
Fri, Feb


LOCAL striker Irasto Knights lost a chance of going on trial with Italian Serie A club Lecce because he missed his flight to Italy last Thursday.

The former Joe Public forward eventually left for Europe from New York, USA, yesterday morning but word is that Lecce have now shown a liking for another player and have cancelled Knights' trial.

This was revealed by England-based agent Graham Smith, who arranged the trial and appeared upset with the loss of the opportunity.

Knights, an ex-Malick Senior Comprehensive player, left here for the USA last Thursday after problems in obtaining an Italian visa forced him to delay his trip.

On arrival in New York, he was told that the ticket to Italy was only valid for Thursday.

However, all is not lost as Smith has arranged for Knights to go on trial at a Third Division team on the outskirts of Milan. And if things don't go his way therehe may travel to Belgium where trials at two clubs have also been lined up.

Smith, who is also representative for national and Finland-based T&T defender Brent Sancho, is currently in negotiations with Mykolesken Pall 47, who have offered Sancho an extended two-year contract. But the 22-year-old defender has the option of playing on loan with Dutch side Willem II Tilburg from January and has also attracted interest from English First Division side Manchester City.