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Entertainment & Culture Discussion / ah was asking fuh this
« on: July 04, 2011, 04:47:25 AM »
ah while ah back i asked alyuh for ha song ah couldnt remeber the name too here it is found it.
BIG UP east west corridor maxi days

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/QYrocehlhjc" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/QYrocehlhjc</a>

General Discussion / Trinis need to take care of their children...
« on: February 20, 2011, 07:29:00 PM »
R.I.P lil Daniel...this shit needs to stop ...i'm tired of hearing stuff like this!!! No one wont give a shit..its carnival!!!!!

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / aswad smile
« on: January 18, 2011, 03:04:16 PM »
Can anyone find this video online?? which isnt blocked in north america

General Discussion / Caribbean Heaven/Hell
« on: January 12, 2011, 07:45:38 PM »
 Heaven is where the police are bajan,the food is guyanese,the lovers are trini Open-mouth smile,the beaches are jamacian and it is all run by a british vigin islander.
Hell is where the police are jamacian, the food is bajan, the lovers are british vigin islanders, the beaches are guyanese and it is all run by a trini.

General Discussion / Ols fashion parenting- whos your..daddy?
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:03:08 AM »

General Discussion / JumpingBeans
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:03:36 AM »
Hello everyone, i just began an event planning business in trini and this is a shameless plug. If you r on facebook go check it out and add to your likes...and pass on to your friends with kids.


Jumping Beans specializes in inflatable water parks, bounce houses, and other party inflatable rentals for kids ages 2-8 with service, safety and satisfaction in mind.

You can also spice up your kids’ parties with our cotton candy, chocolate fountain and popcorn machine rentals.
Jumping Beans can also offer add-on services for birthday parties, school fundraisers, company functions, family get-together(S) etc

Some of our additional services are:
• Face painting
• Party Bags
• Costumed Characters
• DJs and audio/visual equipment
• Catering

Our aim is to ensure that your event is a success, you and your guests have fun, without the need for you to lift a finger.
All our staff are well trained and first-aid certified, to cater to any eventuality.

You provide the kids, we provide the fun.

From de fellas who brought you  "sorrel" comes

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/HCK7Lj0P3sQ?fs=1&amp;amp;hl=en_US" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/HCK7Lj0P3sQ?fs=1&amp;amp;hl=en_US</a>

A-Level student dies from dengue
Sacha Wilson
Published: 25 Aug 2010

Andrew Siewlall
Sacha Wilson

Relatives of an A-Level student, who died from dengue haemorrhagic fever have accused the two medical institutions that treated him of negligence. Siewlall Anirudh complained that his eldest son, Andrew, 18, had to wait hours for assistance, and to be admitted at the Couva Health Facility and the San Fernando General Hospital. Andrew, a former student of Miracle Ministries Pentecostal High School, died around 8 am yesterday at the Intensive Care Unit of the San Fernando hospital. His distraught father lamented: “If they know how serious dengue is they should not have patients waiting two and three hours without being attended to. “That was negligent on their part...My son went to the Couva Health Facility helpless and had to wait hours,” Anirudh complained. “Why do we have to go through this?”

Andrew, of Orange Field Road, Carapichaima, was taken to the health facility last week Monday after complaining of pain and fever. His aunt Omatie Sadick said he was sent home with panadol after they did a blood test which came back negative for dengue. He was told to return on Thursday. But on that day, the machine broke down so they returned home. Sadick said, however, that around 11 am, Andrew fainted and the ambulance took him to the health centre. “They stay for hours...He could not move, he was unconscious and they had us waiting there,” she said. “They told us it was not a serious case and is when the boy mother start to make noise they put him on drips.”

When he was transferred to the San Fernando hospital, she said: “We reach around 4 pm. We had to sit down and he black out again. It wasn’t until 3 am (Friday) he get a bed. “He could not do anything for himself...He used to be calling his mother (Nalene) all hours of the night to help him,” she added. An emotional Anirudh said his son had not yet collected his A-Level results and was also pursuing a triple diploma in chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering at a school in Chaguanas. “He said ‘Dad, when I finish my A-Level, I want to go to UWI to do engineering,’” Anirudh said of the eldest of his four children. Andrew is the fourth person to have died from dengue in the country thus far.

SWRHA responds
Meanwhile, the South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) says preliminary reports indicated that all dengue clinical protocols were adhered to. The authority has called for a comprehensive review of the patient’s treatment history, beginning from admission to primary healthcare and hospital facilities.

One night in piarco


Module body

Thu Aug 19, 3:27 PM

By Salah Nasrawi, The Associated Press

CAIRO - A Saudi judge has asked several hospitals in the country whether they could damage a man's spinal cord as punishment after he was convicted of attacking another man with a cleaver and paralyzing him, the brother of the victim said Thursday.

