
Fri, Sep


Na­pari­ma Col­lege and Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege will clash for yet an­oth­er time in the fi­nal of the South Zone of the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­Col on Mon­day.

The two fierce Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) ri­vals earned the right to con­test the ti­tle that Naps cur­rent­ly holds, af­ter re­spec­tive vic­to­ries over Pleas­antville Sec­ondary 1-0 and St Bene­dict’s Col­lege 3-0 at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la yes­ter­day.

The tal­ent­ed Isa Bram­ble got the lone strike for Na­pari­ma in the 28th minute in an un­der-par per­for­mance.

Speak­ing af­ter­wards, Na­pari­ma man­ag­er Per­cy Sam­lals­ingh said the poor per­for­mance may have been as a re­sult of a few days off the play­ers were giv­en. How­ev­er, he said they will be ready for the con­test on Mon­day.

“We have sev­er­al rea­sons why we will want to win that clash. First­ly, we have to de­fend our ti­tle, sec­ond­ly, it’s a der­by match and third­ly, it’s a fi­nal, be­cause once you lose you are out,” Sam­lals­ingh said.

The clash will be the fourth meet­ing be­tween the teams this sea­son, two of which end­ed in vic­to­ry for Na­pari­ma on penal­ties, while the oth­er end­ed in a goal­less tie.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege coach Shawn Coop­er mean­while just wants his play­ers to con­vert the chances that come their way.

Against St Bene­dict’s yes­ter­day, Pres got a dou­ble from Dante Gilbert and an­oth­er from Jaiye Shep­pard in their win­ning ef­fort.

But Coop­er wants his play­ers to don their goalscor­ing boots for the fi­nal en­counter, say­ing in their oth­er match­es against Naps this sea­son they al­ways had the bet­ter of the ex­changes but Naps scored their chances.

“We have ded­i­cat­ed our train­ing ses­sions for that match to work on goal scor­ing. But in the end, how­ev­er, it’s up to the play­ers to com­pose them­selves and use the prop­er tech­nique to con­vert dur­ing match­es,” Coop­er said.

In To­ba­go mean­while, Spey­side High edged out Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary 3-2. The goal he­roes for Spey­side were Kyshawn Gray, Adriel George and Nicholas Sanchez.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian