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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2015, 01:59:39 PM »

So're not going to make this thread about me, yet you make a statement concerning my integrity? So it's not a lie? But it never happened did it? She never called me a liar to my face did she?

This is the first time I have seen this comment, as I got bored when the conversation went political. It certainly wasn't to my face and I am very disappointed in Reyna, her comment doesn't even make sense, though I can understand that she wishes to defend Terry.

Using the word "integrity" in the any conversation referencing you diminishes it's meaning.  The comment wasn't literally to your face but figuratively it was said to your face seeing that you were right there in the discussion when she said it.  Split the hairs however many ways you want to. At any rate, the point is more and more people are finding you and Sancho out.

Moving on.

 :whistling: :whistling:

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2015, 02:19:15 PM »
Big f00cking read, ah take whole morning to read this, but it was well worth it, it's about time Tim Kee.

I taking this with a pinch of salt though, until I see some staff movements and positive things happening consistently then I know for sure Tim Kee serious, in de meantime I just watching.

De first thing de TTFA have to do is fire de dead heads in de TTFA and hire a decent bunch of guys.

I love de fact Tim Kee did de interview for Flex and I hope he means what he say, ah watching him like ah have coke-key eye.

It sad that Sancho turn against us, because SWO help them in de past with de money Jack stole, he more taken up on a fete match league and showboat.

Bit that was a good read, ah go read it again to make sure me eh miss nothing. Tim Kee sounded a little dilomatic at times and did not answer Flex questions like we woulda like to read, Flex punch out some good ones they, but he is a politican, so we can expect that.

Time go tell, but Tim Kee seems alright, for now.

Ah hope they get some backing though, isonly so much people, staff and players could take.

And try to get your house organise man.

They making allyuh look bad.

Time to come out of this ole fashion mentality and friend thing.

Ah waiting for de new constitution.

It sad that Sancho turn against us, because SWO help them in de past  It actually seems to be the opposite. People swallowing hook line and sinker and blaming Sancho, yet you say he turned against the site? Look how Flex started the article about how Sancho is ducking the site. Yet Tim-Kee never been near while Sancho gave an interview within a month of taking office. Yet now Tim-Kee is Mr Open Book. Funny how he's found the time just before TTFA and General Elections.

On the contrary, questions were sent out to Mr Sancho two days before I sent them out to Tim Kee and I had copied you in (June 12th). You PM me and told me you not involved and prefer he answered them, I agreed, I only copied you in so you know that I sent them and no one can deny I didn't reach out.

He never bothered replying to the email or even acknowledged it.

I was in the process to getting some truth out about the 9.9 missing millions or how it was spent because I was fed up with the he say, they say and decided to go to the source directly, this way everyone get a fair chance.

While Sancho decided to just ignore my request Mr Tim Kee gladly obliged.

Once he agreed, I slipped in a few extra.

I dont know his motive or timing as I am only the messenger.

My questions to Sancho

1. Can you tell us what's the real story behind the 9.9 million dollars that was approve under former Minister of Sport (Griffith) and how it was spent and how come we are hearing from your ministry that the TTFA have already used up 90% of it. Wasn't the money set aside strictly for the T&T senior men's team among other things? Did you infuse restrictions to the approved money?

2. Did you use part of the said money to pay for the Women's Premier League (WPL). Also, the TTFA is a governing body, did you seek permission to host such tournament and if yes, are to guys working hand in hand to make this successful.

3. What is the purpose for the WPL and how exactly is it benefitting T&T women's team and development of the women's game. Now, I am no Einstein however, wouldn't it had been better to take the 1.7 million and improve the already Women Professional League (WoLF) and have it run like the WPL. In other words, the same foreigners could partake, just invest the money in the already establish league on a long term basis. And also, according to reports, you wanted to give our senior women's team some much need practice for the upcoming Pan Am games, but wouldn't it have been good to also just give it to the women's programme and have them play a few quality international. How can a tournament for merely 6 weeks be of any beneficiary to T&T women's team and why all of a sudden an interest in women's football? Not saying they shouldn't be one, just asking. Everyone who takes over the position of Ministry of Sports seems to have their own agenda. Now that you want to improve the women's league with this new WPL tournament. What about the men's Pro League?

4. Do you believe T&T players need a players union and now that you are in a position to make a change, can this be achieve?

5. The TTFA election for new president is approaching sometime in the near future. Will you consider running for head or do you have someone you feel should take up the challenge.

6. What sort of connections do you have or role you play with Central FC now that you are Minister of Sports? Does Central FC get any preferential treatment as far as money goes and what can we expect to see from them in the CONCACAF Champion League.

7. I've heard that you guys were sent by the TTFA an U-23 budget which would result in the youngsters earning $20k per month each in June and July. Match fees and stipends amounted to over $1 million. Can you touch on this.

