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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #420 on: July 25, 2011, 12:02:50 PM »
"Come off meh f**king field if yuh eh serious"..  


That pretty much sums it up for me.  I'm neither here nor there about whether to pull him off as "punishment"... He's big hard back (and hard head) man... punishing him like a child who did wrong eh changing him.  He has to grow up and mature on his own.  Slapping on the wrist may very well be counter-productive.    

I also not on board with the whole disrespect thing -  I think guys taking that aspect too far - I eh think no one really feeling too disrespected by that move.  It's not like the man wipe he balls with a LA Galaxy flag, or put middle fingers up in the air... While cockyness is disrespectful on some level, I think people can rationalize and look past that...Other than the backheel pk we saw recently, the slow chip down the middle penalty kick, which is quite a common thing, is IMO very cocky and somewhat disrespectful...along with quite a few goal celebrations I see...people get over that.  

But the part about taking the game seriously, I can agree with.  If you're a coach who wants your team to remain professional and focused at all times, and take every game seriously...pre-season, exhibition or not, then ok if yuh stand yuh ground....  If that's Mancini's stance, I eh blame him.  
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #421 on: July 25, 2011, 12:05:20 PM »
As I see it when Mancini pulled him off, he showed Balotelli up but left Balo with no room to make amends. By calling him to the sideline Mancini could have publicly reprimanded him but left the onus on Balotelli to redeem himself.
Yes Bakes they are trying to sell a product but the US crowd is accustomed to the T.O's and Ochocincos.

Mancini's concern should be that he has at least 40 games that matter and that he needs to have all his strikers focused. Balotelli was playing well, having fun and relaxed and Mancini needed to recognize that and turn it to his advantage. He is dealing with a professional who is a child and he needs to turn that child into man and admonishing that child isn't always the best solution. 

MEP, what u suggesting here is fine if this isn't something normal for Balotelli. He is a repeat offender. Is only so many times you could reprimand him and let him continue. He clearly not learning anything from that approach. Taking him off the fied was the right move imo.

And all this race talk nonsense about is only because he black is BS...as a matter of fact I think ppl making excuses for him BECAUSE he black, which is more detrimental than anything else.
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #422 on: July 25, 2011, 12:08:56 PM »
And all this race talk nonsense about is only because he black is BS...as a matter of fact I think ppl making excuses for him BECAUSE he black, which is more detrimental than anything else.

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #423 on: July 25, 2011, 12:09:02 PM »

I disagree. There are alot of American soccer fans who know of Balo's reputation. Long gone is the day and age when a ManCity player is a complete unknown in America. He was booed off the pitch. That should tell you what they thought of it.

Yeah but that's not my point.  Of course there are some who will boo.  

I just think it was more of a "get outta here yuh cocky bastard"...and then outta sight outta mind...than a reaction that reflects some deep, memorable feeling of disrespect that would taint the club's reputation in the United States... I might be wrong, but I eh think Balo have that much pull....
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #424 on: July 25, 2011, 12:12:35 PM »
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #425 on: July 25, 2011, 12:15:55 PM »

I disagree. There are alot of American soccer fans who know of Balo's reputation. Long gone is the day and age when a ManCity player is a complete unknown in America. He was booed off the pitch. That should tell you what they thought of it.

Yeah but that's not my point.  Of course there are some who will boo.  

I just think it was more of a "get outta here yuh cocky bastard"...and then outta sight outta mind...than a reaction that reflects some deep, memorable feeling of disrespect that would taint the club's reputation in the United States... I might be wrong, but I eh think Balo have that much pull....

Who is saying this is a deep and memorable insult that will tarnish LA Galaxy's name?

You said it before, what he did was simply quite disrespectful, moreso to his own team who are preparing for a serious campaign mere weeks away.
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #426 on: July 25, 2011, 12:20:33 PM »
i am no balotelli fan but i honestly think he thought he heard the whistle and was just kicking away the ball like most players do.
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #427 on: July 25, 2011, 12:26:18 PM »

Who is saying this is a deep and memorable insult that will tarnish LA Galaxy's name?

Tarnish the Galaxy's name?  You lost me there.

Anyhow, I was responding to Bakes - who implied that Man City was showcasing their product in the U.S.  He described it as "a huge marketing opportunity"... I think it would take a pretty deep and memorable form of disrespect to adversely affect that. 

