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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #90 on: November 12, 2010, 04:41:44 PM »

I would say this though from personal experience. If someone believes something about himself or herself, that tends to become his or her reality despite all evidence to the contrary. The mind is an extremely powerful tool and if people begin to perceive themselves as being in the throes of demon possession, then I don't think it is unfathomable that that can become that person's reality.

u hit d nail on d head there

i dont think there was any significant time that elapsed so that those who the 'bad spirit' jumped on cud perceive and come to terms wit wat relly went on...i can tell u in another instance wen persons were holding down one woman daughter the mother was crying as to what was going on with her child...she then straightened up started to scream and ran into the middle of the road and tried to jump in the path of several cars to take her own life..so now ppl had to restrain the moms now...ppl who kno theyre not strong enough to witness those things just turn their backs and walk way...i call The Almighty name in my mouth and just try to cover myself daily because it have rel ting out here...rel ting..

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #91 on: November 12, 2010, 04:45:59 PM »
Anyone ever been to a feast?
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #92 on: November 12, 2010, 06:28:06 PM »
Anyone ever been to a feast?
what is that Baptist ? if so yes ,that wine they serve is terrible .

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #93 on: November 12, 2010, 09:58:15 PM »
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Wanted: a few good men to cast out devils.

Overwhelmed with requests for exorcists, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are holding a special training workshop in Baltimore this weekend to teach clerics the esoteric rite, the Catholic News Service reported.

The church has signed up 56 bishops and 66 priests for the two-day workshop that began on Friday, seeking to boost the small group of just five or six American exorcists that the church currently has on its books.

"There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over the continental U.S.," Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, was quoted as saying.

"Actually, each diocese should have its own" exorcist, he added.

Paprocki did not say why there was increased demand for exorcisms, which he noted were rarely performed.

While solemnly regarded by the Catholic Church, exorcism is a staple of Hollywood fright films -- most notably the 1973 film "The Exorcist" -- and regarded by many as superstition that lends a chill frisson to festivals like Halloween.

Catholic Church law stipulates that only properly trained priests can perform the rite -- and then only with the permission of their bishops.

Possible signs of demonic possession include scratching, cutting, biting of the skin; profound displays of strength; and a strong or violent reaction to holy water.

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #94 on: November 13, 2010, 09:49:29 AM »

The Associated Press
updated 11/12/2010 5:06:27 PM ET 2010-11-12T22:06:27

NEW YORK — Citing a shortage of priests who can perform the rite, the nation's Roman Catholic bishops are holding a conference on how to conduct exorcisms.

The two-day training, which ends Saturday in Baltimore, is to outline the scriptural basis of evil, instruct clergy on evaluating whether a person is truly possessed, and review the prayers and rituals that comprise an exorcism. Among the speakers will be Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas, and a priest-assistant to New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan.

"Learning the liturgical rite is not difficult," DiNardo said in a phone interview before the conference, which is open to clergy only. "The problem is the discernment that the exorcist needs before he would ever attempt the rite."

More than 50 bishops and 60 priests signed up to attend, according to Catholic News Service, which first reported the event. The conference was scheduled for just ahead of the fall meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which starts Monday in Baltimore.

Despite strong interest in the training, skepticism about the rite persists within the American church. Organizers of the event are keenly aware of the ridicule that can accompany discussion of the subject. Exorcists in U.S. dioceses keep a very low profile. In 1999, the church updated the Rite of Exorcism, cautioning that "all must be done to avoid the perception that exorcism is magic or superstition."

The practice is much more accepted by Catholics in parts of Europe and elsewhere overseas. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the longtime private secretary of Pope John Paul II, revealed a few years after the pontiff's death that John Paul had performed an exorcism on a woman who was brought into the Vatican writhing and screaming in what Dziwisz said was a case of possession by the devil.

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., who organized the conference, said only a tiny number of U.S. priests have enough training and knowledge to perform an exorcism. Dioceses nationwide have been relying solely on these clergy, who have been overwhelmed with requests to evaluate claims. The Rev. James LeBar, who was the official exorcist of the Archdiocese of New York under the late Cardinal John O'Connor, had faced a similar level of demand, traveling the country in response to the many requests for his expertise.