8. From my understanding it looks like you do not trust the TTFA president and knowing that he was once close to Jack Warner makes it even worst. But why do T&T footballers, fans and coaches have to suffer for this political riff? I mean, you do not have to give the TTFA any money on hand, however, just what ever is agreed like (accommodation, match fees, coaches and players salary) pay them directly, this way no one can say the TTFA stole anything.

9. Didn't Raymond Tim Kee try to make ends meet when he first came onboard. I remember him trying to pay the 2006 World Cup Warriors their bonus that Jack Warner stole. Now I don't know the details, but wasn't he trying to work with you guys and what all of a sudden the fall-out?

10. Is the T&T government obligated to help football and sports in T&T.

11. Is Maylee Atti-Johnson working in your ministry? if yes, will we see her or anyone else replace the insubordinate permanent Secretary Mr Ashwin Creed.

12. Mr Sancho, good luck and thank you, would you like to touch on anything else from a football standpoint. And why does cricket get more support from the government and government companies that football.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 05:56:25 PM by Flex »
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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2015, 06:36:17 PM »
That is a major fail from Sancho if he did not reply to any of Flex's questions above.

I guess Sancho is now a full fledge politician and is showing his true colours.
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2015, 07:56:49 PM »
Mr. Tim Kee, I trust that you'll probably be viewing the responses to your interview with Flex if you're really serious about your task at hand.
I do have a couple questions of my own, the answers which you may pass along to Flex.
Thank you sir  :)

1. The $36 million debt was mainly accumulated during what period and for what purpose?
2. What is the 'new' organizational structure going to be like?
3. What about the 'new' constitution; where can we find a copy?
4. Is it TTFF or TTFA?..your website is still
5. Speaking about your website, no banners or acknowledgement of your sponsors are to be found. Hence I can see why people are saying you guys are not self sufficient in locating sponsors. (Business Tip - Showing that you can attract sponsors will most likely lead to more sponsors coming on board).
6. So you basically saying T&T football will suffer further if the current government stays in power?
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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2015, 08:05:07 PM »
The elephant in the room is the demographics behind both sports... cricket receives significantly more support from Indo-Trinis, the PP government's base. Many upper-level managers at these state-owned entities are themselves Indo-Trinis.  For the PP government, it is an emotional and political decision to fund cricket.  Football has no such support, not even in spite of Sancho's presumed advocacy.  If taxpayer monies are going to jump up then let it jump up for everybody.

Bakes, cricket to me, has always been well financed and supported, I think due to having better administration. Not saying Alloy Lequay was a saint either lol. Not sure if sponsorship has increased greatly recently due to the PP government.
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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2015, 09:19:48 PM »
Lequay was a superb sports administrator. He was able to get support from business and govt, especially for cricket. Did not agree with his politics though. And he was also a politician. Unlike football, cricket in the beginning was loading with the "town" people. QPCC had a big say in TT cricket. They had big influence on how cricket was run in TT. They had big business support. Carb stand, Guiness stand were  big private undertaking.  This was not the case in football. I was told that in the 60s some in the football fraternity was trying to get TFA to acquire land at the current HCS to build a TFA ground, but the top people in TFA did not pursue it. They were contented in using the Oval for big games and the Grand stand for football in the North. They refuse to think long term. So up to now the TTFA does not  have one practice facility to its name. Then all them years Jack was there. He acquire everything for himself. Sancho and the blacklisted took the rest. TTFA has nothing.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 09:21:56 PM by Deeks »

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2015, 09:31:29 PM »
The elephant in the room is the demographics behind both sports... cricket receives significantly more support from Indo-Trinis, the PP government's base. Many upper-level managers at these state-owned entities are themselves Indo-Trinis.  For the PP government, it is an emotional and political decision to fund cricket.  Football has no such support, not even in spite of Sancho's presumed advocacy.  If taxpayer monies are going to jump up then let it jump up for everybody.

Bakes, cricket to me, has always been well financed and supported, I think due to having better administration. Not saying Alloy Lequay was a saint either lol. Not sure if sponsorship has increased greatly recently due to the PP government.

Whether "increased greatly" or not the point is the disparity.  NGC just signed a $13m sponsorship with cricket... and Red Steel ent even Trini owned, but we throwing state money at them.  Meanwhile only salt and derision for football.  You can't just look at the situation in isolation, when you have clear political reasons being given for football being starved, and this is taxpayers' money, that is shit.  NGC spend $2million on a Carnival fete but only spite fuh football?  Talk of "better administration" is just an excuse... any sponsor is free to add whatever stipulations like to the terms of their sponsorship. 

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2015, 09:54:21 PM »
Tim kee is a manipulator and can't manage our football..

Not taking away from flex but this interview don't tell us or mean anything because Tim kee wasn't even the one writing it... I believe there is a ghost writer involved.. It doesn't sound like him, he is not a good speaker or writer from my sources..

His timing is key, because he did  this before general elections and the agm to drum up support and pretend to be transparent..

I want sancho to give me that interview and if Tim kee brave, let him face me live on air...

He talking a bunch of fluff in this interview.. He's saying what he believes people wanna hear to save his skin and to be re appointed..

