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Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest!
« Reply #570 on: July 23, 2013, 04:10:42 PM »
that a white man killing a black man is intolerable but a black man killing a black man eh no thing.

That is not true. The NAACP, Urban league, Black churches chides the wanton shooting and drug use in the Black communities. The uneven amount of liquor stores within the Black communities. For everyone one grocery selling fresh vegetables, etc, you would 3 liquor shops. They talk about the breakdown in the black family. They chide men who don't support their children. They talk about sex education to prevent the cycle of early pregnancies and sexual deseases. They talk about struggle black men have in staying in college. They talk about early childood education. I have heard and read many reports of the NAACP, Urban league, etc chiding the black community for their responsibilty is averting the downward spiral of the black male in the community. And they have  put the onus on BLACK IRRESPOSIBILITY.

What I can blame the NAACP is not focusing on Black business creation within the black community. They always behind some big name store or project to create employment. They appear to fail see the importance of the small(mom and pop) businesses where Blacks  can employ people from the neighbourhood to work. That is what is lacking in the black community. Genuine grassroot business development. I think they behind the curve in that respect.

I remember Aetna and NAACP had a conference in Howard. Athur Ashe was the speaker. He asked the question to the audience. he said, some time in the future when things even out, are you all going to be ready for the end of affirnative action? Everyone was in quandry. He told the audience the Black community must bhe ready for the end of affirmative. Black men must do this, must do that, must do  the other. take care of their children. He asked why are black in prison for marijuana and dope when they don't bring it into the country. They don't launder the money. They are just the end of the distribution chain and end up in jail.  They MUST work twice as hard to get the benefit of doubt. The NAACP can't be everything for the Black man. And they ain't. The Black man have to look at himself in the mirror and say is time to stop f**kING around. Plain and simple.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 04:17:25 PM by Deeks »

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Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest!
« Reply #571 on: July 26, 2013, 01:14:32 PM »
that a white man killing a black man is intolerable but a black man killing a black man eh no thing.

That is not true. The NAACP, Urban league, Black churches chides the wanton shooting and drug use in the Black communities. The uneven amount of liquor stores within the Black communities. For everyone one grocery selling fresh vegetables, etc, you would 3 liquor shops. They talk about the breakdown in the black family. They chide men who don't support their children. They talk about sex education to prevent the cycle of early pregnancies and sexual deseases. They talk about struggle black men have in staying in college. They talk about early childood education. I have heard and read many reports of the NAACP, Urban league, etc chiding the black community for their responsibilty is averting the downward spiral of the black male in the community. And they have  put the onus on BLACK IRRESPOSIBILITY.

What I can blame the NAACP is not focusing on Black business creation within the black community. They always behind some big name store or project to create employment. They appear to fail see the importance of the small(mom and pop) businesses where Blacks  can employ people from the neighbourhood to work. That is what is lacking in the black community. Genuine grassroot business development. I think they behind the curve in that respect.

I remember Aetna and NAACP had a conference in Howard. Athur Ashe was the speaker. He asked the question to the audience. he said, some time in the future when things even out, are you all going to be ready for the end of affirnative action? Everyone was in quandry. He told the audience the Black community must bhe ready for the end of affirmative. Black men must do this, must do that, must do  the other. take care of their children. He asked why are black in prison for marijuana and dope when they don't bring it into the country. They don't launder the money. They are just the end of the distribution chain and end up in jail.  They MUST work twice as hard to get the benefit of doubt. The NAACP can't be everything for the Black man. And they ain't. The Black man have to look at himself in the mirror and say is time to stop f**kING around. Plain and simple.

ashe know a thing or two. i hear you on Responsibility.

deeks, regarding the point about the approach NAACP takes toward black businesses - isn't that stemming from their politics? tell me who working for the NAACP - mostly lawyers or businesspeople? i doh think they believe in small business or financial independence for that matter. they completely wedded to the democrat party and their view of things.


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Dear George Zimmermann
« Reply #572 on: July 31, 2013, 05:48:41 PM »
Alex Fraser · 6,608 followers


July 13 at 10:57pm ·
Dear George Zimmerman,

For the rest of your life you are now going to feel what its like to be a black man in America.

You will feel people stare at you. Judging you for what you think are unfair reasons. You will lose out on getting jobs for something you feel is outside of your control. You will believe yourself to be an upstanding citizen and wonder why people choose to not see that.

People will cross the street when they see you coming. They will call you hurtful names. It will drive you so insane some days that you'll want to scream at the top of your lungs. But you will have to wake up the next day, put on firm look and push through life.

I bet you never thought that by shooting a black male you'd end up inheriting all of his struggles.

Enjoy your "freedom."


