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Messages - Behbehman

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General Discussion / Re: No Vagrants
« on: February 22, 2006, 05:06:14 PM »
Well the last time ah visit POS ah couldn't believe mih eye.  Six young strong Afro-Trinis were seen hauling out stuff from ah garbage truck as it was turning into the La Basse on Beetham...ah vagrant was seen fighting up with garbage inside ah disposal bin near to the great twin towers...the place nasty, nasty, the toilet in the airport stink, stink...the face basin stand bite up, bite up as though somebody vex with the place, no toilet paper, no soap tuh wash yuh hand. Ah guess dat "we like it so."  I doh like it so...if some people want tuh continue tuh live in latrine well dat good for dem...all dey missing is a shining latrine lizard around dey neck.  Wuh wrong wid Trinidad...we talking development buh many of our politicians are blind with power...and hustling kickbacks. Tings eh looking up at all every where ah pass...wid all the windfall of oil dollars ($US60/barrel).  Now Ato gone and join ah set ah people dat he eh know about...wuh happen? He run out ah mind or what.  If Roy throw from dey how come Ato gone dey?  Every damn ting in T&T topsy-turvy...thank God for the SocaWarriors who have done more than expected in helping out ah bad situation.  Ah love T&T buh the  place need rel help...help tuh mobilise people for productive service...everybody sitting dong expecting dat somebody else go do someting...we have tuh pull together to at least patch up the Humpty-Dumpty that we created. :(

General Discussion / Re: Time for another coup?
« on: February 22, 2006, 04:48:48 PM »
But allyuh ain't notice that dey kidnapping stop just so
is it dey kidnappers wining down dey place fur carnival and dem ain't have time to bundle anybody in car?

What is dey latest crime in TnT these days ?

How come the English intelligence ketch the Trini kidnapper so quick?  Dem police mean business.  T&T have ah set ah cocoa police who living hand-tuh-mouth dat dey eh have no choice but tuh join in the kipnapping spree.  Too much evil babylon in T&T..."Protect & Serve" dey say buh who dey checkin for is deyself. :rotfl:

Football / Re: Warner Faces expulsion over Simpaul ticket scandal
« on: February 17, 2006, 09:00:16 AM »
Yuh know why I love T&T? T&T is ah small place...everybody know who sleeping with everybody and who sleeping with the devil too.  Mih mudder did tell mih ah long time ago dat news will come out from ah antshole and even if yuh ded...the same ants go bring the news...always remember too dat "bush" (not George Bush) have ears.  The Bible also said dat whatsoever a man soweth dat shall he also reap...if Jack righteous well we will see the judgement FIFA will give.  If FIFA think Jack wrong...conflict of interest...well we will know the result in time. Liburd write ah whole thesis about the alleged scandal with dem tickets buh I mus say dat Bird was only doing he wuk. Look Brethren, Panday jus lost his appeal about the $50,000 he cyar account for...time will tell.  Nepotism and whomsoever belong to the parasitic oligarchy will feel the effects of the freedom of the press...the democracy that exists fuh true in the land dat I love...the highest rating piece ah land for equal rights and human rights and rights in general...ask Amnesty International.  Jack did more than yeoman service for T&T buh if he didn't play the cards right...well yuh know dat go be hang Jack ;)

General Discussion / Re: T&T No.1 in the world for murder?
« on: February 16, 2006, 01:17:04 PM »
Nah T&T eh dat bad yet...and mih hope is dat we geh better and better...too much shooting and gunplay in Trinidad...Trinis are by definition the "bestest" people in the whole world...leh we stop killing one another dat's all.

Check out this website...is Jamaica dat take the cake...not Trinidad....still One Love to all mih Trini and Caribbean people.


hardest tell me dis many times, we have players in de indian areas also, but plenty in morvant, laventille, east dry river, shanty town (beetham estates), belmont, john john, dis is a good ting 2 hear, regardless of whether dey was doing it, it wasnt workin, i have real mantuh scout thru hardest for de team and for de future, more updates coming, glad tuh hear dis truetrini, hopefully it comes 2 light

vibes it up

Ah so glad tuh hear dat dey doing someting fer John John and the rest ah the depressed areas in Trinidad...so much talent up dey...if the government gih mih ah wuk tuh go dey and help the yutes I eh go refuse...we have tuh find ah solution tuh alleviate the crime situation in the area.

Football / Re: Football and opportunities for rural Trinis
« on: February 16, 2006, 01:05:19 PM »
Behbehman point taken,de youths and dem playing but if they're expose enough  is another ting.Lincoln and dem now have programs to look at these players just like what track and field started a couple of years ago with great success.But I have a question for you.......if you're a trini,how de hell you end up in Minot  ND,considered de coldest part of America ?

