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Messages - Green Beret

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Football / Re: USA to Face Argentina in New York
« on: March 29, 2008, 03:16:27 PM »
I'm guessing that it could even be worse that the spanking we put on you during the World Cup qualifiers.


What spanking?

Ay Smallie, you still hating on us???
Long time girl...

Yeah, I am. What's this? A yankee invasion?  >:(


Nah, nothing like that.
Just enjoy the old talk.
That's all.

Football / Re: USA to Face Argentina in New York
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:38:05 PM »
I'm guessing that it could even be worse that the spanking we put on you during the World Cup qualifiers.


What spanking?

Ay Smallie, you still hating on us???
Long time girl...

Becks and Posh.
They score US$250Million.

Football / Re: Maradona..Maradona..Maradona
« on: October 15, 2007, 03:45:21 PM »
Omar....me aint bashing de man.  Him good.  I say de man got talent.  He magical.  BUT him still one footed bad bad.  Das why I dont rate him as others would. 

Like Omar said, his one foot was better than many others' 2 feet....

Question to ask yourself is- How did his "one footedness" hamper him? bcuz to me, it didn't really seem to.

From Lounging with Leonson Lewis:

WN: Rohan Pirali asks “Leo I played against you in the days of Santos vs Bionic Bunch. As a player you could only play with your left foot, you virtually never used your right. As a coach for kids today, how important is it for kids to use both feet?”
LEONSON: It’s important, but not totally important. The best coaches would tell you that one good foot is better than two mediocre feet. One foot that is extraordinary is better than two normal feet. But as a coach, you still want to encourage kids to use both feet, at least to be able to make a pass, or trap, but if you have a player with a left foot like Leroy Spann, something out of the ordinary, someone with a foot like a hand, why worry about another player with two mediocre feet? I hope I have answered his question and at the same time hit him a little bit. Leave me with my friggin one foot [laughs].

That Leonson Lewis fella is a genious. Think of all the so-called great 2-footed players who cannot even wash Diego's jock-strap. It just would have been UNFAIR, for him to have both feet. Can you imagine???

Football / Re: Yorke should play in our 2010 Qualifiers...
« on: October 11, 2007, 02:33:27 PM »
Let younger players get and develop experience during the qualifiers, especially against the St. Vincents and the Grenadas, so that you are better prepared for the Panamas, Costa Ricas and the Mexicos when that time comes.

You shouldn't be putting any much expectation, dependence or requirement on Yorke because he is older and more vulnerable/prone to injury.

Develop the younger players, increase your pool of players. Let Wim do his job and develop a team that will carry you through from qualifiers to the WC.

Let yorke enjoy his retirement.

Football / Re: you know your team is ah big team when...............
« on: October 10, 2007, 03:33:39 PM »
... when the team from the little country that is only 7 miles from Venezuela, with all the "naturally gifted" players can't beat you at no level

Football / Re: The Pro League is real Shit
« on: February 12, 2007, 01:22:58 PM »
Well partner, I hear all that you saying. But all I know is that there is so much more riding on the success of that PFL league than the league itself. And anybody who think that the Soca Warriors will rise to be a consistent dominant force in CONCACAF without a thriving PFL is sadly mistaken. Not when compared to the Mexican League/Mexico and the MLS/US combination. I don’t know about the Costa Rican league, but if I am to use their international performance as an indication, I’ll have to bet that it is in good standing.

If dominance over Barbados, St. Vincent and Martinique is where its at, then you are already there, even without the PFL. But you’ve always been there. From what I read on here, the expectations I interpret from posts on here, I know the stakes are much higher.

I just don’t understand how it is, out of all those “passionate” fans residing in T&T, PFL don’t get much support.

Suffice it to say, with no strong, well-supported PFL, almost with certainty, no “consistently” strong Soca Warriors. IMHO.

Football / Re: The Pro League is real Shit
« on: February 12, 2007, 11:35:51 AM »
It is so easy to call the T&T Pro League $#!t. And from what I constantly read on here, it seems as if the league has little to no following.

So my question is this, where are all the “so called” die-hard Soca Warrior fans? The ones who live in T&T I mean. Where are the 25,000 who filled the Stadium when T&T faced Bahrain? Do they not realize that success for the Soca Warriors is intimately linked to the success of the Pro League? Does the league not need support and fanfare to get to raise its level, to motivate the players, to give them pride in their accomplishments and achievements? Do you think it invigorates Carlos, Dwight and Stern to hear a Sunderland crowd, or any crowd react to their exploits on the field? Would it not do that same for the players in the Pro League.

Ultimately, success of the Pro League will translate to success for the Soca Warriors. And the sooner the local fans realize that, the sooner you will see T&T rise through CONCACAF. Unless you are all satisfied with riding the crest of the wave when the team coincidentally does well and jumping off when it doesn’t. But that is not what being fans is about. You NEED to start supporting the Pro League because the long-term development of T&T football depends more on the Pro League than it does on 1, 2, 3 or 4 T&T players getting overseas contract.

T&T fans are more concerned about what goes on in La Liga, Serie A and the EPL than they are in their own Pro League. Ask yourself, do Spain, Italy and England need your support for success, or does the Soca Warriors? 

Football / Re: usa vs mexico
« on: February 09, 2007, 01:22:58 PM »
Check de 2nd goal....the referee should get de "play of the day" award for that assist

Ent!! The ball had hit the referee and rebound to the US. Shit goal.

Aye, Smallie, ah goal is ah goal.

Ent Maradona score one with he hand and knock England out of ah WC?

Ent Crouch wrap up Sancho locks and score one on Trini in de WC (ooops I know dat is ah sore topic).

Point is dat it count in de score line, which in turn determines de outcome of de game. USA 2, Mex 0. I will take dat anyday, you would too if it was De SOCA Warriors.

Like Andre does day, "Ah love it"

Football / Re: Goal of the Digicel Cup tournament
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:02:22 AM »
I think Glasgow's header and also his goal vs. Mart.
The one where he spin on a dime in the box, and totally pass out two defenders and the GK...slotting it to the right side of the goal.

The FK was good, probably great by our standards. However, by international standards it was routine.

When last did TT ever score directly from a FK??

We tend to suck in this area. However, there has been some improvement in the last few years.

And don't mention Hardes FK. That was due more to the GK's ineptitude than any great ability.

I am however, very happy if Daniel can continue performing like that.
Maybe one day I can say "Bend it like Daniel."  ;D ;D


Remember Jones score a freekick vs Peru b4 the world cup  ;D

doh forget Hardest free kick dis tournament

pioneertrini where yuh went boy...we thought the illumanati take yuh  ;D

after de last post yuh make about dem yuh jes disappear  :o


I have to man up and say CONGRATS. I saw the semis and finals. T&T made me eat my words. Looking forward to seeing y'all in the GC.

Football / Re: Davids in talks over move to MLS
« on: January 12, 2007, 11:30:50 AM »
I wonder if these players will enjoy living in the US?
It real different.

Mabe not, because they will have nuff competition from the NFL, NBA and MLB playaz for de 'gold diggers'.

It won't be like when they pull up at the club in London and all the women running after them. Now they have to compete with Lebron James, Terrel Owens and Derek Jeter for the babes, no matter what city they go to.

Football / Re: Beckham to MLS
« on: January 11, 2007, 11:41:27 AM »
Like my Trini peeps does say...


Football / Re: Eleven debutants in T&T Final Digicel Squad.
« on: January 05, 2007, 02:25:10 PM »
Barbados and Haiti will make MAS with that team in Trinidad.
It's fittng though, because it's Carnival time.  :rotfl:

Hush yuh stink ass!

OK! But please, let me just say this before I hush:

It will be LICKS LIKE FIRE for Trinidad!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Football / Re: Eleven debutants in T&T Final Digicel Squad.
« on: January 05, 2007, 02:11:21 PM »
Barbados and Haiti will make MAS with that team in Trinidad.
It's fittng though, because it's Carnival time.  :rotfl:

Football / Re: Arnold Dwarika should be called back.
« on: January 05, 2007, 02:09:16 PM »
Sounds like a SERIOUS case of desperation.

Football / Re: U.S. youth with Trini roots signs in Bundesliga
« on: December 28, 2006, 07:22:36 AM »
I've seen this youth play high school ball. He is really good.
Despite the Trini roots, he will remain in the US pool.
Sorry guys.

