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Offline Socapro

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East Indian Recreational Ground... Africa Recreational Ground.  Not the same.

If you notice, the permanent sign with white background says "Welcome to Soogrim Ramdhaniesingh Recreation Ground Home of East Indians, established in 1959."

It would have been better if the permanent sign had said ""Welcome to Soogrim Ramdhaniesingh Recreation Ground Home of East Indian Sports and Cultural Club, established in 1959" but maybe there was not enough space on the sign to fit all that wording so the abbreviation ended up sounding a bit racial.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 12:23:50 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline ProudTrinbagonian

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much ado about nothing. Media creating excitement and more division. I getting fed up of this race talk
whey boy!

Offline Bakes

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If you notice, the permanent sign with white background says "Welcome to Soogrim Ramdhaniesingh Recreation Ground Home of East Indians, established in 1959."

It would have been better if the permanent sign had said ""Welcome to Soogrim Ramdhaniesingh Recreation Ground Home of East Indian Sports and Cultural Club, established in 1959" but maybe there was not enough space on the sign to fit all that wording so the abbreviation ended up sounding a bit racial.

My point is that a false equivalency is been attempted:
It was pointed out there was an “Africa Recreation Ground” in Enterprise, Chaguanas, which had existed for many years without an issue being raised.

"East Indians" refers to an ethnic group thing. "Africa" refers to a continent, and is less exclusive since it encompasses different races and ethnicities.

much ado about nothing. Media creating excitement and more division. I getting fed up of this race talk

Easy for you to say, you are east Indian descent. He who feels it knows.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 03:27:38 PM by Bakes »

Offline ProudTrinbagonian

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much ado about nothing. Media creating excitement and more division. I getting fed up of this race talk

Easy for you to say, you are east Indian dissent. He who feels it knows.

Didn't realize we met?
I'm mixed along with my opinions. And you don' t have to side with a race or be of a certain race to be sick of the race talk. Opportunities like these are used to exaggerate and only add oil to the fire
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 01:59:02 PM by ProudTrinbagonian »
whey boy!

Offline ProudTrinbagonian

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"East Indians" refers to an ethnic group thing. "Africa" refers to a continent, and is less exclusive since it encompasses different races and ethnicities.

Come on. It's Trinidad we talking about. African and Indian are the terms used to refer to the 2 most populous ethnicities
whey boy!

Offline Bakes

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Didn't realize we met?
I'm mixed along with my opinions. And you don' t have to side with a race or be of a certain race to be sick of the race talk. Opportunities like these are used to exaggerate and only add oil to the fire

I don't have to meet you to know what your racial identity is.  Your opinion being "mixed" is relevant, because...?  You are sick of the race talk... therefore talking about race is never merited?  Where you see exaggeration some see reality... a reality that they have to live with.  Not sure what you're taking exception to.

"East Indians" refers to an ethnic group thing. "Africa" refers to a continent, and is less exclusive since it encompasses different races and ethnicities.

Come on. It's Trinidad we talking about. African and Indian are the terms used to refer to the 2 most populous ethnicities

I suggest you try harder to understand what's being said rather that arguing points that are not relevant to the conversation.  The name of the ground is "Africa" Recreational Grounds... not African.  "Africa" refers to the name of the area, not any ethnic grouping.  "East Indian" isn't the name of the geographic area/community. It is the name of an ethnic grouping, a homogenous community of which got together to form an ethnic identity/advocacy group, which founded the grouds and lent its name to it.  Africa= place; East Indian= people.

Hope that helps.

Offline Bourbon

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Well...not surprising....

NGC’s legal threat
State energy company sends pre-action protocol letter to former auditor

By by asha javeed
Story Created: Mar 14, 2015 at 9:18 PM ECT
Story Updated: Mar 14, 2015 at 9:18 PM ECT
The National Gas Company (NGC) has issued a pre-action protocol letter to its former chief audit executive Claire Gomez-Miller, demanding she return any notes, memos and documents she may have retained when she exited the company in September 2014.

The NGC has also demanded a written undertaking, within 48 hours, that Gomez-Miller “not make use of” and “use your best endeavours to prevent publication or disclosure or any confidential information which would have been received or made by you in the course of your work by the NGC”.

Failure of to do so, the NGC warned, will make Gomez-Miller “potentially liable for civil or criminal penalties”.

