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Football / D Touches Match report
« on: May 25, 2005, 07:23:37 PM »
Touches Report.

Dear Forumites,

Tonight is a mini report as I have some parties to attend.

First off it hurt me to know we had Bertille in Charge of this team for so long.

Forumites things looking good.........

Chris Birchall had the privilege of singing TWO anthems for the night...God save the Queen, and Forged from the Love of Liberty.

I saw Beenhakker but he only had one assistant at his side, I didnt see the second one.........I feel the other one gone on a scouting mission ?

This is the best football T&T has ever played since Gold Cup 2000.

Shape, cohesion, ball possession we were doing it.......The only thing we ent do is score.

We need a forward and we need one bad.......Dwight Yorke is the answer !

Kenwyne Jones dont have it, he throw way some sitter as well.

The biggest disappointment for the night is Mr. Stern John. Words cannot describe the amount of crap he put down tonight.

Allyuh fellas remember the highlight clip that Palos post of the worst throw away in the world......well Stern come within a hair of beating that. But he beat Alibey, no lie, he beat Alibey tonight. The man was sickening.

Starting line-up was Ince, Lawrence, Rojas, Atiba and Anton.

Midfield was Tiger, Birchall, Seaton, Carlos.

Up front Stern and Jones.

Gents we had total possesion total domination. Ball was moving from side to side up and down.

Birchall was T&T best player for the night followed closely by Edwards. Birchall was sending some through ball, orchestrating the play and generally he is in a class by himself. He is at a higher level than the rest of the midfielders on the team. In terms of intelligence, plays, running off the ball etc. Plus he running hard and fit.

Now a point to note, is that T&T was attack right through. Wave after wave of attack. You could see set plays and runs being orchestrated.

Tiger had a good game, hitting shots and sending in crosses for Stern to Miss.

Carlos give Stern a cross in the first half keeper beaten.....Stern is unmarked. It is an OPEN GOAL...Stern Blazes the ball overbar with less than six inches between he and the goal line. No lie it was that bad. The entire stand Boo him at half time, he get so much cuss from all and Sundry some of his family members coulda get pregnant.

Ironically it was the Bermudans who had to show us how to score. Cross come in a defender slide in and boom ...OWN GOAL.

Second goal was by Jones, well taken....through ball from Edwards and he slot it past the keeper.

Third goal a goal mouth scrimmage that Lawrence tucked away.

Final Goal yes Stern John scored......a chip over the keeper. But before that he throw away 3 one on ones. He miss about 2 other sitters and boy the amount of half chance that we coulda put on Bermuda.

Forumites we creating shooting chances and we shooting at goal.

Second half Rojas and Tiger came ofrf. Theobold and one Glenton Wolfe came on and they real handle it.

Gary Glasgow and Rahim came on as well for Seaton and Jones and they performed creditably as well.

I sorry allyuh couldn't have seen this T&T performance 100 times better than what we usually see. It improved dramatically from the Lima game and even then we played well.

Well, thats it, ah gone.

Player Ratings.

Ince 7.....Didn't have nuttin to do or any saves to make.




Rojas....Yes he show he ent able again........5.

Tiger.........7 He had a decent game shooting and crossing decent.


Birchall..............8.5... Fellas, he is the best thing this side see since Latapy, He ent have dribbling skills but passing and vision is there a complete center midfielder.

Edwards.........8.5. Carlos in ripping form.........Them Bermudans ent know wha kinda beat they eat tonight. He pull all kinda tricks and had them going. Plus the crosses were effective.

Jones...6.5.....Is only because he score he get that grade other wise he ent cut out for that forward role, he ent have the killer instinct and sharpness.

Theobold.......7...Play real good on the left flank.

Rahim.......Handle it for the mins he was on but not long enough to give a score.

Glenton Wolfe, who replaced Rojas........7.5. The fella play real good and ent make no mistake and most importantly he make some deft overlapping runs whipping the ball in and working well with Theobold. This is a better pair than Tiger/Rojas.

Finaly, Stern John what can I say a TOTAL.... !!!

Football / Local based are we gettin FA cup on tv?
« on: May 21, 2005, 05:39:16 AM »
I have class this morning so I cyar watch it good but I could find a way to see a 1/2

But I ent think fox sports bringing it and TV6 ent make no announcement.

As far as I know is pay per view in the States.

ANyhow for Truthseeker........I cyar respond to no post till later tonight. Doe put me on no suicide watch if ManU win.

And For the ManU fans..........alyuh cutarse booked......even without Henry.

Football / As a new Trini Birchall need this.......In pictures
« on: May 20, 2005, 08:01:23 AM »

From watching the game and those who were there can concur....the "Englishman" can play and he is now one of us.

Therefore we hadda indoctrinate him into this thing that is TT culture......thats is if he team mates ent take him in a lil fete and do so already.

Alyuh doe laugh this is serious thing,  he have to get a comprehensive SEA social studies class. Not only he but Beenine and his assistants too

But he may be around after Beenie gone so have to get the entire package so here are a few things he need to learn....

1) What the TT flag looks like, what the colours represent, know the coat of arms and the words to the national anthem

This is because he is a novelty right now on the squad and TV camera will be focusin on him when we in foreign.He cyar be mumbling the words to the anthem with millions watching.

2) He must learn to draw a map of the twin island republic

3) He need this book to help him communicate with his teammates

4) Then he have to take a dip in

and when in Tobago

5)After dat he have to eat a...

with Slight pepper!

then a

After that he hadda line up by Richards and eat a

Then he hadda wash it down and remember that a beer is a

Also this is acceptable

We wont encourage the rum and thing just yet

This is just a crash course until Panama,

Its too much to take in one time but we go give him it piece piece...I dont want to encourage the wine, party and skets just yet, he go get that AFTER we qualify for Germany.

And last thing Chris......the word is not INNIT........the word is  ENT.

Lesson 2 with music,icons, dos and donts to follow.....

Football / The White Boy is IN.....D Touches Match Report
« on: May 18, 2005, 08:28:42 PM »
Touches Match Report.

Dear Forumites,

This has to be one of the most difficult reports to convey as you just had to be here to see what was going on.
However I made all of my observations with the help of our Esteemed Website moderator Tallman and his partner, Patriot and his brother and Andre Samuel and Cowen.......Yes alyuh fellas miss a big lime. Now the first thing is that I actually put on my uniform and took a good look at myself before I walked out my house, and yes I realised the night dew has taken its toll and my pan not as sorf as it used to be.
So I reach in grounds pay my 50$ and first thing is that they had a setta tents all over. I sure they for some other function but as of this evening, they were taking up space and block the view of the field. However plenty people had lil groups under the tents.But when breeze blow the tents was jumping up as they wasnt tie down properly.