A black male who could've been Trayvon Martin

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« Reply #573 on: August 11, 2013, 08:56:53 PM »
Baby girls home after hospital mix-up
By By Anna Ramdass anna.ramdass@trinidadexpress.com

Babies being switched at birth in a hospital is a scenario parents would expect only in a movie.
Five months ago it happened to two local couples at the Mt Hope Women’s Hospital.
The babies went home with the wrong parents and it was only yesterday the babies were finally returned to their biological mothers after the Ministry of Health intervened two weeks ago.
The bizarre story unfolded months ago when a young expectant mother from Tobago was flown in by helicopter to have a Caesarean section at the Mt Hope Women’s Hospital.
On that same day, another young woman from central Trinidad also had a Caesarian section to deliver her newborn.

The Tobago mother and her husband are of Afro-Trinidadian ethnicity while the Central mother and her husband are of Indian ethnicity. Both mothers, after their surgeries, were placed on the same ward, in beds next to each other. They both had baby girls who were tagged and placed in cots next to the patients believed to be their biological mothers. The babies had been switched in error earlier by nurses and no one detected the mix-up.

The two mothers were discharged from the hospital, each taking home a stranger’s baby.
They would soon name, love and call their own these babies for the next five months with one family living in Tobago and the other in central Trinidad. As the baby girls grew, both sets of parents became increasingly confused that their babies did not look like them and seemed to not be of the same race.
The differences were initially shrugged off as the father of African ethnicity was said to have a great grandparent of Indian descent and the father of Indian ethnicity was said to have some African ancestry.
But concerns grew as the babies did.

The Central couple were advised by friends and relatives to get genetic testing done.
This showed they were not the biological parents of the baby girl. The Sunday Express understands that the couple went to the Health Ministry and met with Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan who immediately dealt with the situation. The minister instructed that checks be made on all babies who were born on that particular day.
Sources said the mix-up occurred because the Tobagonian mother underwent the Caesarian section first when she was originally supposed to have her surgery after the Central mother.
Contacted yesterday, Khan confirmed that the switch happened and that the ministry ensured that the  babies were now in the arms of their rightful parents.

Khan met with both couples and saw both babies. The Central couple flew to Tobago yesterday and the babies were exchanged in the afternoon. “The ministry sent a team across (yesterday) to work with the couple and place the babies in the hands of their true mothers,” said Khan. Khan said the ministry was serious about the matter and started an investigation into the process to determine how the problem occurred.

“I am extremely sorry for what happened, as Minister of Health I have to take the blame for anything that happens under my purview. My permanent secretary and staff at the Ministry worked extremely hard to solve this problem the minute we were alerted of it,” said Khan. He said it was fortunate that the ministry did not have to look beyond one couple to remedy the mix-up. Khan also extended thanks to Dr Nicole Ramlochan of the Genix laboratory who handled the genetic testing for the ministry in a confidential and professional manner.

“I am very happy we were able to sort this out before any major imprinting had occurred and the babies are now with their rightful families. In fact, the grandfather of the Trinidad couple has indicated that he wants the two girls to grow up as sisters,” said Khan. However, the Tobagonian grandparent of one of the babies is upset and believes that compensation is due. Speaking to the Sunday Express yesterday by phone, the grandmother (who did not want to be identified) said her son and daughter-in-law were not taking the situation well and the entire family was still shaken following the ordeal.

She said the family was speaking to a lawyer to explore legal options.“I am very depressed, in all my years of living I’ve never felt like this,” she said. “I cannot even catch myself, yes, we had an Indian baby with us but we have family that are Indian, my grandfather is Indian so we thought somewhere there was something in the bloodline,” she said. The woman said she was worried for her daughter-in-law who suffers with a heart condition.

“I don’t think I have ever heard about something like this in the history of the country. When they came and said we have the wrong baby, I did not know what to do. This is my first grandchild, that’s her first baby, at one point in time she thought she could not conceive so we were so excited,” she said. “(The baby) is so adorable, we have been looking after her and loving her as our own,” she added.

Both mothers, the Sunday Express was told, were breastfeeding the babies thought to be their own.
The grandmother said the Central couple came to Tobago and for the first time and both sets of parents saw their true babies. “They are a really nice family, nice people, the mother calls every day,” she said.
The grandmother said she and her family were very happy to have their biological baby returned to them but was upset that Mt Hope could make such a grave error.

She said the family members have been receiving counselling which was put in place by Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Secretary for Health Claudia Groom-Duke. Groom-Duke, speaking to the Sunday Express by phone said that nothing was being taken for granted and a clinical psychiatrist, paediatrician and the medical chief of staff were involved and supporting the baby and family.

