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Offline xixgon

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1650 on: May 01, 2010, 11:01:48 AM »

Evra: Fergie will go until he "dies on the bench"

By Soccernet staff

Patrice Evra thinks Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson will carry on in football until he "dies on the bench".

Evra says Ferguson told the players rumours about his impending retirement were rubbish and that he will be around for many years to come.

The French full back told the Daily Mail: "The manager will die on the bench. It is his destiny." Evra went on to explain that Ferguson called a meeting to refute reports that he was prepared to walk away from Old Trafford.

"It was before a game. He just started talking about how people had been saying he was going to retire. And he asked us if we seriously thought he would just be sitting in his house watching the TV, listening to the radio and doing nothing.

"He said, 'No chance. I have worked all my life and I will work until I die'. For a moment he laughed. And then he said, 'This is my victory. I cannot walk away from this'.

"Before a game he always tells a small story. Sometimes he talks about when he was the Aberdeen manager. Another time he went round the dressing room and talked about the different players.

"The fact that here we were, from Korea, France, Serbia, Bulgaria, from different parts of England and the world, and how we had all come together to be in the same place. He talked about our stories. The different obstacles we had overcome to get here. It gave the players this huge lift."

Evra reveals that Ferguson is still prepared to unleash the hair dryer treatment - something the 28-year-old discovered in only his first game for the club, against rivals Manchester City.

"He took me off after 45 minutes. I could tell he was angry. He just looked at me, deadly serious, and said, 'Mr Evra, now just watch and see what is English football. And learn'."

He added: "Alex Ferguson is a culture. And he is a winner. Football is like a pyramid. To reach the top is easy. It is staying there that is difficult. He does not let you rest. He is always hungry for the next game.

"I remember one match when we were winning 2-0 by half-time and he still gave us the hair-dryer because we should have been four or five up. He reminded us that people had paid money to watch us. 'Why don't you respect them?' he screamed.

"He demands the highest standards. If you play a good game for United, you sit on the bench. Only if you play an amazing game do you stay in the team. Those are the rules and the players accept them."

Evra also revealed that his close friend Carlos Tevez "still loves United", despite playing for their bitter rivals Manchester City.

"When he was playing for us he was such a professional," he said. "He played with his heart. I know him. I still go to his house and I know he still loves United. I don't want to make a problem for him with City, but it suited his identity here.

"Even when he wasn't playing, he would come on and change the game. He would always fight. I tell him he should still be with us. If, one day, he wins the championship and the Champions League with City, I will say, 'Fine, you made a good move, Carlito'. But until then... I just speak the truth."

Offline Small Magician aka Wazza

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1651 on: May 01, 2010, 11:31:42 AM »
Full Evra Interview...It's long but worth the read :beermug:

One day Patrice Evra will write a book. 'I already have a title in mind,' he says. 'From the street to Manchester United.'
If his first major interview with an English newspaper is anything to go by, it will be quite a read.
An extraordinary rags to riches story told by a footballer who offers a rare insight into life at Old Trafford under the guidance of Sir Alex Ferguson.

Playing with fire: Evra has been through the mill at Manchester United
Evra is a wonderful raconteur. A deep, intelligent thinker who in the hour or so we spent together at United's Carrington training base this week articulated as well as anyone during Ferguson's 24-year tenure what it means to play for the world's most famous club, for arguably the world's greatest manager.
Fluent in five languages and now working hard to master Korean so that he can converse with his close friend Ji-Sung Park, he tackles a variety of subjects.

From his clashes with Chelsea to the long and winding road that eventually took him to the place he now considers his spiritual home; from that infamous blast at Arsenal last season, when he referred to them as 'babies', to why Carlos Tevez should still be a United player.
Not to mention his transition from striker to one of the two best left backs in the world.
'It was only after I arrived at United that I finally accepted that I would be a left back,' he says.
His take on United is fascinating. He refers to Ferguson as 'a culture' and talks of 'pulling on history' with his United shirt. He speaks of 'the fire' that not only burns inside him but also the man he believes will never walk away from the club.
'The manager will die on the bench,' he declares with a broad smile. 'It is his destiny.'

Staying power: Sir Alex Ferguson will not retire, insists Evra
Earlier this season, Ferguson addressed the subject of retirement with his players. 'It was before a game,' Evra says.
'He just started talking about how people had been saying he was going to retire. And he asked us if we seriously thought he would just be sitting in his house watching the TV, listening to the radio and doing nothing.
'He said, "No chance. I have worked all my life and I will work until I die". For a moment he laughed. And then he said, "This is my victory. I cannot walk away from this".
'Before a game he always tells a small story. Sometimes he talks about when he was the Aberdeen manager. Another time he went round the dressing room and talked about the different players. The fact that here we were, from Korea, France, Serbia, Bulgaria, from different parts of England and the world, and how we had all come together to be in the same place. He talked about our stories. The different obstacles we had overcome to get here. It gave the players this huge lift.'
Evra recalls the first time he incurred his manager's wrath. It was his debut, a difficult encounter with Manchester City that United lost 3-1.
'He took me off after 45 minutes,' says Evra.
'I could tell he was angry. He just looked at me, deadly serious, and said, "Mr Evra, now just watch and see what is English football. And learn".'
Evra did more than that. He decided to learn about United, too. 'I got a load of DVDs,' he says.
'About the Munich disaster and the Busby Babes, about Bobby Charlton, George Best and Denis Law, about Cantona. The whole story of the club. You meet these people around the club and I wanted to know who they were. What they had done for the club. Out of respect. Because when you shake the hand of Sir Bobby Charlton you can feel the legend.
'All the young players here need to understand the history of the club. After I watched those DVDs I realised I needed to respect the shirt. I needed to respect the story. Every time I play that is in my head. What a privilege it is to play for Manchester United. When you pull on the shirt you are pulling on history, and I say thanks to God that I play for this club. To be able to come in and train here. To work with legends like Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes.

Top of the pots: Proud Evra says it is delight sharing the shirt with legends like Ryan Giggs at Old Trafford
'When I arrived here people asked me what excited me most. I said it was not training with Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney but players like Giggs and Scholes. They are the history of the club. Giggs trains like a player who has never won anything in his career. His hunger. His desire to win, even on the training pitch.'
The same desire remains in Ferguson. Even at 68, after everything he has won.
'Alex Ferguson is a culture,' he says. 'And he is a winner. Football is like a pyramid. To reach the top is easy. It is staying there that is difficult. He does not let you rest. He is always hungry for the next game.
'I remember one match when we were winning 2-0 by half-time and he still gave us the hair-dryer because we should have been four or five up. He reminded us that people had paid money to watch us. "Why don't you respect them?" he screamed.
'He demands the highest standards. If you play a good game for United, you sit on the bench. Only if you play an amazing game do you stay in the team. Those are the rules and the players accept them.'
Even in this modern era of millionaire footballers, they also accept that infamous, aforementioned hair-dryer.
'After the Christmas party we had a couple of years ago, when there were the stories, he called us to a meeting and just killed everyone,' he says.
'The experienced players. The young players. It was our fault and he told us, and reminded us of the responsibility we have. He managed that situation with his temper, but he doesn't always have to because the players here have so much respect for him. If he thinks the team is sleeping he will still use the hair-dryer, though.'

