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Messages - Observer

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« on: March 18, 2005, 08:36:53 AM »
Rocwell I do not understand what you are saying about the TTFF running leagues.
To my knowledge the Federation of no country runs their league.
The Bundesliga is not run by the German Federation nor is the Premier run by the English FA.
As a matter of fact correct me if I am wrong but the Pro League in Trinidad is not run by the TTFF.
Was it not W Connection who did not release players for National Team duty. Its just a matter off working out a proper schedule. The Federation may run the FA Cup as an example.

I agree on the administration part but the other aspects like properly trained coaches etc are a result of a proper run league with fans etc. After all properly educated coaches who act in a professional manner is a result of the environment. It is their livelyhood! Right now I do not know where the money is coming from to pay the so called pros in the League, because no one is watching the games.
Even college football is suffering from a lack of crowds. The pro league is how old now 5-6 years and I for one am always amused when they call it Professional. It is only professional because a couple of players are being paid. Now mind you some clubs are dam well run and I will call that a professional outfit, but to call the league is professional league is misguiding.
Back in 2003 I went to a couple of games one was an FA cup and it did not have 300 people. The other was a type of North vs South (Pro league) game that too did not have 300 people.

Football in T&T must find a way to bring people back to the game, consider this in the old days man could not stay at home and watch the best in the business every night, so the competition for the entertainment $$ real high.

Lets look for ways how we can achieve an objective, not place the stumbling blocks in our path before we even get started.

You say the business sector will only spend money if there is a return. Correct. In other countries $$$ spent in sport are tax deductable and falls under advertising. This could be the Governments contribution. This is just one example.

Still yuh right the Mexican Federation is right plus they dealing with Mexican teams.

Barcelona is a Mexican team???

While you always seem to wish to argue with me, you should read the article first.

MEXICO CITY, March 16 (Reuters) - Mexico say they will not release any players for club commitments in the week before this month's World Cup qualifier at home to the United States and have already turned down a request from Guadalajara.

Guadalajara, who field only Mexican players, are almost certain to have several players in the squad announced on Thursday and have already asked for them to be released to face Argentina's San Lorenzo in a Libertadores Cup tie on March 23.
However, the Mexican Football Federation's (FMF) national team director Guillermo Cantu has said training for the U.S. fixture starts next Monday and that nobody will be excused.

Football / Re: Do we have a Football culture
« on: March 17, 2005, 01:30:13 PM »
Yes I would agree with you. I grew up in the era when North South matches rocked the interest of the entire nation. Long before East and west were involved. The rivalry was so intense that if yuh from south you wanted to put it to the north .

Teams like Defense Force; Police, Malvern. Maple Serachers Juniors Lantern Giants Wonderers.

I mean football was way of life  a dream for youth man to one day represent his country. Intercol was an event.

There was a happening a buzzz when football season started. What happened to the glory days?
What happened to the passion the soul the rivalry? Have we diluted our game in the name of expansion? Have we moved ahaed without insight to planning?

How do we instill this passion among our youths for the game? I remember  not sleepping as I prepared to face St. Mary's from town. back them they had an opportunitstic player called Woodly; a flash in the pan for one season.

Man how can we revive soccer in the land?

All that was killed when they changed the structure of the local football to a National structure. They made the NFL and got rid of POSFL<SFL<SFA etc.

Football / Re: oops corrections
« on: March 17, 2005, 01:28:13 PM »
As Caribbean nations we need to develop a sense of passion, pride, and self esteem about our perchance for football. We have the talent, we have the facilities and we have the knowledge. So why do we always have to rely on foreign coaches, and techniques to elevate our level and to bring a sense of salvation to our game?

I say we spend more time elevating the status, training and the economics for our players. We should look at forming a Caribbean Professional Football League (C.P.F.L.) Let's develop some regional rivalry and expand the skill base in our respective nations within the region.