I don't buy a bit of it..

Why doesn't he do it live on radio or TV? Because he is afraid to face the heat.. So he has a writer answer for him while he approves what is said, easy to edit but let him speak live and then you will see the true colours..
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 09:58:50 PM by Controversial »

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2015, 10:35:07 PM »
Debt Reduction - In just over two years, he took $6 million USD in debt and reduced it to $2 million.

I agree government should help sports but only if the sport is self sufficient and not running up debts etc. All that happens in this organisation is the government money pays off debts, is that fair to the taxpayer? if you run up debts will the PM clear them for you?

Im not taking sides but the blame game needs to stop for the future of the game in T&T

So Tim Kee is lying?

Didn't he inherit the debt Jack Warner left?

Maybe you know more, why not enlighten us?

I have a pig that can fly for sale... I want the top dollar for it because you can make some serious coin in the circus..

Let me know when you can make the deal happen?

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2015, 12:49:21 AM »
In many ways, the title of this thread is succinctly captured in the interview- we get a glimpse of the president, his progress to date , the issues ( be it political or contrived), and the state of TnT football. What is left is for us to decipher if we see if is easier to be critical or correct  or if in fact we could reserve judgement until another story emerges.
What we have before us , is the presentation of one side of a story , which has been revealed with most concise and carefully worded responses. Given Mr.Tim Kee's position and the amount of issues of late with the TTFA, I would think it would be prudent of him to be thoughtful about how responses are conveyed for public consumption. Having said that, in reading the responses, I am  reminded once,more to seperate the issue from the person. I find that in our style of examining issues,we have a tendency to lunch personal atatcks on individuals as oppose to looking at issues.

What are some areas of doubt? For me, it is trying to decipher how one could be in an executive position and onein charge of finances and not be aware of how the financial business was being  allegedly manipulated by a "Special Advisor" ? Is like Sepp Blatter not being aware of what was happening with members of his executive body? In Mr. Kee's position as a Vice President and treasurer then, was he not privy to the financial state of affairs? He did mentioned that he took actions to have the books audited but allegedly the general secretary at the time and the SP allegedly put up some blocks? Interesting.

Did Mr.Kee's  responses to Flex's questions seem sincere? It came across as a man who has a deep interest I the football affairs of TnT. Question? What warranted a desire to change the constitution?  Is thee an independent body presiding over these changes?  Howarecandidates selected or nominated to run as president of the TTFA? Is there a review board  to interview or to judge the competency or acceptably of candidates?

How independent and impartial must the presiding offices of the TTFA be from holding anty political affinities?
I am most impressed with the statement which asserted that political ministers in charge of sports, ought to be working iin conjunction  with the TTFA to do what is right for the players, the programs and the people of TnT rather that to be self serving.
I am encouraged by the responses and the public declaration from this interview by Mr.Tim Kee's desire to wanting to move forward. I am saddened by those who are I.l informed, misguided and blameful without considering the complexities of managing the mandate of an-association that is under considerable external threats ( real or perceived).  Consider this was an association that was for all intense and purposes ruined and shut down after 2006- one I which some played and coaches ( Shabbazz) were reportedly venturing into the offices and carting off with any valuable memorabilia including footballs! What was inherited by this administration and what the public expected from this administration is nothing is worth reflecting on.
So while I am not here as are fender of anyone, I would like tibe objective and consider all that has been playing out in trying to keep our programs viable-  It is a belief that there are always two sides to a story and a truth somewhere in between .  I will let that part unfold in time.
" The fault dear Brutus lies not in the stars but in ourselves" ( Julius Ceasar- Shakespeare).  One has to caution against blaming the other when trying to right wrong! Standing up against the wrong and calling out the wrong doer in the act takes courage. It appears to me that a common refrain from those within the present government is to blame and chastise anyone assocciated with of who may represent PNM and it just seems to me that Mr.Kee may be suffering the ill effects of political squeezes and is being made a sacrificial lamb for the sins of others.
I am more disappointed  by a MOS who could use better judgement,having suffered the slings and argony of  underfunding as a player,to work collaboratively with Mr.Kee to alter the past rather than work I ways to heap on more financial duress and undermining tactics to shame the TTFA and ultimately cause more suffering for our players.
 So while every spider has its own web to weave, I await to hear presentable facts from the MoS which may refute or substantiate any just cause as made by Mr.Kee. Until I reserve the right to cast any blame or otherwise uninformed or misinformed judgement.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 01:15:35 AM by AB.Trini »

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2015, 03:49:18 AM »
There's some cause for optimism here; an interesting interview. The main problem is the same as it was 4 years ago, and it's a problem that requires a lot less money to fix - you need to hire competent, accountable employees who are qualified and skilled enough to carry out the job. Bluntly, any manager who fails to manage a project that's repeated every 4 years needs to be shown the door immediately for gross incompetence - Muhammad has been failing in his duties for a long time now and needs to move on or needs training combined with a clearer set of success and failure criteria that could lead to the termination of his contract.

