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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #60 on: October 09, 2007, 10:45:36 PM »
the more i read this bake and shark fella posts is the more that d#1_trinba fella does start to make sense yes...

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #61 on: October 09, 2007, 11:39:02 PM »
back to the talk!!  Carl Heinz- roman- nigger, Francesco- toe-T.
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #62 on: October 10, 2007, 12:00:55 AM »
.yuh know yuh en no second hand donkey yuh is ah full fledge Jackass and we going to win....

Anyway Bake none of those definitions you gave exclude Brasil from Latin America so yuh really talk a lot of nothing.

The only evidence yuh give was yuh roommate and yuh say he rejected the latino label, but sayin yuh country is part of  latin america is different from callin yuhself latino.

Even if he were to reject "latin america"  that doh mean he's right.

Socafan: Kaka is Latin

Bakes: Kaka ent Latin

Midknight: Nah, dai'z ignorance...Brazil is part of Latin America

Bakes: There is no one consistent definition as to the meaning of Latin America.  I dunno what Kaka identifies as...but I know of at least one Brazilian who said they didn't identify themselves as being latino (spanish for 'latin'...for those of you scoring at home)

Peong: Bakes, yuh still ent show that Brazil isn't part of Latin America.

...yuh right, and neither was I trying.  Follow closer next time nuh.

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #63 on: October 10, 2007, 12:03:44 AM »
the more i read this bake and shark fella posts is the more that d#1_trinba fella does start to make sense yes...

Yet yuh juss cyah help yuhself...poor thing.  If only I could get woman to trail after me de way I have you hanging on my every word...

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #64 on: October 10, 2007, 02:07:48 AM »
Doh understand how a Latin American could be named that, cause dey does be cussing each odder and calling each odder caca and peepee all de time.
He's not Latin American though...
bringing the term Latino into the discussion is an attempt to muddy the waters.
The term "Latin American" is what is at issue here...stick to that  ;)
but then again many people will use Latino.....which i had considered a derogatory USA term.
first off Latin America to me means people who live in the Americas....
so when a person like me sees that someone does not consider potugese speaking people  latin american, then I say that according to the HISTORIC definition of Latin American it refers to Spanish, Portugese and (Italian, which the Americas dont have) speaking peoples in central and south america...(some even say French, but I personally have never heard this, but hear nuh I willing to accept that).....
Oh and this Title "Latin American" refers to those who speak those three languages, not where they orignally come from....so you can have an African or other european in the americas who speaks one of those languages and he would be considered Latin American to me.
IF in recent times archelogists are suggesting that they include ALL people in the western world, which your article seems to suggest...well maybe not ALL peoples in the western world, then who is me to argue with the experts.
Scene :beermug: :beermug:
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 06:52:23 AM by WestCoast »
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #65 on: October 10, 2007, 06:30:39 AM »
.yuh know yuh en no second hand donkey yuh is ah full fledge Jackass and we going to win....

Anyway Bake none of those definitions you gave exclude Brasil from Latin America so yuh really talk a lot of nothing.

The only evidence yuh give was yuh roommate and yuh say he rejected the latino label, but sayin yuh country is part of  latin america is different from callin yuhself latino.

Even if he were to reject "latin america"  that doh mean he's right.

Socafan: Kaka is Latin

Bakes: Kaka ent Latin

Midknight: Nah, dai'z ignorance...Brazil is part of Latin America

Bakes: There is no one consistent definition as to the meaning of Latin America.  I dunno what Kaka identifies as...but I know of at least one Brazilian who said they didn't identify themselves as being latino (spanish for 'latin'...for those of you scoring at home)

Peong: Bakes, yuh still ent show that Brazil isn't part of Latin America.

...yuh right, and neither was I trying.  Follow closer next time nuh.

Have to agree with Bakes and also disagree with Bakes on his one...

The Brazilians I know do not consider themselves 'Latino' as the term is used in the US. In the US, the term Latino can have a different meaning from 'Latin American'. Technically they should mean the same thing, but that is not how everyday language works. However, all the Brazilians I know do consider themselves Latin American. I even talked to 2 Brazilian friends about this topic (both white) and 2 co-workers (one white and one black) who are also from Brazil and their response was unequivocal...'of course we're Latin American'. I asked if they think all Brazilians think this way and I got some rolled eyes. In their eyes, they think all Brazilians consider themselves Latin American. The term is used regularly in Brazil in all walks of life and in the media to describe themselves and their region. You can go on Braizlian tourist websites and they define the nation as part of Latin America.

