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General Discussion / No big belly bald headed men in ARIMA ::)
« on: January 12, 2009, 04:42:04 AM »
Joel Julien jjulien@trinidadexpress.com
Monday, January 12th 2009

THERE are no big belly, bald headed men in their 50s in the whole of Arima and environs. Well at least so the police say.

The unavailability of these specific types of men was the explanation given by police yesterday as to why an identification parade involving a senior police officer accused of murder has not taken place as yet.

The officer in question, an Assistant Superintendent, is the prime suspect in the Christmas Day murder of an Arima man and the attempted murder of his family.

Dead following that incident was 24-year-old Ashley Charles of Wallerfield.

Charles's 45-year-old mother June and younger brother Mackie, 23, were also injured in the shooting.

June and Mackie were rushed to hospital along with the senior officer, who was also seriously injured after being beaten by residents.

The Christmas Day melee is said to have started after a dispute over the ownership of a piece of land in the area.

The senior officer was called into the area that day to act as a bodyguard for one of the parties in the dispute, residents claimed.

On Saturday, the senior policeman, who had been hospitalised since Christmas Day, was discharged from the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC). He is scheduled to be a part of an identification parade.

The identification parade was expected to be held at the La Horquetta Police Station.

When contacted by the Express yesterday, June Charles, one of the three shooting victims, voiced her displeasure over the entire situation.

"Like they (the police) want to let him go," Charles lamented, "is police fighting for police."

"We need to get some justice," Charles said.

Charles was shot in her stomach, while Mackie has the bullet from the shooting still lodged in his right leg. Investigations are continuing.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Lord Melody Lashes Sparrow
« on: December 18, 2008, 08:47:38 AM »
Belmont Jackass
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/zA2cSkY9PEM" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/zA2cSkY9PEM</a>
 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Biggest tune in trini, personally i think is real kicks...and that guinea pepper either write that song after eating some ah he name sake......or wa sunder real high man vibes.
i could just see him taking ah draw and writing some ah dem lyrics..lol

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/jRMTFBaBIg8" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/jRMTFBaBIg8</a>

General Discussion / Emancipation Day Thread!!
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:06:09 AM »
 Did you know that-
On August 1, 1985, Trinidad and Tobago became the first country in the world to declare a national holiday to commemorate the abolition of slavery.

What does emancipation and the day mean to you? Does it have any significance to you personally?
 To my fello trinis with an east indian background does have any meaning to you personally?

I think the Concept of freedom is relevant to us now more than ever, with the amount of wealth, prosperity and strife facing Trinidad and Tobago. We have the potential for greatness but will this potential be realized?

I welcome you to share ideas, opinions and experiences here. Keep the dotishness to a minimum!

Ah want to tap into some ah de vast knowledge here. Ah need some infor on trini maritime history. Post columbus etc..
I want to know anything about famous or semi famous trini seamen(pun intended allyuh have some fun).
Excluding the la Bordes. I have enough info on them.
 there is  captain or person named Kelshall i think would like info on him. and any one else
PLease and thnak you.

steups wey west coast when u really need him. :D.... Mods lift the ban for a day or two nah. besides it unfair weary catching up to him..lol

General Discussion / Sasha Mohammed gets ruffed up by Jerry Narace
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:04:22 PM »
This is how not to do an interview.


General Discussion / This is a joke - But do u have issues with??
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:57:11 AM »
Check out the other clips also

The lil girl being in it?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Comic Legend Dies
« on: June 23, 2008, 05:52:24 AM »
George Carlin Dead at Age 71
June 23, 2008, 2:44 AM EST
SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) -- George Carlin, the dean of counterculture comedians whose biting insights on life and language were immortalized in his "Seven Words You Can Never Say On TV" routine, died of heart failure Sunday. He was 71.

Carlin, who had a history of heart trouble, went into St. John's Medical Center in Santa Monica on Sunday afternoon complaining of chest pain and died later that evening, said his publicist, Jeff Abraham. He had performed as recently as last weekend at the Orleans Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas.

Carlin constantly pushed the envelope with his jokes, particularly with the "Seven Words" routine. When he uttered all seven at a show in Milwaukee in 1972, he was arrested for disturbing the peace.

When the words were played on a New York radio station, they resulted in a Supreme Court ruling in 1978 upholding the government's authority to sanction stations for broadcasting offensive language.