Football / Re: Germany 2006: The final ranking (Warriors 27th).
« on: July 20, 2006, 09:22:07 AM »
what is the issue? ranking? order of merit? everyone should know what it means because they do it at every world cup!!

i remember jamaica placing 21st or 24th at the 1998 world cup!! and the USA coming last..........lol

ah love it!!

I remember in 90, the only Trini or Jamaican presence were the 5 or 6 people in the stands, but the US, despite finishing LAST was in the 32. (Ah know dat is a touchy topic eh - de 90 WC)

I remember too, in 94, neither Trini or Jamaica were in the 32, but the US, albeit as HOSTS, made it to the 2nd rounds.

I remember again, in 02, the US made it to the quarters and yet again, neither Trini or Jamaica were there. I remember asking myself, 'oh dear... what can the matter be... in the WC, will Trini ever be?'

Well you answered that this time around.

Good Job. You did Concacaf proud.

Ah luv it too (to borrow yuh phrase).

Football / Re: ghana v usa
« on: June 22, 2006, 10:19:47 AM »
well I gone ..good going Ghana.. (well thanks to de ref) Trini beter watch out cause looks like Benahakker soon get call from U.S.. anyway Ghana DO NOT Have my support dey play like a bunch of hoes (bahrain) dem nuh stop throw dung themself and mi nuh support dem .
I bet yu yu anything dat refree team going home after this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Go Ghana!!

Well after today, I know I can't call you Smallie no more.

The writing was on the wall when they couldn't even beat Jamaica in NC. I should have known, but I was holding out hope. Oh well...

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 24, 2006, 07:04:44 AM »
laawd.... from de time i see this thread I expected to see Green beret in action ....
Green Beret ... like you is Captain America man.... when the US gettin bash ... like you is de last line of defence.... ;D

I never  felt US in the league wit dem teams and i expected a loss...but not 4-1 ... but as I said I not being too critical bout a friendly.... in the WC we go see.... now there they goin an get a dred cut arse... Maybe Captain America might hide under he shield round that time.. ;D ;D

Nah man. I won't hide. If the team loses all the games in Germany, yeah I will be disappointed, but I won't hide.

I see football in America as a long, arduous journey. One that I hope, will eventually reward the US football team with respect as a direct result of their performance on the field. I'ver said it before and I will say it again, I am a football fan, like everyone else on this forum. In particular, I am a fan of CONCACAF football. Naturally, I pledge my support to the US national team, but in the interest of CONCACAF, I will support any CONCACAF team when they play any other team outside of CONCACAF. I believe that the success of each individual CONCACAF team, ultimately gains respect for the region as a whole. There will be 4 CONCACAF teams in Germany and I would love to see EVERY one of them succeed and represent the region creditably, and in so doing, justify the 4 spots we got this time around.

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 23, 2006, 03:07:15 PM »
Ponnoxx, is people like you who make a strong, compelling case in favor of ABORTION. You are a waste of a sperm and an egg. You are about as good a candidate for an abortion as I have ever seen. Better your mother had given your father a blow job.

US getting 4 goals from Germany is the biggest even in your life? You are a pitiful little fool. In the grand scheme of things, Germany is SUPPOSED to beat the US.

I just wanted to get that off my chest. Now I feel better. I won't waste my time with you any further. Kaka-hole!!!  :rotfl:

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:59:37 AM »
Green Beret is a rel idiot yes. You so stupid you join the army to fight for America who doh care about you :rotfl: :devil: But here you are fighting down T&T and just FIGHTING THE LIME (you does try to be trini so you might know what that mean)...USA got schooled by Germany. A thrashing. USA just fit but as soon as a side fitter than them they will lose. And Green Beret it really int change anything for June because all the show-off allyuh doing wouldn't stop the licks allyuh going to get in that group. I proud of my country because We reach and we have nothing to lose in Germany ( only gain). USA bussing up their mouth and they will get spanked. PS USA never produce anything close to Dwight, or Latas,....when allyuh do HOLLA BACK....warmonga i never believe you so dumb nah to support the US like that...Germany thrash them fool ...And you have to be Jamaican to be talking so much crap. So what if your kids born here...who cares pal??? that int changing the price of flour....So GWAN FROM HERE AND CRY YUH PICKNEY :rotfl:

Breda-man, I juss glad you was able to get dat off yuh chess.
Yuh feel betta now?

