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Author Topic: Maturana takes up senior coaching job.  (Read 150563 times)

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #390 on: June 25, 2008, 05:39:18 AM »
This whole coaching thing is a tricky situation.
My personal opinion is that YES, maturana has shown some weaknesses in the previous games, but then I am an armchair coach and was one of the people who supported BSC in the last campaign.
The main reason I supported BSC last time was that he was the best available coach we had, everyone was calling for his head, but nobody was making logical suggestions - BSC had the best resume in T&T and the most accomplishments, not to mention T&T's longest unbeaten streak sometime in 2000 I think at about 13 games, plus playing some of the most attractive and attacking football (albeit nieve in defense), manifested in the Gold Cup 2000. But then JW came and shocked everyone with the appointment of a world renowned coach. It proved to be a brilliant masterstroke on his part, as Beenie is the one exception to the rule that has been true for all T&T coaches - hire and fire in rapid succession with no meaningful goals achieved.
Same thing now.
JW, whether we like it or not, IS T&T football. He pays for everything.
And he has publiclly come out and supported Maturana recently, so I am assuming that he will not be axing him soon. Remember JW comments last time on firing BSC - in his (JW) opinion, the T&T team was not being coached properly - comments from a footbal administrator mind you.
So unless JW has any intention to swap Maturana for a high name profile coach, we are stuch with Pancho, at least for the semi final round.
If we barely scrape through,like we did against Bermuda, I think he might be inclined to re-think the situation.
But I also believe it is not all doom and gloom so much as some of us believe.
I genuinely believe we are good enough to qualify for the final round. the major problem in my mind is not the coach, its player selection, and we all know the situation on that. if we get our best available players, I think we can give the US a run, even with maturana.
With the current players under Maturana, we will need much more luck in terms of results favoring us and a couple players to hit the form of their life - people like Makan Hislop, Jason Scotland et al. On current form, we will struggle to beat Cuba at home. I remember in the Digicel Cup, Cuba impressed me more than any other team (including T&T), the tempo and chemistry of their team was a sight to behold - they were done in by some bad luck vs T&T in the semi-final, if they hadnt lost that player to a red card, the result might have been very different, so people, do not take too much heart in the 3-0 beating we put on them, it is a bit deceiving and they are MUCH better than that scoreline suggests.
But back to the coach - he must be given some credit.
In modern football, no matter who it is (unless it Fiji or Seychelles or something), its hard to break down a team at home who is playing to defend a 2 goal lead, knowing the prize at stake.
Trust me, if we had a playoff with Bermuda for a direct WC spot, like we did with Bahrain, there would not have been that much between the 2 teams over the 2 legs. Motivitaion is a helluva thing, and to an extent, it makes up for technical deficiencies, especially playing against a team not the best technically in the world (T&T).
But Pancho madse some interesting moves, bringing in 2 new forwards who bermuda had no data on, and introducing Stern late after they tired. He has some guts and indeed some tactical acumen.

The biggest tragedy of this entire Bermuda situation is the player selection.

TT& has also learnt a very valuable lesson... Fresh off after the glory of making and playing in a World Cup, I think the country as a whole thought they should not even have to play with bermuda. We were all thinking of it a a foregone conclusion, and that was the same vibes I got from the players in Macoya. The energy level was way too low, and they tried too hard to just win by overclassing them with finesse and history. But running power, energy and inspiration on the part of the Bermudans edged us out (not to mention some woeful finishing too), so only then did we realise we were in a game and actually had to turn up and run and sweat with these lowly Bermudans. Let us just be thankful that we have not followed so many CONCACAF teams who have made their first WC and never returned. I am sure hsitory is also littered with teams like France who won World Cups and failed in the first round next time.

If you check CONCACAF history since 1989, lots of supposed top teams have struggled immensely in the early rounds, and come good and peak when it matters, you guys rememebr Barbados beating Costa Rica in Barbados, then CR coming back to qualify?
Football is not 1+1 = 2 as Beenie used to say, so the fact that we struggled to beat Bermuda does not mean we are automatic crap and will lose heavily in the next round - how come only 1 week earlier we were 1 minute away from beating Jamaica who won their tie 13-0 or something like that? Didnt we lose to this same Ja team 2-4 in POS in July 2000, only to go on and romp past our semi final group one week after that ja beating??