Baptism of fire: Evra was hauled off after 45 minutes on his United debut against arch-rivals City
Back in January 2006, after his move from Monaco to United for a £5.5million fee in what now has to rank among Ferguson's finest buys, Evra was having a tough time.
'Playing for Manchester United was something I was not prepared for,' he says.
'At Monaco I was playing in front of 7,000. At United I was suddenly playing in front of 76,000. Not even a Champions League final and playing for France prepared me for it. When I got to Manchester I discovered a new job. It's not just football. In that first game, against City, I don't think I made too many big mistakes. But I remember standing by the post for a corner thinking, "Wow, football is so quick here". I realised if you want to play in England first you need to be strong. After that you enjoy the football.

'I was down afterwards, but not to the point where I didn't think I could succeed here. I still had confidence in my ability. But joining in the January did not make it easy. And it was not easy for my family. My son was three months old, we were living in a hotel in central Manchester for five months and the weather was not the same as Monaco! It was like a big slap in the face.'
He remembers being dropped for a game against Liverpool.
'The manager told me I would not be playing but, because my English was not so good, I didn't fully understand. I got changed and I went out for the warm-up on the pitch. Then Carlos Queiroz calls me over. "Patrice, what are you doing? You are not on the bench today." It killed me. It was so embarrassing.'

Unlucky for some: Now a regular for France, Evra's poor form in 2006 meant he missed out on the World Cup in Germany
A difficult six months cost him a place in the France squad for the 2006 World Cup.
'I was so angry with myself, seeing my team there without me,' he says.
'I thought, "That's it. I need to do something about this". I needed to get stronger for English football. So over the summer, I worked hard in the gym to make myself stronger. I was so hungry that by the time I arrived back for pre-season I was ready. I didn't need a pre-season. When we went to South Africa for a tournament, I played very well. Mike Phelan pulled me to one side and said, "Now you are a United player".'
He soon became a regular, securing a place ahead of Gabriel Heinze and Mikael Silvestre. Until, that is, it came to the 2007 FA Cup final against Chelsea.

'It was the only bad memory of the season,' he says.
'A few days before the game a story appeared in the papers - an interview with someone from my quartier (Parisian neighbourhood) - and it was all about how I had escaped a life of drugs and crime by becoming a footballer. It was not true but I remember the boss and Carlos that morning. "You won't be able to play in the final now," they said, laughing. "We have to protect the reputation of the club".

'They were joking, but when it came to the morning of the final the manager told me he was playing Heinze for tactical reasons. I have no doubt it was for that but I was gutted. He told me not to worry, that I would get to go on and win the game for us. After 10 minutes he told me to warm up, and for 80 minutes I stayed on the touchline. I was on fire. But I never got on. I had played every game that season, been voted the best left back by the PFA. Suddenly I was ready to quit the club.
'But then I calmed down, and I thought, "Maybe this is a test. This is life at United. You cannot expect to always be in the team". It is something I tell the younger players. I tell them that story.'

Still close: Evra says close friend Carlos Tevez still loves United despite moving on to rivals City last summer

He never had to tell Carlos Tevez, a player who remains among his closest friends and someone he believes should still be at United.
'When he was playing for us he was such a professional,' says Evra.
'He played with his heart. I know him. I still go to his house and I know he still loves United. I don't want to make a problem for him with City, but it suited his identity here.

'Even when he wasn't playing, he would come on and change the game. He would always fight. I tell him he should still be with us. If, one day, he wins the championship and the Champions League with City, I will say, "Fine, you made a good move Carlito". But until then... I just speak the truth.'
Born in Senegal but brought up in the same Parisian suburb as Thierry Henry - his father worked for the Senegalese Embassy - Evra is the product of a huge family where you clearly had to be heard to be seen.

'I am one of 25 brothers and sisters,' he says.
'I think it is fair to say that my father (married and divorced three times) did not watch a lot of TV!' For Evra it was only ever football. 'It was all I wanted to do,' he says.
'I would be out there, in the street, in the rain and snow, on my own. I never wore a shirt. Never really had a team. I liked Romario but I never had an idol. I just loved to play. I had this passion for the game.

'It was not easy for me. I had to fight to get where I am today. I never went to Clarefontaine or anything like that. Never went anywhere where they gave you everything. Your boots, your kit. I was from a tough area, Les Ulis. Not a bad area. As I said, it is not true that I had to escape a life with gangsters. I am proud of where I am from and my parents provided for all of us.
'But people thought I was crazy to pursue this dream. At school I remember completing a paper about what I wanted to do for a job. I put footballer and the teacher told me that being a footballer is not a job. She told me only one in 300 kids make it as a footballer. And she would say, "Do you think you will be the one?" And I said, "Yes, I do". And my classmates would sit there and laugh at me. I ignored them.'
Although there was a flirtation with the youth system at Paris St Germain, it not until he was 17 that he really got noticed.
'I was a striker playing in a tournament organised by my local sports centre,' he says.

'There was this Italian there and he asked me if I would go to Torino for a trial. They were in Serie B.
'I gave him my phone number and three days later he called and spoke to my mum. She said, "No way, we have no idea who this guy is". But then my brother said, "Look, Patrice is doing nothing, let him go".
'I spent 10 days there, they asked me to stay as a member of the youth team. But then I was approached by a scout from Marsala, a team from Sicily in the third division, and he offered me the chance to become a professional. He said I would get a house, and I said OK. I remember arriving at their training camp and putting on the tracksuit and the flip-flops and looking at myself in the mirror. It was like paradise.

'To this day it is the best feeling I have had in football. Not winning the championship or the Champions League but that moment, when I was 17 years old, and I had finally become a professional footballer. I had made it. I had proved people wrong. It was an amazing club. Like a big family. I was the only black guy in the club and there were people asking to have their picture taken with me because they had never seen a black guy. But I could be walking down the street and I would be invited into people's houses to join them for a meal.'
From Marsala he went briefly to Monza and then to Nice, where he was deployed at left back for the first time.
'It was my first game there and I was on the left wing when the left back got injured,' he says.

In it to win it: Evra is hoping Chelsea slip up and United regain their Premier League crown this term
'The manager, Sandro Salvioni, asked me to play there and then told me I'd be there again for the next game, against Strasbourg. I said no way, that I was a forward. "If you want to be in the team you play there," he said, so I agreed.'
Nice were promoted that season, with Evra named the best left back in Ligue 2.
'We won the championship and then I was signed by Monaco, by Didier Deschamps,' he says.

'I still wanted to play left wing but Deschamps said, "No, you are a good left back". And I was voted best left back in that division, too. We did well, reaching the Champions League final in 2004; the same year I made it into the France team.'
At Monaco his sparky personality caught the attention of Prince Albert, Evra forming what his team-mates considered an unlikely friendship.
'They could not believe he would send me text messages,' he says.