I would estimate about 1,500 people in the stadium and all were confused and had mixed reviwes after the game.
Leo had the starting 11 warming up by themselves, under his supervision playing one touch by the line. The subs in the center circle doing the same and the keepers in the post.
Now I was a little concerned as our opponents were bigger in stature and in height than our TT players. They seemed fitter and while I had a preconceived idea of #11 Norberto Solanos, kinda smalley on the field, all of the Lima players average nearly 6 feet or more and they had some White European looking players as well.
I really think the purpose of this match was to scout the foreign based and differentiate the sheep from the goats and at the end of 94 mins certain men are not to get called back.

The starting 11 were as follows in a 4-4-2 formation;

Atiba Charles---, Lawrence,--- Avery John,---Rojas
Edwards,----- Whitley------, Brichall----, Fitzpatrick
----------------------Yorke and Jones

The starting 11 was spot on!.....the only men who pull stones was Tiger and Rojas.
Fellas the opening 40 min was total exhibition football from TT.........then in the 41st, one mistake, corner, goal score and then we just ent get it right.
Trinidad and Tobago had at least 95% possession in the first half, pure 1-2, short passes runs off the ball man running in space, the through ball being attempted and all men hustling and the team moving as a unit.
I couldn't believe at times that it was TT playing as they were totally composed on the ball, outclassing their opponents, getting out of the tough situations with no problems.
The visitors had only one chance at goal and they scored off a corner in the 41st min. The ball was cleared and the player picked it up ran at an acute angle and slap it past Ince on the near post.
Now T&T on the other hand scored a Jones, but deemed offside.....had a shot crash off the bar, had some attempted headers at goal. Mankind hit a acrobatic volley/scissors/bicycle and the home team actually looked like they knew what they doing when in attack.
We looked like a team who have a WCQ a few weeks away.
Of note the standouts of the game were Birchall, who took most of the corners and free kicks and Yorke, who play like a general again.

3 locals were used in this match and from what I have seen of Birchall and agreed upon by my company is that he is a fixture and the question now is who go replace him. He does the basics good, good first touch, good passer of the ball, excellent on crosses and corners and he fit and running harder than others on the team. The most notable play was a Lima player beat the offside trap, the defenders stand up gaping appealing for offside and the Lima forward had a free one on one to goal. Birchall ran from the half, past all the defenders, caught the Lima player by the box and Jam the man winning the ball and playing it to safety. Leh we just say he have a different work ethic that the TT team need.
Yorke was class holding up the ball coming into the game at times laying off and spreading the play. Being a forward one minute and a roving midfielder the next.
Edwards was his usual, up and down the flank, beating when necessary and having a good game.
Avery hit some men some blade and lets just say the stretcher came out. But he didnt get carded.
Lawrence only flaw was he get skinned twice in one play by a Lima player in the first half. Lawrence had the ball, the Lima player take it, belt him and when lawrence recover roll it tru he legs and leave him on the ground. Other than that he play good. Atiba make some mistake but generally had a solid game, Jones could have taken the shot but opted to pass in the first half.

Yes T&T was down by 1 but all signs indicated that we would come back and put at least 2 on this Lima team.
Boy was I wrong ! Leh we just say the 2nd half was an experiment gone wrong.

Subs....Nahkid for Seaton, Glen for Yorke and Phillips for Tiger.

Nahkid start off with some pretty touch and his control and passing is the best among the TT team. Spreading the ball, bring it out from the back and being useful.....But the instructions were play it long for Glen and it was a setta boom kick to Phillips who mistrap or for Glen which he didn't get. Then Blade start to pelt and Nahkid get heated. Some small scuffle and then two player hack down Nahkid once then twice. After that he went up for a ball challenging a Lima player and when he came down to earth he was on the ground not moving and taken off via a stretcher.......he lasted 15 min.

With Nahkid off, Rahim came on but he ent do much, Jones get subbed for Hector Sam and Anton Pierre to a round of applause came on for Lawrence.
Then they had scuffle again, a man hack down Edwards and when he was getting up Edwards stamp the man under low, a Lima player rush out from no-where and pelt a lash/shove at Edwards and well scramble start up. I like how Birchall was right in the action roughing up man and both teams were squaring of in the center of the field.
After that the game got nasty about 4 yellow pass to the visitors and T&T never get any kinda rythm or passes again. The quality on the field was not up to the standard of the starting 11 and it showed. However the Lima side did not get any real opportunities besides a player breaking the offside trap twice with Birchall cleaning up and Atiba the second time.
I could see why Pierre got rested, he got left out a few times and was caught on occasion, I think Beenhakker know what kind of player he is and wanted to give others a chance. In terms of starting he ent up to it right now as Atiba, Lawrence and Avery holding the middle better.

Now the following players proved to Leo and the fans that they just ent ready.
Marlon Rojas........boy they real try with he, Leo even leave him on the field when everyone was begging for him to be substituted, In no mans land, was left out on every occasion a player took him on and his speed is non existant. Also his control was down right poor tonight. He ent ready for this level and his performances at Real Salt Lake also indicate his abilities. But he get beat back twice by a player with the name of Phillips. This fella just ent look like a footballer, he too heavy and slow and he ent make one good trap or pass for the night. They was begging for him to come off the field.
But I think the rest of the team must take some blame too, when you see two men in the same area having a bad game you dont play no ball in that area and keep pressure on them..
Anyway, Hector Sam didn't spark up anything and Glen as some people say have speed but no brain. He miss a sitter in the six yard box after a good cross by Jones and he fell down at a real bad time, trying a beat when he should have passed or shoot. He did get fouled on what looked like a certain penalty but the ref waived play on.
SO fellas what I could say.....the starting 11 besides Tiger and Rojas play good, all the players who came on as sub looked poor. The team just couldn't find a rythm or a way back and it is quite evident which players have made the team for the El salvador game.
We need a left winger, left back and a defensive mid. All the other spots looking taken.
I ent sure how Stern John fitting in as the Jones/Yorke combo was working. Jones had speed and muscling the defenders well. He also takes it to the defenders and makes some useful runs. Yorke was class again tonight.
Birchall is a must, Edwards also looking good.......Whitley ent play good tonight but it looking like he and Theobald will fight it out for that spot. Defensive mid .....we hadda find one.

In the back Avery, Lawrence and Atiba holding it down.

SO player ratings:

Ince 7.....commanded area well, distributed well. hard luck on the goal, not much else to do.

Rojas....4, If he get called back to training he is very lucky after tonights performance.

Atiba....7, made one or two mistakes, but is a good player, when he gets the overseas contract he will improve.

Lawrence 7......decent game.

Avery 7.5.......put in the Blade when necessary, read the game well.

Birchall 8.........good debut from the Englishman, fit and ran more than the others on the team, very lively,brings a different work ethic and the correct things to the TT team.

Edwards 7.5 ......had another good game. Is a must on the wing.

Whitley...6.5 Not a good game but tracked back well, defending the ball in important situations and covering space, but it just wasnt his night.

Tiger  6....tried hard but had little support from Rojas. hit two men a real nice drag, but most of the time had to scruffle and fight up. Not one of his better games.

Jones......7....played avg but you could see he have something special in him, he made some good crosses, he outsprinting men, he not getting knocked off the ball and winning headers in the air. But I jsut feel they ent find he position yet. He is an athelete no doubt about that but we hadda find where he is most useful.