Abdul-Aziz al-Mutairi, 22, was left paralyzed and subsequently lost a foot after a fight more than two years ago. He asked a judge in northwestern Tabuk province to impose an equivalent punishment on his attacker under Islamic law, his brother Khaled al-Mutairi told The Associated Press by telephone from there.

He said one of the hospitals, located in Tabuk, responded that it is possible to damage the spinal cord, but it added that the operation would have to be done at another more specialized facility. Saudi newspapers reported that a second hospital in the capital Riyadh declined, saying it could not inflict such harm.

Administrative offices of two of the hospitals and the court in Tabuk were closed for the Saudi weekend beginning Thursday and could not be reached for comment.

A copy of the medical report from the King Khaled Hospital in Tabuk province obtained by the AP said the same injury al-Mutairi suffers from can be inflicted on his attacker using a nerve stimulant, and inducing the same injuries in the same locations. The report was dated six months ago.

Saudi Arabia enforces strict Islamic law and occasionally doles out punishments based on the ancient legal code of an eye-for-an-eye. However, King Abdullah has been trying to clamp down on extremist ideology, including unauthorized clerics issuing odd religious decrees.

The query by the court, among the most unusual and extreme to have been made public in the kingdom, highlights the delicate attempt in Saudi Arabia to balance a push to modernize the country with interpretations of religious traditions that critics say are out of sync with a modern society.

The Saudi newspaper Okaz identified the judge as Saoud bin Suleiman al-Youssef.

The brother said the judge asked at least two hospitals for a medical opinion on whether surgeons could render the attacker's spinal cord nonfunctional. He and Saudi newspaper reports did not identify the attacker

Khaled al-Mutairi, 27, said the assailant was sentenced to 14 months in prison for the attack that paralyzed his younger brother, but he was released after seven months in an amnesty. He said the attacker then got a job as a school teacher .

"We are asking for our legal right under Islamic law," the brother said. "There is no better word than God's word — an eye for an eye."

A Saudi newspaper Okaz reported that a leading hospital in Riyadh — King Faisal Specialist Hospital — responded that it could not do the operation. It quoted a letter from the hospital saying "inflicting such harm is not possible," apparently refusing on ethical grounds.

Islamic law applied in Saudi Arabia allows defendants to ask for a similar punishment for harms inflicted on them. Cutting off the hands of thieves, for example, is common.

Under the law, the victim can receive a blood money to settle the case.

Khaled al-Mutairi said his family is not interested in blood money, and would be ready to send the attacker abroad to perform the operation if it were not possible in the kingdom.

Human rights group say trials in Saudi Arabia fall far below international standards. They usually take place behind closed doors and without adequate legal representation.

Those who are sentenced to death are often not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them or of the date of execution until the morning on which they are taken out and beheaded.

Crucifying the headless body in a public place is a way to set an example, according to the kingdom's strict interpretation of Islam.

Amnesty International expressed concerns over the reports and said the rights group was contacting Saudi authorities for details.

"We are very concerned and we will appeal to the authorities not to carry out such a punishment," said Lamri Chirouf, the group's researcher on Saudi Arabia. Such measures are against international conventions against torture and international standards on human rights.

Chirouf said this was the first time Amnesty had heard of a punishment involving the damaging of a spinal cord.

"But it's hard to follow details of the Saudi justice system. People are sentenced in closed trials with no access to the public and no lawyers," he said.

According to Amnesty, in 2005, a convict in the kingdom had his teeth pulled out by a dentist because he had smashed another man's teeth out in a fight.

"We have also had cases of people sentenced to blindness because they have caused the blindness of another person," Chirouf said. "But never anything involving a spinal cord."

General Discussion / Crime Stoppers calls youth statistics alarming
« on: August 04, 2010, 06:31:37 AM »
Geisha Kowlessar
4 Aug 2010

Last year some 700 children were held in connection with serious crimes, including kidnapping and possession of arms and ammunition.

This was revealed yesterday by general manager of Crime Stoppers Keith Subero during a luncheon held at Goodwill Industries, Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, by the Rotary Club of Port-of-Spain. According to Subero, statistics revealed by the police reflected the offences also included house-breaking and larceny.

For the year, Subero said, some 200 children, including students under 18, also were arrested by police for the same type of offences. Describing the statistics as “alarming” Subero called on students to use the Youth Crime Stoppers Programme to report untoward activities which may be occurring in their schools. The programme, Subero emphasised, was anonymous as there was no caller identification feature.

He also urged parents to call Crime Stoppers as children may be unwilling to call in for themselves. The Youth Crime Stoppers was introduced in schools last January and the feedback, Subero said, was “reasonably good.” He added: “Our biggest challenge is getting people to simply trust the system. People are just very distrustful. “We are going to intensify the youth programme in all schools because school violence is very real and it is frightening.”

General Discussion / Soca Princesses Facebook Fan page.
« on: June 07, 2010, 06:28:06 PM »
Guys check out this post in football.

