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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1170 on: July 20, 2013, 01:49:45 PM »
Watched Pacific Rim, reminded me of Power Rangers only more advanced lol.. Good to watch on a boring evening.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1171 on: July 20, 2013, 02:34:44 PM »
Star Trek - Into Darkness was a BOSS movie though --- and one of the few ST movie in which the first offering was great, and the follow-up offering was even better.  They definitely got it right with the last 2 ST movies.

with the new reality they have so much more to work with. add advance in technology (fx) and a young and vibrant crew and you have a winning combination. remember that old star trek movies were tv actors who where put in longer version tv shows.

So true. From the time the 'alternate reality' was created when Vulcan was destroyed in the 2009 ST movie, you could tell right away that this would allow for an entirely new storyline for future ST movies, without having to worry about contradicting events from the past TV shows and movies.  That much was always pretty much known from the 2009 movie when Vulcan was destroyed. 
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1172 on: July 20, 2013, 05:37:35 PM »
zero dark thirty - decent watch. the fella that play stannis baratheon is in it and he is still a boss.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1173 on: July 20, 2013, 08:57:25 PM »
Pacific Rim was rel good. Great film that was terribly marketed. Almost didn't go and see it.I especially liked that for once the female lead wasn't one of those over-bearing, 'balls-busting', 'I can do anything better than a man' sort of character.

Watched Pacific Rim, reminded me of Power Rangers only more advanced lol.. Good to watch on a boring evening.

Not quite the worst movie ever made... but it making de short list. Some good battle scenes, but otherwise is level shit.

Ah also take in 'The Conjuring'... decent movie.  Some good scares, good plot and acting.  Ah little weak in parts but de Wan fella (Director) did a good job with the scare scenes without getting trite.  Not too many "dotish white people" scenes either.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1174 on: July 21, 2013, 06:35:59 PM »
It's official now.

Christopher Nolan is the executive producer for Man of Steel 2 -featuring Batman & Superman.

Directed by: Zack Snyder


« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 07:41:09 PM by OutsideMan »
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1175 on: July 21, 2013, 06:57:01 PM »

July 21, 2013

Weekend Box Office Reflects a Season of Big-Budget Stumbles

LOS ANGELES — The disasters were supposed to stay on the screen.

With extremely weak domestic ticket sales over the weekend for “R.I.P.D.” and “Turbo,” Hollywood has now sustained six big-budget duds since May 1, the start of the film industry’s high-stakes summer season. The other failing movies have been “After Earth,” “White House Down,” “Pacific Rim” and “The Lone Ranger.”

A couple of misfires, sure. But six?

Studios point to a number of problems, starting with that ever-pesky criterion, quality. In the Twitter age, audiences can spot a stinker from a mile away, and the unfortunately titled “R.I.P.D.” and “After Earth” in particular were both considered poorly made. But the deeper issue is an overreliance by studios on the same kind of expensive movie. One or more cinematic behemoths — those loaded with similar-looking computer-generated effects, films that cost $130 million to $225 million to make — have arrived almost weekly since May, fragmenting and fatiguing the audience.

Studios have also tried to sell most of these as “original,” which in Hollywood-speak means not a sequel or a remake. In reality, movie companies have largely just reassembled familiar parts. “Pacific Rim,” which featured giant robots, seemed to share DNA with “Transformers.” “The Lone Ranger” was “Pirates of the Caribbean” in Old West drag. “R.I.P.D.” was “Men in Black” lite.

Moviegoers are pushing back. The No. 1 movie in North America over the weekend was “The Conjuring,” a period haunted house film that cost Warner Brothers $20 million to make and received stellar reviews. It took in $41.5 million, according to box office estimates compiled by Hollywood.com.

Universal’s “R.I.P.D.,” which starred Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds as ghost cops, took in a disastrous $12.8 million, for seventh place. Universal said the movie cost $130 million (not including marketing), but the Hollywood trade news site Deadline.com said the actual price was $154 million.

