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Topics - kicker

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Football / Spain- Best (attacking) team in Europe?
« on: June 10, 2008, 07:44:55 PM »
Watching the replay of the Spain game here and literally gasping at Spain's attacking line-up

Silva, Iniesta & Xavi across the middle with Senna sitting right behind them......

Villa & Torres up top....

Aragones should be the envy of every attack minded coach's dream- sh*t Fabregas can't even break in the starting XI....

With Casillas (best keeper in the world- yes better than Buffon & Cech) ....between the sticks, Ramos, arguably the best right back in the world (along with Maicon) , wild man Puyol, Marchena & Capdevilla in the back you would have to say that Aragones should lose his job if Spain doesn't at least finish in the top 4 of this tourament....

They beat this girl up, videotaped it, and posted it on youtube.....

The six girls and 2 guys who were on the "look out" were arrested, and awaiting some kinda hearing.... The beaten girl stil hasn't recovered her vision, and hearing fully.....WTF??

Dunno what to say about this one..... how pathetic.

news article here:

6 Teen Girls Arrested After Video Taping 'Beat Down' For MySpace
A cheerleader and her friends beat up a fellow student after seeing an alleged 'trash talking' MySpace post and they video the beating.
By Media Archive (Contact)
April 8th, 2008 Comments (0)
A cheerleader and her friends in Lakeland, Florida beat up a fellow student after seeing an alleged 'trash talking' MySpace post.

The Polk County Sheriff's office have released the video of the teenager being beaten. According to Sheriff Grady Judd, the 16 year-old teen was beat unconscious in a bedroom and then later awoke on a couch in the living room to more beating and screaming. The fight happened on March 30th at 6124 West Calendar Court in Lakeland.

Reportedly, the cheerleaders were upset with the young girl after she posted alleged trash talking on her MySpace page, so they took it upon themselves to make a video beating her to place on MySpace and YouTube which is stated to be one of five beatings given to her. According to the victim's mother it was someone else who posted the message and they were made aware that someone had hacked into her MySpace account.

"It is disgusting that the attackers find it funny and want to post something on the Internet showing someone nearly beaten to death," stated the victim's mother.

Sheriff Judd called it one of the most disturbing videos he has seen in a long time and he hopes all those arrested will be tried as adults. The teens face charges ranging from felony battery, false imprisonment to kidnapping. The sheriff says the attackers "were relentless".

Judd says the teens showed no remorse after their arrests.

"When they were in a holding cell, they were all laughing," Judd stated. "One of the teens arrested, who is a cheerleader, asked, 'Does this mean I'm going to miss cheerleading practice tomorrow?' The others were cutting up and said, 'It looks like we won't be going to the beach this weekend.'"

During a statement, Sheriff Judd commented on the tape in which the girl holding the camera stated, “There's only 17 seconds left. Make it good."

"That is animalistic behavior. It's pack mentality. They lured her there to beat her," added Sheriff Judd.

Related Video: Florida Teen Girl Beating Captured on Tape

People eh playin' they like chupidness...

Here it is, the controversial Vogue cover featuring NBA star LeBron James and supermodel Gisele Bundchen.

This morning, Peter Alexander reported on the controversy, followed by Ann Curry's interview with CNBC's Donny Deutsch and humorist/TV commentator Nancy Giles. WATCH VIDEO

The cover has caused a lot of chatter, particularly online, over whether the shot (taken by famed photographer Annie Liebovitz) perpetuates racial stereotypes.

Some look at the cover and don't think much of it, that it's an interesting shot of two of the world's most recognizable people.

Others, however, see it as the embodiment of racial and sexual stereotypes, that it's a depiction of an aggressive, black man in a King Kong-like pose, embracing a white woman, a Fay Wray-like "damsel in distress."

Still others say that there were plenty of better photos to choose from to put on the cover.

So what's your take?

And in thinking about this story, I couldn't help but wonder...what's the more racist response to the cover: to see racial stereotypes and object or to not notice race at all?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / As jokey as it gets...
« on: March 24, 2008, 08:45:17 AM »
Ah wonder if General Grant ever saw this...

Doh ask me how I found it  ;D ;D

Over the years of browsing & posting on this forum, depsite the sometimes frustrating level of stupidity, arseness, dotishness, and rubbish often posted, I must say that I like many of the signatures. Many of these I think go I put some of my favs in the poll- Take a read....and if you like, take a vote....Each voter allowed 5 votes.

