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Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #150 on: November 04, 2012, 09:59:47 AM »
Originally printed at http://www.trinidadexpress.com/news/Sat_defends_Jack_on_lack_of__Indian__marchers-177127671.html

By Asha Javeed asha.javeed@trinidadexpress.com
November 3, 2012
"Don't shoot the messenger."

That's the defence which Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) secretary general Sat Maharaj offered up for National Security Minister Jack Warner yesterday.

On Friday, Warner had dismissed the magnitude of a march inspired by the Opposition People's National Movement (PNM) and joined by various forces against the Government, in stating: "Where was the diversity? Where were the East Indians, the mixed faces, the Chinese, the whites ...where were the young people?"

Warner has already faced criticism from political analysts for questioning the ethnic make-up of the march.

But Maharaj defended the comments made by Warner on the march which drew thousands to the streets of downtown Port of Spain, and he, in turn, attacked PNM political leader Dr Keith Rowley for "inciting division in the community".

"Why blame the commentator? He was only commenting on the nature of the crowd," said Maharaj.

During last week's censure motion by the PNM against Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, Warner had charged Rowley for attacking Ramlogan because of his race.

He said Indians were discriminated against for 30 years, and from 1956-1986, not a single Hindu sat in the Cabinet. And the SDMS had to go to the Privy Council to get a radio licence while Port of Spain Mayor Louis Lee Singh had his licence approved in three days by the PNM Government.

In response, Maharaj said the PNM is not reaching out to the Indian community.

"That is a fact. There is always this coded message, 'South of the River', which on its own had divided the country. The name 'Partnership' indicates the effort made to embrace the country. There are mis-steps but they are not as much as the PNM. We are not talking about Calder Hart any more. We are talking about Section 34," he said.

Maharaj observed that the Government was only two and half years old, and any coalition would suffer from some sort of fragmentation, but "this does not mean the Government has to collapse".

He said Rowley was only "inciting one side of the people".

"How many trade unions were not there? Politicians came out from their graveyards to join. You organise a march on a Friday evening in Port of Spain...you already have a built-in audience of about 100 people. As a politician, I would have advised them of that time and go down Frederick Street; you will get the curiosity-seekers, you'd block traffic, which would have given strength to your march," he said.

But Maharaj's statement did not find agreement with former prime minister Basdeo Panday.

Panday described Warner's statement as "extremely sad and unfortunate".

"No one should stir up racial sentiments for political gain. That is dangerous. We can do without the racial feelings," he said.

He told the Sunday Express he was not a "stupid coolie from San Juan" and believes the Government is clearly at a low point, and it is time to take stock.

He said the People's Partnership's tenure so far has been a "great disappointment" to the people for a Government which came into power with "tremendous support".

On Friday's march, Panday said: "It's an exercise in futility, but numbers are not the point. What is relevant is that there was a march and people were dissatisfied. The Government should do well to listen to the message, or they will pay dearly for it. All over the world, dissatisfaction has led people to resort to violence."

Former parliamentarian, soldier and 1970 mutineer Raffique Shah said he was not surprised by Warner's comments. He observed that in Trinidad and Tobago, politics was driven by ethnic composition.

He said questions are being raised on the size of the march, but if 10,000 people turned up as suggested by Warner, it was "something to note".

"It is very difficult to get 10,000 on a Friday midday to march. It was an exercise in futility. The Prime Minister is not moving either minister (Warner or Ramlogan). If they go, the Government will go because of the intricate nature of the relationships. But the demonstration made a statement," said Shah.

"In comparison to 1970, 10,000 is significant. It was a power-shaking protest movement which shook the foundations of the then PNM government. On rare occasions, you see numbers like that. Outside of a political rally, people just don't turn out to march like that. If you accept that 10,000 was the figure, it was significant. The Government should be concerned," he told the Sunday Express.

A PNM source told the Express: "The PNM will not comment on race or the ethnic make-up of the march. It's not something we do. The people will decide the make-up of the march, first, by their attendance and, second, by who they saw marching with them. It will not be what Jack Warner has said, so even responding to him is to validate his indignity and his nonsense about race. It should not be a debate after thousands took to the streets to affirm a position."

When it comes to the Section 34 fiasco though, Sat Maharaj is of the view that "if one had to go, the entire 42 has to go, too", referring to all those who passed the Bill.

"The entire Senate also has to go, too, because they all supported that Bill."