“It failed, and we’re unhappy, and I’m not going to make excuses,” said Nikki Rocco, Universal’s president for distribution.

Audiences have repeatedly made hits out of smaller films this summer. Another example is “Now You See Me,” an ensemble thriller that cost Summit Entertainment about $75 million to make. The movie — the kind of midrange film that studios have largely abandoned as they focus more on pictures that play globally — has taken in $200.4 million worldwide and is still playing.

What does this mean for Hollywood? No lesser a power than Steven Spielberg has predicted a wholesale shift in studio strategy.

“There’s going to be an implosion where three or four or maybe even a half-dozen mega-budget movies are going to go crashing into the ground, and that’s going to change the paradigm,” Mr. Spielberg said at a University of Southern California media event last month.

On Sunday, Ms. Rocco seemed to acknowledge as much. “Absolutely, this opens your eyes,” she said. “You would be stupid if you didn’t look really hard at what the audience is telling you.”

She noted that her studio had said no to proposed films like an ambitious adaptation of H. P. Lovecraft’s “At the Mountains of Madness” because of cost concerns. “You have to be very, very cautious when you’re spending money like this, and Universal has been,” she said.

It is possible to make so-called tent-pole movies for less money; “Despicable Me 2” cost $76 million, while “Turbo” cost about $135 million. But some investments are necessary. Skimping on computerized effects would probably result in even bigger messes, analysts say. What’s needed, some studio executives said, is a recalibration of the kinds of movies being put into production.

Cutting back on marketing is also difficult. Studios are slowly moving toward cheaper means to reach consumers — social media, Web campaigns — but executives are reluctant to trim spending on expensive TV ads and billboards, because those tools are still seen as effective ways to turn out an audience.

Don’t expect to see much change at the multiplex in the near future. The movie business changes slowly, in part because huge films now take two years or more to make. Computer-animated pictures — there are six this summer, up from three in the same period last year — can take even longer. Sony has “Amazing Spider-Man” sequels lined up through 2018.

And studios spent the last four days at Comic-Con — the annual gathering of comic-book, fantasy and science-fiction fans — previewing one mega-movie after another. Warner Brothers notably unveiled plans for a “Man of Steel” sequel featuring both Superman and Batman.

The unusually large number of high-profile failures in recent months creates headaches for studios beyond near-term financial losses. Movies like “The Lone Ranger,” which cost Disney about $375 million to make and market, were designed to start franchises. That will not be happening: “The Lone Ranger” has taken in just $147.6 million worldwide, roughly half of which goes to theater owners.

Another hopeful series in the making, “Turbo,” which also featured Mr. Reynolds (his voice, that is), took in $21.5 million over the weekend, for a total since opening on Wednesday of about $31.2 million — one of the weakest opening results in DreamWorks Animation’s history.

“At this level, we would expect a substantial write-down on the film,” Doug Creutz, an analyst at Cowen and Company, wrote in a research note on Thursday.

Anne Globe, DreamWorks Animation’s chief marketing officer, wrote in an e-mail on Sunday, “Turbo still has a lot of play time left, particularly in the international territories, where we had strong openings this weekend.” She added that the film’s A-plus score in children’s exit polls would “propel word of mouth through the rest of the summer.”

Not all of Hollywood’s major pictures have struggled. Universal has scored with both “Fast & Furious 6,” which has taken in $712.5 million worldwide, and “Despicable Me 2,” which has so far sold about $584.6 million in tickets. But “R.I.P.D.” was so expensive that Universal watched a portion of the hard-fought profits from those hits go up in smoke.

Still, Ms. Rocco dismissed the notion of too much soul searching. “When an ‘R.I.P.D.’ happens,” she said, “you pull up your socks, and you get going.”


