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Messages - pecan

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General Discussion / Re: Coronavirus Thread.
« on: March 30, 2020, 07:03:41 PM »
Stay safe Warriors. Been a while since I visited. The lock downs in Ontario getting tighter.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs USA Game (22-June-2019)
« on: June 22, 2019, 07:37:24 PM »
Have not been on this forum in sometime and I log in and then US score. steups

whais d good pecan long time no read
Too many distractions and now is 4-0
Like T&T defence asleep

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs USA Game (22-June-2019)
« on: June 22, 2019, 06:49:00 PM »
Have not been on this forum in sometime and I log in and then US score. steups

Football / Re: America’s National Pastime: Hating Soccer
« on: June 27, 2014, 09:03:23 PM »
you cannot take anything she says seriously.

Football / Re: FIFA proposes to move WC 2022 to Canada and US...
« on: June 27, 2014, 08:10:09 PM »
Can#t find a major outlet with this news though :( But found this interesting column;

Qatar had the strongest bid for the 2022 Fifa World Cup. Here's why
Qatar does not have a rich football history. But we had compelling answers for all the doubters, and the process was fair
By Hamad bin Khalifa bin Ahmad Al Thani (Guardian UK)

Was also published in Canada's National Post yesterday.

Football / Re: FIFA proposes to move WC 2022 to Canada and US...
« on: June 27, 2014, 07:47:01 PM »
went to the Russia-Sweden match at the Pontiac Silver dome (Detroit) . very exciting , great atmosphere

All the best with this endeavour

Watched the first 4 episodes of Penny Dreadful but nothing's really happened to make me interested yet, so I've sort of drifted from it... the cast is excellent, but the story is progressing way to slow, and there's not that much happening for me to be interested :(

yeah ... made it through the first three episodes (or two  - not sure) ... may or may not go back to it.  But I have seen the preview of that awesome acting scene that VB noted. Maybe I'll catch that episode before I commit.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:48:46 AM »
I agree with your comment - the TV series is a condensation of the book; what I meant is that for me, something changed between season 2 and 3 with the latter 'missing' a component that I found appealing - the protraction comment I made was in comparison to seasons 1 and 2. I forget, was Book 3 that much longer than Books 1 or 2 (I gave my books away)? Season 3 just seemed to drag on and on. Maybe less violence and nudity to keep me engaged? :)

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: June 18, 2014, 09:31:37 AM »
Interesting comparison of the book and TV version - not sure if it has been posted as I have not been following this thread closely.

15 differences from text to TV in Game Of Thrones

Television Seasons 1 and 2 were my favourite. Season 3 lost me - too slow. Season four picked up in the final two episodes for me.

I have read books 1 through 4 and gave up after reading the first 50 pages of Book 5. That was a few years ago so my memory is somewhat suspect but I seem to recall that Seasons 1 and 2 covered off books 1 and 2. Book 3 was split between Seasons 3 and 4 so perhaps that explains why I felt it was too slow.

I am speculating that as the series gained popularity, the producers so opportunities to protract the TV story telling to get more bang for the buck.

I will have to wait on Season 5 as book 4 introduced new characters and a story line that paralleled the known characters and their adventures. If you were to follow a logical progression, going from book 3 to 5 would allow you to follow the characters you have come to know; reading book 4 was frustrating - very little on the main characters from Book 3.

Football / Re: 2013/14 UEFA Champions League Thread
« on: April 29, 2014, 01:23:23 PM »
3:0 for RM at the 33 rd min.

Last night was Maundy Thursday... Last Supper, washing of the feet and the last commandment of Jesus.

John 13:34: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Manning should try to reconcile this instruction with the rationale for stoning people.

Happy Easter.

Out of curiosity, I Googled ATLAH and the website was first on the list of the search results, followed by the Wikipedia page then the youtube page. I also found images of the sign at his church that promotes his views. Does not sound like censorship to me.

here are some quotes attributed to him:

“Obama has released the homo demons on the black man. Look out black woman. A white homo may take your man.”

President Obama is going to "use gay people to destroy the black community".

So with respect for his appeal for help, I will pray for him tonight.

General Discussion / 9 Utterly Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories
« on: April 11, 2014, 01:43:16 PM »

From Popular Mechanics

My favourite is the moon one. It even have a Youtube video proving it ..


Poisonous government snow

When two inches of snow fell in Georgia, USA it stirred a wave of scepticism as residents questioned whether it was actually real.