The constitution needs to go through, but there are some absolutely basic aspects of transparency that need to go through as well;

  • Publish a full, ratified list of regulations for clubs and players in the Pro League and Super League, in a PDF, in a clearly signposted area on your website
  • Publish a clear management structure on the website detailing duties that staff members have, their responsibilities, and the mutual commitments between your organisation and them
  • Change your web address to reflect the updated name, have the old web address redirect to the new one
  • Make clear data recording obligations to your member clubs - they must record the number of league games, goals, disciplinary points, age, and main position on the league website, to be updated after every round of play. This should help exposure for the players and keep a formal record for the organisation. To be honest, they should all maintain a website in some fashion and have published contact numbers and addresses as well.
  • Players in the National Pool must be in possession of a valid passport with 6 months left remaining in order to be eligible for National Selection - a letter/email should be sent out every 6 months reminding players and clubs of this obligation.
  • A formalised, anonymous method of reporting foul play needs to be set up for all stakeholders of Trinbagonian football; there needs to be bureaucratic procedures that clearly set out everyone's obligations in relation to fair play and ethical administration.
  • You need a full time Project Manager to be employed who is a university graduate with some experience and relevant qualifications (e.g. Prince 2) - my wife and father are qualified in these fields (they aren't for hire hah) and I can tell you the difference my missus made to a major Trinidadian charity (in the region of several million more US dollars of grants and sponsorship). As a Football Association you run events throughout the year and you need an organised individual who is able to juggle several deadlines and able to keep other members of staff aware of key dates - Muhammad is clearly incapable of coping with this so far.
  • You need to spell out your commitments to staff and players formally and stick to them. If you can't afford to pay your staff this year then ask for voluntary staff with paid travel, or alternatively involve a sponsor who is willing to pay the specific cost of particular staff and give them prominent backing in terms of exposure and kind words to the press
  • You need to formalise procedures that are apparently not formalised as it stands - how you hire staff in all positions, the time-frames leading up to major events, bidding processes etc.
  • When you run coaching courses, they must be advertised more formally and you need to recoup the cost - the fact that some random American bloke rocks up off the boat and gets on one of the previous courses, but stalwarts of the game didn't hear about it seems poorly planned at best and suspicious at worst.
  • Accounts, everywhere. Let no one claim money without receipts; I'm glad to hear progress in this. Again you need a procurement (whatever it may be termed) department/employee with sufficient oversight to seek out the best deals for the organisation, in partnership with your sponsorship department. Avoid getting locked into expensive agreements to purchase particular items from particular companies.

As the president of the TTFA, and a worker in the financial sector, surely one of the concerns for not letting the TTFA go bankrupt was the implication that might have for your own work though? Not sure on the situation in Trinidad, but persons working in the financial sector in the UK can get sacked if they're declared bankrupt, and I imagine there's some sort of implication for heading a company that goes bankrupt, not that I'm exactly an expert on that.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2015, 06:48:05 AM »
Very good interview Flex and a fair one.

Very disappointed in Sancho and sad that FS feels the need to defend him, even after Flex did give him the chance to say his part, btw, did not see FS reply after Flex corrected him. He is becoming a true politician, just now they will call him Moonilall.

I would not say to much but one thing I am must say is that Tim Kee said a lot here and did not hold back. Which is good because its public with nothing to hide.

Mr Tim Kee, you seem to have some ideas, but again, your administrations is terrible.

Things need to change.

And we need to stop the way things are done, last minute and very unorganised.

Once you start doing things better it will set a steady and more trust worthy path.

You need to also be more proactive as far as getting closer to fans, players and sponsors. You cannot sit and wait for a big pay day.

Its sad that the politics is killing our football and the guys like Sancho and Kevin who were doing so well on the football side decided to go into politics and all came crumbling down.

Tim Kee, I like your interview, but until we start seeing consistency, I am a little suspect.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 07:22:29 AM by Sando »

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #42 on: July 02, 2015, 08:06:07 AM »
Big f00cking read, ah take whole morning to read this, but it was well worth it, it's about time Tim Kee.

I taking this with a pinch of salt though, until I see some staff movements and positive things happening consistently then I know for sure Tim Kee serious, in de meantime I just watching.

De first thing de TTFA have to do is fire de dead heads in de TTFA and hire a decent bunch of guys.

I love de fact Tim Kee did de interview for Flex and I hope he means what he say, ah watching him like ah have coke-key eye.

It sad that Sancho turn against us, because SWO help them in de past with de money Jack stole, he more taken up on a fete match league and showboat.

Bit that was a good read, ah go read it again to make sure me eh miss nothing. Tim Kee sounded a little dilomatic at times and did not answer Flex questions like we woulda like to read, Flex punch out some good ones they, but he is a politican, so we can expect that.

Time go tell, but Tim Kee seems alright, for now.

Ah hope they get some backing though, isonly so much people, staff and players could take.