Yorke....8.5 Effort and Commitment once, passing and ideas spot on. He just need more men on his level to play with.


Nahkid....6.5 he try for a 15 min, but the long ball just wasnt on, you could see he was playing to instructions. he had the best touch and brought a calming influence, I hope his injury is not serious. But Nahkid can give us a quality 20 min, that is certain.

Rahim.....6...Not much as he didnt get much time or ball while on the field. He didnt make any mistakes though

Anton Pierre 6.5....Play with heart, but he was getting leave out, he doe have the polish of the other competent defenders, but he will be a useful bench player.

Glen....6.missed a sitter in the six yard bax from a jones cross, he run hard but wasnt real effective.

Sam......6..Nuttin to write home about, was tightly marked and didnt have much time to make an impact

Phillips.....3.5...I feel bad for the man you could see he trying, but nuttin happen for him tonight. Clearly not up to this level.

So fellas thats it, Tallman came up with the Subject line of this post, and we all knew those who could not see the game will bombard us with plenty questions and devils advocate criticisms. But if the purpose was to screen potential players....then it was a very useful exercise.

In terms of general play the starting 11 was up to scratch. Tactics and movement on spot. After the goal and the all fell apart. Dont panic fellas.....plenty improvement has been made, time is just the factor now.

Football / Keeping an eye on Opponents/Neighbours upcoming fixtures
« on: May 18, 2005, 11:38:43 AM »
Here is what our opponents doing

Guatemala (GUA)    :      Venezuela   (VEN)     
Friendly 2005    MIAMI USA - 22.05.2005

Norway (NOR)    :      Costa Rica   (CRC)     
Friendly 2005    OSLO NORWAY - 24.05.2005

Venezuela (VEN)    :      Panama   (PAN)     
Friendly 2005    CARACAS VENEZUELA - 25.05.2005

Trinidad and Tobago (TRI)    :    El Salvador (SLV)    
Friendly 2005    PORT OF SPAIN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - 25.05.2005

USA (USA)    :      England   (ENG)     
Friendly 2005    CHICAGO USA - 28.05.2005

China PR (CHN)    :    Costa Rica (CRC)    
Friendly 2005    CHANGSHA CHINA PR - 19.06.2005

China PR (CHN)    :    Costa Rica (CRC)    
Friendly 2005    22.06.2005

Canada (CAN)    :    Honduras (HON)    
Friendly 2005    VANCOUVER CANADA - 02.07.2005

Germany (GER)    :    USA (USA)    
FRIENDLY 2006    22.03.2006

I find we coulda sneak in a Venezuela game this week and compare that result vs our rivals.

Fail to prepare........prepare to fail.

See why USA is the best in the region

I was really disheartened to read this article where a supposedly educated person spoke in a public forum in this way.

We are Trinidad and Tobago nationals not Indian nationals....the caste system does not belong here. We are not living in a nation where there is one predominant religion or ethnic group. Mixing must occur, and what wrong with that?

No wonder there is tension among races when people push this kinda dotish talk.

Football / Look where our Former Coach Ian Porterfield is now
« on: May 13, 2005, 09:07:39 AM »

All the bad talk some forumites have for him, we win 1 game and draw another vs Mexico, we beat Canada twice for the first time ever in History. We slap goal like wind on Panama and we all thought we was going Korea.....oh well!

Football / Anybody watching the CLINIC Arsenal resting on Everton
« on: May 11, 2005, 02:50:39 PM »
I cyar believe they have Gunners haters on this board.

If you want to see what attack and ball possession is about.....after watching a Brazil game and then Mexico, watch Wenger boys stroke a ball around the park and open up defence.

Is a shame they doe win more trophys.

Oh by the ways 7 goals pass and we in the 80 min and Henry ent start

Football / The Touches Match Report.....Fellas doe panic!
« on: May 10, 2005, 08:10:32 PM »
Touches Reporting.

Dear Forumites,

Before I begin, I took a look at a number of posts and yes while you may have questions and concerns lets not look at the scoreline or try and not to read too much into this game. Of note we are playing the Peruvian side next week (18th) and it was announced in the game that we will be playing El Salvador on the 25th.

This is good we are getting progressively better teams as time goes by with enough rest in between. Remember Leo has had about 10 days with the team, one 3 day camp and he cut some players.

Scoreline not withstanding TT is an improved unit in all deptments.

They had a crowd about 1,500-2,000 people and I am being generous. Of this crowd at least 1000 were from Grande and were backing their team all the way. Also, the game was FREE.....yes FREE I walk in easy gate was open for all and sundry. I dont mean to sound bad but North East Stars is not as good as Jabloteh or W Connection and they didn't look like champions tonight.

In comparison to the T&T team the players all looked scrawney, average and were not very technical. However they were playing for pride and had a little extra hustle in they step. I observed the game with Patriot, Andre Samuel and Cowen and we were in concensus generally with the action as it unfolded on the field.

T&T started with a 4-5--1 formation;

Duarance Williams as Keeper, King, Thomas, Atiba Charles and Nigel Daniel in the back, the midfield were Celestine, Theobold, Whitley, Eve and Dwarika our lone forward up front Gary Glasgow minus the he thought Bertille was still the coach.

North East Stars didn't play anything special....long ball here and there flashes of skill and men running up and down the flanks effectively. What they did do was catch the T&T team napping on occasions. The first was when Derek King ushered a ball out of play, a quickly taken throw found Jagdeosingh a North East Stars player who was ommitted after being called up by coach Leo Beenhakker. He then skipped past Thomas and shot low from the top of the box. GOAL.

Now something to note........Jagdeosingh is not a Indian, in a earlier post people were saying he is Indian. This is T&T last name doe match appearance.

The second North East Stars goal was the best freekick I have seen on local soil in some time. A player spank a curlers in the "V" from 20 yards out. Nothing keeper Williams could have done to prevent it from going in.

Other than that there were times when the 'ref' was issuing a card or calling a foul, the NE Stars players would take the kick quickly catching the T&T defence by surprise and twice they spanked Williams with a bullet.

Other than that NE didn't have any clear cut chance nor did they dominate the game. They also used all of their subs and the intensitiy and quality of there play did not diminish.

T&T on the other hand is an improved side. What is clearly apparent is a case of GOOD TACTICS, good plan............poor execusion.

I do not think any of the current players tonight will make it for the Panama game. Except Densill Theobold, Atiba Charles, Keyeno Thomas, Aurtis Whitley and Arnold Dwarika were the ones who stood out and Angus Eve to a lesser extent.

Fellas Dwarika is back and his touches are on. He's also looking motivated and he is tackling and fierce too. Theobold had an excellent game and linked up well with Whitley.

The T&T team after conceding the first goal switched to a 3-5-2 with Dwarika moving up to the forward position, Eve playing on the wing.

Later in the second half it morphed into a 4-4-2.