Football / Soca Princesses Facebook Fan page.
« on: June 07, 2010, 06:16:26 PM »
Hey people whats the good. We just recently set up a soca princesses facebook page to help get some support and keep us informed on the ladies progress as the count down has begun. I know the men's world cup is all the hype now. but decided to get the site going any ways.
below is the link. please add and become a fan of the group and feel free to begin discussions etc


General Discussion / The law!!
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:41:19 AM »
Michelle Taylor, 34, was sentenced in Elko, Nev., in April to life in prison, solely for the crime of forcing a 13-year-old boy to touch her breasts, twice. The sentence was mandatory under a certain state law, but, said her lawyer, "She is getting a greater penalty ... than if she killed (the boy)." (She could be eligible for parole after 10 years.) [Elko Valley Daily Press, 4-14-10]

Taken from newsoftheweird .com

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Olivia has passed away
« on: December 22, 2009, 09:38:53 PM »
Alaina Reed Hall Dies - Olivia Robinson on "Sesame Street"

By Lynda Johnson
Dec 23, 2009    Bookmark and Share

Alaina Reed Hall has passed away.  She played Olivia Robinson on "Sesame Street" for a dozen years beginning in the mid-1970s.  Trade Magazine Variety notes Reed Hall also starred on NBC's "227" from 1985 to 1990, "playing the landlady and best friend of the show's main character."

On the show's final season, she married a character played by her real-life husband, Kevin Peter Hall, who died in 1991.

The LA Times notes that Reed Hall, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007, died Thursday at Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, citing her husband, Tamim Amini.

She is survived by her husband and two children from a previous marriage.  According to the report, no funeral service will be held. A celebration of Reed Hall's life is being planned for early next year

National Leger

Cricket Anyone / Gayle absence highlights selection flaws
« on: November 22, 2009, 07:13:44 AM »
Trinidad Express
Sunday, November 22nd 2009

CHRIS GAYLE’S emergency call last week to return to Kingston to be with his ill mother immediately threw the balance of his West Indies team out of skelter and highlighted a glaring flaw in the otherwise predictable selection of the squad of 15.

Whether he returns by Thursday in time for the first Test or not, the choice of Gayle and Adrian Barath, a 19-year-old yet to play international cricket, as the only openers is not easily explained.

It meant that, should either be eliminated - by injury, by loss of form or by unusual circumstance, as in Gayle’s case - a batsman with no experience in the position would have to be used.

Travis Dowlin, Guyana’s usual No.5 with very limited experience of going in first, was given that role against Queensland last week, as he presumably will be in Gayle doesn’t make it back to Australia.

It is not to say that Clyde Butts and his panel were unaware that Australia’s attack, even in the absence of Brett Lee, will be based around fast bowling. They surely followed the Ashes series in the summer.

Lendl Simmons is not highly recommended by his record but he is an opener by upbringing, nurtured through Under-19 and ’A’ teams to graduate to Test level which he did earlier this year. He can also keep wicket and bowl useful medium-pace in a pinch and is a brilliant fielder.

So why is he not in Australia? It’s not a question logically answered.

-Tony Cozier

General Discussion / All i want for christmas!!
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:33:11 PM »
X mas time is coming and ah decide for x mas ah not waiting to see what people giving meh.. so ah putting in meh formal requests.

Rookmin- ah ordering meh Roast fowl from now!!

I know the talk here is i doh drink...but i go make an excepetion this year...so from miss
Socachatter ah want ah lil lick-yur....from you i hear thay drink does go down smoooth  :angel:

Madam OHW Jodie ah hadda do some house work this year...ah need MEH brush.!!!

the pt ah christmas is giving ah hope you ladies give generously

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Excellent Local Animation
« on: October 14, 2009, 04:23:38 PM »

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/6JHfltlgCoU" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/6JHfltlgCoU</a>

General Discussion / Happy Republic day
« on: September 24, 2009, 07:24:01 AM »
AH just posting this to cut style on them people who hadda go out to work. To day ah moving like touches..ah in meh draws watching the U20 football. so to all who freezing and wukking  :beermug:

doh dig no hurras..
oh btw cana um.....lol it to early we go talk later... ;)

General Discussion / SOCACIZE
« on: August 13, 2009, 08:34:40 AM »
soca work out in GTA.


As a native of Trinidad and Tobago, Ayanna was interested in learning the dance styles practiced in that particular country. With a threshold of confidence, Ayanna ventured to Caribbean Folk Performers where she was exposed to indigenous Caribbean, African and Modern Contemporary dance styles. During this time she established a reputation as “Limbo Dancer Extraordinaire” which has in turn, led her to tour extensively in the USA, Virgin Islands, Asia, Canada and the Caribbean. She has also opened for Destiney’s Child with the Boom Tang Boys at the Roy Thompson Hall.

