ba­go mean­while, Spey­side High edged out Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary 3-2. The goal he­roes for Spey­side were Kyshawn Gray, Adriel George and Nicholas Sanchez.
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #93 on: November 20, 2019, 08:15:42 PM »
WATCH: Highlights of the 2019 North Zone Intercol final between Holy Name Convent and Bishop Anstey HS

<a href="https://youtube.com/v/SS12K3eG0Uw" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://youtube.com/v/SS12K3eG0Uw</a>

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Signal Hill girls lift Big Five crown
« Reply #94 on: November 21, 2019, 06:10:32 AM »
Signal Hill girls lift Big Five crown
By Rachael Thompson-King (T&T Guardian)

Ce­line Lo­raine scored the win­ner for Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary School to be crowned the Girls' "Big Five" cham­pi­on in the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League on Wednes­day.

The lead­ing scor­er for Sig­nal Hill this sea­son hit the tar­get in the 28th minute to take her team past ri­val Pleas­antville Sec­ondary, 1-0 at the Ply­mouth recre­ation ground in To­ba­go.

The To­ba­go cham­pi­on team, cap­tained by Ashante Wil­son Camp­bell, was over­joyed with vic­to­ry and be­ing able to ex­act re­venge on the South Zone win­ner, who on­ly a year ago de­feat­ed them in the "Big Five" fi­nal (2-0).

"This is a very im­por­tant vic­to­ry for us as you know we are do­ing it in ho­n­our of Abriela Adams. Com­ing in­to the fi­nal, I knew we would have been suc­cess­ful and thank you Lord for the vic­to­ry," said Camp­bell, re­fer­ring to her for­mer team­mate who was mur­dered two years ago.

"We came to fight 100 per cent and know that we pre­pared for this and we came out vic­to­ri­ous. We worked on the more tech­ni­cal part of our game. We def­i­nite­ly were the fit­ter team, we left every­thing out on the field."

The de­fend­ing cham­pi­on In­ter­col, Pleas­antville, though dom­i­nat­ing teams this sea­son win­ning by huge mar­gins, found it tough to get one in the back of the net. Sig­nal Hill, mean­while, learned from mis­takes made last year hav­ing lost to Pleas­antville in the girls In­ter­col fi­nal (2-0) as well.

"We were fa­mil­iar with the play­ers on the team. Every­body knew who they had to mark, what they have to do in or­der to come out with the vic­to­ry," said Camp­bell, who al­so thanked the team's staff and her Sig­nal Hill school.

Sig­nal Hill 1 (Ce­line Lo­raine) vs Pleas­antville 0.
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Craig helps Five Rivers win title
« Reply #95 on: November 21, 2019, 06:27:55 AM »
Craig helps Five Rivers win title
By Rachael Thompson-King (T&T Guardian)

Lu­ann Craig put on a grand per­for­mance to lift Five Rivers Sec­ondary School to the Mal­ta Girls Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion Trinidad ti­tle in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

She sank three goals and helped the East Zone U-15 win­ner Five Rivers de­feat Holy Name Con­vent Port-of-Spain, 8-0 in the fi­nal played at the Bish­op Anstey East ground in Trinci­ty, on Tues­day.

Craig's team­mates al­so pro­duced fan­tas­tic show­ings with cap­tain Kay­la Ba­boolal and Sha­nia Jor­dan each scor­ing a dou­ble while Letisha Morang, net­ted the oth­er item for the cham­pi­on for Five Rivers coached by De­siree Sargeant. Man­ag­er Sylvester San­di­ford sang their prais­es for a job well done by both play­ers and coach­es.

He said, "We start­ed four years ago with our U-19 team. Coach De­siree Sargeant came from St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary and since she reached Fire Rivers Sec­ondary, it has just been up­ward mo­bil­i­ty since. We got pro­mot­ed to Cham­pi­onships two years ago where we came sec­ond last year then we won the In­ter­col.

"This year coach De­siree's plan was to see if we could have won all four East Zone ti­tles and so far she has ac­com­plished three. To­mor­row (to­day) please God, we're go­ing to try to see if we get the fourth one and if we get the na­tion­al U-15 gIrls' ti­tle that would just be gravy on a won­der­ful lunch for the 2019 sea­son.

"Coach De­siree has been ex­cep­tion­al and our as­sis­tant coach Mergil Ros­ales and well me, the man­ag­er, we have worked with these girls. These girls have grown strength-to-strength. We have a cou­ple of ex­cep­tion­al play­ers on the team, again it's a team ef­fort. Yes, we have the likes of Kay­la Ba­boolal, the skip­per of the U-15 team al­so we have Maya Blanc, skip­per of the Cham­pi­onships team, we al­so have Sha­nia Jor­dan, Male­ka Morang, Lu­ann Craig, an ex­cep­tion­al strik­er and Ne­na Grant on the big team.

"We have a lot of things to work on and a lot of things to achieve al­so."

The Trinidad win­ner Five Rivers move on to meet To­ba­go cham­pi­on Sig­nal Hill for the na­tion­al ti­tle card­ed to be played next Thurs­day in To­ba­go. Sig­nal Hill topped the round-robin com­pe­ti­tion to face off for the na­tion­al ti­tle.

To­day the ac­tion on the field will un­fold at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma, with a dou­ble-head­er where the Boys' and Girls' East cham­pi­ons will be crowned in the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­col fi­nals.

San Juan North is hop­ing to sweep the ti­tles. In the open­ing match which kicks off at 1.30 pm, its girls' team will take on Five Rivers and lat­er, the boys' unit will be chal­lenged by St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary from 3.30 pm.

Stu­dents in school uni­form en­try are $20 while adults and stu­dents out of uni­form, $40.


Five Rivers 8 (Lu­ann Craig 3, Kay­la Ba­boolal 2, Sha­nia Jor­dan 2, Letisha Morang) vs Holy Name Con­vent 0.

Thurs­day's Match­es

East In­ter­col Fi­nals

Girls: Five Rivers vs San Juan North, 1.30 pm

Boys: San Juan North vs St Au­gus­tine, 3.30 pm
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #96 on: November 22, 2019, 05:17:57 AM »
Take a bow Jerry Moe:

“I think overall we did well and managed the game well,” said Moe. “At times we didn’t value the possession [and] we were giving it away a bit.That’s the biggest challenge with teams in the Caribbean, they don’t value possession. Hopefully we can get that right mindset towards keeping possession by doing the simple things well and not complicating things."


Comments made while reflecting on the East Zone Intercol final (San Juan North vs St. Augustine) with Wired868, but actually casting a broader net than the trappings of the zonal final.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 08:20:40 AM by asylumseeker »

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Five Rivers Girls win East Intercol title
« Reply #97 on: November 22, 2019, 04:58:45 PM »
Five Rivers Girls win East Intercol title
By Rachael Thompson-King (T&T Guardian)

Sha­nia Jor­dan net­ted the win­ner for Five Rivers Sec­ondary School to earn them the East Zone ti­tle in the Co­ca Co­la Girls' In­ter­col Com­pe­ti­tion in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League.

Jor­dan's 72nd minute item helped Five Rivers seal a 2-1 win against San Juan North Sec­ondary in the fi­nal played on Thurs­day af­ter­noon at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma.