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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1176 on: July 21, 2013, 07:06:35 PM »
A pretty decent lower budget movie that was released earlier this year is "Odd Thomas".  If you guys haven't seen it, check it out.
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1177 on: July 21, 2013, 07:32:21 PM »
RIPD looked like shit from go! ......it official will smith in decline, though I had liked most of what he's made post Bad Boys 2 they just don't seem to be hit material anymore............Lone ranger was no surprise, I have said it once and I'll say it again the studios have been invoking jack sparrow in most of Depp's recent work and it's played out IMO, POC4 barely kept me awake...... in fact it didn't and never tried to watch it again.
I pity the fool....

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1178 on: July 21, 2013, 07:45:15 PM »
I liked After Earth... I dunno what they talking about "poorly made".  I also how they could call it a flop when it was made for $130 million, and took in $235 million.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 07:47:28 PM by Bakes »

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1179 on: July 21, 2013, 10:22:32 PM »
I liked After Earth... I dunno what they talking about "poorly made".  I also how they could call it a flop when it was made for $130 million, and took in $235 million.

I haven't seen it yet but heard it was critically good. 

But it did 'Flop' business-wise at the box-office.  The movie cost US$135 million to make, plus US$100 million to market, yet has only brought in US$60 million thus far in the box office. 

Therefore: Cost:  US$235 million
Revenue:            US$60 million (thus far as of July 22nd 2013).

Loss: US$175 million.  This is why it is considered a financial flop.
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1180 on: July 21, 2013, 10:40:54 PM »
I haven't seen it yet but heard it was critically good. 

But it did 'Flop' business-wise at the box-office.  The movie cost US$135 million to make, plus US$100 million to market, yet has only brought in US$60 million thus far in the box office. 

Therefore: Cost:  US$235 million
Revenue:            US$60 million (thus far as of July 22nd 2013).

Loss: US$175 million.  This is why it is considered a financial flop.

I appreciate your math, but that $100 million to market is only rumored, not confirmed.  Also, the $60 million revenue you cite is only the US market... you might want to check your sources completely next time  ;)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 10:54:08 PM by Bakes »

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1181 on: July 21, 2013, 11:29:21 PM »
I haven't seen it yet but heard it was critically good. 

But it did 'Flop' business-wise at the box-office.  The movie cost US$135 million to make, plus US$100 million to market, yet has only brought in US$60 million thus far in the box office. 

Therefore: Cost:  US$235 million
Revenue:            US$60 million (thus far as of July 22nd 2013).

Loss: US$175 million.  This is why it is considered a financial flop.

I appreciate your math, but that $100 million to market is only rumored, not confirmed.  Also, the $60 million revenue you cite is only the US market... you might want to check your sources completely next time  ;)

The source is from IMDB, and Variety.  They are considered WSJ of the Entertainment industry. 


Also, the Wall Street Journal:


Btw, the $100 million is an intelligent estimate from industry experts.  The studios won't always disclose the specifics of marketing costs, however that figure is quite realistic based on the level and amount of marketing the studio put into the movie.  Jeez...they advertised during the Superbowl also if I remember correctly...lol

That isn't cheap advertising at all. 
« Last Edit: July 21, 2013, 11:40:04 PM by OutsideMan »
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1182 on: July 22, 2013, 10:23:11 AM »

The source is from IMDB, and Variety.  They are considered WSJ of the Entertainment industry. 


Also, the Wall Street Journal:


Btw, the $100 million is an intelligent estimate from industry experts.  The studios won't always disclose the specifics of marketing costs, however that figure is quite realistic based on the level and amount of marketing the studio put into the movie.  Jeez...they advertised during the Superbowl also if I remember correctly...lol

That isn't cheap advertising at all. 

Like I said... check yuh sources.  IMDB doesn't say anywhere that Sony spent $100 million to market the film. In fact nowhere do they even talk about the marketing budget at all.  Just admit that yuh copy and paste that from Wikipedia... which itself cites the NYT, who author only offers "an estimated $100 million" without a source.