After completing the Fitness Instructor Certified Program at Canadian Fitness Profession (Can-Fit-Pro) Ayanna started “Socacize™ to promote a fun way to exercise with a combination of dance moves, weight and strength training.  She works closely with various fitness centres (Premier Fitness, Flirty Girls, etc.), corporate companies, recreation centres, schools, and dance companies.  Ayanna currently conducts these spirited and energetic classes throughout the GTA[/url]

Ayanna Lee-Rivears is a dancer, Socacize™/aerobics instructor, teacher and choreographer. She started dancing at the age of 12 with Ballet Jordan in Toronto, where she was trained in ballet, modern, and jazz.

As a native of Trinidad and Tobago, Ayanna was interested in learning the dance styles practiced in that particular country. With a threshold of confidence, Ayanna ventured to Caribbean Folk Performers where she was exposed to indigenous Caribbean, African and Modern Contemporary dance styles. During this time she established a reputation as “Limbo Dancer Extraordinaire” which has in turn, led her to tour extensively in the USA, Virgin Islands, Asia, Canada and the Caribbean. She has also opened for Destiney’s Child with the Boom Tang Boys at the Roy Thompson Hall.

After completing the Fitness Instructor Certified Program at Canadian Fitness Profession (Can-Fit-Pro) Ayanna started “Socacize™ to promote a fun way to exercise with a combination of dance moves, weight and strength training.  She works closely with various fitness centres (Premier Fitness, Flirty Girls, etc.), corporate companies, recreation centres, schools, and dance companies.  Ayanna currently conducts these spirited and energetic classes throughout the GTA


Associated Press Writer

8:25 PM EDT, August 11, 2009

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) — Videos of state workers forcing developmentally disabled residents to fight at a group home, punctuated by staff laughter and warnings of "no biting," were shown to jurors Tuesday during the trial of one of six indicted workers.

Four short cell phone videos taken night workers at Corpus Christi State School showed one resident terrified, screaming while running around a room as another resident tried to hit him. In another video, a resident was told to push another far bigger resident to instigate a fight.

"This was their form of entertainment," said Nueces County Assistant District Attorney Doug Mann.

Jesse Salazar, 25, is accused of helping instigate and failing to stop the fights in what police called a "fight club." If convicted, Salazar could face up to 10 years in prison.

Before jurors saw the videos, defense attorney Cecil Starcher told them that they showed Salazar trying to stop the fights. But the grainy images showed that when Salazar was not instigating or filming a fight, he intervened only before fighting residents fell on the ground or appeared to be hitting each other in the head, which one witness said was to avoid visible injuries.

Almost 20 videos dating back to 2007 were discovered in March when a cell phone containing the images was found at a clothing store and turned in to police. The videos shown Tuesday took place in early 2008.

"It's one of the saddest things you've ever seen," Mann told jurors, adding that fights were sometimes instigated by employees using pranks.

Amanda Morales, a facility investigator for Texas Adult Protective Services, testified that she worked in the unit on the day shift in 2008 before moving to her current job and was unaware of the fights. When watching the videos, she said "it's upsetting" and said staff should have intervened before residents had any physical contact.

Michael Pugh, a 34-year-old resident at the facility, testified that staff members wanted him to fight other residents. In one video, Pugh can be seen chasing another terrified resident as staff egg him on.

Asked if he recognized anyone from the facility in the courtroom Tuesday, Pugh pointed to and identified Salazar. Pugh said he did not remember who he fought, but said staff encouraged him to do it.

But his testimony conflicted at times. He initially said only Timothy Dixon, a defendant accused of filming the bouts, made him fight. He then said he didn't remember Salazar watching the fights, and minutes later said of Salazar, "it wasn't him all the way through, but some of it was him."

Former employees testified they were afraid of reporting the fights and that Pugh wasn't normally violent.

Vincent Johnson, who pleaded guilty last week to not intervening to stop a fight and received a suspended sentence, said talk about Pugh's deceased mother could set him off but he wasn't normally violent. Johnson said he did not report the abuse because, "I didn't want to make it seem like I was against the staff."

Another former employee, Stephanie Garza, who was charged with not intervening but offered immunity in exchange for her testimony, said the fights began shortly after she started work at the facility. She said one staff member told her, "on this unit we don't like snitches."

Garza, 22, said she saw orchestrated fights about twice a week and remembered one that left a resident with a black eye.

In one video, Salazar is seen motioning to resident David Hernandez, who Garza said weighed about 150 pounds, to sneak up behind and push fellow resident Anthony Boatman — who Garza estimated was about 240 pounds. Boatman responded by chasing Hernandez around the room and punching him several times in the chest.

Boatman backed off and then, with Salazar standing a couple feet away, Hernandez grabbed Boatman from behind. Boatman threw him to the floor and punched him several times in the face before they separated. Salazar raised Hernandez's arm in victory.

If convicted of intentionally promoting a fight that resulted in an injury to a disabled person or striking a resident, Salazar could face between two and 10 years in prison. If jurors decide Salazar's crime was one of omission for not stopping the fights, he could be sentenced to between six months and two years in jail.

