
Sun, Jun

Christmas for the Lawrence family in Morvant, the ghetto district of the Trinidad capital, Port of Spain, will not be unlike the one their absent son, Dennis, celebrates in Wrexham tomorrow. "It is no different here to how it is back home," he explains, in a deep Caribbean voice that contains just the slightest trace of a Welsh accent. "In Trinidad we have the tree and the traditional dinner with all the family. We just don't have the snow." Yet even with his wife Gloria, daughter Celine and a moderate British winter for company, the 31-year-old would be forgiven if he yearned for the comforts of home more than ever this year.
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Now that the celebrations and euphoria have subsided somewhat, following Trinidad and Tobago's historic qualification for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals in Germany and the subsequent draw for the tournament, the serious question of preparation (both physical and mental) now has to be addressed.
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EIGHT PERCENT of the capacity of each World Cup Football venue in Germany is reserved for the fans of the competing teams through their respective official supporters’ associations.
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Rumour has it that the real reason for Sir Trevor McDonald retiring from his job as senior ITV news presenter in London last week was to try and get a piece of the action as a member of the Trinidad and Tobago contingent at the 2006 World Cup football finals.
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WITH just under six months to the start of Trinidad and Tobago’s opening match in the World Cup against Sweden in Dortmund (known as the Beer Capital of Germany), already there is a lot of tension and anxiety in this country.
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Brazilian FIFA World “Player of the Year” Ronaldinho met up with FIFA Vice President Jack Warner in Zurich this week and in a brief appearance with top FIFA officials, he was able to extend words of congratulations to this country on hearing of its qualification for Germany 2006 as the smallest nation to ever reach the world stage.
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