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Author Topic: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.  (Read 126262 times)

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #750 on: August 26, 2016, 01:32:42 PM »
420 + body bags and overtime for Forensic Science Centre staff NOT cheap.

Offline Sando prince

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #751 on: August 27, 2016, 01:03:34 PM »

More Local Produce To Be Used In School Feeding Programme

There will be some changes to the School Feeding Programme.

According to CEO of the National Schools Dietary Services Limited, Stacy Barran, more locally produced food will be used to prepare meals.

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #752 on: September 10, 2016, 11:42:13 AM »

Nigel Henry poll on Govt's first anniversary: PM's job approval 51%

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has a majority job-approval rating which stands at 51 per cent.
This is one of the main findings of a poll commissioned by the Express, done by Solution by Simulation (SBS, founded by Nigel Henry), to gauge public opinion in the context of Government’s first anniversary in office. Six hundred and one adults were interviewed via telephone during the period August 30 to September 5, 2016.

Forty one per cent disapproved of the job the Prime Minister was doing while eight per cent were undecided.
SBS noted the 51 per cent job approval rating for the Prime Minister is “significant considering the PNM Government was elected by a 51.7 majority” in September 2015.

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #753 on: September 10, 2016, 11:45:52 AM »

Local banking system, economy may crash if bill not passed—Finance Minister Colm Imbert

Meeting next Monday on way ahead as UNC stalls tax bill

Saturday, September 10, 2016

American banks will halt relations with T&T’s banking sector and that sector and the local economy will crash if the tax information sharing agreement legislation is not passed soon, Finance Minister Colm Imbert has warned.

“Put country first today. This isn’t a time for politicising,” Minister Imbert appealed to the Opposition during yesterday’s Parliament session when he piloted the legislation.
He made an impassioned plea for Opposition support, necessary to pass the bill, to the point of saying he was prepared to suspend the sitting and immediately hold talks with the Opposition to get its support before the September 30 deadline.

The UNC Opposition refused to support the Bill. Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar insisted she was “not going on any guilt trip that I will cripple the country, crash the country.”
Acting Attorney General Stuart Young dismissed the claims made by Persad-Bissessar in his contribution. Minutes later, he told reporters the former PP Cabinet had agreed to pass the said legislation since 2013 but it did not happen.

He said it was the Persad-Bissessar government which decided that the competent authority to deal with the measures in the bill should be the Minister of Finance. Persad-Bissessar had criticised the new Government for maintaining that decision.
Minister Young said the proposal to refer the matter to a joint select committee cannot be accepted because “Parliament prorogues on September 22, so the legislation needs to pass before that date.”
The Bill requires a three-fifths vote for passage since sections affect constitutional rights. Government needs 26 votes for passage but only has 23 on its side.

It will allow T&T’s Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) to share information with the US’ Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If the IRS seeks information on US citizens doing business in T&T or regarding a bank account, the BIR currently has discretion to refuse to give it. The new legislation will facilitate the BIR’s sharing the information.

Minister Imbert said T&T was now on a grey list since it did not have systems for sharing information in place and stood to be blacklisted resulting in the suspension of relations of US banks with T&T. He said that would cause the banking sector to crash and the economy to be similarly affected.

“All banks would lose the corresponding relations they have in the US if this legislation isn’t passed. We have to co-operate or T&T’s banking systems will crash and the economy will crash,” he added.

Trinidad Guardian and Trinidad Express

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #754 on: September 10, 2016, 08:10:09 PM »
Address to the Nation tomorrow at 730 pm
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Sando prince

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #755 on: September 28, 2016, 10:56:51 AM »
The Minister of Finance recently signed a Customs Mutual Agreement with the United States, an agreement that can help identify and prosecute drug traffickers, gun runners etc.
WATCH:  https://www.facebook.com/SpeakOutTnT/videos/1116394215114037/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #756 on: December 30, 2016, 03:03:57 PM »

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #757 on: March 17, 2017, 01:43:25 PM »

Ramesh is helping Gov't carry out the death penalty
...PM says he believes in hanging for muder


PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley, reacting today to the murder of woman police officer Nyasha Joseph, said he is “a firm believer” in the death penalty.

The PM also disclosed that Government had communicated openly with former Attorney General Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj on the issue and that he, Maharaj, was assisting in building the necessary pathway for executions to be carried out.

Maharaj was unavailable for comment when contacted by the Express this afternoon.