"They are accusing the Attorney General of misleading them. If people are so foolish to be misled, they should not be in positions of authority. They all supported the Bill," Maharaj told the Sunday Express.

Maharaj described Section 34 as a "mistake" but observed that governments have made many mistakes over the years.

Section 34 is a clause in the Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) Act which, upon early proclamation on August 30, allowed several people, among them financiers of the United National Congress (UNC) Ishwar Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson and former ministers Carlos John, Russell Huggins and Brian Kuei Tung, to apply to the courts to have their cases dismissed.

The early proclamation has raised questions about the Government's integrity, a conspiracy to have these men walk free and a call by the Opposition for the heads of former minister of justice Herbert Volney, AG Ramlogan and Warner.

"It was a mistake. It was wrong to select one part to proclaim. The proclamation is where the mistake was made, and the Cabinet supported that. One man paid with his head," Maharaj told the Sunday Express.

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #151 on: November 04, 2012, 10:40:22 AM »
Basically what Jack saying , is Niggers don't matter. Even though the crowd was mixed
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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #152 on: November 04, 2012, 11:01:57 AM »
yuh know it have some people who have been so psychologically injured by their own that in terms of ethnic growth development they turn against their own kind. Some of our present ministers appear to  have suffered either isolation and  may have been shunned by the former government in the past that  they have this perpetual 'hate on' for anything related to the former government.

Or they dont like who they are or what they are that they denigrate all things associated with their own heritage. Hard to believe but if one was to look at studies in minority development models you will understand why it is that some could live like this.

I listened to one former minister of multiculturalism on i95,5 and his tone is so anti PNM that you have to wonder what pains of rejection he carries with him; the same could be said for one present minister who appears to always  jump on teh race card as away of acknowledging his acceptance.

These are deliberate attempts to divide the country, to patronize certain fractions of the population and to denigrate those who are clamoring for justice. We need to wake up and to put these differences and look after the national interests of all TnT nationals.  When would we go back to our national identity rather than this appearance of divisiveness . I want to believe that a government will do what it can for all people regardless of race.  Ministers wake up and rise above self and think of all peoples who have  given you the trust to govern.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 11:11:06 AM by AB.Trini »

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #153 on: November 04, 2012, 01:55:37 PM »
Kamla remains silent again
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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #154 on: November 04, 2012, 06:33:14 PM »
Kamla remains silent again
she had her spokes man Volney spoked for her concerning the parade of the sour puss dem(PNM supporters)
here is the entire speech ...

Volney: Marchers just beating a dead horse
Section 34 is a dead horse, former justice minister Herbert Volney said yesterday as he commented on the march in Port of Spain.
The march was organised by the Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM) and the Opposition People's National Movement (PNM).
Volney, who was a key player in both the changes to the Administration of Justice Act which produced Section 34 as well as its early proclamation of Section 34, told the Express: "Section 34 is just the name given to marches and to anything that is anti-People's Partnership Government. And nothing was going to emerge from this march other than the trade unions and the PNM would have marched under 34 degrees of hot sun."
Volney said 34 was going to be the most popular number in this year in the country. He said there had never been so many days in which the temperature soared to 34 degrees. "And by the end of the year it would be the heat, whether political or otherwise, that would be remembered, not any Section 34."
He said the PNM was exploiting the long-settled Section 34 issue for general mobilisation, "to keep the flame of political relevance alive".
Asked whether the large numbers in the march was cause for concern, he said the People's Partnership Government could easily bring out 34,000 supporters "with just 34 hours notice" to attend a rally in Aranjuez Savannah.
"So numbers don't really mean anything until the elections come. And then whoever wins 34 seats would be able to amend the Constitution to bring about the kind of changes that we need so that it is the number that both the Government and Opposition should be looking for (in any election)," he said, playing on the number 34.
He said it is the year of 34 (in Play Whe) "the blind man". "As for myself, I was the blind man in the pack and I can now see clearly".
He said the march had nothing to do with Section 34. "Section 34 is the rallying cry for all persons who are opposed to the Government," he said, adding that

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #155 on: November 05, 2012, 05:03:35 AM »
As was the small incident when a burglary took place in a U.S. government building which anybody outside of Washington had never heard of.......Watergate

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #156 on: November 05, 2012, 05:58:27 AM »
 The government and their defenders are being very hypocritical if not naive. It is foolish to ignore thousands of people marching in the streets, regardless of what they look like. It was public discontent that brought down the last regime and same could reoccur. 