Ear­li­er, cap­tain Kay­la Ba­boolal opened the scor­ing in the 20th minute for the East Zone Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion win­ner.

Five Rivers, coached by De­siree Sargeant seemed to be head­ing in at the half with the 1-0 lead un­til Kiara De Leon scored the equalis­er in the 40th, to send the teams at the half tied 1-1.

Play in the sec­ond half re­mained bal­anced be­tween the both teams as nei­ther could find the back of the net.

How­ev­er, 18 min­utes be­fore the end of reg­u­la­tion time, Jor­dan pro­duced the win­ning goal, help­ing Five Rivers pick up an­oth­er ti­tle this sea­son.

On Sat­ur­day, the Girls' cham­pi­on in To­ba­go will be crowned with the zon­al win­ner Sig­nal Hill tak­ing on Spey­side High. On Wednes­day, Sig­nal Hill won the Big Five crown af­ter a hard-fought 1-0 win over Pleas­antville.

The south­ern team is the South Zone League and on Sun­day emerged the South In­ter­col cham­pi­on with a 7-2 win over Fyz­abad.

On that same day, Cara­pichaima East claimed the Cen­tral In­ter­col ho­n­ours, beat­ing Mir­a­cle Min­istries 2-1 while in the North, Holy Name Con­vent copped the ti­tle af­ter down­ing Bish­op Anstey, 7-3.

Thurs­day's re­sult

Five Rivers 2 (Kay­la Ba­boolal 20th, Sha­nia Jor­dan 72nd) vs San Juan North 1 (Kiara De Leon 40th).
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San Juan North crowned East Zonal champs
« Reply #98 on: November 22, 2019, 05:13:22 PM »
San Juan North crowned East Zonal champs
By Joel Bailey (T&T Newsday)

SAN JUAN North and Speyside claimed the respective East and Tobago Zonal crowns on Thursday, in the Coca Cola Intercol competition.

Both San Juan North and Speyside registered 3-1 victories over St Augustine and Signal Hill respectively, to advance to the National Intercol stage.

At the Larry Gomes Stadium in Arima, San Juan North needed 21 minutes to open the scoring, courtesy of an own goal.

Isaiah Chase whipped in a corner from the left and Christon Mitchell’s header was directed into his own net by Jamal Ollivierre.

St Augustine knotted the scores in first half stoppage time, with a strike from Jardel John.

John sent a through ball to striker Tyrese Spicer, who evaded a trio of defenders before forcing a good save from San Juan North’s goalkeeper Emmanuel John.

Malik Farrier’s failed clearance fell to the path of John (Jardel) who sent a deflected left-footed shot to the right of his namesake Emmanuel.

San Juan North regained their advantage in the 66th minute when substitute Tyrique Sutherland finished from close range, after his skipper Renaldo Boyce sent a ball from the right, with goalie Ajahri Murrien in no-man’s land.

And the result was complete six minutes later from another substitute Daniel Best, who hit a right-footed shot via the right hand of Murrien, after Sutherland’s long-range shot crashed off the crossbar.

At Plymouth, Nicholas Sanchez netted a double for Speyside (fifth and 61st), with Justice Williams adding to Signal Hill’s misery when he scored an own goal in the 22nd.

Hamilton Bristol got the consolation for Signal Hill, in the 51st.

On Wednesday, Carapichaima East captured the Central Intercol crown after edging Chaguanas North 2-1. Dexter Neils (second) and Malik Robinson (67th) found the back of the net for Carapichaima, with Tristan Lewis (87th) getting one back for Chaguanas North.

The North Zonal final will take place on Friday, with St Anthony’s facing East Mucurapo at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo from 4 pm.
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #99 on: November 23, 2019, 02:39:34 AM »
St Anthony's win North Intercol title.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Kai Phillip put in the win­ning item for St An­tho­ny's Col­lege to be crowned the Co­ca Co­la Boys' In­ter­col North Zone cham­pi­on in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo on Fri­day.

The fi­nal lived up to ex­pec­ta­tions yes­ter­day be­tween St An­tho­ny's and East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary School but it was the "West­moor­ings Tigers" emerg­ing with a 2-1 vic­to­ry to re­peat as the zon­al In­ter­col cham­pi­on.

Phillip's team­mate Kiron Man­swell net­ted the open­er in the 33rd minute for St An­tho­ny's and the de­fend­ing cham­pi­on held on the 1-0 lead at the halfway mark.

On the re­sump­tion, the lev­el of play re­mained in­tense but nei­ther could find the back of the net un­til Malachi Ce­les­tine hit the tar­get, pro­duc­ing the equalis­er for East Mu­cu­rapo in the 65th, which thrilled its sup­port­ers as he kept his team alive.

How­ev­er, Phillip end­ed their cel­e­bra­tions some 16th min­utes lat­er, beat­ing the East Mu­cu­rapo cus­to­di­an and put his team up, 2-1. The scores re­mained un­changed when time ex­pired, re­sult­ing in the St An­tho­ny's sup­port­ers rac­ing on­to the field to cel­e­brate the vic­to­ry and the ti­tle.


St An­tho­ny's Col­lege 2 (Kiron Man­swell 33rd, Kai Phillip 81st) vs East Mu­cu­rapo 1 (Malachi Ce­les­tine 65th).


St Anthony’s edge Mucurapo in North Intercol final.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

ST ANTHONY’S are the 2019 Coca Cola Intercol North Zonal champions, after a hard-fought 2-1 victory over East Mucurapo in Friday’s final, at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo.

Kiron Manswell (32nd minute) and Kai Phillip (80th) were the goal-getters for St Anthony’s, with Malachi Celestine (65th) finding the back of the net for East Mucurapo.

St Anthony’s will advance to the National Intercol quarter-final, where they will host Tobago Zonal champs Speyside at the Hasely Crawford Stadium on Tuesday.

Manswell broke the deadlock midway in the first half, with a neatly-placed right-footed shot past the outstretched right hand of goalkeeper Jamale Blackman after he was picked out, inside the penalty box, by midfielder Zion Williams.

The slimly-built Williams shrugged off the challenges of Zion McLeod and Cecil Young down the right and squared the ball to Manswell who finished from 10 metres out.

Mucurapo equalised after the hour-mark with a route-one tactic – Blackman’s long punt was met by McLeod who held off his marker Malachi Daniel and fed Celestine who, in turn, rounded goalie Josiah Perez and slotted his left-footed shot into the open net.

However, substitute Phillip had the final say, as he raced on to a pass from Jean-Heim McFee, evaded defender Daniel Lake and sent his right-footed shot to the left of Blackman.

The last of the zonal finals will be contested on Monday, with reigning National and South champions Naparima opposing arch-rivals Presentation San Fernando at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella from 3.15 pm.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2019, 02:58:32 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #100 on: November 24, 2019, 02:58:03 AM »
Chaguanas grabs last SSFL Premiership spot.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary will com­pete in next year’s Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League Pre­mier Di­vi­sion.

This af­ter Ch­agua­nas pulled off a 1-0 win over the al­ready pro­mot­ed Fa­ti­ma Col­lege in their fi­nal match at Ed­in­burgh 500 Recre­ation, Ch­agua­nas, on Sat­ur­day.