'But we got on well, and before the Champions League final he said he hoped we could win it for his father. Sadly we lost and Prince Rainier died the next year, but I dedicated our Champions League win in 2008 to him.'
Not that Evra has ever lost touch with his roots; with his identity. In his mind he will always be the fighter from the streets. Someone in whom the fire still rages.

'I still have the fire inside,' he says.
'And I'll admit that sometimes I can't always control it. You can talk about the altercation with the groundsmen at Chelsea as an example, although that day I think I managed to control my fire a bit.

Battle at the Bridge: Evra was caught up in controversy following United's defeat to Chelsea in 2008
'It seems every time I play against Chelsea there is something wrong. But really, it is coincidence. I love to play against Chelsea and I love to win against them because they are a massive rival for the trophies. But I also respect Chelsea.

'I remember Eric Cantona saying that while he sometimes could not control his fire he would not have been the same player without it. I am the same. I need the fire.

'But I am not a bad boy. When I go into a challenge I go to win the ball. Never to hurt someone. It's why I was upset when Fabregas did it to me at the end of last season. It was probably why I said afterwards that Arsenal were like babies. I was upset because of the challenge. If you want to hurt someone, you invite them outside, away from the pitch, away from people and the referee. Just me and you. You don't try to hurt people on the pitch.'

Rags to riches: Evra plans to one day release a book about his extraordinary life
For Evra it is simply a matter of respect. He respects Ashley Cole as another brilliant left back, even if he does point out that he has again been voted the best in his position in the Premier League by fellow professionals.

But most of all he respects United. The club, the players, past and present, and the manager. Never has he been prouder in his four years at the club than when Ferguson first asked him to be captain. 'What pleased me most was not being captain but that my team-mates were so happy for me,' he says.

'From the moment I arrived here it felt like it was my destiny, because it was only when I became a United player that I found my true identity. This place suited my character. The people here were on my wavelength and I was able to be me.'
That was the interview. Now bring on the book.

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1652 on: May 01, 2010, 11:52:00 AM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.
"Giving away something in charity does not cause any decrease in a person's wealth, but increases it instead. The person who adopt humility for the sake of Allah is exalted in ranks by Him".

Offline Mango Chow!

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1653 on: May 01, 2010, 03:07:01 PM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!


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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1654 on: May 01, 2010, 03:10:07 PM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

So what talent Scholes lacked or lacks? lem me hear dis one.

Offline Small Magician aka Wazza

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1655 on: May 01, 2010, 04:23:54 PM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1656 on: May 01, 2010, 06:44:06 PM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.
"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid."
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Offline sammy

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1657 on: May 01, 2010, 08:43:44 PM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow
"Giving away something in charity does not cause any decrease in a person's wealth, but increases it instead. The person who adopt humility for the sake of Allah is exalted in ranks by Him".

Offline xixgon

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1658 on: May 02, 2010, 03:22:55 AM »
One of the top 10 signings of the season - a less talented but more honest and hard-working version of Ronaldo. If only he had a left foot; him and Nani would be some force to be reckoned with interchanging on those wings...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/hkmfBGP1wEY&amp;fmt=18" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/hkmfBGP1wEY&amp;fmt=18</a>

« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 12:03:27 PM by xixgon »

Offline sammy

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1659 on: May 02, 2010, 06:08:47 AM »
One of the top 10 signings of the season - a less talented but more honest and hard-working version of Ronaldo. If only he had a left foot; him and Nani would be some force to be reckoned with interchanging on those wings...

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/hkmfBGP1wEY&amp;fmt=18" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/hkmfBGP1wEY&amp;fmt=18</a>

he needs to shoot more
"Giving away something in charity does not cause any decrease in a person's wealth, but increases it instead. The person who adopt humility for the sake of Allah is exalted in ranks by Him".

Offline Mango Chow!

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1660 on: May 02, 2010, 06:15:37 AM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

No, my boy, paul scholes, like so many English players, is overrated.  He doesn't even have the football intelligence of Frank Lampard, and I wouldn't rate Lampard as all that.
 "... Intelligent gifted..." midfielders don't STILL be making the kinds of foolish tackles he still making, especially at this stage in his career.  They simply don't have to.  But then again, when you say he is intelligent and gifted, you MUST mean by EPL standards, and you just may have a point there.  But I quicker use them terms for men like....Clarence Seedorf, ZZ, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Claude Makelele, Wesley Sneijder, etc.....but maybe I'm being a little unfair.....the names I call there are really among the greatest of this generation.....in any event, paul scholes, while he worked very well within the English senior and manu systems, is an overrated, head-case of a yellow card waiting to happen.

nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow

Not even!  

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!

Offline Small Magician aka Wazza

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1661 on: May 02, 2010, 06:23:55 AM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

No, my boy, paul scholes, like so many English players, is overrated.  He doesn't even have the football intelligence of Frank Lampard, and I wouldn't rate Lampard as all that.
 "... Intelligent gifted..." midfielders don't STILL be making the kinds of foolish tackles he still making, especially at this stage in his career.  They simply don't have to.  But then again, when you say he is intelligent and gifted, you MUST mean by EPL standards, and you just may have a point there.  But I quicker use them terms for men like....Clarence Seedorf, ZZ, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Claude Makelele, Wesley Sneijder, etc.....but maybe I'm being a little unfair.....the names I call there are really among the greatest of this generation.....in any event, paul scholes, while he worked very well within the English senior and manu systems, is an overrated, head-case of a yellow card waiting to happen.

nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow

Not even!  

well I already knew you were a c**t but thanks for proving it to everyone...

take some quotes about this so called overrated footballer

Micah Richards : "He's always in the right position, always seems to be at the end of the box when the ball drops in. The complete midfielder - when he's fit, he's the best. Some go missing but he's in the right place at the right time. He's my favourite player of all-time, unbelievable. If you give him a chance it's a goal, isn't it?"

Glenn Hoddle : "There isn’t a player of his mould anywhere else in the world."

Terry Venables : "He’s the best one- or two-touch passer in the country. He sees the game unlike any other player."

Alan Shearer : "If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes. He can tackle, and his passing and shooting is of the highest level. He’s the most consistent and naturally gifted player we’ve had for a long, long time."

Eidur Gudjohnsen : "I'm more an admirer of Paul Scholes than I am of Ronaldo. Ronaldo is a fantastic player, but he has 10 other great players around him every week...Scholes is one of the most complete footballers I've ever seen. His one-touch play is phenomenal. Whenever I have played against him, I never felt I could get close to him."

Edgar Davids : ""Every one of us (midfielders) is just trying to become as good as him. Everyone can learn from Paul Scholes."

Edgar Davids : "I'm not the best, Paul Scholes is."

