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Messages - Verteidiger

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Football / Barcelon interested in Trezeguet
« on: July 22, 2008, 09:45:45 AM »
Barcelona Still Want Trezeguet – Report


According to Spanish daily Sport, Josep Guardiola wants David Trezeguet in his Blaugrana team.

After selling some top players including Ronaldinho, Deco, and Zambrotta, the Camp Nou side are looking to bring Trezeguet to La Liga.

The French player enjoyed a great season with the Bianconeri and he scored 20 goals, helping the Old Lady to a surprising third position in Serie A.

The arrival of Amauri has lead to speculation that the number 17’s days at the Olimpico are numbered because Ranieri may prefer the Italian-Brazilian player to the French striker.

Trezeguet has been followed by the Spanish team for quite some time and last month  the Camp Nou side had a €25 million offer rejected.

The player has always claimed that he wants to finish his career with the Old lady and win something important with the club he has  played for since 2000.

Now with the right offer from the Blaugrana, the Bianconeri could be tempted to sale the player, even though it would be very difficult to find a replacement who can score 15-20 goals a season

Guardiola is trying  to form the attacking partnership which made France successful over the years by reforming the duo Tregeuet - Thierry Henry who had both played together at Monaco

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (20-Jul-2008).
« on: July 20, 2008, 03:48:04 PM »
Any updates will be nice

Football / Re: Soca Princesses whip El Salvador 5-1.
« on: July 20, 2008, 09:23:26 AM »
I know this is a stretch...but they have any kinda coverage of the games. Radio anything. I would like to at least listen to it

What about Track & Field / Re: T&T Championships 2008
« on: June 21, 2008, 12:53:55 PM »
I know I asking for plenty..but anyone know if they streaming it at all?  I in the States and it killing me that I cannot see the math ups this weekend..Help

Football / Grenada vs Costa Rica
« on: June 15, 2008, 03:17:57 PM »
Checking for scores.

did Grenada and Costa Rica tie 2-2??

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Jamaica Game (26-Mar-2008).
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:17:02 AM »
any live streaming video for the game?? need help

Cricket Anyone / Re: 20/20 final - T&T vs Jamaica
« on: February 24, 2008, 05:51:03 PM »
any sites with a live feed?

Football / Re: Hundreds turn out for Kenwyne
« on: February 21, 2008, 10:34:44 AM »
Kenwyne luv the kids :)

Good Job

Football / Re: D.C. Uses Quirk to Land Kirk
« on: February 19, 2008, 12:50:35 PM »
The TTFF killing the opportunity for us to encourage these players to come play for us. When we show ourselves to be semi-pro in our administration, these guys will seek their interest and stay with the administration who could tell they 'ass from they elbow". Hopefully someone will be able to convince Mr. Kirk to play for T&T

Football / Re: D.C. Uses Quirk to Land Kirk
« on: February 19, 2008, 10:33:05 AM »
Has Kirk categorically stated that he is not playing for T&T or he still weighing his options??

Football / Re: Congratulations thread to the T&T U-17 team.
« on: May 07, 2007, 11:46:47 AM »
Long Time I eh post anything..

CONGRATS to the young Warriors :) Makes us Proud in Korea

On a different note..Any Ideas on what else we can do to entice talented players of trinidad parentage to come back and play for the country? Sheanon Williams is a next example. He is one of the main strike threats for the US..and both his parents from T&T..comments

and wha ever happen to Quavas Kirk?

Study why T&T might ketch we arse to beat St Kitts in a few years time...

Football / Re: Fellas ah just here this
« on: June 19, 2006, 08:10:44 AM »
I doh mean to be bad..

but you "here" it or "hear" it??


2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Shaka out against Paraguay?
« on: June 18, 2006, 02:13:18 PM »
I would much prefer if you leave Shaka alone...

Kelvin don't have to get a sweat...
But then again..Shaka will save against Ecuador  ;D

Football / Re: US likens team to Soca Warriors (lol)
« on: June 18, 2006, 01:48:53 PM »

So them want "Soca Warriors" Type love now??
After they bash we and say all kinda ting...

steups..them alright yes

Football / Re: Leo has T&T Future In Mind
« on: June 18, 2006, 01:29:32 PM »

If he is able to sit down..and involve the coaches in training, set up youth programs..bases on his experience and ability..I think he can set up football in this country for a long time..

The thing with this is..the usual "think they know everything" local coaches WILL listen to him..cause he took us to the WC..

Who say Bar-B -cue to help pay the salary ?? ;)


Refs favour football superpowers, complains Arena

BAD DUERKHEIM, Germany, June 18 (Reuters) - United States coach Bruce Arena believes the world's established footballing powers still get an easier ride from match officials.


