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Messages - Spursy

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Football / Re: 2022/23 Concacaf Nations League Thread
« on: October 13, 2023, 09:25:00 PM »
fellas!  :beermug: Our legends would of been proud of that performance tonite as am i. lewwe not talk about how that ref try to thief we dry dry in we own yard..  amazing game, one of the classics for sure.

Football / Re: 2022 Concacaf Nations League Thread
« on: June 14, 2022, 11:18:55 AM »
Number 18 scored, but he lost the ball every single time

Football / Re: 2022 Concacaf Nations League Thread
« on: June 14, 2022, 11:03:40 AM »
we got nine months to sort out our right wing and center forward positions

Football / Re: 2022 Concacaf Nations League Thread
« on: June 10, 2022, 10:45:49 PM »
this is the best chance we have to qualify for gold cup versus the dodgey qualification process rather than been in league A. and it's a good test for us. Would like to see more bleeding in youngsters though but its a decent balance in the squad. Its still in our hands.  :beermug: promotion may end up on goal difference. the next two games are critical.

Football / Re: 2022 Concacaf Nations League Thread
« on: June 10, 2022, 01:38:02 PM »
ahhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! We touching these MEN HOSS!!  :beermug:

General Discussion / 10 YEARS ANNIVERSARY
« on: June 04, 2022, 02:31:57 PM »
Celebrating 10 years as a member of this wonderful forum!

Thanks for having me <3

Football / Re: 2022 Concacaf Nations League Thread
« on: June 04, 2022, 12:09:12 PM »
Fellas.. It was a good game. We lorse.. but, we fought tooth and nail for a result so credit to the boys. It was a semi enjoyable game.
 We went for it in the end but came up short, maybe we could of keep a little better shape instead, left ourselves a bit open and was punished. Lots of good things though, i thought Number 18 and 19 were good. We bossed the second half, much much better than the first. I see the quality. First half, we struggled to connect passes, absolute shambles. Leston struggled to cope with the pace in the middle, he didn't have a great positioning and was bypassed many times. Number 9.. This dude made a critical mistake not clearing the ball in a dangerous area, got picked and we conceded. It was a foul on him but you can't play danger mouse in these areas.. Our CB's like David was good but he looks a bit out of shape. Referee allowed the fouls, managed the game fairly well but some tackles were wild. Those Nicas playing like Panama and Honduras, very aggressive and physical, most of them were in great shape as well. It's early days but don't see us been promoted from this group unless things change in terms of our midfield and the right back position massively exposed at times. Still the same brand of football on display, not seeing the improvements in key areas. We move on.. to the next game. Everything is still on our hands though, lets go for it. They have to play us at home.

Football / Re: 2022 Concacaf Nations League Thread
« on: June 03, 2022, 05:43:38 PM »
Sup my dudes  ;D
Going to check out the game tonite! :beermug:
This game better be good!  ::)
That Panama group is   :laugh:
I hoping these men hungry and touch them Nicas,
every time I see red white and black recently
 is like a watching Norwich, men getting packaged and
slapped up all the way back to Piarco international airport

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Honduras Games (10-Oct & 17-Nov-2019)
« on: October 10, 2019, 07:55:37 PM »
Well that’s relegation. Bye bye hex. Dennis can stay now, there is nothing left to play for. No games = no money for TTFA = GG. Bye bye DJW.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Martinique Games (6 & 9-Sept-2019)
« on: September 09, 2019, 10:32:14 PM »
Congratulations Dennis Lawrence. History will always remember the worse coach of all time.
From World Cup hero to villain.
The end is near, one things for sure, Trinidad will never forget and we will never forgive the ones that bought us to our knees and took away the joy from our football.
There is a special place in football hell awaiting.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Guyana Game (26-June-2019)
« on: June 25, 2019, 02:27:38 PM »
TT will most likely play a very good game(when it doesn't matter),and all will be forgotten,DL will retain his job and so to all others involved in bringing our football down to minnow status.
That's wishful thinking. I am telling you now.. This tnt side is not beating Guyana. We collecting at-least 3 goals tomorrow. Guyana  is a way better side than us atm. Bermuda is a better team than us. We did not belong in this Gold Cup.  If we had to qualify we wouldn't be there.