With the win, Ch­agua­nas North fin­ished with six points from four match­es, one be­hind Fa­ti­ma, while Moru­ga Sec­ondary end­ed atop the stand­ings with sev­en points as well and a bet­ter goal-dif­fer­ence of plus-six to Fa­ti­ma’s plus-four, de­spite a 1-0 loss at Ari­ma North Sec­ondary yes­ter­day.

The win im­proved Ari­ma North to six points as well, lev­el with Ch­agua­nas and gave them a fight­ing chance to clinch the fi­nal qual­i­fy­ing spot for the top flight. How­ev­er, with their win over Fa­ti­ma, Ch­agua­nas North end­ed with an even goal ag­gre­gate hav­ing scored and al­lowed sev­en goals each, while Ari­ma North fin­ished with a mi­nus-two ag­gre­gate.

This meant the three pro­mot­ed teams at the end of the com­pe­ti­tion were Moru­ga Sec­ondary, Fa­ti­ma Col­lege and Ch­agua­nas North. These teams will re­place the North Zone duo Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka and St Mary’s Col­lege in the Pre­mier­ship next sea­son af­ter they were de­mot­ed at the end of this sea­son’s com­pe­ti­tion.

Yes­ter­day’s scores




Moru­ga Sec­ondary 4 2 1 1 11 5 +6 7
Fa­ti­ma Col­lege 4 2 1 1 7 4 +3 7
Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary 4 2 2 0 7 7 0 6
Ari­ma North Sec­ondary 4 2 2 0 5 7 -2 6
Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary 4 1 3 0 3 10 -7 3

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #102 on: November 25, 2019, 01:41:46 PM »

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #103 on: November 26, 2019, 02:27:34 AM »
Jordon helps Five Rivers book semis spot.
By Rachael Thompson-King (Guardian).

Sha­nia Jor­don scored the lone item to book Five Rivers Sec­ondary School’s spot in the Co­ca Co­la Na­tion­al Girls In­ter­col semi­fi­nals in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League af­ter edg­ing Holy Name Con­vent Port-of-Spain, 1-0 on Sun­day.

Jor­don scored the win­ner for the East Zon­al and In­ter­col cham­pi­on in the 66th minute in the quar­ter­fi­nal match at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma.

Five Rivers’ man­ag­er Sylvester San­di­ford says the unit’s per­for­mance this sea­son has been great and that it’s do­ing a lot for the school

“None of this could have been done if we weren’t giv­en the sup­port by the prin­ci­pal and vice prin­ci­pal Mrs Nicole Ri­ley and Mrs Michelle Stoute Lopez. Two won­der­ful ladies who have sup­port­ed the foot­ball in Five Rivers strength-to-strength,” said San­di­ford, who added that the team is pro­vid­ing pos­i­tive en­er­gy.

On Sun­day, the East cham­pi­on will seek to ex­tend their sea­son when Five Rivers meet South Zone cham­pi­on Pleas­antville in the na­tion­al In­ter­col semi­fi­nal at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la from 3.30 pm.

“We’re just pray­ing Lu­ann (Craig) can play the next match. She got in­jured Thurs­day against San Juan. We’re tak­ing it one step at a time,” said San­di­ford, who added that the team has achieved the goals set by coach De­siree Sargeant, win­ning the four zon­al ti­tles (Un­der-15 League and Knock­out, Girls Cham­pi­onship East Zone and East In­ter­col).

On Mon­day, Sig­nal Hill was crowned the To­ba­go In­ter­col cham­pi­on for a fourth con­sec­u­tive time af­ter seal­ing a 5-0 win over Spey­side High at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um. Five dif­fer­ent play­ers were on tar­get for the win­ner in­clud­ing Ce­line Lo­raine, the lead­ing scor­er with 30 goals in the Girls Cham­pi­onships To­ba­go Zone of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens SS­FL, who scored the open­er in the 26th, Tiah Crichlow (46th), Aaliyah Al­varez (59th), Nao­mi Wal­drop (69th) and De­r­isha Bris­tol (73rd).

Sig­nal Hill will meet Cen­tral Zone In­ter­col win­ner Cara­pichaima East in the oth­er na­tion­al semi­fi­nal which al­so kicks off at 3.30 pm on Sun­day.

The fi­nal is card­ed for De­cem­ber 4 at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va.

Re­sults - Na­tion­al In­ter­col quar­ter­fi­nal

Holy Name (North) 0 vs Five Rivers (East) 1 (Sha­nia Jor­don 66th)

To­ba­go fi­nal

Sig­nal Hill 5 (Ce­line Lo­raine 26th, Tiah Crichlow 46th, Aaliyah Al­varez 59th, Nao­mi Wal­drop 69th, De­r­isha Bris­tol 73rd) vs Spey­side 0

Sun­day’s match­es - Na­tion­al semi­fi­nals

Sig­nal Hill (To­ba­go) vs Cara­pichaima (Cen­tral), To­ba­go, 3.30 pm

Pleas­antville (South) vs Five Rivers (East), Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la, 3.30 pm

« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 02:38:38 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #104 on: November 26, 2019, 02:29:30 AM »
'Pres' finally stops Naps' reign.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

It was sweet re­venge and sweet vic­to­ry yes­ter­day for Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, San Fer­nan­do, who af­ter three at­tempts this year, de­feat­ed ri­vals Na­pari­ma Col­lege 4-3 on penal­ties af­ter a 1-1 tie, to clinch the Co­ca Co­la South Zone In­ter­Col ti­tle at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la.

The re­sult al­so hand­ed Na­pari­ma their first de­feat in al­most two sea­sons of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL). Ac­k­eel Ja­cob, the man who was re­spon­si­ble for his team's equal­iz­ing goal in the 86th minute, was giv­en the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to ham­mer home the win­ner from a penal­ty shoot-out to spark wild cel­e­bra­tions among play­ers, school­mates, fans and coach­ing staff.

The south­ern champs, how­ev­er, were pegged back in the open­ing mo­ments as Na­pari­ma, the two-time SS­FL Pre­mier Di­vi­sion win­ners dom­i­nat­ed the match and cre­at­ed few chances that went un­con­vert­ed. In the 13th minute, Isa Bram­ble, the League's most gift­ed play­er, was put through down the right side from a neat build-up, but from an acute an­gle, Bram­ble pow­er­ful low dri­ve posed lit­tle trou­ble for goal­keep­er Isa­iah Williams.

Both teams went to the in­ter­val with the score goal­less, and when the match re­sumed, Naps took the ad­van­tage in the 52nd minute. From an­oth­er neat build-up from the left side, was quick­ly shift­ed to the oth­er side, cour­tesy Seon Ship­p­ley, who picked out Bram­ble dart­ing down the right side.

Bram­ble, with on­ly goal­keep­er Williams in front him, drilled the ball pow­er­ful­ly past him to the far post for a one-nil lead.

How­ev­er 'Pres' found their form, and for the first time, were able to string more than three pass­es to­geth­er, de­spite trail­ing. Their (Pres) best chance of an equal­iz­er came in the 57th when Ezekiel Kas­er drib­bled in­side from the right side, and with the goal at his mer­cy, he hit straight to Levi Fer­nan­dez in the Na­pari­ma goal­post.