Speaking after his nine-man team held on for an epic 1-1 draw with Italy in Kaiserslautern on Saturday, Arena chose his words carefully but questioned whether Uruguayan referee Jorge Larrionda had been harsh on his players.

'It's natural, the powers in the game probably get a bit more respect on the officiating, it's not unusual in any sport,' said Arena, who felt some of the Italian players had made a meal of certain tackles.

'One day the U.S. will get those calls in our favour. But we can't dwell on it, it is what is and I'm just pleased the way our guys responded in difficult conditions.'

Italy's Daniele De Rossi was shown a straight red card for a blatant elbow into the face of Brian McBride after 28 minutes before Pablo Mastroeni and Eddie Pope joined him down the tunnel either side of halftime.

'Eddie said he got the ball, it was a bit harsh,' said Arena, of Pope's dismissal for a second yellow card following a tackle on Alberto Gilardino. 'With Pablo's, I'm not sure if that was a straight red.'

Of the 10 red cards shown in the tournament so far, only De Rossi's involved a player from football's traditional top table, and there could be little argument with the Italian's moment of madness.

The Americans also had a goal ruled out for offside in the most action-packed game of the World Cup so far and one which restored their reputation after the 3-0 mauling they suffered by the Czech Republic.

Not only that, it gives them a realistic chance of reaching the last 16, providing they can beat Ghana in the final round of fixtures in what has become an intriguing group.

'I don't know if we lost our reputation against the Czechs, we lost to the number two ranked team in the world,' he said.

Yeah ppl..

After Bruce Arena had all of those negative things to say about T&T in the opening. And added to the fact that his other yankee brethren such as Cobi Jones, Eric Wynalda and Jolie Foudy say nothing was wrong with Crouch pulling Sancho hair..this bitch have the nerve to come out now and say..OH..the ref favouring the superpowers?? Ah sure the rest of them go echo the same ting..ohhh they were hard done by the ref because they played a "superpower" Well T&T had to deal with that for two matches...but I guess it normal for us right..


'I don't know if we lost our reputation against the Czechs, we lost to the number two ranked team in the world,' he said.

Ah next thing..we lost to the Czech...we are weak team that going to get wash at the WC. They lost to the Czech..he SUDDENLY remember that they are the number 2 team in the world..DAMN HYPOCRITE!!

Football / Re: Crouch pulled up over controversial goal
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:22:17 PM »
PPl of the board..

The evidence is plain and clear to see...Is there anything that can be done..?? at all?? I find it is so hard to just "forget" about it when we fought so hard and so well. Can we e-mail anybody..anything??

And I doh understand why these Yankee "commentators" have nothing good to say bout Trinidad and Tobago at all... First Cobi Jones talk a pack of shit..now Eric Wynalda and them..gosh boy..why they doh just be happy??

2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Thread for the T&T vs England game.
« on: June 16, 2006, 07:45:15 AM »

to add insult to injury...While that cheater crouch was playing barber..ah next consummate shit hound was on Sky Sports belittling us. Engalnd jus eek out the win..and there is Michael Owen talking about..they played well..but..no disrespect to them..we played well enough..just to defeat them..but when we play teh "bigger" teams..we will turn it up..Beckham there trying to be a captain..commending the performance and saying how England showed grit to come out with the win..doh mind the grabbing tall man was in action...and flicking Michael Owen..who eh make a anote for the whole match..talking bout no disrespect..but we played well enough just to beat them..

This is too much..the mighty England..still shell shocked by the performance of the minnows..like some of them just doh want to give us props..but that is ok..the World is watching...

Would you believe..an English girl who was liming with us..justified the referree actions by saying he was strict?? craziness yes..more like kissing ass and making sure there are no more upsets..especially for "Title Contenders" England

Football / Re: Crouch pulled up over controversial goal
« on: June 15, 2006, 10:12:39 PM »
Aye..Crouch is a RANK SHITSNAKE...

2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Thread for the T&T vs England game.
« on: June 15, 2006, 10:11:05 PM »
What have me vex the most..is that the referee was noticeably BIASED...he give us cards for all kinda shit..and basically give England license to walk all over us. It was rela heart breaking to see the referee screw us time and time again..and then to make things worse..he didn't see when that shit hound crouch nearly make Sancho a baldhead...The MIGHTY england..needed 14 men (11 and the 3 officials cause Stern goal was legitamite)  to beat the minnows from the Caribbean.. SOCA WARRIORS YOU DID US PROUD!!! My respect for england have diminished big time..Gerrard screaming like a bitch..and the referre blowing for him..all kinda tactics to beat lowly T&T...I hope you all realise HOW GOOD we played today..I think the word is PHENOMENAL..

The sad thing is you not going to hear the British and yankee media talking about the biased ref..but I guess thas life..we can't do anything about it..but just continue playing with the passion and pride that we have been..