When I asked if they were Latino, they said yes...but no. They are aware that in the US, the term Latino does not necesarily refer to them...but they felt that it should. Kaka is Latin American by most any definition and from the small subset I could gather, and from the little knowledge I have about Brazilians and Brazil it is likely he consider himself Latin American. But in this discussion, there has been interchange between Latino and Latin American..I believe BNS when he says he knows at least one Braizlian who does not consider himslef Latino..but noone said kaka was Latino. I doubt you'd find many Brazilians, if any who don't consider themselves Latin American.

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #66 on: October 10, 2007, 08:02:18 AM »

I actually was waiting for Midknight to come back in de thread so that he could tell us more about the good folks at the 'institut' and how offended they would be if we left out the Brazilians from de 'latino' label.  He conveniently ran to Wikipedia and got the first definition that suited his purpose, posted it here and disappear.  And you...ever the willing parrot, lap it up like the trained poodle you are...and run with it "thanks fuh de education"...and yuh gone.  Now we know how yuh get to where yuh is.  Well as I was just telling someone else, what Midknight failed to do was post the rest of that article...or at least this part:

There are several definitions of Latin America, none of them perfect or necessarily logically consistent:

In most common contemporary usage, Latin America refers only to those territories in the Americas where Spanish or Portuguese prevail: Mexico, most of Central and South America, plus Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.
Strictly and technically speaking, Latin America designates all those countries and territories in the Americas where Romance languages (i.e. languages derived from Latin, and hence the name of Latin America) are spoken: Spanish, Portuguese, and their creoles. Indeed, this was the original intent when the term was coined by the French. This would then include former French colonies such as Quebec in Canada, Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean, and French Guiana in South America.
The former Dutch colonies Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles, and Aruba are not usually considered part of Latin America, even though in the latter two, the predominantly Iberian-influenced language Papiamento is spoken by the majority of the population.

Look at that...ah bet yuh didn't know de Quebecois were also 'latin americans'... and the Netherland Antilles...people from Aruba, Bon Aire and Curacao would also be latinos...according to a definition derived by Napoleon. 

I could listen to that...or I could heed the words of a former college roommate from Bahia, who vehemently rejected the "latino" label.  So who do we believe...Wikipedia? De fellas dong at de 'Institut of Latin American sumting sumting'? or Actual Brazilians?

I like how you who so quick to read the ENTIRE Wikipedia entry didn't notice this part lower down in the 'Etymology' section  ::)
It is important to observe that the terms Latin American, Latin, Latino, and Hispanic differ from each other.

The evidence need not even be that subjective...today's Brazilians are in part descended from the Portuguese and it's from this that the reasoning to label them 'latin Americans' is derived.  Except that the 'latin' part has to do not only with the linguistics of the 'romantic' languages...but it's cultural...and there is no one Iberian culture.  Doh worry about it...Iberian is one ah dem 'know it all' words...yuh could go look it up later...then come tell we how Cristobal Colon and Amerigo Vespucci were really from de same culture.

I have no idea what Kaka identifies with...but it's accurate to describe all Brazilians as 'Latin American'...just as it's accurate to call all Trinidadians 'Africans'.  then again, from the same source Midknight conveniently forgot to quote:

Sometimes, particularly in the United States, the term Latin America is used to refer to all of the Americas south of the U.S., including countries such as Belize, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Suriname where non-Romance languages prevail.
Indeed, in historical terms, Latin America could be defined as all those parts of the Americas that were once part of the Spanish or Portuguese (and arguably also French) Empires. Hence much of the US Southwest plus Florida (and also French Louisiana) would be covered by this definition.

Look thing...congrats, you too are 'Latin American'...ah bet folks on dey way back from Miami fuh carnival dis weekend di'n realize they left de country and went Latin America.

Maybe now Bare Ass can appreciate why "infinitissimal" was used.