She said the Health Ministry must be praised for its efforts and manner of handing the issue. “We all know it is a very emotional time for both families but I must commend the health system for the way the matter was addressed and the way in which they bought comfort to the lives of the families,” she said. Groom-Duke said she has been working in the health system for a long time as a medical social worker and this was her first experience like this.

“Yes, I have seen the babies and to be quite frank the way in which these two families co-operated, I think it is something the whole country can learn from this experience. The way these two families have pledged to continue caring for these two babies, I think it is fantastic and tells a story of this jewel of a rainbow country we live in and how our people are one,” she said.
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« Reply #574 on: August 12, 2013, 05:29:45 AM »
i get ketch by the title oui.

i say it was you now finding out that hazel and patos is your real parents.

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« Reply #575 on: August 12, 2013, 05:33:47 AM »
Baby girls home after hospital mix-up
By By Anna Ramdass anna.ramdass@trinidadexpress.com

. Groom-Duke said she has been working in the health system for a long time as a medical social worker and this was her first experience like this.

“Yes, I have seen the babies and to be quite frank the way in which these two families co-operated, I think it is something the whole country can learn from this experience. The way these two families have pledged to continue caring for these two babies, I think it is fantastic and tells a story of this jewel of a rainbow country we live in and how our people are one,” she said.

All dat fine and dandy now on to the lawsuit.
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Offline weary1969

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« Reply #576 on: August 12, 2013, 07:43:53 AM »
i get ketch by the title oui.

i say it was you now finding out that hazel and patos is your real parents.

Cute very cute
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« Reply #577 on: August 12, 2013, 04:40:03 PM »
i get ketch by the title oui.

i say it was you now finding out that hazel and patos is your real parents.

Cute very cute

Hahahaha haha
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Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest (George Zimmerman) !
« Reply #578 on: August 22, 2013, 08:49:19 PM »
definitely a case of profiling. these fellas lose their head like just cool:

Suspect in killing of Australian Chris Lane tweeted: 'time to start taken life's'

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Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest (George Zimmerman) !
« Reply #579 on: August 22, 2013, 09:34:44 PM »
definitely a case of profiling. these fellas lose their head like just cool:

Suspect in killing of Australian Chris Lane tweeted: 'time to start taken life's'

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/6tkZuLixZOk" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/6tkZuLixZOk</a>
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Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest (George Zimmerman) !
« Reply #580 on: August 23, 2013, 08:52:11 AM »
Fi fi fo figger...

WWII vet Delbert Belton, 88, beaten to death by teens in Spokane, Washington
By Ed Payne and Amanda Watts, CNN

August 23, 2013 -- Updated 1307 GMT (2107 HKT)

  • Delbert "Shorty" Belton was a World War II vet
  • He was shot in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa
  • Police are looking for two suspects
  • They are described as "two young African American males"

(CNN) -- An 88-year-old World War II veteran was brutally beaten and left for dead by two teens outside a lounge in Spokane, Washington, where he loved to go play pool.

The motive? Police don't have one. The teens appeared to have picked him at random, authorities say.
Delbert Belton, a retired aluminum company worker, served in the Pacific. There, friends say, he took a bullet in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa.

He survived that attack.

But Wednesday night, Belton -- affectionately called "Shorty" by friends for his height -- headed to the Eagles Lodge where he was a regular.

Police found him in the parking lot, with serious head injuries. He died Thursday.

"It does appear random," Spokane police Lt. Mark Griffiths told reporters. "It appears he was assaulted in the parking lot and there was no indication that he would have known these people prior to the assault."
It's the second time in a week that a seemingly random attack by teenagers has claimed a life.

On August 16, a 23-year-old Australian baseball player attending college in Oklahoma was gunned down in the town of Duncan.

One of three teens police arrested in that shooting said they carried it out because "we were bored and didn't have anything to do."

'All there is is bad news'

The randomness of the two attacks was not lost on Ted Denison, who's been friends with Belton for a long time.

"It's really depressing," Denison told CNN late Thursday night. "Seems that all there is is bad news."
The two men met more than 20 years ago and worked on cars together.

"We were mechanic buddies," the 42-year-old Denison said. "We just kind of kicked right along."
But the friends also hung out together outside the garage.

"We went dancing on Saturday nights," Denison said. "We went out to breakfast together."

Belton stopped by the Eagles Lodge two or three times a week. He played pool, but by his own admission, wasn't too good at it.

"He went up there and played pool, met with some of the guys he used to work with at Kaiser Aluminum," where he was employed more than 30 years, Denison said.

His wife died several years ago. The WW II vet is survived by a son, 65.

Waiting for a friend
Wednesday night, Denison was outside the lodge waiting for a friend because he didn't want her to walk home alone, Lillian Duncan told the Spokesman-Review newspaper.

"He was so awesome," Duncan told the paper. "Anybody that didn't get to know him missed out on a wonderful angel in their life."