Offline Midknight

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #391 on: June 25, 2008, 06:58:53 AM »
If you check CONCACAF history since 1989, lots of supposed top teams have struggled immensely in the early rounds, and come good and peak when it matters, you guys rememebr Barbados beating Costa Rica in Barbados, then CR coming back to qualify?
Football is not 1+1 = 2 as Beenie used to say, so the fact that we struggled to beat Bermuda does not mean we are automatic crap and will lose heavily in the next round - how come only 1 week earlier we were 1 minute away from beating Jamaica who won their tie 13-0 or something like that? Didnt we lose to this same Ja team 2-4 in POS in July 2000, only to go on and romp past our semi final group one week after that ja beating??

I would prefer you use another example. We may have romped through the semifinal round in 02, but we get we ass handed to us in the Hex and dat same Yardie team beat us coming and going...

I personally never call for Pacho head but, I'm not sure if you remember what happen with Costa Rica in 2002, but after they barely make it out of that semifinal round (loss to Barbados, play off with Guatemala) they fire their Brazilian coach and bring in Guimaraes for the Hex ...
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Offline oconnorg

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #392 on: June 25, 2008, 07:26:07 AM »
If you check CONCACAF history since 1989, lots of supposed top teams have struggled immensely in the early rounds, and come good and peak when it matters, you guys rememebr Barbados beating Costa Rica in Barbados, then CR coming back to qualify?
Football is not 1+1 = 2 as Beenie used to say, so the fact that we struggled to beat Bermuda does not mean we are automatic crap and will lose heavily in the next round - how come only 1 week earlier we were 1 minute away from beating Jamaica who won their tie 13-0 or something like that? Didnt we lose to this same Ja team 2-4 in POS in July 2000, only to go on and romp past our semi final group one week after that ja beating??

I would prefer you use another example. We may have romped through the semifinal round in 02, but we get we ass handed to us in the Hex and dat same Yardie team beat us coming and going...

I personally never call for Pacho head but, I'm not sure if you remember what happen with Costa Rica in 2002, but after they barely make it out of that semifinal round (loss to Barbados, play off with Guatemala) they fire their Brazilian coach and bring in Guimaraes for the Hex ...

EH.. I want his head here in place of leno's own.


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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #393 on: June 25, 2008, 07:28:09 AM »
That said, yes the players deserve some of the blame too, along with Jack and the Corneals, etc.

I not ready to blame the players yet. Honestly, when you look at the whole picture it have to be hard for men like Stern and Carlos to know what went on in the World Cup and see the standards the sides had reach and now to have to come home and play with lil youth men who doing a pile, especially cause they know it have they brethren still out there not getting a chance.

Is akin to when u have a good sweat going every week with your crew and then other men start to fall in the sweat but they playing real nonsense and every week is new faces. The sweat is just lose it vibe and the good players is end up falling off one by one to find other sweats. Things just not the same and u lose motivation and find yourself not tryign as much and you yourself start to drop in standard.

I know we talking about national pride etc and men supposed to be motivated regardless but they still employees. If your manager stupid and he asking you to do nonsense and then your other co-workers now learning the job so they still can;t do simple things, plus they kick you out of your nice office in town because the chairman of the board own a small building in macoya that he could use rent free... is just get frustrating and discouraging and must affect the morale of the employees. Thus,  work is no longer a happy place.

Knowing human behaviour, that is how the senior players would be feeling right now and that would be reflected on the field of play.

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #394 on: June 25, 2008, 09:52:16 AM »
If we look back at the history of T&T Coaches there is a continued pattern,Coaches don't last any time on the job,we change Coaches more regular than we change our clothes,some of them had more than one term but were fired and rehired,Tallman could you put together a list of national team Coaches from lets say Burn Boots days,what's going on with Coaches in T&T is nothing new,the philosophy in T&T is always the Coach is the problem,once a team not playing well is Coach but when things going well is players.

My observation is,don't matter what Maturana does with the players he have at his disposal,to some people he still has to go,our Coaches have never been given enough time to settle in on the job,to developer and gain any kind of experience at that level,just how players take years to developer and play at different levels it's the same with Coaches,example look at say Gally and Bertille,i think they did a very good job as Coaches at the international despite what ever qualifications/experience to Coach at that level,now they were fired and where are they now,foreign Coaches at the top level go from job to job so it keep them sharp and their level up.