Jack has been made the resident hatchet-man for all race based statements for the government.  It kinda works because of the inherent irony of black man making the statement combined with the fact that he has a reputation for boldness that actually guards from scrutiny in other words he says so much shit that people don't necessarily take him on because is just madman Jack .

But its a necessary  move to have Jack do the talking. In the face of this attack by the opposition the unc et al must secure the base so no significant political gains would be made.It is a scintillating strategy.  This however is the dangerous part :

'We will honour our five-year mandate'
By Susan Mohammed susan.mohammed@trinidadexpress.com

Story Created: Nov 4, 2012 at 9:51 PM ECT

Story Updated: Nov 5, 2012 at 7:34 AM ECT

LET not your heart be troubled.

This was the reassurance given by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Saturday evening as she said her Government would not give in to intimidation and they would serve the full five-year term in office.

Persad-Bissessar also sought to reassure her audience, which comprised mainly of her constituents from the Penal/Siparia constituency, that the Government had passed "the rough waters".

The PM spoke at the 15th annual Divali celebration hosted by the Siparia Women's Group at the Siparia Constituency Office at Penal.

"Let not your heart be troubled," the Prime Minister said. "You gave us a mandate of five years and we of the Government will make sure to honour that mandate for the full five years. We are not afraid, will not be deterred, we will not be intimidated. We will do what is right, when it is right. And when issues come before us, we will put God in front and we will walk behind. We will always be guided by that divine light. We can only do it with your love and support, that love that you have shown for the last two and a half years and even before. And as we go into the next two and a half years, I give you this assurance."

And Persad-Bissessar thanked her supporters for their love and support during the past 25 years of her political life.

"I will be here with you tonight and tomorrow."

The Prime Minister said she would deal with the issues that face her and her Government.

"When wrong comes to light we will deal with it, and when right comes to light, I will praise it. Again, I repeat, let not your heart be troubled.

"We have gone though some rough pathways and waters. But the ship has sailed and we can only do it because you all are the wind beneath our wings. We thank you for that," she said.

On Friday, thousands of citizens from a coalition of political parties, trade unions and civic groups, including the People's National Movement, Oilfields Workers' Trade Union, Movement for Social Justice and Democratic National Assembly, took to the streets of Port of Spain and marched against the governance of the country.

They held a vote at a gathering at the Brian Lara Promenade and called for Minister of National Security Jack Warner and Attorney Anand Ramlogan to be fired.

Several Government Ministers attended Saturday's Divali celebration, including AG Ramlogan, Minister in the Ministry of Local Government Rudranath Indarsingh, Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine, Education Minister Tim Gopeesingh, and People and Social Development Minister Glenn Ramamdharsingh.

Ramnarine was the only one who commented on the march as he delivered greetings to the audience.

He said: "Prime Minister, tonight we dispel some of the darkness that set itself on Port of Spain yesterday (Friday). We see a lot of love when we come down here, a lot of light, a lot of happiness and prosperity. I can tell you as Minister of Energy, this country is a prosperous country and will continue to be a prosperous country for a very long time under this Prime Minister."

Ramlogan, in delivering his greetings, said: "The ship is in safe hands. The ship is in safe and capable hands."

Apparently we have two nations in one country or at least that's the way KPB wants to govern.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 06:00:53 AM by Jah Gol »

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #157 on: November 05, 2012, 06:59:13 AM »
Liburd run a James Bond theme on dis one
caption contest?

The one thing that disappointed me about James Bond films was the bad guys.

In the beginning of every film, we were introduced to a super villain of incredible genius, whose detail to planning was revealed in his dastardly plot to rule the world from an immense secret structure manned by hundreds of dedicated militia.

Totally evil, yet decidedly smooth and scheming, these control freaks seemed unstoppable. Yet after our hero, the only man who’s surname both precedes and follows his Christian name—Bond, James Bond—gets on the case, the arch villain becomes a babbling psychopath, whose furious panic results in his ultimate destruction.

I mean, if this ultra-bad guy is so cunning, if he can face down superpowers, royalty and armed forces, how does one man rattle him?

So, I wondered, is Austin Jack Warner a creation of Ian Fleming?

Watching his insane ranting over the last two days against the Section 34 march, Mr Warner seems to becoming more and more unravelled.