Police are looking for two suspects. Witnesses described them as "young African American males of average build," according to a police statement.

Officers used K-9 search dogs to search for the suspects, swept for fingerprints on the chain link fence in the area where they were last seen headed, and scoured through surveillance tapes.

So far, the attackers haven't been found.

"We are actively looking for the suspects in this tragic incident and following up on tips and other leads in order to bring those responsible to justice," said police spokeswoman Monique Cotton.

Outside the lodge Thursday, friends and strangers alike left flowers, flags and messages for Belton.
Belton never had problems outside the lodge before -- no threats, no altercations, Denison said.
"If he had, I would have made sure I was there."
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Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest (George Zimmerman) !
« Reply #581 on: August 25, 2013, 04:06:12 PM »
@ribbit..what about the NRA failing to talk about white on white crimes, like mass shootings in schools, at movies, shopping malls etc?

another case is coming in September, i guess this is the cause of black and black crime and therefore black folks should keep quiet.


JK, the NRA doh claim to advocate for "white people". Jackson, et al. Call themselves "black leaders". I never hear Lapierre call himself a "white leader".

Here's the problem. Sharpton, Jackson, Jeolous are great at getting people riled up about white-on-black issues but they SUCK at black-on-black issues. They absolutely SUCK. They need to get out of that business altogether and stop pretending they doing anything but chasing after white people when they do something bad. The evidence is all around. What progress exactly did Obama create as a "community organizer" dealing with black-on-black issues? The hood he live in Chicago is a disgrace. He's a disgrace as an organizer. And to see these 4king shameless clowns come out de woodwork when a white man act up should tell us they only moonlighting as community organizers and black leaders. That's just their sideline until whitey show up. Black people need to wise up and stop cutting these a**holes so much slack and look elsewhere for solutions. Fact is the bigger issues are the black-on-black ones.

jackson, sharpton and the others have been following the same script for the last few generations - unite the black community by hating on whitey. that works great for the democrat party. as long as these "black leaders" can deliver the vote, democrats are happy. but this formula has FAILED for the black community. the last two generations are the evidence. time to abort these black leaders in general and this plan in particular and come up with some new ideas. hating on whitey has not resolved the bigger problems facing the black community.

ribbit --- It's great to see some people here have 'woken-up'. 

Well said!  :applause:
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Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest (George Zimmerman) !
« Reply #582 on: August 25, 2013, 04:09:02 PM »
^^^ This is exactly my point. One set of reactive idiots who want to march and riot because a white man killed a black teen. I find it distasteful and disrespectful to tell me that a white man killing a black man is more important than a black man killing a black man. The message is the white man is the bogeyman and we should keep looking over our shoulders for him. Black people commit the majority of crime with illegal firearms so the gun control discussion regarding this incident doesn't even make sense. The black community needs to stop being reactive and get out in front.

True talk, congo.

One thing that concerns me also, is the obvious media manipulation for ratings, and the fact that a lot of people were gullible enough to get riled up, not due to the crime per say or the verdict, but more-so because the media MANIPULATED them like puppets to get riled up. 

To me that was amusing to watch.   
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FDLE agents arrest Trinidad man for child pornography
« Reply #583 on: August 26, 2013, 05:27:18 PM »
Watch him good allyuh.  Scum.


Arrest concludes month-long investigation

Agents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement arrested Dafod Narinesingh, 39, of Trinidad, for 15 counts of promoting the sexual performance of a child and one count of soliciting a parent to engage in sexual activity with a child.

FDLE agents arrested Narinesingh at the Miami International Airport. The arrest concluded a month-long investigation that identified Narinesingh as a suspect who was using Internet chat rooms to seek out children in the United States for sexual activity.

Narinesingh was booked into the Miami-Dade County Jail under $117,500 bond.

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Re: FDLE agents arrest Trinidad man for child pornography
« Reply #584 on: August 27, 2013, 05:35:08 AM »
at least he lookin vex

Most of them sickos does have that stupid pedo-smile on dey face in mugshots
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: FDLE agents arrest Trinidad man for child pornography
« Reply #585 on: August 27, 2013, 02:33:35 PM »
at least he lookin vex

Most of them sickos does have that stupid pedo-smile on dey face in mugshots
He eh have the pedomustache either.

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« Reply #586 on: September 23, 2013, 08:36:20 AM »
Babies switched at birth at Mt Hope, Tobago parents claim $5m compensation
By by Anna Ramdass anna.ramdass@trinidadexpress.com

Great shame.
In a legal letter to Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan, requesting $5 million in compensation, attorney Ingrid Melville stated that her clients experienced emotional trauma and great shame when they took home a baby of Indian descent believed to be theirs.