Rowley, speaking at the Post Cabinet briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister in St Clair, said his belief in capital punishment was not based on the practice as a deterrent to crime but rather as a punishment fitting the crime.

WPC Nyasha Joseph, 22, went missing last Thursday and immediately there were fears for her life as relatives said she would not have voluntarily left her four-year-old daughter.

Joseph's body was found yesterday at the mouth of Caroni River into the Gulf of Paria by fishermen dragging the sea bed for shrimp.

Earlier this year Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi had said the Office of the Attorney General was working towards re-animating the death penalty locally and he emphasised that the law in Trinidad and Tobago still permitted hanging until dead for the crime of murder.

Al-Rawi said his office was actively tracking a handful of cases currently on death row and that part of the issue was that after a convict had served a particular period of time, human rights concerns came into play where the death penalty was involved.

As of December 2016, the Attorney General said that there were 32 inmates on Death Row, but none qualified to meet the hangman.

He said the cases were being tracked so that the State would be on the side of the law if and when it looked to assert its right to employ the death penalty.


This was noted by Rowley who also remarked that he was unapologetic about his position.

Rowley said  a minority within the population had chosen the way of crime and also felt that there were no consequences to their actions and he was also not convinced that having a difficult life was an excuse to turn to crime.

At the start of addressing Joseph's murder, Rowley said that as a father of daughters who are often in the country, he too has moments when he says to himself, “There but for the grace of God go I.”

Rowley said he felt the pain of the families involved.


Rowley noted that the security services in Trinidad and Tobago was being provided with all the resources necessary to deal with crime.

He said it was costing the Government $41 million to maintain the Ministry of National Security helicopters “to fight a handful of criminals”. He said the Government was working on reducing that figure to $15 million.

The Prime Minister said the fight against crime should become a “national crusade” where citizens support the police and security services.

He pleaded with citizens to come forward with information which can assist officers in finding criminals.

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #758 on: May 22, 2017, 04:10:48 AM »
Dr Rowley posted on FB "There's another Doctor in the Rowley family. Congratulations Dr Sonel Rowley, on your graduation"



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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #759 on: September 03, 2017, 09:18:37 PM »

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley's Press Conference - September 1st 2017

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #760 on: March 02, 2018, 10:57:08 AM »
What does the scorecard read?

Offline Deeks

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #761 on: March 02, 2018, 12:10:59 PM »
What does the scorecard read?

trinis killed by they own: over 1000 in 2yrs VS Criminals/bandits: 0

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #762 on: March 04, 2018, 05:51:44 PM »
What does the scorecard read?

trinis killed by they own: over 1000 in 2yrs VS Criminals/bandits: 0

So no better than under the current opposition.

Offline Deeks

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #763 on: March 04, 2018, 08:06:03 PM »
What does the scorecard read?

trinis killed by they own: over 1000 in 2yrs VS Criminals/bandits: 0

So no better than under the current opposition.

Unfortunately, the situation does not appear to be changing.

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #764 on: March 09, 2018, 04:58:23 PM »
What does the scorecard read?

trinis killed by they own: over 1000 in 2yrs VS Criminals/bandits: 0

So no better than under the current opposition.

Unfortunately, the situation does not appear to be changing.

We need to stop with d soldiers Ex as NatSec minister nonsense, there is a distinct lack of strategic and tactical acumen in our armed services since probably inception so putting men dat train and grow old in faulty outdated system not not goin and change nutten......all yuh gettin is ah setta gaudy platitudes in speeches and nutten dat looks like ah actual thought out plan comin together....sad to say but d only man dat even look like being anyting Tactical.......is Talky aka Gary Griffith.......

somebody did post ah ah Trini "Special" forces vid here ah while back dat gave ah stark AND EMBARRASSING indication as to how woefully unsophisticated our security Protocols may well be
I pity the fool....

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #765 on: March 15, 2018, 04:45:05 PM »
Apparently everyone is happy. Or is it disillusioned or indifferent?

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Re: Governance under the Rowley Administration
« Reply #766 on: April 09, 2018, 09:35:42 AM »
Darryl Smith removed from Sports Ministry
Trinidad Express

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Monday announced a series of reassignment, revocations and ministerial appointments.

Rowley advised President Paula-Mae Weekes of the following in accordance with Sections 3(9) and 76(3) and 79(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago:

(i) reassign Mr. Darryl Smith as Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.