When I see the direction this thread was heading, I just lay low because I doh like to get involve in alyuh shit talk. Ah shoulda know that somebody woulda consider it as disappearing.

B&S (nice choice of initials by the way), I not on the belittling small mindedness scene some of alyuh does be on. Berris interpret my post as a 'rough up' - is his prerogative, everybody know his scene - that doh make a accomplice in anything.

The only reason i brought up this is because I spent 2 years studying in depth the whole cultural and geographic sub region that we talking about here, and I doh like to think that I waste all the time I pass on Brazil political and econmic history. The 'Institute of something something' is the place where I get mih Master's degree so yuh could disagree with them, but if you are actually capable of it, I would prefer you  show the same respect you would want in relation to the degree that you studied/studying for.

Now I knew you were confrontational - but I didn't realise you were BLIND-
The self same quote I posted INCLUDES 5 or 6 different definitions of the topic INCLUDING the one that you say I 'conveniently left out'

I only highlighted the global definition for clarity - thats how its laid out on the Wikipedia site. (I only used Wikipedia because it has a clear format and is easily accessible, but the same thing is found in at least 5 different books of reference in 3 different languages that I could not possibly link to)

Now the point that everybody (Berris and yourself included) seems to have missed is that the term is by nature an ambiguous one. However, I find it strange that in NONE of the said definitions, is Brazil excluded from Latin American - your original point - and the one i was contesting.

The fact that TNT and Jca should or should not in some weird semantic twist be designated as latin american is not something I will dispute, because it is completely off topic. Its very disputable but as a matter of fact, it is this very broad definition that allowed me to do my master's thesis on 'race and ethnicity' in TNT and Guyana at the suggestion of this self same institute of something something as opposed to being 'forced' to do it on Haiti and the Dominican Republic as I was initially informed. THUS the reason I posted ALL of wikipedia's definitions!

You could quote how many 'actual Brazilians' you want. I know quite a few who studied with me as well and enough people ask me how come I could study Trinidad in LAtin American studies, NONE of them ever ask the same question for the people doing subjects on Brazil.

In any case, all of this backbiting and spitefulness wasn't necessary, I just thought that posting that definition could have brought some thoughtful debate to the board. Obviously I was wrong. I suppose I in the wrong section nah ::)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 08:08:54 AM by Midknight »
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #67 on: October 10, 2007, 09:33:26 AM »
Anyway Bake none of those definitions you gave exclude Brasil from Latin America so yuh really talk a lot of nothing.

The only evidence yuh give was yuh roommate and yuh say he rejected the latino label, but sayin yuh country is part of  latin america is different from callin yuhself latino.

Even if he were to reject "latin america"  that doh mean he's right.

Peong: Bakes, yuh still ent show that Brazil isn't part of Latin America.

...yuh right, and neither was I trying.  Follow closer next time nuh.

Who knows what you are trying, but you should be able to identify why this is relevant to what you said earlier.


Doh understand how a Latin American could be named that, cause dey does be cussing each odder and calling each odder caca and peepee all de time.
He's not Latin American though...

Your point about your roommate rejecting the term 'latino' is irrelevant.
That whole diatribe criticizing MidKnight's post about the definition of Latin America was irrelevant and a waste of time.

Here's the important part Bake, don't miss it.

Brasil, by all the definitions laid out by you and everybody else, is part of Latin America.
Which means that a person from Brasil is a Latin American.

Therefore your claim that Kaka is not Latin American, is

Doh let de colours and movement confuse you.

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #68 on: October 10, 2007, 10:20:28 AM »
I could quote West Coast, Filho...this post and Peong's and respond individually, but this post more or less addresses points raised in the others as well, so I'll just respond here.

When I see the direction this thread was heading, I just lay low because I doh like to get involve in alyuh shit talk. Ah shoulda know that somebody woulda consider it as disappearing.

B&S (nice choice of initials by the way), I not on the belittling small mindedness scene some of alyuh does be on. Berris interpret my post as a 'rough up' - is his prerogative, everybody know his scene - that doh make a accomplice in anything.

...but yuh not on de "belittling small mindedness scene" lol  Make up yuh mind nah.  But anyways...