The letter, written by attorney-at-law Darrell Allahar, was sent to Gomez-Miller on March 11.

Gomez-Miller, in an e-mail sent to senior members of staff at the NGC (which also was published in the Express) accused the State company of “compromising the reputation and work of its own audit team”.

Her comments came after the NGC published a legal letter it sent to the Express, again written by Allahar, in the form of a newspaper advertisement after the Sunday Express published a draft audit into the corporate communications department which raised concerns over how spending had ballooned from $67 million to $200 million in two years.

The NGC has said the audit, which is dated November 11, was a “very rough draft” that was sent to management for comment.

Horrified by the content of the legal letter sent to the Express, Gomez-Miller—who had drafted the Terms of Reference for audit of the Corporate Communications Department as well as the Procurement Department which began in April 2014 under her guidance—issued an e-mail explaining why the audit was valid.

Gomez-Miller’s e-mail, which was done in 13 points, stated: “It is a fact that the Final Draft Audit Report on Corporate Communications Management was issued last year to the Manager, Corporate Communications (Charmaine Mohammed) for her review and comments, and this was done under the directive and approval of the Internal Audit Manager, in accordance with the Internal Audit Charter and the approved Terms of Reference (TOR).

“If you are interested in the TRUTH, you will request Marina (one of the auditors on the project) and her Team to provide their evidence to support this, along with the actual report that was sent to the Manager.

“As anyone can glean from the Internal Audit Charter and the TORs, a Final Draft Audit Report that has been issued to the responsible manager for action (be it for their review and comments or for implementation) is an OFFICIAL DOCUMENT BE IT A FINAL DRAFT AUDIT REPORT,” wrote Gomez-Miller.

Yesterday, Gomez-Miller said the letter does not intimidate her and her lawyer will handle it.

She noted that while there is a lot of “talk”, she was standing up for facts. She said she stood by her e-mail and the content released in it.

The audit was conducted by a team which included its head, Financial and Compliance Audit, Marina Dukhedin-Lalla, senior auditor Wendy Murray-Thomas and auditor Rebecca Procope and raised concern about how its budget, the exposure to the company and its management because of lack of proper documents and internal controls and whether the NGC was getting value for money.

The audit was initiated in April 2014 to deal with issues, which posed a significant risk to the organisation such as:

1. Invalid prequalification/Engagement of Contractors/Suppliers;

2. Engagement/Retention of unsuitable suppliers/contractors;

3. Poor Quality Contract Terms & Conditions and GW&S;

4. Cost Overruns, Unauthorised/Invalid Expenditure

5. Complaints; Lack of Transparency; False Advertisements/Disclosures & Breach of Public Trust;

6. Noncompliance with contract obligations by either party;

7. Breaches committed by internal/external parties (fraud i.e. collusion, kickbacks, insider trading, bid rigging etc.)

8. Project/Events inadequately administered/managed.

According to the final draft audit: “The audit was conducted in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and COSO ERM & Internal Control Integrated Framework.

“As required by the standards, a limitation of scope for this audit is declared. The Audit Project was terminated outside the control and concurrence of the Audit Team in June 2014.

“Its resumption was directed in August 2014. Hence, no assurance can be given on the integrity and reliability of the documents, records and management information received after resumption, especially given the fact that most of the outstanding audit requests for substantiating document as at project termination were created during the suspension period.”

Gomez-Miller’s e-mail had stated that during the audits her authority as Chief Audit Executive “was wrongfully removed from me and transferred to another manager who used this authority to promptly stop the completion of these two audits”, adding that: “These were the only two audits that were stopped. They were only resumed nearly two months later, after I sent a registered letter to the board chairman and the company secretary on the matter.”

Following the Sunday Express investigations into the NGC, the company’s VP of Human and Corporate Relations, Cassandra-Partovani Sylvester, departed the organisation and Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine appointed a three-member team of Hayden Toney, Leroy Mayers and Phillip Marshall to look into the operations of the company.

The NGC is the country’s most profitable State enterprise contributing 18 per cent of Government’s revenue.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline Socapro

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State energy company sends pre-action protocol letter to former auditor
« Reply #247 on: March 15, 2015, 02:17:08 PM »
NGC’s legal threat
State energy company sends pre-action protocol letter to former auditor

By Asha Javeed
Story Created: Mar 14, 2015 at 9:18 PM ECT

NOT INTIMIDATED: Claire Gomez-Miller

The National Gas Company (NGC) has issued a pre-action protocol letter to its former chief audit executive Claire Gomez-Miller, demanding she return any notes, memos and documents she may have retained when she exited the company in September 2014.

