
Sun, Apr

Guaya United Financial Director Randy Hagley

Guaya Unit­ed FC fi­nan­cial di­rec­tor Randy Ha­gley is lead­ing the charge of some T&T Su­per League clubs to have Wednes­day's meet­ing with the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion, the T&T Su­per League Board of Di­rec­tors, and the T&T Pro League clubs, to be deemed null and void.

He said the TTSL Board was not a prop­er rep­re­sen­ta­tion of all the clubs in the Su­per League.

Ha­gley told Guardian Me­dia Sports on Wednes­day that the meet­ing at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va, was set to chart the way for­ward for the new Tier 1 and 2 leagues in the coun­try, but clubs which are of­fi­cial mem­bers of the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion were left out of the de­ci­sion-mak­ing process, for an or­ga­ni­za­tion that is not.

The T&T Su­per League is an in­de­pen­dent or­ga­ni­za­tion formed to man­age the af­fairs of the TTSL.

The TTSL Board is made up of some six mem­bers- Kei­th Look Loy, the FC San­ta Rosa and TTSL pres­i­dent, Jame­son Rigues (Guaya Unit­ed/First VP), Ed­di­son Dean (Club San­do/Sec­ond VP), Col­in Mur­ray (Queen's Park), Ter­ry Joseph (Bethel Unit­ed) and An­der­son Veronique (Pris­ons) who has re­placed Clay­ton Mor­ris (UTT).

The Board is charged with the re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of rep­re­sent­ing 22 Su­per League teams. How­ev­er, the teams that participated in the 2019 League were FC San­ta Rosa, Queen's Park, Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed, RSSR, Erin FC, Guaya Unit­ed, Pris­ons FC, Cunu­pia FC, Bethel Unit­ed, Diego Mar­tin/Pe­tit Val­ley Unit­ed and the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T, among many oth­ers.

Ha­gley said al­so that some of the clubs were al­so il­le­git­i­mate­ly sus­pend­ed for their in­abil­i­ty to be in­volved in Su­per League ac­tiv­i­ties for two con­sec­u­tive years.

Some of these clubs in­clude De­fence Force, Harlem Strik­ers, Mara­bel­la Fam­i­ly Cri­sis Cen­tre (MFCC), 1976 Phoenix Unit­ed, Per­se­ver­ance Unit­ed and Siparia Spurs among oth­ers.

Ha­gley be­lieves the ac­tion to sus­pend oth­er clubs, is al­so an il­le­gal one, as the clubs are all share­hold­ers of the League (TTSL).

"The Su­per League Board can­not rep­re­sent the clubs at a TTFA meet­ing. The TTSL is an in­de­pen­dent or­ga­ni­za­tion while the clubs are all mem­bers of the TTFA. Now tell me, so why aren't the T&T Pro League teams been rep­re­sent­ed by its Board at yes­ter­day's meet­ing? Can you tell me why?"

Ac­cord­ing to Ha­gley "This can­not be right, re­gard­less of how you look at it and the clubs are all against it."

Yes­ter­day's meet­ing was ex­pect­ed to pave a way for the re-in­tro­duc­tion of the ini­tial­ly-rec­om­mend­ed T-League which was be­ing formed to be com­pet­i­tive with the top foot­ball leagues in var­i­ous parts of Eu­rope, such as Eng­land, Spain, Ger­many and France etc.