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Author Topic: FIFA Goal Project T&T.  (Read 2480 times)

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FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« on: May 11, 2014, 06:58:33 AM »
FIFA Development officer lauds Government input.
By Shaun Fuentes (TTFA).

T&T to receive Goal Project assistance for new Technical Centre.

FIFA Development officer Howard McIntosh is back in Trinidad this week for yet another visit during which he will hold meetings with the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association on the development of the local game.

McIntosh revealed that plans are underway for T&T to receive Goal Project assistance for the establishment of a National Technical Centre for local football.

“Very soon we expect that with the support and cooperation of the Government that we will have the Goal Program and specifically a Technical Centre established for Trinidad and Tobago national teams and the association and then move the program in a particular way.

McIntosh, who is in charge of development for the South Eastern Caribbean also spoke positively about the Trinidad and Tobago Government support  for local football and the positive impact that cooperation with Sport Minister Anil Roberts and his Ministry can have on the game in this country

“I operate within CONCACAF and I have a fairly good understanding of partnerships and alliances that exist in the region and without fear of contradiction, I am coMfortable saying that the tremendous support provided by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago is exceptional and is by far one of the best levels of support that is given to national associations.

Our hope is that the support continues, as we are very much comforted and encouraged by the members of the Government that we met with. We are happy to see that in Trinidad and Tobago that that level of support exists. Now we look forward to seeing that the stakeholders and other partners and everyone in the football family coming together for football in Trinidad and Tobago to rise to the top again,” McIntosh stated.

“All of this is being done because of the strategic plan and the goals and objectives that have been outlined by President Tim Kee and how we are going to make it work,” the Jamaican added.

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Re: FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2014, 08:27:15 AM »
I'm confused... wasn't the Centre of Excellent supposed to do this as well? Wouldn't our money be better spent building local grounds so that clubs can gain and maintain a revenue stream from teh community they serve?

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Re: FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2014, 02:04:11 PM »
Center of Excellence was a Jack scam and he made a bundle building it on his own land. FIFA themselves should be ashamed for allowing this farce. Then again all of dem is dam crook
One field of astro turf!  pathetic for a so called CONCACAF training Center. Everyone in CONCACAF laughed at us and knew it was all an illusion. 

Now! FIFA goal project money has to be spent specifically, with guideline. TTFA cannot just take the money and build / maintain fields like you describe.
Just look at the projects from around the world.

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Re: FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2014, 06:08:07 PM »
T&T football absolutely needs this especially for the youth players...

Offline asylumseeker

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Re: FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2014, 02:29:05 AM »

So ... this is a bit misleading because it presents as though a different trip from the one on a video that featured on this site some weeks ago. However, because the language quoted struck me as being remarkably similar to comments heard previously, I was compelled to investigate. It’s the same trip!
Read the quote below (from Fuentes’ release posted above):

“I operate within CONCACAF and I have a fairly good understanding of partnerships and alliances that exist in the region and without fear of contradiction, I am comfortable saying that the tremendous support provided by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago is exceptional and is by far one of the best levels of support that is given to national associations.

Now listen to the video below from 3:46 onwards. The language is identical (but for some editing/redaction by Fuentes).

For instance ... (and incidentally, a disservice was done here because Mr. McIntosh actually stated): I am comfortable saying that the tremendous support provided by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago is exceptional and is by far the best level of support that is given to national associations.]

Anyway ...

A Sit Down with FIFA Development Officer Howard McIntosh
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/0vxoNN6_qqI" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/0vxoNN6_qqI</a>

The video was published on YouTube on April 9, 2014. When did Fuentes create this incomplete release? That was the question prompted in my mind. A visit to the federation’s website reveals that it features as a release dated May 11, 2014, fully a month after H-Mac visited. That’s simply not good enough!

I get that the purpose of the piece is to be somewhat self-congratulatory and acknowledging of current progress, but on de real … if it’s current, keep it current!!! The adage "a text without [proper] context is a pretext" ... comes to mind.