The NGC has also demanded a written undertaking, within 48 hours, that Gomez-Miller “not make use of” and “use your best endeavours to prevent publication or disclosure or any confidential information which would have been received or made by you in the course of your work by the NGC”.

Failure of to do so, the NGC warned, will make Gomez-Miller “potentially liable for civil or criminal penalties”.

The letter, written by attorney-at-law Darrell Allahar, was sent to Gomez-Miller on March 11.

Gomez-Miller, in an e-mail sent to senior members of staff at the NGC (which also was published in the Express) accused the State company of “compromising the reputation and work of its own audit team”.

Her comments came after the NGC published a legal letter it sent to the Express, again written by Allahar, in the form of a newspaper advertisement after the Sunday Express published a draft audit into the corporate communications department which raised concerns over how spending had ballooned from $67 million to $200 million in two years.

The NGC has said the audit, which is dated November 11, was a “very rough draft” that was sent to management for comment.

Horrified by the content of the legal letter sent to the Express, Gomez-Miller—who had drafted the Terms of Reference for audit of the Corporate Communications Department as well as the Procurement Department which began in April 2014 under her guidance—issued an e-mail explaining why the audit was valid.

Gomez-Miller’s e-mail, which was done in 13 points, stated: “It is a fact that the Final Draft Audit Report on Corporate Communications Management was issued last year to the Manager, Corporate Communications (Charmaine Mohammed) for her review and comments, and this was done under the directive and approval of the Internal Audit Manager, in accordance with the Internal Audit Charter and the approved Terms of Reference (TOR).

“If you are interested in the TRUTH, you will request Marina (one of the auditors on the project) and her Team to provide their evidence to support this, along with the actual report that was sent to the Manager.

“As anyone can glean from the Internal Audit Charter and the TORs, a Final Draft Audit Report that has been issued to the responsible manager for action (be it for their review and comments or for implementation) is an OFFICIAL DOCUMENT BE IT A FINAL DRAFT AUDIT REPORT,” wrote Gomez-Miller.

Yesterday, Gomez-Miller said the letter does not intimidate her and her lawyer will handle it.

She noted that while there is a lot of “talk”, she was standing up for facts. She said she stood by her e-mail and the content released in it.

The audit was conducted by a team which included its head, Financial and Compliance Audit, Marina Dukhedin-Lalla, senior auditor Wendy Murray-Thomas and auditor Rebecca Procope and raised concern about how its budget, the exposure to the company and its management because of lack of proper documents and internal controls and whether the NGC was getting value for money.

The audit was initiated in April 2014 to deal with issues, which posed a significant risk to the organisation such as:

1. Invalid prequalification/Engagement of Contractors/Suppliers;

2. Engagement/Retention of unsuitable suppliers/contractors;

3. Poor Quality Contract Terms & Conditions and GW&S;

4. Cost Overruns, Unauthorised/Invalid Expenditure

5. Complaints; Lack of Transparency; False Advertisements/Disclosures & Breach of Public Trust;

6. Noncompliance with contract obligations by either party;

7. Breaches committed by internal/external parties (fraud i.e. collusion, kickbacks, insider trading, bid rigging etc.)

8. Project/Events inadequately administered/managed.

According to the final draft audit: “The audit was conducted in accordance with the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and COSO ERM & Internal Control Integrated Framework.

“As required by the standards, a limitation of scope for this audit is declared. The Audit Project was terminated outside the control and concurrence of the Audit Team in June 2014.

“Its resumption was directed in August 2014. Hence, no assurance can be given on the integrity and reliability of the documents, records and management information received after resumption, especially given the fact that most of the outstanding audit requests for substantiating document as at project termination were created during the suspension period.”

Gomez-Miller’s e-mail had stated that during the audits her authority as Chief Audit Executive “was wrongfully removed from me and transferred to another manager who used this authority to promptly stop the completion of these two audits”, adding that: “These were the only two audits that were stopped. They were only resumed nearly two months later, after I sent a registered letter to the board chairman and the company secretary on the matter.”