The kind of disrespect I'm talking about is potential disrespect to his opponents and their fans. 
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 12:29:09 PM by kicker »
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #428 on: July 25, 2011, 12:47:47 PM »

He lucky Fenwick aint he coach  :devil:

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Ent, is two elbow in he head one time! 

Deserved or not fans and the media will be looking for him to screw up so he bess to pull up his socks and let his game do his talking
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #429 on: July 25, 2011, 01:33:48 PM »
As I see it when Mancini pulled him off, he showed Balotelli up but left Balo with no room to make amends. By calling him to the sideline Mancini could have publicly reprimanded him but left the onus on Balotelli to redeem himself.
Yes Bakes they are trying to sell a product but the US crowd is accustomed to the T.O's and Ochocincos.

Mancini's concern should be that he has at least 40 games that matter and that he needs to have all his strikers focused. Balotelli was playing well, having fun and relaxed and Mancini needed to recognize that and turn it to his advantage. He is dealing with a professional who is a child and he needs to turn that child into man and admonishing that child isn't always the best solution. 

What advantage??!!  ???

Using Balotelli's puerile behavior and making him responsible for it would be an advantage to the coach, not so?

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #430 on: July 25, 2011, 01:39:11 PM »
Yes Bakes they are trying to sell a product but the US crowd is accustomed to the T.O's and Ochocincos.

No they not "used" to it because many of them criticize it the same way... and even so, at least Ocho and TO have the good sense to wait until after they actually score to gallery.  Aside from which, with the exception of T.O. spiking the ball on the star at the old Cowboy's Stadium, nothing either of them fellas do has the potential to embarrass the opponent as this.

If that attempt had scored, or if Mancini didn't make his frustration public I think the public image of Man City in the U.S. among those who matter, would have been unaffected.  Men woulda watch Balo and bawl "yuh cocky bastard", smirk and forget about that one time...Some mighta even smile at his audacity.  Mancini's reaction, even if completely justified could ironically have the effect of showcasing and drawing more attention to the shit Balo took in front of the stall.  6 of one, half dozen of the other if yuh arks me....

No telling what wouda happen if what did happen... so I doh even know why we keep trying to go down that road.  For all the attention drawn to the even many will take solace in the fact that his team didn't support or condone his tomfoolery and so at worst it's a wash, at best Mancini will earn the club some points.

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #431 on: July 25, 2011, 01:47:18 PM »
many will take solace in the fact that his team didn't support or condone his tomfoolery

True...Except pulling him out wasn't the only to not condone/support... I think whether or not he shoulda been pulled out was the point of debate- not whether or not his team supported his poor decisions. 


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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #432 on: July 25, 2011, 01:50:41 PM »
Here's the thing, this fella lives in survival mode.  Unless you grow up in survival mode you won't really understand.  In some places a student would cuss away a teacher because in his mind it's more important to not be weak than it is to be liked.  For some people weakness means you getting taken advantage of on the regular.   I think Mancini wrong.  As a coach you have a responsibility to the players first.  If you can't handle the youth then let him go.  Because trying to belittle Balo ain't doing him one thing.  He's obviously been through worst.  Plus he is 20.  It's embarrassing enough to be yelled at in private why minimize the fella value in front of 20,000 people?  Did he try to break a man leg?  Cuff a fan?  :)  
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #433 on: July 25, 2011, 02:05:53 PM »
Is Mario Balotelli a lost cause?

This preseason was shaping up nicely for Mario Balotelli. The Manchester City player's main strike partner, Carlos Tevez, is desperately trying to secure a move away from Eastlands, and while Sergio Aguero is rumored to be City's main transfer target, Balotelli is positioned as a player who could become critical to his team's attack. Indispensable, even.

But as we've learned with Balotelli, you must expect the unexpected. And so it was that on Sunday, when Manchester City took on the Los Angeles Galaxy in the World Football Challenge, Super Mario did it again. Perhaps he watches too many YouTube videos. Maybe, like many impressionable kids, he saw something that he deemed cool and decided to emulate it. That was the impression I was left with after Balotelli tried to backheel a ball into the back of the net.