Our Coaches always have to be starting from scratch because they are never kept on the job long enough to know players,by the time they know the players they are fired or gone (Benie),Football today is about success and the easiest scapegoat in this game is the Coach,once things not going right is Coach,as long as T&T continue to just put plasters on every sore it have and don't get down to fixing our issues and problems don't expect much to change.
Coach , it seem like it's only you and a few men who does approach football objectivly ? ah mean, it's like ah can't believe what i'm hearing !

 fellas calling for the coach head after less than ten games, with only two defeats without we main star player KJ.

 i sat and watch the first game @ the marvin lee and let me tell yuh, the reason bermuda beat us was due to compliasance and over confidence, especially after stern john equalized.

whitley , carlos and telesford were the only players playing with ah sense of urgency.

stern and scottie was walking around like we was up ten nil, ince was as drunk and giddy as craig with ah bottle ah bay rum in his hand,apart from the guys i mentioned together with farrier, the rest of the team was lax as lax could be.

so from what i saw! the team was to blame not the coach, stern kick ah powder puff straight @ the keeper (1)

 he missed another sitter on a cross from edwards (2) he then missed another point blank shot from close range, no placing of shots ,

 scottie also blew one straight over bars when he could've simply place ah nice shot in the corner, and ince was keeping like he was drunk out his chubby mind. scottie, stern and ince blew the game for us , so tell me how is that any fault of the coach.

JC the thing is, I could accept that argument if you were only talking about the first half of the game. Because after seeing that kind of display, at halftime Maturana should have torn them a new asshole, and let them know that shit not gonna slide. But it was pretty much more of the same in the 2nd half. No new sense of urgency, nuttin. Which telling me he definitely didn't make any kind of serious assertion that it was time to play some serious football. It was just 2nd half of the fete match. So he must take some of the blame.

That said, yes the players deserve some of the blame too, along with Jack and the Corneals, etc. Pacho jus deserve he share of pong too.
So kev my guess is you were not @ the game , or maybe you didn't notice the changes he made to the defence @ 1/2 time, hence the reason we did not concede anymore goals.

the team also dominate in the 2nd half and bermuda bearly touch the ball , it was all T&T in the 2nd half, but what yuh expect the coach to do if fellas not finishing that's not his fault . the only blame i put on him is not replacing scottie for daryl, and many other felt the same as i did, and useing this david guy instead of tinto.

he took of hyland and put on farrier in the left back position, he changed the formation from three defenders to 4, and he also moved teleford way back as a fifth defensive option and pushed whitley up in ah more attacking position.

yuh must remember that this coach as with wim, did not have the luxury of having the full squad @ his disposal, so he must work with what's provided. like allyuh forget what jackular said last yr, he will go to the WC with a young team with a small remnant of the WC players.

 the blacklist still stand and the coach have to play miracle worker with what's  available, so lighten  up nah allyuh, cause i don't think sancho, birchall and avery is ever comming back.  JMO.                positive.
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Offline elan

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #395 on: June 25, 2008, 10:06:29 AM »
If we look back at the history of T&T Coaches there is a continued pattern,Coaches don't last any time on the job,we change Coaches more regular than we change our clothes,some of them had more than one term but were fired and rehired,Tallman could you put together a list of national team Coaches from lets say Burn Boots days,what's going on with Coaches in T&T is nothing new,the philosophy in T&T is always the Coach is the problem,once a team not playing well is Coach but when things going well is players.

My observation is,don't matter what Maturana does with the players he have at his disposal,to some people he still has to go,our Coaches have never been given enough time to settle in on the job,to developer and gain any kind of experience at that level,just how players take years to developer and play at different levels it's the same with Coaches,example look at say Gally and Bertille,i think they did a very good job as Coaches at the international despite what ever qualifications/experience to Coach at that level,now they were fired and where are they now,foreign Coaches at the top level go from job to job so it keep them sharp and their level up.