The rite is performed only rarely. Neal Lozano, a Catholic writer and author of the book "Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance" about combatting evil spirits, said he knows an exorcist in the church who receives about 400 inquiries a year, but determines that out of that number, two or three of the cases require an exorcism.

No one knows why more people seem to be seeking the rite. Paprocki said one reason could be the growing interest among Americans in exploring general spirituality, as opposed to participating in organized religion, which has led more people to dabble in the occult.

"They don't know exactly what they're getting into and when they have questions, they're turning to the church, to priests," said Paprocki, chairman of the bishops' committee on canonical affairs and church governance. "They wonder if some untoward activity is taking place in their life and want some help discerning that."

Many Catholic immigrants in the U.S. come from countries where exorcism is more common, although Paprocki said that was not a motivation for organizing the conference.

Exorcism has deep roots in Christianity. The New Testament contains several examples of Jesus casting out evil spirits from people, and the church notes these acts in the Catholic Catechism. Whether or not individual Catholics realize it, each of them undergoes what the church calls a minor exorcism at baptism that includes prayers renouncing Satan and seeking freedom from original sin.

A major exorcism can only be performed by a priest with the permission of his bishop after a thorough evaluation, including consulting with physicians or psychiatrists to rule out any psychological or physical illness behind the person's behavior.

Signs of demonic possession accepted by the church include violent reaction to holy water or anything holy, speaking in a language the possessed person doesn't know and abnormal displays of strength.

The full exorcism is held in private and includes sprinkling holy water, reciting Psalms, reading aloud from the Gospel, laying on of hands and reciting the Lord's Prayer. Some adaptations are allowed for different circumstances. The exorcist can invoke the Holy Spirit then blow in the face of the possessed person, trace the sign of the cross on the person's forehead and command the devil to leave.

The training comes at a time when many American bishops and priests are trying to correct what they view as a lack of emphasis on the Catholic teaching about sin and evil after the Second Vatican Council, the series of meetings in the 1960s that enacted modernizing reforms in the church. Many in the American hierarchy, as well as Pope Benedict XVI, believe that the supernatural aspect of the church was lost in the changes, reducing it to just another institution in the world.

A renewed focus on exorcism highlights the divine element of the church and underscores the belief that evil is real.

DiNardo said some Catholics who ask for an exorcism are really seeking, "prayerful support. They're asking for formation in the faith." Still, he said sometimes the rite is warranted.

"For the longest time, we in the United States may not have been as much attuned to some of the spiritual aspects of evil because we have become so much attached to what would be either physical or psychological explanation for certain phenomena," DiNardo said. "We may have forgotten that there is a spiritual dimension to people."

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #95 on: November 17, 2010, 08:58:26 PM »
I finally get to talk to meh people in Moruga. This serious thing, this they say is worst than Obeah. Is pure evil that going on up at the school. Actually, as recent as yesterday 2 kids fell out and had to be looked after, prompting all pupil to leave the school immediately.

Apparently the MOE has placed a gag-order on teachers to not divulge any information on the occurence to the press. They do not want a nationwide panic. Two students went to visit one of the girls who was affected at her house and they caught onto whatever was affecting the girl and they destroyed the house. Everything in the living room was totally destroyed by the girls. The strength of the girls they said was unreal.

The history goes, when the school was opened in 1981 a female student in form one was attcaked by the evil. It took approxiamtely 10 guys to subdue her. There was one person in particular she kept attacking and tried to bite off his throat. She could not and started biting his chest, he still has scars. In the 1990's a number of girls were also attacked.

 More recently, one girl kept getting attacked (the one who was in the newspaper talking) she eventually had to stop school because she could not attedn without being attacked. On the day - recently - when the students were attacked she was at home in a trance and she was "seeing" everything that was going on at the school. She was relating this to people who came to look after her. She was the one to tell them to separate the students and not put them in the same room. This same girl father was told by and old indian lady (before all this happen) that an evil spirit was living on this girl. The indian lady just saw them on the street and told the dad this. The girl diet consist of milk and rice cakes. That's it.

