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Messages - Coop's

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Football / Re: Like the PFL eh making progress
« on: April 12, 2005, 12:12:24 PM »
Hey guys we have to sympatise with the state football has reached in the country,football is not making any money so how could it pay money,the people that used to support football can't afford to pay to go and see football any more,we talk about sponsership,how long could someone sponser a team,any one that puts out want to get back something sometime but there is nothing to get back,the NSL has a following because it's more community based and the games are free which is what Trini's like,but it does not do football in the country any good every thing in football today is money,to have or run a good league takes money.That's why when people supporting we pay Latapy what he is asking for and we don't even have a good league in the country where are we heading.

Football / Re: Latapy Right to ask for Money
« on: April 11, 2005, 12:52:29 PM »
I have no problem with what salary any one gets,but nobody goes to see football because of the price to go and see a game,pay him yes but is we that have to pay him.   

Football / Re: latas aint comin again!!
« on: April 11, 2005, 10:38:23 AM »
I want to reitterate what i've always said in the past,T&T learn from what's happened in the past and lets move on.I have had the uppertunity to Coach at national and college levels Latapy,Nakid and Shaka as youth players,and i think these guys have grown up to be fine young men,what ever decisions they have made in their life is fine,what we have to look at here is what's in the best interest of T&T football and it seems like we are guessing.     

Football / Re: Leo Beenhakker: Look out for revamped ‘Warriors’
« on: April 11, 2005, 10:04:28 AM »
I too like what i'm hearing from Leo,but i want every one to understand if Loe don't have the support for what he wants to impliment in T&T we are wasting money and his time,i sense the professionalism in what he wants to do but do we have people and players with the discipline to support the things he wants to put in place.

Football / Re: Do we really need Nakhid as a Player?
« on: April 08, 2005, 11:03:56 AM »
This Coach is in a funny position,at the moment he has to work with what's given to him,he don't know anyone besides Nakid that's why he is inclined to go for Nakid,i agree with those who said may be is he that ask for Bsc to be his assistant Coach because Bertil has knowledge of the players.Don't expect much changes,but as i said i would go for youth and more home based.

Football / Re: Bertille St Clair refuses to be Beenhakkers deputy.
« on: April 07, 2005, 10:36:38 AM »
Any body that really knows BSc should expect that,that's the kind of person he is all for himself and Tobago,if you follow his comments and interviews is either he repeats himself or he has nothing to say,T&T has to learn when people wants to go let them go.

Football / Re: Beenhakker holds first training session on Monday
« on: April 06, 2005, 09:58:32 AM »
Aye fellas it does not matter who we bring,it's too late to make any kind of changes,this guy is brought into a difficult situation,obviously he will say he can do it he wants a job,is a lot of  things he don't know and will take some time to know,lets use this World Cup to build on for the next one,start useing the guys who will be there in 2010 in our games.   

Football / Re: We destined to Fail even with Beenhaker...... Why
« on: April 05, 2005, 01:46:21 PM »
There is a saying "if you fail to prepare,then prepare to fail",having said that why are we talking about failing, lets think positive and give the guys all the support we can,it's too late know to change anything,FIFA gives you four years to get ready.There is no one thing or person to blame for where we are it's a combination of everything,we just have to learn.

Football / Re: Is T&T rewarding indiscipline in Soccer?
« on: April 04, 2005, 08:13:58 PM »
I don't see why we can't talk still,is the same Coop's you used to know,the only difference is i'm grey and not playing football any more if they could not break mi foot in the old days they not going to do it know,i'll just settle for teaching it . 

Football / Re: Is T&T rewarding indiscipline in Soccer?
« on: April 04, 2005, 01:03:08 PM »
I'm still here fighting,i want you guys to know how much i appreciate this website,it's the only and best way for us foreign nationals for keep in touch withT&T football and each other,i'm not here to criticize any one,is just as a past member of this organization every thing seems to affect you.My life is still football and any where that i can contribute i will,it's a pity T&T football can't come out of the hole it's in. 

Football / Re: Best ever T&T club team
« on: April 04, 2005, 12:44:36 PM »
If you look at teams in T&T present or past though they were community based a lot of their players were not from those communities,all of Malvern came from the East and they were based in Woodbrook,i can call a number of players from various clubs and they were not from those areas,Maple,Colts,Paragon etc.It's just the discipline and organization that made the Defence Force what they are,they set standards,what clubs are trying to do know is what Defence Force started years ago.       

Football / Is T&T rewarding indiscipline in Soccer?
« on: April 04, 2005, 06:07:56 AM »
These guys strike,retire,told this country to hul their ass,and we are on our knees begging them to come back,giving them top positions where they can control us,are these the people suppose to set example for our youths?are we suppose to follow them?World Cup or no World Cup this pressident is what have football in this country where it is today.Stop spinning top in mud. 

General Discussion / Re: Keith Sheppard is dead !!!
« on: April 03, 2005, 05:09:21 PM »
Keith, sorry you have to go,i think is people like this football will miss,i can't believe at his age he was still playing football,it just goes to show the kind of love and dedication we had for this game,it's a face you could not miss where ever football is played.
     Good-bye Keith we will miss you.

Football / Best ever T&T club team
« on: April 03, 2005, 12:55:03 PM »
Just for discussion sake what are your thoughts.

Football / Re: Coaching
« on: April 03, 2005, 12:29:37 PM »
I'm out here in Nothern Virginia,and works with a reputable company called Soccer Academy Inc.,at the moment i'm assigned as Director of Coaching for the Norfolk Youth Soccer League.

Football / Coaching
« on: April 02, 2005, 04:42:42 PM »
I don't think Bertil should be disapointed,as a Coach you always try your best is just that sometimes your best isn't good enough,is two things that happens regularly in Soccer players are replaced and Coaches get fired,the last World Cup Brazil changed four Coaches they almost did not qualify but still went on to win in the end.We have to start facing reality,there is not one thing that works in Soccer you have to keep trying until you put your finger on what works for you.The biggest problem in T&T Soccer is our players and don't matter what Coach you bring here will have to address our players first,no Coach likes to have to deal with discipline we want to prepare players/teams,there is too much a Coach have to deal with in Soccer today that's why they command big bucks. Every Coach that has ever coached a T&T team has been through what Bertil has,is just that Bertil experience it twice i'm glad for him may it's good for his resume`,i got out when it happened to me and since them i'm coaching professionally in the US.
     I will still say our answer in Soccer lies with our Locals,these guys will give more because they want to be seen.When any team loose i blame players a Coach can't make any one do anything,if a team have inteligent players a Coach have nothimg to do.       

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