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Messages - JayTheWrecker

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Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Guadeloupe game.
« on: February 06, 2008, 09:58:20 AM »
T&T vs Guadeloupe game not even worth mentioning on the ESPNsoocernet.


i was going to say that there's also no mention of the game on any of the sports bookies sites and exchanges

it's almost as if the game doesn't exist  ???

Coop's i don't think Cappello is going to stand for any shit by any of England's so called superstars

there's only going to be one way of doing things or else it's the highway

the dropping of Beckham was a very serious statement of intent imo

Cappello could easily have given Becks 10 minutes as a sub so that he gets his precious 100th cap

instead he was ruthless and that sent a message to the rest of the team and the English public that nobody gets special treatment while he's in charge

any player that doesn't toe the line will be out on his arse

imo :)

Capello needs to respect the pro's more, rather than laying down the law too much

He won't win their respect if he's laying down the law all the time...

he needs to learn all about them and what makes them tick

what Capello also fails to realise is that a lot of the squad are seasoned businessmen, therefore they have to take vital calls at any time..so banning phones/Blackberries is out of order imo

also i know the WAGS are a bit rough, but why shouldnt they join in and come to matches? although poor Ashley might feel a bit left out

all what u said here has a part to play in why England aint doing shit in football anymore..........

why not jus have cappello open up a daycare while u at it to...........

if the guys want to be "businessmen" and study money instead of football like u saying then they shouldn't be playing, drop them an get men that serious about playing an winning and not about how they look on tv an billboards..........

players are getting babied to much now, so if they dont like how he's running his shift thay could always leave i sure he aint holding ah gun to none ah them head.

i was actually being sarcastic with my earlier post but i guess i don't do sarcasim very well

on a serious note i agree with you completely, English players have been spoilt rotten for a long time now and their degree of professionalism is shocking

having a no nonsense coach like Cappelo is the best thing that could happen to them

if he can't get them winning no one can

Capello needs to respect the pro's more, rather than laying down the law too much

He won't win their respect if he's laying down the law all the time...

he needs to learn all about them and what makes them tick

what Capello also fails to realise is that a lot of the squad are seasoned businessmen, therefore they have to take vital calls at any time..so banning phones/Blackberries is out of order imo

also i know the WAGS are a bit rough, but why shouldnt they join in and come to matches? although poor Ashley might feel a bit left out

Other Sports / Re: Super Bowl XLII -GIANTS VS PATRIOTS
« on: February 03, 2008, 05:30:49 PM »
i've had a fair sized wager on New York but with a 12.5 point start

i think New England will probably win but i don't think the Giants are going to get tanked as the spread suggests

NE havent looked too strong last couple of games imo and NY are on a roll and nothing to lose and +12.5 is an insult for me

SO COME ON YOU GIANTS!!!  :wavetowel:

Football / Re: Liverpool v SAFC: Preview Pack & Game Thread.
« on: February 02, 2008, 12:15:48 PM »
dreadful game so far

a question for the Liverpool men, do honestly think Javier Mascherano is worth his transfer fee of £18.6 million or whatever it was?  ???

Football / Re: Beckham left out of England squad
« on: January 31, 2008, 06:43:08 PM »
Beckham has taken the disapointment very well.....


February 1, 2008
Dropped David Beckham snubs charity dinner

David Beckham wasn’t the only one left disappointed last night after he was dropped from the England football squad.

Organisers and several hundred guests at a charity dinner in aid of cystic fibrosis were let down by the star when he pulled out as host at the last minute, hours after learning that he would not be included in the squad.

The Times understands that Beckham pulled out of the “Liv” event, expected to raise more than £1 million, less than two hours before it began. Organisers were given no explanation and he was replaced by Davina McCall, the television presenter.

Many of the celebrity guests, including fellow football star Peter Crouch, were left bemused by his no-show at the Dorchester in London.

Crouch, who was included in the squad, told The Times: “I’ve no idea why he’s not here. It’s the first I’ve heard of it. It’s a bit disappointing. Of course I’d have liked to see him.”

The Liverpool striker said he did not know whether the decision by the new England manager, Fabio Capello, to drop Beckham was a factor.

Emmanuel Adebayor, the Arsenal striker, said: “We have a chance to do something very good to help these people. I’m sad that Beckham is not here.”

Beckham had agreed to host the event after Thierry Henry, the Barcelona and ex-Arsenal player, dropped out. Fixture changes by the Spanish football federation had left Henry - whose daughter, Tea, 2, suffers from cystic fibrosis – stranded in Spain and Beckham was drafted in as a replacement.

He dropped out just hours after learning he would not be included in the England squad for next Wednesday’s friendly against Switzerland, where he would have earned his 100th cap.

Beckham’s camp claimed that he had been called back for preseason training by LA Galaxy, his American team, once the club knew of his omission from the England squad.Simon Olivera, his agent, said: “David asked whether he could delay and come back on Monday, but they said no, you have to come back as soon as possible.

”He needs to be back for fitness tests this afternoon, he also needs to see the kids and his wife. He is very disappointed not being able to front this, his commitment to charity is something he is incredibly proud of and when he can’t do something it’s a big disappointment. But when the club says you need to back you have to get back.”

Guests at the charity event, which was supported by Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah, whose 18-month-old son Fraser has cystic fibrosis, had paid £1,250 for their tickets. Angela Georgiou, an interior designer and Linda Ashley, a property developer, were at the front of the queue to get in.“We didn’t know about David not hosting,” Ms Georgiou said. “I was disappointed enough when Thierry dropped out because I’m a huge Barcelona fan.” Sir Elton John performed at the event, which the comedy actors Matt Lucas and David Walliams, also attended.

Guests took part in a silent auction to raise money for fighting the chronic disease. Jimmy Carr and Lucas were booked to entertain those attending the event, who included a young girl called Jessica who suffers from the disease.

Cystic Fibrosis seriously affects the lungs and digestive system and can be life-threatening. It affects more than 200 babies each year in the UK.

Henry said he hoped the Liv event would raise more than £1 million for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. He flew over to organise the event yesterday, but had to return to Spain by the afternoon. Last week he told The Sun: “I would love to have been there, but I have a great substitute.”

hate to admit it, but on current form he's the best player in the world

and if was the Glazers i would give him the pay rise asap otherwise a certain Russian might try and tempt him with an offer that would be hard to refuse

Oh please, with all due respects! Wishful thinkin on your part. Why would he leave a team like United to play with a team like Chelski? Chelski plays the most borin football for a team with all dat money. If he leaves he would live for another league not team in England.

if Abramovich offered Man Utd 200 million pounds they would sell

and if he offered Ronaldo £1 million pounds a week in wages he would sign in a heartbeat regardless of how boring he might think the football is at Chelsea

do you dispute this?

Good. Then we have established the principle that somewhere between the range of say 50,000 and 1 million there is a number that would tempt Ronaldo into signing for Chelsea

what that number is we can only speculate, but it exists, that is a fact

every player in every club in the world is for sale. It's only a question of determining how much

Football / Re: What is Liverpool real scene?
« on: January 30, 2008, 05:14:18 PM »
Rafa is certain that if Liverpool sign Mascherano for 17 million pounds, Liverpool's fortunes will turn around.....

hate to admit it, but on current form he's the best player in the world

and if was the Glazers i would give him the pay rise asap otherwise a certain Russian might try and tempt him with an offer that would be hard to refuse

Football / Re: Sunderland vs Birmingham Thread
« on: January 29, 2008, 04:03:42 PM »
it's official, Kenwyne Jones wins Barclays Man of The Match award  :beermug:

Football / Re: Sunderland vs Birmingham Thread
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:54:47 PM »

that was a massive 3 points

Football / Re: These Yahoo Matchcast People on Real Kicks Yes
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:47:43 PM »
With Dennis Wise watching from the stands, Terry McDermott assistant manager to Kevin Keegan, sits in the dugout pondering exactly what his role would be in the future, apart from shake hands with the winning manager every week

Football / Re: Paul Scholes
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:39:38 PM »
Man Utd fans will know that i'm no fan of the club  ;D

but even i can't speak highly enough of Paul Scholes

i would have loved him to have played for Chelsea

not only exemplary on the pitch but off it as well - a true model professional

Football / Re: Jermain Defoe - Rat it for SEVEN years
« on: January 29, 2008, 07:12:27 AM »
And  the beat goes on......lalallalalala same  ole story with Ashley; wait nah look at the horses these men mounting and they still going looking for more thoroughbreds!!!!!




taken from that Mirror article

Aimee, from Morden, South London, added: "We started having sex then he just rolled over and vomited on the floor all over the cream carpet, it was disgusting."

who said that the art of romance is dead?  :rotfl:

Football / Re: Newest warrior to the SocaWarriors
« on: January 29, 2008, 07:00:30 AM »
congratulations - very well done  :beermug:

Other Sports / Re: 2008 australian open
« on: January 25, 2008, 05:14:55 AM »

Other Sports / Re: 2008 australian open
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:48:46 AM »
FedExpress is in serious trouble against Djokovic  :o

as i write he's 2 sets down and its 4-4 in the third

Football / Re: carlos is "A" OK !!!
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:31:54 AM »
that's great news. Can't see Keane playing him so soon against someone like Liverpool but it's still great news nonetheless

Football / Re: FPATT visits the North Coast Academy
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:46:44 AM »

Of course, going to Maracas, I saw Uncle Sams and, in honour of our esteemed forumite of the same name, had myself some bake & shark!!   

did you put pineapple in your bake and shark?  ;D

nice work btw. Very well done  :)

Football / Re: BAHRAIN DVD! Let me hear all yuh....!
« on: January 23, 2008, 10:31:39 AM »
okay fellas, myself and truetrini have exchanged a few PM's and he's assured me that he's definetly coming over to London in 3 weeks time to see me

so let's all lay off him and give him the benefit of the doubt and we'll see what happens

Football / Re: Adebayor head-butt's Bendtner after 5-1 Defeat at Spurs
« on: January 23, 2008, 04:35:54 AM »

Arsenal boss Arsenal Wenger insisted he had not seen the incident and said: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

classic Wenger

another odds-on favourite duly landed

Football / Re: BAHRAIN DVD! Let me hear all yuh....!
« on: January 22, 2008, 08:49:28 AM »
i have already apologised to Bake N Shark for my presumption, i accept it was wrong and i shouldn't have said it

i also understand where he is coming from. This whole business is very unseemly and i honestly wish it hadn't come to this. I know that truetrini has been on this forum a very long time and he's a popular guy. Hell i liked him myself. In person he is so larger than life that you can't help but like him. So i appreciate he has many friends here who would have preferred that i had kept this off the forum. But you have to understand that this isn't an anonymous discussion board. We interact with each other in real life via Warrior Nation organised sweats, match days and the like. How do you think i met truetrini in the first place? So again i make no apologies for going public because i believe that everyone here has a right to know what went down so that they can take precautions and not end up in the same position. Yes that means i am trashing the fella's credit rating, but that is no fault of mine. We all have to take responsibility for our actions

as for this proof that truetrini is supposedly going to produce Perry Mason like when he gets back home, well having said what i have said, and truetrini being the way he is, does anyone seriously believe that truetrini would remain so quiet thus far? of course not. If i was bullshitting in any way he would have been in here like a Rotweiller chewing my arse off. I am not bullshitting and i think everyone knows it

anywhere but Liverpool  ;D

Football / Re: Trepidation
« on: January 22, 2008, 08:40:55 AM »