I didn't interpret your post as no 'rough up'...Berris (and West Coast to a certain degree) sole purpose in this thread is to play instigator, as yuh say everybody know his scene...so I wasn't including you in that.  From the start when I made the comment I made it clear that this wasn't nutten important enough to me to warrant no big set ah talk...a point which I'll return to in a moment.

The only reason i brought up this is because I spent 2 years studying in depth the whole cultural and geographic sub region that we talking about here, and I doh like to think that I waste all the time I pass on Brazil political and econmic history. The 'Institute of something something' is the place where I get mih Master's degree so yuh could disagree with them, but if you are actually capable of it, I would prefer you  show the same respect you would want in relation to the degree that you studied/studying for.

Funny again how you could talk about respect...but in one breath yuh deliberately misconstruing my screename as B&S, telling me it's a nice choice of initials (I guess you're complimenting yourself for choosing them, seeing that I didn't) then telling me I'm blind and confrontational in the very next breath.  It's either you want to keep the discourse respectful or you don't because one thing that I'm certain of is that you can comb this entire thread and not find one instance where I have addressed or referred to you with disrespect...I can go either way (or not address you at all) so just let me know.  Now, most of the times I'm posting here in the middle of the night/morning it's between reading and actually doing work...so forgive me if I didn't go back and get the name of your alma mater correct, I honestly didn't care to at the time.  It wasn't intended as disrespect, so hard luck if that is how yuh take it.  As for the places where I get/getting my degree/s...they speak for themselves, I couldn't careless what 'respect' anyone else, far less some anonymous nobody on a messageboard wants to show them.  But I am different from most, I cannot fault you if indeed you are sensitive to that...as I said, no disrespect was intended.

Now the point that everybody (Berris and yourself included) seems to have missed is that the term is by nature an ambiguous one. However, I find it strange that in NONE of the said definitions, is Brazil excluded from Latin American - your original point - and the one i was contesting.

How could I miss the point when in fact I state the very same thing here "There is no one consistent definition as to the meaning of Latin America.  I dunno what Kaka identifies as...but I know of at least one Brazilian who said they didn't identify themselves as being latino".  Would it be fair if I were to now turn around and tell you that not only are you confrontational...but also blind?  Last week I made the throw 'way comment about Trez, you wrote a book contesting it.  The week before was what...de "assist" thing...now this.  If I was small-minded (to use your term) I could interpret that as you being confrontational, no?

The fact that TNT and Jca should or should not in some weird semantic twist be designated as latin american is not something I will dispute, because it is completely off topic. Its very disputable but as a matter of fact, it is this very broad definition that allowed me to do my master's thesis on 'race and ethnicity' in TNT and Guyana at the suggestion of this self same institute of something something as opposed to being 'forced' to do it on Haiti and the Dominican Republic as I was initially informed. THUS the reason I posted ALL of wikipedia's definitions!

You could quote how many 'actual Brazilians' you want. I know quite a few who studied with me as well and enough people ask me how come I could study Trinidad in LAtin American studies, NONE of them ever ask the same question for the people doing subjects on Brazil.

In any case, all of this backbiting and spitefulness wasn't necessary, I just thought that posting that definition could have brought some thoughtful debate to the board. Obviously I was wrong. I suppose I in the wrong section nah ::)

Now to return to my point about initially not wanting this to turn into some debate over who 'Latin' from who not.   Just last week I myself referred to Brazilians as being latin...why?  Because I consider them and always have, as being latin. 
All ah dem latin players...be it Europe, North America (read Mexico) or South America (especially Brazil and Argentina) love to dive and fake too blasted much.

The comment wasn't intended to spark some academic discussion, I mischieviously threw it out there for the heck of it, remembering the convo I had with my roommate.  When Kicker asked me about it I purposely tried to shy away from it.  However despite my up front acknowledgement that it was a very miniscular difference we're talking about, you of course had to come refute my 'ignorance'...I guess you meant it in a complimentary manner.  What did I do...I left it alone.   Then yuh want to come act like yuh taking de high road.  Pure kicks, this place.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 10:43:23 AM by Bake n Shark »

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #69 on: October 10, 2007, 10:30:01 AM »
right, cool man ;)
I still say "latino" is considered a derogatory term by many "Latin Americans"
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 10:31:34 AM by WestCoast »
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #70 on: October 10, 2007, 10:37:53 AM »
right, cool man ;)
I still say "latino" is considered a derogatory term by many "Latin Americans"
yeah...I've heard it from some that "hispanic" is preferable...but I think that's mainly the Mexicans.  Chances are the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans in NY don't care for hispanic neither...but I wouldn't know.