"So my name is a footnote in American legal history, which I'm perversely kind of proud of," he told The Associated Press earlier this year.

He produced 23 comedy albums, 14 HBO specials, three books, a couple of TV shows and appeared in several movies. Carlin hosted the first broadcast of "Saturday Night Live" and noted on his Web site that he was "loaded on cocaine all week long."

He won four Grammy Awards, each for best spoken comedy album, and was nominated for five Emmy awards. On Tuesday, it was announced that Carlin was being awarded the 11th annual Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.

When asked about the fallout from the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show that ended with Janet Jackson's breast-baring "wardrobe malfunction," Carlin told the AP, "What are we, surprised?"

"There's an idea that the human body is somehow evil and bad and there are parts of it that are especially evil and bad, and we should be ashamed. Fear, guilt and shame are built into the attitude toward sex and the body," he said. "It's reflected in these prohibitions and these taboos that we have."

Carlin was born May 12, 1937 and grew up in the Morningside Heights section of Manhattan, raised by a single mother. After dropping out of high school in the ninth grade, he joined the Air Force in 1954. He received three court-martials and numerous disciplinary punishments, according to his official Web site.

While in the Air Force he started working as an off-base disc jockey at a radio station in Shreveport, La., and after receiving a general discharge in 1957, took an announcing job at WEZE in Boston.

"Fired after three months for driving mobile news van to New York to buy pot," his Web site says.

From there he went on to a job on the night shift as a deejay at a radio station in Forth Worth, Texas. Carlin also worked variety of temporary jobs including a carnival organist and a marketing director for a peanut brittle.

In 1960, he left with a Texas radio buddy, Jack Burns, for Hollywood to pursue a nightclub career as comedy team Burns & Carlin. He left with $300, but his first break came just months later when the duo appeared on the Tonight Show with Jack Paar. r Carlin said he hoped to would emulate his childhood hero, Danny Kaye, the kindly, rubber-faced comedian who ruled over the decade that Carlin grew up in — the 1950s — with a clever but gentle humor reflective of its times.

Only problem was, it didn't work for him.

"I was doing superficial comedy entertaining people who didn't really care: Businessmen, people in nightclubs, conservative people. And I had been doing that for the better part of 10 years when it finally dawned on me that I was in the wrong place doing the wrong things for the wrong people," Carlin reflected recently as he prepared for his 14th HBO special, "It's Bad For Ya."

Carlin's first wife, Brenda, died in 1997. He is survived by wife Sally Wade; daughter Kelly Carlin McCall; son-in-law Bob McCall; brother Patrick Carlin; and sister-in-law Marlene Carlin.

Trinidad and Tobago History / Labour day -Trinidad and tobago
« on: June 19, 2008, 05:45:07 AM »
A Historical Timeline of The Labour Movement in Trinidad and Tobago
1897 to 2004

1897    March 1st: twenty one year old Charles Phillip forms The Working Men’s Reform Club.
1897    Port of Spain druggist, Walter Mills forms the Trinidad Working Men’s Association (TWA) to represent skilled black urban workers.
1902    Establishment of the Rate-Payers Association (R.P.A.).
1910    TWA establishes links with British Labour Party.
1916    Establishment of the East Indian Destitute League by Mohammed Orfy.
1917    End of East Indian immigration.
Strike of oil and asphalt leads to the arrest and imprisonment of five leaders under wartime defence regulations.

1919-1922    Dockworkers strike leads to nationwide labour unrest.
1921-1922    The Wood Commission visits the West Indies to make recommendations on constitutional reform in the colonies. It recommended elected members in Trinidad’s Legislative Council.

1922    The TWA Begins publication of a paper, the Labour Leader.
1923    Captain Arthur Andrew Cipriani becomes president of the TWA. The TWA agitated for the recognition of trade unions, an eight-hour workday, overtime pay, workmen’s compensation and improved working conditions, as well as for greater self- government and constitutional reform.

1925    In Trinidad’s first National Elections, Cipriani won the Port of Spain seat with an overwhelming majority. He held the seat until his death in 1945.

1932    The Trade Union Ordinance is enacted, making it possible for trade unions to be legally registered and recognized.

1934    TWA renamed the Trinidad Labour Party to indicate that it had become a political party instead of registering as a trade union.

