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Hmmm, when did this happen. I comment during Gold Cup Spann, Toussaint n Jan were the ones teams would notice..expected a better team but itz all good. Now it looks like all gettin trials or signed, progress is sometimes a slow process but as more men get signed it will build a better foundation for 2010. I cant say we'll be in South Africa but the only way for d team to go after d Gold Cup showin is up and small things like this is a start; so good luck to d man...bless.

Football / Re: Copa America: Brasil VS Chile
« on: July 01, 2007, 09:33:25 PM »
Welllll, i guess my words last week were right on the spot. Anderson right now not really lookin like $ well spent; not gonna go off on a whole sermon but Fergie best watch how he using the funds available to him. I'm sure no matter how rich an owner is, that a bad 17 million investment doesnt sit well. bless

Football / Re: Barcelona tidbits
« on: June 28, 2007, 10:28:01 AM »
I c this is a Barca post, but anybody take notice of the veterans Feyenoord restockin with. Gio firstly and now today they report the get Makaay from Bayern and Hofland from Wolfsburg. These moves can't be underestimated in the Dutch league where most of the teams have an average age of 23 or something (total guess ppl, i'm not no stats man). We see with guys like Rijkaard and Davids going back to Ajax at the end of they careers how much it helps the youngsters so imagine with 3 former Dutch internationals going back there how much higher than 7th they could finish this yr.
And yes...I know not much ppl care of the Dutch league or Feyenoord but thaz my team there cuz as a youth everybody was Ajax or PSV so I pick them. Lookin for all my teams to have big years so lets go Man U - EPL, Juve - Serie A, Barca - La Liga, Feyenoord - Eredivisie, Red Bulls -MLS. Any dis to any of my teams will be heavily defended  >:( . bless

Wow guys, I know everyone entitle to they own opinion...but usually i'm in the majority. Tonight i'm definitely not though...on this Anderson thing.
Firstly it hard to judge somebody after only seeing them once, but boy am I glad Scholes ent retire yet. This guy to me look NOTHING like 17 million pounds or whatever it was, wheras 1st time I saw Cristiano I could tell he had something in him to make Sir Alex spend that money. Fergie the boss always but I sure hope is not Quiroz or whaeva he name chain him on this guy. Best thing I saw of Anderson was his vision/passing, other than that Scholes hada put him under serious training. Somebody mention his runs/dribbling...unsuccessful full stop. No running off the ball whatsoeva, d only playmaker I know who don't go in search of the ball and still is a boss is Riquelme. The guy come on halftime...u hear that....HALFTIME pal, and noooo energy at all so how allyuh could say he was lively I don't know. Finally the thing i'm most concerned about for him in England is that he will be moved off the ball way too easily...them Mexican like 5 foot 6 and 120 pounds and put him off d ball like nothing...so imagine a Makalele or Mascherano up against this guy. Michael Owen same size but he dont get bully and he also have pace to make up for lack of size...I dont know how Anderson gonna do it. I hope in the months to come he prove me wrong bcuz I Man U all the way but IMHO I hope Sir Alex make him a bit part player this season and give him Carling Cup and such. Playing a man like Hargreaves in training will b good for this guy. bless

Football / Re: Would you name your child after a footballer?
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:47:44 PM »
Wow boss, tha real tough. I only 25 but I learn already 'puttin ur foot down' don't get u too far yes, especially on something like wha u dealin wid, but I wish u luck.
As for naming ur kid after a player I had tha idea for like d past 10 yrs now, my wifey american and don't know anything bout football but I said when/if jah bless me to have a son I namin him Jerren (Nixon), I just like tha name from small and also cuz I want to name a daughter Jordan so to have both J's I guess (hey, don't judge me  :( ). I think the compromise is to use d football name as a middle name and not have ur wife mad at u every time ur son walk in the room, and well u could still call him by his middle name if u prefer. bless

Well even though I admire Arsenal brand, I must say I don't feel sorry for them. They had a good run but never been until Wenger that big a deal. Tired of the same top 4 every year so now this will give teams like Totenham and Everton a whole lot of incentive to grab that spot and hopefully bring EPL on par with La Liga in terms of competitiveness top to bottom.
As a Barca fan, to be honest I not sure how I feel about this signing (yes u askin if I crazy). This though is based on the fact that for the last 5-6 years i've been giving so much talk to ppl who support Real Madrid and tellin them how the Galacticos era wouldn't necessarily bring success which was proven to b true until this last season of that era. I love Henry as much as any football fan who appreciates greatness, yet I waitin to actually c how he fit into the team and not jumpin for joy just yet. That is also based on Sheva at Chelsea last yr, because I wouldn't dare call d great Shev a shithound but we all saw with our eyes what happened last season so I implore my fellow Barca supporters not to start talkin about 'we win d title aready jed'. I honestly don't want to c too many stars comin into d team, look Chelsea learn they lesson now too, as did Real. I prefer to c solid players coming in to compliment 2 or 3 stars because granny always tell d I 'too much cook spoil d broth...or whateva'  ;)
As for the person who mention Henry went for 16 mil and Bent price is 17 mil...I am no expert but Henry is 29 and Bent is about 22 so you figure it out. I don't tink Bent worth that much but u not only payin for the fact he a proven goalscorer in the prem, u also payin for the potential to b even better in the future wheras Henry will only (u would think) b at his current level for a few more yrs and then decline, thaz my opinion anyway. Blessed

