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Topics - NUFF

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Football / Anybody Have Dishnetwork?
« on: September 02, 2008, 07:49:00 AM »
Can anyone with dishnetwork tell me what happened to Gol Tv (channel 407).  Last week it just disappeared and there is a message that says "this is a subscription channel which has not been purchased".

Without Gol Tv ah cyah watch me La Liga and Bundesliga games.

Football / which uniform should we use?
« on: February 04, 2006, 09:48:28 AM »
anyone think we should go back to playing in red jerseys with black shorts or should we keep using the all red uniforms?

I think de red and black wid white socks looks best.

what allyuh think?

Football / Which player should make de team?
« on: January 21, 2006, 02:20:39 PM »
ah see man cryin bout hardest not getting ah fair chance to make de team.  If allyuh had to pick one player who on de bubble right now to make de world cup roster who would it be?

I say hands down it have to be cornell glenn.

Football / Pick yuh team
« on: January 21, 2006, 02:03:46 PM »
ok massive if allyuh coulda choose yuh own T&T 20 man squad to play in de world cup who would yuh pick.  Yuh allowed to select any player who has played for T&T between 1989 and 2005 (they would be in the prime) name yuh 20 man team, starters and subs.

This would be my team.

                                                          SHAKA HISLOP

                                  MARVIN ANDREWS               CLAYTON MORRIS   

   BRIAN WILLIAMS                                                                                  MARVIN FAUSTIN           

                                                   KERRY JAMERSON

                       DWIGHT YORKE                                          ANGUS EVE

                                                    RUSSELL LATAPY

                      STERN JOHN                                         JERREN NIXON

          CLAYTON INCE
          ANSIL ELCOCK
          DAVID NAKHID

« on: November 17, 2005, 10:19:13 AM »
Just want to say a very big thank you to fox soccer channel for bringing both T&T/Bharain playoff games.  All die hard fans on this forum know the stress we go through to get coverage of our games.  We always bash fsc when they dis us.  We should be just as quick to give praise when it's due.  The game announcer even apologised for calling our team "soccer warriors" instead of "SOCA WARRIORS".  He also mentioned that soca was short for soulful calypso, invented by lord Shorty in the 1970's.

Let's be real, in the scheme of world football T&T and Bharain are not household names.  Fsc could easily broadcasted games between more well known teams from Europe.

Just like we bombarded fsc with negative email when they deserve it lets do the same to show our appreciation.

Once again THANK YOU Fox Soccer Channel/Fox Sports World.

Football / T&T match tapes needed
« on: October 31, 2005, 08:15:19 PM »
Anyone have any of the T&T world cup qualifiers on tape or dvd.  I am willing to pay.  If anyone has copies pm me or email me asap.

Football / Brooklyn crew who watchin de game on saturday.
« on: September 01, 2005, 10:49:15 PM »
I'll be in brooklyn this weekend and a plan to watch de game.  De thing is ah not sure how to get to de venue and ah won't have access to ah computer after friday evening.  Anybody mind giving meh ah cell number so ah could call dem fuh directions on saturday?

Football / DC AREA crew...I Need game info for wednesday
« on: March 29, 2005, 08:35:01 AM »
Any info on places showing the game on wednesday?

Football / Who Should be the new coach?
« on: March 27, 2005, 04:18:51 PM »
Everybody talking about fire the coach.  We having this discussion for de last year but the fire Bertille and hire who.  I agree that he is incompetent and clueless but who should be put in charge.  Doh just say fire de coach.  Name ah replacement.

Ah know ah go take heat fuh saying this but this is my firm belief.  There is no coach in Trinidad or Tobago that can take this team to Germany, NONE.  I am not one who suscribes to the "FOREIGN IS BETTER" mentality but at some point we have to be honest with our selves.  We need outside help. not just a coach but our whole football administration.

What we need to do is look at countries that have improved their football through creating a strong competent, visionary, administration and building strong national programs from the youth level upward.

Two countries that come to mind immediately are Germany and U.S.A.
The U.S has moved from an underdog, lucky team in 1989 to the Quarter finals of the world cup in 2002.

Germany has been the most consistent team in the world, apart from Brazil, over the last 20 to 25 years. 

We should hire someone with experience from one of these countries to be head of the TTFF and have them show us how to run a football federation and how to build a successful football federation and develop our football program from youth level up.

I would also hire an American for the marketing department of the TTFF because the U.S is hands down the best country in terms of marketing in the world.  It's a shame that in 2006 the TTFF is still begging the government for money.  The U.S.S.F doesn't get a dime from the U.S government how do they raise money? 

After we have a successful youth system in place and a solid league where our players can develop then we can.  Go back to football being run by locals.

The people in charge of  education in T&T need to realize that sports and entertainment are just as viable and respectable means of earning a living as being a doctor or lawyer and should be given just as much emphasis in the curriculum as bookwork. 

Everyday these big multinatioinal corporations are setting up shop in T&T.  If we had smart forward thinking people in our government.  They would have these companies make some type of mandatory contribution to sport in T&T.  A $20,000 us dollars per year contribution is a small price for these campanies to pay for doing business in our country.

Imagine Coca Cola  $20,000
            Mcdonalds $20,000
            KFC          $20,000
            Nestle       $20,000
            Pepsi        $20,000

That's just five companies and we have already raised $100,000 us dollars per year. 

There are many ways that we can go about raising funds for football and sport in general but we have to many mentally lazy people in leadership positions in T&T.

Football / GAME REPORT
« on: March 26, 2005, 11:47:16 PM »
Right now I too vex and ah doh have enough time to give a full report but i'll give a quick recap.  Contrary to the scoreline this was an evenly played game.  If life was fair the score in this game should have been something more along the lines of 7-7, 0r 8-8.

What is ironic about this game is that T&T remembered how to play attacking football again. We created chance after chance after chance but we forgot how to score goals.  Stern John missed at least four goals tonight. 

The first Guatemala goal was a sign of things to come.  This goal have to go down in de guiness book of f**k ups.  This goal was worse than michael maurice goal against the u.s in 1989.  First of Stern had the ball and passed it to ah guatemala player.  Probably his best pass all night.  This started a counter attack for guatemala.  Then number 11 for guatemala took a shot from at least 30 to 35 yards outside the box.  For some strange reason shaka failed to get his body behind the ball.  He tried to stop it with his hands only but he bubbled the ball under his body then knocked it into the goal with his foot.

One thing that was puzzling throughout this wage was, it seemed that none of the T&T coaches or players had ever heard of Carlos Ruiz.  The whole f**kin world know he is their most dangerous player but he was left to run free all night long. Even after he scored two of their first three goals no one bothered to mark him.

It's a pity that everyone couldn't see this game.  Mexico and U.S haven't played yet but I can say that this game will go down as the most entertaining of all three games this weekend by far.

This game tonight was almost a mirror image of the 4-0 loss to mexico in the 2000 gold cup.  we took the game to guatemala from the opening whistle.  we looked composed on the ball, we had at least 50% ball possession.  we just didn't put the ball in the net.

Defensively Marvin Andrews was not missed.  I say this because our lack of speed and quickness in defense killed us.  This along with the usual mental lapses where we ball watch was our undoing.

Tomorrow i can give a more detailed report.

« on: March 26, 2005, 12:20:12 PM »
If allyuh want to meet up to watch de game tonight let me know.  I'll be going to a spanish restaurant in silver spring.  Cost is $20

Football / Any coverage for the next 2 qualifiers?
« on: March 19, 2005, 12:22:00 PM »
Is there any tv coverage for the games against Guatemala and Costa Rica?

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