My grandfather served in the British army during WWII. My father served in the TTDF. I am serving in de US Army. I guess that makes us a family of fools.  :rotfl:

But as my boy Andre Samuel does say:

Ah love it... bad!

Football / Re: usa crying
« on: March 23, 2006, 09:15:43 AM »
Wey Green Beret?? Green Beret, how come de U.S. eh "spank Germany arse"?  :o


dat fellah is ah moron.

Dise muh horse man, ah does low him. He have ah identity crisis nah, Trini parents but born in America. Ah feel USGal going through ah similar ting too- full-blooded American but Trini by de bone.  :-X

Look me here!!! I'm not hiding.

Smallie, I have an identity crisis? How yuh go say dat bout me Smallie?

Jefferz, I luv u too man.

USGalWarrior, BIG-UP!!!

OK, Germany gave us a second half schooling. Like I said before, we are no where near the 5th best team in the world, not even top 10. And we still have mountains to climb before we can consistently challenge the likes of Germany, Italy, Brazil and the power houses.

But, we are light years closer to those teams than T&T is.  :rotfl: (I'm not hating).

No excuses, Germany showed why they are 3 time world cup winners.

But in true American fashion, we will regroup, take out our frustration on Jamaica... :rotfl:... and get ready to the WC. We got a cut-arse yesterday, but that hasn't changed anything for June.


Football / Re: germany vs usa
« on: March 21, 2006, 12:17:49 PM »
I'm not too concerned about the outcome but we will run them hard. We only need to prove we can run with the best. Step by step, we'll get there.

Football / Re: FIFA Ranking
« on: March 16, 2006, 12:56:38 PM »
Green Beret ...DON"T BE AN ASS !!!!

First of all you may need a few more Community College classes in comprehension and understanding...

If you read my post again I was actually trying to make an objective post in support of the USA's approach and recent success..

Also I tried to somewhat validate the USA's success and not put them down like some posters like to do because they simply DO NOT LIKE THE US team (which they are entitled to)

To answer your question though..YES I do theorize a lot...I am an Engineer.

Secondly, I agree with them being ranked highly (NOT 5th...top 15 maybe)...

Now, though you are a big supporter of the US,  you have resorted to the same tactics as the ones who just hate the US regardless of how far they have progressed....but again ur entitled to your opinion..

When last I checked, West Point was comfortably beyond Community College status.

I misunderstood you, and you, me.

Big Up!

Football / Re: Mexico
« on: March 16, 2006, 11:55:07 AM »
Sure they could win... provided they don't have to play the US to do it.  :rotfl:

Football / Re: FIFA Ranking
« on: March 16, 2006, 11:22:51 AM »
Think about this:

When it comes to playing international basketball...the US theoretically should be #1.....but they're NOT.....why....other teams in the world like Argentina and Serbia/Mont play a team sport...they don't have a major talent pool or extremely talented players, yet they win and they are World Champions....Reason they win is they play a team game....team strategy and play a lot of games together...

Now apply that to football....the US has used that in the reverse.....they do NOT have a lot of naturally skilled players but they have very good team strategy and play team ball...thats why they play a very structured game and favor them very highly in the WC...they will not win the cup but they will impress....

So before your respond to what I wrote try to think out your response a bit more objectively instead of vomitting emotions on the forum..

What are you? A scientist? A physicist? A biologist? Because you talk a lot of theory.

But were you responding to me though? If you were, then:

If you go to any of the countries you mentioned and ask who is on their national basketball team, they can name the team. Ask the same in the US and nobody can tell you. They can tell you who represented the US at the last international tournament. Point is, the US does not have a national basketball team. They, naively and arrogantly, pull a bunch of NBA superstars together a few weeks before a tournament and and tell them to go out there ane represent. Hence, these other countries getting their victories.

The approach on the football field is different. There is a US national team, that has a core of sound, consistent players. I think you agreed with that.

But I'll tell you this, I won't bore you any further. I will let those players solidify my point (CONCACAF supremacy) on the field.