Football / Re: Fire Dennis Lawrence Thread.
« on: June 25, 2019, 02:22:11 PM »
DL, do the honorable thing and resign. It's not working out. This is rubbish football.
15 Losses, 5 wins and 5 draws. From quarter finals of GC and Hex to out in the group stages without scoring a single goal. Kiss group A and B goodbye in the Concacaf nations league and kiss the Hex goodbye. Without rankings in FIFA, all our players will remain in the rubbish league with Dennis Lawrence the failure coach that won't resign. Talk about Hero to Villain.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs USA Game (22-June-2019)
« on: June 20, 2019, 10:16:43 AM »
What you fellas thinking? 10-0? 7-0? 5-0? honestly i'll take a nice 2-0 loss. We can always blame the referee after the game. I swear if I see Nathan Lewis on the starting 11, I am switching my nationality to Guyana.

Football / Re: Fire Dennis Lawrence Thread.
« on: June 20, 2019, 10:14:35 AM »
I will sign this petition. Dennis is a national hero but his work as a coach, as a tactician is sorely lacking. Pack bags, thanks for the service(s).

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Panama Game (18-Jun-2019)
« on: June 20, 2019, 10:06:34 AM »
That was a good beating we take. Was always going to be difficult if Panama scored first and we allowed them to control the game. Players lack movement off the ball. It's clear we cant break down defenses, our only hope is to get in behind but then we have no tall players to convert headers. This team is a mess. We don't belong in this Gold Cup. I'm sorry to say this but it's true, lackluster, no rhythm. Just rubbish boring football. Dennis and his team has to go, this is bad. JA, Haiti and Guyana look light years ahead of us, USA going to drop atleast 5 on we tonite. AND, if this wasn't enough, there is no building for the future. This team is trying though and I do wish them luck, they gonna need it later today. I'll accept a 2-0 loss. This is the reality of our football.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Iran Game (15-Nov-2018)
« on: November 15, 2018, 11:51:55 AM »
Not a bad result. Good performance! A clear improvement. Iran a strong team imo

Football / Alvin "Hurricane" Jones Thread
« on: October 11, 2017, 04:35:09 PM »
Beast Mode activated ! Impressed by this young man. Welcome to the thread life Alvin <3

Something tells me he will be at a very big club very very soon.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (10-Oct-2017)
« on: October 11, 2017, 03:32:44 PM »
 I've never felt anything like this before in my life; there is no joy, satisfaction, or redemption in this win for me. This win does not erase anything, not '89, certainly not this qualifying campaign, not qualifying for the gold cup and the copa  - This win meant absolutely nothing to me.
In 89' both teams we're fighting for a spot in Italy, the USA on that faithful day had all the luck, passion, drive and determination to get a result against us and prevailed. Last night we saw a confident USA team and a tnt team finally with something to play for, this was not for the country, 89' or all the times we have been humiliated on our home soil, this was a selfish win for themselves and for revenge.

I can think of many lows of Trinidad and Tobago football, infact it maybe too many to count but last night we sank right to the bottom of the douchebag teams list. This team is never good enough to get a result when it actually matters nor is it capable of been disciplined in key moments but has the will and motivation for a game that means absolutely nothing -FIGHT tooth and nail for every single ball, every tackle, every one was focused - it seemed like our campaign had just begun and this was our first match, but it was our last, meaningless and made news as the last placed team with a vendetta, a team that gets stepped on, washed up and has nothing to play for except pride for the ones who still care to watch because it has become a comedy.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (10-Oct-2017)
« on: October 11, 2017, 03:20:34 PM »
Me eh going and lie...i real enjoy this. Couldn't get out of work so I missed it live. However especially after that flooding issue I really wanted this... given that they set up a tripod to get the pics of the piggy banking... after they declined the invitation to train elsewhere.

In my view we could have gotten 14 points from this Hex. We threw it away in so many ways.

Anyhow....let dem take dat idmc.

Sent from my SM-J710MN using Tapatalk

Dont be such a hater.