One girl (form 1) about 100lbs dropped kicked a woman who weigh about 210lbs wedging her under the ambulance when they were trying to get the girl into the ambulance - the skinny girl was to strong. Now this is the really freaky part, teachers saw students who were posessed walking down the steps and it appeared as though their feet were not touching the step.

The teachers are trying to get the parents to speak up. Other parents are trying to get the affected students to go up to Mt. St. Benedict to see the Priests. Some people are trying to get more Charismatic Priest to visit the school. The current Catholic Priest was said to be not strong enough to fight against the evil that is in the students.

I know that this sounds really crazy, but the person I spoke to normally don't get caught up in this type of thing, but they think it's real.
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #96 on: November 17, 2010, 09:23:03 PM »
I finally get to talk to meh people in Moruga. This serious thing, this they say is worst than Obeah. Is pure evil that going on up at the school. Actually, as recent as yesterday 2 kids fell out and had to be looked after, prompting all pupil to leave the school immediately.

Apparently the MOE has placed a gag-order on teachers to not divulge any information on the occurence to the press. They do not want a nationwide panic. Two students went to visit one of the girls who was affected at her house and they caught onto whatever was affecting the girl and they destroyed the house. Everything in the living room was totally destroyed by the girls. The strength of the girls they said was unreal.

The history goes, when the school was opened in 1981 a female student in form one was attcaked by the evil. It took approxiamtely 10 guys to subdue her. There was one person in particular she kept attacking and tried to bite off his throat. She could not and started biting his chest, he still has scars. In the 1990's a number of girls were also attacked.

 More recently, one girl kept getting attacked (the one who was in the newspaper talking) she eventually had to stop school because she could not attedn without being attacked. On the day - recently - when the students were attacked she was at home in a trance and she was "seeing" everything that was going on at the school. She was relating this to people who came to look after her. She was the one to tell them to separate the students and not put them in the same room. This same girl father was told by and old indian lady (before all this happen) that an evil spirit was living on this girl. The indian lady just saw them on the street and told the dad this. The girl diet consist of milk and rice cakes. That's it.

One girl (form 1) about 100lbs dropped kicked a woman who weigh about 210lbs wedging her under the ambulance when they were trying to get the girl into the ambulance - the skinny girl was to strong. Now this is the really freaky part, teachers saw students who were posessed walking down the steps and it appeared as though their feet were not touching the step.

The teachers are trying to get the parents to speak up. Other parents are trying to get the affected students to go up to Mt. St. Benedict to see the Priests. Some people are trying to get more Charismatic Priest to visit the school. The current Catholic Priest was said to be not strong enough to fight against the evil that is in the students.

I know that this sounds really crazy, but the person I spoke to normally don't get caught up in this type of thing, but they think it's real.

unmitigated f**keries.

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #97 on: November 17, 2010, 09:24:16 PM »
aaaaaaaaahahahahahaha  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: , seeing that TC put it so nice, i doh need to comment on it, which i was going too do.
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #98 on: November 17, 2010, 09:27:48 PM »
aaaaaaaaahahahahahaha  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: , seeing that TC put it so nice, i doh need to comment on it, which i was going too do.

Thank you, it must be juvenile spirits as they doh possess teachers nor adults.   hmmmm!

Offline elan

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #99 on: November 17, 2010, 09:38:30 PM »
aaaaaaaaahahahahahaha  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: , seeing that TC put it so nice, i doh need to comment on it, which i was going too do.

Thank you, it must be juvenile spirits as they doh possess teachers nor adults.   hmmmm!

It easy to laugh because we not in the situation. But, that's how it goes. Many of these kids I know or know their families so I have a bit of a soft spot. It have a couple of teachers at the school that I know personally, so I guess they fabricating also.
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #100 on: November 17, 2010, 11:08:06 PM »
Well, unlike some, I believe that there is a parallel spiritual world at play that we don't see.  Anything is possible.


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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #101 on: November 17, 2010, 11:18:24 PM »
spirits? Spirit of Vat 19 maybe.