On to Paraguy fellas..all the best!!

2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Thread for the T&T vs England game.
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:42:08 PM »
Cyar please Max bretos and dem jed..

They saying England will give us three...And Cobi Jones and he sour grapes ass talking bout we eh go be able to pull it off again..cause England just has too much skill...Like he feel sweden was a shit side or wha??

Show your class Warriors

Football / Re: Rooney might be back against T&T
« on: June 12, 2006, 07:23:27 AM »
I realise Sven bent on rushing Rooney into the game against us on Thursday.

My only concern with this is when "wild man" Rooney start to crunch on tackles on our players..he may go unscathed..where as if we even do so much as run past him too quickly we may get a yellow card..or worst yet a red card..for just touching him. It is no secret that the referees are going to "protect" Rooney and worst yet we are the unheralded minnows..so they will be particularly harsh on us.

If we play 150% it will be even more difficult with Rooney having a license to do as he pleases and officilas who want to protect the star boy at the expense of T&T

Either which way..England hadda watch it. Is not nice knowing that a team from the Caribbean..who everyone thought was going to get bout 7..could draw with the same team who they cyar beat in 38 years!!


Football / Beenhakker in the 2007 Budget :)
« on: June 11, 2006, 08:24:52 AM »
Yes ppl...

I felt this way even before the start of the WC..but feel even stronger about it now. The way the team played yesterday..demonstrates definitely a new height or standard of T&T football.

My advice to our "dear" PM..is that he better put Beenhakker and the coaching staff in the 2007 Budget...Who asking how to justify it..just look at how the impact of one player..namely Densil Theobald would have impacted on an entire generation of youngsters in the HArpe..they would now be motivated to turn to football..like their new hero..instead of crime..so that will automatically be a case of reduced crime..in one isolated circumstance...I don't want to get into all of the benefits..but I think that everything in our power shold be done to keep Beenhakker for the next four years...or at least until he wants to leave..

So look Out for a Section in the Budget mark Beenhakker  :) the man HAS TO STAY AS THE COACH OF T&T...If the politicians do not see it fit to retain the man..then I am truly sorry for them

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Sweden Game.
« on: June 11, 2006, 08:09:32 AM »
Congrats to the team..EVERYBODY played superb..I don't thin I can say it any different to everbody else..

My comment gone be on the faggit Wilhelmsson..or wha eva who was acting and basically lying to the ref throughout that whole match. He dive and get on and carry on like a jackass when Avery "foul" him..like he foot get break..then "miraculously" get up after Avery get send offf..Definitely Definitely in poor taste...but doesn't say much for the mighty swedes who had to resort to all them antics to beat the "minnows" of Trinidad and Tobago. THEM BOYS  MAKE ME PROUD TO CRY...real fight..real character..ON TO ENGLAND...STAY FOCUSSED FELLAS...We WILL PREVAIL..

Oh Yeah..the ref give some trouble too..ah fine nuttin went our way..and he was particularly harsh..but then again..Sweden..especially that asssss Wilhelmsson..gaave command performances. How the ref someow manage not to see that level elbow Zlatan throw at Carlos..he alone know.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Sweden Game.
« on: June 09, 2006, 07:52:03 PM »
Whey allyuh hear that Jones go be in defence?

The Swedish coach was just on news..he say that he thinks we will can be tricky in attack cause of our fast players on the wing.

He really trying to mamaguy the squad..first the talk bout Yorke and now this..

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T v Slovenia game.
« on: May 31, 2006, 10:06:28 PM »
For Real..

Taking everything into consideration...after watching the highlights..we created a lot of chances but failed to convert...Goals win matches. We did play them at home..so there was also that factor. I don't think it was as supremely negative as some ppl are suggesting. The defensive problem needs to be addressed for sure..but we are building and attacking well..

Football / Fenwick for coach ????
« on: May 24, 2006, 07:16:27 AM »
I reading the papers this morning and get some disturbing news bout ohhow Fenwick might be the next National Team coach?? So what they not making an investment with Beenie for the next four years?? and then..to bring who?? Fenwick..the Ultimate Fighter??

Anybody could shed some light on it for me?

2006 World Cup - Germany / The Speed of Theo Walcott
« on: May 11, 2006, 09:16:52 AM »
Hey yall..
A partner from England now bless meh with some more tidbits on Walcott. In addition to the reports coming out of England that he continually beats Henry over 15 meters His old coach also said that if he were to run over a puddle..there would be no splash... :-[ And..at 14 and 15 he was running 11 point 100m. For the Track and Field enthusiasts..that is quite quite competitive. So the man is really quick. Kenwyne Jones said in the papers today..that Andrews and them boys gone need to Grow Wings to catch him.

Ah still want to see him Match up against Colin Samuel though..cuz weeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy.....

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