They took to YouTube to post videos which showed that blowtorches and lighters could not melt it. Instead it seemed to blacken, twist like plastic and refuse to melt.

But the snow wasn’t part of Government trickery. Instead it was explained by the fact that butane burns inefficiently and will slowly melt snow, blackening it from the lighter’s soot along the way.

Lizard people

According to a survey one in 25 people believe the world is run by lizard people. 12 million Americans believe it. The theory goes that cleverly disguised reptilian aliens travelled to Earth thousands of years ago to infiltrate our highest echelons of government. There are techno music-laden YouTube videos with news anchors with reptilian eyes to prove it. Only not.

To augment human eyes on films there are certain methods including speeding up, zooming in and editing clips to achieve a menacing lizard slither of an eye.

Siri predicts the apocalypse

When Apple’s personal assistant was asked “What is July 27, 2014” it didn’t say just another Sunday. Instead it said it was the chosen date for the ‘opening of the gates of Hades’. This isn’t the name of a new Apple store, this is the signal of the apocalypse. Several iPhone users reported this and naturally the usual folk reached for their tinfoil hats.

It no longer works when you ask Siri the same question but Apple developers are always slipping in quirky code and quips into the system.

So why July 27? Some believe it ties in with Chinese or Muslim Ramadan dates that have alluded to such an event. In reality Siri and Apple do not know when Doomsday will occur. Maybe when Nokia starts to outsell the iPhone, maybe.

Adam and Eve from space

This one is straight out of the Twilight Zone: Adam and Eve were extraterrestrials who travelled to Earth aboard a space ark piloted by Noah. Conspiracy theorists believe the government has been covering it up but through the Freedom of Information Act they were able to uncover documents that allegedly reveal that a flying saucer crashed into Mount Ararat in Turkey where the ark is traditionally believed to have come from.

The likelihood of Noah’s intergalactic ark is a long shot, but the idea of panspermia (the idea our planet’s original single-celled organisms have extraterrestrial origins) is still being studied.

The Moon does not exist

There are some who believe the Moon landings were fake and then there are those who believe the Moon doesn’t exist at all. Instead they claim the Moon is just a convincing hologram. Naturally there is a dodgy YouTube clip to prove this, which shows a power glitch in the Moon’s artificial electrical system.

Yes, and it’s made out of cheese and we’re all just puppets in a big virtual world.

We actually live in the 1700s

A German historian Heribert Illig claimed over 300 years of history never happened after he noticed archaeological records between 614 and 911 A.D. were scarce. He put out the belief that these were simply forged for this period of time and modern archaeologists have been covering it up.

Before you throw out your 1D calendar we can rely on good old astrology to deliver the truth. Thanks to regular cosmic events such as Halley’s comet, which has been recorded by Chinese astronomers every 76 years it can be easily dismissed.

CERN is building a star gate to awaken an Egyptian god

When the world’s top scientists get together to build a giant underground secret device that is intended to re-create the big bang, conspiracy theorists had a field day.

After a statue of a Hindu god was spotted in a photo outside the Large Hadron Collider the internet began to accuse CERN of being one big occult trying to revive Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead, through a star gate.

Despite the fact physics has yet to succeed in bringing the dead back to life, let alone mythical gods, there was no sign of Kurt Russell and you can’t have a star gate without him.

Shark spies

When tourism took a dive in Egypt as a result of shark attacks in 2010 the government could only conclude it was due to Israeli remote-controlled sharks. An Egyptian governor even admitted the theory was “not out of the question.” When divers then spotted sharks outfitted with GPS devices, it was all but confirmed they were working for the Israelis.

However, the best robotic shark today is from Jaws. The gadgets the divers saw were just GPS tracking devices for scientists to study shark behaviour. What really caused the sudden increase in attacks was Egypt admitting it dumped a bunch of sheep carcasses off the coast.

Calendar Conspiracies

In the 1980s German historian Heribert Illig noticed that there were scant archaeological records from 614 to 911 A.D. Obviously, he concluded, those 300 or so years of history simply never happened. Illig's phantom time hypothesis motions that all documents referring to that time period were forged, and that contemporary archaeologists work hard to cover up the truth. We currently live in the year 1708, and someone has been messing with our calendars.