Celestine attempted to shoot at goal on occasion but the ball was in the stands...Glasgow has regained some of his touches, trapping the ball very cleanly and laying off but like he doesn't know what to do in front of goal and purge down himself. Dwarika threw away a sitter in the six yard box, shooting straight at the keeper with no pressure, when he could have placed it. Dwarika also scored but the referee deemed the goal offside. It was a good goal the lines-man could a man square a ball back from the line and have it deemed offside.

Anyway, the T&T team play ZERO long was all about quick touches, of one or two touches each, movement off the ball, off the ball runs...perfect triangles being maintained at all times and players running into space. Every time T&T were in possession they looked very dangerous coming forward and created at least 6 or seven opportunities only to be wasted by Celestine or Glasgow.

I find for the short space of time we were looking much much better and I not worried we will get it right in time for Panama. What is apparent is the speed at which T&T is playing, it is much faster and we are not predictable any more.

Also the short passes and springing of forwards will be more conducive to a speedy forward i.e a Cornell Glen or a Jason Scotland.......I do not see how Stern John fitting in with the system being played, either he have to change from trap and screen and revert to take on men and bore through or he will be left on the bench.

There is no more run up the wing and hit and is a calculated run with the midfielders making a dummy run creating space and a following midfielder shooting from the top of the box. Also, it seems the Theobold/Whitley combo is good, put Edwards or Birchall on the right wing with Fitzpatrick on the left and Spann in the middle as defensive and we good to go.

Derek aint know how the man was on the field instead of Anton Pierre, but he was the pull stones of the back four and was subbed at 1/2 time.

Nigel Daniel didn't have a good game but he did whip in some good crosses and corners.

Angus Eve played decent but got burnt in the second half.

All the subs that came on were not special, I dont see them being a factor in any of the games.

So fellas, it was an entertaining game but you had to be there to see the action.

Dont panic, dont make comparisons, dont start no ole talk.

It was a exercise to see who could cut it and follow instructions and right now Theobold, Whitley, Dwarika, Eve, Thomas, and Charles are the only ones to get a passing grade.

Foreign based will make up 90% of this team and yes they better than the locals.

Football / This is what the TT team pictures
« on: April 23, 2005, 02:45:13 PM »
Before we start they need a good proper

Then they need plenty

After that a good balanced

no doubles, Kfc and chubby

When night time come is

Not no Zen, 51 degrees or Naries in barataria

We have the right man in charge now

And Finally..for all those who pulling stones........especially Mr Stern John!

Football / Socawarrior Wristbands...I find some on sale
« on: April 23, 2005, 02:06:11 PM »
Dear Forumites,

I came across the much touted, but highly secretive Socawarriors wristbands.

They are available in a sports store in Ellerslie Plaza maraval, called Sport Outlet.

The fella in the Store did a very good job of trying to sell me one and I will send one for my family overseas.

He is of the firm Belief we will make Germany and he had a idea of the team and the national set-up.

The band is EXACTLY like the Lance armstrong LIVE STRONG band..........i.e it looks like a big rubberband on yuh hand.

However it is Red/pink in colour. They all have Socawarriors on it but each band had a different message. Some said Germany 2006, another said, Believe while another had the main slogan the RED DAWN RISING.

The Display box is red, with an abstract goalkeeper on it, a goal, net etc. But the big slogan on the Box is the Red Dawn Rising..........I kinda like that  the marketing people doing they wuk.

Finally the fella was selling them at 25$ TT for one. They come individually sealed in a plastic envelope/pouch and he say he could handle me a lil discount if I buy a grap.

So now alyuh know!

I was tempted to ask him  what % of the sale going to the players and the TTFF, but I go hold stick him with that next time I pass tru.

Football / For Truthseeker and JDB heheheheh
« on: April 09, 2005, 08:33:03 PM »
Is long time I ent pong alyuh,

But like alyuh side GUARANTEE to get a cut arse from a relegated team.

Norwich.........tsk, tsk, tsk.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / KMC signs lucative recording deal
« on: April 09, 2005, 12:14:24 PM »

KMC signs lucrative US recording deal
Wayne Bowman

Saturday, April 9th 2005

KMC (centre) stands with Patrick Moxey, President of Ultra Records (left) and Jean Michel Gibert after he (KMC) signed a four-album deal with the label, which is based in New York at Rituals office in Port of Spain on Tuesday

Local soca artiste KMC has signed to a lucrative recording and distribution deal with a major independent recording label based in New York. The man who this year enjoyed tremendous success with his hit singles "Soul On Fire" and "First Experience," was signed to a four-CD deal with Ultra Records on Tuesday.

The label will in June this year release the original mix of "Soul On Fire" in the United States as well as in Britain. President of Ultra Records, Patrick Moxey, explained that there will also be four remixes produced and released throughout the States, Britain and across Europe. He further explained that another single will follow shortly after and that the first CD collection is expected to be released before year's end. KMC is in fact already working on that CD and spent the last weekend in studios across Jamaica, building rhythm tracks for songs to be featured on the collection. KMC said he intends to produce most of that debut CD here at home because this is where the, "real vibe for my music is."

He is, however, going to incorporate a few Jamaican dancehall rhythms to create an international urban flavour. "I will also ride on a couple of Jamaican rhythms, but I will mostly be building my own rhythms," KMC said.

Moxey was introduced to KMC's music when he met Jean Michel Gibert at the annual MIDEM Music Convention in France earlier this year.

French-born Gibert is the founder of the Rituals Music Company and has been living here for the past 20 years. He has assisted several local artistes in being established on the international market and was impressed enough with KMC's work over the past seven years or so to take copies of the artiste's CDs with him to MIDEM. Moxey said he was blown away by what he heard and decided to come to Trinidad and sign KMC right away.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Look he start back the Shit
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:46:12 PM »
Mankind pants too baggy now......yeah right!

Derwin Watts, who is a practising Rastafarian, stands outside Zen nightclub, Keate Street, Port-of-Spain, after he and several other men were denied entry because of their dress code.

Photo: Zen Dionne Jarrette

By Dionne Jarrette

Several men became vociferous outside the popular Zen nightclub on Keate Street, Port of Spain, late Wednesday evening when they were denied entry.

Fresh on the heels of a Digicel cocktail party, also held at the venue, Zen’s Reggae-Alernative-Hip Hop night started off at around 10.30 with women being let in free and men having to pay a $50 cover charge.

About 15 men were kept in a group at the door while the women were allowed in first.

While grouped at the door, the club’s owner Johnny Soong singled out several men, whose girlfriends had already entered, and informed them they could not enter the club, after making them stand at the side and wait for approximately 15 minutes.

When a hue and cry ensued, Soong said he had a strict dress code to enforce and the men were in violation.

“What kind of Club Coconuts thing is this?” one man shouted.

Many flustered women started grouping near the box office, wanting to find out where their escorts were.

The bouncers then informed them that they would have to return inside or be ejected and pay a cover charge for re-entry.

At this point, some of the men outside, quite a few of whom were sporting dreadlocks, started complaining bitterly.