And try to get your house organise man.

They making allyuh look bad.

Time to come out of this ole fashion mentality and friend thing.

Ah waiting for de new constitution.

It sad that Sancho turn against us, because SWO help them in de past  It actually seems to be the opposite. People swallowing hook line and sinker and blaming Sancho, yet you say he turned against the site? Look how Flex started the article about how Sancho is ducking the site. Yet Tim-Kee never been near while Sancho gave an interview within a month of taking office. Yet now Tim-Kee is Mr Open Book. Funny how he's found the time just before TTFA and General Elections.

On the contrary, questions were sent out to Mr Sancho two days before I sent them out to Tim Kee and I had copied you in (June 12th). You PM me and told me you not involved and prefer he answered them, I agreed, I only copied you in so you know that I sent them and no one can deny I didn't reach out.

He never bothered replying to the email or even acknowledged it.

I was in the process to getting some truth out about the 9.9 missing millions or how it was spent because I was fed up with the he say, they say and decided to go to the source directly, this way everyone get a fair chance.

While Sancho decided to just ignore my request Mr Tim Kee gladly obliged.

Once he agreed, I slipped in a few extra.

I dont know his motive or timing as I am only the messenger.

My questions to Sancho

1. Can you tell us what's the real story behind the 9.9 million dollars that was approve under former Minister of Sport (Griffith) and how it was spent and how come we are hearing from your ministry that the TTFA have already used up 90% of it. Wasn't the money set aside strictly for the T&T senior men's team among other things? Did you infuse restrictions to the approved money?

2. Did you use part of the said money to pay for the Women's Premier League (WPL). Also, the TTFA is a governing body, did you seek permission to host such tournament and if yes, are to guys working hand in hand to make this successful.

3. What is the purpose for the WPL and how exactly is it benefitting T&T women's team and development of the women's game. Now, I am no Einstein however, wouldn't it had been better to take the 1.7 million and improve the already Women Professional League (WoLF) and have it run like the WPL. In other words, the same foreigners could partake, just invest the money in the already establish league on a long term basis. And also, according to reports, you wanted to give our senior women's team some much need practice for the upcoming Pan Am games, but wouldn't it have been good to also just give it to the women's programme and have them play a few quality international. How can a tournament for merely 6 weeks be of any beneficiary to T&T women's team and why all of a sudden an interest in women's football? Not saying they shouldn't be one, just asking. Everyone who takes over the position of Ministry of Sports seems to have their own agenda. Now that you want to improve the women's league with this new WPL tournament. What about the men's Pro League?

4. Do you believe T&T players need a players union and now that you are in a position to make a change, can this be achieve?

5. The TTFA election for new president is approaching sometime in the near future. Will you consider running for head or do you have someone you feel should take up the challenge.

6. What sort of connections do you have or role you play with Central FC now that you are Minister of Sports? Does Central FC get any preferential treatment as far as money goes and what can we expect to see from them in the CONCACAF Champion League.

7. I've heard that you guys were sent by the TTFA an U-23 budget which would result in the youngsters earning $20k per month each in June and July. Match fees and stipends amounted to over $1 million. Can you touch on this.

8. From my understanding it looks like you do not trust the TTFA president and knowing that he was once close to Jack Warner makes it even worst. But why do T&T footballers, fans and coaches have to suffer for this political riff? I mean, you do not have to give the TTFA any money on hand, however, just what ever is agreed like (accommodation, match fees, coaches and players salary) pay them directly, this way no one can say the TTFA stole anything.

9. Didn't Raymond Tim Kee try to make ends meet when he first came onboard. I remember him trying to pay the 2006 World Cup Warriors their bonus that Jack Warner stole. Now I don't know the details, but wasn't he trying to work with you guys and what all of a sudden the fall-out?

10. Is the T&T government obligated to help football and sports in T&T.

11. Is Maylee Atti-Johnson working in your ministry? if yes, will we see her or anyone else replace the insubordinate permanent Secretary Mr Ashwin Creed.

12. Mr Sancho, good luck and thank you, would you like to touch on anything else from a football standpoint. And why does cricket get more support from the government and government companies that football.

Flex shut down ah man quick, quick.

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

FS, yuh still meh boy, but yuh barking up de wrong tree.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2015, 12:43:50 PM »
Sam, these days I find it more sensible to have these discussions via PM, which I should have done with Flex instead of commenting on the site.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #44 on: July 02, 2015, 03:09:49 PM »
That makes sense especially when you have nothing to stand on.


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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #45 on: July 02, 2015, 10:46:48 PM »


Just curious as that helps to place the interview in context. And to decipher a lil between the lines. I detect a lil ghostwriting.

Btw, why yuh din ask him why "now"? Why did he decide to respond at this particular point in time?

I'm also curious as to whether he has interest in the CFU presidency. I got the sense he hasn't been thrilled with the present leader.