Is a long story breds...10 years ago ah start studying in the US...finish two masters and ah Ph.D and then ah look for wuk...well is here ah end up.  It eh so bad as yuh tink...quiet lil town, nice university, nice compact office, great apartment...everything iere...buh ah is rel Trini tuh mih heart.  Dis school even have some steelpan in dey music department. ;)

General Discussion / Re: International thinking at its best
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:28:00 PM »
Dat rell good breds...doh bother bout dotish people who eh understand the term and the whole bit about the geography of economic behavior...I does teach dem kinda ting up here in the US...keep up the good work...some trini people does settle for wuh the government gih dem..ah ten days...enough money tuh buy two doubles, ah pepsi, ah bottle ah rum and ah quart ah hops bread.

A member of the police executive has refused to resign, despite evidence unearthed by the Special Anti-Crime Unit linking him to several kidnappings/extortions, sources said yesterday.

The top policeman went on leave shortly after he was approached by member of the unit, the sources said.

Material evidence linking him to the extortion racket was discovered during searches conducted at his home and office at the police administration building, the sources said.

A source said $300,000, which was part of a recent ransom payment in a kidnapping, was also found during the search.

A senior policeman who did not want to be identified yesterday said charges would more than likely be laid against the officer.

He said that a tribunal would be set up to investigate the allegations, at the end of which it would be decided what action to take.

The senior policeman said investigations had uncovered that the executive member was using the “infamous kidnap list which was found earlier this year by members of the AKS” to assist him in pinpointing targets.

The list had the names of several businessmen seen as good prospects for kidnap victims.

“Apparently, the executive member would call the intended victim on the list and demand money from them for police protection,” the source said.

The source said several businessmen agreed to lodge complaints, while others refused.

He said this was not the first time allegations of misconduct have been levelled against the officer.

The source said that about two months ago, it was also alleged that the officer received $10,000 in hush money not to expose a prostitution ring at a Central hotel.

Contacted yesterday, two businessmen who were on the so-called kidnap list, and who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the officer had contacted them and demanded money so they and their families would not be kidnapped.

One of them said if a tribunal was set up and the officer was charged, he would not testify, since he feared for the lives of himself and his family.

It was only earlier this week that president of the Police Social and Welfare Association, Cedric Neptune, called for the disbanding of SAUTT.

Neptune told reporters SAUTT was being given money while police stations and several units within the Police Service remained dilapidated and lacked resources.

He also cited the one major breakthrough SAUTT made, which was the rescue of the kidnapped Nath brothers in June.

The brothers, Ronald and Richard, who were kidnapped on June 27, were rescued by SAUTT in Chaguanas after being held for a week.

SAUTT reports directly to National Security Minister Martin Joseph and is headed by Brigadier Peter Joseph.

Efforts to contact SAUTT’s investigative department by telephone proved futile yesterday, as only a voice mail came on. Joseph’s and Neptune’s cellphones were switched off. Paul was said to be in several meetings when the Guardian tried to reach him.

When contacted, vice-president of the Police Social and Welfare Association, Noel Chase, said, “The association has nothing concrete on this.

“So far, we are hearing rumours of it being criminal activities and the association has not been able to ascertain whether it is true or not.”

He said if there was any validity to the allegation, “it was a sad, sad day for the image of the Police Service, since the service is already going through a rough patch.”

“These allegations would further dampen the image and take away the public’s trust, but I cannot comment further on it until further

p.s. But dey want to hold me fuh my likkle joint, fire bun dem wicked Babylon!

Stalin say he want ah wuk wid St. Peter...tuh bun dem kinda people. >:(

General Discussion / Re: Mango is boss
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:21:18 PM »

Red, ripe strawberries, juice flowing from fingers down to lips. The berries, the ice cream, the whipped cream. Think of the passion, think of the sensuality -- think of the calories. The good news is you can skip the whipped cream and still reap many sensual benefits of fruit while getting your heart rate pumping in fun and sexy ways. If you normally associate fruit with salads, cocktails, cleansing masks or even shampoo, it's time to investigate some of its more invigorating qualities. Fruits have long been regarded as nature's aphrodisiacs but do they really have sexual powers?

Yes, says Josey Vogels, a Canadian authority on sexual behaviour and habits. "Juicy, gushing, fleshy, ripe...you can't help but think about sex when you think about cherries or strawberries in a romantic setting," Vogels says. Indulging in fruits with aphrodisiac reputations can act as powerful foreplay, as well as provide natural sexual aids during intercourse.