Fortunately, we can check on alleged calendar discrepancies by looking at bygone cosmic events. Through the study of ancient astronomy, scientists can prove that phenomena such as Halley's comet have occurred at regular, predictable intervals for thousands of years. Ancient Chinese astronomers took great pains to record the exact position of Halley's comet in the sky about once every 76 years, and modern astronomical software can be used to verify their sightings. Scientists definitely would have noticed if conspiring historians had lobbed off three centuries along the way.


Even with acknowledging the Burnsian notion of "man's inhumanity to man", this contributes dangerous suppositional reasoning that's perhaps a comfort to historical oppressors, and - to put it mildly - likely taxing and vexing to history's catalogue of the oppressed. One has doubts as to the comprehensive utility of applying ceteris paribus in reconstructing the history of the world. Inverting and conflating Arawaks into Caribs and Caribs into Arawaks is somewhat deontologically challenging, not to mention invariably reductionist and problematic.

I would like to respond to this but I need to fully digest what I think you are saying  - in a few days. :beermug:

@ Asylum ... OK, I have some time now ....

So if I understand what you said (I had to use the dictionary  :) ):

Postulating this scenario is dangerous.. why?  because it "excuses" or explains or rationalizes Europeans' participation in the slave trade? and this indirectly sanctions their behaviour and diminishes the atrocities visited upon the oppressed? Therefore one should not engage in these "what if" alternatives because at best, it does not prove anything? Recall, this line of debate had its roots in a comment from ramgoat: "White people are responsible  for all the evils perpetrated on humanity"  - I was attempting to say that skin colour was accidental, and not the underlying reason for "evil". i.e. non-whites have the same propensity for evil as whites. While this comment may be vexing to the oppressed, it does not take away from the reality of human nature nor was it meant to comfort the oppressors.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Hummingbirds
« on: April 04, 2014, 06:15:42 AM »
I used to think the national bird was the hummingbird. But we have two: the Scalet Ibis (Trinidad) and the Cocrico (Tobago)

The Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus Ruber) is a species of ibis that occurs in tropical South America and Trinidad and Tobago. The largest habitat of the Scarlet Ibis is the Caroni Swamp in central Trinidad. This beautiful bird is brown when young and, its colour changes to red when it is mature. The Cocrico (Red tailed Guan or Rufus -tailed Chachalaca) is a native of Tobago and Venezuela, but is not found in Trinidad. It is the only game bird on the island of Tobago, and is referred to as the Tobago Pheasant. It is about the size of a common fowl, brownish in colour with a long tail. They go about in flocks of about six (6) and their quaint calls can be heard especially on early mornings and late evenings.

Both birds are featured on the Coat of Arms of Trinidad and Tobago, and are protected by law.

I remember back in the day when I lived in Diego Martin, a new family moved into the neighbourhood. It had a tree close by where the hummingbirds gathered by the dozens. Then the two boys from this family take out their sling shots and start to shot indiscriminately into the tree. Together, they killed over 10 birds. To this day, I wished that I had spoken up. But then again, i might have gotten beat up - they were bigger than me.


What do you think or yuh too fraid to talk?

Well I think we will see more and more of this happening around the world until most folks are too scared for their jobs to say what they truly belief about the issue of Gay marriage from a religious perspective.

The days of freedom of speech and even freedom of choice could be rapidly coming to an end.

Why are you soliciting my opinion? You have already made it clear what you think of it.

However, I will answer:

Freedom of speech has consequences. You are appointed CEO of a company that embodies a certain set of values and you actively reject those values on the side and in doing so create backlash from employees and other stakeholders? Well he better live with the consequences.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Hummingbirds
« on: April 03, 2014, 02:09:55 PM »
Since T&T is sometimes referred to as the Land of the Hummingbird and they are featured on our coat of arms, I thought this was an appropriate topic for the forum.

Reuters, By Will Dunham, WASHINGTON Thu Apr 3, 2014 2:05pm EDT

(Reuters) - For such small creatures, hummingbirds certainly have racked up an outsized list of unique claims to fame.

They are the smallest birds and the smallest warm-blooded animals on Earth. They have the fastest heart and the fastest metabolism of any vertebrate. They are the only birds that can fly backward. And scientists reported on Thursday that they also have a complicated evolutionary history.

Researchers constructed the family tree of these nectar-eating birds using genetic information from most of the world's 338 hummingbird species and their closest relatives. They said hummingbirds can be divided into nine groups, with differences in size, habitat, feeding strategy and body shape.