I don't think I was emotional when I said that we are not the 5th place team or even a top 10 team, but that we can get there in time. I don't think I was emotional when I acknowledged that it is possible we may not get out of the 1st rounds at the WC. I don't even think it's emotions that lead me to say that we'll beat any CONCACAF team. Sure, we might lose one here or there, but we will rule CONCACAF. No emotions, just fact, arrogance not-withstanding. Yankee-to-de-bone.  :rotfl:

Football / Re: FIFA Ranking
« on: March 16, 2006, 10:34:39 AM »
I'll make a bold prediction here and now. The USA will not make it to the quarter final. as a matter of fact I am not sure they will even get out their group, unless its the best 3rd place finish.

And I suppose if you're right, that will say what about the US?

Just a question, considering that France and Argentina didn't make it out of the 1st rounds last time.

Because sometimes, there is a tendency to look only at the score, or the final outcome, and disregard that those do not always tell the whole story.

I'm saying this because the US has made a strong claim for the # 1 position in CONCACAF. So if the US is eliminated in the first rounds and Mex, CR and T&T advance to the second rounds, I am certain, when we all come back across the pond, it will be business as usual when we face these teams. We will continue to make that claim for #1 in the region. And you know it too.

Nuff Respect though!

Football / Re: FIFA Ranking
« on: March 16, 2006, 07:43:35 AM »

the dutch dont have one foreigner in their team


because they a not white does not mean that they are not dutch
check the history of our country,then you know

the only player that is a foreigner and want himself to play in our squad is Kalou,and he asked himself,but it is not allowed for the time being.


Did I say foreigners??? Where did I say that???
Tell me those blacks who've always played for Holland, Gullit, Seedorf, Davids, Rikaard, Kluivert et. al, are ALL of the European/Nordic/white parentage. Tell me that!!!

Football / Re: FIFA Ranking
« on: March 16, 2006, 07:03:04 AM »
Do I think the US is the 5th best team in the world? No.
Do I even think we are the 10th best team in the world? No.
I think we are definitely in the top 15. We are definitely the best in CONCACAF.

All the aspects of our game that are criticized here on this board, are probably justified. We do not have "big name" marquee players, we do not do the most creative individual moves on the field, we do not play the most entertaining brand, yada-yada-yada.
But... we play as a team and we get results. Who would have thought, that after we were handily beaten (collected 5) in our first game in 90, that we would have made the progress we've made since then? Our players will continue to improve, our brand will improve and our status WILL improve. We have the resources, we have the population and we definitely have the PRIDE and DESIRE. One day, we will justifiably earn a top 5 ranking.

In the not too distant past, we have beaten Germany, and we have beaten Brazil. I beleive we will give Germany a run for their money on the 22nd. Watch! I beleive we can give England a run, and I beleive we can give France a run. But we will definitely continue to improve. We will put people of Trinidad parentage on the field, we will put people of German parentage, and Brazillian parentage and of course, US parentage. When that happens (not that it hasn't already), and we get the good results, we will still be criticized for using foreign player, although France and Holland have been doing it for the longest. But we are the USA and we'll continue to be criticized. No big deal though. What doesn't kill, can make you stronger. Right?

Nuff Respect.
Taking the fight... Wherever... Whenever, for the Red, the White and the Blue.
Green Beret

Football / Re: US v Jamaica sells out in 90 min
« on: March 07, 2006, 03:35:01 PM »
90 minutes??? Hav to be yardie buy out all dat ;)

I cyah see american 'soccer' fans dat tusty to buy tickets for a friendly that fast

I don't know if you've been or not, but NC is big into football (I almost wrote soccer, but I have learned my lesson). All the girl football fans at UNC alone will fill that stadium.


Wham now Smallie? Licks fuh de USA when de play against Germany! N just like Morvant man say, dis go be de first time ah backing Jamaica football team.

A-A, Smallie, yuh dey bout? Good to meet up again. Just when I log off and getting ready to go fix my MRE, you come through.

Oh, by the way, "I done tell yuh bout dat Smallie ting ah-ready yuh know."  :)

You know, you and Morvant Man seem like the type to back a mule in a horse race. Smallie, we could handle Jamaica. But we have bigger matters in the form of Germany on the 22nd. 

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