If your fav is not up there, doh be afraid to vibes it.

Also interested in the motivation behind some of the signatures- share if you wish.

General Discussion / Elliot Spitzer's got love for da hoes...
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:24:50 PM »

ALBANY - Gov. Eliot Spitzer has informed his most senior administration officials that he had been involved in a prostitution ring, an administration official said this morning.

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Nathaniel Brooks for The New York Times
Governor Eliot Spitzer at a news conference in July 2007.
Mr. Spitzer, who was huddled with his top aides inside his Fifth Avenue apartment early this afternoon, had hours earlier abruptly canceled his scheduled public events for the day. He scheduled an announcement for 2:15 after inquiries from the Times.

Mr. Spitzer, a first term Democrat who pledged to bring ethics reform an end the often seamy ways of Albany, is married with three children.

Just last week, federal prosecutors arrested four people in connection with an expensive prostitution operation. Administration officials would not say that this was the ring with which the governor had become involved.

But a person with knowledge of the governor’s role said that the person believes the governor is one of the men identified as clients in court papers.

The governor’s travel records show that he was in Washington in mid-February. One of the clients described in court papers arranged to meet with a prostitute who was part of the ring, the Emperors Club VIP on the night of Feb. 13.

Mr. Spitzer appeared on a CNBC television show at 7 a.m. the next morning. Later in the morning, he testified before a Congressional committee.

An affidavit filed in federal court in Manhattan in connection with that case lists six conversations between the man, identified as Client 9, and a booking agent for the Emperors Club.

He had a difficult first year in office, rocked by a mix of scandal and legislative setbacks. In recent weeks, however, Mr. Spitzer seemed to have rebounded, with his Democratic party poised to perhaps gain control of the state Senate for the first time in four decades.

Mr. Spitzer gained national attention when he served as attorney general with his relentless pursuit of Wall Street wrongdoing. As attorney general, he also had prosecuted at least two prostitution rings as head of the state’s organized crime task force.

In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.

“”This was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multitiered management structure,” Mr. Spitzer said at the time. ”It was, however, nothing more than a prostitution ring.”

Albany for months been roiled by bitter fighting and accusations of dirty tricks. The Albany County district attorney is set to issue in the coming days the results of his investigation into Mr. Spitzer’s first scandal, his aides’ involvement in an effort to tarnish Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno, the state’s top Republican

Football / Pato, Ronaldo (R9) & Kaka line up for Milan today
« on: January 13, 2008, 01:36:56 PM »
Unproven, over the hill & the current best (arguably) make up a Brazilian "trio" up top for Milan today against Napoli - alotta hype surrounding this one- on FSC now- tune in!!!

Football / Brazil's Afonso Alves nets 7......damn
« on: October 07, 2007, 05:27:08 PM »

Football / Wha going on wid Milan?
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:12:43 AM »
Proof of the power of marketing and hype is evident in the fact that all the talk is centered around Chelsea, and the slump that they're going through....Not too far away the defending European Champions have only managed 1 (one) win in their opening six games.....The latest disappointment came in this weekend where the Rossoneri had to come from behind to draw 1-1 with Catania. They need a penalty to do so (scored by Kaka).....For those who know that there is football being played outside of the EPL, lemme hear what yuh have to say about this- If Milan didn't win the C-League last season, I think Ancelotti would be looking for a job....

Football / Toussaint playin' with Charleston on FSC right now
« on: September 07, 2007, 06:51:53 PM »
0-0 5 mins left in the first half....

Wasn't really watching closely because I didn't realize it was I can't say how he's playing....but the overall quality doesn't seem to be the best....

Tune in...

General Discussion / Question about the West Indian Parade in BK.....
« on: September 06, 2007, 03:38:23 PM »
This is an email I received from a (white female) friend who had an experience in the West Indian Day Parade in Brooklyn:- interesting how things can be misinterpreted- or not.....

"Have you gone to the west indian parade? Are whites strictly forbidden? It's 2 blocks from my house & I went out to just watch, and no one cared for about an hour, when a couple (guy, gal) came up behind me & poured blue paint in my hair & down my back. I was so shocked I didn't even say anything, just walked away. Wtf? One of my friends is telling me I was lucky not to be stabbed. Where does all that nastiness come from?

I could understand if I were in a foreign country, but nyc, 2 blocks from my house…surprised. Is it that bad in trinidad too?