Let’s face it, if he was anymore in denial, he’d be sitting in Egypt next to the pyramids, knee deep in that great African river. The Nile, that is. But I digress.

From the photos and video shown on television and the internet, it is clear that there were a substantial number of people on the march.  Some say 30,000. Some police are quoted at 25,000. So, perhaps, a conservative estimate would be 20,000?

Jack the Tripper saw only 3,000 persons and insisted that East Indians, Chinese and youths were not represented. For Your Eyes Only, sir.

Jack seems to see race in everything these days. The former self-proclaimed HNIC, in his desperation to preserve power, is upstaging the likes of Sat Maharaj as a defender of the Indian race. Diamonds Are Forever, Jack, and so is your race.

Of course, Warner’s inability to tabulate big numbers should be no surprise. In 1989, he allegedly sold 45,000 tickets for a stadium that held 25,000 while his suggestion to the 2006 “Soca Warriors” that half of $200 million equated to around $125,000 was proved to be profoundly incorrect.

Yesterday may well be yesterday, Jack, but Tomorrow Never Dies.

So, even with the aid of three police photographers and two police cameramen, it shouldn’t surprise us that Warner’s crowd estimate was so far off target.

Although it was quite right and proper for the march to be shepherded by the police, was the costly use of the National Security helicopter really warranted?

Maybe Jack should have leant out of his window and counted the protesters when they stopped at his office to demand his resignation. That is, if he can tally beyond 69 or even 34.

Warner is the opposition’s most potent weapon. Every time he opens his mouth, more potential votes are lost.

What foreign government would share sensitive intelligence data with this buffoon? His international reputation, at best, is one of a crooked manipulator.

Keith Rowley is no James Bond and closer resembled a Dr No within his own party in recent years. But he is surely benefitting from Warner’s repeated attacks.

It concerns me greatly that the Prime Minister continues to stay silent while Warner makes public statements which bring ridicule on her government and scares The Living Daylights out of right thinking citizens.

For Warner, The World Is Not Enough and I doubt he can be saved from his collision course with destiny.

If the People’s Partnership does not address its loose cannon soon, the remaining two years of its term will be merely a Quantum of Solace. The final verdict will not be delivered by Goldfinger but rather our voting fingers.

Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.


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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #158 on: November 05, 2012, 07:10:15 AM »
It was black people marching that brought many, many changes to the way lives improved in T&T...over and over agin that has been the case.

Most times, Indians, Chinese, whites and other groups got on board AFTER the fact!

Things that History teaches us!

1.  Eric Williams...Independence...opposed by Indians
2.  Butler.....workers' rights and equality.
3.  Geddes Granger aka Daaga...Black power that led to jobs for indians and black people in financial institutions, use of certain beaches.

They march for Axe the Tax and now dey bringing it back.

Doh hate on me for pointing out the facts  just absorb dem


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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #160 on: November 05, 2012, 09:07:46 AM »
she had her spokes man Volney spoked for her concerning the parade of the sour puss dem(PNM supporters)
here is the entire speech

War, Bro, you mean her hatchetman. You realized that she had to relieve(fired, if you want) him of his position because of the heat that she was expecting for the underhand section 34 move. Most things coming from Volney's mouth is pure tata  ..... well for you, it may be pure poetry. That man is totally devious.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 09:10:21 AM by Deeks »

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #161 on: November 05, 2012, 10:59:56 AM »
I dont understand what people want from the woman. I simply think people on this forum and PNM sour pussy  dont like she because she a f**king Indian.. I mean since she tek over all di kidnapping of Indians has stop.. so was PNM behind di kidnapping of indian people?  Our artist dem getting recongnition wid big money.. the basketball team run by manning all this years eh get a cent now they getting money ,, our olympians get rell dollars including the white bwoy who manning eh gave a f**king cent.. wey allyuh PNM cock suckers want frm she eh?  Low di f**king woman fi run di country and when election time come vote she out if allyuh eh like she nah.. cheups all this f**king marching and thing is nonsence.. a bunch of lazy wutless f**ks roaming the streets for nothing.. I  wish the police the put sum facking bullet in all a dem.. I personally believe she have more facking balls than USA battyman president Obama . If african support she allyuh vexs, if Indian support she allyuh vexs, allyuh rell f**king wutless in this forum wey .. Come election if allyuh wah drink drain water, and kidnapp coolie people vote PNM , low di woman she alloted years ..cheups.. lemme guh smoke another joint before I loose mi facking head eh///////
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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #162 on: November 05, 2012, 12:59:10 PM »
dont like she because she a f**king Indian