One Rastafarian, Derwin Watts, seemed puzzled about being denied entry into the club as he had attended a party there the previous Saturday and wore the same outfit.

“He (Soong) was watching me hard the entire time I was in the line,” Watts said.

“I feel it was because I am a Rasta. Plenty people with dreads get turn away.”

“I had such a good time at the club on Saturday that I was disappointed that things turned out like this. All I wanted to do was party and spend my money. All my friends were in and I was left out.”

Watts was the only Rastafarian (a follower of the faith) among his group of friends.

Among the other men who were denied entry, were an off-duty policeman and a member of the Coast Guard, both of whom apparently had committed similar fashion infractions.

When approached to ask why Watts was not allowed in, Soong said, “It is my decision to make. His pants are too baggy.”

When it was pointed out that several other men were wearing the same kind of trousers and were allowed entry, Soong became agitated.

Upon taking out a camera to take pictures of the scene, Soong turned to his bouncers, pointed at this reporter and said, “Look at her face good. She taking pictures. She is banned from this club.”

The Guardian made several attempts to contact Soong yesterday but he could not be reached for comment.

When the newspaper attempted to leave him telephone messages to contact the newsroom, his mailbox was full.
©2004-2005 Trinidad Publishing Company Limited

Designed by: Randall Rajkumar-Maharaj · Updated daily by: Sheahan Farrell

Football / Allyuh know this fact about Ron Laforest
« on: April 02, 2005, 08:46:44 AM »
Ron LaForest, another former national striker who once scored a hat trick against Arsenal with Pat Jennings in goal, was reassigned to coach the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic team.

Players long time was Boss...Dwight Yorke is the only other Trinbagonian to repeat such a feat.i.e score Hattrick against the gunners.


Football / LEO BEENHAKKER New TT head coach
« on: March 31, 2005, 04:33:16 PM »

You hear it from me first.........According to Swima, from the guardian Newsroom. The former Ajax technical director and Holland national team coach is now in charge of the Warriors.

We shoulda make this move since the Dominican Rep game.

Football / The Touches Match Report
« on: March 30, 2005, 08:45:05 PM »

Ladies and Gents,

For those of you who were unable to attend this afternoons game, lets just say it was the most enjoyable TT football match in the HC since the 1-0 win over Mexico.

I would estimate only 3-5000 supporters, but those who managed to get a seat in covered stands were treated like Royalty.

I arrived at 3:30 and walked in easily as there was not much crowd. While passing around by the clock....Mr Phillips and Mr Warner were quietly outside the gate in civilian clothing having a lil discussion among themselves.  Upon reaching the turnstile of covered stands, I was greeted by a lovely young lady who presented me with two Busta sorf drinks.

After going thru the gate The freeness started.......I ent go lie, the sponsors and everybody try to make fans comfortable this game.
Hear the goodies.....besides the two busta, I get a free red fact I get two, a tstt and a busta.I gave away the busta.
Then I get a inflatable pillow/cushion/football. Then I get a free key chain which doubled as a bottle opener,
A kinda match program paper, a red rag and finally yes the best giveaway..............a poster of our Beloved Socawarriors.

I never get treat so good walking in a Trinidad match.

AT first I was lil worried about the atmosphere.........about 50-100 costa ricans in a section making more noise than the entire stadium, but that was only for a lil while.

They finally get the speakers and the pa system right and Radioactive was jamming tune and pumping up the crowd.

Then we were fortunate to have the woodbrook playboys jamming iron and tunes during the game, a wicked rythm section near to the clock in uncovered stand and finally the Army/Regiment Band with they horn and xylophone and they big drum and precussion.

Noise and vibes like fuss time!...........It was the closest vibes to the strike squad days this stadium has seen in a while, The stadium was actually making noise, clapping along in unison and for once the visitors were quiet whole game.

No Stryker mascot...always a good crowd pleaser , but the KFC chicken come out and put down a wine for the crowd.

The biggest surprise was a real excitable fan in the grounds section.........THE man COME out Like a REAL warrior/gladiator and start to run up and down the place. The man costume was good he had a big helmet, breastplate/chest armour, shield and he had a big TT flag. I ent see the material close up but it look like he buy out all the Foil in HiLO to make that kit, but he look good and the crowd and the players on the bench roar in approval.

On to the warm up.......The TT team breaks off into 3 groups, def, mids, strikers. Two of the groups playing piggy in the middle  1 and two touch, while one group does short sprints.

The Costa Ricans do a methodical warm up in a line consisting of various runs and stretches.

Then I say lemme close in on the Striker Warm up.....Glenn was crossing the ball and Stern was taking it on he chest and shooting at goal aiming for the corners..  AFter Glenn finish his warmup and returned to the dressing room Stern stayed back to practice his shooting with the help of Michael Maurice. Alyuh might say I does observe shit........but a ball was passed to Stern 8 times by Michael Maurice rolled on the ground and he was shooting at an open goal..........Fellas he score only 1, and it really wasnt near the corner. All the rest of balls he dragged wide of the mark. I say to myself if we looking for a goal from he today we ent gettin it.

After that I get some small shocks.... First orf the TT subs started walking out the tunnel. I see Pierre, nuttin wrong there, I see Hector Sam...ok that is a norm.....but then I see Tiger and I say hrmmm...then I see Sancho....another hrm.....I get a big shock when I see Kenwyn with a bib on and finally I see Shaka walking in a blue Jersey... I say shit is now we lorse. Clayton Imps in goal with a broken finger.

They announce the teams and everybody get a cheer, but when they announce BSC the whole stadium start to boo. It look and sound bad and some Costa ricans were looking around confused but small ting.

But anthems start up and surprisingly the stadium start to was only diehard in the stadium today and it was the loudest anthem I hear in a while.

So the starting line up in a 3-5-2 went like this.

Ince, Lawrence, Anton Pierre, a number 4 David Charles, Rojas, Eve, Spann, Edwards, Yorke, Stern and Glen.

Tweet game start and play was on. Surprising we didnt change much from how we looked tactically vs Guatemala. When Anton Pierre get the ball or Charles, it is a long hoof ball to Stern who traps and does Zilch.

The defence still giving trouble when men running at them, and tactically they still not marking too good and tracking back but in this game the midfield was actually wukking.

Why.......we had a YOUTH name Silvio spann....he mistrap some ball and make some lil bad pass due to being excited, but he run the middle spread the ball, he fit, he quick and he tackling strong and winning ball.

Edwards was a boss today he was taking it to men and going sending in crosses tracking back winning ball and generally he looked better than the Guatemala match.

Eve real play.....alyuh cyar bad talk angus for a while, he get bun in the 2nd half but he real handle it.

Finally........I have to take my hat off and give Dwight Yorke a round of applause, the man real real play. Is a good thing he have no club and could dedicate himself to TT. Talk about effort fire and determination. He gave more than 110% and was effective. bringing the ball out from the back and trying to create space . Tackling and making sensible fouls and holding up the ball when needed.

Glenn try but the ankle was botherin him, he had a decent game though had to come off due to injury.