Tony Adams : "I really rate Paul Scholes, because he hasn't got the high profile of many of the Manchester United players, he doesn't get too much attention, but he is one very good player. He is an intelligent player, he works hard and he scores some great goals. He is not flamboyant and is a quiet lad off the pitch but he is a tremendous asset to Manchester United and to England. He has already got my vote as player of the year."

Cesc Fabregas : "He is the one whose level I aspire to. He is the best player in the Premier League."

Patrick Vieira : "The player in the Premiership I admire most? Easy - Scholes."

Thierry Henry : "I can't understand why Scholes has never won the player of the year award. He should have won it long ago. Maybe it's because he doesn't seek the limelight like some of the other 'stars'."

Zinedine Zidane : "My toughest opponent? Scholes of Manchester. He is the complete midfielder."

Zinedine Zidane : "Scholes is undoubtedly the best midfielder of his generation."

Sam Allardyce : "There is not a better midfield player in the world."

Kevin Keegan : "What United have got that Chelsea haven't is Paul Scholes. I think he is different to anything else in English football."

Marcello Lippi : "Paul Scholes would have been one of my first choices for putting together a great team - that goes to show how highly I have always rated him. Scholes is a player I have always liked, because he combines great talent and technical ability with mobility, determination and a superb shot. He is an all-round midfielder who possesses character and quality in abundance. In my opinion, he's been one of the most important players for United under Sir Alex."

Ray Wilkins : "I'm saddened because I think we as spectators, not only in this country but right through out Europe and the rest of the World, will be missing one hell of a footballer."

Gordon Strachan : "Paul Scholes has been the best England midfield player for 30-odd years. You'd probably have to go back to Bobby Charlton to find someone who could do as much as Scholes. When the ball arrives at his feet he could tell you where every player on that pitch is at that moment. His awareness is superb."

Veron while at Chelsea being asked in an interview who's the best english player : "Paul Scholes."

Peter Schmeichel : "People say he is a great player, but you have to define what a great player is, For me, it is a player who has a bottom level that means his worst performance is not noticed.If he is having a bad game, a team-mate might feel Paul Scholes is not quite on his game, but a spectator wouldn't notice. Scholes, of all the players I have played with, has the highest bottom level. His reading of the game is unsurpassed.He has an eye for a pass, for what the play or the game needs at that precise moment, that I have never seen anyone else have. He controls and distributes the play and the game better than anyone I have ever seen."

Peter Schmeichel : "Still the best player in that United midfield."

Laurent Blanc : "Scholes is the best English player. Intelligence, technique, strength... all the attributes are there. At Manchester United I saw what he could do on the training field. Phew!"

Michael Carrick : "Paul Scholes is just fantastic. When you play alongside him, you realise what a special talent he is."

Michael Carrick : "He is a legend and he's going to be remembered for a long time. Just to play alongside him and learn from him has been an absolute pleasure. I think he is a footballer's footballer; he has been at this level for so long. As long as he is part of us we always feel we have a chance. We appreciate the way he goes about his business. I have never met a character like Scholesy; certainly not someone who is that good."

Park Ji Sung when asked by the club’s official home page which United player he would like to see in the red shirt of the Taeguk Warriors : “It has to be Paul Scholes.”

David Beckham said that, among his teammates at Real Madrid, which included Zinedine Zidane, Raúl, Ronaldo, Luís Figo and Roberto Carlos, Scholes was the most admired opponent : "He's always one of those people others talk about. Even playing at Real Madrid, the players always say to me 'what's he like'? They respect him as a footballer, and to have that respect from some of those players is great."

Brian Kidd : "Paul Scholes had the best football brain I'd ever seen in a kid. Let's face it. Paul Scholes is in a class of its own."

Rio Ferdinand : "I can honestly say Paul is the best player in the England squad. For me he is the complete player."

Rio Ferdinand : "For me, it's Paul Scholes. He'll do ridiculous things in training like say, "You see that tree over there?" - it'll be 40 yards away - "I'm going to hit it". And he'll do it. Everyone at the club considers him the best."

Phil Neville : "Paul, for me, is the best player in the England team. It worries teams. Speak to any other international team and they will single Paul out as England's key player. For me, he doesn't get the full credit that he deserves. He is a world-class player and deserves to be up there with the likes of Zidane and Figo."

Gary Neville : "I wouldn't swap Paul Scholes for anybody. He is quite simply the most complete footballer I have ever played with. He is the best."

Gary Neville : "Paul Scholes is the best player I've ever played with. There's talent in every part of his game."

Steve Bruce : "He's the best player in Britain in my opinion and he has to get himself fit just before we are due to play at Old Trafford. I cannot pay Paul a bigger compliment than to say that he's the most complete footballer in the country. The best bar none."

Roy Keane : "An amazingly gifted player who remained an unaffected human being."

George Best : "To be honest I think England have lost their best player. Certainly he's the most consistent and naturally gifted player we've had for a long, long time."

Sir Bobby Charlton : "I am sorry for England because they don't have any player like him. You can talk about others but there is no one else like him. He is the best technical player England has without any question. He could have had a lot more caps if he had carried on. And if I was the manager he would have ended up with more than I did – easy"

Sir Bobby Charlton : "He’s always so in control and pinpoint accurate with his passing – a beautiful player to watch."

Sir Bobby Charlton : "Paul Scholes is my favourite player. He epitomises the spirit of Manchester United and everything that is good about football."

Sir Alex Ferguson : "Very few players can do that, but Scholes is one of them - and I knew he was one of them. That's why, without question, I think Paul Scholes is the best player in England. He's got the best skills, the best brain. No one can match him."

Sir Alex Ferguson : "He has an awareness of what’s happening around him on the edge of the box which is better than most players. As a kid he always had a knack of arriving in the penalty area just at the right time, but he’s proving just as effective from outside the box because he’s using his experience in the right way. It doesn’t matter who I am thinking about bringing into my midfield, Paul Scholes will be included, as he would in any side in the world."

Sir Alex Ferguson : Sir Alex Ferguson gave evidence in court on behalf of one of his former trainees and listened to the prosecution barrister's list of United's top players.

"You've missed Paul Scholes - and he's my best player," Ferguson chided her.


Offline Mango Chow!

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1662 on: May 02, 2010, 06:42:40 AM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

No, my boy, paul scholes, like so many English players, is overrated.  He doesn't even have the football intelligence of Frank Lampard, and I wouldn't rate Lampard as all that.
 "... Intelligent gifted..." midfielders don't STILL be making the kinds of foolish tackles he still making, especially at this stage in his career.  They simply don't have to.  But then again, when you say he is intelligent and gifted, you MUST mean by EPL standards, and you just may have a point there.  But I quicker use them terms for men like....Clarence Seedorf, ZZ, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Claude Makelele, Wesley Sneijder, etc.....but maybe I'm being a little unfair.....the names I call there are really among the greatest of this generation.....in any event, paul scholes, while he worked very well within the English senior and manu systems, is an overrated, head-case of a yellow card waiting to happen.

nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow

Not even!  

well I already knew you were a c**t but thanks for proving it to everyone...

take some quotes about this so called overrated footballer

Micah Richards : "He's always in the right position, always seems to be at the end of the box when the ball drops in. The complete midfielder - when he's fit, he's the best. Some go missing but he's in the right place at the right time. He's my favourite player of all-time, unbelievable. If you give him a chance it's a goal, isn't it?"