Lush, fleshy, juicy tropical fruit carries perhaps the strongest links to sexual activity. No matter how you slice it, all work together to inspire deliciously messy abandon.
Cherries and berries and mangoes, oh my!
Cherries: Red, ripe cherries are pleasurable eaten freshly washed or plucked out of a bowl of its own juices. This sensuous liquid can also be used to moisten lips, nipples and other body parts for licking clean. Cherries are thought to be a strong aphrodisiac for women in particular. You don't have to prepare anything fancy in the kitchen: just have a cherry rubbed up and down your body, fed to you slowly or dipped in dark chocolate for a taste revelation.

Strawberries: Strawberries have long been associated with romance, chocolate, and sensuality, and beg to be fed to another. For fruit therapy eat them freshly washed or cover them in either white or dark chocolate. The ripe, red fruit offers natural juice to be spread on lips, waiting to be licked off.

Mangoes: The mango is known in some circles as "The Love Fruit." In India, the mango tree is thought to be able to grant wishes. Make your wishes comes true after a feast on this highly touted "natural Viagra" fruit. The Kamasutra even recommends drinking mango juice before engaging in sexual play. Loaded with zinc, sugar, and other nutrients, this fruit is reputed to increase stamina.

Ah like the vibes breds...allyuh know dat if yuh try hard enough dat yuh could go strawberries in T&T?

General Discussion / Re: Who is Wendy Fitzwilliam's baby daddy?
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:19:38 PM »
Former Senator is The Father of Wendy Fitzwilliam's Baby.

Well, it turns out that long before most Trinis had any idea that our former Miss Universe was in the family way, the Jamaica Observer newspaper in its All Woman section on Monday, January 9th had already noted the situation and supplied the answer.

According to the Jamaica Observer, the baby's daddy is Dr. David Panton, a former Opposition Senator (Jamaica Labour Party).

He was married to former Miss Jamaica/ Miss World 1993 Lisa Hanna and they have a four-year-old son.

Hanna and Panton have been separated for the past two years.

Panton, an investment banker, is a former Rhodes Scholar and Oxford graduate.

He retired from the Jamaican Senate in 2004 and now lives in Atlanta, where he is vice president at the Atlanta offices of Mellon Ventures.

Meanwhile a Trinidad source who reportedly knows Panton described him as "scholarly, good looking and real bright, bright."

Buh why allyuh so farse?  Wuh allyuh have wid Wendy?  She have the right tuh gih she sassa tuh anybody she want. Leave the woman alone! I tink it have more important issues tuh discuss on dis forum than who is the father of Miss Fitzpatrick's baby...agian allyuh too farse and mauvais langue. :rotfl:

General Discussion / T&T No.1 in the world for murder?
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:16:28 PM »
I read somewhere dat T&T has taken the cake from Colombia as the number one country in the world for high crime and murder....dat eh sound too nice in my ears...dat is pressure for this tiny country.  Imagine more than 38 murders in January 2006...wuh happening tuh we?  Is there any way we could help solve this apparent plague that has hit us?   :( 

General Discussion / Re: Panday shows his true colours..a damn nasty man!
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:11:25 PM »
I doh have to say nutten more dan what ah already said!

Panday is ah damn nasty man and ah been saying so for ever.  He is ah power hungry bastard and a sore on the Republic of T&T!

Look at how de man desperate fuh power dat he eh even care he destroying de UNC!

I feel he and Manning form ah pact or something.  De man doing everything to make sure Manning and de PNM stay in power!

What a joke Panday is.

Is now allyuh realize dat Bas is ah damn nasty man?  Allyuh eh know dat Panday is Manning's "campaign manager?"  At one time ANR Robinson was the PNM campaign manager too...when he was strutting about and shootin off he mouth as the "OONI of IFE"  Manning is dey boss...he does jus sit back and play ded tuh ketch corbeaux alive...Manning is ah smartman...setup man. :rotfl:

Ah hope he get some serious jail fuh tiefing money and hiding it in London!

General Discussion / Re: Dem Argentinians giving blacks pressure
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:07:45 PM »
is long time I tgelling man here dat same ting.Yet dem does want to back argentina in football
dem go be de las team in de world to have ah b;lack ball player on dem team .

steups dey too nasty and is ah bunch ah german nazis who flee dey after de 2nd. world war

Is ah long piece ah history behind all dis tata dat teking place in Argentina...is about haciendas, estancias, latifundias, hidalgos and caballeros breds.  Doh bother bout Argentina...dey cyah live with dey ownself far more with blackman...the KKK living dong dey too...German Nazis and wannabe Skinheads >:(

General Discussion / Re: $2.50 for a doubles!!!!!!!!
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:04:02 PM »
sauce ia ah overrated doubles.de best for me is george by de brooklyn bar in pos and the shortman by the airport.back in the days in tunapuna boys rc had ah old lady use to sell doubles dat was de frikkin best.ah use to give 25 cents for some channa and all hell break loose.yuh know ah forget de lady name.