Not only that, but the WSJ article you linked claims the movie was made for $150 million while IMDB says it's $130 million.  So which is it?  Again, get yuh facts in order before yuh talk.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1183 on: July 22, 2013, 11:37:46 AM »

The source is from IMDB, and Variety.  They are considered WSJ of the Entertainment industry. 


Also, the Wall Street Journal:


Btw, the $100 million is an intelligent estimate from industry experts.  The studios won't always disclose the specifics of marketing costs, however that figure is quite realistic based on the level and amount of marketing the studio put into the movie.  Jeez...they advertised during the Superbowl also if I remember correctly...lol

That isn't cheap advertising at all. 

Like I said... check yuh sources.  IMDB doesn't say anywhere that Sony spent $100 million to market the film. In fact nowhere do they even talk about the marketing budget at all.  Just admit that yuh copy and paste that from Wikipedia... which itself cites the NYT, who author only offers "an estimated $100 million" without a source.

Not only that, but the WSJ article you linked claims the movie was made for $150 million while IMDB says it's $130 million.  So which is it?  Again, get yuh facts in order before yuh talk.

Bakes, I don't know if you're in-love with Will Smith or something.  All the smart money out there has the marketing at a minimum of US$100 million.  But let's just say it's only half that, to appease your sensibilities.  So pretend it's US$50 million.

And let's pretend that that the movie also cost a minimum of $130 million (and btw, I used the minimum figure among all the reliable sources my earlier comments...because as you yourself saw, other reliable sources such as the WSJ, has that figure at US$150 million).

Anyway, even using the most CONSERVATIVE figures for such a big budget movie, the returns still indicate a FLOP.

I'm not de only one who's saying this.  EVERYONE knows this, including the studio who invested the money in this project. 

You need to take up your complaints with the studio, the writers, the marketing personnel, and everyone else involved in that.  But if you need me to be your scapegoat because your man Will Smith didn't deliver on this one, then feel free to bitch and moan about the figures provided by the Wall Street Journal...Variety Magazine...and all of the other reliable sources out there.    :rotfl:
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1184 on: July 22, 2013, 11:54:57 AM »
You talking a pack ah shit about Metta World Peace more valuable to the Knicks than Tyson Chandler, I tell yuh yuh talking shit, yuh bawl I "like" Tyson Chandler and start talking about jockstrap and what not.  Yuh talking shit about about After Earth and how it flop.  I respond and tell yuh check yuh numbers (which time after time yuh get wrong), now is because Will Smith is my "man."

Whatever the source of yuh homosexual fixation yuh might want to sort that out.  Either that or learn to make better arguments that actually make sense.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1185 on: July 22, 2013, 11:59:51 AM »
You talking a pack ah shit about Metta World Peace more valuable to the Knicks than Tyson Chandler, I tell yuh yuh talking shit, yuh bawl I "like" Tyson Chandler and start talking about jockstrap and what not.  Yuh talking shit about about After Earth and how it flop.  I respond and tell yuh check yuh numbers (which time after time yuh get wrong), now is because Will Smith is my "man."

Whatever the source of yuh homosexual fixation yuh might want to sort that out.  Either that or learn to make better arguments that actually make sense.

Bakes, you taking things real personally.  People like you like to attack people personally when you don't agree with their opinion...but when those people retaliate and put yuh in yuh place, you begging for mercy and crying foul. 

De old people use to say that u could give, but yuh cyar take. 

Well take licks.  Now go lick your wounds.  ;)
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1186 on: July 22, 2013, 12:05:36 PM »
Also, EVERYBODY done realize that After Earth flopping.  Dude, it brought in a measly US$27 million it's opening weekend, and dropping every week since then.  And no, the World Wide receipts although 'just okay' at US$49 million, is still not enough to salvage it.

It's a FLOP plain and simple, so me eh know why you arguing for.  Did you make de people movie?  Did you invest in de movie?  Do you have a financial stake in de movie?  If you answer 'No', then hush yuh mouth.

Hey...people like alyuh just like to argue for de sake of arguing.  Yuh know yuh wrong, and yuh get real mannered and manhandled up in here. 

Anyway, lemme' go give myself up to de police for all de manhandling and abuse I dispensed on you, breda.  I need to atone for this.  ;)
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1187 on: July 22, 2013, 12:46:24 PM »
You talking a pack ah shit about Metta World Peace more valuable to the Knicks than Tyson Chandler, I tell yuh yuh talking shit, yuh bawl I "like" Tyson Chandler and start talking about jockstrap and what not.  Yuh talking shit about about After Earth and how it flop.  I respond and tell yuh check yuh numbers (which time after time yuh get wrong), now is because Will Smith is my "man."

Whatever the source of yuh homosexual fixation yuh might want to sort that out.  Either that or learn to make better arguments that actually make sense.

Bakes, you taking things real personally.  People like you like to attack people personally when you don't agree with their opinion...but when those people retaliate and put yuh in yuh place, you begging for mercy and crying foul. 

De old people use to say that u could give, but yuh cyar take. 

Well take licks.  Now go lick your wounds.  ;)

Dai's how yuh does give "licks"... by throwing homo talk at man?  You really flatter yuhself yes fella.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1188 on: July 22, 2013, 12:50:33 PM »
Also, EVERYBODY done realize that After Earth flopping.  Dude, it brought in a measly US$27 million it's opening weekend, and dropping every week since then.  And no, the World Wide receipts although 'just okay' at US$49 million, is still not enough to salvage it.

It's a FLOP plain and simple, so me eh know why you arguing for.  Did you make de people movie?  Did you invest in de movie?  Do you have a financial stake in de movie?  If you answer 'No', then hush yuh mouth.

Hey...people like alyuh just like to argue for de sake of arguing.  Yuh know yuh wrong, and yuh get real mannered and manhandled up in here. 

Anyway, lemme' go give myself up to de police for all de manhandling and abuse I dispensed on you, breda.  I need to atone for this.  ;)

The non-US "take" was actually $175 million... which added to the US $60 million reveals a "world wide" total of $235 million.  You'd realize that instead of repeating the same inaccurate shit, if yuh knew how to add and read.  That apparently isn't the case... but feel free to continue deluding yuhself into thinking that yuh actually 'manhandle' somebody in here or anywhere else.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1189 on: July 22, 2013, 12:55:00 PM »
Also, EVERYBODY done realize that After Earth flopping.  Dude, it brought in a measly US$27 million it's opening weekend, and dropping every week since then.  And no, the World Wide receipts although 'just okay' at US$49 million, is still not enough to salvage it.

It's a FLOP plain and simple, so me eh know why you arguing for.  Did you make de people movie?  Did you invest in de movie?  Do you have a financial stake in de movie?  If you answer 'No', then hush yuh mouth.

Hey...people like alyuh just like to argue for de sake of arguing.  Yuh know yuh wrong, and yuh get real mannered and manhandled up in here. 

Anyway, lemme' go give myself up to de police for all de manhandling and abuse I dispensed on you, breda.  I need to atone for this.  ;)

The non-US "take" was actually $175 million... which added to the US $60 million reveals a "world wide" total of $235 million.  You'd realize that instead of repeating the same inaccurate shit, if yuh knew how to add and read.  That apparently isn't the case... but feel free to continue deluding yuhself into thinking that yuh actually 'manhandle' somebody in here or anywhere else.