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #102 on: November 17, 2010, 11:50:44 PM »
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..

Offline Quags

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #103 on: November 18, 2010, 06:36:30 AM »
I finally get to talk to meh people in Moruga. This serious thing, this they say is worst than Obeah. Is pure evil that going on up at the school. Actually, as recent as yesterday 2 kids fell out and had to be looked after, prompting all pupil to leave the school immediately.

Apparently the MOE has placed a gag-order on teachers to not divulge any information on the occurence to the press. They do not want a nationwide panic. Two students went to visit one of the girls who was affected at her house and they caught onto whatever was affecting the girl and they destroyed the house. Everything in the living room was totally destroyed by the girls. The strength of the girls they said was unreal.

The history goes, when the school was opened in 1981 a female student in form one was attcaked by the evil. It took approxiamtely 10 guys to subdue her. There was one person in particular she kept attacking and tried to bite off his throat. She could not and started biting his chest, he still has scars. In the 1990's a number of girls were also attacked.

 More recently, one girl kept getting attacked (the one who was in the newspaper talking) she eventually had to stop school because she could not attedn without being attacked. On the day - recently - when the students were attacked she was at home in a trance and she was "seeing" everything that was going on at the school. She was relating this to people who came to look after her. She was the one to tell them to separate the students and not put them in the same room. This same girl father was told by and old indian lady (before all this happen) that an evil spirit was living on this girl. The indian lady just saw them on the street and told the dad this. The girl diet consist of milk and rice cakes. That's it.

One girl (form 1) about 100lbs dropped kicked a woman who weigh about 210lbs wedging her under the ambulance when they were trying to get the girl into the ambulance - the skinny girl was to strong. Now this is the really freaky part, teachers saw students who were posessed walking down the steps and it appeared as though their feet were not touching the step.

The teachers are trying to get the parents to speak up. Other parents are trying to get the affected students to go up to Mt. St. Benedict to see the Priests. Some people are trying to get more Charismatic Priest to visit the school. The current Catholic Priest was said to be not strong enough to fight against the evil that is in the students.

I know that this sounds really crazy, but the person I spoke to normally don't get caught up in this type of thing, but they think it's real. .
Hmm ok let me try and help elan .Am these maybe not demons since they only attacking the weakest sex .It could be a female spirit or spirits .It might be have bodies buried ,if so they have to be found and burned with salt and gas .If not they have to be shown to the light .
Everybody needs to surround they entrances with black rock salt and the girls need to wear amulets or proper charms like pentagrams .
If it is demons who just prefer girls rock salt stop them so does pentagrams .Maybe the hindu prayers aggravated them .Like I said last year ,ministers brought in African magic ,to much power .
The best thing is google and try to find a similar occurance some where and see what was done and who did it .
Cause obviously local occultist dont want to touch it ,thay have already astral seen it and stayed away .Maybe they need outside help . 

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« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 06:49:50 AM by Quags »

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #105 on: November 18, 2010, 08:17:26 AM »
Fellas alyuh need to go to ah feast and see for alyuh self the kinda thing that does happen when they drumming start.
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #106 on: November 18, 2010, 08:43:21 AM »
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..

Exactly, i rather see these things documented and happening on video or something, all these talk about friend say, he say, she say thing aint going to cut it, especially in Trinidad. It might be true, but i don't trust ole talk in Trinidad.
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #107 on: November 18, 2010, 08:51:02 AM »
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..

Exactly, i rather see these things documented and happening on video or something, all these talk about friend say, he say, she say thing aint going to cut it, especially in Trinidad. It might be true, but i don't trust ole talk in Trinidad.

I was being sarcastic. I believe these things happen and merit consideration, whether or not thats the case here is another story i not entirely sure about.

But question.. If yuh so sure, why yuh eh take a drive down Moruga and check out the scene for yuhself?

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #108 on: November 18, 2010, 08:54:25 AM »
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..

Exactly, i rather see these things documented and happening on video or something, all these talk about friend say, he say, she say thing aint going to cut it, especially in Trinidad. It might be true, but i don't trust ole talk in Trinidad.