Sorry if this is inappropriate questioning, but you're the only person who I know (well enough to ask) who's lived in both places"

I just laughed it off and explained the whole significance of paint in Carnival/J'ouvert etc, and played down the aspect of violence.....but I wonder how common the perception of "lucky not to be stabbed" is. Interested to hear what others' responses would have been....

Football / EPL Opening weekend thoughts....
« on: August 12, 2007, 06:32:20 PM »
Major impressions after the first round of games.....

Marcus Hahnemann- Former D2 player....not too shabby

Sunderland- Didn't see the game,- no dish in the new apt, relying on cable....haven't yet checked to see if I could subscribe to setanta sports... but I understand Dwighty played well, and Carlos struggled a bit.......Glad Carlos played the entire 90 though despite what sounded to be a shaky start- will do well for his confidence- Dwighty?- well we know his confidence needs to no assistance....

Roy Keane's suit was pimp

How would Tevez have made a difference today?

Go  Sven !!!!! all eyes on him.....

Is Rooney soon to join the list of chronically injured talented players? (eg Ronaldo, Recoba) 

Alan Smith & Mark Viduka reunite as Leeds battles with a 15 point deficit in League 1.

N'Zogbia- underrated left foot....

Obafemi Martins could have been a gynmist if born and raised in of my favorite players in the game.....

Arsenal grab 3 points as good football wins a game against defensive fortitude.......

Tony Warner- Warriors represent...

What's the latest on Benny McCarthy's condition?....scary but I understand he's alright

Feel free to comment & add....

Football / Booing the National Anthems....
« on: June 24, 2007, 01:21:20 PM »
Watching the Athems for the Gold Cup Final, I was surprised/relieved that the Mexicans didn't boo the U.S. Anthem...

Question 1- Does FIFA have an official stance on booing the opposing team's National Anthem?

Question 2- If No- do you think they should?...and why 

If Yes- Do you think they shouldn't? ....and why...

If yuh don't know- do you think they should or shouldn't....... and why.......

My answers 1: I don't know, could do my own research but prefer to have Tallman save me de wuk answer it... ;D

2: I think they should take an official stance because it is well in line with their official stance on sportsmanship, racism and other aspects of "fair play" etc....and I think booing an opposing team's anthem is an unnecessary overly gross act of disrespect (I woulda been really hurt in Germany if I heard boos during our anthem.....not cool)...

If topic has already been discussed- post link  ;D

 :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Under all the ole talk about Jackula & blacklist etc.....
« on: June 07, 2007, 04:33:09 PM »
Please sweep all the hard feelings under the rug for a while and spare a thought for de warriors tonight- they need the support.


General Discussion / For those interested in Music & new talent
« on: June 06, 2007, 12:52:11 PM »
Just wanted to provide some exposure for a breddrin' of mine....with a great voice- very spiritual and positive fella too...lend an ear

When will the madness in T&T stop?

Absolutely sickening.... >:( :'(


Dentist Russell John, 35, who was shot by bandits during a robbery on Monday has died.

Russell, the only son of trade unionist Selwyn John, died at the Port of Spain Hospital yesterday with his relatives at his bedside.

The 20-year-old bandit turned killer who was injured during the robbery at John's St James clinic remains in stable condition at the Hospital just a floor up from where his victim died.

John was shot three times to his neck, abdomen and chin when the bandit along with an accomplice walked into John's Madras Street, St James clinic and announced a hold-up.

At the time John was attending to one of his children but heard the commotion in the clinic lobby where the bandit was pointing a gun at his receptionist. John, armed with his own licenced pistol emerged from his office into the lobby and was fired on by the bandit. The dentist fired back, hitting the man on the right side of his chest.

Both John and the bandit were rushed to hospital.

The man has since been at the hospital under police guard.

John's relatives had been keeping vigil at the Port of Spain General Hospital since Monday. Since then he had used over 70 pints of blood as doctors struggled to control the bleeding from a ruptured artery. A call was even made for donors to replenish the blood bank's depleted stocks.

Tuesday saw no change in the doctor's condition. On Wednesday his conditioned worsened following which he had two operations at his bedside as well as one at the one of the hospital's theatres.

He never regained consciousness.

By 10.30 a.m. yesterday he had died.

Selwyn John who was abroad at the time of incident is now back home and when he spoke to reporters yesterday, said had his son lived he would have pleaded with him to migrate.