I am convinced Trinidad & Tobago can have its own League. Historically, you would remember football at club level and Zonal level use to sell out the Parks. Valients vs Hurricanes sold out Skinner Park. SFA vs SFL sold out Mahica in Point, I even remember Village Olympics football fulling up the Park.
Football needs an identity, football clubs need an identity, with identity come a following. There is no football without FANS. Fans are responsible for demanding the standard, they create the athmosphere, they draw more fans etc etc. Lets be honest who is Joe Public? Having San Juan Jabloteh is good but they do not train and play in San juan.
T&T is much too small to have all these leagues, create a league that forces the best players to play against each other every Saturday or Sunday & Wednesday night FULL STOP. this league is run by a seperate governing body from TTFF (Important). Off the top of my head,  make the football County driven, this will  create an identity, the league should be no larger than 8-10 teams (premier) with a second division below that (promotion relegation). It may also be of interest for local small businesses men of the county to invest (much like the Premier did back in the early 80's). Clubs could also make $$$ from plays sold, traded, season tickets etc. Once the league is over have a well marketed Zonal competition for $$$ North, South, East ,West, Tobago. Put it on TV. From this group one can begin selecting and developing local squads (National teams). Now I know I gone into something else, but something must be done to bring people back to local football and Alberta Trini is right it has to start at home.

Its all about poor planning and organization. these dates should have been set in advance. You ever here a Chamions League game set at the same time as an International quaification in Europe. CONCACAF have to get there act together, its not a dificult thing to do. Still yuh right the Mexican Federation is right plus they dealing with Mexican teams.

Football / Re: Yorke set for Dubai move
« on: March 16, 2005, 10:41:13 AM »
well dat is the end of dwight's england career.sad as i thought if he had gotten a bit more of a chance that he couldve done more...hopefully he can now seriously turn his full attention to the natl team.

How much chances does a man need?

Football / Re: Was it Palos?
« on: March 16, 2005, 09:59:28 AM »
I know he was on the bench and I admire the young player. He of all three has the best bet because he is a defensive midfielder. I just can't see him getting into the squad (I am sure I could be wrong). My guess was that he was included mainly because of availability, he plays for CSk Moscow and they are on Winter break.

Football / Re: youth football
« on: March 16, 2005, 08:00:25 AM »
The youth i T&T needs to be more developed u _17 footballers in england and spain and all over the world are already linked with professional clubs,while our boys play with schools for a third of the year

Very good point!!! Both Gally and DeLeon mentioned this in the past. Plus not many of them are given a chance to cut their teeth with the National Team. Gally, Archibal, DeLeon, Latas, Yorke all were introduced at a young age.

Football / Re: Was it Palos?
« on: March 16, 2005, 07:57:48 AM »
DoDo, Alves and Daniel are all talented but I cannot see them getting into the squad. Adriano is a handful on the ground and in the air, when he improves his right foot he will be truly unstoppable. I say this because I have seen many times he gets into good scoring positions but hesitates because the ball on his right foot.

Just a note for those who saw the game. Boring or what???? Lard! I eh see so much long ball since England in the late 70's

Football / Re: Gunmen kidnap mother of Brazil striker Luis Fabiano
« on: March 14, 2005, 04:01:24 PM »
Brazil clocking in the hundreds in  murders a month. That place eh easy.
If yuh dey walk wid a short pants wid no pockets, ah sleeveless and rubber slippers we. No bling what so ever. If yuh have gold teeth doh even smile.

Football / Re: Top T&T Strikers
« on: March 14, 2005, 01:59:44 PM »
Glenn reminds me of Steve David in his early years with Police. He has real potential to be a top class striker. Speed, willing to take on defenders, willing to run behind opponents in gereral very direct.
Needs to work on his finishing composure with both feet & head

Football / Re: Unstoppable Jabloteh eyes repeat in 2005
« on: March 14, 2005, 08:35:36 AM »

Coach Cust quote “Not only will we be looking to win every game but we will be focusing on the social development of the young players, developing their mental toughness, preparing them to fit into society, helping them communicate properly and ensuring they have a positive attitude and outlook on life."

This for me is the most important aspect of youth development. It is not only about football


Football / Re: Football: Germany or bust
« on: March 11, 2005, 01:17:09 PM »
Pele captain Brazil at every age level?

I cannot ever remember Pele being captain. 58;62;66;70 But he was the undisputed General  ;D

Football / Re: Football: Germany or bust
« on: March 11, 2005, 01:15:43 PM »
Pele captain Brazil at every age level?

Football / Re: It is a myth that we do not have talented players
« on: March 11, 2005, 11:52:17 AM »
Coaching is a bigger deficiency than player talent.

We just don't have the systems in place to make the coaches we need to develop better players. It is sad because you can develop coaches through competition but the general level is just not high so there is nothing forcing us to develop better local coaches. Hopefully this will change with the PFL but I am not sure. You look at Jabloteh and Connection and their successful coaches were Stuart-Charles and Hill. Hopefully more locals will get a chance or prove that they are worthy of a chance.