I was being sarcastic. I believe these things happen and merit consideration, whether or not thats the case here is another story i not entirely sure about.

But question.. If yuh so sure, why yuh eh take a drive down Moruga and check out the scene for yuhself?

sure? me aint sure about nothing, is just old talk right now, with no proper facts.

i will say again, i never say i don't believe in them thing, but ole talk not going to cut it.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 09:14:18 AM by D.H.W »
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #109 on: November 18, 2010, 09:22:46 AM »
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #110 on: November 18, 2010, 09:26:33 AM »
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #111 on: November 18, 2010, 09:27:32 AM »
might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #112 on: November 18, 2010, 10:07:20 AM »
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???


Most of the girls are form 1 man...babies.
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #113 on: November 18, 2010, 10:27:56 AM »
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???


Most of the girls are form 1 man...babies.

doh get tie up, form 1 girls bending level iron same speed.

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #114 on: November 18, 2010, 11:41:35 AM »
Just remember poltergeist attack females teenagers .So find out how to banish them .

taken from some jumbie site
If it is a true Poltergeist that you are dealing with then salts and charms and such are not going to work. Poltergeist activity comes from a person, usually young girls going through puberty. What you need to do first is determine if you are experiencing poltergeist activity or a haunting.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 11:46:35 AM by Quags »

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #115 on: November 18, 2010, 11:53:08 AM »
Just remember poltergeist attack females teenagers .So find out how to banish them .

taken from some jumbie site
If it is a true Poltergeist that you are dealing with then salts and charms and such are not going to work. Poltergeist activity comes from a person, usually young girls going through puberty. What you need to do first is determine if you are experiencing poltergeist activity or a haunting.

Quags you talking like you know for sure is poltergeist, didn't Ghost Hunters teach you one thing, is to have facts to back up yuh statement  :devil: , u cah go claiming thing if u doh have the evidence. I also find it strange nobody aint even have a cellphone video or nothing of the incident in the school.
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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #116 on: November 18, 2010, 12:17:14 PM »
put one of them furby in the school or girls room ,it go start to talk . All the signs pointing to poltergeist  .besides poltergeist is the easiest to deal with ,here this jambie man say .
DHW eint elan say he know the peeps.I feel is Voldormort.

Posted 04 March 2008 - 11:21 PM
I'm going to take a different route than the others that have posted here. From my own experiences, "poltergeist" do not manifest when children hit puberty, but instead are riled up by the highly-emotional state that some teenagers go through when hitting puberty. Any state of high-emotions can set spirits off, as they exist only as energy patterns. Any person going through something traumatic or highly unnerving can feed into the scattered energy of poltergeist-type spirits.

It's my opinion (and one that I share with a few friends who are also 'sensitive') that poltergeist are lost and degraded spirits. For whatever reason (be it a long amount of elapsed time since death, trauma during death, highly emotional state during death, or having been tampered with by the living) poltergeist can no longer remember who or what they are. It is a tortured state of existence and it doesn't take much to send them into a frenzy. Poltergeist -can- become physically violent (though this is true of all spirits) and are difficult to reason with simply because they do not respond as a sentient, fully-aware spirit can.

Spiritual symbols (be they crosses, idols, bits of the natural world, etc) are simply that--symbols. The meanings of symbols are deeply ingrained into our psyches as human beings, however, not all spirits respond to the same symbols. A spirit that comes from a a part of the world where Christianity is absent will not respond to a crucifix or holy water. These items have no physical effect on the dead--they have no physical bodies to react with--but may trigger some memory of a revered symbol and cause them to react appropriately. "Demonic" possessions, for example, claim to have no respect for the Church, but can be driven off with Holy relics. It is my opinion that these relics do not, in it of themselves, have any kind of mystical power, but instead trigger a psychological effect in the invading spiritual presence (I hate saying "demonic," as I don't believe in "demons" in the Biblical sense). All ghosts have are their memories and most are so caught up in them that they pay little attention to the living.