How­ev­er, Naps could do noth­ing when Ja­cob stormed down the left flank and cen­tre for Jaiye Shep­pard to ri­fle his shot on to the out­stretched arm of de­fend­er Tyrike An­drews in the 85th minute, forc­ing the ref­er­ee to point to the penal­ty spot. And Jardel Sin­clair stepped up and fired his shot past the goal­keep­er a minute lat­er to send the match in­to a penal­ty shoot-out.

From the spot-kick, Na­pari­ma missed their first two at­tempts from Thaj Nep­tune and Kas­er, with Shep­pard hand­ing Pres a 1-0 lead af­ter four kicks. How­ev­er, with every oth­er kick­er scor­ing, Ja­cob, who got the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty with the fi­nal kick, struck it in­to the far left cor­ner to wrap up the vic­to­ry.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 02:42:16 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #105 on: November 26, 2019, 06:07:11 AM »
It is clear that the SSFL is an incubator of talent but it is not a comprehensive development tool or solution for building a NT ready player.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #106 on: November 26, 2019, 01:55:20 PM »
WATCH: Highlights of the 2019 South Zone Intercol Final between Naparima College and Presentation College, San Fernando

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/eP51VK9MSkU" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/eP51VK9MSkU</a>
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #107 on: November 27, 2019, 01:02:53 AM »
St Anthony’s cruises into Intercol semis.
By Rachael Thompson-King (Guardian).

St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege got goals from four dif­fer­ent play­ers as they cruised through their Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League na­tion­al Co­ca Co­la In­ter­col quar­ter­fi­nal against Spey­side High 4-0 on Tues­day.

The North Zone cham­pi­ons blanked their To­ba­go coun­ter­parts at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo and ad­vanced to meet South Zone cham­pi­ons Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege (San Fer­nan­do) in the semi­fi­nals.

They will meet in the sec­ond match of a dou­ble-head­er at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va on Fri­day at 5 pm, fol­low­ing the clash be­tween Cara­pichaima East (Cen­tral) ver­sus San Juan North (East) from 3 pm.

The “West­moor­ings Tigers” had three play­ers score first-half goals in the thump­ing win over Spey­side.

Kiron Man­swell opened the scor­ing with a goal as ear­ly as the third minute. Jean-Heim McFee then put the Ronald Daniel-coached St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege fur­ther ahead with a 30th-minute item.

Four min­utes lat­er, Kahim Thomas (34th) im­pres­sive­ly sank a long-range free-kick from the right of the goal to the left of the Spey­side cus­to­di­an De­shawn Rob­ley.

The vis­it­ing side had a num­ber of chances but just did not seem to have their scor­ing boots on as most of those at­tempts were ei­ther sent over­bar or wide of the goal.

St An­tho­ny’s led 3-0 at half­time but could on­ly pro­duce one more in the sec­ond half and it came off the boot of Kai Phillip, who came in as a sub­sti­tute for Man­swell in the 58th minute. He net­ted the fi­nal item in the 79th.

Re­sults - Quar­ter­fi­nal

ST AN­THO­NY’S COL­LEGE 4 (Kiron Man­swell 3rd, Jean-Heim McFee 30th, Kahim Thomas 34th, Kai Phillip 79th) v SPEY­SIDE HIGH 0

Fri­day’s match­es

At Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va

Cara­pichaima East (Cen­tral) v San Juan North (East), 3 pm

Pre­sen­ta­tion - San Fer­nan­do (South) v St An­tho­ny’s (North), 5 pm


Tigers stroll into National Intercol semis.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

ST ANTHONY’S, commonly known as the “Westmoorings Tigers”, strolled into the semi-final round of the Coca Cola National Intercol with a comfortable 4-0 win over Speyside in their quarter-final fixture on Tuesday.

Kiron Manswell, Jean-Heim McFee, Kaihim Thomas and Kai Phillip got their names on the scoresheet for the Tigers, who dominated the contest from the first whistle to the last.

A sparse crowd, estimated at 200 persons, turned up at the venue to watch a match which was played on a soggy outfield.

However, on the field, only one team turned up to play, as Speyside – with the exception of striker Adriel George – were lacking, in all areas.

Manswell opened the scoring in the second minute, with a left-footed shot past goalkeeper Kadeem Joseph, after a blistering run down the left flank from Thomas.

In a rare attempt at goal, Speyside’s DeLeon Beckles had a shot from 30 metres, which flew inches overbar.

St Anthony’s bombarded the Speyside goal with constant attacks but were wasteful on a number of occasions.

Defender Jordan Barclay met a corner from Omari Wiltshire but sent his header wide; Thomas raced on to met a ball from winger Zion Williams but failed to hit the target, while Williams raced past defenders Jonathan Thomas and Dionys Carrington but smashed his right-footer against the post, with Joseph beaten.

Midfielder McFee decided to take matters in his own hands, as he created space in the middle and fired a long-range right-footed shot beyond the reach of Joseph in the 30th minute.

Thomas extended his team’s lead four minutes later, with a freekick from the right flank which sailed through the hands of a bemused Joseph.

The Tigers took things easy in the second half, as they maintained ball-possession, with little trouble from their opponents.

A Barclay header forced a good save from Joseph in the 51st minute, following a corner from Wiltshire, and McFee was at the receiving end from Thomas’ right-sided cross, but his header was denied from Joseph.

George had the closest opportunity to pull one back for the visitors, as he forced goalie Josiah Perez to tip a shot overbar.

A minute later (78th), Phillip completed the scoring with a powerfully-struck right-footer, which flew past Joseph.

On Friday, St Anthony’s will meet Presentation San Fernando in the second match of a semi-final double-header at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva.

Carapichaima East and San Juan North will face off in the earlier semi-final, with the final carded for December 4 at the Ato Boldon Stadium.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 01:15:09 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #108 on: November 27, 2019, 04:30:31 AM »
It is clear that the SSFL is an incubator of talent but it is not a comprehensive development tool or solution for building a NT ready player.

Too true. The next two years will be critical in this area.
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Pres Coach Shawn Cooper: We drowned them in honey
« Reply #109 on: November 27, 2019, 07:36:39 AM »
Pres Coach Shawn Cooper: We drowned them in honey
By Jonathan Ramnanansingh (T&T Newsday)

A systematic adjustment by Presentation College coach, Shawn Cooper, in the second half of Monday’s Coca Cola Intercol South Zone final played an integral role in his team’s capture of the coveted zonal title against 2018 winners, Naparima College.

At Manny Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella, the Presentation College Lions ended a two-year winless streak against their southern rivals by producing a hard-fought 4-3 triumph via kicks from the penalty spot.

After a goalless first half, Naparima College, opened the scoring in the 53rd minute courtesy forward Isa Bramble, who rifled home a powerful left-footed strike. It was at that very moment Cooper opted to change his team’s tactics and pursue a more attacking formation, which, in the end, reaped the desired result.

“We knew Naps are a very strong offensive team but, we allowed them to come to us. In doing so, if they did not capitalise on the possession they were allowed, after a while they would have gotten fatigued. The script changed though, when Naps went ahead in the early stage of the second half. The one occasion they got to sneak past us, they made no mistake and scored,” explained Cooper yesterday.