Football / Re: Get Your 2007/08 Sunderland Home Jersey
« on: June 22, 2007, 11:19:44 PM »
Well I agree with whoeva say they don't like stripe jersey (as a barca fan i does only buy away). That Away plain white gettin call for sure though, I ent bizniz about it not shippin here, must rock ah Edwards in that. Btw how u put the pictures here...about 2 weeks ago I was tryna post that same away white and couldnt do it...guess i'm too retarded.

P.S. : as an Arsenal hater I must say it will also be nice to rock ah Barca Henry this yr. Blessed

Football / Re: The race for La Liga title is on!!
« on: June 17, 2007, 02:51:36 PM »
Big up Ray errtime still man....best North American commentator. All allyuh Real men big up  urself...i'm Barca till d end but we cyar win every year and we give Real too much chance droppin points right through. So pop allyuh champiple and celebrate...I'll give allyuh a 2-3 days b4 ah start hatin, hopefully we get Henry and things go nice, plus allyuh losin Becks and Carlos so better for us. bless

Football / Re: The race for La Liga title is on!!
« on: June 17, 2007, 02:37:42 PM »
Ah blame Fifa!!! Reyessssss is a spirit!!!

Football / Re: The race for La Liga title is on!!
« on: June 17, 2007, 02:34:52 PM »
"this is heart attack football"...this commentator eh lyin. All season ah feel Real go take it from we....now look stinkin Raul come and do that. steupppppppppz

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T v United States game.
« on: June 09, 2007, 05:27:46 PM »
Well I new to in here so I don't know exactly how allyuh does talk about d team or whateva...but i agree with ponnoxx and what he say.
Anyway...I not one to focus on negatives so as for the positves i think a few players at least doing a decent job of putting themselves into position to earn a foreign contract. I watched both games and I must say Spann and Toussaint doing no harm to themselves...Stock Up like Dow Jones. I real mad that the full team not out there to represent our country but maybe the one good thing in not havin all the top players is these guys have a chance to showcase themselves and well so far these 2 taking the chance. I'm sure alot of ppl will talk about tactics and all that and 'we shoulda do this or that' but that is just my take on things. If at least those 2 players earn deals then when the whole fiasco is over next time the coach have to pick a team he might have 2 more foreign base to call upon. blessed

Football / Re: La Liga R37....Hand of God part 2.....Spoilerzzzzzz
« on: June 09, 2007, 03:19:27 PM »
Hmmmm....as a Barca fan it hurt me to c wha just went down there. It was a great advertisement for La Liga without a doubt though, especially as media real tryin to hype Premiership as the best.
Hurt to c it was it d dregs Barca give it up but for months now it look inevitable that Real will take it this yr and well u cant win every yr. Just hopin the offseason goes well and the recruitment is good. Would have been nice for all my teams to take a title this yr (I back Man U, Juve, Barca) but it is not to b (and yes AC fans i know is Serie B). Hate Real and AC with a passion but I guess I just wont b able to talk much this summer bcuz a Champions League and a La Liga title is hard to  knock.
As for Messi I say ALL HAIL to d youth...raise his game numerous times this season when Dinho and Eto'o wasnt able to. Well trini game in d 5th minute and we done ent lookin too safe but lewwe hope. Blessed

Football / Re: Foreigners want to join U-17 Warriors.
« on: June 08, 2007, 02:33:27 PM »
Only recently find this site...nice to c ah know a good bit of d men postin here...but on to d point.
I was someone who wouldnt have mind if we found good foreign players b4 Germany and d same goes for the U-17s. In the Daily News here in NY a few months back they highlight a youth who tearin up high school ball scorin goals for fun and in the article it said he originally from Laventille Trinidad. I just shake my head and say "another one we loss" bcuz i'm sure nobody home would ever hear about him. His name is Ivor Cumberbatch and he is d #1 numero uno rank high school player here and it is a good level so I know he good.


So whoever on this site know ppl should recommend him to the team to have a look at bcuz to have a highly rated youth with a trini background end up playin for US or something is a waste and he wont b a secret for too long. blessed

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