On March 10, 2013, two women underwent Caesarean section operations at Mt Hope Women’s Hospital--a mother from Tobago who is of African descent and a mother from Trinidad who is of Indian descent.
They were discharged from the hospital and took home the wrong baby.

Five months later, after the problem was discovered, the babies were returned to their rightful parents.
In a letter dated August 15, Melville wrote to Khan on behalf of the parents and paternal grandmother of the Tobago baby, outlining what happened from the moment the mother was hospitalised in Tobago to the point where the babies were returned to their biological parents.

On March 8, the Tobago mother attended ante natal clinic in Tobago and was informed that bleeding was occurring in her heart as she suffers with a hole in her heart and was admitted to Scarborourgh General Hospital.

On March 10, the mother was transferred to the Mt Hope Women’s Hospital via helicopter.

On March 13, she underwent an emergency Caesarian section.

“Our client instructs that following the operation, when she woke up after the effects of the anaesthetic began to wear off, she was shown the baby girl that she had given birth to. This baby was in a cot next to her bed and tagged with her name,” stated the letter.

On March 16, both mother and baby were discharged from the hospital and returned to Tobago.
The letter said that the mother and her family “noticed that the infant’s hair did not show any signs of developing small curls as is normal with children of African descent”.

It added that this raised a number of questions, particularly among the extended family of the baby on the paternal side—including suspicion of infidelity.
According to the letter, the mother was interrogated with regards to her friendships with East Indian families.

Further, it said that in July the baby was christened and the family faced humiliation.
“Our instructions are that even during the christening, the godparents, friends and other family members kept commenting that the baby looked like an East Indian, only to the embarrassment and dismay of the parents,” stated the letter.

On July 27, three persons from the Mt Hope maternity ward visited the family at their Tobago home, saying they want the baby and mother to travel to Mt Hope for testing.

The letter stated that when the parents enquired why their baby needed to be tested, they were informed that it was for “government business”.

“Our clients became alarmed and attempted to contact the police as we are instructed that they feared a kidnapping,” the letter continued.

It went on to state that on July 30, to the family’s “astonishing honour”, Khan visited their home and explained to them that a mother in Trinidad had their baby and it was agreed that day that the Tobago mother and baby would undergo genetic testing.

The letter said on July 31, there was “utter confusion” and further pain and suffering when a spokesperson for the Trinidad family said that they were in Tobago and wanted to exchange the babies.
On August 2, the mother, baby and paternal grandmother travelled to Trinidad, where genetic testing was done at Genix Diagnostics Ltd.

On August 9. the family was informed that the maternity DNA report proved that the baby was not theirs and on the same day they were contacted by the administrator of the THA Division of Health and Social Services, who said that the Trinidad family and Health Ministry officials will visit Tobago on August 10 via private plane to swap the babies.

On August 10, the babies were returned to their biological parents.
The letter stated that although the family was happy to get back their biological baby, the situation was extremely traumatic for the parents and paternal grandmother.

The parents, said the letter, had a close physical and emotional bond prior to the birth of their baby in March, but since the physical appearance of the baby did not have any resemblance or trait of the parents, it created the impression that the mother was unfaithful.
The letter stated that this caused a wedge in their relationship and “great shame” on the part of the mother.

According to the letter, the mother had a hard time in her childhood as she spent several years at Scarborough Regional Hospital suffering with a hole in her heart.
She also had emotional problems in her family.

“Her new baby, being her first-born child, represented the first building block of her own family. Her baby was born following years of unsuccessfully attempting to conceive,” stated the letter.
It added that the christening ceremony, which the family held to dedicate the baby to God and the church, was of great embarrassment and they now need to dedicate their biological baby but are deeply embarrassed by the present situation.

The letter requested an ex-gratia compensation of $5 million, plus legal fees were listed separately.
The following are the damages listed in the legal letter (names were omitted):
1. Exemplary damages due to organisational failure by Mount Hope Women’s Hospital as evidenced by the mix-up of the babies;

2. Exemplary damages for the breach of duty and of care and/or medical negligence by Mount Hope Women’s Hospital and/or the North Central Regional Health Authority and/or its servants and/or agents and medical personnel at the said hospital on March 13, 2013, through their professional negligence and/or lack of due diligence which said breach caused the mix-up of the babies;

3. Emotional distress, pain, humiliation and suffering caused to the mother, father and paternal grandmother since the birth of the baby. This is ongoing and in regards to the mother this is aggravated by her pre-existing heart condition and trauma experienced in growing up. With regards to the paternal grandmother these damages are aggravated by her pre-existing hypertensive condition;

4. The mix-up in identity suffered by Aaliyah Megan Kimberly. For the first five months of her life she lived with a different family with different cultural practices;

5. Loss of companionship, distress, anxiety and mental anguish of the mother, father and paternal grandmother;

6. Medical expenses including speciality psychiatric support and ongoing psycho social care and support for the baby and her parents and paternal grandmother;

7. Additional ongoing expenses for travel and hotel accommodation to bridge the divide for Aaliyah Megan Kimberly with the Trinidad family on an ongoing basis; and

8. Baptism-related expenses.
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« Reply #587 on: September 23, 2013, 08:40:25 AM »
...Parents named both baby girls Kimberly
By by Anna Ramdass anna.ramdass@trinidadexpress.com

In a twist of fate, the two babies who were switched at birth at Mt Hope Women’s Hospital in March were both named Kimberly by the families that took them home.