The veteran secondary school instructor revealed that this drastic turn of events forced him to revert to a more attacking style which placed added pressure on the defending champions in the remaining minutes.

“The goal forced us to get more involved in the game and go into overdrive. We had to go into plan B. By the time we began to press harder in the later stages, the Naparima players were tired and their backline started to wither. It worked for us and they were drowned in honey,” he added.

Presentation’s well-worked victory also ended an almost two-year unbeaten run by ‘Naps’ in the Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL), Zonals and Intercol tournaments. Last year, the Angus Eve-led outfit played unbeaten throughout the season and captured the triple-crown.

However, following an unsuccessful defence of their zonal title on Monday, Naparima also lost their opportunity to defend the National Intercol crown and will conclude this season with one national title, the Shell/FCB SSFL crown.

Back in 2018, both teams met in the South Zone final, which saw Naparima prevail in similar fashion, 4-3 from penalty kicks. According to Cooper, a repeat of last year’s result was nowhere in the plans for “Pres.”

“We are very elated and it’s long overdue,” Cooper continued. “This would have been the second Intercol South Zone final that was decided via kicks from the penalty spot. If we lost this time, it would have been a travesty. As faith had it made, we got the better of them this time. We took a different approach to the game and it benefited us in the end.”

Presentation College now direct their focus toward Friday’s National Intercol semi-final meeting (Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva, 5pm) against St Anthony’s . The dominant South team has not hoisted the crown since the 1970s and is adamant to return the Premier Division’s highest accolade to the Presentation locker room. With arch rivals Naparima out, Cooper still believe it’s anyone’s title for the taking.

“We’ve got to take it one game at a time. (What) we have to do is recover from the game and that’s key. Getting back the players as fresh as could be to compete, then we will have a look at the opposition and strategise from there. Now that Naparima is out of contention everyone has a big chance. We are not title favourites,” Cooper concluded.

2019 Presentation College Team – Aleem Barclay (captain), Isaiah Williams (goalkeeper), Terrell Noel, Justin Cornwall, Luke Charles, Naeem Bisnath, Kassidy Davidson, Ackeel Jacob, Nkosi Charles, Acelino Medford, Jaiye Sheppard, Adica Ash, Nigel Caraby, Jardel Sinclair, Shakeem Cooper, Amaal Julien, Jerelle Thorne, Dantaye Gilbert; Staff – Roland Atwell (manager), Shawn Cooper (coach), Dunstan Williams (assistant coach), Jefferson George (goal keeping coach), Natalie Charles (physio), Mancini Mahadeo (equipment manager)
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Presentation, Carapachaima chase InterCol glory
« Reply #110 on: November 29, 2019, 10:46:51 AM »
Presentation, Carapachaima chase InterCol glory
By Caston Cupid (T&T Guardian)

The Co­ca Co­la Na­tion­al In­ter­col Se­mi-Fi­nals will kick off on Fri­day with a dou­ble­head­er at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va fea­tur­ing two teams which are yet to taste what it is like to be crowned na­tion­al cham­pi­ons.

The first match-up will see Cen­tral cham­pi­ons Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary chas­ing its first na­tion­al ti­tle tak­ing on reign­ing cham­pi­on school of the East San Juan North Sec­ondary.

When these two met in the league they were in­sep­a­ra­ble and in­ca­pable of breach­ing each oth­er’s de­fence with a goal­less af­fair. How­ev­er, when the clock strikes 3 pm to­day on­ly one will move on.

Cara­pichaima's road to the fi­nal-four was paved with nine goals, a 7-1 win over Cou­va East Sec­ondary in the zon­al semis and a 2-1 vic­to­ry over Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary in the zon­al ti­tle match.

San Juan North, on the oth­er hand, scored 13 times in its ef­forts to re­peat as zon­al cham­pi­ons, a 7-0 thump­ing of Mal­abar Sec­ondary, 3-0 over Man­zanil­la Sec­ondary in the semi­fi­nal and a 3-1 ti­tle-win­ning per­for­mance over Trin­i­ty Col­lege East.

The San Juan boys will have ex­pe­ri­ence on their side, af­ter win­ning the na­tion­al ti­tle in 2016 and los­ing fi­nal­ist in 2017 and 2018.

Two hours lat­er, the sec­ond semi­fi­nal will com­mence be­tween Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege and St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege. Iron­i­cal­ly, these two teams al­so drew goal­less in the league and had a cou­ple of dif­fi­cult en­coun­ters in the quest for ti­tle ho­n­ours.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege which has nev­er won a na­tion­al In­ter­col ti­tle brushed aside Point Fortin Sec­ondary 2-0 in their zon­al quar­ters then St Bene­dict’s Col­lege 3-0 in the semis. The du­el with na­tion­al cham­pi­on school Na­pari­ma Col­lege went down to penal­ties af­ter reg­u­la­tion time failed to break a 1-1 dead­lock. Pre­sen­ta­tion won 4-3 from spot-kicks to cel­e­brate its first ma­jor vic­to­ry of the sea­son.

St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege dis­patched Tran­quil­li­ty Sec­ondary 8-1 be­fore scrap­ing past Mal­ick Sec­ondary 4-3 on penal­ties af­ter they were lev­el 2-2 at the end of reg­u­la­tion time. In their zon­al fi­nal their top marks­man Kai Phillip got a late win­ner to send East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary pack­ing with a 2-1 vic­to­ry. The Tigers went to the na­tion­al quar­ter­fi­nal where rav­ished the To­ba­go champs Spey­side High 4-0.

Se­mi-fi­nals (Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va)

Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary vs San Juan North Sec­ondary, 3 pm

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege vs St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege, 5 pm
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Five Rivers lift U-15 title
« Reply #111 on: November 30, 2019, 09:14:13 AM »
Five Rivers lift U-15 title
By Rachael Thompson-King (T&T Guardian)

Five Rivers Sec­ondary School cap­tain Kay­la Ba­boolal and her team were un­fazed by the un­fa­mil­iar sur­round­ings and dom­i­nat­ed the Mal­ta Girls' Un­der-15 Di­vi­sion fi­nal in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League to emerge the na­tion­al cham­pi­on.

Ba­boolal was one of three play­ers who scored in Five Rivers, 3-0 vic­to­ry over host team Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary at the Dwight Yorke Sta­di­um in To­ba­go on Thurs­day af­ter­noon.

Ba­boolal and team­mate Male­ka Morang scored first-half goals with the skip­per open­ing the scor­ing for the Five Rivers team coached by De­siree Sar­jeant in the 20th minute.

The Trinidad U-15 cham­pi­on Five Rivers con­tin­ued to push for an­oth­er goal and was re­ward­ed 18 min­utes thanks to Morang (18th) to put her team up 2-0. The score re­mained un­changed at half­time.

On the re­sump­tion, Five Rivers showed no signs of slow­ing down and three min­utes in­to the sec­ond half, got its third item from one of its pro­lif­ic scor­ers this sea­son, Sha­nia Jor­dan (48th).

To­ba­go cham­pi­on Sig­nal Hill had no re­ply for the vis­it­ing side and re­mained score­less in the fi­nale.

The win closed-off the most suc­cess­ful sea­son for Five Rivers U-15 unit, who had Mergil Ros­ales as its as­sis­tant coach and Sylvester San­di­ford, serv­ing as man­ag­er.