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #71 on: October 10, 2007, 10:51:57 AM »
Bake and shark

Fair enough. I take the point about the no disrespect intended for the alma mater.

Fair enough you clarifying the 'mischievous heck of it nature' of your post about Brazil being or not being latin.

As for the belittling small mindedness, understand this. I doh expect to get any points from nobody (and i doh want any) for 'taking the high road' as you say. I was brought up a certain way and I stick to it. End of story.

- Me pointing out that you are confrontational won't make front page on newspapers in even the most boring place on tis planet. It seems fairly obvious for anyone who can read this message board.

- Me wondering about your visual capacity seems completely meritted - seeing that you outright stated I had CHOSEN to sweep under the carpet something that I had PURPOSELY posted in my quotation interesting that you didn't choose to address that in your reply

- Finally, your initals are B and S, whether you like people to notice it or not. Me pointing that out is nothing more than a little fatigue and for somebody who does be throwing around weapons of mass destruction insults at people when they get on your nerves, I'm actually surprise that you even respond to that.

I chose to rebound on something you said (which was apparently said in more jest than I thought), not because you were wrong and I wanted to show you up, but simply because I have a certain relation to the topic in question and consider that I am qualified to speak on the subject - thats where the 'I not on the belittling small mindedness scene remark comes from' You admitting that you were wrong was and is not the goal of my post (even if certain people consider it very important and seem to take some kind of pleasure in that). Fine if you didn't want to start an acaedemic debate. I did. Unfortunately, everybody misinterpret it. Next time I will know better

ps: For somebody who doh give a flying fig what people think about you, you seem to take an extraordinarily large amount of your time replying to 'anonymous nobodies' on this message board in one way or another. Try letting it slide and the charade will be more convincing
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #72 on: October 10, 2007, 10:53:50 AM »
right, cool man ;)
I still say "latino" is considered a derogatory term by many "Latin Americans"
yeah...I've heard it from some that "hispanic" is preferable...but I think that's mainly the Mexicans.  Chances are the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans in NY don't care for hispanic neither...but I wouldn't know.

In more academic debate, it would seem that many see 'latino' as a generic term that hides a hidden agenda - mainly the one that denies the presence of American Indian heritage (Taino in Puerto Rico/Dominican Republic) in the so called Latino population
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #73 on: October 10, 2007, 11:12:05 AM »

ps: For somebody who doh give a flying fig what people think about you, you seem to take an extraordinarily large amount of your time replying to 'anonymous nobodies' on this message board in one way or another. Try letting it slide and the charade will be more convincing

I won't bother respond to the rest...

I'm an "anonymous nobody" to a solid 99% of people on this board...why anybody would care that I 'respect' dey school or degree is beyond me.  Any other anonymous nobody on this board want to criticise my academic qualifications could feel free...you might as well be cussin me in Farsi. 

Hope that clears it up.

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #74 on: October 10, 2007, 11:19:26 AM »
The oh so aptly named - Jeff Agoos
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #75 on: October 10, 2007, 11:41:57 AM »
Toby Oshitola
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #76 on: October 10, 2007, 11:48:31 AM »
this kinda related to this thread....

for this past WC ...germany was playin somebody....and we leave halftime to get some food and tryin to fly back down the road....Sedley Joseph on the radio bringing up d names of the past for Germany like Klinsmann , Brehme and last but not least "MATT-HAY-OUS"

i kid u not...that is exactly how he said it..and is not the first time...

it sad to hear commentators misrprounounce big players names...

whas d worse all ya hear?

For the whole of World Cup 98, Dave Lamy pronounced Thierry Henry's name wrong, using an English pronunciation.

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #77 on: October 10, 2007, 01:07:03 PM »

 Berris interpret my post as a 'rough up' - is his prerogative, everybody know his scene - that doh make a accomplice in anything.