War, bull f--kin' shit. KPB won the election fair and square. She got a mandate from the people. From the time she pick Jack on she team, I know she was in for thunder. You yourself know the modus operandi of Jack and she gone to bed with him and you expect people to side with she. Let me make it plain. She is my PM too, although I may not agree with her 100%. If he ministers effing up, she go get thunder  like we use to give Patos and he arrogant self. God back and check previous post when Rowley was confronting Calder Hart and Patos. You like Growley then.

Ask Weary who she voted for in the last election. I have Afro Trini friends who told me  frankomently that they were not voting for Patos in the last elections. And doh come with, " because she is INdian".

We Afros overs that. If Afro Trinis was anti_Indian, TT would have  be like SriLanka or Fiji. We would shun buying roti and doubles from the vendors who use to come by St. Joseph and Tunapuna RC schools. How come QRC would have an Indian family running they canteen for years. We never thought twice about it. Why? Because "All ah we is one".  .I eh sure bout that now.  Afros more boycott they own than the other. Bro, some of we have blood of both people in we veins, so doh come with that shit.

As long as she have Jack, Anand and Anil spewin' tata, she in for thundah.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 01:01:31 PM by Deeks »

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #163 on: November 05, 2012, 02:04:18 PM »
dont like she because she a f**king Indian

War, bull f--kin' shit. KPB won the election fair and square. She got a mandate from the people. From the time she pick Jack on she team, I know she was in for thunder. You yourself know the modus operandi of Jack and she gone to bed with him and you expect people to side with she. Let me make it plain. She is my PM too, although I may not agree with her 100%. If he ministers effing up, she go get thunder  like we use to give Patos and he arrogant self. God back and check previous post when Rowley was confronting Calder Hart and Patos. You like Growley then.

Ask Weary who she voted for in the last election. I have Afro Trini friends who told me  frankomently that they were not voting for Patos in the last elections. And doh come with, " because she is INdian".

We Afros overs that. If Afro Trinis was anti_Indian, TT would have  be like SriLanka or Fiji. We would shun buying roti and doubles from the vendors who use to come by St. Joseph and Tunapuna RC schools. How come QRC would have an Indian family running they canteen for years. We never thought twice about it. Why? Because "All ah we is one".  .I eh sure bout that now.  Afros more boycott they own than the other. Bro, some of we have blood of both people in we veins, so doh come with that shit.

As long as she have Jack, Anand and Anil spewin' tata, she in for thundah.

u have time dat moron get made out for what he is long time
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 02:17:21 PM by lefty »
I pity the fool....

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #164 on: November 05, 2012, 02:26:23 PM »
dont like she because she a f**king Indian

War, bull f--kin' shit. KPB won the election fair and square. She got a mandate from the people. From the time she pick Jack on she team, I know she was in for thunder. You yourself know the modus operandi of Jack and she gone to bed with him and you expect people to side with she. Let me make it plain. She is my PM too, although I may not agree with her 100%. If he ministers effing up, she go get thunder  like we use to give Patos and he arrogant self. God back and check previous post when Rowley was confronting Calder Hart and Patos. You like Growley then.

Ask Weary who she voted for in the last election. I have Afro Trini friends who told me  frankomently that they were not voting for Patos in the last elections. And doh come with, " because she is INdian".

We Afros overs that. If Afro Trinis was anti_Indian, TT would have  be like SriLanka or Fiji. We would shun buying roti and doubles from the vendors who use to come by St. Joseph and Tunapuna RC schools. How come QRC would have an Indian family running they canteen for years. We never thought twice about it. Why? Because "All ah we is one".  .I eh sure bout that now.  Afros more boycott they own than the other. Bro, some of we have blood of both people in we veins, so doh come with that shit.