 To begin with (and allyuh well aware of where I stand on this) the last coach waste 18 valuable months , in fact I would venture to say our football has stepped back.

imo Jack Warner and his blacklist is responsible for this wasted period, not Wim

Other Sports / Re: GIANTS VS PACKERS.
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:24:01 AM »
i fell asleep

it was like 2.30 am over here and i think the game was tied at the time

next thing i remember is waking up on the coutch with a sore neck  ???

didn't even have the pleasure of watching my bet go down  :'(

Football / Re: BAHRAIN DVD! Let me hear all yuh....!
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:14:56 AM »
superoli, thank you for your kind words. But if you read one of my earlier posts you will see that i have assigned the debt to the WN general fund

i am making no demands, it is entirely up to TT if he wants to honour it or not. If he choses not to it is T&T football that suffers, not me

Football / Re: BAHRAIN DVD! Let me hear all yuh....!
« on: January 21, 2008, 07:02:09 AM »
Ato, i've just spent the last hour or so trawling through my PayPal records and our PM's just so that i've got my facts right

I was wrong when i said i had paid you 50 bucks. It was actually 75. According to my records on the 22 May 2006 i paid $75.00 to info@atoboldon.com

the address i gave you was a Chaguanas address because at the time you said it was very expensive to ship to England and that FedEx were quoting you a ridiculous figure of $40

anyways, on July 9 2006 you apologised for them not being sent out. Somebody let you down
August 14 you told me they finally got mailed
Nov 28 you enquired if i had received them, to which i obviously replied no
Jan 1st 2007 you asked for the address again
March 9 you enquired again if i had received them, again i said no, and again you said you would follow it up

that was our last communication....

it could be argued that i should have been more persistent like Dutty with constant reminders etc

but i shouldn't have to chase you up. Nobody should

i believe you when you say that you did in fact eventually post them. I know all about TTPost so I accept the explanation that they were lost in the post and that it was out of your control

let me be clear on something. At no time did i ever think you were trying to cheat me. After all, we're talking about a sum of money that wouldn't support you for a day :D

but you still deserve a lot of criticism, because this is slackness on your part. Not dishonesty

if you're going to sell DVD's or whatever, you have a responsibility to see that they get dispatched in a timely manner, and that any disputes or problems are also dealt with in a timely manner. Just take a look at the timescale of our communications. That is unacceptable

i know myself how much work it is to sell stuff over the net. Any garage business will tell you that you accumulate a lot of parts and equipment that are surplus to requirements. Every six months or so i would have a major clear out. That would involve listing on ebay something like 100 to 150 items at any one time. Selling the stuff and collecting the money IS EASY. The hardest part of the process BY FAR is when the auctions end and we have to package and dispatch those 100 - 150 items to locations all over the world, and do so in a timely manner. That is SERIOUS PRESSURE, but because people have paid us good money we understand that we have a responsibility to get the stuff out so we pull our collective fingers out of our bamsees and get the job done. Sometimes things don't go to plan. On several occasions we accidentally sent the wrong part or it never arrived and so on. It happens. But when it does i would rectify the situation immediately, i would never let weeks or months pass

anyways, there's no need to send me any more DVD's. Like i said above i accept that they were lost in the post and i'm sure i didn't pay for any insurance, so i promise you there's no hard feelings on my part

my final say on the matter is that if you ever do bring out a 2010 version, for the sake of your reputation, try and be a bit more professional in the dispatch department

Other Sports / Re: GIANTS VS PACKERS.
« on: January 20, 2008, 06:35:53 PM »

TD Green Bay 8)

Other Sports / Re: GIANTS VS PACKERS.
« on: January 20, 2008, 06:11:00 PM »
hmm.... very slow start by GB offence - 2 possessions and very little yards to show for it

Giants have the ball and are leading 3-0

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