Sorry...but no.  The non-US take was not US$175 million.  Maybe 175 million YEN...lol

Btw, show your sources for that non-US figure of US$175 million to bring the total to $235 million. (But I'm sure you'll make de excuse that "you ain't want to waste time arguing" or something....lol)
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1190 on: July 22, 2013, 01:02:18 PM »
Btw....please please PLEASE don't quote the false figures provided by BoxOfficeMojo.com or something.  Because I'm sure that even you realize that the 'foreign' figures are typically 'created' and hyped by the studios to save-face.  You have more Jackulas in that business than in FIFA.   ;)
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1191 on: July 22, 2013, 03:52:04 PM »
From what I  understand form a person in the industry, marketing budgets are usually close to the actual production budgets. So good rule of thumb to get total costs is multiply production budgets x2. Then box office receipts are split with the theatres.
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1192 on: July 22, 2013, 04:03:57 PM »
From what I  understand form a person in the industry, marketing budgets are usually close to the actual production budgets. So good rule of thumb to get total costs is multiply production budgets x2. Then box office receipts are split with the theatres.

Well put right there, Marcos.   :beermug:
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1193 on: July 28, 2013, 04:56:58 PM »
Wolverine was a dud...

I won't say too much so as to not spoil it for those who want to see it... but the character wasn't enough to carry an entire movie, let alone kickstart a spinoff franchise. That won't stop them from trying, I'm sure. I get that Wolverine is supposed to be this crusty hardass on the outside, masking a troubled, vulnerable psyche on the inside, but what plays well in an ensemble cast of superheroes wears thin without the other storylines/personalities to balance it out. I kept seeing Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, crossed with Dirty Harry, crossed Xander Cage (Vin Diesel's character in "XXX"), crossed with...

The action scenes were decent enough... the fight scenes okay. Ever since Bourne Identity everyone in Hollywood seems infatuated with Krav Maga... even where it doesn't fit. This movie is set in Japan, yet despite that country's rich martial arts tradition they foist this Israeli import on the audience, while paying only lip service to budo, with a touch of kenpo thrown in for good measure. Better hand-to-hand arts such as aikido or karate would have made more sense... but that's just a pet peeve of mine. I get that Wolverine is supposed to be a good martial artist and could understand him not being trained in one of the Japanese arts... but the Japanese Yakuza?? C'mon son.

The nemeses (both of them) in the movie were kinda disappointing... I feel like someone at Marvel got lazy and decided to recycle the Destroyer from Thor, polish up his suit of armor and send him off to Nagasaki as the Silver Samurai. Overall story was just okay in my book... nothing really implausible (keeping in mind that this is a world in which a man's bones have been replaced with "Adamantine" and some chick walks around with a poisonous, prehensile tongue) but for me the movie is two hours of wasted potential. The audience response was decidedly muted when the credits began to roll... and even the now cliched epilogue at the end included a minor illogical headscratcher (which I won't divulge) that if you were really paying attention to the story would make you wonder... "what???" At least I got to ogle the always fine Famke Janssen (even if she's been reduced to rolling around bed in a negligee in this movie), along with two decent pieces of Japanese eye candy.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1194 on: July 28, 2013, 05:29:43 PM »

The action scenes were decent enough... the fight scenes okay. Ever since Bourne Identity everyone in Hollywood seems infatuated with Krav Maga...

um bourne identity used kali eskrima for most the part casino royal used krav maga
I pity the fool....

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1195 on: July 28, 2013, 07:51:59 PM »

The action scenes were decent enough... the fight scenes okay. Ever since Bourne Identity everyone in Hollywood seems infatuated with Krav Maga...

um bourne identity used kali eskrima for most the part casino royal used krav maga

You even know what yuh talking about?  I know exactly what Escrima is, and Jason Bourne hardly ever used any Escrima in his fight scenes.  All the empty-hand combat in Bourne Identity and the progeny sequels is Krav Maga.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1196 on: July 28, 2013, 08:10:45 PM »

The action scenes were decent enough... the fight scenes okay. Ever since Bourne Identity everyone in Hollywood seems infatuated with Krav Maga...

um bourne identity used kali eskrima for most the part casino royal used krav maga

You even know what yuh talking about?  I know exactly what Escrima is, and Jason Bourne hardly ever used any Escrima in his fight scenes.  All the empty-hand combat in Bourne Identity and the progeny sequels is Krav Maga.