Our Coaches always have to be starting from scratch because they are never kept on the job long enough to know players,by the time they know the players they are fired or gone (Benie),Football today is about success and the easiest scapegoat in this game is the Coach,once things not going right is Coach,as long as T&T continue to just put plasters on every sore it have and don't get down to fixing our issues and problems don't expect much to change.
Coach , it seem like it's only you and a few men who does approach football objectivly ? ah mean, it's like ah can't believe what i'm hearing !

 fellas calling for the coach head after less than ten games, with only two defeats without we main star player KJ.

 i sat and watch the first game @ the marvin lee and let me tell yuh, the reason bermuda beat us was due to compliasance and over confidence, especially after stern john equalized.

whitley , carlos and telesford were the only players playing with ah sense of urgency.

stern and scottie was walking around like we was up ten nil, ince was as drunk and giddy as craig with ah bottle ah bay rum in his hand,apart from the guys i mentioned together with farrier, the rest of the team was lax as lax could be.

so from what i saw! the team was to blame not the coach, stern kick ah powder puff straight @ the keeper (1)

 he missed another sitter on a cross from edwards (2) he then missed another point blank shot from close range, no placing of shots ,

 scottie also blew one straight over bars when he could've simply place ah nice shot in the corner, and ince was keeping like he was drunk out his chubby mind. scottie, stern and ince blew the game for us , so tell me how is that any fault of the coach.

JC the thing is, I could accept that argument if you were only talking about the first half of the game. Because after seeing that kind of display, at halftime Maturana should have torn them a new asshole, and let them know that shit not gonna slide. But it was pretty much more of the same in the 2nd half. No new sense of urgency, nuttin. Which telling me he definitely didn't make any kind of serious assertion that it was time to play some serious football. It was just 2nd half of the fete match. So he must take some of the blame.

That said, yes the players deserve some of the blame too, along with Jack and the Corneals, etc. Pacho jus deserve he share of pong too.
So kev my guess is you were not @ the game , or maybe you didn't notice the changes he made to the defence @ 1/2 time, hence the reason we did not concede anymore goals.

the team also dominate in the 2nd half and bermuda bearly touch the ball , it was all T&T in the 2nd half, but what yuh expect the coach to do if fellas not finishing that's not his fault . the only blame i put on him is not replacing scottie for daryl, and many other felt the same as i did, and useing this david guy instead of tinto.

he took of hyland and put on farrier in the left back position, he changed the formation from three defenders to 4, and he also moved teleford way back as a fifth defensive option and pushed whitley up in ah more attacking position.

yuh must remember that this coach as with wim, did not have the luxury of having the full squad @ his disposal, so he must work with what's provided. like allyuh forget what jackular said last yr, he will go to the WC with a young team with a small remnant of the WC players.

 the blacklist still stand and the coach have to play miracle worker with what's  available, so lighten  up nah allyuh, cause i don't think sancho, birchall and avery is ever comming back.  JMO.                positive.

Can't use that as an excuse cause everyone in the camp say there is no blacklist and the coach has stated that he looked at films and picked the best....so that's on him.

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Offline Baygo Boy

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #396 on: June 25, 2008, 10:55:01 AM »
People, all yuh need to get off Maturana's back. He getting blame because he didn't pick we favorites. Maturana is not the reason we lost the first game Stern and Scotland are - they throw away goals, is simply as that. I can't believe that some ah all yuh want to go to 2010 WC with the 2006 team - ah team that ketch the ass to qualify, and we strikers older and slower - Stern is a loafer, and as much as I respect what he has done for our country over the years, and I do see him as a footballing hero, let the man focus on his club career, and past the baton.

Coop's is correct, we are not always willing to give our coaches the opportunity to work with their charges. Building a team is an on-going process. Is almost like we expect miracles from our coaches. I for one am happy with Maturana simply because he's willing to work with the home based, something Beenie and Wim weren't willing to do. Our footballing future is dependent on our home based, believe it or not - our past proved that. Our nation's footballing glory did not begin with WC 2006, It began decades before.

Having a team full of foreign based will never guarantee any WC spot. What will guarantee it is a team training together constantly. All yuh fail to realize that even with our foreign based we were finding it difficult to defeat other CFU teams full of local players , coached by local coaches, and no pro league. As I have said before quality players doesn't always translate into a quality team. Our country was defeating other Caribbean teams without challenge decades ago simply because our teams were training together all the time - Mexico and the USA are perfect examples.