This reassignment follows intense pressure for Rowley to acting against Smith, and is came a day after the Sunday Express reported Smith's alleged unwanted sexual advances on his personal secretary Carrie-Ann Moreau, which she detailed in her witness statement in support of her claim for wrongful dismissal at the Industrial Court.

(ii) reassign Ms. Shamfa Cudjoe as Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs;

There had also been widespread criticism of the performance of Cudjoe as Tourism Minister and her inability to successfully articulate the country's tourism policy at a time where other Caribbean islands have been seeing record tourist arrivals.

(iii) reassign Mr. Randall Mitchell as Minister of Tourism;

Mitchell previous held the portfolio of Housing Minister.

(iv) revoke the appointment of Mr. Maxie Cuffie as Minister of Public Administration and Communications and reassign Mr. Cuffie as Minister in the Ministry of Public Administration and Communications;

Cuffie remains in the United States undergoing treatment for a debilitating stroke suffered last year which has left him unable to return to duties.

(v) appoint Ms. Marlene Mc Donald as Minister of Public Administration and Communications; and

Mc Donald previous was a Minister in the Ministry of Public Administration and Communications.

(vi) revoke the Prime Minister’s assignment as Minister with responsibility for Public Administration and Communications, and in addition to his present duties as Prime Minister, appoint him as Minister of Housing and Urban Development.

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #767 on: July 17, 2019, 06:34:24 PM »

Dey doh call him rotweiler for nuthin eh  :D

T&T Prime Minister Fires Right Back At The United States


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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #768 on: April 15, 2020, 08:30:13 AM »
Man jailed for threatening to kill PM
By Sascha Wilson (Guardian).

A Point Fortin man who threatened to kill Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on social media has been jailed for 30 days.

Nicholas Huggins, 23, admitted he made the threat when he appeared via video conference before Point Fortin Senior Magistrate Alicia Chankar.

He pleaded guilty to using a cellphone to send a message of an obscene and a menacing character Sec 106(a) of the Summary Offenses Act 11:02. In commenting on someone’s Facebook post on April 6, Huggins threatened to kill the Prime Minister and used obscenities. He was arrested last Wednesday and charged by Sgt Ali of the Point Fortin CID.

Nicholas Huggins

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #769 on: April 15, 2020, 11:13:21 AM »
Who? ✔
How? ✔
When? ✔
Where? ✔
Why? ___

Offline pull stones

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #770 on: April 20, 2020, 05:47:04 AM »
Who? ✔
How? ✔
When? ✔
Where? ✔
Why? ___
saw him begging like a baby on beyond the tape on friday. he claims he’s very sorry andwasnly blowing off some steam. I guess jail made his lose his teeth, now he’s a toothless putty tat.

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #771 on: April 22, 2020, 04:46:39 AM »

I know he really meant this and I am ok with it!  :D


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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #772 on: May 18, 2020, 07:46:36 AM »
I took the chance to read up on some topics but found a whole load of old stuff about UNC and KPB.I was hoping to read some stuff about the business that took place between the TT government and Venezuela/Aruba and the 150 million dollars.I would like also to comment on what I am hearing from the leader of the PEP,is Trinidad being robbed of millions by their politicians.Why after 58 years in power TT suffer so many ills,and is Covid-19 only a smokescreen to cover up their failures after a bit over 4 years.I read the TT papers everyday and can't help sigh sadly,you are ruled by a dictatorship and don't know,ah hear allyuh "like it so",it look so to me.For TT sake I hope Philip Alexander wipe out the PNM and the UNC and stop this f**king Afro/Indo politics.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2020, 07:53:17 AM by frico »

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #773 on: May 18, 2020, 10:20:37 PM »
I took the chance to read up on some topics but found a whole load of old stuff about UNC and KPB.I was hoping to read some stuff about the business that took place between the TT government and Venezuela/Aruba and the 150 million dollars.I would like also to comment on what I am hearing from the leader of the PEP,is Trinidad being robbed of millions by their politicians.Why after 58 years in power TT suffer so many ills,and is Covid-19 only a smokescreen to cover up their failures after a bit over 4 years.I read the TT papers everyday and can't help sigh sadly,you are ruled by a dictatorship and don't know,ah hear allyuh "like it so",it look so to me.For TT sake I hope Philip Alexander wipe out the PNM and the UNC and stop this f**king Afro/Indo politics.

