Some men really doh overstand how the world run nah boss. racism is alive and well in the world we live in, just look @ the stats.
how many black countries never experienced colonialism ? Ethiopia was the only one, and they had to fight tooth and nail to hold on to their Independence.
how many black governed counties doing well economically, with the exception of oil rich nations like T&T and nigeria, only britians play ground countries like barbados , Bahamas, bermuda, cayman islands, other than that non!!! then ask your self why.
if yuh want to take it up ah notch, then get yuh hand on ah documentary called life and debt by Jamaica kinkade. that documentary hopefully will help those in denial what is racism how it is implemented and who it affects the most.
it will also help them to understand that it's not always personal, but also a socio economic power play to trump black ecconomies and keep from thriving.