Sugar workers stage protests and hunger march from Caroni to Port of Spain. 1934 – Formation of the National Unemployed Movement (NUM) by Jim Headly, Dudley Mahon and Elma Francois.
Formation of the socialist Negro Welfare, Cultural and Social Association (NWA).

1935    Workers at Apex Oilfields go on strike in March; this was the beginning of Butler’s emergence as a working class Leader. Butler and Adrian "Cola" Rienzi form the Trinidad Citizens League.

1936    Butler leaves the Trinidad Labour Party (TLP) to form his own party.
1937    June 18th: Oil workers at Forest Reserve under Butler’s leadership began strike action. The attempt to arrest Butler on charges of inciting breeches of the peace sparks widespread riots and unrest. Two policemen, Corporal Charlie King and Sub-Inspector Bradburn were killed in Fyzabad. Nine civilians were killed and fifty were wounded.

September – The Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) becomes the first registered trade union in Trinidad.

November – All Trinidad Sugar Estate and Factory Workers Trade Union (ATSEFWTU) is registered. Rienzi is elected president of both OWTU and ATSEFWTU. Federated Workers Trade Union (FWTU) and Seamen and Waterfront Workers Trade Union (SWWTU) registered under the 1932 Ordinance.

1937-1938    Further Disturbances among workers in British Guiana, Barbados, Grenada and Jamaica.
1938    Trade Disputes Ordinance established an arbitration tribunal to provide machinery for the settlement of disputes after collective bargaining had broke down. By the end of1938 there were ten trade unions in Trinidad, more than in any other West Indian colony.

1938-1939    West India Royal Commission by Lord Moyne investigates conditions in the colonies. It recommended more British Government effort into promoting "development and welfare" and moderate constitutional change.

1939    Establishment of the Trade Union Congress. Rienzi elected first president.
1939    Government amends 1932 Ordinance to legalize peaceful picketing and give unions immunity from actions for damages arising out of strikes.

1939-1945    World War II. Butler detained. Boom in oil industry. Establishment of US bases in Trinidad create heightened expectation among working class as many experience better personnel practices and working condition.

1945    Butler released and hailed as a hero of the working class. Death of Cipriani.
1946    First election with full adult suffrage. Butler loses to Albert Gomes in Port of Spain for a seat in the Legislative Council.

1947    JANUARY – Supporters of Butler stage a march on the Red House- rioting and unrest in Port of Spain.
1947    Sugar workers strike for higher wages.
1950    Butler party excluded from executive council as Gomes heads "quasi-ministerial" administration.

1957    Formation of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP).
1959    Establishment of the Industrial Development Corporation.
1962    Trinidad and Tobago becomes the second British West Indian colony to gain independence. Dr. Eric Williams becomes first Prime Minister.

1965    C.L.R. James forms the Workers and Farmers Party with George Weekes and Stephen Maharaj. WFP loses general election.

1970Black Power uprising led by university students and unemployed youth. Annual Register of Trade Unions reports that there are 136 trade unions in Trinidad and Tobago

June 19, the anniversary of the Butler Riots, was declared an annual national holiday and celebrated as Labour Day.
1975    800,000 man days of productive works days lost due to strike, sick-outs, go-slows and industrial action.

1984    George Weeke’s retirement severe blow to workers struggle.
1985    Act to prescribe the procedure to be followed in the event of redundancy and to provide for severance payments to retrenched workers.

1990    Contractors and General Trade Union (CGTU) wins 7% wage hike for Asphalt workers.

2004    Protesting NWRHA workers storm administration building at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mt. Hope, demanding letters for permanent workers.

General Discussion / Officer kills man who beat child to death
« on: June 16, 2008, 05:16:24 AM »
 TURLOCK, Calif. - Police killed a 27-year-old man as he kicked, punched and stomped a toddler to death despite other people's attempts to stop him on a dark, country road, authorities said.

Investigators on Sunday were trying to establish the relationship between the suspect and the child they say he killed Saturday night. The Stanislaus County coroner said the boy appeared to be between 1 and 2 years old based on his size, according to county sheriff's deputy Royjindar Singh.

"It's been a long night of wondering, 'Why?' — not only for the officers and the passers-by who stopped and tried to help out, but for anyone. Why would somebody do this?" Singh said.