The article by Fuentes states: “FIFA Development officer Howard McIntosh is back in Trinidad this week …” yet goes on to express dated comments by Mr. McIntosh in an article dispensed to the world with the date May 11, 2014. Not good form! Let’s do better! Anyone reading the release (either here or on the federation site) would reasonably conclude that the Development Officer's visit occurred at a time other than that at which it did occur.

Recap: Incomplete release; lack of use of Mr. McIntosh’s precise wording; misrepresentation as to the timeline …

If I’m generous, this falls somewhere between ambiguous and misleading.

Guidance, doh feel no way ... iron sharpeneth iron.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 02:55:18 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2014, 04:17:52 PM »
FIFA officers visit site for National Training Centre.
By Shaun Fuentes (TTFA).

...Governing body approves funding

FIFA  Development officers Gregory Englebrecht and Howard McIntosh completed a two-day visit to Trinidad and Tobago today during which they met with officials of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association and made site visits to potential locations for a National Football Training Centre.

Englebrecht, who is a senior manger for development for the Americas, stated that FIFA has approved funding to the tune of US$500,000 for the establishment of a National Training Centre through the FIFA Goal Project.

Both Englebrecht and McIntosh met with TTFA President Raymond Tim Kee and General Secretary Sheldon Phillips as well as Government officials and stakeholders before paying a visit to the site in Marabella, near to the Manny Ramjohn Stadium, which has been earmarked as a site for the construction of the centre which will include training fields, both natural and artificial surfaces. (Photo shows McIntosh (left) and Englebrecht)

Englebrecht explained the purpose of his visit, saying “The purpose is two-fold. We looked at the location where the TTFA wants to build the Goal Project funded by FIFA which will be a training centre for national teams to practice and organize activities and the other purpose was to review one of the income generation programs where FIFA will support the TTFA with initial funding to set up a program where they can be come more self sustainable,”

Englebrecht was impressed by the site in Marabella.

“The location is close to the stadium which is a quite a large area with capacity for four to five fields. This is very good and if the TTFA can coordinate with the Government all the arrangements and paperwork necessary to get access to this  area then we can help them develop it into a very useful modern facility for Trinidad and Tobago football.

“First we will start will building a football field with the option to do up to four fields. That will be the first step and then we will look into how the TTFA wants to develop the area with additional fields and also mini pitches for small sided games and to allow schools and other teams to utilize it. And with the main stadium nearby there can be a double effect for the area,” he added.

Englebrecht explained the conditions necessary for the project to take off, adding that FIFA has already approved funding for the construction of the facility.

“Depending on a proposal proposal done by an Association, FIFA makes available US $500,000 which can be invested into the project.  We have certain conditions and one of them is that the property has to be a lease or an agreement, usually with Government, for use of the property for a minimum of 25-30 years so that it can be developed and that it will benefit football in the country for a long period.

“The project funding is  already approved and the TTFA has access to that funding.  What has to be determined is the scope of the project and the contracting for it.”

Englebrecht noted that the efforts of the TTFA over the recent months has demonstrated to FIFA that it is worthy of support through its various projects.

“We have seen progress and that the investments are working out, particularly in women’s football and also youth development. We will continue to support the TTFA  in this period to enhance their facilities and hopefully this will provide a good base and stability.

“There’s a saying that if you do, then FIFA does. And we have seen that over the last four years or so the TTFA has gone through a lot of difficult times, a lot of changes and a lot of things have impacted on the association but there is a lot of hard work being done.

We’ve seen the progress step by step and as the leadership of the TTFA itself engages in taking initiatives in changing the momentum, it also encourages FIFA to give support through the different programs. The situation is changing in such a way that we are more confident also that  our support  will reach the right objectives of the TTFA and we can then also see the benefits for the TTFA and football in general with our investments,” Englebrecht concluded.

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Re: FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2014, 05:57:21 PM »
What is the current status of the CoE? is CONCACAF still suing to get it back?