We may not like Maturana's picks, but we must remember that we do not have a National football philosophy like other major footballing nations, so we are dependent on the philosophy of each coach we hire. I have a question - Given the opportunity to select 3 T&T players to recommend to Aston Villa during their visit years ago, how many would have recommended Yorke? 

Men asking for Beenie and Wim to come back, I don't want them back - they with all their experience did absolutely nothing to assist our local football, they dogged our league and local players, and never saw it fit to make quality suggestions, they were leeches, just like their pay-master.

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #397 on: June 25, 2008, 11:01:02 AM »
We were almost eliminated by Bermuda, yes Bermuda, so there is a problem that need to get fix quickly.

The quality of players that we have, Bermuda should have never given us any problems. We don't even need a coach on the bench to beat Bermuda.

This only shows that we are putting the wrong team on the field.

Maybe the problem is the assistant coach, how much input does Anton have with Maturana decisions.

We do need a quick fix fast!!

Before we go there ...the quality of players that we have ?? have you been following football on the world scene ? ...you see England in the Euro Championships ? You see the results during the championships ? Just who are these quality players of whom you speak ? The team is largely a local team sparsed with a few overseas players .....
In today's football you cannot underate anyone my friend !

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Re: Time For Maturana To Go!!!!
« Reply #398 on: June 25, 2008, 11:09:08 AM »
Could anyone tell me if Sweden fired their coach after their humiliating 0-0 draw against lowly T&T?

Offline Coop's

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #399 on: June 25, 2008, 11:54:11 AM »
People, all yuh need to get off Maturana's back. He getting blame because he didn't pick we favorites. Maturana is not the reason we lost the first game Stern and Scotland are - they throw away goals, is simply as that. I can't believe that some ah all yuh want to go to 2010 WC with the 2006 team - ah team that ketch the ass to qualify, and we strikers older and slower - Stern is a loafer, and as much as I respect what he has done for our country over the years, and I do see him as a footballing hero, let the man focus on his club career, and past the baton.

Coop's is correct, we are not always willing to give our coaches the opportunity to work with their charges. Building a team is an on-going process. Is almost like we expect miracles from our coaches. I for one am happy with Maturana simply because he's willing to work with the home based, something Beenie and Wim weren't willing to do. Our footballing future is dependent on our home based, believe it or not - our past proved that. Our nation's footballing glory did not begin with WC 2006, It began decades before.

Having a team full of foreign based will never guarantee any WC spot. What will guarantee it is a team training together constantly. All yuh fail to realize that even with our foreign based we were finding it difficult to defeat other CFU teams full of local players , coached by local coaches, and no pro league. As I have said before quality players doesn't always translate into a quality team. Our country was defeating other Caribbean teams without challenge decades ago simply because our teams were training together all the time - Mexico and the USA are perfect examples.

We may not like Maturana's picks, but we must remember that we do not have a National football philosophy like other major footballing nations, so we are dependent on the philosophy of each coach we hire. I have a question - Given the opportunity to select 3 T&T players to recommend to Aston Villa during their visit years ago, how many would have recommended Yorke? 

Men asking for Beenie and Wim to come back, I don't want them back - they with all their experience did absolutely nothing to assist our local football, they dogged our league and local players, and never saw it fit to make quality suggestions, they were leeches, just like their pay-master.
      You could not have said it any better,WELL SAID!  :beermug: :beermug:

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #400 on: June 25, 2008, 12:09:03 PM »
Ah hear Zico leave Ferenbache, maybe we should try to grab him up

Offline oconnorg

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #401 on: June 25, 2008, 12:27:08 PM »
People, all yuh need to get off Maturana's back. He getting blame because he didn't pick we favorites. Maturana is not the reason we lost the first game Stern and Scotland are - they throw away goals, is simply as that. I can't believe that some ah all yuh want to go to 2010 WC with the 2006 team - ah team that ketch the ass to qualify, and we strikers older and slower - Stern is a loafer, and as much as I respect what he has done for our country over the years, and I do see him as a footballing hero, let the man focus on his club career, and past the baton.

Coop's is correct, we are not always willing to give our coaches the opportunity to work with their charges. Building a team is an on-going process. Is almost like we expect miracles from our coaches. I for one am happy with Maturana simply because he's willing to work with the home based, something Beenie and Wim weren't willing to do. Our footballing future is dependent on our home based, believe it or not - our past proved that. Our nation's footballing glory did not begin with WC 2006, It began decades before.

