
Sun, Jun

Ramdhan challenges TTFA $98.5M debt.

A response by the FIFA-appointed Normalisation Committee (NC) on Tuesday to concerns raised by the T&T Football Association’s (TTFA) membership on May 1, appeared to have raised more questions than it provided answers.

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Chairman of the Normalisation Committee, Robert Hadad

There can be fewer hotter heads in the land right now than those of the Prime Minister, Minister of Health, the Chief Medical officer and his staff. Blame it on the insidious Covid-19.

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Guatemala vs Trinidad and Tobago at the 2021 Concacaf Futsal Championship

With COVID-19 cases spiralling out of control and the death rate rising like if one is watching some form of Sci-Fi film along with the newly enforced State of Emergency, one is hopeful that as Trinis, we all finally wake up to the reality that this virus frighteningly is with us. As a result, there is truly no other choice but to follow the strict guidelines of the Ministry of Health; stay at home please unless you are faced with no alternative such as going out for food/medical supplies or if you are unable to work from home.

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Chairman of the Normalisation Committee, Robert Hadad

The FIFA-appointed Normalisation Committee (NC) has assured its commitment to fulfilling the mandate given to it by the sport’s world governing body- FIFA, in March last year, and has sought the services of Accounting firm Ernest &Young to achieve its goal.

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