
Sun, Jun

New T&T captain #5 Lauren Schmidt keeping things in order at the back.Trinidad and Tobago’s Under 17 women footballers are seemingly peaking just in time for the start of the FIFA Under 17 Women’s World Cup as they produced a scintillating performance in their final warm-up international to whip European second placed team Republic of Ireland 3-0 at the Pine Island Soccer Complex in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday evening.

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I wonder how many people in this country are aware that we are hosting the Fifa Women’s World Cup tournament in T&T from September 5-25? It will not surprise me if the majority does not know of this extremely important opportunity which was handed to our country, especially remembering that we were host to a similar competition only nine years ago. But unlike the previous occasion, this event has not been given the publicity which events of this magnitude have enjoyed when they are hosted elsewhere. Having attended at least 25 of these events across the world and experienced the level of marketing and advertising which was done by the host countries during that period, it is almost painful to understand why the same process was not utilised here. We have heard about the tournament through a couple press conferences, then the draw for the Championships, all of which was preceded by the employment of a Norwegian coach Even Pellerud, whose duty was to turn the quality of our football “water into wine,” and little snippets of TV adverts and newspaper clipping about the progress of our national team through the preparatory period. One member of the local organising committee, when asked about the reason for the absence of information which should have been shared with the public, the response was tantamount to the belief that it was sufficient.

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Jack Warner and Oliver CampsThe Fifa U-17 Women’s World Cup in T&T is set to kick off in colorful, energetic and distinctly Trinbagonian fashion with a dynamic opening ceremony on September 5 at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo. The ten-minute ceremony, with its cast of over 50 world-class artists, dancers, musicians and performers, will start at at 2 pm, ahead of the opening match between hosts T&T and Chile at 4 pm. Award-winning dance group, Shiv Shakit and renowned mas producer Rosalind Gabriel are expected to play major roles in the production.

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With the Fifa U-17 Women’s World Cup less than two weeks away, several Fifa officials are expected to arrive in T&T between today and tomorrow to lend support to the Local Organising Committee (LOC). The World Cup kicks off on September 5, with an opening match between T&T and Chile. Following concerns expressed by Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Anil Roberts on Monday, deputy CEO of the LOC, Nataki Kerr, said work was taking place assiduously to ensure the facilities are world class.

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Anil Roberts and TrinityThe Fifa Under-17 Women’s World Cup will be hosted in T&T from September 5-25. The stadia are being properly prepared for the tournament, transport, accommodations and catering arranged and all the other good stuff that goes along with hosting a tournament like this. Did you know that there is a T&T Spirit Mascot for these games? Know what it looks like? The mascot’s name is “Trinity.” I wonder how many locals even care. Millions of dollars will be spent to host this tournament here but do we care? Apparently not. If we did, there would be a better attempt to promote it and get as many people to attend the matches as possible. Even though I was still living in the USA when the Fifa U-17 Men’s World Cup was hosted here in 2001, I knew about it. It seems like the hype for that tournament was greater and the media did a better job of sensitising the general public.

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