To­day, the semi­fi­nals of the Mal­ta Na­tion­al Boys U-14 Di­vi­sion will take place at St Mary's ground in St Clair, Port-of-Spain. In the open­ing match, East Mu­cu­rapo plays Trin­i­ty Col­lege East at 9.30 am and the St Bene­dict's Col­lege faces Bish­op's High, from 11 am.


Sig­nal Hill Sec 0 vs Five Rivers 3 (Kay­la Ba­boolal 20th, Male­ka Morang 38th, Sha­nia Jor­dan 48th)

SAT­UR­DAY'S MATCH­ES (At St Mary's ground)

Mal­ta Na­tion­al Boys U-14 Di­vi­sion Semi­fi­nals

East Mu­cu­rapo vs Trin­i­ty Col­lege East, 9.30 am

St Bene­dict's vs Bish­op's High, 11 am.
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Pres Sando vs San Juan in Intercol decider
« Reply #112 on: November 30, 2019, 09:19:15 AM »
Pres Sando vs San Juan in Intercol decider
By Jonathan Ramnanansingh (T&T Newsday)

PRESENTATION COLLEGE San Fernando and San Juan North Secondary advanced to Wednesday’s Coca Cola National Intercol final after both securing convincing wins at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva on Friday.

In the second of back-to-back matches, Presentation College ‘Lions’ roared past the St Anthony’s ‘Tigers’ by producing a masterclass 3-1 performance. During the opening minutes, St Anthony’s showed promise but were quickly silenced courtesy a firm strike from ‘Pres’ striker Ackeel Jacob in the 18th minute.

The Presentation frontline of Jacob, Jaiye Sheppard and Naeem Bisnath continued to pester the St Anthony’s defence. They were soon rewarded six minutes later as Sheppard found the back of the net by sleekly turning inside defender Quinn Frederick and easily firing home past goalkeeper Josiah Perez.

After the second goal, the travelling Tigers fans began to rally behind their team in hope of a possible fightback. However, five minutes before the break, Sheppard struck again, this time swiftly converting a loose ball which bounced off defender Shurland Augustine, to hammer past Perez and declaw the tame Tigers. At the resumption, the 2019 North Zone winners continued pursuit of an opening goal. ‘Pres’ looked better though and constantly created chances on both flanks, now with the inclusion of Jardel Sinclair.

In the 80th minute, Tigers substitute Kiron Manswell successfully converted a penalty kick, but it was too little too late for the North Zone winners. Presentation though, showed no remorse and still pressed to extend their lead in the dying minutes and Jacob, Sinclair and Sheppard ran riot at the St Anthony’s backline. Jacob would eventually receive the Man of the Match accolade for his scintillating performance.

The Sean Cooper-led squad has not won an Intercol final since the mid-70s and are favoured to capture the elusive title when the tournament climaxes on Wednesday.

In the first semi-final which kicked off, San Juan North defeated Carapichaima East 2-0 in waterlogged conditions. ‘Caps’ started well and dominated proceedings in the early stages of the match. However, a goalkeeping blunder from custodian Terell Leacock in the 30th minute saw San Juan striker and captain Renaldo Boyce swiftly pounce and slot home the opening item, his eighth of the season. Thirteen minutes later, Boyce played on a surging Christon Mitchell, who easily conquered the Carapichaima backline and found the back of net with a low, left-footed strike.

Into the second period, San Juan North continued to press forward as Boyce, Mitchell and Jordan Britto sought to extend the lead. Carapichaima’s frontline trio of Dexter Neils, Josiah Henry and Resean Britto also tried valiantly to pull one back but the San Juan defence stood firm. For his exemplary defensive efforts, San Juan’s Elisha Garcia captured the Man of the Match award.
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #113 on: November 30, 2019, 12:21:18 PM »
Pres Sando vs San Juan in Intercol decider
By Jonathan Ramnanansingh (T&T Newsday)

PRESENTATION COLLEGE San Fernando and San Juan North Secondary advanced to Wednesday’s Coca Cola National Intercol final after both securing convincing wins at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva on Friday.

In the second of back-to-back matches, Presentation College ‘Lions’ roared past the St Anthony’s ‘Tigers’ by producing a masterclass 3-1 performance. During the opening minutes, St Anthony’s showed promise but were quickly silenced courtesy a firm strike from ‘Pres’ striker Ackeel Jacob in the 18th minute.

The Presentation frontline of Jacob, Jaiye Sheppard and Naeem Bisnath continued to pester the St Anthony’s defence. They were soon rewarded six minutes later as Sheppard found the back of the net by sleekly turning inside defender Quinn Frederick and easily firing home past goalkeeper Josiah Perez.

After the second goal, the travelling Tigers fans began to rally behind their team in hope of a possible fightback. However, five minutes before the break, Sheppard struck again, this time swiftly converting a loose ball which bounced off defender Shurland Augustine, to hammer past Perez and declaw the tame Tigers. At the resumption, the 2019 North Zone winners continued pursuit of an opening goal. ‘Pres’ looked better though and constantly created chances on both flanks, now with the inclusion of Jardel Sinclair.

In the 80th minute, Tigers substitute Kiron Manswell successfully converted a penalty kick, but it was too little too late for the North Zone winners. Presentation though, showed no remorse and still pressed to extend their lead in the dying minutes and Jacob, Sinclair and Sheppard ran riot at the St Anthony’s backline. Jacob would eventually receive the Man of the Match accolade for his scintillating performance.

The Sean Cooper-led squad has not won an Intercol final since the mid-70s and are favoured to capture the elusive title when the tournament climaxes on Wednesday.

In the first semi-final which kicked off, San Juan North defeated Carapichaima East 2-0 in waterlogged conditions. ‘Caps’ started well and dominated proceedings in the early stages of the match. However, a goalkeeping blunder from custodian Terell Leacock in the 30th minute saw San Juan striker and captain Renaldo Boyce swiftly pounce and slot home the opening item, his eighth of the season. Thirteen minutes later, Boyce played on a surging Christon Mitchell, who easily conquered the Carapichaima backline and found the back of net with a low, left-footed strike.

Into the second period, San Juan North continued to press forward as Boyce, Mitchell and Jordan Britto sought to extend the lead. Carapichaima’s frontline trio of Dexter Neils, Josiah Henry and Resean Britto also tried valiantly to pull one back but the San Juan defence stood firm. For his exemplary defensive efforts, San Juan’s Elisha Garcia captured the Man of the Match award.

That might have something to do with the fact that Cooper hasn't been coaching since the mid70s.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #114 on: December 02, 2019, 05:11:45 PM »
Pville ready for Intercol repeat
By Rachael Thompson-King (Guardian).

Led by a dou­ble from Alex­cia Ali, Pleas­antville Sec­ondary School earned the right to de­fend its Co­ca Co­la Na­tion­al Girls In­ter­col ti­tle af­ter crush­ing Cara­pichaima East, 8-1 in the semi­fi­nals on Sun­day at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la.

The fi­nal is set for Wednes­day at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va from 2.30 pm and the reign­ing cham­pi­on will be chal­lenged by Sig­nal Hill, which al­so sealed a huge vic­to­ry, 8-0 against Five Rivers on the week­end at the Dwight York Sta­di­um in To­ba­go.