Good read.

excellent observation

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2015, 11:01:21 PM »


Just curious as that helps to place the interview in context. And to decipher a lil between the lines. I detect a lil ghostwriting.

Btw, why yuh din ask him why "now"? Why did he decide to respond at this particular point in time?

I'm also curious as to whether he has interest in the CFU presidency. I got the sense he hasn't been thrilled with the present leader.

Good read.

excellent observation

Yuh hadda get forensic. Which reminds me of another question I would have asked him ...

Whatever happened regarding the case of the cash allegedly flung into the moving Benz? Dahis a tax write-off?

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2015, 11:45:56 PM »
Yuh hadda get forensic. Which reminds me of another question I would have asked him ...

Whatever happened regarding the case of the cash allegedly flung into the moving Benz? Dahis a tax write-off?

...and yuh "forensic" investigation reveals what... other than an overactive imagination?  No wonder Tim Kee, whatever his reasons, has been hesitant or tardy in entertaining questions.. it's a no-win situation.  In many regards this is comparable to Obama's situation... come into office promising change; inheriting an absolute mess; encountering staunch resistance by some who vow (silently or not) to sabotage the agenda; facing an unrelenting horde of critics; expected to make magic happen; scrutinized for every failing.  About the only (and significant) difference is that Obama has much more tangible and substantive successes to point to, and unlike Tim Kee, hasn't been the architect of his own undoing as often as the latter.

As for the question of alleged MovieTowne transaction, that would properly be directed to the Police.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #48 on: July 03, 2015, 12:29:51 AM »
Yuh hadda get forensic. Which reminds me of another question I would have asked him ...

Whatever happened regarding the case of the cash allegedly flung into the moving Benz? Dahis a tax write-off?

...and yuh "forensic" investigation reveals what... other than an overactive imagination?  No wonder Tim Kee, whatever his reasons, has been hesitant or tardy in entertaining questions.. it's a no-win situation.  In many regards this is comparable to Obama's situation... come into office promising change; inheriting an absolute mess; encountering staunch resistance by some who vow (silently or not) to sabotage the agenda; facing an unrelenting horde of critics; expected to make magic happen; scrutinized for every failing.  About the only (and significant) difference is that Obama has much more tangible and substantive successes to point to, and unlike Tim Kee, hasn't been the architect of his own undoing as often as the latter.

As for the question of alleged MovieTowne transaction, that would properly be directed to the Police.

Wha is all dat exegesis? Nobody eh asking him to turn water into wine, BUT, in truth we could do with a "new testament" from the TTFA.

Wha yuh trying to say? Although it's July, the TTFA shouldn't have an interest in prodding the police to the finish line? Pretty sure that newspaper article is dated December 2014.

Tim Kee isn't nailed to the cross. You should be encouraging him to act with a bit more than deliberate speed.

Yuh painting Uncle Raymond as quite a sympathetic fella, almost hapless and angelic. Obama faces the press everyday. Not so much Uncle Tim.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #49 on: July 03, 2015, 01:55:35 AM »
No "exegesis" the analogy was political, not religious... but even so, Tim Kee trying to deliver said "new testament" and like Jesus, he still ketching hell from the Pharisees, who feel threatened ;)  And if yuh doh think folks expecting miracles ala the one at Cana, then yuh haven't been reading this thread... or this site (and others) for that matter.

The TTFA could have all the "interest" in prodding the police that it wants... but if asked, the best answer that could be provided is that all relevant information was turned over to the police.  By way of reminder, they still looking for Dana's murderer, so you expect Tim Kee to do what, exactly?  Would that I had the power to "encourage" Tim Kee to do anything.  Would that he had the power (like Carmona) to do the things people assume him to have. 

"Hapless and angelic" he isn't, but neither is he as omipotent as his predecessor, which was by design as power was invested in the personality, not the office.  If power is not in the office then it must reside in the offices of others.  When you invest power in people yuh have to have them in yuh pocket.  If yuh doh have pockets... well dog bite yuh, and nuff strays dey bout as de yardies would say.  He's not the "leader of the free world", so the level of his interaction with the press (if not SWO) is likely commiserate with his office.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #50 on: July 03, 2015, 05:20:19 AM »


Just curious as that helps to place the interview in context. And to decipher a lil between the lines. I detect a lil ghostwriting.

Btw, why yuh din ask him why "now"? Why did he decide to respond at this particular point in time?

I'm also curious as to whether he has interest in the CFU presidency. I got the sense he hasn't been thrilled with the present leader.

Good read.

excellent observation

Yuh hadda get forensic. Which reminds me of another question I would have asked him ...

Whatever happened regarding the case of the cash allegedly flung into the moving Benz? Dahis a tax write-off?

I was told that the matter has been filed and is in the hands of the police who are dragging their feet, as we all know how they operate in T&T.

Again, I was told this.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #51 on: July 03, 2015, 06:35:09 AM »
That makes sense especially when you have nothing to stand on.