Glenn Hoddle : "There isn’t a player of his mould anywhere else in the world."

Terry Venables : "He’s the best one- or two-touch passer in the country. He sees the game unlike any other player."

Alan Shearer : "If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes. He can tackle, and his passing and shooting is of the highest level. He’s the most consistent and naturally gifted player we’ve had for a long, long time."

Eidur Gudjohnsen : "I'm more an admirer of Paul Scholes than I am of Ronaldo. Ronaldo is a fantastic player, but he has 10 other great players around him every week...Scholes is one of the most complete footballers I've ever seen. His one-touch play is phenomenal. Whenever I have played against him, I never felt I could get close to him."

Edgar Davids : ""Every one of us (midfielders) is just trying to become as good as him. Everyone can learn from Paul Scholes."

Edgar Davids : "I'm not the best, Paul Scholes is."

Tony Adams : "I really rate Paul Scholes, because he hasn't got the high profile of many of the Manchester United players, he doesn't get too much attention, but he is one very good player. He is an intelligent player, he works hard and he scores some great goals. He is not flamboyant and is a quiet lad off the pitch but he is a tremendous asset to Manchester United and to England. He has already got my vote as player of the year."

Cesc Fabregas : "He is the one whose level I aspire to. He is the best player in the Premier League."

Patrick Vieira : "The player in the Premiership I admire most? Easy - Scholes."

Thierry Henry : "I can't understand why Scholes has never won the player of the year award. He should have won it long ago. Maybe it's because he doesn't seek the limelight like some of the other 'stars'."

Zinedine Zidane : "My toughest opponent? Scholes of Manchester. He is the complete midfielder."

Zinedine Zidane : "Scholes is undoubtedly the best midfielder of his generation."

Sam Allardyce : "There is not a better midfield player in the world."

Kevin Keegan : "What United have got that Chelsea haven't is Paul Scholes. I think he is different to anything else in English football."

Marcello Lippi : "Paul Scholes would have been one of my first choices for putting together a great team - that goes to show how highly I have always rated him. Scholes is a player I have always liked, because he combines great talent and technical ability with mobility, determination and a superb shot. He is an all-round midfielder who possesses character and quality in abundance. In my opinion, he's been one of the most important players for United under Sir Alex."

Ray Wilkins : "I'm saddened because I think we as spectators, not only in this country but right through out Europe and the rest of the World, will be missing one hell of a footballer."

Gordon Strachan : "Paul Scholes has been the best England midfield player for 30-odd years. You'd probably have to go back to Bobby Charlton to find someone who could do as much as Scholes. When the ball arrives at his feet he could tell you where every player on that pitch is at that moment. His awareness is superb."

Veron while at Chelsea being asked in an interview who's the best english player : "Paul Scholes."

Peter Schmeichel : "People say he is a great player, but you have to define what a great player is, For me, it is a player who has a bottom level that means his worst performance is not noticed.If he is having a bad game, a team-mate might feel Paul Scholes is not quite on his game, but a spectator wouldn't notice. Scholes, of all the players I have played with, has the highest bottom level. His reading of the game is unsurpassed.He has an eye for a pass, for what the play or the game needs at that precise moment, that I have never seen anyone else have. He controls and distributes the play and the game better than anyone I have ever seen."

Peter Schmeichel : "Still the best player in that United midfield."

Laurent Blanc : "Scholes is the best English player. Intelligence, technique, strength... all the attributes are there. At Manchester United I saw what he could do on the training field. Phew!"

Michael Carrick : "Paul Scholes is just fantastic. When you play alongside him, you realise what a special talent he is."

Michael Carrick : "He is a legend and he's going to be remembered for a long time. Just to play alongside him and learn from him has been an absolute pleasure. I think he is a footballer's footballer; he has been at this level for so long. As long as he is part of us we always feel we have a chance. We appreciate the way he goes about his business. I have never met a character like Scholesy; certainly not someone who is that good."

Park Ji Sung when asked by the club’s official home page which United player he would like to see in the red shirt of the Taeguk Warriors : “It has to be Paul Scholes.”

David Beckham said that, among his teammates at Real Madrid, which included Zinedine Zidane, Raúl, Ronaldo, Luís Figo and Roberto Carlos, Scholes was the most admired opponent : "He's always one of those people others talk about. Even playing at Real Madrid, the players always say to me 'what's he like'? They respect him as a footballer, and to have that respect from some of those players is great."

Brian Kidd : "Paul Scholes had the best football brain I'd ever seen in a kid. Let's face it. Paul Scholes is in a class of its own."

Rio Ferdinand : "I can honestly say Paul is the best player in the England squad. For me he is the complete player."

Rio Ferdinand : "For me, it's Paul Scholes. He'll do ridiculous things in training like say, "You see that tree over there?" - it'll be 40 yards away - "I'm going to hit it". And he'll do it. Everyone at the club considers him the best."

Phil Neville : "Paul, for me, is the best player in the England team. It worries teams. Speak to any other international team and they will single Paul out as England's key player. For me, he doesn't get the full credit that he deserves. He is a world-class player and deserves to be up there with the likes of Zidane and Figo."

Gary Neville : "I wouldn't swap Paul Scholes for anybody. He is quite simply the most complete footballer I have ever played with. He is the best."

Gary Neville : "Paul Scholes is the best player I've ever played with. There's talent in every part of his game."

Steve Bruce : "He's the best player in Britain in my opinion and he has to get himself fit just before we are due to play at Old Trafford. I cannot pay Paul a bigger compliment than to say that he's the most complete footballer in the country. The best bar none."

Roy Keane : "An amazingly gifted player who remained an unaffected human being."

George Best : "To be honest I think England have lost their best player. Certainly he's the most consistent and naturally gifted player we've had for a long, long time."

Sir Bobby Charlton : "I am sorry for England because they don't have any player like him. You can talk about others but there is no one else like him. He is the best technical player England has without any question. He could have had a lot more caps if he had carried on. And if I was the manager he would have ended up with more than I did – easy"

Sir Bobby Charlton : "He’s always so in control and pinpoint accurate with his passing – a beautiful player to watch."

Sir Bobby Charlton : "Paul Scholes is my favourite player. He epitomises the spirit of Manchester United and everything that is good about football."

Sir Alex Ferguson : "Very few players can do that, but Scholes is one of them - and I knew he was one of them. That's why, without question, I think Paul Scholes is the best player in England. He's got the best skills, the best brain. No one can match him."

Sir Alex Ferguson : "He has an awareness of what’s happening around him on the edge of the box which is better than most players. As a kid he always had a knack of arriving in the penalty area just at the right time, but he’s proving just as effective from outside the box because he’s using his experience in the right way. It doesn’t matter who I am thinking about bringing into my midfield, Paul Scholes will be included, as he would in any side in the world."