Nah Breds...yuh eh eat the doubles from "Dost" up in Sangre grande yet...dat is rel chulha (fireside) cook doubles...Sauce and dem fellas have tuh lun how tuh mek rel doubles...jes follow the Market road south in grande and yuh go find the place. All the "dreads" from Grande does eat rite dey!!! :-*

General Discussion / Re: message to the hole world (very important)
« on: February 15, 2006, 02:47:49 PM »
i just hope this doesn't get out of hand and increase tensions between Muslims and the western world  :peace:
nice essay by the way  :)

me 2..

 they should understand that in islam it is unexeptable to attack our massenger mohammed pease be upon him..

thanks brother  :) :) :)

O Assalam O Alaikum...if you love the prophet...then spell his name with an upper case "M" and the word is PEACE not "pease."  One Love

Football / Re: Nakhid political ambition
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:52:52 PM »
Good Morning Gentlemen,  The issue is Nakid in Politics. I believe he will make a good politician. His no nonsense attitude will only help Trinibago. Both party are extremely corrupt and we need fresh blood. PNM had people running away with 100 millions in the last 70s and UNC airport deal in 2k1. I am glad ATo and Nakid have the country's future at heart. Let take football politics out of this. Back to fifa ticket site

Not only in the 70s breds...even right now...Wuh Frankie Khan and Eric Williams doing right now?  All ah dem fellas corrupt...Trinidad have more bobol than FIFA. :rotfl:

Football / Re: Nakhid political ambition
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:47:56 PM »
Our Under 20 What????

Nakhid was wrong. The man not worthy of a place in trinidad and tobago football.

We go forgive Nakhid buh he have tuh take some good pessee in WoodFord Square as a welcome gesture.  Leh dem lil chirren an dem pass an drop some bullpistle in he pueffn before he could make it back into the society...we go forgive him buh he have tuh beg fus. :rotfl:

Football / Re: Nakhid political ambition
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:44:14 PM »
HE COULD HAVE BEEN OUR UNDER 20  coach now what a waste

Is money breds...selloutee >:(

Football / Re: Queens Soccer Star Elected Trinidad Senator
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:35:50 PM »
Queens Soccer Star Elected Trinidad Senator


Feb 15, 2006 11:00 am US/Eastern
(1010 WINS) (PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad) Four-time Olympic medalist Ato Boldon, who played soccer in New York, was sworn in Tuesday as a senator for Trinidad's main opposition party.

He first represented Trinidad and Tobago at the 1992 Summer Olympics, then won one silver and three bronze medals at the 1996 and 2000 Games in the 100 and 200 meters.

Boldon, born Dec. 30, 1973, left Trinidad and Tobago as a teenager and was recruited to track while playing high school soccer in the New York borough of Queens, his personal Web site says.

His Senate appointment came four days after Basdeo Panday, leader of the main opposition party, the United National Congress, fired another senator accused of having unauthorized conversations with the press about internal party politics.

Trinidad and Tobago's 31-member Senate is appointed by the ruling party, president and main opposition party. The 36 members of the House of Representatives are elected by popular vote.

Thanks for the info breds... I never knew that Ato was a footballer...thanks. Yuh know ah like Ato...he have good intentions...ah wish him well.  Ah wonder what type of ball Panday and Jack playing now?  Patrick Manning eh have nutten, nutten tuh worry about...he will surely be the next Prime Minister because Bas is the "campaign manager for the PNM...allyuh could doubt dat if allyuh want...I know wuh I saying. ;)

anybody have links to the cheapest insurance that you could buy for a month or less that is valid in Germany( i norder to gethe german visa you have to have health insurance)

anybody have any idea which of the german airports is the cheapest to fly into from the US?

Make sure all who going tuh Germany have some sort of health insurance as well...especially people from T&T.  Hospital and "bad feeling" does cost plenty money.

2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Simpauls World Cup Package
« on: February 07, 2006, 04:34:43 PM »
If it was me alone going. I en care whey I sleep. But de wifey going too (Yes I have to spend that money by 2), so I have to ensure I get a decent hotel.  She like sports more than me. No whey I could leave she home. De only thing Ah cyar get she to understand is LBW and offside. And just when Ah had she with offside dey change de damn rule :rotfl:.
And just when Ah thought ah had she understanding LBW, she come and see them Lara thief-out :rotfl:
So Ah back to suare one

Nah breds, dat is not "square one," yuh shoulda say "square leg" instead :rotfl:

bring back st. claire.