The common ancestor to all species in existence today lived about 22 million years ago in South America, several million years after hummingbirds were known to be flourishing in Europe, they said. Today's hummingbirds are found only in the Americas.

Read more

In the last 10 hours, I have received over 35 automated emails from the notifying me that a reply has been posted to a topic that I am watching. However, most seem to relate to replies made prior to today. Looks like they were queued and finally released today.

Anyone else experiencing the same thing?

Gay Agenda at Work?

Mozilla CEO resigns: Why anti-gay politics spelled his doom

EMMA WOOLLEY, Special to The Globe and Mail, Published Wednesday, Apr. 02 2014, 4:01 PM EDT,
Last updated Thursday, Apr. 03 2014, 3:24 PM EDT

UPDATE: Mozilla has confirmed the resignation of Brendan Eich, in a blog post from Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker that also apologized for the controversy: "We didn’t act like you’d expect Mozilla to act. We didn’t move fast enough to engage with people once the controversy started. We’re sorry. We must do better." The column below was written on Wednesday:

How much should we judge executives according to their personal beliefs? That’s the question raised by the latest Internet firestorm; this time it is over the appointment of Brendan Eich as Mozilla’s new CEO. Why? Well, in 2008, Mr. Eich donated $1,000 in support of Proposition 8, which aimed to ban non-heterosexual marriage in California.

On one level the appointment of Mr. Eich is no surprise: The inventor of JavaScript co-founded the Mozilla project in 1998, and when the foundation was established in 2003 he acted as its long-time chief technology officer. But it remains alarming. Mozilla markets itself as the leading innovator of all that is open and inclusive, and selecting someone who is anti-gay rights as its leader seems counterintuitive. In response, Mozilla issued a statement claiming its official stance is that it supports LGBT equality.

Allowing someone with these known beliefs to carry on – and be promoted higher – in leadership seems irresponsible, especially as this isn’t the first time Mr. Eich’s donation has ignited a firestorm for Mozilla. When it became public knowledge in 2012, there was a similar outcry but Mr. Eich stayed on and in fact, doubled-down on his beliefs. On his blog, he wrote: “I’m not going to discuss Prop 8 here or on Twitter. There is no point in talking with the people who are baiting, ranting and hurling four-letter abuse.”

Throughout the post, Mr. Eich justifies his beliefs under the banner of “diversity,” which seems to mean being able to hold whatever anti-gay beliefs one has as long as they don’t hurt anyone. (Unless of course you’re just giving money to the anti-gay folks on the frontlines. That’s just fine.)

Along with bemoaning the people being mean to him on the Internet, he says: “…the donation does not in itself constitute evidence of animosity. Those asserting this are not providing a reasoned argument, rather they are labeling dissenters to cast them out of polite society.”

It seems that a polite society – at least in Mr. Eich’s view – is one where a person can actively support an anti-gay initiative and not have to answer to the people whose lives are impacted by its actions. By financially supporting a cause that said I do not view these people as deserving of all the same rights I have, and acting appalled when people were vocally upset about it, Mr. Eich was not taking responsibility for anything.

In a new post, Mr. Eich assures readers that he will uphold Mozilla’s community guidelines and “work with LGBT communities and allies to listen and learn what does and doesn’t make Mozilla supportive and welcoming.” He makes no attempt to clarify his beliefs or why he donated, but points to Mozilla’s initiatives and asks us to trust him through “show, not tell.”

He tried again to convince Mozilla supporters that his beliefs don’t matter in yesterday’s interview with CNet, saying: “Beliefs that are protected, that include political and religious speech, are generally not something that can be held against even a CEO. I understand there are people who disagree with me on this one.”

Well, people might have been willing to let this particular belief slide if it wasn’t for the whole actively-trying-to-diminish-gay-rights-on-the-side thing. That’s something people are going to rightfully ask questions about.

Financially supporting bigoted ballot propositions aside, it’s easy to talk about separating beliefs and work when those beliefs are ideological – as it tends to be on the anti side of gay marriage debate. On the other side, those beliefs become oppressive forces that directly impact the lives of already marginalized people.

As a result, people think Mr. Eich can’t be trusted. Mozilla employees are publicly asking him to resign, and other businesses have joined the cause by targeting Mozilla products. OKCupid asked Firefox users to consider using a different browser, and the founders of Rarebit announced that they were boycotting the Firefox marketplace.