Sir Alex Ferguson : Sir Alex Ferguson gave evidence in court on behalf of one of his former trainees and listened to the prosecution barrister's list of United's top players.

"You've missed Paul Scholes - and he's my best player," Ferguson chided her.


    Now take away all dem English and manu quotes and what are you left with?  Imagine Alan Shearer saying scholes is good tackler.   He must be was drinkin' watered down drinks in trotters.  English c**ts like yourself ALWAYS rate their own players much higher than they are, so I couldn't give a f**k about you and your "list". Zidane being obviously overly nice to say scholes is "the greatest midfielder of his generation" because scholes ain't deliverin' the kinda football that Zidane himself has delivered in his career. Even YOUR dumb, little c**t know that scholes couldn't shine Seedorf shoes or wash Zidane jock strap. 

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!

Offline Small Magician aka Wazza

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1663 on: May 02, 2010, 07:21:01 AM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

No, my boy, paul scholes, like so many English players, is overrated.  He doesn't even have the football intelligence of Frank Lampard, and I wouldn't rate Lampard as all that.
 "... Intelligent gifted..." midfielders don't STILL be making the kinds of foolish tackles he still making, especially at this stage in his career.  They simply don't have to.  But then again, when you say he is intelligent and gifted, you MUST mean by EPL standards, and you just may have a point there.  But I quicker use them terms for men like....Clarence Seedorf, ZZ, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Claude Makelele, Wesley Sneijder, etc.....but maybe I'm being a little unfair.....the names I call there are really among the greatest of this generation.....in any event, paul scholes, while he worked very well within the English senior and manu systems, is an overrated, head-case of a yellow card waiting to happen.

nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow

Not even!  

well I already knew you were a c**t but thanks for proving it to everyone...

take some quotes about this so called overrated footballer

Micah Richards : "He's always in the right position, always seems to be at the end of the box when the ball drops in. The complete midfielder - when he's fit, he's the best. Some go missing but he's in the right place at the right time. He's my favourite player of all-time, unbelievable. If you give him a chance it's a goal, isn't it?"

Glenn Hoddle : "There isn’t a player of his mould anywhere else in the world."

Terry Venables : "He’s the best one- or two-touch passer in the country. He sees the game unlike any other player."

Alan Shearer : "If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes. He can tackle, and his passing and shooting is of the highest level. He’s the most consistent and naturally gifted player we’ve had for a long, long time."

Eidur Gudjohnsen : "I'm more an admirer of Paul Scholes than I am of Ronaldo. Ronaldo is a fantastic player, but he has 10 other great players around him every week...Scholes is one of the most complete footballers I've ever seen. His one-touch play is phenomenal. Whenever I have played against him, I never felt I could get close to him."

Edgar Davids : ""Every one of us (midfielders) is just trying to become as good as him. Everyone can learn from Paul Scholes."

Edgar Davids : "I'm not the best, Paul Scholes is."

Tony Adams : "I really rate Paul Scholes, because he hasn't got the high profile of many of the Manchester United players, he doesn't get too much attention, but he is one very good player. He is an intelligent player, he works hard and he scores some great goals. He is not flamboyant and is a quiet lad off the pitch but he is a tremendous asset to Manchester United and to England. He has already got my vote as player of the year."

Cesc Fabregas : "He is the one whose level I aspire to. He is the best player in the Premier League."

Patrick Vieira : "The player in the Premiership I admire most? Easy - Scholes."

Thierry Henry : "I can't understand why Scholes has never won the player of the year award. He should have won it long ago. Maybe it's because he doesn't seek the limelight like some of the other 'stars'."

Zinedine Zidane : "My toughest opponent? Scholes of Manchester. He is the complete midfielder."

Zinedine Zidane : "Scholes is undoubtedly the best midfielder of his generation."

Sam Allardyce : "There is not a better midfield player in the world."

Kevin Keegan : "What United have got that Chelsea haven't is Paul Scholes. I think he is different to anything else in English football."

Marcello Lippi : "Paul Scholes would have been one of my first choices for putting together a great team - that goes to show how highly I have always rated him. Scholes is a player I have always liked, because he combines great talent and technical ability with mobility, determination and a superb shot. He is an all-round midfielder who possesses character and quality in abundance. In my opinion, he's been one of the most important players for United under Sir Alex."

Ray Wilkins : "I'm saddened because I think we as spectators, not only in this country but right through out Europe and the rest of the World, will be missing one hell of a footballer."

Gordon Strachan : "Paul Scholes has been the best England midfield player for 30-odd years. You'd probably have to go back to Bobby Charlton to find someone who could do as much as Scholes. When the ball arrives at his feet he could tell you where every player on that pitch is at that moment. His awareness is superb."

Veron while at Chelsea being asked in an interview who's the best english player : "Paul Scholes."

Peter Schmeichel : "People say he is a great player, but you have to define what a great player is, For me, it is a player who has a bottom level that means his worst performance is not noticed.If he is having a bad game, a team-mate might feel Paul Scholes is not quite on his game, but a spectator wouldn't notice. Scholes, of all the players I have played with, has the highest bottom level. His reading of the game is unsurpassed.He has an eye for a pass, for what the play or the game needs at that precise moment, that I have never seen anyone else have. He controls and distributes the play and the game better than anyone I have ever seen."

Peter Schmeichel : "Still the best player in that United midfield."

Laurent Blanc : "Scholes is the best English player. Intelligence, technique, strength... all the attributes are there. At Manchester United I saw what he could do on the training field. Phew!"

Michael Carrick : "Paul Scholes is just fantastic. When you play alongside him, you realise what a special talent he is."

Michael Carrick : "He is a legend and he's going to be remembered for a long time. Just to play alongside him and learn from him has been an absolute pleasure. I think he is a footballer's footballer; he has been at this level for so long. As long as he is part of us we always feel we have a chance. We appreciate the way he goes about his business. I have never met a character like Scholesy; certainly not someone who is that good."

Park Ji Sung when asked by the club’s official home page which United player he would like to see in the red shirt of the Taeguk Warriors : “It has to be Paul Scholes.”

David Beckham said that, among his teammates at Real Madrid, which included Zinedine Zidane, Raúl, Ronaldo, Luís Figo and Roberto Carlos, Scholes was the most admired opponent : "He's always one of those people others talk about. Even playing at Real Madrid, the players always say to me 'what's he like'? They respect him as a footballer, and to have that respect from some of those players is great."

Brian Kidd : "Paul Scholes had the best football brain I'd ever seen in a kid. Let's face it. Paul Scholes is in a class of its own."

Rio Ferdinand : "I can honestly say Paul is the best player in the England squad. For me he is the complete player."

Rio Ferdinand : "For me, it's Paul Scholes. He'll do ridiculous things in training like say, "You see that tree over there?" - it'll be 40 yards away - "I'm going to hit it". And he'll do it. Everyone at the club considers him the best."