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #434 on: July 25, 2011, 02:37:41 PM »
Balotelli getting real recognition here dread, like he's the Charlie Sheen of football now. I for one want to see the yute to good and it seems like Mancini wants the best for him, however I'm a firm believer of "you practice the way you play"....how you go about practice will transpire on the pitch. If he decided to do that on a "practice game/friendly" when others on his team maybe battling for playing time or even his spot and the coaches evaluating players while developing a system or pattern of play and that's the crap he pulled???? Whistle or not, he should've used better judgement and I don't blame the coach for taking him off to make a statement to Mario, his team and as an apology to the Galaxy.

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #435 on: July 25, 2011, 02:59:44 PM »
many will take solace in the fact that his team didn't support or condone his tomfoolery

True...Except pulling him out wasn't the only to not condone/support... I think whether or not he shoulda been pulled out was the point of debate- not whether or not his team supported his poor decisions. 


I think the whole "point" of the debate is even more fundamental than that, clearly there are some who see no transgression, therefore they don't even reach the question of whether the penalty was appropriate or heavy-handed.

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #436 on: July 25, 2011, 03:07:41 PM »

I think the whole "point" of the debate is even more fundamental than that, clearly there are some who see no transgression, therefore they don't even reach the question of whether the penalty was appropriate or heavy-handed.

So what about Joe Hart's celebration after he scored wasn't that rubbing it in????? he scored so it doesn't matter.
Mancini handled that wrong....he should not have pulled Balo...should have called him to the sideline chewed him out but left him on as Balo would have been held accountable for his actions from there on.

Isn't that in essence what Mancini has been doing ever since Balotelli's been with City?  Isn't that in essence what all of his coaches, at every stop, has been doing with him... pulling him aside and having a quiet talk with him hoping the message will sink in? 

Allyuh men completely overlooking the issue of the stage on which this played out too, a showcase opportunity for American fans.  And before allyuh start with allyuh anti-American nonsense, I talking about from City's perspective, this is a new audience for them (when last have they even played in the US?).  This is a huge marketing opportunity for them particularly as they fighting so hard (against the odds) to be seen as a legitimate Big Four contender.  Yuh doh take yuh goods to market in a new town, set up yuh stall, spread yuh fruits and then take ah shit in front of it and still expect people tuh come and buy.

I hear what you're saying but what you bolded above and responded to directly is what I'm speaking to sepecifically.  MEP acknowledged that he needed to be held accountable for his actions.  There was no debate over whether or not there was a transgression per se.  It was being debated whether or not pulling him out was the right way to deal with it. 
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #437 on: July 25, 2011, 03:11:55 PM »
It's funny, I am even hearing that they thought the Penalty he scored was disrespectful, because he had a slow run up and hesitated a lil...he did not even stop like CR7 does and no one ever complains. This is the point I am getting at. If it's Mario, it's bad and alyuh following the media hype.

Tell me or name anything that Mario did that any other footballer never did or attempted. He is only 20 and trying to express himself the only way he knows how. As I said, this is no big deal, but it's a media hype.

Oh, and what does you guys think about the Joe Hart celebration when he saved and scored the penalty?

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« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 03:21:32 PM by DeSoWa »
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #438 on: July 25, 2011, 03:25:36 PM »
Steups the man is a survivor. SInce he small he's been battling the odds. I really don't think he cares what people think of him.!!!

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #439 on: July 25, 2011, 04:47:45 PM »

How soon people forget bout dis.

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And dat was in an International friendly to boot eh.  Same fete match stylin...but between 2 countries.  Ah guess England shoulda feel disrespected and deport him.

But because is Balo......ah well.
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #440 on: July 25, 2011, 05:31:53 PM »
It's funny, I am even hearing that they thought the Penalty he scored was disrespectful, because he had a slow run up and hesitated a lil...he did not even stop like CR7 does and no one ever complains. This is the point I am getting at. If it's Mario, it's bad and alyuh following the media hype.

Tell me or name anything that Mario did that any other footballer never did or attempted. He is only 20 and trying to express himself the only way he knows how. As I said, this is no big deal, but it's a media hype.

Oh, and what does you guys think about the Joe Hart celebration when he saved and scored the penalty?

Big Up!