On March 10, 2013, two women underwent Caesarean section operations at Mt Hope--a mother from Tobago who is of African descent and a mother from Trinidad who is of Indian descent.

They were discharged from the hospital and took home the wrong baby, with both families choosing the name Kimberly for the girls.

The Tobago family named their first-born Aaliyah Kimberly Megan, whilst the Trinidad family named their baby Kimberly.
For five months the family of African descent cared and loved the baby of Indian descent and vice versa.

In August, private DNA testing on the part of the Trinidad family found that the baby was not their biological daughter.

The family immediately took the issue to Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan and it was unearthed that the babies were switched at birth.

On August 10 they were switched back to their biological parents.

But, the shame and embarrassment both families faced still torments them.
In an exclusive interview with the Express at her Tobago home last Wednesday, one grandmother poured her heart out, saying her family almost fell apart and was the laughing stock of the island.

The Tobago family has sent a legal letter requesting $5 million in compensation.

The Trinidad family has also signalled a legal battle and requested an equivalent compensation.
Khan told the Express that the courts will adjudicate on the matter and he did all he could in his capacity as Minister.

The grandmother said she was greatly disappointed in Khan and will continue to pray for good sense to prevail.

She said her family was not greedy for money but believe that compensation was due to them because of the emotional turmoil they endured and also to look after her daughter-in-law’s medical bills as she was born with a hole in her heart.

She said her daughter-in-law was very attached to the baby whom she thought was her first-born because she suffers with a hole in her heart and had great difficulty in conceiving.

The emotional trauma of the entire issue, she said, has torn her family apart and her daughter-in-law is having a hard time accepting her biological baby.

“She’s not bonding with the baby in the way she did with the other baby. She was so attached to that baby, we all were, we all loved her so much, when I get pay I would run and go buy things for her.
“My son, he doesn’t talk much, there is a lot of tension in the family,” she added.

The grandmother said she will never forget the humiliating comments made by friends, relatives and neighbours when the baby whom they thought was their own was christened.

“People were telling him (her son), ‘boy like they give you jacket to mind’, everybody was saying something,” she said, adding that this created turmoil between the parents, with her son accusing his wife of being unfaithful.

The grandmother admitted that at one time, she too started questioning her daughter-in-law.
“I said to myself, who this baby look like? This baby had brown chestnut eyes.”

She said her family fell in love with all the moves and little traits of the baby and when the babies were switched back, it was a very emotional day.

Her daughter-in-law, she said, breast fed the baby until the day they were switched back.
“Everybody was crying, it was very emotional. On the night they were switched back, both babies were bawling.”

The grandmother said that her family was still coming to terms with accepting and understanding all that transpired.

She said people who are judgmental do not know what they have been through and how difficult and emotional the situation was.

She issued an appeal to Khan to help in the healing process.
“We need your assistance to heal, we are humble, peaceful people who never expected any of this,” she said.

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« Reply #588 on: September 24, 2013, 04:02:44 AM »
Imagine de damage this would have wrought, WITHOUT DNA!

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Mother poison children to death to spite their father
« Reply #589 on: September 26, 2013, 04:13:58 PM »

It is a sad sick world that we live in. Guy’s you have got to be careful who you lay down and have children with. It baffles me how people can lay down and make children through such an act of passion, yet turn around and use the children as weapons against their partner when the passion cease to exists. 42 year old Marlyn Edge decided rather than handing her children over to their father as the judge ordered, she would just kill them instead. How selfish is that. What kind of dick did their father have that allowed her hate for him to be stringer than her love for her children? Chile catch all these unfortunate t’s