To quote a well known forumite:
No wonder Sancho, whatever his reasons, has been hesitant or tardy in entertaining questions.. it's a no-win situation.  In many regards this is comparable to Obama's situation... come into office promising change; inheriting an absolute mess; encountering staunch resistance by some who vow (silently or not) to sabotage the agenda; facing an unrelenting horde of critics; expected to make magic happen; scrutinized for every failing. Irony, ah love it.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 06:38:15 AM by Football supporter »

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #52 on: July 03, 2015, 08:59:16 AM »
Irony, ah love it.

That ain't "irony" that's your lack of reading comprehension. Sancho didn't come into office making any promises, let alone "change," he didn't inherit "an absolute mess," there is no evidence of anyone vowing or trying to sabotage his agenda, most people were optimistic if not supportive of him (no "horde of criticis"), and no one expected any "magic" out of him. Yuh shoulda PM that thought to somebody who cares, because by now everybody starting to recognize you for the empty suit yuh is.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #53 on: July 03, 2015, 09:37:09 AM »
Sancho have to remember when he came into office his (MOS) debts were wipped out. The MILLIONS Anil Roberts and company stole through Hoops of Life and Lifesports varnish.

Sancho came into office with a clean slate and a wallet full of money.

He also has the PM as his friend.

So he can talk all the big talk he wants but had him been in the same boat as Tim Kee I am sure it would have been a different story today.

Why didn't Sancho run when Tim Kee was running?

No one wanted to be TTFF president and now all of them talking rubbish.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #54 on: July 03, 2015, 10:29:59 AM »
Nice job Flex.  Well done on the interview with good probing questions.

Won't comment on much of it but I will say that it's unfortunate that Mr Tim Kee used the interview to push a partisan politics head by saying he feels T&T football will be better off under a PNM government.

So what if PNM don't win?  What kind of support he, as President of the TTFA, will expect from the ruling party then?

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #55 on: July 03, 2015, 10:35:28 AM »
Nice job Flex.  Well done on the interview with good probing questions.

Won't comment on much of it but I will say that it's unfortunate that Mr Tim Kee used the interview to push a partisan politics head by saying he feels T&T football will be better off under a PNM government.

So what if PNM don't win?  What kind of support he, as President of the TTFA, will expect from the ruling party then?

tim kee is a con man...

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #56 on: July 03, 2015, 11:31:32 AM »


Just curious as that helps to place the interview in context. And to decipher a lil between the lines. I detect a lil ghostwriting.

Btw, why yuh din ask him why "now"? Why did he decide to respond at this particular point in time?

I'm also curious as to whether he has interest in the CFU presidency. I got the sense he hasn't been thrilled with the present leader.

Good read.

excellent observation

Yuh hadda get forensic. Which reminds me of another question I would have asked him ...

Whatever happened regarding the case of the cash allegedly flung into the moving Benz? Dahis a tax write-off?

how much of the interview ghostwritten?

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #57 on: July 03, 2015, 02:15:57 PM »
how much of the interview ghostwritten?

I say what I had tuh say.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2015, 04:04:40 PM »
how much of the interview ghostwritten?

I say what I had tuh say.

Your "forensic" need a phensic.

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Re: The President, His Progress and The Politics of T&T Football.
« Reply #59 on: July 04, 2015, 06:08:22 AM »
Flex, good interview and Tim Kee not telling all the truth.

The PAN AM team are suffering because of incompetence.

When I spoke to Sancho he said, yes, sometimes the money isn't released quickly, but again, that is people within the Ministry moving slowly on purpose.

Wallace asked for $23,000 for visas the week before the team left. Brent Sancho couldn't believe his ears and said "William, TTFA must have $23,000 for visas." Wallace said they only had $13,000 in the bank. Even if that was true, TTFA would know they needed visas months ago.

The TTFA said they had money from FIFA for a mobile shop. Well it's still sitting there waiting to be wrapped, so where did that money go?

The MOS paid out all of the cabinet note now, I believe, and still no accounts. Everybody has said they want accountability, yet when the MOS try to bring it, They're the bad guys?

Tim-Kee is still lying in the interview

This idea that since I was a member of the TTFF executive and VP during the Warner years I was somehow complicit in the inner dealings, nefarious or otherwise, of the then TTFF is simplistic at best.

You know that I saw lots of TTFF documents. I also had access to emails. There is proof that Tim-Kee knew about Warner's dodgy transactions back in 2008. This will come out eventually.

In minutes of the Executive Committee meetings after my resignation. When I felt information was being withheld, I resigned and focused my attention on developing Futsal.

I have an email from Warner to Tim-Kee where Warner tells him he is fired and being replaced.

I have been a financial benefactor to football for many years. Because of the extent of my financial contributions.

Yet last week he couldn't advance TTFA $10k for visas, but watched as our country was embarrassed?

Holding secrets? I was never one of those  with whom secrets were shared. That is baseless idle chatter.

He knew that Warner was funneling money into the LOC06 account which was where the money was laundered. I have seen proof of this!

Why can’t your company help be a sponsor of the TTFA?