Following the Sunday Express investigations into the NGC, the company’s VP of Human and Corporate Relations, Cassandra-Partovani Sylvester, departed the organisation and Energy Minister Kevin Ramnarine appointed a three-member team of Hayden Toney, Leroy Mayers and Phillip Marshall to look into the operations of the company.

The NGC is the country’s most profitable State enterprise contributing 18 per cent of Government’s revenue.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 01:04:08 AM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Bakes

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much ado about nothing. Media creating excitement and more division. I getting fed up of this race talk

Tell us again how much yuh fed up of race talk...

Offline Socapro

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much ado about nothing. Media creating excitement and more division. I getting fed up of this race talk

Tell us again how much yuh fed up of race talk...

Bakes, it is obvious that some of the posters here have their heard stuck in the sand.

Some have tried to take offence to me calling out the current PPG for carrying out racists policies when even a blind person can see it.
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Bakes

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Bakes, it is obvious that some of the posters here have their heard stuck in the sand.

Some have tried to take offence to me calling out the current PPG for carrying out racists policies when even a blind person can see it.

Trinidad is America's precursor as a post-racial society... to hear some tell it.

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IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #251 on: March 26, 2015, 09:14:41 PM »
By Ria Taitt Political Editor
Roselyn Alleyne, the woman who Vernella Alleyne-Toppin alleged was raped 46 years ago by Oppo­sition Leader Dr Keith Rowley, is “disgusted” and horrified by Alleyne-Toppin’s asser­­tion.

And she cannot understand why people would “fab­ri­cate such lies”.

In an exclusive interview with the Express yesterday, Roselyn Alleyne, who is the mother of Garth Alleyne, the 45-year-old son of Rowley, also stated Vernella Alleyne-Toppin is not a relative of hers. “She does not know me. If she sees me anywhere she would not know me. And that should sum up everything,” she said.

Roselyn said she heard about Alleyne-Toppin’s contribution at Wednesday’s debate in the House of Representatives, on the no-confidence motion brought by the Government against Rowley. She said she received texts from Trinidad and Tobago, sta­ting “me and my child were talked about” in Parliament.

“And I asked why? We are happy people. I am here (in Canada) working hard in the cold,” she said. Both Roselyn and her son live in Canada. She has lived there for the past 30 years.

“All of what she is saying on the news, take it from me, it’s all a lie,” Roselyn stated.

Alleyne-Toppin had claimed Roselyn was a pupil of Roxborough Secondary School when she became preg­nant by Rowley.

But Roselyn said yesterday, she never attended Roxborough Secondary School. “When I passed Common Entrance, Roxborough wasn’t even constructed,” she said.

Asked whether Rowley ever taught her as Alleyne-Toppin claimed, Roselyn said: “How could he when we are around the same age?” Roselyn said she is 63 years old. (Rowley is 65 years old).

“I am old and hoping to retire soon,” she said. “Don’t listen to these people. Every­thing that they say is a lie. I have never communicated with these people (Alleyne-Toppin) and I am always home. I go home every year, for a week, two weeks,” she said.

Told the reports were she was 13 or 14 when she became pregnant, Roselyn said:

“Wow!” I think I am being confused with somebody else,” adding she became pregnant when she had alrea­dy finished school and was at home, helping her mother who used to bake things in order to earn an income to send her younger sibling to school. “As I keep telling you, everything they say is a lie. And they need to stop,” she said.

“I hear she is saying that he raped me for over four hours. That’s disgusting!” Roselyn said. Told Alleyne-Toppin had also stated she was kidnapped, Roselyn exclaimed: “What? Keith has to stop her because that is slandering somebody’s character.

And when she talks like that, she is making me sound like something that I am not. Wow! Kidnapped, raped and dumped,” she said.

Roselyn said in 2013 when her brother died, she returned to Tobago to attend the funeral. She said someone

came around, asking members of her family if she

(Alleyne-Toppin) and they were close, and “they were trying to persuade other family members to get me to sign false documents”.

She said she brushed off the whole event. “I thought that was over. I didn’t know these people still going around with this thing,” she said.

Asked what was the nature of her relationship with Alleyne-Toppin, who claimed to be a relative and therefore to have intimate details of her life,

Roselyn said: “Excuse me?” I am not related to that woman. We are not blood rela­tives.” She said there were many people with the same last name who were not related.