As long as she have Jack, Anand and Anil spewin' tata, she in for thundah.

u have time dat moron get made out for what he is long time

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #165 on: November 05, 2012, 08:25:35 PM »
I dont understand what people want from the woman. I simply think people on this forum and PNM sour pussy  dont like she because she a f**king Indian.. I mean since she tek over all di kidnapping of Indians has stop.. so was PNM behind di kidnapping of indian people?  Our artist dem getting recongnition wid big money.. the basketball team run by manning all this years eh get a cent now they getting money ,, our olympians get rell dollars including the white bwoy who manning eh gave a f**king cent.. wey allyuh PNM cock suckers want frm she eh?  Low di f**king woman fi run di country and when election time come vote she out if allyuh eh like she nah.. cheups all this f**king marching and thing is nonsence.. a bunch of lazy wutless f**ks roaming the streets for nothing.. I  wish the police the put sum facking bullet in all a dem.. I personally believe she have more facking balls than USA battyman president Obama . If african support she allyuh vexs, if Indian support she allyuh vexs, allyuh rell f**king wutless in this forum wey .. Come election if allyuh wah drink drain water, and kidnapp coolie people vote PNM , low di woman she alloted years ..cheups.. lemme guh smoke another joint before I loose mi facking head eh///////

talk padnah talk ..yuh true colors showin....
my suggestion to you is that you not smoke so much weed cause it's apparently depleting the few brain cells you have left.

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #166 on: November 06, 2012, 12:10:18 AM »
The operations of SAUTT resulted in kidnappings going down. UNC eh solve no kidnappings. Don't be fooled.

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #167 on: November 06, 2012, 01:23:23 AM »
The operations of SAUTT resulted in kidnappings going down. UNC eh solve no kidnappings. Don't be fooled.
sautt mi ass pnm was behind di kidnappin we all know dat..  low di freeking woman ley she govern di freeking country and then vote allyuh party in .. all di years I never hear bout unc supporters marching .. bunch a f**king sour puss is PNM and the supporters.. allyuh know jack wid she all this time before allyuh say allyuh vote for she .. PNM is jes sour puss and as for my true colors showing I like dat MEP.. This indian doh hide behind no pc to tell sour pussies how I feal..long plain and straight and who nuh like it Jump back innah dem fadda fart hole... cause mi nuh have time for faggots, Ugly people and PNM supporters...

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #168 on: November 06, 2012, 05:14:53 AM »
again alyuh have time...............an is d UNC responsible for d "kidnapping of Indians" falsifying ah serious crime to to push ah political agenda and it get real...........steups
I pity the fool....

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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #169 on: November 06, 2012, 05:33:44 AM »
Kidnappings stop after they arrested the military officer running the ring. During the PNM administration. PP came into government way after the kidnapping stop.
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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #170 on: November 06, 2012, 05:58:57 AM »
Allyuh have time wid dat racist coolie??!!

check out the ppl he does harass (manning, rowley, obama) and you will know dat he's ah fackin bush indian, and most bush indian hate fackin nayger wid ah passion, no matter how much good the PNM do fuh indian they still hate the PNM bc panday and capeldeo told dem that PNM is ah nayger party.

he have all this to say bout the PNM, but is the PNM who was responsible for indian wealth in T&T. under the colonial british indians was suckin salt livin in extreme poverty, it's only when T&T gain independence that indians start amassing wealth.

mutilal moonan, amar, sammy, ramlochan, pilai, all ah dem get rich from PNM contracts!!!!  matter of fact they were the ones to replace big foreign contractors like raymond and wimpey.

fellas like george weeks and lloyd best stood up and fought for fair pay and proper working condition but never reap the benefits, rather it was the indian community above all the demographic out side of the ruling whites and french creole who gained the most under the PNM,

sooo you should hush yuh mudda c**t about PNM doh like indian, bc is we nigger who PNM doh like! they did fack all for we who had them in power for over 4 decades, ah real fackin vex now wid all this hate and divide fackin rhetoric wid this racist mdacnt! boy , yuh better go from fackin here wid dat country coolie propaganda eh!!!!!!

to all the indian ppl on the board sorry for the use of certain words, for the record , i eh hate indian ppl ,or no body else for dat matter, but this racist boy name rajesh maraj AKA whoremonger is ah real fackin bigot and he must be stopped, bc he's over steppin now, and somebody have tuh step in his racist face!

 i really despise country bookie indian who always on the race tip, why dem ppl doh go back to their home land if they don't want to integrate?? why must we have to walk on egg shells all the time bc they have ah chip on their shoulders, and BTW, why somebody doh shoot sat maraj and put that old stinkin bigot out of his racist misery? all he doin is dividing the country.  stuueepppsss!!!!!!

the PNM is not ah nayger party, it's the party of the ppl! bc it have indian, whites, africans, asians and hispanics who is staunch PNM, so what's wid all the nigger indian rivalry bro?? stop the fackry already guy!!

« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 08:29:06 AM by just cool »
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Re: Sat defends Jack on lack of 'Indian' marchers
« Reply #171 on: November 06, 2012, 06:33:24 AM »
cool........as despicable as a character war is, he entitle to his opinion, as racist and as nasty is it is.............jus ignore d trolling fuucker.......as I am about to resume doin'..............good day
I pity the fool....

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Re: The Sat Maharaj Thread
« Reply #172 on: November 06, 2012, 09:44:29 AM »
 :D you know what is the funny thing about this thread, is that people actually get caught up in the divide and conquer rhetoric of tt politics, so much so that they take sides..

ask yourself a question, who do you think really runs TT? if you can answer that question and its more than meets the eye, you know the dynamics of politics in tt

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Re: The Sat Maharaj Thread
« Reply #173 on: November 06, 2012, 10:12:47 AM »
Kidnappings stop after they arrested the military officer running the ring. During the PNM administration. PP came into government way after the kidnapping stop.
ok obama phone lady...
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« Reply #174 on: May 31, 2014, 03:57:37 AM »

Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha secretary-general Sat Maharaj is confident the People’s Partnership Government would properly and equitably deliver resources if given a second term in office.
Maharaj said the Kamla Persad-Bissessar-led Government had successfully delivered across the country.
Speaking at the Maha Sabha’s Indian Arrival Day celebrations in Debe yesterday, Maharaj said for the past 50 years all major developments have taken place north of the Caroni River.
“And every time an effort is made to develop the rest of Trinidad and Tobago, there is an outcry. But what is south of the Caroni River? All the oil wells that produce the wealth, the Pitch Lake. So all the wealth from Central and South must go to develop only the North. That is the philo­sophy of Eric Williams and the PNM,” he said.
Maharaj pointed out the turn of events that occurred when the People’s Partnership Government assumed office.
He said, “I want to point out to you what is taking place in this Debe and Penal catchment. I am saying that within a few years, Debe will be an extension of San Fernando. I want to thank the Prime Minister and her Cabinet for equitably distributing the wealth of this country. All we ask for is equity. Don’t give us more than you give anybody else.”
Maharaj said previous governments have tried to spread the wealth, but failed because of the People’s National Movement (PNM) civil servants planted in all sectors.
The battle has now begun. Any government that gets into office for the full five years, you can’t do anything because the civil servants [lock] you in. Robinson could not last more than five years, Panday couldn’t last more than five years because you got to get past the civil servants who have been planted there by the PNM. They plant two generations of civil ser­vants to block you. So I am saying this Government must get its second five-year to properly deliver,” he said.
Persad-Bissessar, who participated in the Indian Arrival Day procession which ended at Parvati Girls’ College, said her People’s Partnership Government was the only administration to invest in evert part of Trinidad and Tobago.
“Anywhere of the country you go, you will see development taking place. So do not get fooled with the rhetoric that my Government is only interested in developing certain parts of Trinidad and Tobago,” she said.
Persad-Bissessar paid tribute to Maharaj for his determination. She described him as a fearless fighter and warrior. “He has shown us that you must speak when you can and where you can. You must not remain docile and afraid. You are a citizen of this land just like every other citizen,” she said.
Persad-Bissessar presented the Maha Sabha with two cheques totalling $750,000 to offset expenses for the Indian Arrival Day celebrations.
And as he thanked Persad-Bissessar for the financial contribution, Maharaj noted it was not the same value as other sectors have received for hosting similar celebrations. He said the money would go toward the Maha Sabha schools. “All we ask is equity,” he said.
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Re: The Sat Maharaj Thread
« Reply #175 on: May 31, 2014, 07:46:24 AM »
Yuh know on a time when allegations are rampant about political parties 'planting' others to  attack their rivals you does have to wonder about  individuals like Sat. Bias , clearly driven with an agenda  -why would individuals who have shown their actions as divisive to the unity of TnTbe given any credence for their statements?