Wuh wrong wid you breds?  St. Clair is not "clear" at all.  Ah like St. Clair...buh not at dis level breds...leh we leave he alone fuh now.

Football / Re: In defense of Jack Warner
« on: January 24, 2006, 04:46:11 PM »

You are so correct that Jack missed the boat. In Trini we does forget real quick so Jack was treated like a hero on th eteam victorious return from Bahrain. But in true JW style he showed his true villian colours and attempted to rob we BLIND.

Yeah pal, Trinis have ah nine-months mentality...Charch did tell mih so ah long time ago.  We jes like fowl...we tend tuh forget dat we eat and drink...Trinis have fowl brains dey say...ah wonder wuh kinda ah brains Jack Warner have inside he skull?
One love...Leh we leave Jack Warner alone wid all he money...Saint Paul tell mih dat we will all die like dogs anyway...so if Jack is a big dog yuh know how much excuse dat he have tuh make for Saint Peter...Stalin say bun dem!!!! :-[

Football / FIFA & Football Ethics
« on: December 28, 2005, 01:06:41 PM »
It seems that there is some media hype regarding Jack Warner and ticket sales for the WC 2006.

Please take a few moments to submit your answer to the statement.

Football / Football and opportunities for rural Trinis
« on: December 28, 2005, 12:59:25 PM »
Behbehman wants tuh know if the government of T&T puttin dey money wey dey mouth is. How many youths playing football in Toco, Matelot, Lopinot, Cumana, Mayaro, Rio Claro, Erin. Cedros...etc?

Tell mih...we looking for goalies buh who training the youths? Do the students who geh ah chance tuh play in Intercol geh ah foot in the door for the national squads?

Ah doh know buh ah gettin the feeling dat enough is not being done to enhance our positiion with respect tuh football.

Gih mih some good news.

Football / Re: A,B,C........... trini football dictionary
« on: December 13, 2005, 11:57:53 AM »
C...is for CYAH, meaning CAN'T...as in ah cyah believe dah ref didn't call a foul on dat man who mashup me mum foot.

C...is for CHUPID, meaning Stupid...as in that landon boy real chupid, also can be substituted for Dotish. Sometimes it can be used in place of weak...as in that Bahrain team is ah real Chupid side.

C is also for CHOOK ...like "I man wuh yuh chooking mih for?"  Yuh want ah busseye or what?

C is also for CHUNCE...a kinda ah nice gyul dat does come out tuh watch she favorite footballer.

C is also for CHINCE...like he only Chincing the ball...playing short pass or small touch.

Football / Re: A,B,C........... trini football dictionary
« on: December 13, 2005, 11:51:12 AM »
D Dougla.....Mixture of East Indian and African parentage.  ;D  and for Dwarika.

...and Doh...meaning "D'ont"

Football / Re: Football Racism in Italy
« on: December 13, 2005, 11:49:59 AM »
but FIFA and UEFA does encourage the shit

After that incident with Real Madrid and with the spanish national coach they should ah clamp down hardcore on that

football is marketed as the beautifull game yet the ugliest thing is racism

what even worse if you call the top 10 footballers in the world the majority will be black or some other race

Yuh know ah rel vex! Allyuh songing as doh allyuh eh know dis racist ting in football occurring all the time. Allyuh know why? Is Pele dey hate because he is ah black man what dey refer to as zambos (Black Sambo)....and allyuh know dat Pele doh make joke.  Is black people time tuh rule the ball and dey fraid...because black and mixtures of blackness (hybrid vigour) taking the podium in almost every sport...I rel embarassed fuh white people well, except we own boy ME MUM :-[

Football / Anybody hear anything about Nakhid?
« on: December 12, 2005, 06:29:52 PM »
So wuh happen tuh David Nakhid?  Is he "hidden" somewhere?

Football / Re: Man-marking Latapy
« on: December 12, 2005, 06:28:17 PM »
If england expect we to just come Germany and just lyedown de damn lie. boy, it go be sweet fuh we to cut England arss... ;D if dis game go past 20 minns without ah goal, is trouble when De Warriors geh confidence and smell blood......bring on de ole talk breadas

So who stopping the WARRIORS from putting dong some good wuk on dem Brits and dem?  Ah wonder if the Brits and dem know about blue food, mafubeh and pong plantain? Dat chef dat dey hire fuh the team better tote some good Biche dasheen and Toco plantain for dem boys and dem...we need the eneeeeergy!

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