I worked with person with autism and developmentally disabled and this is bloody despicable. This place in a mess.

Jokes / Sex with Bea
« on: July 29, 2009, 01:59:23 PM »
Watch till the end ...i just wander if capo will go through brave....

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/PebDCDDWVWA" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/PebDCDDWVWA</a>

General Discussion / WTF
« on: July 27, 2009, 09:06:19 PM »
I was going to hit out at all the Trinidad is hell posters and northamerica is way better place but tis story so..sad..so macabre, so void of humanity that i'll let the child rest in peace. Of late the kind or murders i been reading about in good safe Ontario and all over the haloed usa...make our gun murders look amateurish.....lord  fadda.

Police: Texas woman accused of killing newborn son ate part of his brain, chewed off toes

SAN ANTONIO - A woman charged with murdering her 3˝-week-old son used a knife and two swords to dismember the child and ate parts of his body, including his brain, before stabbing herself in the torso and slicing her own throat, police said Monday.

Otty Sanchez, 33, is charged with capital murder in the death of her infant son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez. She was recovering from her wounds at a hospital, and was being held on $1 million bail.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said the early Sunday morning attack occurred a week after the child's father moved out. Otty Sanchez's sister and her sister's two children, ages 5 and 7, were in the house, but none were harmed.

Otty Sanchez's aunt, Gloria Sanchez, said her niece had been "in and out" of a psychiatric ward, and that the hospital called several months ago looking to check up on her. She did not elaborate on the nature of her niece's health problems.

"Otty didn't mean to do that. She was not in her right mind," a sobbing Gloria Sanchez told The Associated Press on Monday by phone. She said her family was devastated.

McManus, who appeared uncomfortable as he addressed reporters, said Sanchez apparently ate the child's brain and some other body parts. She also decapitated the infant, tore off his face and chewed off three of his toes before stabbing herself.

"It's too heinous for me to describe it any further," McManus said.

McManus described the crime scene as so grisly that police officers barely spoke to each other while looking through the house. Parts of the child were missing, including pieces that Sanchez allegedly ate.

"At this particular scene you could have heard a pin drop," McManus said. "No one was speaking. It was about as sombre as it could have been."

Officers called to Sanchez's house at about 5 a.m. Sunday found her sitting on the couch screaming "I killed my baby! I killed my baby!" McManus said. They found the boy's body in a bedroom.

Police said Sanchez said the devil told her to kill her son and that she was hearing voices.

"It was a spontaneous utterance," McManus said.

Police said Sanchez did not have an attorney, and they declined to identify family members who might speak on her behalf.

No one answered the door Monday at Sanchez's one-story home, where the blinds were shut. A hopscotch pattern and red hearts were drawn on the walk leading up to the house.

Neighbor Luis Yanez, 23, said his kids went to school with one of the small children who lived at the house. He said he often saw a woman playing outside with the children but didn't know whether it was Otty.

"Why would you do that to your baby?" said Yanez, a tire technician. "It brings chills to you. They can't defend themselves."

Authorities said Sanchez and her sister took turns watching the baby Sunday morning, and that the boy was placed in Sanchez's care at about 1:30 a.m. Her sister discovered what happened about three hours later and called police.

Investigators are looking into Sanchez's mental health history to see if there was anything "significant," and whether postpartum difficulties could have played a role in the attack, McManus said.

The killing called to mind the drowning of five children by their mother in the bathtub of their Houston-area home in 2001. Attorneys for the woman, Andrea Yates, said she suffered from severe postpartum psychosis and, in a delusional state, believed Satan was inside her and was trying to save them from hell. A jury found Yates not guilty by reason of insanity in 2006.

General Discussion / Mind Blowing
« on: July 23, 2009, 03:28:38 PM »