I actually read that....researched it more like out of curiosity..............they even did a whole video feature on d "desh fight"

cant be bothered to look for the official info yuh goh hadda take ah wikipedia for now...........I know .....I know but ah sleepy

In the 2002 movie The Bourne Identity and its 2004 and 2007 sequels, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum, Matt Damon used Kali for the fight scenes, and was trained by Damon Caro and Jonathan Eusebio.[3][11] The primary fight choreographer was Jeff Imada assisted by Damon Caro and Jonathan Eusebio, all students of Dan Inosanto. The first film's director Doug Liman stated that Kali's principles of minimal effort influenced their development of Bourne's character.
I pity the fool....

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1197 on: July 28, 2013, 09:24:07 PM »
Dred... escrima is a weapons-based artform, two bamboo sticks.  There are empty-handed defensive techniques and counter strikes but it is primarily a two-stick artform.  In the scene where Bourne is encountered by two French cops, he uses the escrima defenses and counters.  That is essentially it.  Throughout the movie and in all of the subsequent sequels is primarily Krav Maga he using... I eh care what Wikipedia say... I telling yuh dat is Krav Maga... this was the film that put it on the map and Casino Royale/Quantum of Solace/Skyfall, along with the two Takens continue in fashion making it the trendy martial artform in Hollywood these days.

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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1198 on: July 28, 2013, 10:29:35 PM »
Wolverine was a dud...

I won't say too much so as to not spoil it for those who want to see it... but the character wasn't enough to carry an entire movie, let alone kickstart a spinoff franchise. That won't stop them from trying, I'm sure. I get that Wolverine is supposed to be this crusty hardass on the outside, masking a troubled, vulnerable psyche on the inside, but what plays well in an ensemble cast of superheroes wears thin without the other storylines/personalities to balance it out. I kept seeing Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, crossed with Dirty Harry, crossed Xander Cage (Vin Diesel's character in "XXX"), crossed with...

The action scenes were decent enough... the fight scenes okay. Ever since Bourne Identity everyone in Hollywood seems infatuated with Krav Maga... even where it doesn't fit. This movie is set in Japan, yet despite that country's rich martial arts tradition they foist this Israeli import on the audience, while paying only lip service to budo, with a touch of kenpo thrown in for good measure. Better hand-to-hand arts such as aikido or karate would have made more sense... but that's just a pet peeve of mine. I get that Wolverine is supposed to be a good martial artist and could understand him not being trained in one of the Japanese arts... but the Japanese Yakuza?? C'mon son.

The nemeses (both of them) in the movie were kinda disappointing... I feel like someone at Marvel got lazy and decided to recycle the Destroyer from Thor, polish up his suit of armor and send him off to Nagasaki as the Silver Samurai. Overall story was just okay in my book... nothing really implausible (keeping in mind that this is a world in which a man's bones have been replaced with "Adamantine" and some chick walks around with a poisonous, prehensile tongue) but for me the movie is two hours of wasted potential. The audience response was decidedly muted when the credits began to roll... and even the now cliched epilogue at the end included a minor illogical headscratcher (which I won't divulge) that if you were really paying attention to the story would make you wonder... "what???" At least I got to ogle the always fine Famke Janssen (even if she's been reduced to rolling around bed in a negligee in this movie), along with two decent pieces of Japanese eye candy.

Very good review, Bakes. 

I may still check it out, but ah feel I'll probably come to the same conclusion.  I was actually also doubtful of the 'Wolverine' character being able to carry an entire movie without an ensemble cast. 
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Re: Post ah movie thread
« Reply #1199 on: July 28, 2013, 10:47:44 PM »
I think in the end the character can carry an entire franchise, not just a movie... but they just flop with the story and directing.


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