Phil Neville : "Paul, for me, is the best player in the England team. It worries teams. Speak to any other international team and they will single Paul out as England's key player. For me, he doesn't get the full credit that he deserves. He is a world-class player and deserves to be up there with the likes of Zidane and Figo."

Gary Neville : "I wouldn't swap Paul Scholes for anybody. He is quite simply the most complete footballer I have ever played with. He is the best."

Gary Neville : "Paul Scholes is the best player I've ever played with. There's talent in every part of his game."

Steve Bruce : "He's the best player in Britain in my opinion and he has to get himself fit just before we are due to play at Old Trafford. I cannot pay Paul a bigger compliment than to say that he's the most complete footballer in the country. The best bar none."

Roy Keane : "An amazingly gifted player who remained an unaffected human being."

George Best : "To be honest I think England have lost their best player. Certainly he's the most consistent and naturally gifted player we've had for a long, long time."

Sir Bobby Charlton : "I am sorry for England because they don't have any player like him. You can talk about others but there is no one else like him. He is the best technical player England has without any question. He could have had a lot more caps if he had carried on. And if I was the manager he would have ended up with more than I did – easy"

Sir Bobby Charlton : "He’s always so in control and pinpoint accurate with his passing – a beautiful player to watch."

Sir Bobby Charlton : "Paul Scholes is my favourite player. He epitomises the spirit of Manchester United and everything that is good about football."

Sir Alex Ferguson : "Very few players can do that, but Scholes is one of them - and I knew he was one of them. That's why, without question, I think Paul Scholes is the best player in England. He's got the best skills, the best brain. No one can match him."

Sir Alex Ferguson : "He has an awareness of what’s happening around him on the edge of the box which is better than most players. As a kid he always had a knack of arriving in the penalty area just at the right time, but he’s proving just as effective from outside the box because he’s using his experience in the right way. It doesn’t matter who I am thinking about bringing into my midfield, Paul Scholes will be included, as he would in any side in the world."

Sir Alex Ferguson : Sir Alex Ferguson gave evidence in court on behalf of one of his former trainees and listened to the prosecution barrister's list of United's top players.

"You've missed Paul Scholes - and he's my best player," Ferguson chided her.


    Now take away all dem English and manu quotes and what are you left with?  Imagine Alan Shearer saying scholes is good tackler.   He must be was drinkin' watered down drinks in trotters.  English c**ts like yourself ALWAYS rate their own players much higher than they are, so I couldn't give a f**k about you and your "list". Zidane being obviously overly nice to say scholes is "the greatest midfielder of his generation" because scholes ain't deliverin' the kinda football that Zidane himself has delivered in his career. Even YOUR dumb, little c**t know that scholes couldn't shine Seedorf shoes or wash Zidane jock strap. 

When did I say Scholes better than Zidane?

I just didnt agree with your statement that Paul Scholes is overrated

So f**k off

Offline Mango Chow!

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1664 on: May 02, 2010, 08:01:23 AM »

Listen, small mag, for little c**ts like you, where the EPL and manu are the be-all and end-all of football, men like bobby charlton, gary neville and michael f**kin carrick could say the sky is red and allyuh want to preserve it for posterity and quote it as gospel.  So of COURSE when you could get a few people to say nice things about scholes yuh want to run here wit yuh jackassness showin' me a "list" like I give a f**k. Well, here's a list.  A short one, no less but a list of players that come to MY mind when little boys like you goin on and on about how "intelligent and gifted" paul scholes is.  A paul scholes that can be made to look so ordinary by any one of these players or any superior team like Barca, Real mardrid, Inter Milan and Bayern Munich. 

Michael Laudrup
Luis Enrique
Frank Rijkaard
Ruud Gullit
Gilberto Silva
Esteban Cambiasso
Cesc Fàbregas
Michael Essien
Zinedine Zidane
Michel Platini
Clarence Seedorf
Patrick Vieira
Edgar Davids
Claude Makelele
Juan Román Riquelme
Juan Sebasttien Veron

  Now THESE players are intelligent and gifted.  paul scholes is useful.......and yes, he has scored some very nice goals.  But some of them same people that you quote from your fancy list, like Veron, yuh think they pickin' scholes ahead of themselves on a all time greatest XI squad? On ANY squad, for that matter? Ha ha! Boy f**k off and go and watch yuh big side beat up on Sunderland nah.   

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1665 on: May 02, 2010, 10:13:47 AM »
Could berbatov b any worse?

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1666 on: May 02, 2010, 11:04:24 AM »
1-0 FT

Win vs Stoke and hope Wigan draw or beat Chelsea and we will win the title....unfortunately I highly doubt Chelsea will blow this... early congrats here..no complaints

but it's not won yet...90 minutes anything can happen...So Forza Wigan..I writing Scotty a message now


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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1667 on: May 02, 2010, 11:12:12 AM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

No, my boy, paul scholes, like so many English players, is overrated.  He doesn't even have the football intelligence of Frank Lampard, and I wouldn't rate Lampard as all that.
 "... Intelligent gifted..." midfielders don't STILL be making the kinds of foolish tackles he still making, especially at this stage in his career.  They simply don't have to.  But then again, when you say he is intelligent and gifted, you MUST mean by EPL standards, and you just may have a point there.  But I quicker use them terms for men like....Clarence Seedorf, ZZ, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Claude Makelele, Wesley Sneijder, etc.....but maybe I'm being a little unfair.....the names I call there are really among the greatest of this generation.....in any event, paul scholes, while he worked very well within the English senior and manu systems, is an overrated, head-case of a yellow card waiting to happen.

nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow

Not even!  

 :bs: When Lampard's legs go what does he have left? You won't see him picking teams apart with his passes while sitting in midfield. By the way a lot of great players have done stupid things and have gotten sent off as a result doesn't mean they lack football intelligence.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 11:42:37 AM by giggsy11 »

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1668 on: May 02, 2010, 11:19:51 AM »
Once again Berbatov has shown why he does not belong at Man.U... he had some easy chances to score and did nothing with it. Berbatov and Carrick should be sold in the summer, with Obertan and Gibson going out on loan

Offline Reaper2004

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1669 on: May 02, 2010, 11:23:26 AM »
That header Berbatov made was well saved tho, if the defender wasnt there it would have gone in. Maybe it just wasnt his day an he keeps telling MUTV that he wants to stay at the club.


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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1670 on: May 02, 2010, 11:39:51 AM »
The interesting thing with Berbatov was he had a chance to go to United but he choose Spurs cause he felt he wasn't ready to play for such a big side. I guess he still isn't ready. If he had half of Evra's heart, half of Scholes' composure, with that skill he would be fit to wear the shirt.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 11:51:15 AM by giggsy11 »

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1671 on: May 02, 2010, 11:59:05 AM »
"Rafa Benitez, we want you to stay" - Chelsea fans give stick to both the Reds and Utd in one chant.