Orgasm Blows The Mind - literally

Orgasm is literally a mind-blowing experience for a woman, scientists revealed on Monday.
Much of her brain shuts down when she reaches a sexual climax, including areas that deal with emotion.
The discovery was made during a bizarre set of experiments in the Netherlands in which couples were asked to stimulate each other while undergoing brain scans.
It seems to explode the myth that while men switch off during sex, the part of women that is most turned on is in their heads.
By looking at the brain scans, researchers had no trouble telling when women were "faking it".
The brains of volunteers who were asked to simulate orgasm after a period of stimulation remained fully active and in conscious control.
Neuroscientist Dr Gert Holstege, from the University of Groningen, who led the research, said: "The main thing we saw in females is deactivation of the brain, which was unbelievable; really very pronounced.
"I think that's the major outcome of the study. What you see is deactivation of large parts of the brain, especially the emotional brain, the fear centres."
The only part of a woman's brain that was activated during orgasm was the cerebellum. Although chiefly associated with the control of movement, scientists think it may also play an emotional role.
The cerebellum was also active during fake orgasms, but elsewhere the picture was very different.
"If you look at the women who faked orgasm, we see the same kind of thing in the cerebellum taking place, but the cortex, the conscious part of the brain, is also active," said Dr Holstege.
"Women can imitate orgasm quite well, but in the brain it's not the same."
Even the body movements made during a real orgasm were unconscious and did not involve the "thinking" part of the brain, he said. This was not the case with a fake orgasm.
Shutting down the brain during orgasm ensured that obstacles such as fear and stress did not get in the way.
"Deactivation of these very important parts of the brain might be the most important necessity for having an orgasm," said Dr Holstege.
"When you are fearful or have a very high level of anxiety, then it's hard to have sex because during sex you really have to give yourself and let go."
Men were studied in the same way. But because the male orgasm during ejaculation takes such a short time - typically 20 seconds - it was difficult to obtain meaningful brain scan data.
The scans showed a similar activation of the cerebellum in men. Dr Holstege suspected other parts of men's brains mirrored those of women and became deactivated during orgasm.
However, another part of the study in which couples stimulated each other for two minutes without reaching orgasm showed distinct differences between men and women.
In both, a "fear centre" called the amygdala was deactivated. But in men alone, the scientists saw activation of an ancient, primitive part of the brain linked to emotion called the insula
There was also a difference in the way touching the genitals affected the somatosensory cortex of the brain. Women merely experienced a sensory feeling, whereas in men emotions were involved.- see we do care..how well u can use your hands.
"Men are seeing it as a big deal, the interpretation of what is happening is important to them," said Dr Holstege. "Women apparently do not have this idea that, OK, this is so important. With women the primary feeling is there, but not the interpretation."
Another odd observation was that the hippocampus, which deals with memory, was deactivated in women. The researchers have no idea why.
A total of 13 women and 11 men, ranging in age from 19 to 49, took part in the experiments at Dr Holstege's laboratory.
Presenting the findings today at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Copenhagen, Denmark, he admitted it was a not the easiest of studies to carry out.
The volunteers, all partners, were recruited through advertisements placed in Dutch magazines.
To put participants in the right mood, members of Dr Holstege's team spoke reassuringly to them, and dimmed the lighting in the scanning room.
Since it was vital to remain completely still in the scanner, volunteers had to have their heads restrained while being sexually stimulated. The rest of the body was free to move.
"We are neuroscientists, so we're only interested in the brain," said Dr Holstege.
The men and women, who were all heterosexual and right-handed, stimulated each others' genitals, but did not have full intercourse.
Participants lay naked on a table with their head inside the scanner. Dr Holstege said a major problem was that they got cold feet - literally. A solution was found in the form of socks supplied by the scientists.
Dr Holstege added that the research could in future lead to better treatments for sexual dysfunction.
The key appeared to be to reduce fear and anxiety - as was illustrated by the aphrodisiac effect on alcohol.
"Alcohol brings down the fear level," said Dr Holstege. "Everyone knows if you give alcohol to a woman it makes things easier."



Three killed, two critical
Geisha Kowlessar (Guardian)

After a gangland style shooting attack, which resulted in the deaths of three young men—among them two teenagers—scores of concerned residents are demanding that a permanent army camp be set up in the area. Two others have been critically injured in the attack which took place on Factory Road, Diego Martin, outside a factory on the industrial estate.

The dead men, all from Factory Road, were identified as:
• Zaffar Calder, 15
• Khenti Murai, 19
• Kevon St Louis, 24

The two injured men, Dexter St Louis and Arnold Edwards, also of Factory Road, were up to late yesterday listed in serious condition at Port-of-Spain General Hospital. The men were offloading plastic bottles from a container at the Sunspot businessplace which belongs to Robert Scoon, husband of Foreign Affairs Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon. Police said that around 9.30 am, three men, two armed with sophisticated weapons ran down from the nearby Diego Martin hills and sprayed the group with bullets.

Investigators described the killing as a “well-organised hit,” saying the motive stemmed from a dispute between two warring gangs. “It look like non-Muslim against Muslims...Some members of one group cross the border and the other group did not like it, so they put out a hit,” an investigator said. Calder’s father, Abujihad, expressed little faith that his son’s murder would be solved. “The police know who the killers are, but they just don’t care,” he claimed. Leading the call for an army camp in the area was a vociferous Scoon.

Businessmen scared

Describing the attack as “very shocking” Scoon called for a heavy army presence in Diego Martin to avoid reprisal killings. He said one of the biggest challenges law enforcement officials faced was that the area was surrounded by hills which provided easy getaway routes. “But I don’t think the police are fit to run up those hills, very few of them are...You need the army in here on a permanent basis,” Scoon said. “The soldiers are fitter and more feared than the police.”

Factory Road also houses several other businessplaces and Scoon warned that if crime continued at its current rate many businessmen would be sitting ducks. “This is one of the problems...Businessmen feel very scared of being kidnapped or robbed,” he said. “Gang members might come on their compound to kill or rob them...It is very scary.” Scoon, owner of another factory, also on Factory Road, said he had been forced to “look over his shoulder,” daily.