His whole answer here was fluff and bs. How hard would it be for him to ask Guardian Life for a policy? And Bankers don't even sell that kind of policy but they did for the team.

I join other sporting organizations in saying that the current Ministry is not serving sports a we expected. How do we justify injecting millions of US $ into CPL that is privately owned by foreigners.

He's careful here not to say Sancho, because he knows the CPL deal was done by Griffith, so instead, he infers it was Sancho.

I had a good relationship with the past ministers of sport and have had conflicts with the current minister only because I felt promises made by the Prime Minister to the senior team were being undermined and ignored.

So why was there arrears on salaries dating back from 2012? Why did Griffith put in the clause about accounts? Truth is, neither Anil or Griffith trusted TTFA.

Yes, at this point I have been focused on getting the TTFA a new constitution.

Did you know that TTFA sent out an email on Sunday night containing the new draft constitution for review before a meeting to invoke it? Problem is, the meeting was Monday night at 5pm. The MOS received there's from Pro League around 9 a.m. on Monday. People in Pro League and Super League went berserk. That afternoon, TTFA agreed to move the meeting to mid July.

We actively pursued the government for months on the matter of player and coaches arrears.

TFA agreed salary's that they couldn't afford. They are still agreeing salary's and match fees that they cannot afford. The TT$800,000 they received from MoS for U23's could have funded the upcoming U17's and Women's U20 campaigns. They are not managing funds sensibly.

Since then, the recent minister has made statements to indicate that he doesn’t intend to follow through on the Prime Minister’s promise.

Completely untrue. If this was a live interview I'm sure you guys would have called Tim-Kee on this. Yet nobody on has even mentioned this.

It is unsettling to the players and staff to go into competition under such uncertain circumstances when an agreement was established between the TTFA and the government last November. I’m not being “political” when these issues are raised as the minister claims, I am merely speaking the truth.

Actually, you are being political and you are a liar! Twice he stated that Sancho was using the cabinet note to fund WPL even though he knew this wasn't true. What actually took place is that Creed told them that money was slow coming through from Finance so money that was received for the Gold Cup camp in Miami was being utilised for WPL until the money came through in two weeks time. This was in April and in no way compromised TTFA or the Gold Cup preparation. This is an often used practice and is sound financial management. Tim-Kee chose to mislead people to serve his own political purpose.

By the way, the "worst minister" quote came about because MOS saying TTFA were paying too much in stipends and match fees which Brent agreed with. MOS was in favour of players earning as much as they can, but TTFA should not be agreeing such large fees when they can't pay them. Someone in the MOS said they have another 9 teams to look after and should be more financially frugal. Tim-Kee said that if they cut stipends and match fees, players would call him the worst sports minister ever.

It is absolutely incorrect to say our U-23 players will be receiving $20K per month.

Want me to show you the budget they submitted? The revised budget requested US$750 match fees for olympics and US$1,000 for Pan Am. Remember, they expected 3 games in each. If a player played all 6 games thats US$5,250 or TT$33,600. or TT$16,800 p.m. The initial budget included stipends which took them to over TT$40,000 for the two month period. So Tim-Kee just lied to you "to your face Flex." Nathanial Garcia for example earns TT$4,500 per month. Add that to the TTFA money and he's on over $21k per month without stipends!! By the way, staff including coaches are also paid match fees at the same amount.

We feel the resources and funds used by SPORTT for the WPL would have been better utilized by applying it towards a proper series of international camps and matches for the U20 and senior teams in preparation for their upcoming tournaments.

So why didn't TTFA use their $5 million subvention for this then? Or their FIFA grant? Or their grants from CONCACAF?

Having said that, I was a bit concerned to see our senior team defeat the WPL XI 9-2

The foreign girls had only landed the day before, didn't know each other, didn't know the coaches and half don't speak English. This week, T&T beat the foreigners 2-1. Every girl on the WNT and the coaches think WPL is better than a`n overseas friendly.

I wished you could have asked him if the current squad and U23's had this done:

A sponsorship worth over $3 million dollars that enables all national team players and technical staff to get free physicals when they come into camp.

And it was a Central F.C. initiative which he has never acknowledged.

Keep in mind that all our records...our filing cabinets and all our computers were seized from the TTFF office by the present minister and his 2006 team.

Another often repeated lie. Remember, everyone was there that day and although some computers were taken, the 06 Warriors were told they couldn't take all because they held the financial records and the bailiff said they had to remain. No filing cabinets were removed. You will also recall that Sancho, Harrison and George Hislop went back the next day to copy financial records and did a forensic audit and Mike Townley sent this to the FBI. They still have some of those copies. If the records are missing it happened after we were there.

Note I have two attachments that LOC2006 had two bank accounts and were being used up to 2009. This is the account suspected by the FBI of being used to launder money. This information was shared with FBI. I can't swear that FBI based some of their case on this info, but why would they obtain the bank statements if the guys already provided copies? At the least they know where to look.


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