"I am worried for young professionals in this country," he added, stating that "something is wrong and whatever the government needs to do they need to do it now."

He described his son as "a very humble person who helped a lot of people. He was a very good dentist and specialised in care for kids...But he was a miserable boy you know...what can I say. I lost my only son."

Officers of the Homicide Bureau are continuing investigations.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Beres fanatics- need your help
« on: April 06, 2007, 09:08:27 AM »
There is a tune called "la la la" by Beres Hammond - trying to find an mp3 version...It might go by other names, but the words of the chorus go something like this:

" I had to leave you before everything went wrong
I had to go before I find myself in ------
cause somewhere down the road, I've got problems I can't count
and by the looks of this woman, it seems here comes another one"

If yuh's a big beres fan, you'll know it.

Iz a real mellow style- a big tune- if anyone can hook a brother up, it'd be much appreciated

Football / Home & Away design questions
« on: March 08, 2007, 09:08:07 AM »
Some food for thought.

The idea of a home and away series appears to be a design that is supposed to bring parity to an int'l competition. I always thought that there were two major flaws with the design in a club competition:

Away goals rule: In my view, this rule is garbage. I understand that it's a tiebreaker to circumvent having to go to extra time and possibly penalty kicks, but its intention is counter intuitive. In my view it does not reward a team that plays open attacking football on its home ground. It simply rewards a team that is better able to keep clean sheets at home. If you're tied on aggregate, and lose on the away goals rule, that means you must have scored more goals on your home ground- why not be rewarded for that ?

Extra time & penalty kicks This is an age old argument/problem and I will admit that there is no perfect way to solve it. I do think that in a home-away series, extra time & penalty kicks is advantageous to the team that plays at home in the second leg of the series. It gives that team more minutes played on their home ground, and the home-crowd advantage for the penalty shootout....

All in all, I think the home & away series is advantageous to the team that plays at home in the second leg. They have a tactical & psychological advantage as the second leg is contingent on what happened in the first leg, (I think its easier to execute tactics on your home ground)...... they are less likely to concede goals at home because psychologically the concept of away goals seems to be more of a consideration in the second leg than in the first, and with extra time & pks on your home ground, the home team is the driver's seat if tied on aggreagate after 210 minutes.

Of course no empirical studies have been done to support this argument, it's just an opinion, and I admit I don't have the answers...just wanted to put it out there and see what other people think.

Football / some Wednesday night entertainment
« on: November 22, 2006, 08:23:48 PM »
Stumbled across this video and figured I'd share.

Cheers to the man who gave live birth to Carles Puyol whilst playing at Betis, Aaron Winter whilst playing for Brazil in WC 98 and pretty much the entire Turkish defense while playing for Brazil in WC 02

You could argue that mismarketing (being sold as purely a dribbler, whereas the truth is his range of qualities was alot wider)....or even injury played a role in his underachievement........No matter what yuh think, we could all agree that sometimes inefficiency is a hell of a thing to watch...

stumbled across this, and figured it was too cool not tuh share.....

enjoy !!

Football / Unofficial Secondary Schools football homepage
« on: September 11, 2006, 07:21:52 PM »
A good partner of mine owns and maintains this site....check it out for scores and more...

The site is updated's scores are being updated right now....

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / wha bout Rex West ?
« on: August 14, 2006, 06:14:45 PM »
I went down Chinatown tuh buy some salt prune de odder day, and meh mind run on da man....he still alive ? Whaz de latest with him ?

Football / FC Barcelona Thread.
« on: August 10, 2006, 04:00:53 PM »
Mods please don't merge this thread with the Barca v America's completely different !  :beermug:

Ok I was able to run away from the office today to witness Barcelona's public appearance at the opening of a new turf field in Sarah Roosevelt Park a few blocks from my apartment in the lower east side Manhattan. The only notable absentee was Ronaldinho who claimed to be feeling ill (yeah right)...

The team came out on stage, Rafael Marquez and Carles Puyol did two public interviews with actress Julia Styles, then Thuram, Zambrotta, Marquez & Puyol played 4 v 4 against some 5 yr old toddlers. I think the toddlers won which was a good sign for Madrid this season  ;D.....

Filho was down there too...He's a Barca man, so he was liking himself...