Singh said the coroner does not plan to confirm the identities of the suspect and victim until Monday. Because his injuries were so severe, the child will have to be identified through a blood or DNA test, he said.

The suspect had a child's car seat in the back of his four-door pickup truck. The truck caught the attention of an elderly couple at 10:13 p.m. Saturday because it was stopped in the two-lane road facing the wrong direction, Singh said.

As they got closer, the couple saw the man brutally beating the toddler behind his truck and throwing the child on the ground, according to Singh. Two or three other cars stopped, an unusual number to be passing through the remote area surrounded by a dairy, a cow pasture, a cornfield and a farmhouse, he said.

"What we got from witnesses is he was punching, slapping, kicking, stomping, shaking," Singh said. "They tried to intervene and get involved, but their efforts really didn't have an effect. The suspect was engaged in what he was doing. He just pushed them off and went back to it."

A sheriff's helicopter responding to emergency calls from the area landed in a cow pasture at 10:19 p.m. carrying a Modesto police officer who shot the man to death after he refused an order to stop beating the child, Singh said.

Paramedics tried to resuscitate the toddler, who was not breathing when they arrived. The boy was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

No children within the dead boy's age range have been reported kidnapped or missing in Stanislaus County, Singh said.

The incident happened on Bradbury Road about 10 miles west of Turlock, a city located about halfway between Sacramento and Fresno


General Discussion / To my fello brothers in arms
« on: June 15, 2008, 05:37:10 AM »
Happy fathers day. Keep fighting that good fight for our youths sake. :beermug: :beermug:

General Discussion / Five Rivers Government Secondary 3rd place
« on: May 29, 2008, 05:15:22 AM »

World Cyber Fair.....
I learn plenty from the site.....

General Discussion / Global peace index- guess wey we rank this yr
« on: May 20, 2008, 12:47:22 PM »
we moving up but we still doing horribly.

Global peace index trini 98

By Meera Selva, The Associated Press
LONDON - Canada is among the more peaceful countries in the world, but still a ways from the top, according to the Global Peace Index released Tuesday by Britain's Economist Intelligence Unit.

The index, which ranks a number of internal and external factors, found Scandinavian countries among the most peaceful, taking the top three spots.

Canada came in at No. 11 on the list, one spot ahead of Switzerland and two ahead of Sweden, which came in 13th.

That compared with Britain at 49th spot and the United States at 97, a ranking that had it behind countries such as Kuwait, Nicaragua and Libya.

The index, now in its second year, ranks 140 countries according to their relative states of peace, based on factors such as military expenditure and respect for human rights, the homicide rate and other things.

The U.S. ranking was one place lower than last year and way below countries such as Costa Rica, Madagascar and Chile.

This year, Iceland was selected the most peaceful place, beating last year's winner Norway, which came in third. Denmark was No. 2.

Israel, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia and Iraq were at the bottom of the list.

The idea for the index came from Steve Killelea, an Australian businessman and philanthropist who wanted to identify just what creates a peaceful country.

He asked the Economist Intelligence Unit to look at a range of variables, from levels of homicides per 100,000 people - which drags down America and boosts Denmark - to corruption and access to primary education.

"The U.S. does so badly because has the highest proportion of jailed people in the world. And it has high levels of homicide and high potential for terrorist attacks," Killelea told The Associated Press. "Its overall score is a reflection of that. The index is not making any moral statements by the ranking."

Gavin Hayman, director of campaigns for Global Witness, a non-governmental organization that lobbies against corruption and human rights abuse, said the results were slightly skewed.

"The people who did this study only look at peace and the absence of war, and this approach may throw up some perverse readings," he said.

"The U.S. has done some nasty things geopolitically, and it ranks poorly because of its high military spending, but that's a little unfair as they are the ones that keep the world's waterways free, and play a role in protecting global assets," Hayman said.

Andrew Williamson, global director of client research at the Economist Intelligence Unit, said he hoped the index would be used by other researchers to look into why some countries stay more peaceful than others.

"The index is trying to measure the absence of peace. We are not looking at explanatory factors why some countries are more peaceful than others. We are inviting others to do this analysis themselves," Williamson said.