What I would suggest is (1) getting rid of the toy. For some reason, this fractured spirit has chosen it as it's method of "communicating" with you. If you don't want it to continue, remove the line of communication.
(2) Find out the history of your house. Because most spirits cannot free themselves from a cycle of reliving their memories, they tend to cling to places where there were strong emotional attachments during the years they were alive. If something tragic happened on your property, it is important to understand what it was so you can better deal with this poltergeist.
(3) Most poltergeist don't know they're dead, or even what they are. I've heard that re-educating a poltergeist can be effective if the spirit is receptive.
(4) Always stay calm when it acts up. Poltergeist, like any spirit, feed off of heightened emotions--it's why they seem to enjoy frightening people so much. The more irrational our behavior becomes, the more irrational -their- behavior becomes.
(5) Do not call attention to the poltergeist. The same theory as the one stated above applies here as well. The more attention you give it, the more energy it will siphon from you and the more encouraged it will feel to continue.
(6) Find a symbol (religious, magical, mystical, etc) that YOU are comfortable with and that YOU "believe" in. The psychological energy you put behind that symbol will send a clear message to the poltergeist: You are not to be trifled with.
(7) When you are ready, and when you feel you can control your own fear and emotions, CALMLY confront the poltergeist. Explain the situation: You were alive once, but you are dead now. It is time for you to leave this place and move on.

Remember, all spirits are in some degree of pain, even the "nice" ones. There is nothing more devastating than feeling an absence of both life and eternal rest. These beings are caught in the in-between. They are easily confused, lost, and trying to figure out what has happened to them.

Think of poltergeist and ghosts that move furniture around. Most hauntings spike in activity during moves or major remodeling of a home. Spirits are stuck in their pasts and it is disturbing to them when an environment they're used to is suddenly changed. Most don't realize they're dead and for those of us (un)lucky enough to interact with them, it's our duty to help them as best we can.

I had some nasty juju follow me home from a very old (18th century) cemetery near my home after walking my dogs a few weeks ago. My unscrupulous mutts decided to mark their territory all around the perimeter of the cemetery wall, and obviously upset someone. I didn't sleep a wink that night, careful to keep an eye on the constantly shifting shadows in my bedroom, and trying to comfort my terrified dogs. The next day, I contacted a friend of mine who has more experience with these sorts of things and he told me to go burn some Sage incense at the graveyard and apologize (and to leave the "darn dogs" at home). While some believe that the sage itself has power over the dead, I think it's the emotional value placed with both the act and the apology that holds the most sway.

Remember, ghosts and poltergeist (and shadow people, orbs, "demonic entities", etc) were once human beings (and occasionally animals, or so I hear). If you really put your heart into it, speak your mind clearly and honestly, and let him/her/it know that this is YOUR home now, it should get the message. Be sympathetic to it's state of confusion and encourage it to release it's hold on the house. Above ALL else, you must stay calm and in control of yourself. It doesn't sound like this is a terribly strong spirit, but they can and will exploit any crack in your defenses.

Good luck!

« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 12:23:44 PM by Quags »

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Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
« Reply #117 on: November 18, 2010, 01:45:58 PM »
Just remember poltergeist attack females teenagers .So find out how to banish them .

taken from some jumbie site
If it is a true Poltergeist that you are dealing with then salts and charms and such are not going to work. Poltergeist activity comes from a person, usually young girls going through puberty. What you need to do first is determine if you are experiencing poltergeist activity or a haunting.

Quags you talking like you know for sure is poltergeist, didn't Ghost Hunters teach you one thing, is to have facts to back up yuh statement  :devil: , u cah go claiming thing if u doh have the evidence. I also find it strange nobody aint even have a cellphone video or nothing of the incident in the school.

my deep south sources told me ppl tried to film/take pics on their phones but like all that equipment got knocked out/went wild and didnt work...

dhw...dey get posessed. punto final.and the teachers got a gag order on them by the ministry.

if u cud call God name in yuh mouth u mus accept that their is the other darkside or else wa is d sense...evil does show up like dis blatantly...be it in possessions...gruesome killings etc....

rememba d war is not with the flesh and blood


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Re: Boy visited by spirit in Jamaica
« Reply #119 on: November 19, 2010, 01:40:56 PM »
"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid."
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