The case, a rollercoaster one, began after the Edges divorced in 2007. Mark Edge sometimes worked in Afghanistan as a contractor and Marilyn claimed that her ex-husband had ditched child-support payments. She even claimed that her children were sexually abused by one of his friends, which wasn’t proven.Marilyn initially won full custody in October 2009, but Mark fought back, claiming he was unaware of the hearing where she won because he was overseas and hadn’t been informed that he was to appear in court. The ruling was overturned. He won this most recent hearing because even though they were supposed to share custody after another ruling at one point, he was still being kept out of the lives of his children. Mark was able to prove to the judge that Marilyn had gone out of her way to keep Jaelen and Faith from him (claiming he hadn’t seen them in more than a year), and nothing was more evident of that than her moving to Arizona right after the joint-custody ruling. The judge agreed that she was alienating him from the children and decided that Mr. Edge should be granted full custody. She sent a text to her ex-husband telling him she would bring the kids to him on Sunday saying, “I will see you on Sunday and I have their school records.” Sunday at noon was the deadline given to Marilyn for when the children needed to be handed over. But she never intended to do that, because if she couldn’t have them, he definitely couldn’t. Jaelen and Faith were found dead on Saturday in a hotel room in Santa Ana. ~ Madame Noir

The children were found after Marilyn made a measly attempt to commit suicide. The dumb broad tried driving her car into an electrical box while carrying propane in the back seat. When police officers arrived at the scene of the accident, she then tried to choke herself to death with an electrical cord. It was after all this that Marlyn told police where they could find the children.

On Monday, Marilyn Edge was charged with two counts of murder “with special circumstances” for having admitted to poisoning her children. According to Marilyn’s last lawyer in her custody case, Edge was calm after receiving the order from the judge that she had lost custody, and there was no reason to believe that she would do anything to harm them.

This truly is some modern day Beloved type foolishness. Better yet let me not compare this to Toni Morison’s literary masterpiece. Fellas before you lay down with these broads, make sure you take them to get a full psychiatric evaluation.

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Pregnant for Dad
« Reply #590 on: January 11, 2014, 06:10:44 AM »
Teen returns home after reported abuse.
By Sascha Wilson (Guardian).

Pregnant for Dad

A father awaiting trial on three incest charges involving his 16-year-old daughter  appeared in court yesterday on another charge of having sex with the same child, who is now pregnant. Princes Town Senior Magistrate Debra Quintyne denied the 51-year-old father of five bail as she questioned why the girl was allowed to stay in that environment. “Society is failing our children. She ought to have been removed from that environment,” the magistrate said.

Legal officer for the Southern Police Division Ramdath Phillip, who is prosecuting the matter, said that issue was the subject of a separate inquiry. “She is placed back in the environment to suffer further abuse. That is heart-wrenching, that is a life destroyed,” Quintyne said. The father, a mason, was arrested on Wednesday night and charged by WPC Woods.

The charge alleged that on a date unknown between September 1 and September 30, 2013, the father had sexual intercourse with a girl, 16 years of age, knowing her to be his blood relation. The offence allegedly took place at the father’s Barrackpore home. He was not called upon to plead to the charge, which is strictly indictable. Objecting to bail, Phillip said the victim is the daughter of the accused and is 16 weeks pregnant.

Citing Section 6 (2) of the Bail Act, Phillip said the accused had five pending matters, three for incest and two other sexual offences, which are before the High Court. Phillip said the 16-year-old girl is also the victim in those matters. The father did not have an attorney. Asked why he should be granted bail, the father said, “I did not do the crime which they said I did.” He told the magistrate that his daughter, whom he referred to as “the girl,” lived with her mother, but on October 1 her mother put her out.

The father claimed that he, his son-in-law and three grandsons picked up his daughter after her mother told him to come for her. The mother was in court. In addition, the father argued that he only had one pending matter. After denying him bail, the magistrate asked the prosecutor to do his best to have the matter expedited. Phillip said the prosecution had eight witnesses and would be proceeding by way of paper committal.

Advising the father of his right to apply to a judge in chambers for bail, the magistrate remanded him into custody until February 5.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Pregnant for Dad
« Reply #591 on: January 11, 2014, 01:01:28 PM »
He's a mason? Cement him with concrete. Add metal bars.

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Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #592 on: May 14, 2014, 05:20:52 AM »
Grandpa forgets to drop off 17-month-old child at babysitter’s

By Carolyn Kissoon and Susan Mohammed
Story Created: May 13, 2014 at 9:16 PM ECT

A HORRIFIC scene unfolded last evening in Penal after a grandfather, who left his infant grandson in the back seat of  his car for more than eight hours while he went to work, returned to find the child dead.

Up to late last night, crime scene investigators were at Petrotrin’s Clarke Road, Penal facility, where the 56-year-old grandfather is employed as an electrical foreman.

Police said it is likely that 17-month-old Jadon Cudjoe died from hyperthermia due to the extreme heat, since yesterday’s high temperature was expected to reach 34 degrees Celsius, and except for some light morning showers, it was sunny throughout the day.