She said Alleyne-Toppin came to live in Charlotteville after her (Alleyne-Toppin) father moved there. She said it was a small village and everyone knew each other.

“But we never knew them as being related to us because we couldn’t draw any connecting lines between the two families,” she said.

She said when Alleyne-Toppin started elementary school, she (Alleyne-Toppin) and her (Roselyn’s) sister were in the same class and they also attended Bishop’s High School together. But, she maintained Alleyne-Toppin did not know her.

She said she comes home all the time and she never met the minister. She added her youngest daughter, who returned to Trinidad and Toba­go after finishing university in Canada, lives here now.

“I realise these people are fishing but they are putting out the wrong bait to a whole country. And when you are fishing for something, you take stories from other people who may fabricate, but you have nothing to back it up,” she said.

Roselyn, who said she had no interest in political matters,

said Alleyne-Toppin was “slandering my name and it needs to stop. That is all I am interested in”. She said she was not angry.

“She is slande­ring me to get at Keith. Attack the per­son that you want to attack but don’t slander my name. And if you are trying to get back at someone, don’t lie. It becomes a boomerang and we know what boomerangs do.

“She has to apologise. And go and tell the public that the things that she has said are not true,” she said.

“My business is fixed. All my kids are grown up. And Vernella Alleyne-Toppin has nothing over me,” said Roselyn.
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Offline Socapro

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #252 on: March 27, 2015, 08:34:41 AM »
The PPG are really showing their true colours now.

Btw the ballot paper printing machine has been missing for some months now and I think it is part of putting all their voter padding plans in place before the official elections date is announced.

I suspect that the general elections date will be announced to be carded for a few weeks after Guyana's (which takes place in May) to allow some of their voting base to get back over to Trinidad after voting over there in Guyana.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 12:19:59 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Sando prince

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #253 on: March 27, 2015, 11:56:04 AM »

Weary ah surprise yuh aint give a personal opinion on Ms Shopping Toppin  :D

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #254 on: March 27, 2015, 11:57:14 AM »

Former House Speaker believes Wade Mark failed to protect the Parliament's dignity.

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #255 on: March 27, 2015, 04:19:04 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 04:25:04 PM by Sando prince »

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #256 on: March 27, 2015, 05:31:23 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

I think there is nothing left to do but for the PM to fire Vernella Alleyne-Toppin from her cabinet and for the Speaker to resign for allowing Parliamentary privileges to be abused to the extent of insulting all women in the country.

Our most honourable PM also needs to announce the elections date so that the public can remain patient enough to make their verdict on their choice between the current government and one of the other political parties in effectively running this country so that we no longer continue to look like an international embarrassment.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 07:53:37 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Bourbon

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #257 on: March 27, 2015, 05:54:40 PM »
Makes no sense firing her. They used her for the last bit of usefulness she had because even if she go back up as a candidate they know they not winning any Tobago seats.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline Bakes

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #258 on: March 27, 2015, 05:59:55 PM »
Makes no sense firing her. They used her for the last bit of usefulness she had because even if she go back up as a candidate they know they not winning any Tobago seats.

I tend to agree... firing her will serve what purpose? Especially with the entire cabal soon to follow her on the unemployment line.

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #259 on: March 27, 2015, 08:45:17 PM »
Makes no sense firing her. They used her for the last bit of usefulness she had because even if she go back up as a candidate they know they not winning any Tobago seats.

I tend to agree... firing her will serve what purpose? Especially with the entire cabal soon to follow her on the unemployment line.

If she is picked to run again it will be like nobody running.

I was holding out hope that there was a sliver of decency left in this PP government but this is just pure evil.

The end is near and the dollars will start to disappear
Ah want de woman on de bass

Offline Bakes

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #260 on: March 27, 2015, 10:14:39 PM »

If she is picked to run again it will be like nobody running.

I was holding out hope that there was a sliver of decency left in this PP government but this is just pure evil.

The end is near and the dollars will start to disappear

I seriously hope something is done, some sort of inquiry into all the money that just up and disappeared under this government yes.  Obscene what they did to the Treasury these past 5 years.  I fear that they really set back our development by a few decades, if not more.

