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Author Topic: World Cup illusion  (Read 1916 times)

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Offline ABTrini

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World Cup illusion
« on: March 10, 2021, 08:17:37 AM »
Dreams hopes fantasies and desires- then there is reality. From the inception of a WC, every football nation has yearned for this Holy Grail. Every minnow to giants among nation believe that they have what it takes. However, the fact remains that i reality there are predictable nations who will  come close and those who will go through a formality of qualifying only to shatter the hearts of a nation.

What is the possibility of TnT ever even coming close to a quarter final play? We can't even with any conviction lay claim to be a regional dominant force or a giant among CONCACF!
This farcical attempt every  four years to build some hope is quickly becoming a nightmare  of a dream - an illusion of sorts - The entire fabric of a WC is in many ways a highly organized- ooops orchestrated event with back door bidding wars- alleged payoffs for hostings  and money being allegedly laundered among different levels of executives and governing bodies - all under the guise of FIFA- "Foreign Investors For All"

It is rather a grand delusion that invites and supports those who play the odds and cheer for the u derdog hoping against all that the perennial favourites or top five nations will suffer a humiliating defeat. Given the overall structure and inequities of funding, player talent, resources and opportunities, the advent of a Caribbean nation ever appearing  in a final two is at the best a football mirage.
The farcical show and fracas of qualifying  standards and Playoffs is once more evident to keep minnows at bay and  reserve the rite of passage to the WC to nations of privilege - Depraved nations are left to seek desperate measures to attempt to equal the playing field- the recent announcement by Jamaica to immerse their team with foreign nationals who because of lineage is good enough to represent- YnT is no different- we put our hopes that those from far away lands will bring us a prepriev for our football local debacle.
These actions once more support the giants and further constrict the growth development opportunities and hope of local football.
Our association pays a coack20k US to coach a national team and then the ultimate betrayal occurs when the team is not good enough- recruits are brought in- there is something fundamentally flawed in how this occurs every  four year cycle?

Could the TTFA  take the money spent on coaching select top players send then abroad for playing and development and let them be the core of the national team- each year local players who earn a qualifying standard will be sponsored by TTFA to earn an opportunity to a foreign contract. This is fully disclosed and understood-  the illusion of trying to home grow talent  pay a coach ridiculous amount to break an illusionary spell  can be averted.

The drunken and hypnotic madness that we can rise among the ranks in this decade seems to be just that- with the present state of foot ball intnis nation our dose of reality lies in finding some semblance of glory if we could win a fete match against the likes of Anguilla- a country on the brink of starting their own illusion of  some day parading on the WC stage.

Let's inoculate against the illusion - watch the WC on our television sets and relishintne thought that there maybe better hope for us if we were united as Caribbean nations and have a regional team- like cricket
 to have any consistent regional representation at a WC.

In terms of its operation and control of governing ,bodies, its loyal insiders, the bidding process, alleged corruption, could FIFA  be akin to  a MAFIA like  body operating what appears to be legitimate governance and total  control of football?
what is the  possibility of cooperations brining nations together to host a world tournamentversion of a WC? A nonsa ction FIFA event?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 07:10:17 AM by ABTrini »

Offline Storeboy

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2021, 10:22:32 AM »
Dreams hopes fantasies and desires- then there is reality. From the inception of a WC, every football nation has yearned for this Holy Grail. Every minnow to giants among nation believe that they have what it takes. However, the fact remains that i reality there are predictable nations who will  come close and those who will go through a formality of qualifying only to shatter the hearts of a nation.

What is the possibility of TnT ever even coming close to a quarter final play? We can't even with any conviction lay claim to be a regional dominant force or a giant among CONCACF!
This farcical attempt every  four years to build some hope is quickly becoming a nightmare  of a dream - an illusion of sorts - The entire fabric of a WC is in many ways a highly organized- ooops orchestrated event with back door bidding wars- alleged payoffs for hostings  and money being allegedly laundered among different levels of executives and governing bodies - all under the guise of FIFA- "Foreign Investors For All"

It is rather a grand delusion that invites and supports those who play the odds and cheer for the u derdog hoping against all that the perennial favourites or top five nations will suffer a humiliating defeat. Given the overall structure and inequities of funding, player talent, resources and opportunities, the advent of a Caribbean nation ever appearing  in a final two is at the best a football mirage.
The farcical show and fracas of qualifying  standards and Playoffs is once more evident to keep minnows at bay and  reserve the rite of passage to the WC to nations of privilege - Depraved nations are left to seek desperate measures to attempt to equal the playing field- the recent announcement by Jamaica to immerse their team with foreign nationals who because of lineage is good enough to represent- YnT is no different- we put our hopes that those from far away lands will bring us a prepriev for our football local debacle.
These actions once more support the giants and further constrict the growth development opportunities and hope of local football.
Our association pays a coack20k US to coach a national team and then the ultimate betrayal occurs when the team is not good enough- recruits are brought in- there is something fundamentally flawed in how this occurs every  four year cycle?

Could the TTFA  take the money spent on coaching select top players send then abroad for playing and development and let them be the core of the national team- each year local players who earn a qualifying standard will be sponsored by TTFA to earn an opportunity to a foreign contract. This is fully disclosed and understood-  the illusion of trying to home grow talent  pay a coach ridiculous amount to break an illusionary spell  can be averted.

The drunken and hypnotic madness that we can rise among the ranks in this decade seems to be just that- with the present state of foot ball intnis nation our dose of reality lies in finding some semblance of glory if we could win a fete match against the li,es of Anguilla- a country on the brink of starting their own illusion of  some day parading on the WC stage.