Police said the man, of Old Quinam Road, Aquat Village, Penal, was supposed to have dropped off the child at the home of a relative who was the regular baby-sitter. However, the man said he forgot that the child was strapped into the back seat of the car, which he parked in the company’s parking lot, locked the doors and put up the windows and left to attend to his duties at around 7.30 a.m.

A police officer said the man was excited to report for work yesterday because he had been told he was being promoted. He received the call about the promotion while taking the child to the baby-sitter, police said.

The man said he had no knowledge the baby was in the car until he returned to the vehicle at 4 p.m. to find little Jadon unresponsive. Baby Jadon could not be revived, despite attempts by paramedics. The grandfather was said to be inconsolable, and several police officers also broke down and cried on seeing the tortured look on the child’s face. Petrotrin Estate officers contacted Penal detectives, and Southern Division homicide officers have joined in the investigation.

An autopsy is expected to be performed today at the Forensic Science Centre, St James.

There have been dozens of incidents internationally where children have died after being left inside a vehicle for long periods of time, in most cases from hypothermia caused by extreme heat.

Just last Thursday, a 30-year-old man, David (Richie) Gray III, 30, was charged with neglect after he reportedly forgot his 13-month-old daughter in the back seat of his car in Hartsville, South Carolina, USA, and she died from the heat.

A number of similar incidents took place last year, including in Perth Australia, where an 11-month-old boy died after his father forgot to drop him off at his day-care centre, leaving him in the car for most of the day.

A Phoenix, Arizona man was also charged with second degree murder after he left his one-year-old son in his car and went to work and the boy died.

On Monday in Clarkston, Georgia, a two-year-old appeared to have crawled into a car through an open door and trapped herself inside.

The girl and her siblings were playing outside and she was later found when the adults realised she was missing.

The website kidsandcars.org reports that an average of 38 children die in similar circumstances every year.

“Even the best of parents or caregivers can unknowingly leave a sleeping baby in a car and the end result can be injury or even death,” the website states.

      —with reporting by Kim Boodram

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Re: Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #593 on: May 14, 2014, 10:32:14 AM »
Very sad way for that baby to go...

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Re: Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #594 on: May 14, 2014, 10:52:57 AM »
My first reaction was to say "charge him"... but that is applying an American standard where the risks are well-known due to the sad frequency with which this happens.  If everything happened as they said, with him being distracted by the promotion, then I understand how the mistake could have happened, and don't know that punishing him any further would yield any benefit. 

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Re: Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #595 on: May 14, 2014, 11:14:50 AM »
What is so bad about this a lady who knows the man call and said the grandfather father died about a month ago ,this is what so sad about it .

I hope you can handle it brother . 
good things happening to good people: a good thing
good things happening to bad people: a bad thing
bad things happening to good people: a bad thing
bad things happening to bad people: a good thing

Offline Michael-j

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Re: Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #596 on: May 14, 2014, 12:05:39 PM »
What is so bad about this a lady who knows the man call and said the grandfather father died about a month ago ,this is what so sad about it .

I hope you can handle it brother . 

I don't know where the law stands on this or if this man will be charged, but I can't imagine any punishment the courts can impose that would be worse than the  torture he is presently experiencing and probably will be for the rest of his life. Really a sad situation indeed.

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Re: Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #597 on: May 14, 2014, 12:20:53 PM »
What is so bad about this a lady who knows the man call and said the grandfather father died about a month ago ,this is what so sad about it .

I hope you can handle it brother . 

I don't know where the law stands on this or if this man will be charged, but I can't imagine any punishment the courts can impose that would be worse than the  torture he is presently experiencing and probably will be for the rest of his life. Really a sad situation indeed.


Curious as to whether anyone attempted to contact him during the course of the day: Where de chile? Yuh eh pass wid de baby! ... etc.

Offline kaliman2006

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Re: Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #598 on: May 15, 2014, 04:31:02 PM »
What is so bad about this a lady who knows the man call and said the grandfather father died about a month ago ,this is what so sad about it .

I hope you can handle it brother . 

I don't know where the law stands on this or if this man will be charged, but I can't imagine any punishment the courts can impose that would be worse than the  torture he is presently experiencing and probably will be for the rest of his life. Really a sad situation indeed.


Curious as to whether anyone attempted to contact him during the course of the day: Where de chile? Yuh eh pass wid de baby! ... etc.

Exactly! I wonder if the babysitter attempted to contact the child's grandfather at work, since he/she was supposed to drop the child off at the relative.

Yeah, the grandfather will take many years to get over this tragedy, if he gets over it at all


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Re: Baby Left in Car dies...
« Reply #599 on: May 15, 2014, 05:30:08 PM »
I read the first two paragraphs in the TT papers and stopped reading.

There are some tragedies if I think of them, I simply will not sleep at night.

If this were me I might have to kill myself.

That man's grief is unimaginable.



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