Anyways, it was a crowded NIKE event so it was difficult to get very close to the players (well not close enough to take pics with), but I did manage to get Tiago Motta's autograph & and I reached over the crowd to blindly snap some pics...some of which didn't come out too bad...enjoy:

Van Bommel, Van Bronkhorst, Zambrotta & Iniesta

Motta signing autographs

V.Valdes, Giuly & Edmilson

Deco, Esquerro, Van Bommel, Messi & Van Bronkhorst

Beletti, Jorquera & Saviola

Puyol & Marquez


Edmilson & Gujohnsen (face hidden)

Beletti & Silvinho (head turned)

Motta, Van Bronkhorst & Deco

Giuly & Xavi...yeah yuh could tell they posed for this pic  :D

Rijkaard's head  ;D ;D

Motta's autograph

Football / What's the latest with Dog ?
« on: July 11, 2006, 05:15:40 PM »
Anybody have a recent development ? injury-wise ? career wise ?


Football / the love of the game- to die for ?
« on: July 05, 2006, 12:43:28 PM »
2 Somalis killed for watching World Cup

By SALAD DUHUL, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 33 minutes ago

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Radical Islamic militia fighters in Somalia shot and killed two people who were watching a banned World Cup soccer broadcast, a radio station reported Wednesday.

The hard-line Muslim fighters, who have banned watching television, opened fire after a crowd of teenagers defied their orders to leave a hall where a businessman was showing Tuesday's Germany-Italy match on satellite television, according to Shabelle Radio, an independent local station. It said the businessman and a teenage girl were killed.

Hard-line Muslim fighters, who wrested control of the Somali capital from warlords in June, have forbidden people from watching television or movies in line with their strict interpretation of Islam.

The militants of the Supreme Islamic Courts Council, who have established control in much of the south, have recently moved into parts of central Somalia, including the Mudug region where Tuesday's shooting occurred.

The leader of their group, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, has spent the past weeks in central Somalia recruiting fighters in his clan's native region.

Washington has accused the Islamic group of harboring al-Qaida leaders responsible for deadly 1998 bombings at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Somalia has been without an effective government since largely clan-based warlords overthrew longtime dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 and then turned on each other, dividing the nation into a patchwork of rival fiefdoms.

A U.N.-backed transitional government is established only in the southern town of Baidoa, where leaders on Wednesday met officials from a regional East African group, the African Union,

European Union and the Arab League to discuss plans for deploying peacekeepers.

The 24-member delegation held talks with President Abdullahi Yusuf, Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi and parliamentary Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden.

The team is expected to visit Mogadishu Thursday for talks with the Islamic group that controls the city and opposes the deployment of peacekeepers.

Football / name these players- a classic photo
« on: June 29, 2006, 09:07:22 AM »
Ran into these fellas in Frankfurt, and had to get a pic......go ahead and name these players...2 hints

1. Kicker (me)-3rd from the left
2. 2nd from the right- doh remember his name  ;D

Football / Who woulda thought that T&T would be the only.......
« on: June 12, 2006, 12:11:41 PM »
1. CONCACAF team to not concede a goal in the first "round" of matches........

2. CONCACAF team to get a result against European opposition in the first "round" of matches.......

 :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Getting respect from all
« on: June 12, 2006, 08:44:12 AM »

Figo blasts critics that 1-0 was enough

Portugal captain Luis Figo hit back at the critics who insisted a 1-0 win over World Cup debutants Angola represents a poor start to the Group D campaign.

An early goal from prolific Paris St Germain striker Pauleta turned out to be enough to take all three points from the first competitive meeting between Portugal and the African colony that gained independence in 1975.

Two previous friendly meetings had ended with thumping Portuguese victories but Figo was adamant no-one should have been banking on another goal-fest, especially as games in other groups had been tight.

He said: 'Did you expect Portugal to win five or six nil? Where are the other teams that have won by such a margin? The results so far have been wins by one or two goals.

'I believe we were at the level expected of us. Many people were thinking Angola was an easy team but they were not - and you saw that.'

Portugal manager Luiz Felipe Scolari made it clear he felt the same way, although he was careful not to put his words as forcefully as his captain.

He said: 'I'm not going to say much because it will be front-page news and I will be the worst guy in the world. I'm not as politically correct as Figo.

'But a victory even by the narrowest margin is excellent. That's what we wanted - three points in the bag.

'If you look at the results of the other matches so far, no team has won their game easily. Take Sweden for example - one of the best teams in the world. They drew with Trinidad and Tobago, who were a well-organised team.'

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