Having a team full of foreign based will never guarantee any WC spot. What will guarantee it is a team training together constantly. All yuh fail to realize that even with our foreign based we were finding it difficult to defeat other CFU teams full of local players , coached by local coaches, and no pro league. As I have said before quality players doesn't always translate into a quality team. Our country was defeating other Caribbean teams without challenge decades ago simply because our teams were training together all the time - Mexico and the USA are perfect examples.

We may not like Maturana's picks, but we must remember that we do not have a National football philosophy like other major footballing nations, so we are dependent on the philosophy of each coach we hire. I have a question - Given the opportunity to select 3 T&T players to recommend to Aston Villa during their visit years ago, how many would have recommended Yorke? 

Men asking for Beenie and Wim to come back, I don't want them back - they with all their experience did absolutely nothing to assist our local football, they dogged our league and local players, and never saw it fit to make quality suggestions, they were leeches, just like their pay-master.
      You could not have said it any better,WELL SAID!  :beermug: :beermug:

Copps Baygo boy,nuff respect.

Im my opinion, if Dr Pacho cannot make his own decisions in who to pick, in who HE truly wants to see play in what ever spot, then i have little respect for him. If he is truly a professional, he would respectfully tell TTFF to back the eff off with respect to the selections.  to me, the fact that it appares that he is incapable o doing that, means he is lacking some leadership qualities, and I dare say we have the wrong chief in the hut.

We need a new professional chief who making his own decisions, and picking who ever he want to effin pick, and know how to tell TTFF to backoff.

Mr Maturana, is not that man. At least, so it seams.. As a result, he hadda go, I dont believe in him..  >:(

But allyuh doh kill me tho, I just giving my POV

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Re: Time For Maturana To Go!!!!
« Reply #402 on: June 25, 2008, 12:32:24 PM »
Could anyone tell me if Sweden fired their coach after their humiliating 0-0 draw against lowly T&T?

If they did, I would not blame them...  :beermug:

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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #403 on: June 25, 2008, 01:49:25 PM »
People, all yuh need to get off Maturana's back. He getting blame because he didn't pick we favorites. Maturana is not the reason we lost the first game Stern and Scotland are - they throw away goals, is simply as that. I can't believe that some ah all yuh want to go to 2010 WC with the 2006 team - ah team that ketch the ass to qualify, and we strikers older and slower - Stern is a loafer, and as much as I respect what he has done for our country over the years, and I do see him as a footballing hero, let the man focus on his club career, and past the baton.

Coop's is correct, we are not always willing to give our coaches the opportunity to work with their charges. Building a team is an on-going process. Is almost like we expect miracles from our coaches. I for one am happy with Maturana simply because he's willing to work with the home based, something Beenie and Wim weren't willing to do. Our footballing future is dependent on our home based, believe it or not - our past proved that. Our nation's footballing glory did not begin with WC 2006, It began decades before.

Having a team full of foreign based will never guarantee any WC spot. What will guarantee it is a team training together constantly. All yuh fail to realize that even with our foreign based we were finding it difficult to defeat other CFU teams full of local players , coached by local coaches, and no pro league. As I have said before quality players doesn't always translate into a quality team. Our country was defeating other Caribbean teams without challenge decades ago simply because our teams were training together all the time - Mexico and the USA are perfect examples.

We may not like Maturana's picks, but we must remember that we do not have a National football philosophy like other major footballing nations, so we are dependent on the philosophy of each coach we hire. I have a question - Given the opportunity to select 3 T&T players to recommend to Aston Villa during their visit years ago, how many would have recommended Yorke? 

Men asking for Beenie and Wim to come back, I don't want them back - they with all their experience did absolutely nothing to assist our local football, they dogged our league and local players, and never saw it fit to make quality suggestions, they were leeches, just like their pay-master.

What is Maturana doing to assist local football? The fellas he picking eh learn nothing yet so let me hear yuh. What.... he give the locals a try? The USA give the locals a try vs B'dos they score 1 goal, you think you seeing all those players in the next rounds? I hope alyuh go be happy with the locals if we don't make it to the  HEX. 