Passing and running are the hallmarks of effective football and these are two things that we are woeful at. It is not natural for players to understand that when you make a run you don't have to receive a pass for it to be a successful run. The run creates space for the player with the ball and gives him options. Understanding teamwork is very key and the psychological part of coaching is necessary for this and I just feel that plenty of our coaches don’t get the opportunity to learn this.

This is something that has to be drilled into most players. It is not just us though. I play with some Africans and for nothing could you convince them men to run full out without the ball. They only waiting to see where the ball going and is real hand on waist, complaining business. South Americans I have met have a better appreciation of running off the ball.

very true. But really its something that must be developed through the youth ranks. The Brazilians have a saying with their children. "the player that passes the ball and moves forward should have the first option to get it back" Good solid advice and one that tells young players give it move and look for it again.

Football / Re: 2 days -2 GREAT CL games...
« on: March 11, 2005, 11:49:14 AM »
For my money Barca should only blame themselves.

I agree totally. The first time I watched the game I came away feeling that Chelsea was lucky. It looked like carvalho did foul th ekeeper on terry's goal. After watching it again I admit Chelsea deserved their win only because Barca was very poor at the back and Cech was excellent.

Even so Eto'o had enough chances to put Chelsea out. I admire Barca going for it even when they were leading on away goals but their defending just wasn't up to it and I couldn't understand why they were defending so high up the pitch.

To be honest that is how they always play. It is one reason why they attack so much, shorter distance to goal once they win the ball. Its the Dutch way, very very very risky. Always nice to watch but speedy technical opposition will kill you.

Jokes / Re: Big Boy
« on: March 11, 2005, 09:34:37 AM »
kyak kyak kyakhahahhhahahahaha ;D

Football / Re: Should Bertille St. Clair be replaced as head coach?
« on: March 10, 2005, 09:42:40 AM »
I can call any name and say replace Betille with them but that will not change the fact that we need to make a proper assessment of all the coaches within the Caribbean, not just their record but tactics and measure that against what we need to achieve. The fact is I would go for a young coach maybe early to mid 40's who has coached for about two to five years and has been an assistant for five to ten. Old enough to be experienced in coaching but young enough to still be learning. The most important factor is the age allows for the person to potentially be our coach for five to ten years.

I fail to see what age has to do with coaching Otto Rehhagel in 67 (Greece) & Karel Brückner (Chec Rep) is 67. It should simply be the best coach to do the job. Anyone hired to do a job should be trusted with the responsibility (a free hand), while the administrations job is to cater to his needs. If he needs International games then find a way to get them, if its $$$ for preparation then find the money. etc etc. What I do agree on is it should be long term and it should be complemented by some type of youth poilicy.

Football / Re: 2 days -2 GREAT CL games...
« on: March 10, 2005, 09:22:07 AM »
Jumbie papa i really enjoyed the games but not the results. For my money Barca should only blame themselves. Two give aways in crucial areas of the field and then Eto's miss. I also felt Ronaldinho should have done better with the header he was unchallenged. All said great game

Football / Champions League
« on: March 10, 2005, 07:37:53 AM »
Barca are a very beautiful footballing side, but they are out due to a lack of discipline defensively early in the game. Too bad! I hate to see them go but this has been their history with the exception of 89 (I believe).

Real played a tight game but I believe Zidane should have been left in the game, he was play very well and defeinding. Soory I am no fan of Figo and once again he was poor. Giving away the ball and falling down once he is simply touched. Roberto Carlos had an off day and that is never good for Real. Raul is untouchable and consequently Real payed the price once again, I can never understand this because being dropped could be the best medicine for him.  >:(

A while back I said Lyon are one of the teams I have enjoyed watching for over 4 years now and against VB they were unstoppable. Not sure they have enough quality to go all the way. But having sold so many players last year its amazing how well they have regrouped.

Chelski seem to be simply hard to beat. I won't say much because I have already said I do not like watching them play. Possibly the team to beat though.

Milan looks the most balanced team in the competition, They can play with style yet defend solidly. Very dependent on Schevchenko's goals but Inzagi is on his way back and Crespo in some form. Favorites at this point.