In fact, it’s their story that really highlights just how personal these issues are. “Being a binational gay couple, up until this summer when the Supreme Court overturned Proposition 8, Michael was here on a temporary visa, tied to his job,” wrote co-founder Hampton Catlin. “Luckily, he loved working there, but we were not able to do anything on our own. If you leave your job, you lose your visa. So, due to Prop 8, Michael was unable to co-found a business with me.”

Good leaders embody the values of their organizations – they don’t just pick and choose between equality and an open web. If Mozilla truly wants to be seen as a fair and progressive foundation, it should reconsider who they place at the helm.


Even with acknowledging the Burnsian notion of "man's inhumanity to man", this contributes dangerous suppositional reasoning that's perhaps a comfort to historical oppressors, and - to put it mildly - likely taxing and vexing to history's catalogue of the oppressed. One has doubts as to the comprehensive utility of applying ceteris paribus in reconstructing the history of the world. Inverting and conflating Arawaks into Caribs and Caribs into Arawaks is somewhat deontologically challenging, not to mention invariably reductionist and problematic.

I would like to respond to this but I need to fully digest what I think you are saying  - in a few days. :beermug:

Findings on the hypothesis?

Did not see this post until it was brought to my attention yesterday.

Finding are inconclusive. Only two replies.

... what I'm suggesting is that there's room for all of these word choices and others.


I see you are trying to play clever and dumb at the same time but anyone with a brain can workout what you were saying and implying in post below so I decided to make my position crystal clear to you and to everyone else least I be falsely accused of being homophobic by the gullible ones reading your post and taking it as gospel.

Both Socapro and Congo stated that they were victims of unwanted sexual attention originally disguised as benign socialization. And I think that they both responded with the threat of violence if not violence, against the offender. And they have both made their positions clear on homosexuality.

I am curious if there are forum members who feel that they have been victimized. I have never been victimized and my views on homosexuals are liberal. Congo and Socapro have been victimized and their views are conservative, some would argue, even hateful and bigoted.

Just curious if anecdotal data supports my hypothesis. That's all.

And btw, when I was approached I did not view it as being victimized as you term it as I am not a fan of playing the victim card at every opportunity. I simply said I was not that way inclined and therefore was not interested and took myself away. Simple.
The only way I would have viewed myself as being victimized is if the perpetrator was in a position of power and insisted on making future advances even after I made my position clear that I was not interested.

So you have now migrated from an outright accusation to "anyone with a brain can workout what you were saying and implying" in my post.

I was not implying anything - I clearly stated what I stated. I was hypothesizing that there might be a link between conservative views on homosexuality (and yes, some would argue that these views are hateful and bigoted - no obfuscation implied) and unpleasant experiences (the word I used was victimized) with members of the gay community. If you chose to believe anything else than what I wrote, then that is your issue.

I have lost count of the number of times you have stated your views oh how you "have no problems with Gays". You don't think that the less gullible would be more inclined to agree with you given the plethora of homosexual related posts and threads you have made? Why would they listen my "BS" posts that I made back on March 14 when you have repeatedly made your position known in this and the other thread. If you had not resurrected my posts, it would have died quietly, with no one the wiser. But no, you had to bring it up and give it air time for those gullible readers to ingest.

Back to Bakes post which you have so far ignored -  as a PSA, I suggest you better clear up what Bakes speculated on,  less the more gullible on this forum believe that too.

OK, I done. Feel free to reply to get the last word.


Both Socapro and Congo stated that they were victims of unwanted sexual attention originally disguised as benign socialization. And I think that they both responded with the threat of violence if not violence, against the offender. And they have both made their positions clear on homosexuality.

I am curious if there are forum members who feel that they have been victimized. I have never been victimized and my views on homosexuals are liberal. Congo and Socapro have been victimized and their views are conservative, some would argue, even hateful and bigoted.

Just curious if anecdotal data supports my hypothesis. That's all.

Ah not sure that "victimized" is ah word that covers the landscape. How about "offended"? How about "angered"?

Recall in my original post, I inserted the phrase "(my words)" as it related to the use of the word "victim".

I chose the word "victim" because I felt that it described anyone who was the target of sexual harassment and/or sexual assault. And there are many proponents of the use of that word as a tool to underscore the seriousness of sexual harassment and assault.

I have to agree with Socapro as it is an overused word. Congo was physically assaulted - so he was a victim of an assault. Not necessarily an inappropriate use of the word. The words "angered" or "offended" might be more appropriate for Socapro's example.