Nah, you talking real shit now.  "media hype" is not what causing man to get on his case.  You acting as though the ONLY reason we on him is because of how the commentators in that game (or other reporters) reacting to it... I know you smarter than to really believe that?  At least give some of us credit for independently finding his actions objectionable.

I have no issue with Hart 'celebrating' because he stop a penalty... that's just throwing shit into the conversation.  You might as well be arguing that players shouldn't celebrate after scoring a goal... completely separate from what we're talking about here.  And speaking of which... Hart have a right to celebrate, as would any other player.  You can't seriously be trying to make comparisons between celebrating after doing something... and skylarking like Balotelli did.

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #441 on: July 25, 2011, 06:07:55 PM »
It look like the fella heard the whistle.  Or thought he did.  That doesn't look like an attempted shot to me.  What was he trying to do, slice a back heel near post?  lol  scheuups.  The fella was obviously trying to tell the coach he heard something by way of the official. 

looks like it to me..even i thought the whistle had blown altho d whistle wud hav been a higher pitch...im sure he understood d physics of that shot enough not to try it when he aint directly in front d goal...

anyways, one of my favorite players..regardless..

I agree..after watching it in the context of the game it REALLY look like my boy just stop playing (At least to me it look so!!!) cause he thought he mighta been offside or something and just do that to give them back the ball.
If people just see de clip dey might feel he try to score but watching footage from de game gives ah better understanding of de moment.
I feel pulling him off was lil harsh.
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #442 on: July 25, 2011, 06:29:02 PM »
Isn't it telling that the one person who is very familiar with Balotelli reacted to his actions by pullin him? You don't think Mancini  have enough history with Balotelli to interpret his actions/intent in a negative light? Mancini knows exactly why he pulled him.

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #443 on: July 25, 2011, 06:37:14 PM »
Just now dribbling 4 men consecutively with be disrespectful....

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #444 on: July 25, 2011, 06:39:09 PM »
Just now dribbling 4 men consecutively with be disrespectful....

As was just about to post that.    :o   Serious thing.....No rainbow, no cap, or double cap, Rollie Pollie, Bike, Scorpion.

Leveling the playing field for the less skillful...or I mean fit.  ::)

This game getting real Americanize boy..... :devil: 
« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 06:40:53 PM by Preacher »
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #445 on: July 25, 2011, 06:42:50 PM »
Alyuh take this argument up with Mancini nah
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #446 on: July 25, 2011, 06:46:22 PM »
Alyuh take this argument up with Mancini nah

Yuh realize you start dis talk with yuh initial post about the play! ;D Yuh just couldn't help yuh self, eh? What he ever do tuh yuh? :devil:

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #447 on: July 25, 2011, 06:52:32 PM »
Alyuh take this argument up with Mancini nah

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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #448 on: July 25, 2011, 06:59:30 PM »
Alyuh take this argument up with Mancini nah

Yuh realize you start dis talk with yuh initial post about the play! ;D Yuh just couldn't help yuh self, eh? What he ever do tuh yuh? :devil:

Yes i light the match now the flames out of control  :devil: , It was pretty clear to me it was done deliberately , i dont know how some people here making excuse how he thought he was offside etc, is only he hear that whistle. Me aint know what that f**ker try to do, but he fail miserably. But that is he life and he have to live by his actions , not us. I see men getting all hot and sweaty over this thing yes  :rotfl: ,

f**k City and f**k Balotelli   :yawning:
Respectfully DHW Man UTD supporter.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2011, 07:12:07 PM by D.H.W »
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Re: Mario Balotelli
« Reply #449 on: July 25, 2011, 07:09:18 PM »
Alyuh take this argument up with Mancini nah

Yuh realize you start dis talk with yuh initial post about the play! ;D Yuh just couldn't help yuh self, eh? What he ever do tuh yuh? :devil:

Yes i light the match now the flames out of control  :devil: , It was pretty clear to me it was done deliberately , i dont know how some people hear making excuse how he thought he was offside etc, is only he hear that whistle. Me aint know what that f**ker try to do, but he fail miserably. But that is he life and he have to live by his actions , not us. I see men getting all hot and sweaty over this thing yes  :rotfl: ,

f**k City and f**k Balotelli   :yawning:
Respectfully DHW Man UTD supporter.

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Stupid!


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