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Re: The Sat Maharaj Thread
« Reply #176 on: May 31, 2014, 08:24:13 AM »
again alyuh have time...............an is d UNC responsible for d "kidnapping of Indians" falsifying ah serious crime to to push ah political agenda and it get real...........steups

i now see this thread   :D :D :D real tension...

but i'll add my 2 cents... i held a political forum on TT, with very distinguished officials from TT that are connected straight to the pm and senate, many years ago.. one official and i will not name his name who is a friend and was very close with all the pms told the reporter to take off the tape..

he said a certain arm of the govt and others appointed by the then govt in charge was involved in the kidnapping, as a very prominent businessman swore that if a member of his family was not returned safely.. he would spend over 100 million to make the men pay who was behind it... need i say more... the man was returned to his family... the official is not indian and has no allegiances...

so when people tell me they know who kidnap who, i does laugh bc i know better and know details that cannot be shared on the net... 
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 08:32:30 AM by Controversial »

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Re: The Sat Maharaj Thread
« Reply #177 on: May 31, 2014, 02:27:01 PM »
Sat get 750,000 and people cyah get proper health care. Thanks Kams
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Re: The Sat Maharaj Thread
« Reply #178 on: May 31, 2014, 08:00:01 PM »
Sat being divisive

Al-Rawi slams claims of biased national policy by PNM:

By By Joel Julien joel.julien@trinidadexpress.com

Story Created: May 31, 2014 at 8:43 PM ECT 

(Story Updated: May 31, 2014 at 8:43 PM ECT  )

OPPOSITION Senator Faris Al-Rawi yesterday described claims by Sanatan Dharma Maha Sa­b­ha secretary-general Sat Ma­haraj of a biased national development policy implemented over time by the People’s National Movement (PNM) as being “dange­rously divisive”.

Al-Rawi, the PNM’s public relations officer, cri­ticised Ma­haraj for his statements and said they were out of place.

Speaking at his organi-

sa­tion’s Indian Arrival Day cele­brations in Debe on Fri­-

day, Maharaj said for the

past 50 years, all major de-

vel­opments have taken place north of the Caroni River.

“And every time an effort is made to develop the rest of Trinidad and Tobago, there is an outcry. But what is south of the Caroni River? All the oil wells that produce the wealth, the Pitch Lake. So all the wealth from Central and South must go to develop only the North. That is the phi­losophy of Eric Williams and the PNM,” Maharaj said.

Speaking to the Sunday Express, Al-Rawi said Maha­raj’s statements about the PNM were “regrettable” and wrong.

“It is regrettable that Mr Maharaj should, as a leader of a particular section of Tri­ni­dadian society, choose to make very divisive state­ments which in our view does not reflect the facts of

the development of Trinidad and Tobago,” Al-Rawi said.

He invited Maharaj to visit several developments encouraged by the PNM throughout the country.

“The PNM, as the long­est serving politi­cal party in this country, pioneered industrial development throughout Tri­nidad and Tobago, which sparked growth in the economy and resulted in serious improve­ment of value of real estate, certainly, south of the Caroni, to use Mr Maharaj’s words,” Al-Rawi said.

“We would invite him to visit the Point Lisas In­dus­trial Estate, which is

certainly not in north Tri­­nidad; we invite him to visit the estates in La Brea and Mayaro which are certainly not in north Trini­dad. We invite him to witness the powerhouse that San Fernando is in pioneering the energy sector, certainly not in north Trinidad

“We invite him to visit the thousands of houses built everywhere other than in north Trinidad, and we invite him to reflect upon the legislation brought by the PNM, including, in par­ticular, the Education Bill, Caroni (1975) Bill and the

Industrial Stabilisation Act, which as the grandson of Lionel Seukeran can cer-

tainly say the PNM pilo­ted to the benefit of all citi­-

zens of Trinidad and Toba-

go and, in particular, the children of inden­tured servants,” he said.

“Mr Maharaj’s revi­sion-

­ism is a clawback to ana-

chronistic politics and is dangerously divisive,” Al-Rawi added.

“The PNM, under Dr Keith Rowley, is interested in the development of all of Trinidad and Tobago as Dr Rowley’s advocacy of rural development and a national translocation policy with local government reform, to name a few, clearly demonstrates,” he said.

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Re: The Sat Maharaj Thread
« Reply #179 on: July 15, 2016, 12:17:30 AM »
Allyuh aint hear Sat Maharaj spilling he guts today causing racial divide once again. My question is why a mainstream media house like the Guardian give him a column to write every week? They do not care about their reputation? His racial rants originated from the Guardian


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