Alyuh keep losing the plot and apparently cannot diffrentiate between club ball and national team. THE ONLY?/MAJOR OBJECTIVE OF A NATIONAL TEAM IS TO WIN. There is no two ways about it. The national team is the pinnacle of your footballing experience. IT IS AN ELITIST ORGANIZATION, NOT A PLACE TO DEVELOP SHYTE HOUNDS. Not saying the players now are not good but, we keep talking about giving chances, what the hell. You get your chance when you play at your club to prove yourself, not on the national team.

Stop accepting and falling for mediocrity, it is not healthy for anyone. We were horrible in both legs of the Bermuda game and you all need to stop making excuses for shyte. Be all patriotic and support blindly. Sheep mentality, freaking hell. I really can't understand grown people talking mess all the time and feel if they talk longer and louder they right, go so with that. That's why you does see so many mothers and fathers on tv saying he was such a good boy he never use to go no way, the police set him up.

Open yuh eyes and wipe the yampee. The players not ready for the next level, and the coaching staff is very suspect. Deal with it and stop talking arse.
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Re: Suggestions to Maturana
« Reply #404 on: June 25, 2008, 08:11:12 PM »
Elan, didn't Stern and Scotland throw away about 7 plus goals in the first leg? They (we so-called big players) cost us the match (apparently they need to learn some more). Our inexperienced shit hound (as you called them) midfielders got the ball to them and they couldn't score (the local shithounds did their jobs). It is clear that all you care about is getting to the WC, I on the other hand care about T&T football across the board, not just the national team.

Would you agree that our so-called big players had a hard time beating CFU teams? I am not loyal to any coach, but I am a "big picture" person, and I, unlike you know that the future of T&T football begins with our home based, and not the overseas players. Where were you when we didn't have players overseas, were you a fan then?

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Re: Speak up, Maturana, Who is the Warrior chief ?
« Reply #405 on: July 02, 2008, 03:28:32 PM »
I give Maturana 3 more games , then I will criticise or praise.

You get yuh 3 games (Jamaica, Bermuda and Bermuda)

What is yuh verdict now?
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D baddest SW compilation ever

Offline weary1969

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Re: Speak up, Maturana, Who is the Warrior chief ?
« Reply #406 on: July 02, 2008, 06:57:03 PM »
Best coach ever it takes a level of brillance dat oui cyah understand 2 debut d 3-5-2 in a WCQ
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Re: Speak up, Maturana, Who is the Warrior chief ?
« Reply #407 on: July 02, 2008, 11:17:51 PM »
I give Maturana 3 more games , then I will criticise or praise.

You get yuh 3 games (Jamaica, Bermuda and Bermuda)

What is yuh verdict now?

What Nappy song ? Bring back the old time days.

 Give Gally the job now.
Ah want de woman on de bass

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Re: Speak up, Maturana, Who is the Warrior chief ?
« Reply #408 on: July 03, 2008, 02:36:34 AM »
I give Maturana 3 more games , then I will criticise or praise.
You get yuh 3 games (Jamaica, Bermuda and Bermuda)
What is yuh verdict now?
What Nappy song ? Bring back the old time days.
Give Gally the job now.
dats the way Fishs
and if they dont hire Gally, blame Wim ;D :D
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Stern slams Maturana's management.
« Reply #409 on: August 15, 2008, 09:45:13 PM »
Stern slams Maturana's management.
By: Lasana Liburd (Express).

Unprofessional !

Southampton FC striker and Trinidad and Tobago's all-time record scorer Stern John yesterday slammed the unprofessional approach of the present national coaching staff after being left out the team without any official explanation.

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (T&TFF) contacted Southampton, an English Championship Division club, early this month to request John's services for their 2010 World Cup qualifying fixture away to Cuba on August 20. However, John was stunned to receive a text message during the week from someone within the T&TFF-but not a member of the coaching staff-who said that national coach Francisco Maturana did not want him.

The prolific striker, whose international tally of 69 goals is sixth best of any striker who played the game and more than double the returns of any compatriot, got confirmation of his omission by the media rather than the T&TFF.

"I don't mind being left out (because) that is part of the game," John told the Express. "But the way they handled it was completely unprofessional. They sent a fax out to my manager a week and a half ago saying they wanted me and then someone sent me a text a couple nights ago saying they didn't want me to come back.

"They haven't told me anything yet Not even a phone call or a text or an email just to say 'Stern, this is the situation'.