Berbatov should head to Anfield yes - he would fit in nicely with the level of football there.

Offline Mango Chow!

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1672 on: May 02, 2010, 12:16:02 PM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

No, my boy, paul scholes, like so many English players, is overrated.  He doesn't even have the football intelligence of Frank Lampard, and I wouldn't rate Lampard as all that.
 "... Intelligent gifted..." midfielders don't STILL be making the kinds of foolish tackles he still making, especially at this stage in his career.  They simply don't have to.  But then again, when you say he is intelligent and gifted, you MUST mean by EPL standards, and you just may have a point there.  But I quicker use them terms for men like....Clarence Seedorf, ZZ, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Claude Makelele, Wesley Sneijder, etc.....but maybe I'm being a little unfair.....the names I call there are really among the greatest of this generation.....in any event, paul scholes, while he worked very well within the English senior and manu systems, is an overrated, head-case of a yellow card waiting to happen.

nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow

Not even!  

 :bs: When Lampard's legs go what does he have left? You won't see him picking teams apart with his passes while sitting in midfield. By the way a lot of great players have done stupid things and have gotten sent off as a result doesn't mean they lack football intelligence.

  You saying that like if scholes' sending offs, bookings and poor, poor tackling have been one or two isolated incidents. Please! Go and look at his whole career in the EPL and CL and get back to me.  What do I care about Lampard?  He and scholes are in the same category as far as I'm concerned: highly valuable to their team and to the EPL, and somewhat valuable to England, I guess, but nowhere near what I would call a great player.  How could I watch the men whose names I gave y'all to read (look at them again, I left off men like Robinho just to be fair) how can you or any manu fan, if y'all would be honest with y'all selves, have watched them fellas play and want to bring paul scholes into the conversation with them?  Allyuh does get too tie-up wit dis manu side.  Dey does run tru the EPL like prune juice and allyuh does get giddy and want to start makin' allyuh players stars in a constellation, but ease allyuh self.  Lampard is a far more prolific scorer than he is, yes, penalties excluded, so y'all could have 'im, love 'im and do whatever y'all want to do wit 'im.

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!


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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1673 on: May 02, 2010, 12:32:09 PM »
nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Wow..I hope this was sarcasm...If not then you are truly blind by the hate..

Evra possibly the best Left Back in the world alongside Ashley Cole....Paul Scholes one of the most intelligent gifted midfielders to ever grace a football pitch .... I really do hope that was sarcasm my boy

No, my boy, paul scholes, like so many English players, is overrated.  He doesn't even have the football intelligence of Frank Lampard, and I wouldn't rate Lampard as all that.
 "... Intelligent gifted..." midfielders don't STILL be making the kinds of foolish tackles he still making, especially at this stage in his career.  They simply don't have to.  But then again, when you say he is intelligent and gifted, you MUST mean by EPL standards, and you just may have a point there.  But I quicker use them terms for men like....Clarence Seedorf, ZZ, Andrea Pirlo, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Claude Makelele, Wesley Sneijder, etc.....but maybe I'm being a little unfair.....the names I call there are really among the greatest of this generation.....in any event, paul scholes, while he worked very well within the English senior and manu systems, is an overrated, head-case of a yellow card waiting to happen.

nice read. With his love for the club, this man will go on the be a legend along side giggs and scholes.

  Naaaahhh.....he doh have the talent to last that long........but then again, neither did scholes, so you just might be right......at some point.

Chow talking shit again  :devil:, nothing to see here, carry on folks.

he nervous bout tomorrow

Not even!  

 :bs: When Lampard's legs go what does he have left? You won't see him picking teams apart with his passes while sitting in midfield. By the way a lot of great players have done stupid things and have gotten sent off as a result doesn't mean they lack football intelligence.

  You saying that like if scholes' sending offs, bookings and poor, poor tackling have been one or two isolated incidents. Please! Go and look at his whole career in the EPL and CL and get back to me.  What do I care about Lampard?  He and scholes are in the same category as far as I'm concerned: highly valuable to their team and to the EPL, and somewhat valuable to England, I guess, but nowhere near what I would call a great player.  How could I watch the men whose names I gave y'all to read (look at them again, I left off men like Robinho just to be fair) how can you or any manu fan, if y'all would be honest with y'all selves, have watched them fellas play and want to bring paul scholes into the conversation with them?  Allyuh does get too tie-up wit dis manu side.  Dey does run tru the EPL like prune juice and allyuh does get giddy and want to start makin' allyuh players stars in a constellation, but ease allyuh self.  Lampard is a far more prolific scorer than he is, yes, penalties excluded, so y'all could have 'im, love 'im and do whatever y'all want to do wit 'im.

Actually yuh also leave out Obi mikel!


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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1674 on: May 02, 2010, 03:18:57 PM »
Great to see Hagreaves back!

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1675 on: May 02, 2010, 03:46:42 PM »
"Rafa Benitez, we want you to stay" - Chelsea fans give stick to both the Reds and Utd in one chant.

Berbatov should head to Anfield yes - he would fit in nicely with the level of football there.
Did I miss something? what does the Gary Neville or Chelsea sign mean?


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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1676 on: May 02, 2010, 03:58:33 PM »
"Rafa Benitez, we want you to stay" - Chelsea fans give stick to both the Reds and Utd in one chant.

Berbatov should head to Anfield yes - he would fit in nicely with the level of football there.
Did I miss something? what does the Gary Neville or Chelsea sign mean?

I think dealing with gary Neville winning versus Chelski. I guess the worse choice would be Gary nev.

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1677 on: May 02, 2010, 04:03:44 PM »

Actually yuh also leave out Obi mikel!

   Nah, I eh leave him out.  He doesn't belong in this conversation, not with the names I call dey.  But he is more talented than paul scholes (he's just not playing as an attacking midfielder) and he's waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of scholes' career curve, so, as much as I didn't need to mention him, I know he's already in allyuh manu fans' heads!  :devil:

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!


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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1678 on: May 02, 2010, 04:09:51 PM »

Actually yuh also leave out Obi mikel!

   Nah, I eh leave him out.  He doesn't belong in this conversation, not with the names I call dey.  But he is more talented than paul scholes (he's just not playing as an attacking midfielder) and he's waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of scholes' career curve, so, as much as I didn't need to mention him, I know he's already in allyuh manu fans' heads!  :devil:

Lets bet that Anderson becomes better than Obi mikel.

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Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« Reply #1679 on: May 02, 2010, 04:22:04 PM »

Actually yuh also leave out Obi mikel!

   Nah, I eh leave him out.  He doesn't belong in this conversation, not with the names I call dey.  But he is more talented than paul scholes (he's just not playing as an attacking midfielder) and he's waaaaaaaaaaay ahead of scholes' career curve, so, as much as I didn't need to mention him, I know he's already in allyuh manu fans' heads!  :devil:

Lets bet that Anderson becomes better than Obi mikel.

  I doh want to take yuh munny.....or whatever it is yuh puttin up fuh a wager. 

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!


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