As I already explained I am not one for threatening violence against Gays or anyone else but I am all for folks having the right to defend themselves in kind if threatened with violence.
If you were smart enough you would have worked that out and not be viewing my cheers to Congo's post about defending himself against violence as me advocating violence against Gays.
My cheers to Congo's post would have been the same if the initial person who threatened him with the violence to which he reacted was a straight person. I don't discriminate when it comes to a human's right to self-defense.

The Shadow song I posted was just to emphasize my position on "Human Rights" but you should have been able to logically work it out even if I did not post the Shadow song and so the date I posted the song should really be irrelevant to your ability to use your common sense.

Please point me to my post in which I stated that you advocate violence against gays absent of self defense? to that I will apologize if I am wrong.

You accuse me of lying. I did not.
Now you accuse me of stating that you advocate violence against gays. I did not.

What a long reply just to try to disguise the fact that I proved that you were lying!

And you don't have to apologize for your lie which suits me fine as it only confirms that you did it deliberately but at least you weren't allowed to get away with your yap yap BS! :beermug:

No disguises Socapro - I did not lie and was willing to let your accusation pass - but you insisted.

I explained the genesis of my comment and correctly concluded that your 3-mug salute condoned his response.  My operative phrase was "I think ..."

You Shadow post was done on March 22, more than a week after my post that you are now taking objection to. Not relevant to your defense of your accusation. A poor deflection at best.

But it is your prerogative to ignore my explanation and continue to insist that I am a liar.

If that makes you feel superior then all the power to you.

I only just spotted the highlighted paragraph above with an accusation from Pecan that included my name.

So Mr Pecan please bring the quote and show me where I ever said that I was a victim of unwanted sexual attention from a homo originally disguised as benign socialization and responded with the threat of violence if not violence, against the offender?!

I've never been violent or have threatened violence against a Gay person in all my life not that it may not happen in the future if I am ever put in a position where I am left with no choice in order to defend myself from physical abuse or assault.

Some of you fellas are either dangerous liars or lack English comprehension skills.  :shameonyou:

If Pecan is unable to bring the quote of me saying I was violent or threatened violence against a homo who made unwanted sexual advances then I expect an apology posted in this thread for his heterophobic lies within the next 24 hours. The clock is ticking!  :Police:

You serious? are your sensibilities so offended you have time to look for reasons for and to demand an apology?
As I said if you cannot bring the quote of me saying I reacted violently to an unwanted sexual advance from a gay person then it proves that you are a liar or have reading comprehension difficulties.
Now which is it as you seem unable to bring the quote?!  :Police:

LOL, are you backing off on the apology demand?

I said I was done with the homosexual debate, but I am being dragged back into it with a 24 warning no less.

Here is where you stated that you had been subject to unwanted sexual attentions. (I used the word “victim” to describe you as that is an appropriate word to describe the target of sexual assaults or the targets of unwanted sexual attentions)

... To question 2. yes I have been asked on a couple of occasions in the past. Once was when I went to the house of a male friend who I did not realise was gay. I of course left immediately when I realised why I was invited round to his house.
Sadly within a year of that incident he died and his family never revealed exactly what he died of but my strong suspicion based upon his sexual life style was that he died of aids.

In my post, the one to which you are objecting, I stated “I think that they both responded …. ”. I did not categorically state that you reacted with violence. And why did I say “I think”?  -  because I was left with an impression that reacting violently was viewed by you as an appropriate response. At the time, I  did not make an effort to find the quote. So, with your demand for an apology, I went looking for it.

This is what I found as the basis for my comment - your response to Congo.  You replied with three beer mugs – count ‘em, three.  That was the cue that led me to concluded that you condone putting “chrome” to somebody head. That planted the "violent response" seed and that is why I wrote "I think ...".

Steups @SocaPro.... When I confronted him about it, homeboy try to get violent with me. Say what, I went and pick up a carload, roll back for him. Put some chrome to his temple  and told him that if he even think about trying any thing like that again, I would put his head on a stick. After that homie had very little to do with me and  he became very professional.  This after threatening to penalise me academically etc. I never outed him to anyone, he continued living his life with his smokescreens and all. That is most people's position, live and let live. Just don't come around me with that nastiness.

:beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

You are correct in stating that you never explicitly stated that you responded with the threat of violence or with violence. In that I was mistaken. Nevertheless, you seem to condone the threat of violence if not violence to the tune of 3 beer mugs raised in a toast. If my conclusion is wrong, then delete that 3-beer mug post and stop accusing me of lying.

And don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology.

Your obsession with the Gay Agenda - I mean, you even made the effort go all the way back to page 4 of this 14 page thread to re-read it, your repeated insistence on how you feel about homosexuals; the  number of threads you initiate on the topic and the number of anti-gay videos you post, are bewildering.

You keep talking about not having  "... an interest in socializing with Gay work colleagues outside work ..." What does that have to do with anything unless of course you honestly think that gay socializing is all about bulling each other in the arse. Are you so insecure in your sexuality that you have to keep repeating that to yourself that homosexuality is wrong? Like a mantra?

People socialize because they have non-sexual things in common such as: work, hobbies, sports, friendship, theatre, festivals, food, parties, etc. You think that homosexuals don't do these things too, with their gay and non-gay friends? Your distorted sense of what homosexuals do in their private time is astounding.

Show me where I lied - not misspoke or misquoted or misinterpreted, but where I deliberately, knowingly  lied. In fact, I too demand an apology - from you. I want you to apologize for accusing me of making heterophobic lies because three beer mugs is not a lack of reading comprehension. But unlike you, 48 hours will suffice. Ah, what the hell, I'll give you a week. But then again, I don't expect anything from you.

steups ...

BTW, Bakes "accused" you of watching too much gay porn.  You going to demand an apology from him too? because he was obviously lying as well.

I already stated my view that I have no problem with Gays once they don't try to promote the perverted sexual act that they regularly engage in as natural and healthy to the general public. It becomes my business if it is pushed in my face at every turn and also if they try to promote the homosexual act as natural and healthy to children in our schools and against the wishes of the majority of parents.

Pushing something in my face that I find naturally disgusting is against my rights as a human being to not have to be exposed to it, its as simple as that. I have no problem once it is not pushed in my face on daily basis.

Let's examine this circular piece of logic... according to YOU, you alone determine your "rights", not a court, not a government, not an authority... you alone determine.  So you find homosexual intercourse "naturally disgusting" so by extension anybody who participates in it, or who asserts their right to... are violating your "rights." 

That piece of specious logic (being charitable here) aside, you claim that homosexual sex is being promoted in schools and being "pushed in your face."  Like FF say... whey de hell you does be hanging out?  In all my born years I never witness homosexual sex.  Nobody never push nutten in my face... not even on de internet.  Sounds like you does be watching gay porn den feel conflicted about it.

The only apology you will get from me is for the length of this post,

steups squared

Do you work within the community as an advocate for gay rights or something?

No - I consider it every person's duty to defend the rights of your fellow human beings, and to challenge prejudice and discrimination.

So you're like a missionary sent to the colonies, yet silent at home? Lehwe make a turn in Brixton nah.

Why do you think I'm silent at home? You know what they say about ASSumptions there Asylum.

There was no room nor need to assume. Let's examine the alternatives: you're being either contradictory, "hypocritical" or prevaricatory. At best, you're an ambiguous equivocator.

Lehme know when yuh reach Brixton (or Socapro's barbershop).

Asylum, you truly think that Tiresais commentary and opinions on homosexuality is ambiguous equivocation?. He has been very clear on his position vis-a-vis homosexuality. He might have been harsh with Congo but his description of the issue has been far from ambiguous. And exactly what is the equivocation part - the fact that he is vocal on homosexual discrimination but less so on what you would have liked to see on the slavery / capitalism discussion as seen from the non-British side of the debate ?

I only just spotted the highlighted paragraph above with an accusation from Pecan that included my name.

So Mr Pecan please bring the quote and show me where I ever said that I was a victim of unwanted sexual attention from a homo originally disguised as benign socialization and responded with the threat of violence if not violence, against the offender?!

I've never been violent or have threatened violence against a Gay person in all my life not that it may not happen in the future if I am ever put in a position where I am left with no choice in order to defend myself from physical abuse or assault.

Some of you fellas are either dangerous liars or lack English comprehension skills.  :shameonyou:

If Pecan is unable to bring the quote of me saying I was violent or threatened violence against a homo who made unwanted sexual advances then I expect an apology posted in this thread for his heterophobic lies within the next 24 hours. The clock is ticking!  :Police:

You serious? are your sensibilities so offended you have time to look for reasons for and to demand an apology?

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