The Pleas­antville unit played well from the goal­keep­er out to the back­line and up through the for­wards in a dom­i­nat­ing per­for­mance. Aaliyah Pas­call opened the scor­ing in the 16th minute. Pleas­antville’s sec­ond item came off an own goal in the 38th and four mu­nites lat­er, Kur­shell Allen put her team’s third goal to go in at the half, 3-0.

On the re­sump­tion, it took Pleas­antville three min­utes to get its fourth item off Lat­ifha Pas­call be­fore Ali scored the first of her dou­ble. She re­turned in the 65th to put her team fur­ther ahead. The oth­er two goals were from Aky­la Wal­cott, who con­nect­ed from the penal­ty spot in the 61st, and Chris­sy Mitchell in the 76th to end one of the more suc­cess­ful sea­sons for East Zone cham­pi­on Five Rivers.

Pleas­antville will lock horns with Sig­nal Hill for the sec­ond time this sea­son and will be seek­ing re­venge af­ter be­ing edged 1-0 for the Big Five ti­tle by To­ba­go cham­pi­on in Ply­mouth, some weeks ago.

Tiah Chrichlow led the scor­ing for Sig­nal Hill against Cen­tral Zone cham­pi­on Cara­pichaima East to book the oth­er spot in the na­tion­al fi­nal.

Ce­line Lo­raine, Sig­nal Hill’s lead­ing scor­er for this year’s edi­tion, was not to be left out of the scor­ing ac­tion as she net­ted a pair of goals in the lop­sided af­fair. The oth­er goals came of Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son, Je­lese Alexan­der, Aaliyah Al­varez, who scored one apiece.

Tal­i­ah Si­mon net­ted the lone item for Cara­pichaima in a los­ing ef­fort.

It will be the fourth con­sec­u­tive meet­ing of the teams in the ti­tle match. In last year’s fi­nal, Pleas­antville emerged with a 2-0 vic­to­ry.

The girls’ fi­nale will be the first match of a dou­ble-head­er with the boys’ fi­nal be­tween San Juan North and Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege kick­ing off at 4.30 pm.

Semi­fi­nals Re­sults

Pleas­antville 8 (Aaliyah Pas­call 16th, own goal 38th, Kur­shell Allen 42nd, Lat­ifha Pas­call 48th, Alex­cia Ali 56th, 65th, Aky­la Wal­cott 61st penal­ty, Chris­sy Mitchell 76th) vs Five Rivers 0.

Sig­nal Hill 8 (Tiah Chrichlow 3, Ce­line Lo­raine 2, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son, Je­lese Alexan­der, Aaliyah Al­varez) vs Cara­pichaima East 1 (Tal­i­ah Si­mon)

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #115 on: December 03, 2019, 01:07:40 AM »
San Juan ‘fit and ready to go’
By Jonathan Ramnanansingh (Newsday).

Intercol East Zone champs optimistic of lifting Nat’l trophy…

THE last time San Juan North Secondary School lifted the coveted Coca Cola National Intercol title was back in 2016, against none other than the Presentation College Lions.

Since then, San Juan North have been the most consistent team in this competition, having again reached the final in 2017 (losing to Shiva Boys) and 2018 (losing to Naparima College). Fast forward to the climax of the 2019 season and San Juan North are once again wading in familiar waters. Another Coca Cola National Intercol final, this time against a team they beat at this very stage three years ago.

This year, the East Zone champions are hoping for a repeat performance of the 2016 title match, where they emerged 1-0 victors over “Pres” in a tightly contested encounter. According to manager Stephen Clarke, the squad does not intend to let TT’s premier school’s football prize slip away for a third consecutive time.

“The feeling in the camp is very optimistic,” said Clarke. “This is our fourth year in the final and we have a lot of players who have been here before. We are confident and there are only positive feelings going forward. The entire squad is fit and ready to go and we’re going to play as we did all season.”

San Juan skipper, Ronald Boyce, was a part of the 2016 title winning team.

He then captained his squad to two runner-up finishes in the following years but is hoping to depart his alma mater on a high, with a victory against Presentation College San Fernando, on Wednesday, at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva from 4.30pm.

Also representing the San Juan senior team over the past four years were Adrian Duncan and vice-captain Kereem John, who will both join Boyce for their final shot at school football’s premier silverware.

“There are a lot of guys who will be leaving after this season and would like to go out on a high.

“This would be special for Boyce to go out with a victory as he has served this school proudly during his stay. With coach Jerry Moe at the helm, we have shown a winner’s mentality and aim to execute,” added the team manager.

However, Clarke admitted they have made little change to their tactical approach implemented throughout the season.

Although Presentation College produced a 2-1 victory over San Juan in the Secondary Schools Football League earlier this season, Clarke believes his team has what it takes to replicate and even better, their 2016 showing. “They (Presentation) are a good challenge. It’s no secret we’re coming with a 4-4-2 formation. And even though we lost to Presentation playing that same system earlier in the season, we have adjusted and rectified some of the technical issues and are an improved team now. Even though we managed to win the zone, coming on the national scene, anything can happen,” he concluded.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #116 on: December 04, 2019, 01:21:03 AM »
St Benedict's hoists Form 1 Inter-Col title.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

St Bene­dict's Col­lege is the Fru­ta Un­der-13 Form One Na­tion­al In­ter­Col cham­pi­ons.

They earned this ti­tle af­ter beat­ing East Mu­cu­rapo 3-1 in a penal­ty shoot-out af­ter the game end­ed goal­less at the end of reg­u­la­tion time at St Mary's Col­lege Ground in St Clair on Tues­day.

Af­ter a pe­ri­od of un­con­vert­ed chances, the south­ern­ers went to the penal­ty spot and got goals from Malachai Webb, Dar­ius Procupe and Josi­ah Ochoa to lead them to the win. The re­sult means that St Bene­dict's have now won all their match­es for the sea­son, tak­ing the south zone League ti­tle, U-13 knock-out ti­tle and the Na­tion­al In­ter­Col ti­tle.

Coach Nolan Bernard said he was elat­ed. "I felt proud of the boys who have re­spond­ed to the train­ing and coach­ing, and I have to say thanks al­so to the prin­ci­pal who sup­port­ed the de­vel­op­ment pro­gramme. There was al­so tremen­dous sup­port com­ing from the par­ents," Bernard said.

He said his hope now is to try and keep the play­ers to­geth­er and keep them ground­ed for the fu­ture.

The lone East Mu­cu­rapo item came from their pro­lif­ic strik­er Isa­iah Thomas, the scor­er of many of the team's goals for the sea­son. Af­ter­wards, team man­ag­er Vanes­sa Grif­fith said she was ex­treme­ly pleased with her team, hav­ing won the North Zone ti­tle and plac­ing sec­ond in both the knock-out and Na­tion­al In­ter­Col fi­nal.


Flawless Benedict’s lift Fruta U-13 crown.
By Andrew Gioannetti (Newsday).

Head coach credits squad’s discipline, parental support…

ST BENEDICT’S College capped a practically faultless season, on Tuesday, as they secured a nail-biting victory from the penalty spot over East Mucurapo Secondary in the Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) Fruta Under-13 Intercol final.