No issues with you voicing your opinion on politicians and political parties. But how is TT a dictatorship?  Of all the PM in TT who was or is a dictator ? Or who you felt had or have dictatorial tendencies. There is nothing stopping you from forming your own party. The is issue is, how charismatic you are in capturing the peoples imagination, leading them to vote for you. Your frustration with Afro/Indo politics is universal.  But You can't force people to love one another. They have to come to the table on their own will. Nobody putting gun to your head to tell who to vote for, or not to vote for. Maybe you, I and many on the forum ready to look past racial politics, but not most people in TT.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 06:33:02 AM by Deeks »

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #774 on: May 20, 2020, 06:36:21 PM »
Look I'm not here to heaps praises nor to cast aspirations - I just want to look at a government that inherited a lot of ' fixes' this is not an excuse for mediocricity nor for  the continuance incompetence or ineptitude .

However despite the efforts to move forward it  is disheartening how an opposition can be in working to
Destabilize and to be accusatory to  thwart all the progressive efforts this government has made over the years .

This sameopposition who fak upthe whole sports scene- that AR scandal with the sports company is nothing compared to DS the PNM former sports minister.

Do t talk about the AG the Ram - what's the latest in that court case - well doh talk about the Moon - he is ah walking talking ANT - always negative talk

You ent see the atrotricities of the former government? Too frigging divisive and bent on dividing this country
TnT doh ever make the same mistake and buy into yellow paint.

Let's reframe and examine the real issues here - you see thecrap the country facing during COVIDand you going to cause dissection by trying to prevent all the work withGhanz- yuh gone sucking arse with uncle samtotalk about breaking ah treaty!!!! Yet yuh complaining when jobs are been lost in the energy sector ?,

Look TNT has all the right to look after its citizens and trying to procure deals to sa Ethel sector.

Why you ent see how hypocritical dat is  that you critize instead of applauding a government who was ranked second in the world  during COVID

Look nah this government handle their business during this deadly threat and all you ent see studying is ah meeting with officials fromVe ezuela!!!! Look get your prioritize right and focus on working with government and it's leaders in protecting and safeguarding the lives of TnT

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #775 on: May 22, 2020, 03:56:03 AM »
I took the chance to read up on some topics but found a whole load of old stuff about UNC and KPB.I was hoping to read some stuff about the business that took place between the TT government and Venezuela/Aruba and the 150 million dollars.I would like also to comment on what I am hearing from the leader of the PEP,is Trinidad being robbed of millions by their politicians.Why after 58 years in power TT suffer so many ills,and is Covid-19 only a smokescreen to cover up their failures after a bit over 4 years.I read the TT papers everyday and can't help sigh sadly,you are ruled by a dictatorship and don't know,ah hear allyuh "like it so",it look so to me.For TT sake I hope Philip Alexander wipe out the PNM and the UNC and stop this f**king Afro/Indo politics.

No issues with you voicing your opinion on politicians and political parties. But how is TT a dictatorship?  Of all the PM in TT who was or is a dictator ? Or who you felt had or have dictatorial tendencies. There is nothing stopping you from forming your own party. The is issue is, how charismatic you are in capturing the peoples imagination, leading them to vote for you. Your frustration with Afro/Indo politics is universal.  But You can't force people to love one another. They have to come to the table on their own will. Nobody putting gun to your head to tell who to vote for, or not to vote for. Maybe you, I and many on the forum ready to look past racial politics, but not most people in TT.
deeks just look who he’s quoting as an authority to be adhered to, phillip alexander the snake oil salesman. that man is a clown with an agenda who hates the pnm and the prime minister, and the people in trinidad knows it.

he sits each and everyday and bad mouths the government just to garner attention from the undecided voters like that would somehow put him in a safe seat in the parliament. the man is a muppet and an instigator at best, who lives to excite his followers and spread fear and insecurity amongst the population. Your time would be better served if you had wank than to waste it listening to this silly bloke.

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #776 on: May 22, 2020, 05:28:59 PM »

Who knew Rowley has a love for planting?


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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #777 on: May 27, 2020, 05:06:16 AM »

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #778 on: May 27, 2020, 07:05:56 AM »

Offline ABTrini

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Re: Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #779 on: June 13, 2020, 10:13:47 PM »
Well I sure hope he could uproot all the " weeds " which were planted in ministerial posts prior to assuming office - yuh ent see how the "" moon" does shine and always claim to have inside information on everything  growing?
The " Moon"  have  a real way of producing government information - it does glow in the dark - brightest light to overthrow the sun.

" Arise fair sun and  doh let the envious Moon  knee you "
« Last Edit: June 13, 2020, 11:53:44 PM by ABTrini »


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