Rojas is not ready for this level yet..but he gives it his all and tries to make up for his lack of skill and ball control by putting in a good effort. he is just like a young Stokley Mason.

Charles still green and making some mistake in the back with some bad clearance and pass but he will improve.

Lawrence play good today...I was real surprised, nobody shake him, he shepard plenty ball to safety, he rough up wanchope, and nobody leave him out.

TT play a good possession game and had about 60% of the ball

Now Costa Rica could have hit us about 4 goals two of them look certain but Ince proved why he was chosen on the day.

Fellas Ince is way better orf his line and he was playing like a sweeper at the top of the 18.He made a very big save taking a point blank shot on his chest on the edge of the 18yrd box in the first half as he couldnt handle it. He did spill a cross from a corner which could have spelled goal, but other than that Ince handle it. I now happy with whoever the coach put in goal. But Ince is faster off his line and I think a better shot stopper.

The main reason why we drew the game was simple....WE HAD NO meaningful shots to goal. If you doe shoot yuh cyar score, we had one good opportunity but instead of being headed in or shot in it was chest pushed into the goal from just inside the 6 yard box. This team only passing the ball around and looking to cross , but they getting the opportunity to shoot and no one taking the responsibility, opting to shift and pass the ball wide.

Also the ref was bias and real favour the visitors......also the linesman was totaly blind, slow and had no knowledge of offside, either that or somebody slip him a few extra us$ in he room yesterday. Now while I admit Stern was offside right tru, there were many times when glenn or eve broke tru and were called offside.

But they showed why they were called warriors this afternoon these players put out everything they had in this game they real try and they get full marks for effort.

when half time arrived and the score was still 0-0, I say what............we might do good today, Bertie finally get it right.

Eh heh I see the chupidness start when it was time to make subs.

Our most penetrative player Carlos Edwards who was having a great game, was being subbed.......WHY?

Then our midfield Maestro was also subbed.......WHY?

The biggest stones puller was walking about on the field just running orfside.....he was not subbed...WHY?

Tiger came in and did well, tackling and breaking up plays but we then had nuttin in attack.

Sam came in for Spann and did nothing but lose the ball. I sorry but he was just a poor sub.

Glenn got injured and we needed a change but You  have Kenwyne on the bench and you bring in Pierre.

Pierre however did his best and looked decent when he had the ball but the moment these subs were made TT immediately lost control of the match.For 20 min Costa Rica took control and started launching the counter attack plays, making raids and putting the defence under pressure. It was during this time heart attack mode start, and with 20 min left to play if we had conceded during this time there was no way back, given the impotent attack on the field at the time.

But surpringly in the last 5 min, we get some chances.....some crosses and people jumping to head and one or two lil scramble in the 18yrd box., Howeverwhen men have the goal to shoot at they cutting back and playing ball wide for man to cross. This was our downfall this afternoon.....NO shots to goal.

Tweet game was over......we get our first point and I wasnt sure what happen to Bertie, but walking out of the stadium people was saying he get fired...I ent know how true that is. We still in last place but the performance today inspiring plenty hope. We could win 4 games with this type of play and draw against the US. Fellas I seeing it we can still pull it orf.

Everyone want to know how this side get 5 from Guatemala, what went wrong,.......we play good today and I finally see some positives.

What we should have is a younger squad..Imagine a spann,theobold,tiger, edwards, otis seaton midfield, with Glenn and Kenwyne up front and a Thomas, Charles and Henry,nigel daniel in the back. The only position we need the old men is the keeping spot, because Williams ent good lil bit.

Well thats the Touches report, If you wasnt there yuh miss out.

The only thing that woulda make this afternoon perfect woulda be a win, but say wha at least we ent lose!

Football / The Most Dotish Question..Who MARKING WANCHOPE?
« on: March 30, 2005, 08:44:30 AM »
Fellas I read a post lower down by kingK

now lemme extract a small quote

At the back, St Clair tried both the lanky Dennis Lawrence and Anton Pierre at the stopper position as replacements for injured Glasgow Rangers defender Marvin Andrews, with Lawrence seeming to get the nod.

While Brent Sancho, Atiba Charles and Keyeno Thomas jostled to fill the man-marking positions, at all times Carlos Edwards and Marlon Rojas occupied the flanking defensive positions, indicating that St Clair was opting once more for the 3-5-2 system.

It will be no surprise to see England-based Yorke in the attacking central midfield position after yesterday's session, while both Eve and Spann vied for the defensive midfield roles.

Alyuh done see how we flop up already.

I watched the game last night on Gayelle and woeful marking by tallman,Sancho and Pierre cause all d goals. TT shoulda win that game.

But anyway lewwe put some common sense here. Instead of going on radio and going in town and signing autograph and tiring outtheyself.They shoulda be watching tape after tape of this costa rica side and preparing.

The defenders shoulda watch every move Wanchope have, The fella named Marin and the next one inthe center name Solis.

But realistically, eve and spann for def mid....we ent winning nuttin there, as one might not play and the other doe tackle.

The giraffe does get burn, Sancho is a fresh breeze swiper, Edwards doe tackle and Pierre Slow.

I really want to know who going and mark Wanchope.............or we ent studying he, same way we ent study Ruiz.

What I would like to suggest is we put on a man as a sacrifical pawn.

Enter Cyd gray or Keyno Thomas or Even Dereck King..........This is the only role they have to perform and let the rest of the team do their job after.

Come on the field and hit Wanchope the BLADE OF HIS LIFE........Incapacitate him, take yuh yellow and we will sub you. At the same time he comes orf the field on a stretcher.

If you posters find this is not becoming of a TT football side....realise this is WC and these are tactics which we have failed to employ, hence we have not qualified for a WC thus far.

Also for those who have short memories, and for those of us who are new to this forum......Costa Rica successfully carried out this exact game plan two world cup campaigns ago. They did so in the Queens Park Oval on our then most beloved and most skillful player a Mr. R. Latapy.......he lasted a mere 12 minutes and was hustled orf to St Clair with No insurance from the TTFF. 

The sacrificial player costa Rica used.........a man with the nick name "The Hatchet" H. Montero, and he get away with not even a yellow card.

So, I trying to help alyuh in what ever way I can to suggest ways for us to win this game.

Also bench Stern John and give him a bush bath.....Start Jones and Glenn, SUbs... Sealy and Sam.

I will also be there in my red Jersey from 3pm in Stands.

Will post the report Later!

Football / Ramdhan in charge of USA game
« on: March 28, 2005, 09:31:28 AM »

WHILE Trinidad and Tobago host Costa Rica at the Hasely Crawford Stadium on Wednesday's Shouter Baptist Liberation holiday, local football referee Ramesh Ramdhan will be in the United States in charge of the World Cup qualifier between the Americans and Guatemala.

The game takes place from 7 p.m. at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama.

We leaders talking about breakfases and para-digim and cyar string two words together but they want this to come to fruitation.