The Top 10 most peaceful countries:

1. Iceland

2. Denmark

3. Norway

4. New Zealand

5. Japan.

6. Ireland

7. Portugal

8. Finland

9. Luxembourg

10. Austria

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / I wanna F** you
« on: April 30, 2008, 08:57:05 AM »


Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Big Band ASWAD
« on: April 16, 2008, 06:38:07 AM »



Dutty leave meh alone..lol

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Big Tune
« on: April 11, 2008, 04:23:31 PM »

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Pan ramajay
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:52:24 PM »
this  is a classic of the 90' s real sweet
gregory "gb" Ballantyne and annise hadeed


Jokes / Jenny smart to bad
« on: March 06, 2008, 04:25:58 PM »
a teacher asked her studetns to use the word UNANIMOUS in a sentence, Lil jenny raised her hand and said
 mommy said U- nani -mous be washed every day!

Football / No More Concerts and Fete in National stadium
« on: March 01, 2008, 06:34:56 PM »
ah heard today that the Minister of sports and youth affairs said in de express that no more concerts etc in the stadium any one has a copy /excerpt. good news

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Calypso Journey
« on: February 27, 2008, 01:56:35 PM »
david rudder . lord superior

General Discussion / Only in trinidad-
« on: January 18, 2008, 02:24:31 PM »
This is our version of public transport for the disabled

« on: November 02, 2007, 07:58:00 AM »
Bernard Pantin's observations about the NACTA polls

For only the third time in the last thirty years, the population is
faced with three options for the future governance of Trinidad and Tobago. But unlike the previous two occasions, there is a real chance of breaking the stranglehold of ethnic based politics in this country.

The first real third party option emerged in 1981, when the fledgling
Organisation of National Reconstruction polled just under 92,000 votes
and failed to win a seat in what will be remembered for the Chambers phrase "not a damn seat for them". In that election, the ONR total represented 22% of the votes cast, in an election in which the PNM won 24 seats with 53% of the votes. The ULF gained 12 seats although winning only 15% of the vote.

Ten years later in 1991, after the phenomenal success at the polls in
1986, the incumbent NAR contested the election as the "third force", polling 24% of the vote, which at that time represented 123,000 voters.

As the NAR withered in the 1990s, Trinidad and Tobago retreated into
historical tribal voting and the country was once again limited to two

Not enough has been written of the success of the NAR government during the five year period 1986-1991. It is clear by their actions that the two main ethnic based political parties have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and a keen interest in ensuring that the country does not  give any credence to the emergence of a credible third force which is based on real unity of Trinidad and Tobago's diverse races.

There is sufficient evidence of this during the period 1988 to 1990,
when both the PNM and then Club 88 took every opportunity to villify the NAR Government. It is interesting to note that up to this day, there have been no credible allegations of corruption against the NAR Government.

Instead the other two political parties, at the time lead by Basdeo
Panday and Patrick Manning, both took every opportunity to attack the NAR Government to the point of fermenting the significant ill-will that existed around the middle of 1990 prior to the attempted coup in July 27th.

Up to this day, neither of these two men has given valid reasons for
their absence from the Parliament on that fateful evening
. Indeed there have been several suggestions, some with merit, that both or either of the two men had prior knowledge to be away from the Red House.

Even if granted the benefit of the doubt on the reasons for their
absence, there subsequent responses to the crisis facing the country were little short of treasonous

That each of these two men would go on to be Prime Minister of this
country is an indictment of our political system and the racial voting patterns which place little emphasis on issues

Once the NAR withered in the post 1991 period, the 125,000 persons who supported a "third option" retreated to the party which was closest in values.

In 1995, based on the voting patterns, 3 out of every 4 voters switched
to the UNC which increased its support from 143,000 to 240,000 votes, while the PNM gained about 30,000 votes to reach 256,000 which produced the 17-17-2 result and lead to the country's first Prime Minister of Indian descent.

Since 1995, the country has had three more General Elections in
consecutive years from 2000, yielding fairly similar outcomes in the number of votes. In these straight two-way contests the future of the country lay in the specific outcomes of just five marginal seats.

Five years from the last General Election, and sixteen years since the
last three-way contest, the country now finds itself again with an
unpredictable, but clearly real three-way contest.

The dynamics of the General Election contest has certainly changed,
although some of the traditional strategies remain.

Both of the entrenched parties have continued to attempt to portray a
"third option" as presented by the Congress of the People as impractical, even in their constant references to the "Corpse".