"After all the years I served my country with honour, it is just about respect."

Neither Maturana nor the T&TFF explained John's exclusion for the Cuba qualifier. John scored the lone goal in a 2-1 qualifying home loss to Bermuda in June but was shocked to lose his starting position for the return leg. John came off the bench to grab the decisive goal as the "Soca Warriors" overcame Bermuda 2-0 and advanced on goal aggregate.

It was John's first taste of the man-management style of the present coaching staff and he was less than impressed. At present, David Muhammad holds the post of team manager, which usually includes the responsibility of ensuring the national players' well-being.

"They have no clue about player management," said the 31-year-old John. "(In Britain) once you are a senior player, the manager pulls you aside a couple days before (the game) and says I am going to leave you out this weekend or I am going to start you on the bench. This is how we are accustomed to things being done in the professional world

"It is embarrassing for a senior player to be treated like this."

John and Maturana, a two-time World Cup coach with his native Colombia, got off to a bad start in the latter's first game in charge against Guadeloupe in February.

The coach asked Densill Theobald to captain the team but, before kick off, the midfielder passed the armband to his 2006 World Cup teammate. Both players were substituted at halftime and Maturana dropped Theobald for five months for not following his instructions.

John insisted that neither he nor Theobald meant to disrespect the coach and too much was made of the episode.

"They passed Theobald the armband and he said I was the most senior man and passed it to me," said John. "I didn't think (Maturana) would take it so personally.."

He accepts that his services may no longer be required although he is not yet ready to retire from the international game.

"I had a fantastic career for Trinidad and Tobago," said John, "and going to the World Cup was a dream come through.

"Marvin (Andrews) and I were talking about it recently because we were there from under-16 when there was no travelling (allowance) or free boots. All we would get was a box lunch to play for your country. But to get to the World Cup was worth the sacrifice.

"I was one of the players who, whenever he got called up, was always there no matter what the situation. I always put my country first.

"If it ends here, I will obviously be disappointed but I had a fantastic career and I enjoyed every minute of it If I have taken my country as far as I can, then so be it."
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 08:38:03 AM by Flex »

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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #410 on: August 15, 2008, 10:00:18 PM »
If that's how it went down... then dat's the height of unprofessionalism fuh real.  But is de TTFF... so I guess it's to be expected.  Lasana seem to be fomenting thing doh, by saying that "Stern slams Maturana's management"... if he saying is de team manager's responsibility to communicate with him... how is that Maturana's short-coming?  Seems like Mohammed drop de ball... or is it Mats responsibility to personally inform the (senior) players?

also... ah wonder if Stern (or his agent) try contacting them to confirm the situation?

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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #411 on: August 15, 2008, 10:05:25 PM »
That might be it for Stern under Maturana. We done see Pacho is a man does hold grudge.

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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #412 on: August 15, 2008, 10:09:56 PM »
"Stern slams Maturana's management"
Stern is ultimately putting the whole management responsibility of the team in the lap of Mats and is therefore is the reason for his exclusion.
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #413 on: August 15, 2008, 10:11:14 PM »
So who say dat he asked 2 b released. Dey text d man oui. Ah luv it copyright senor Samuel
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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #414 on: August 15, 2008, 10:13:14 PM »
 :rotfl: lash them stern  :whip: .But take care men get vex for dissing muturana lol

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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #415 on: August 15, 2008, 10:18:08 PM »
On top of not selecting him, they go and do this assness.
What these fellas really doin boy.

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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #416 on: August 15, 2008, 10:21:03 PM »
 :rotfl: :'( :rotfl: :'( :rotfl: :'( :rotfl: :'(
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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #417 on: August 15, 2008, 11:33:12 PM »
 ??? ??? ???

Anybody know who Cornel Glen's agent is?
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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #418 on: August 16, 2008, 12:14:45 AM »
I was trying hard to reserve judgment about Maturana as head coach of T&T but wid this whole dropping Stern he just lost points in my book.  Ah could understand even if he doh start de man but to drop him completely?  Especially when he score in both games so far.  Blasted madman move.

Offline weary1969

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Re: Unprofessional!
« Reply #419 on: August 16, 2008, 12:19:28 AM »
D droppin bad enough but d textin boi dat 1 real hard 2 swallow
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