By the year 2020, Government expects all citizens will be bilingual. This was revealed last week by Trade Minister Ken Valley during the launch of the Spanish as the First Foreign Language initiative at T&T Manufacturers Association, Barataria.

“Today, we know that one of the most important abilities we can develop as a nation is proficiency in both the English and Spanish languages, to provide prospective investors with a workforce that can communicate effectively and conduct business in the two dominant languages of this hemisphere,” said Valley.

Valley cited the initiative as a major step in meeting the demands of globalisation and trade liberalisation.

He also noted that employees proficient in both languages were being hired over those who were equally qualified, but monolingual.

Trade talks too, he said, were also increasingly held in Spanish. This country is a front-runner to host the headquarters of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), which will include 34 countries, 18 of which have Spanish as their first language.

Added to this, said Valley, is the fact that T&T benefits from over $1 billion in trade from its Spanish-speaking neighbours. As for social reasons, Valley noted that Spanish was part of the country’s history, with influence in several places, foods, and other aspects of the country’s culture.

The drive is to be implemented through the Secretariat for the Implementation of Spanish programme—SIS—and is headed by Dr Sharon-Ann Gopaul-McNicol.

As part of the scheme, employees of all government agencies and ministries will be mandated to train in the second language.

Gopaul-McNicol said the first steps to awareness had already been implemented, with street signs posted in both languages in downtown Port-of-Spain.

Additionally, generic signs, such as those for toilets and kitchens at workplaces in the public sector will also be in Spanish, she said.

As for the private sector, Gopaul-McNicol said, several companies had already joined the drive and implemented Spanish programmes, as well as creating Spanish learning environments for their employees.

Gopaul-McNicol assured that SIS would also be at their disposal to meet and make suggestions to build and sustain employee interest in SAFFL.

As for the integration of a second language at schools, she said several primary schools had already taken up the gauntlet at the start of the September school term. She assured soon Spanish would be on the curriculum of every primary school nationwide.

In delivering the vote of thanks, Benedict Guerrero, who is of Spanish descent, urged the public to say “Yes to Spanish,” and expressed gratitude for Government’s appreciation of the language going beyond parang and pastelle.

Football / Suppose we win Big on Wed?
« on: March 28, 2005, 09:12:02 AM »

lets just say the Lord smile on we on Wed and Stern start back scoring and produces a hat-trick. With York or Nahkid scoring one more.

We have a totally tight game in the back and we conceed none and the score at the end of 90 min reads 4-0 in favour of TT.

Guatemala get hammered by the US lewwe just say about 4 and Panama gets a whipping from Mexico thus reducing their goal difference significantly

TT will then move up from last to 3rd to last tying with Costa rica on Goal difference. Guatemala one point ahead on 4 and Panama last with one point.

Mexico and US on 9 and 6 points respectively and TT is now a contender for the third spot.

Would we still keep bertie on board?

Football / The same players make bertie lorse he wuk TWICE!
« on: March 27, 2005, 10:09:48 AM »

lewwe look at the TEAM,

How you think they must be feeling knowing that this same exact squad with just a few additions, play a bigger pile of shit and make they mentor lorse he wuk twice.

But then again, them make every coach lorse he wuk. ;D

You think they have a conscience or you think they sabotage the effort knowing he go get fired?

Now I watching it the TTFF real screw up, and Bertie living in a time zone.......imagine you had a squad that was playing Beautiful ball and still collecting 4 from Mexico. 4 years later you have the same squad of men and they collecting 5 from lesser opponents, while most of yuh squad  pass or close to 30 yrs old and out of form.

The players are at fault.......They have no blasted Shame or pride, if not for they self at least for the coach or nation

Football / Palos yuh words ringing True breds
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:36:12 AM »
When yuh friendly match is yuh final warm up match before a vital World Cup qualifier, you honestly think is "ok to experiment with new players?...especially players who not in yuh official squad?...especially players who not even playin in de A league?  What exactly is de purpose of dat?

Man....allyuh does continue to amaze me wit de f**kin dotishness allyuh does accpet wee.

Wit dem kinda scenes it eh go be surprisin if we take at least 3 in we pweffen on Saturday!

But is ok....because is jes a "fiendly" ent?    >:(

P.S.......................A blind man in the dark coulda see this coming a long ways orf  ;D.

Football / TTFF Let Admission on Wed be FREE!
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:23:46 AM »

Fellas lewwe be honest, nobody going and pay money to come and watch this game.

They doe have many people who interested in this side period.

Let the TTFF in their infinite wisdom as it is a crucial do or die match ban they belly, and let anyone in a red jersey in FREE.

Come with a whistle and a noise making instrument and get in.

They ent have to worry because there is no way 20,000 Trinis coming football to see this side right now, besides that they say 50,000 of them in tobago and we know they stranded due to the ineffectiveness of bwia, and the two new boat.

So let us in free!

Never know you may get some support! because right now the Soca warriors need all the help they can get.

P.S........give the jabloteh team the finta uniform and let them run on the field....I sure they ent go collect 5. ;D

Football / Alyuh look stats. goal in we $c**t!
« on: March 27, 2005, 07:11:44 AM »

I know we lorse this game but collecting cinco hard. Cinco is a ultimate blowout!

Now have a look at Mr St. Clair record and the sides that beat we and the margin. Really we shouldnt be at all surprised.

Any team who have a idea put more than 2 past we. Lets recap..Egypt-2, Scotland-4, N. Ireland-3,Thailand-3,Guatemala-9
Mexico-6,Antigua and Barbuda-2...yes they beat we(USA,JAM,CUBA, Bdos all put 2 past us.

So you see we leaking goals like a tobago glass bottom boat with no glass. The defense with little change is the same  men he rotatin over and over ....King, thomas, dog, sancho,lawrence,pierre, charles and rojas.........avery get only 2 games. Up to now they have no understanding and cyar get it right.

Now get vex with me for this statement....but it is FACT...Fevrier,Porterfield and Simoes conceded the least amount of goals during thir tunure against Quality sides. Porters only get 4 from JA and costarica, but the other games he lorse were by only by 1-0 margins.Simoes too never get nuttin less than a 1 goal in we tail, Also Fevrier was doing quite well taking the side Africa and beating people.

Anyhow take a look at Bertie record and doe be surprised.

97.   T&T - Brazilian Over 30 All-Stars Friendly.    17 Feb 2004
1 - 1    Stern John 20th.    Bertille St Clair.

98. Egypt - T&T Friendly.    31 Mar 2004
2 - 1    Stern John 79th.    Bertille St Clair.

99. Newport All-Star X1 (England) - T&T
Friendly.    21 May 2004
0 - 4    Kerwyn Jemmott 19th, Stern John 22nd, Kerry Baptiste 51st, Dennis Lawrence.    Bertille St Clair.
100. Iraq - T&T
Friendly.    23 May 2004
0 - 2    Stern John 30th, 65th.    Bertille St Clair.