Has anyone thought a little bigger - like sports tourism - Austria seems to be big on that in Europe. With a decent training facility that can be rented out to foreign clubs looking for a training camp.

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The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: FIFA Goal Project T&T.
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2014, 08:50:28 PM »
What is the current status of the CoE? is CONCACAF still suing to get it back?

Has anyone thought a little bigger - like sports tourism - Austria seems to be big on that in Europe. With a decent training facility that can be rented out to foreign clubs looking for a training camp.

This was always a part of our 5 year plan. We have been offered two sites in the Central region, but we have not found a suitable location as yet.

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FIFA Development Officer holds positive meeting with Sports Minister and TTFA
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2015, 04:45:26 PM »
FIFA Development Officer holds positive meeting with Sports Minister and TTFA
By Shaun Fuentes (TTFA)

FIFA Development Officer Howard McIntosh paid a visit to this country on Friday during which time he attended meetings with officials of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association and the Honourable Minister of Sport Brent Sancho.

McIntosh described the meetings as significant and expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of the discussions with the Sports Minister which he said augers well for the future of the local game and the relationships among the various parties including FIFA, CONCACAF, the TTFA and the Government.

“We are very happy to meet the new Minister of Sport. It’s great see one of our world class players from the Caribbean going on to be come a Minister and we are proud of that fact. We took the opportunity to discuss the Goal Project, and other programs and the possibilities of collaboration between the TTFA and the Government and of course FIFA and CONCACAF,” McIntosh said.

He revealed that Sancho was supportive of the establishment of the National Training Centre in Marabella, close to the Manny Ramjohn Stadium and efforts are ongoing to have the land provided for the construction of the facility.

“The Minister is very supportive of the efforts. We are going to work together to see what can be done very quickly with the Goal Project being one of the immediate initiatives and looking at possible collaborations with community-type activities along with the grassroots and women’s programs,” McIntosh said.

“The Minister confirmed in the meeting the immediate need to have a national technical centre and he understands it especially with his background and that’s a very positive sign for us. What we have to do now is to ensure  that whatever information he needs to get the Goal Project situation dealt with, he gets it so that we can move forward,” he added.

Minister Sancho described the initiative and the partnership with the TTFA as “exciting” and said he was pleased with the way the discussions went on Friday.

"The Goal  project is an exciting initiative not just for the development of football locally but across the region. It will create local employment during the construction phases as well as when the facility becomes fully operational. The sectors that will be engaged will run the gambit from athlete support services, hospitality, facilities management and even transportation services,” Sancho stated.

The Minister, a former National Senior footballer, did emphasize that it was important that the TTFA continued its efforts to ensure accountability and transparency, particularly during this Goal project initiative. 

"While the potential of the Goal project is extremely exciting we must continue to ensure that there is accountability and transparency in all transactions involving state funds and resources"

FIFA  Development officer Gregory Englebrecht, during a two-day visit to Trinidad and Tobago last August, met with officials of the TTFA  and made site visits to the potential location for a National Football Training Centre in Marabella, near to the Manny Ramjohn Stadium.

Englebrecht, who is a senior manager for development for the Americas, stated that FIFA has approved funding to the tune of US$500,000 for the establishment of a National Training Centre through the FIFA Goal Project.

Englebrecht stated that the funding would be accessible by the TTFA once the association can enter into a lease agreement with the Government for use of the property.

“FIFA makes available US $500,000 which can be invested into the project.  We have certain conditions and one of them is that the property has to be a lease agreement, usually with Government, for use of the property for a minimum of 25-30 years so that it can be developed and that it will benefit football in the country for a long period.

“The location is close to the Manny Ramjohn stadium which is a quite a large area with capacity for four to five fields. This is very good and if the TTFA can coordinate with the Government all the arrangements and paperwork necessary to get access to this  area, then we can help them develop it into a very useful modern facility for Trinidad and Tobago football,” Englebrecht stated.
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