Football / Re: Dream fades as Honduras beat T&T 2-1 in W/Cup qualifier.
« on: September 02, 2017, 11:36:13 AM »
Congrats to Honduras.  #Still proud of my team. You have to admire Honduras- such a poor country with limited resources unlike us, speaks volumes about the DJW and Anton - with these guys leading the TTFA more like this to come.

Football / Re: You're down a goal....how come no Levi Garcia?
« on: March 29, 2017, 05:25:02 PM »
Levi took some knocks against Panama. The game was at a stage where it was too risky to insert Garcia - it is important to protect the young players in big clubs in a game so physical. Plaza was picked because of his high work rate and pace. No one knows what is best for the team besides the manager he knows all the details and we don't. Face it we were a bit unlucky but played well enough to deserve respect.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Mexico Game (28-Mar-2017)
« on: March 28, 2017, 07:10:47 PM »
Really proud of the guys. Karma is a hell of a thing. Molino challenge was a bit rough imo. That petty squabble broke the entire teams concentration and united the Mexicans. But all this said, they had to work really hard to get a result and I am sure this team will go from here stronger than before. The Panama game showed in the second half and Mexico work rate was  higher than ours winning the second balls.
Overall it don't feel like a loss, more like.. a gift we gave them.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Mexico Game (28-Mar-2017)
« on: March 28, 2017, 04:09:35 PM »
We can start with 2 wingers.. Cato and Garcia GL TNT

Football / Re: PLAYING NICE ?? The TnT Myth
« on: March 25, 2017, 02:35:55 PM »
 Big mag best post 2017 - before Leo it was long ball game, after Leo it was wildman no plan tactics. If we had a brand it would be a defensive one, it took us to the WC and worked well in the group stages.

I feel like alot of people on here expecting a miracle worker. Result against Panama was indeed a miracle, they don't realize to build a team at international level can take years, Dennis had weeks. Ofc there is going to be up's and downs and chances are we not going to qualify. Does this make Dennis a bad coach? Nope. It just makes him human.. cmon ppl the man isn't Jesus. Stop with the unrealistic expectations.

What is written above is exactly why DJW introduction to the last coach was super not cool. You bring in a guy who knows nothing about our football.. sheesh we don't even know much about our football, expect him to pull a rabbit out of a hat to get results. The truth is we are still looking inwards to identify our brand.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« on: March 25, 2017, 02:24:37 PM »
 Again, I don't want to compare coaching staff. They are two different types of coaches. Cummings will be back he is a strong young man not to worry. All we can do now is support the team - the staff and stay positive. Looking at the past isn't helping anything besides creating a negative vibes. I don't like the idea of some of the guys on this board going back and forth with petty squabbles - it makes us look mediocre. Team is doing their part now it's time for us to do ours and represent them in a professional way. Many many outsides look at these boards - read the craziness some of us write and rant about - it don't look good. If we continue on this path of skallywaggin the outcome is going to be herald as hooligans not patriotic fans.

This team isn't just one person, it's not only Cummings who contributed in those draws against the Mexicans and these are the players selected, available and fighting. Support them, we don't have anyone else, reserve the drama for when they start sucking. To be fair, no one expects to get a result against Mexico, its a dream to do so, a belief and if we lorse so be it but we will be going down fighting hard.

Football / Re: My ratings vs Panama 24-Mar-2017
« on: March 25, 2017, 12:53:18 PM »
ah feel even Hart want to tell C#NTro to Shut tuh F#ck UP.
Ya we need to roll him up in ah old carpet soak him with chicken gutts and ship him to wasa so they can recycle him into a manure... so something positive can grow from it.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Mexico Game (28-Mar-2017)
« on: March 25, 2017, 12:48:44 PM »
Tallest need to get his strategy right because we can't play this brand of football we played today against Mexico.. they will whip us with no mercy

Hart figured them out even without a full staff and support and limited funding and undermining..