101. Scotland - T&T
Friendly.    30 May 2004
4 - 1    Stern John 55th.    Bertille St Clair.

102. T&T - Northern Ireland
Friendly.    06 Jun 2004
0 - 3    No Scorers.    Bertille St Clair.

103. Dominican Republic - T&T
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    13 Jun 2004
0 - 2    Marvin Andrews 62nd, Stern John 90th.    Bertille St Clair.

104. T&T - Dominican Republic
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    20 Jun 2004
4 - 0    Jason Scotland 48th, Stern John 69th, Denzil Theobald 74th, Scott Sealy 86th.    Bertille St Clair.

105. Thailand - T&T
Friendly.    10 Jul 2004
3 - 2    Anthony Rougier 17th, Gary Glasgow 30th.    Bertille St Clair.

106. South Korea - T&T
Friendly.    14 Jul 2004
1 - 1    Jason Scotland 77th.    Bertille St Clair.

107. Guatemala - T&T
Friendly.    11 Aug 2004
4 - 1    Conrad Smith 90th.    Bertille St Clair.

108. St Vincent & the Grenadines - T&T
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    18 Aug 2004
0 - 2    Errol McFarlane 79th, 87th.    Bertille St Clair.

109. St Kitts & Nevis - T&T
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    04 Sept 2004
1 - 2    Errol McFarlane 44th, Stern John 88th.    Bertille St Clair.

110. T&T - Mexico
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    08 Sept 2004
1 - 3    Stern John 40th.    Bertille St Clair.

111. T&T - Arima Morvant Fire
Friendly.    07 Oct 2004
3 - 1    Denzil Theobald 40th, Dennis Lawrence, Stern John 75th.    Bertille St Clair.

112. T&T - St Kitts & Nevis
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    10 Oct 2004
5 - 1    Alexis Riley (og), Stern John 24th, 83rd, Cornell Glen 70th, Jerren Nixon 89th.    Bertille St Clair.

113. Mexico - T&T
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    13 Oct 2004
3 - 0    No Scorers.    Bertille St Clair.

114. T&T - St Vincent & the Grenadines
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    17 Nov 2004
2 - 1    Hector Sam 84th, Angus Eve 90th.    Bertille St Clair.

115. T&T - Puerto Rico
Digicel Cup Tournament.    24 Nov 2004
5 - 0    Cornell Glen 13th, 43rd, 48th, Derek King 80th, Conrad Smith 88th.    Bertille St Clair.

116. T&T - Grenada
Digicel Cup Tournament.    26 Nov 2004
2 - 0    Nigel Pierre 22nd, Cyd Gray 50th.    Bertille St Clair.

117. T&T - Suriname
Digicel Cup Tournament.    28 Nov 2004
1 - 0    Cornell Glen 65th.    Bertille St Clair.

118. British Virgin Islands - T&T
Digicel Cup Tournament.    12 Dec 2004
0 - 4    Nigel Pierre 7th, 65th, Kerwyn Jemmott 69th, Silvio Spann 80th.    Bertille St Clair.

119. T&T - British Virgin Islands
Digicel Cup Tournament.    19 Dec 2004
2 - 0    Nigel Pierre 21st, Angus Eve 61st.    Bertille St Clair.

120. T&T - St Vincent & the Grenadines
Digicel Cup Tournament.    9 Jan 2005
3 - 1    Gary Glasgow 51st, Leslie Fitzpatrick 54th, Nigel Pierre 61st.    Bertille St Clair.

121. Antigua and Barbuda - T&T
Friendly.    12 Jan 2005
2 - 1    Nigel Pierre 55th.    Bertille St Clair.

122. St Vincent & the Grenadines - T&T
Digicel Cup Tournament.    16 Jan 2005
1 - 0    No Scorers.    Bertille St Clair.

123. T&T - Azerbaijan
Friendly.    21 Jan 2005
1 - 0    Scott Sealy 41st.    Bertille St Clair.

124. T&T - Azerbaijan
Friendly.    23 Jan 2005
2 - 0    Nigel Pierre 21st, Conrad Smith 67th.    Bertille St Clair.

125. T&T - Haiti
Friendly.    01 Feb 2005
1 - 0    Anton Pierre 59th.    Bertille St Clair.

126. T&T - Haiti
Friendly.    03 Feb 2005
2 - 1    Stern John 21st, Cornell Glen 43rd.    Bertille St Clair.

127. T&T - Haiti
Friendly.    06 Feb 2005
0 - 1    No Scorers.    Bertille St Clair.

128. T&T - United States
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    09 Feb 2005
1 - 2    Angus Eve 89th.    Bertille St Clair.

129. Jamaica - T&T
Digicel Cup Tournament.    20 Feb 2005
2 - 1    Nigel Pierre 37th.    Bertille St Clair.

130. Cuba - T&T
Digicel Cup Tournament.    22 Feb 2005
2 - 1    Cornell Glen 13th.    Bertille St Clair.

131. Barbados - T&T
Digicel Cup Tournament.    24 Feb 2005
2 - 3    Conrad Smith 11th, Cornell Glen 30th, Angus Eve 75th.    Bertille St Clair.

132. Atlanta Silverbacks (USA) - T&T
Friendly.    22 Mar 2005
1 - 2    Nigel Pierre 34th, Angus Eve 41st.    Bertille St Clair.

133. Guatemala - T&T
2006 World Cup Qualifying.    26 Mar 2005
5 - 1    Carlos Edwards 32nd.    Bertille St Clair.

Football / ALyuh be happy yuh ent SEE the 5 in we pwefen
« on: March 26, 2005, 10:04:19 PM »
I think its a good thing the radio and tv ent bring this match nah,

Well I know not a soul will be in the stadium on wed but I will be there.

It should be berties LAST match in charge and we shoulda axe he tail long time ago.

This kinda embarrassment hadda stop.

Guatemala IS NOT A SIDE.

There is no excuse for 5 goals.......even a 4th place spot ent looking good based on goal difference.

Football / GAME STARTIN Look the radio link here
« on: March 26, 2005, 06:59:52 PM »

The guats lil concerned.

Fellas we go pull it orf

Football / Should we keep the "Soca" in the "Warriors"?
« on: March 26, 2005, 08:52:06 AM »

Gents, this debate has started up alot of conversation back home.

Many letters to the editor have stated they prefer the Soca in the name.

Also any team can be called the Warriors.......e.g I think Zimbabwe national team has the same name, but the Soca can only come from One place in the world.......Sweet T+T.

Lets have a vote!

Football / 96.1 Now Buss the New Maximus Socawarriors Tune!
« on: March 25, 2005, 09:16:08 AM »

The football fan Maximus Dan release a Socawarriors tune and it good!
It have a fast iron........start orf with a ole ole ole, and it a real good uptempo inspirational tune.

The chorus is.............. I am a Soca Warrior...........Win or Lose I am a fighter!

Notable lines in the tune that had me smiling was......every tackle and every pass, we go have them eating grass.

And the second was, when we in the uniform.......Victory is the norm.

I hope they start ponging it a lil more regular, that and the Bungi one, as if the side get a positive result tomorrow they will be ble to get the waggonist out they house on Wed afternoon.

Listen out for it.

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