St Benedict’s, winners of the South Zone league and knock-out competitions, held their nerve in the shoot-out to win 3-1, following a goalless stalemate.

Josiah Ochoa, Darius Procope and St Benedict’s leading goal-scorer, Malachi Webb, all converted their efforts, helping St Benedict’s seal their second successive win via penalty kicks.

It was far from the action-packed semi-finals which played out on Saturday. Opportunities were scarce and players visibly cautious in defence.

A proud head coach Nolan Bernard celebrated with the parents, guardians and players after the match and said his charges’ discipline and overall effort this season well and truly paid off.

“I’m proud. They’re making the school, staff and their parents proud,” said Bernard, a past student of the school.

“Parental support was key (to the team’s success this year). Support of the (acting) principal, putting things in place for the team, visiting every match, every training,” said Bernard. “He supports the football programme 100 per cent, from top to bottom. He is a big part of the team’s success.”

There is no shortage of talent in the team, Bernard added, and, having been in solid training since July, the result is fitting yet not unexpected.

The Under-13s (Form Ones) played undefeated in all competitions but were not the only football team to make St Benedict’s proud this season.

Their respective St Benedict’s teams reached all the way to the semifinals in both the Malta 14-and-under and 16-and-under national competitions.

Newsday also spoke with the school’s principal Gregory Quan Kep, who beamed with pride.

“This is a great team. This means a lot to us,” he said, adding that it augers well for the future of the school’s football programme, as the younger boys climb the age division ranks.

“We have good talent. And we have to hold on to them.”

He agreed that the players can take most of the credit but said the football staff and parents deserve similar praise for their efforts. “The players took instructions well and there was good camaraderie. Even the parents, there was good teamwork among them.

For East Mucurapo, it was anticlimactic. They, too, were solid defensively, but perhaps overcautious in their anticipation of St Benedict’s attacking potential.

They enjoyed a positive campaign, losing only two matches in all competitions. East Mucurapo were successful on Saturday and advanced to Tuesday’s final after defeating Trinity College East on penalty kicks after a 3-3 draw at full time.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2019, 02:29:38 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #117 on: December 04, 2019, 01:22:30 AM »
Cooper: No deja vu please.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Shawn Coop­er, the Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, San Fer­nan­do coach does not want to put any more pres­sure on his young bunch of play­ers head­ing in­to the Co­ca Co­la Na­tion­al In­ter­Col Fi­nal against San Juan North Sec­ondary at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main Cou­va on Wednes­day.

How­ev­er, he wants to avoid a sit­u­a­tion of 'de­ja vu' when the teams meet from 4:30 pm this af­ter­noon.

The game will fol­low an ear­li­er Girls In­ter­Col fi­nal en­counter be­tween Pleas­antville and Sig­nal Hills Sec­ondary from 2:30 pm at the same venue.

On Tues­day, Coop­er said it could be a case of de­ja vu if his play­ers do not win on Wednes­day.

In his school's last In­ter­Col fi­nal match in 2016, they de­feat­ed San Juan North 2-1 in the League but lost 1-0 to them in the In­ter­Col fi­nal. This year, the south­ern­ers were again 2-1 win­ners over the San Juan boys, but this time they will be hop­ing to pre­vent the jinx of an­oth­er loss to the same team.

Be­sides that, coach Coop­er hasn't been too hard on his play­ers, re­duc­ing his train­ing ses­sions to just a cou­ple times a week to al­low the play­ers the op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­cu­per­ate.

"Af­ter los­ing some nine play­ers from last year, we have made it very clear this year that it would have been a re­build­ing year for the team, and to be fair to them, they have ex­ceed­ed our ex­pec­ta­tions so far, be­cause we were not ex­pect­ing them to achieve as much as we have," Coop­er ex­plained.

He added, "We are al­ready very proud of them so what I want is for the young play­ers, is for them to go out there and have fun, do their best, and try to win the match." The irony, how­ev­er, is that Coop­er's 'young' bunch of play­ers will have the task of earn­ing the school their sec­ond In­ter­Col ti­tle in more than 44 years.

Pre­sen­ta­tion's last In­ter­Col win came back in 1975 and de­spite the in­ex­pe­ri­ence of the team this year, they have racked up a few im­pres­sive achieve­ments, such as con­ced­ing the least amount of goals for the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion held ear­li­er (7 goals) and just two in the In­ter­Col play-offs. The south­ern­ers al­so fin­ished the League in the sec­ond po­si­tion and will be in a sim­i­lar po­si­tion should for­tune not favour them this af­ter­noon.

Mean­while, San Juan man­ag­er Stephen Clarke said his team wants to fin­ish the sea­son with a bang, by win­ning it for a large num­ber of play­ers who will be leav­ing the school af­ter this sea­son. They in­clude in­stru­men­tal strik­er Re­nal­do Boyce, Isa­iah Chase, Ma­lik Far­ri­er, Eli­jah Gar­cia and Kendo Math­ias, among oth­ers.

"We are liv­ing our dream of play­ing on the first and last day of the SS­FL, so why wouldn't we want to win? At this time we feel very con­fi­dent that we are go­ing to win the ti­tle, once we dig deep and play the type of foot­ball we know we can play. Too be­sides, we will have sev­er­al play­ers play­ing their last game, so we want to win that for them," Clarke said.

He dis­missed con­cerns his team was beat­en by their coun­ter­parts in the League, say­ing, "They played us when we were go­ing through a dif­fi­cult patch, but now it's the fi­nal and the play­ers are aware of how im­por­tant it is for them," Clarke said.


Intercol Boys, Girls champs to be decided at Couva.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

THE 2019 Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) season will conclude on Wednesday, at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva with the boys and girls finals of the Coca Cola National Intercol.

The girls decider will take place from 2.30 pm with defending champions Pleasantville meeting Signal Hill, in a repeat of the 2018 final.

Two hours later, the boys final will be contested between Presentation San Fernando and San Juan North.

Pleasantville and Signal Hill had one-sided results in their respective semi-finals on Sunday.

Pleasantville trounced Five Rivers 8-0 at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella. Latifha Pascall netted twice, in the 48th and 65th minutes, and there was a goal apiece from Aaliyah Pascall (16th), Kurshell Allen (42nd), Alexcia Ali (56th), Akyla Walcott (61st) and Chrissy Mitchell (76th). Pleasantville also benefitted from an own goal, in the 38th.

In the other girls semi, Signal Hill hammered Carapichaima East 8-1 at the Plymouth Recreation Ground. Tiah Crichlow led the way with a hat-trick, Celine Loraine contributed a pair and there was a goal each from Dilleasia Nicholson, Jelese Alexander and Aaliyah Alvarez.

Presentation San Fernando eliminated 2018 champions Naparima in the South Zone Intercol final on November 25.

And, on Friday, the Sean Cooper-coached outfit cruised to a 3-1 win over St Anthony’s in the second game of a National Intercol semi-final double-header at Couva.

And San Juan North, coached by Jerry Moe, defeated Carapichaima East 2-0 to book a ticket to the final.

Both San Juan North and Presentation San Fernando met in the 2016 Intercol title-match, with San Juan prevailing 1-0.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2019, 02:34:19 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #119 on: December 04, 2019, 04:09:30 PM »
More expansive football than the South Zone final.


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