Em... excuse me Mr Midknight what exactly is my 'scene' that 'everybody know' ?



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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #78 on: October 10, 2007, 01:18:00 PM »
All I do was observe  ms 'bake n shit' trying to impress ppl with he ignorance and you come and  ruff him up with facts and basically show he and de board that he talking pure sh!t.That is why he spend de whole ah last night trying to come up wid a good response .
Why my name calling in de bacahnal between Midknight and bake n shit  ??? I doh know....De only thing I responsible for here, is meh female jackass 'bs' breying to loud here..... nuttin else.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2007, 02:57:46 PM by berris »



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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2007, 01:49:10 PM »

 Berris interpret my post as a 'rough up' - is his prerogative, everybody know his scene - that doh make a accomplice in anything.

Em... excuse me Mr Midknight what exactly is my 'scene' that 'everybody know' ?

u is stern john number one, number two and number three fan ;D
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #80 on: October 10, 2007, 02:09:59 PM »

 Berris interpret my post as a 'rough up' - is his prerogative, everybody know his scene - that doh make a accomplice in anything.

Em... excuse me Mr Midknight what exactly is my 'scene' that 'everybody know' ?

u is stern john number one, number two and number three fan ;D

Ray Charles cud see dat  ;D :beermug:



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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #81 on: October 10, 2007, 06:03:15 PM »
Nani who plays for Man-U..........


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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #82 on: October 10, 2007, 06:22:52 PM »
Buh wuh de ass I seein...west coast involved in ah online battle??

Well dis deserve more dan popcorn..ah goin upscale and get ah pack ah corn curls...wait ah commin back

LOL!!!!!!!!! Oh Lord too funny dred!

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #83 on: October 10, 2007, 08:17:01 PM »
Buh wuh de ass I seein...west coast involved in ah online battle??
Well dis deserve more dan popcorn..ah goin upscale and get ah pack ah corn curls...wait ah commin back
LOL!!!!!!!!! Oh Lord too funny dred!
doh encourage Dutty in he ting eh ;)

he does only be lookin for reason to eat pop corn and corn curls an drink mauby
 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
ah lie Dutty :devil:
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #84 on: October 10, 2007, 10:31:32 PM »
the more i read this bake and shark fella posts is the more that d#1_trinba fella does start to make sense yes...

Nah hoss, Trinba in a league by himself.....doh even bring da man name in the talk - next thing yuh'll see like 5 new threads pop up with some of the most illiterate incomprehensible garbage that yuh can't help but read and then regret because yuh wasted yuh time........
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #85 on: October 11, 2007, 07:49:34 AM »
wah bout nikki butt and battie ah doh know the team they play for .
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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #86 on: October 11, 2007, 08:52:25 AM »
(One Size) Fitz Hall  ;D

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #87 on: October 11, 2007, 04:36:24 PM »
Italy's #1 Buffon. Superb goalie!

Offline berris

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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #88 on: October 11, 2007, 06:18:24 PM »
the more i read this bake and shark fella posts is the more that d#1_trinba fella does start to make sense yes...

Nah hoss, Trinba in a league by himself.....doh even bring da man name in the talk - next thing yuh'll see like 5 new threads pop up with some of the most illiterate incomprehensible garbage that yuh can't help but read and then regret because yuh wasted yuh time........

Both ah all yuh wrong ...trinba and 'bake n shat'  is de same person 
 trinda does start pleanty shit threads and 'bake n shat' does post pleanty shit, in de threads.



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Re: Funny Names of Players
« Reply #89 on: October 11, 2007, 06:51:02 PM »
the more i read this bake and shark fella posts is the more that d#1_trinba fella does start to make sense yes...

Nah hoss, Trinba in a league by himself.....doh even bring da man name in the talk - next thing yuh'll see like 5 new threads pop up with some of the most illiterate incomprehensible garbage that yuh can't help but read and then regret because yuh wasted yuh time........

Both ah all yuh wrong ...trinba and 'bake n shat'  is de same person
 trinda does start pleanty shit threads and 'bake n shat' does post pleanty shit, in de threads.

 :rotfl: :rotfl:

allyuh too good oui........now i have 2 sweep up all this pop corn from d floor
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