
Sun, Jun

The T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion is set to face an­oth­er le­gal bat­tle in the court.

Fol­low­ing on the heels of loss­es in the court from the T&T Fut­sal team and ex-ref­er­ee Ramesh Ramd­han, Guardian Me­dia Sports has learnt that ex-sports com­men­ta­tor Sel­wyn Melville, through his at­tor­neys Joseph Sookdeo and Egon Em­brack, has filed doc­u­ments in the High Court in Port- of-Spain to be­gin a bat­tle for own­er­ship of the So­ca War­riors name.

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T&T midfielder Kevin Molino walks off the field after the team's 6-0 loss to the United States in a CONCACAF Gold Cup football match Saturday in Cleveland. (AP)

Look Loy, Fenwick peeved after US annihilation…

KEITH LOOK Loy and Terry Fenwick are calling for the TT Football Association (TTFA) to be called to account for the dismal state of the game locally.

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Board members want urgent meeting after USA humiliation, over 500 fans call for DJW to resign.

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) Board members Keith Look Loy and Susan Joseph-Warrick are urging president David John-Williams to call an urgent Board meeting to discuss the Men’s National Senior Team, in the wake of their 6-0 loss to the United States last night—which is a record defeat for the Soca Warriors at the Concacaf Gold Cup.

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Cudjoe: Money is not the problem.

Un­der-prepa­ra­tion and not the un­avail­abil­i­ty of funds for the coun­try's Olympic men's team pre­vent­ed it from con­test­ing the Qual­i­fiers, Sham­fa Cud­joe, Min­is­ter of Sports and Youth Af­fairs said at a press con­fer­ence at the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter in St Clair on Mon­day.

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Look Loy: T&T football ‘brain dead’.

"T&T football is flat lining, we are brain dead."

THIS was the statement made at a press conference yesterday morning by TT Football Association (TTFA) board member Keith Look Loy, at The Hotel Normandie in Port of Spain. He says it is because of a lack of transparency and accountability in the TTFA, which he attributes to its president David John-Williams who was elected in 2015.

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