“I constantly have to wonder when something would happen and it now has,” he said. “For any businessman to experience this it is very traumatic.” He said the victims were not regular employees, but worked at his factory from time to time. “Normally these guys would come every two or three months on a need basis just to unstuff the container,” Scoon said. Saying he planned to “beef up” security, Scoon said there was no guarantee that he or his employees would be any safer. “It’s easy to be overwhelmed, because these guys are coming in threes and fours,” he said.

Resources increased

Acting Police Commissioner James Philbert, who visited the scene twice yesterday, has assured that additional resources would be deployed at Factory Road. “We are not giving up. We are working very hard and we will get additional resources because this must be dealt with,” Philbert said. Asked if there would be any soldiers working with the police, Philbert said, “I don’t know what there would be.” But Philbert’s assurances did little to temper some angry residents, who cursed the police.

“Sautt (Special-Anti Crime Unit of T&T) is a big waste of time. They solving nothing. “Where the blimp and helicopter? If it was a soldier or policeman you bring it out fast,” said one irate woman. Chetewayo Murqi, another resident, who said he was fed up with the shootings at Factory Road, called for an “immediate lockdown” of the area.

Maybe them gangmen had a lil arrangement with manning to hold it down till summit done. My lil cynicism.

General Discussion / Google Latitude
« on: April 14, 2009, 07:38:29 AM »
Meh padna send meh ah request recently to join google latitude. Lol real stalker man vibes lets u track the people who u agree to anywhere in de world. I accepted to see the scene. It updated the google map on my phone gps and it real cool. There is a privacy feature where u can block people, but u know " the man" can still track u if he want. the press release of it

Google has announced that it has added the ability to track friends and family via Google Maps, for mobile users looking to get connected, from Wednesday.

Latitude, as it will be known, is a new feature of Google Maps for mobile that allows you to share your location with friends and to see their approximate locations - if they choose to share them with you - when they or you are out and about.

Available for both desktop and most mobile phones the new software, according to Google, will let "you use your Google account to sign in and easily invite friends to Latitude from your existing list of contacts or by entering their email addresses".

Users will be able to get the new software application for their phone with Android, BlackBerry, Symbian S60, and Windows Mobile already supported. iPhone users it seems will have to wait a little longer however.

Keen to get as many people on board as quickly as possible, Google has also released an iGoogle gadget and integrated Google Talk, the company's IM service. Users will be able to update status messages and profile photos on the go and see what everyone is up to.

Some commentators however are worried that the technology, if used by the wrong kind of people, could allow terrorist groups to co-ordinate their actions more effectively.

We doubt, however, that adulterous partners keen to lie about there whereabouts will be downloading it any time soon.

it obviously have real bacanal assosicated with it...and its potentials......what allyuh think


General Discussion / Maccoing but not seeing.
« on: March 14, 2009, 09:12:12 PM »

Attillah Springer | 8:09 pm
Published: March 13th, 2009

Giving your heart and soul to vanity, yeah
Makes your life filled with pain and misery
While life goes on everyone’s got to stand strong
You can’t surrender

—Sitting and Watching, Dennis Brown

Ceaseless chatter ricochets around these islands. Chatter about everything but mostly about nothing.  In this nation of talkers, big talkers, robber talkers, too-too talkers, no one can seem to find anything sensible to say. Reading the newspapers becomes a chore, but mostly a bore. Nightly newscasts send you to sleep.  It is then that you have to conclude that Trinidad is annoyingly small. Small to the point of causing claustrophobia. Small to the point where if one person sneezes the whole country catches a cold, gives it a name, laughs about it. One thing bothers me. And it is how come in a country of macos, gossips, mamaguy and mauvais langue is it possible for the people who took a little girl to be so hard to find?

How come children still manage to disappear? In a nation of macos, where people seem to derive so much pleasure from minding other people’s business, they can’t find children who go missing. But perhaps it is because of our highly developed macoing skills that some of us have developed the capacity to hide, to disguise ourselves as whatever is acceptable at the moment. To be horners or paedophiles or in public office and unapologetically commit fraud. Perhaps these people are the real heroes of Trinidad. Those who have escaped our scrutiny as we obsess with inanities. Trinidad is so small that we can’t find criminals. We can’t find missing children. We can’t find a functional government or a serious opposition. We concoct whole stories about a container full of missing children.

The funny thing about Trinidad is how everybody always has a tanty, some friend, their neighbour outside brother-in-law friend, who knows somebody who was passing through when it happened. Yet no one has a tanty, uncle or nennen that saw when they took Leah away from her school. In broad daylight. Yet no one gives any attention to talk that work is going on up in St Ann’s for containers in which they will house Port-of-Spain’s homeless so that all the Government’s Summit of the Americas guests won’t see our human eyesores. We would rather believe modern folklore about yawning metal mouths eating our children than take note of the soucouyants in the Red House.

Trinidad is so small enough for us to not have a problem with the culture of talking without actually saying anything. We are all about the navel gazing, the status updates, the endless barrage of Trinis on scenes, smiling with a drink in their hands. So obsessed with keeping up with what is happening, with staying connected, plugged in, hooked up that people have forgotten how to communicate. How to warn each other of danger. How to grieve when there is loss. How to look out for our neighbour’s children and expect that they will return the favour. We have dumbed down macoing, like everything else that perhaps was ever good about ourselves. I would like to believe that there was perhaps a time when macoing was a good thing. When we sought each other’s interests and protected each other from real and imagined fears.

Now that our walls are too high to see over, we peer into each other’s lives in other ways but know less. We go to fete not to fete but to see and be seen. We maco, not to look out for each other, but to pass judgment, to have something for discussion. Except when it matters. When it really matters suddenly our maco senses are dulled. In the same way that we don’t want to take responsibility for all the children who are in front of us begging for help and attention and love, we dismiss the things that we really should be macoing. No one is macoing NEC’s presumptuous soil testing for a port for which they have no Certificate of Environmental Clearance.

No one is macoing what is going on in our schools that are breeding grounds for boredom, underachievement and criminality.
  No one is minding our collective business, where our money is going. How much money they’re really spending on the summit and what possible benefits it will yield us, aside from being a government wank all over our Treasury. It must be that some of us are okay with children disappearing or with the Treasury being pillaged. It must be that we are willing to not see the things that we do. That sometimes we fight our maco gene. We deny it just when it is needed the most. In this tiny little country of watchers, no one seems capable of seeing clearly.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Crowd Boo MACHEL @Triniposse
« on: February 23, 2009, 04:54:15 PM »
Machel reah wey he going. I not going to give my opinion just fact from here on.
Machel came on stage in triniposse at about 3ish in de am on sunday morning. He started off with his road march contender red ants which he sang for atleast 30 mins straight. In between he bring some random indian fella from the crowd on stage; cause machel remeber him from some fete.
 In skinny lil indian man put down some moves had de crowd going real kicks..... he had some snake oil in de waist. After about 15 mins ah dat machel had to kinda run him off stage..lol

Machel next started talking with the crowd( red ants in de back ground still), see ah flag he didnt recognise ask the woman for it. The woman say she from somalia or something so(ah not sure ah was ind e cooler looking for a shandy) anyways machel proceeded to put the flag in he pants and wipe it under he arm so that she would "always carry him with her".
He then started singing red ants againnnnnnn. He notice something in de de crowd as ask the dj to take it down.
 I'll paraphrase for a bit now
" why is it that evertime i performing the police ruffing up some youth"
" officers allyuh hadda go out side and do that"
" I not going to continue if allyuh doh take that out side"
" i Not continuing until allyuh go out side with that"
He then walked of stage!!!!!!!!!!!

Well the crowd was shocked to say the least. I heard ah sexy trini chinne chick behind em exclaim " buh wah de ass is this shit, he crazy".
At this point i personally had had enough of machel and he shit and since i was the DD i tell my crew grab cooler we out!! talk done. While making our way through the crod the mc tried to get machel back on stage by saying" Triniposse crew are you ready to machel montano to come back on say yeah yeah"( or somehting to that effect)
 The result was the 30% yeah, 70% BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
mankind was shoked lemme tell yuh...but ha was glad people fed up ah he shit.
The mc tried again and this time almost in unison u heard ah resounding BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
He didnt seem to smart he tried a few more times and the boos just got louder. Other people began picking up thier coolers and riding out too.
 Some people in the crown were mumbling they pay to see machel and they want him back out, but i think the vast majority was booing.
They played music(machel tunes) for a bit. When we reached the entrance the Mc tried ah different approach, he said that we respect the police and the good job they doing etc, but the show hadda go on, ....
"are u ready for MAchel Montano HD..........__________________(fill in the blanks)
When i was driving home and stuck in traffic for about ah 20 mins as far as i know he hadnt come back out.

The protective services outside including the firefighters were real pissed off at machel. I heard people outside telling the police doh take that asshole on allyuh doing a good job.

I totally agree. Thus far the protective services have done a real good job. This morning on the way to Jouvert they had a huge road block that blocked of traffic all the way back into diego and westmorrings and no one eh seem to make no scene really. They was searching people and cars "randomly" i see ah car with some white forgieners getting searched along with some gunta looking youths.

at any rate big up to the police and them.
Alot of people i spoke to about that incident seem to have had enough of machel. But with trinis i know dais usually in theory cause we a country of apathethic mouth murders. I know for one i not going to his AC concerts. I know  wont be able to not go a fete and see him, once i wanna fete for de canrival, but assness is assness and i have had enough!

Allyuh go see meh round de savanna tomorrow  :drool:

General Discussion / WHO??
« on: February 08, 2009, 02:53:44 PM »
Coming down for de carnival?????

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