Juventus are typical Capello team, hard working unit, very organized and hard to beat. A complete squad that depends on the team playing well as a unit rather than any special individual. Can't say I like watching them

Liverpool so far the surprise team for me but not sure they have enough quality. On the day though they can surprise.  :o

PSV I have not seen enough last time I saw them they put me to sleep

Football / Nigeria take action
« on: March 08, 2005, 07:20:07 AM »
Nigerian FA sacks five top officials
LAGOS, March 7 (Reuters) - The Nigerian Football Association has sacked five key officials and accepted the resignation of its secretary general following a probe into corruption, NFA chairman Ibrahim Galadima said on Monday.
The changes at the top of the footballing body will be seen as a victory for the government, which had been threatened with an international ban by the world's ruling body FIFA when it tried to sack the same officials last year.

Taiwo Ogunjobi's resignation and the sackings were endorsed last week by the NFA board at a meeting which reviewed the report of a panel that looked into alleged misappropriation of funds by the top officials, Galadima said.

'The board accepted the resignation of Ogunjobi ... and the sacking of five of the NFA's six heads of department because their appointments were irregular,' Galadima said by phone from the Nigerian capital Abuja.

The three-man panel established that the association's funds were mismanaged, but stopped short of indicting any of the six officials, Galadima said.

Sports minister Musa Mohammed had fired Ogunjobi and the association's six managers in December, but reinstated them in January after soccer's world ruling body FIFA threatened to slam an international ban on the former African soccer champions.

FIFA statutes prohibit governmental interference in national associations.

The officials were suspended shortly after their recall and a panel set up to probe allegations of financial mismanagement against them.

'This time the sackings have been done by the board which hired them, so I don't anticipate any objections from FIFA,' Galadima said.

The NFA, which has trimmed its workforce to around 50 from 125, would be run by an interim team until replacements for the six officials are found, Galadima said.

Football / Re: T&T Will Qualify! Here me out
« on: March 07, 2005, 01:49:28 PM »
Optimistic observer, but nothing that you have said there tells me why we WILL qualify. I am sure that Panama, Guatemala and Cr sitting down and making similar calculations based on our patchy form to date.

Yuh eh lie but nothing any of us say actually relates to the squad and its development. What I was trying to get across is that CR, Panama or Guatemala eh exactly lighting up the stage with their play. If you remember last lap CR was red hot and playing some deadly football, so where Honduras. It all went sour for Honduras but going into those games we knew they were at the top of their game. Right now I cannot say the same, so even though T&T not playing well,  the other teams struggling also. This qualification looking less clear cut than the last. Now if yuh want me to fix T&T and get the squad organized drop sme $$$ on the table and I will oblige  ;D

Football / Re: Ode to Latas
« on: March 07, 2005, 08:28:00 AM »
Latapy is T&T greates player of his generation and admired by many footballers & fans around the world. Ok he may have made mistakes but who are we to judge. One never know what was joining on his life around that time period, we tend to forget that even footballers have day to day trials and life problems. After all he is human!  Latapy has been loyal to T&T and always did his best in the shirt. Lets just wish him well and hopefully one day he may bring his experience once again to aid the country.

Football / Re: Should Bertille St. Clair be replaced as head coach?
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:29:01 AM »
I think Gally Cummings or Nakhid would be valid options.


What makes you think Nakid will do well as head coach. He is the assistant presently and the squad still is not playing well and  shows disorganization. After all many people hailed Nakids involvement stateing clearly that if the squad achieved anything it was because of Nakid.

Football / T&T Will Qualify! Here me out
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:24:54 AM »
I believe T&T will qualify for the WC. Here me out on this one.

USA & Mexico will qualify that is almost certain hopefully Mexico qualify early and begin to experiment by the time they have to play T&T (Points possible). But i believe Guatemala have peaked too early and will not be the force they were in the first rounds 6 points very possible. Costa Rica are seriously in trouble through injury, this was an ageing squad with youth who lack experience in the mix . Now with all the injuries they will struggle in the earlies, good time to play them 4 points very possible . Panama are an unknown but dam hard to beat in Panama, if concentration is good and T&T play them the right way 6 points is possible from these game.

Now T&t may not be playing wel,l but since when has that been necessary. Last campaign the squad peaked early after playing well and we all know what happened. Teams that stumble along always seem to pull through mainly because the opposition do not know how to approach them. T&T has the potential to put together very good games and it may just come at the right time. MARK THESE WORDS

Football / Re: It is a myth that we do not have talented players
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:11:53 AM »
T&T always has talent. The problem is keeping that talent available for the country and building upon the talent taht exist. Talent itself is not the "be all and end all" it is simply a foundation to build upon. Remember many talented players do not make it in this game, simply because they lack the mental strength (as an example) or they lack the capacity in other aspects of the game.

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