Let's inoculate against the illusion - watch the WC on our television sets and relishintne thought that there maybe better hope for us if we United as improvise Caribbean nations and have a regional team- like cricket
 to have any consistent regional representation at a WC

Hope! But it will never likely happen! It is far too late. But there are two possibilities:
1. The organizational structure of FIFA will have to be changed to allow groups of countries to become one participating entity rather than individual nations.
2. The Caribbean nations will have to become politically united into one Federated State (Federation. We know what happened to that.
The football egos are likely to resist both those possibilities. What we need is professional Caribbean league that allows players to participate in a higher brand of football, that attract some foreign talent to push our players to compete for their places in a competitive professional environment, and attracts foreign scouts to provide better opportunities for the better players in the league
Never, never, ever give up! Go T&T Warriors!

Offline Deeks

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2021, 10:40:43 AM »
The Caribbean nations will have to become politically united into one Federated State (Federation. We know what happened to that.

Dude, in Your dreams!!!!

Offline ABTrini

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2021, 06:43:02 AM »
The Caribbean nations will have to become politically united into one Federated State (Federation. We know what happened to that.

Dude, in Your dreams!!!!
It is as much a dream asTnT  ever winnng a WC, quaffing for one or even  getting by teams in the Carribean, given our current approach- selection of team, program development,Community and cooporate sponsorship. Administration and coaching, players commitment and accountability.

In terms of its operation and control of governing ,bodies, its loyal insiders, the bidding process, alleged corruption, could FIFA  be akin to  a MAFIA like  body operating what appears to be legitimate governance and total  control of football?
what is the  possibility of cooperations brining nations together to host a world tournamentversion of a WC? A nonsa ction FIFA event?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 07:10:37 AM by ABTrini »

Offline Deeks

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2021, 05:24:16 PM »
The Caribbean nations will have to become politically united into one Federated State (Federation. We know what happened to that.

Dude, in Your dreams!!!!
It is as much a dream asTnT  ever winnng a WC, quaffing for one or even  getting by teams in the Carribean, given our current approach- selection of team, program development,Community and cooporate sponsorship. Administration and coaching, players commitment and accountability.

In terms of its operation and control of governing ,bodies, its loyal insiders, the bidding process, alleged corruption, could FIFA  be akin to  a MAFIA like  body operating what appears to be legitimate governance and total  control of football?
what is the  possibility of cooperations brining nations together to host a world tournamentversion of a WC? A nonsa ction FIFA event?

It is much more realistic of TT qualifying for the WC in the future than some illusion of a unified Caribbean team playing in the WC. If ever there is such a team, it most likely  the small islands of Caricom who can pull that off. The Leeward and Winward islands can possibly form a combined team. But then again, FiFa may want them to have one vote and not multiple votes. It all boils down to the voting power of multiple independent countries of giving up their right to vote.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 05:27:22 PM by Deeks »

Offline ABTrini

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2021, 06:36:08 AM »
Maybe the possibility may never come to fruition of a Unified Caribbean Team but could you realistically see a Caribbean team  ever making it to the final two at WC much less to win it!!

End of the fairy tale. The World Cup brought to you by-Fairy tale International Foreign Agents aka FIFA/ football mafia.

Offline ABTrini

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2021, 09:16:52 PM »
People still living with an illusion?
Real delusional thinking in here!!!

Offline ABTrini

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2021, 07:56:50 AM »
Don't want to " poop " on anyone's parade but when you lay down a hard head on a soft pillow close your eyes and dream of YnT in a World Cup against Brazil and winning, areyou excited with premature fantasies?

While in the realms of sports some possibilities do exist - we did hold off the Colonial England till close to extra time in our only WC appearance!!
 But how frequently could we be assured of qualifying? To get past the likes of Mexico
We are struggling to even get by some of the lesser talented  teams in this qualifying round- panic has struck- we are not even leading at this group
stage- and there is a proliferation of doubt as we are embarking to take on the giants of  Bahamas and St Kitts!!
Week even talking about the li,es of Jamaica just yet- so while you lay down and sleep say ah pray dream big and if reality sucks  you can achieve all you want in the fantasy of an illusionary dream.

Offline Deeks

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2021, 12:29:32 PM »
There is no WC illusion as far as TT, JA, Cuba. We have been there before. TT could have made it in 74 and 90 also. We just have to right the wrongs. I have already said that if this team make the next round that is good enough for me. That will be an achievement, seeing the utter disaster of administrations that has permeated the TTFA for the past 30 or so years.

Offline ABTrini

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2021, 06:18:35 AM »
There is no WC illusion as far as TT, JA, Cuba. We have been there before. TT could have made it in 74 and 90 also. We just have to right the wrongs. I have already said that if this team make the next round that is good enough for me. That will be an achievement, seeing the utter disaster of administrations that has permeated the TTFA for the past 30 or so years.
This is indeed factual but with our present situation do you see this happpening with any regularity?
Why is it that we are no longer instilling fear in the Caribbean? If we can't dominate regionallytoget out of this group stage do you see us in the WC?
 Even if we did appear do you see us competing to get through the first stage?
The way some folks this come in here and big up the EPL la Liga and foreign leagues is it any wonder we suffering from a  complex about our football.
Look it begins with a belief- we had a belief at one time we ruled the Caribbean - at one time we had the ballers who could take on the best from any region of the worl!
How did that get shattered? And I don't believe it's all TTFA


Offline ABTrini

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2021, 01:56:15 PM »
Ent ah saying so?
We moved from illusion to disillusionment
These results were predictable for mNy reasons but let we see if the TTFA
 20 K US ROI  per month was worth the headache?

Offline ABTrini

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Re: World Cup illusion
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2023, 11:51:38 AM »
 Are we still caught up in an illusion when we can't even  get to a Gold Cup?  our football prowess is real 4cup.


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