Tallest has no excuses, he has everything at his disposal and a full team, he needs to come better than this mediocre display he had in terms of his Strategy against Panama
Did we watch the same game? The plan was Dope yo! Better teams like Haiti, Mexico and JA have tried to beat this same Panama side thinking the same thing you are and get whipped back into dimension x.. why u think they not in the hex? All dem crazy madmen tactical mindset of the critics makes me cringe - because many of them don't really know what on earth they ranting about - just mad judgmental for no reason... Mexico is a different sea fish.. ofc the approach will be different to cope with the little ratfish called chicarito

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« on: March 25, 2017, 12:19:54 PM »
A very boring and non attacking brand of football...

No offense but Tallest not close to Hart when it comes to coaching and strategy...

Levi and jones were not themselves, we were not as deadly in the box or near it, nor were we damaging as before in the opponents first third..

Outside of Molinos goal, he didn't do much, jones didn't have his usual crosses coming in from the wings and our defense had too much lapses..

Tallest and sol are defenders, our team should be defending much better

Give me a 80% Cummings any day on this team, he needs to get with an trainer and physio because he was missing from the mid..

Kenwyne played well except for that Side netting bull he pull, when he could have played it in the middle with his team mates running into the box..bad decision
I understand you want nice pretty football with an attacking mentality. Let me just express a few things here clear as daylight - we have two defensive coaches. Stephen Hart was a good coach however  he would get things mixed up from time to time.   Dennis idea of coaching exist around fitness, concentration and sticking to a game play to better manage the game in order to maintain shape based on the fitness level of the current crop of players.

Many individuals here rant and waved about the pre match game vs Barbados focusing more on the opponents rank but not thinking about how similar in style panama is to them. The bajans are strong, very physical and at time are hard to break down. Knowing this similarity and using it in a smart way to build both confidence and solidify the organisation of the defense was indeed a touch of pro-active thinking on part of the technical staff.

Let's face it, Panama is a team that will win even if they lose, the have demonstrated this in the gold cup in the last decade - tnt was not going to outscore them. This was a very tricky game for us, they are good on the counter, can possess the ball well and score goals. Panama game plan was always to hit us on the counter, absorb the early pressure then close up shop and play the physical game which the referee was allowing hence the sole yellow late on. We don't have magical players anymore - someone like latapy who can walk through a team and score or a yorke who can poach around to nick something out of nothing. Reality is the only way we can get points off the giants is to play the frustration game which was executed to perfect effect, yes it wasn't pretty but it's the result we needed.

It's also clear the players are battling like we haven't seen in a long long time. I don't like to compare coaches, Hart came into a time where the team was at an all time low and bought the team back to major contenders - got us to the hex and for this he deserves eternal respect. Dennis- have a different tactical approach, the real test of the character of this team will be vs USA in June. We have many advantages over Mexico- which is the height of our players, home soil and our backs against the wall knowing in the past we match up really well against them in difficult conditions during the gold cup in USA. Remember this is the same Mexican team who couldn't get a win vs Panama few months ago.

So far with the limited resources, stock players and a federation filled with financial issues the future looks a bit vivid. I much rather see us in the WC scraping draws and marginal wins vs going all gunho and collecting six like Honduras. I was impressed how the guys started this game, how patient they were instead of the direct plays of old, the passion and concentration to hold a lead as well as killing off the game. The substitutions came in at critical times, the coach didn't take any chances - this is something we lacked before. Also, our backline and shape was well kept by Carlos and company even our strikers came back to help. There was many off the ball movement - smart use of pacing themselves -also something missing from Hart days.

The use of KJ was much different from the past - he may not be as effective scoring in this role however we don't have anyone like him to win the ball in the middle of the park to build attacks, before we relied on the keeper and defense to link the midfield which is super risky.
Panama switch the play in the second half after realizing they cant get past Edwards - they were banking on that side but ran into a wall, mikiel held his own well, Cyrus was better off in that central position - it will be very hard for Randalf and co to take that away from him now.

Overall we found the fighting spirit and lived up to the pride of the Caribbean with this performance. And yes Panama we do respect you guys very much, please return the favor on our visit in the next round. The people of tnt will rally behind this team now because they have given us something we sorely missing - Belief.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:30:00 PM »
very absorbing game

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« on: March 24, 2017, 05:21:18 PM »
stupes this ref getting on my nerves. we are the home team ffs. edwards didnt even touch them man he call foul

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