From the PNM perspective, Mr.Manning must be acutely aware of the
following key facts:

1. The "third party" voter has been traditional anti-PNM.

2. The number of third party voters increased from 91,000 in 1981 to 123,000 in 1991.

3. Given the continued inter mingling of society, the increased educational opportunities and a more open media environment,
the number of person looking for a third option can only increase.

4. Unlike the previous options, both led by afro-Trinidadians in Karl Hudson Philips and ANR Robisnon, the Congress of the People is led by an Indo-Trinidadian with the potential to draw some of the traditional opposition support.

Mr.Manning and the PNM are aware that this represents a potentially
potent cocktail mix.

Similar assessments are also being made on the UNC side, hence the frenzied rush to exaggerate the size of the crowds, and the push for Unity.

Mr.Panday is painfully aware that if the majority of political polls are
correct, then his political career will be at a sad and ignominous end.

The situation is therefore somewhat confusing to the general public, and further complicated by the amount of "spin" that is put out in the

The strategies might be different, but the objective the same - portray
the COP as unelectable and a pipe dream, and push the voter back to the traditional status quo.

One thing is for certain that both Mr.Manning and Mr.Panday woke up on Sunday morning wishing that the NACTA Projections were basically correct. In such an instance, Mr.Manning could proceed to his $148 million mansion and start to concoct ways of implementing his new Constitution, and Mr.Panday can retreat to his comfort zone of constant complaining and struggle without having to account to anyone.

The country has been down this road before without really knowing it,
during the week of July 27th, 1990. Instead of demonstrating true statesmanship in a time of crisis and joining with the members of the Government who were outside the Parliament, both Mr.Manning and Mr.Panday retreated into the woodwork, while Ramesh Maharaj fled to Grenada, all comfortable in knowing that they could ride the backs of their traditional support base when it was all over.

During that difficult time, Winston Dookeran emerged from the trauma of the Red House to hold his Government team together and start the rebuilding process for the country. With great humility he then stepped aside when ANR Robinson recovered. There are many who felt that if Robinson had stepped aside then, and let Dookeran lead the NAR into the 1991 General Election, the result might have been different andTrinidad and Tobago could have had its first Indian Prime Minister even earlier.

Sixteen years later Winston Dookeran's time has come, and not a moment too soon. He has assembled a team of competent young persons to lead Trinidad and Tobago into the future. His task is as much to lead with the model of integrity and morality that he so clearly demonstrates.

It was during the term of the NAR Government that the Government quietly opened up the media, paving the way for true freedom of expression in this country.

So tomorrow we have a real choice, a real option for the future. The
decision should not be based on maintaining the status quo.

Your decision should not be based on anyone else's opinion on whether the Congress of the People can win.

Your decision should be based on what you as an individual want for your country.

If you want real unity, then vote for Congress of the People.

If you want meaningful change, then vote for Congress of the People.

If everyone votes the way they feel and for the things they want, then
the only poll that will matter are the numbers when they are counted
tomorrow evening,

General Discussion / I would like to thank- Trini Your turn
« on: October 30, 2007, 04:24:49 PM »
I would like to sincerely thank all the Sw.net members who contributed to the Food drive that was held during the Family day and more recently at the  Allfours lime. The food will be sent down to Trinidad this week, where it will be handed over to Clive Pantin's organization FEEL-(Foundation for the Enhancements and Enrichment OF Life) for distribution.  Pics of the handing over ceremony will be posted on Warriornation website.


Now trinidad members is your turn to contribute to the food drive effort. Warriornation and Sw.net Members weary and PRO Dcs are coordinating efforts in trini. If you are interested in helping  this worthy cause please pm them for Location and Time where your donations can be left. Remember the true spirit of the season lies in helping those who need it the most.
trinis allyuh doh stick

I would like to especially thank Pecan, who braved the chilly weather and drove 2 plus hrs from London Ontario all d e way behind god left ear with his lovely wife to come out and lend his support to the Allfours lime. This is true support and we appreciate it.

General Discussion / Piper
« on: October 28, 2007, 08:35:41 AM »

General Discussion / Nuff Lyrics
« on: October 24, 2007, 06:07:28 PM »

Jokes / Pussy clapping
« on: October 19, 2007, 03:08:09 PM »

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