Offline weary1969

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #261 on: March 27, 2015, 10:25:21 PM »

Weary ah surprise yuh aint give a personal opinion on Ms Shopping Toppin  :D

Why waste time on that waste of time.
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline fishs

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #262 on: March 28, 2015, 02:24:48 AM »
 After my initial knee jerk. I was just wondering if there is more to this than we think.

 Did Rowley really teach at Roxborough Secondary ?

 Is it possible that she is talking about another woman?

Could it be smoke and mirrors with the first lady ?

 They keep saying that Rowley has to clear up the allegations or rumours even after this lady came forward and refuted everything.

 I think there is more to this.

Ah want de woman on de bass

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #263 on: March 28, 2015, 05:35:47 AM »
Their conclusive evidence was the paternity of the son. So unless there is another one.... Hard to prove.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #264 on: March 28, 2015, 01:13:50 PM »
I feel the opposition  party when going back to parliament should wear respirators so they would not smell the human shit we have as a government . They are like the worms you see swimming in a latrine hole along with the cockroaches . What a mess we are in ,our country just hit the lowest low and you know wat I supported this mess we call me politics.
good things happening to good people: a good thing
good things happening to bad people: a bad thing
bad things happening to good people: a bad thing
bad things happening to bad people: a good thing

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #265 on: March 29, 2015, 07:18:34 AM »

Vernella’s obsession with Rowley’s past
By Analysis by RIA TAITT Political Editor
Story Created: Mar 28, 2015 at 9:07 PM ECT
Story Updated: Mar 28, 2015 at 9:15 PM ECT
Last Wednesday’s historic debate in the House of Representatives on Government’s no-confidence motion in Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley was not the first time Minister Vernella Alleyne-Toppin had raised the situation of rape, for which she demanded Keith Rowley give an account.

Alleyne-Toppin had addressed the issue in fairly graphic detail in at least three previous contributions in Parliament. There were several common themes on each occasion—a teacher at Roxborough Secondary, a dean of discipline who had kid­napped and raped a pupil whose aunt was his landlord and who was related in some way to the minister.

In her contribution on the Chil­dren’s Bill, on March 9, 2012, Alleyne-Toppin focused her whole presen­­­ta­tion on teachers who abused chil­­dren, saying she had both pro­fession­al and personal knowledge of this unfortunate practice.

“I am saying again that in my own family, my cousin’s education was brutally cut off by a teacher who went on to university and ran out of Toba­go.... She is my cousin, she carries my name and she carries my blood. Our family was devastated because the child’s aunt was board­ing the teacher and cooked for him. When the child went to deliver a meal to the teacher, he raped her. She got pregnant and this child had a child,” she said.

“I am not talk­ing about allega­tions, about ‘it is alleged’...I am talking about persons in this country who

have gone to high office with those things hanging over them. I am talk­ing about one teacher, in partic­ular, who violated all the school­girls and every time he violated a student, he burnt her leg with a cigarette butt and said: ‘That is the mark of the beast’. These statements were given no play in the media at the time but are recorded in Hansard.

Alleyne-Toppin went on to state

the statute of limitations does not run out on paedophilia. “My family could still bring a lawsuit against the teacher.”

In the same debate, she poin­ted out Rowley taught at Roxborough Secondary and was the dean of discipline there.

Referring to a song by Valentino, she cited its words: “The Trinidadian, the ambitious guy with the jacket and tie who does walk the road and hold up he head high, you will be shocked to know where that ambi­tious fella head does go.”

She ended her contri­­bu­tion by saying, “People in glass houses must not throw stones”.

On May 21, 2013, Alleyne-Top­pin, speaking on a motion of no confi­dence in the Government, brought to the Parliament by Rowley, waded into the Opposition Leader. She then referred to the story of a “man, a teacher, a dean of discipline” who violated a young girl bringing the lunch that her aunt had cooked because he was a boarder. “He kid­napped her, kept her hostage for four hours and raped her.”

She was speaking around 11 p.m. When People’s National Movement (PNM) MPs Donna Cox and Amery Browne, who were present, raised objections which were not sustained by the Speaker on the point of rele­-

vance, Alleyne-Toppin said she received the information in an e-mail, similar to the e-mails received by Rowley which made allegations against top office-holders. It was in this debate Rowley had made the emailgate revelations.

She continued, in re­fe­rence to the rape, “Mr Speaker, would you then say that you could have full confidence in this individual in the story, were he to become a Mem­­ber of Parliament? How could you now have confidence in him?

