From my perspective and I'll explain. Why would a nation that fought for independence and self rule deny expats kids and grandkids etc from playing for their family's home country?
Neo-colonialism is far reaching and affects many facets of society. In this particular instance it's also tied to voting and keeping potential unbiased and well informed expats from changing the tide locally. You see the original plan of the PNM was emigrants for votes to continue the control in an invented two party oligarchy, while maintaining the racial divide as prescribed by the former colonials to control resources and limit progress. All while presenting the illusion of democracy. So that's where the in flux of Grenadians and Vincey's (like my great grandmother) came to Trinidad. The same principle being practiced now in other regions of the world.
However, in the case of football it is beneficial to our sporting organizations as a whole to grant citizenship to play for our nation, but that doesn't bode well for the former oppressors. They want an unfair advantage in world sport, meaning they don't want strong competition against the big nations. So our sell out governments continued to maintain outdated and neo colonial laws that affect our nation negatively.
It works well for the party in power and the controlled opposition.
The DLP was not formed because indians wanted segregation, it was formed because unity is not profitable and controllable by the former colonials. High profile assassinations wasn't beyond any outside influences in order to control resources and limit nationalization of industries stateside.
Capildeo wasn't a racist, his good friend was Williams and Williams also was of mixed heritage but both were under control and knew their place, which was at the opposite ends of one another in parliament. Where the former colonials wanted them to be, Capildeo didn't want to be in politics, he wanted to change the world through science and mathematics. The orchestration continues today while the nation is lost and cannot decipher between fact and fiction.
Oppression is tied to old laws and regulations and it remains that way for a reason and has nothing to do with national security, but neo colonial agendas living on to retain control.