Were he now to be­come

a person in the Parlia­ment who is striving to be a prime minister, could you then have confi­dence in that person?”

As recently as January 22 this year, speaking on the motion to approve the foster care regulations, Alleyne-Toppin found the opportunity to squeeze in the story of the “rape and kidnap of this a minor and the abandonment of her

and her offspring”. She noted poin­tedly: “A paedophile cannot enter Canada.” Rowley’s son and his mother live in Canada.

Last Wednesday, speaking on the motion of no confidence in Rowley, Alleyne-Toppin once again returned to the topic.

She referred to the “niece of Mrs Ufema Grey, better known as Tantie Gremie” and showed a large picture of the house of Grey, whose address she gave in the Parliament as “Chapel Street in Charlotteville” where a teacher used to board.

In posing questions for Rowley to answer, she referred to the niece, “the unsuspecting girl” who was “kidnapped and kept detained for four hours against her will”. And, she noted, “the inappropriate evil encounter” produced a “boy child”. “And I am asking these questions, not from any stories,” she continued, “...I am asking...because my name is Vernella Alleyne by birth. This is my name...I am speaking to circum­stances that involve my family.”

Roselyn Alleyne, in an interview with the Express on Thursday, confirmed Ufema Grey was her de­ceased aunt. In categorically denying the allegations made by Alleyne-Toppin,

Roselyn said she (Roselyn) had received texts on Wednesday night from Trinidad, from people telling her Alleyne-Toppin “had talked about me and my child” in the Parliament.

Alleyne-Toppin, during the debate, had in fact referred to a Newsday report which mentioned Garth Alleyne was the son of Keith Rowley “from a previous relation­ship”. Alleyne-Toppin then stated: “Mr Speaker, we must submit all records to scrutiny. We need to know of the so-called previous relationship mentioned in that article...It is im­portant for the nation to know all of our stories, past and present, if we must be parliamentarians.”

On Friday, in the wake of the public furore over her statements and following the interview with Roselyn Alleyne, the person involved in the “previous relationship” with Rowley which had produced his son, Garth, to which Vernella Alleyne-Toppin referred in Parliament, the minister issued a statement, emphasising she never called Roselyn Alleyne’s name. She concluded, therefore, the responses by Roselyn Alleyne in an interview with this reporter were based on things that were never said.

The release stated: “It is not clear whether many of the things said in the article emanate from the writer of the article or the person she pur­portedly interviewed.” She added: “MP Alleyne-Toppin is of the firm belief that the author of the article, Ria Taitt, and, by extension, the Trini­dad Express, did not exercise due diligence regarding facts surrounding the issue.”

The minister therefore called on the Media Association of Trini­dad and Tobago (MATT) to address “this unacceptable practice of its mem­bers”.

Nowhere in the article was it ever stated Alleyne-Toppin actually called the name “Roselyn Alleyne” during the debate. But based on the refe­rence to Mrs Ufema—Tantie Gremie, who is Roselyn’s deceased aunt, the picture of the house and address and the naming of Garth Alleyne, the son of Roselyn, and references by Alleyne-Toppin to her maiden name (“Alleyne”) and her claims of her family relationship, the Express published the interview.

All the contributions in which Alleyne Toppin dealt with the rape issue came after Rowley exposed her misuse of the Government’s credit card in Parliament in March 2012.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #266 on: March 31, 2015, 05:23:18 PM »

SMH! Very disturbing  :(

''Minister of the People and Social development Christine Newallo-Hosein believes the presentation made by Junior Minister in the Ministry Vernella Alleyne-Toppin in the parliament last week shows how passionate she is about women's issues, especially rape.''

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Re: IT’S ALL LIES Mother of Rowley’s child on Vernella’s rape claim:
« Reply #267 on: March 31, 2015, 08:23:17 PM »
JW came out and said he did not offer anybody money ,he was not accuse yet . Remember Dr Rowley wanted him fired from day one , he was threatening to drop that bomb on him in Parliament a long time  . The word on the ground JW was the bag man with vernella in Tobago offering gifts.
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Dr Keith Rowley Thread.
« Reply #268 on: May 09, 2015, 06:29:42 AM »
 Appears to be  another strategic political election maneuver - why did the speaker of the house not given the same fate for his blunder earlier this year?
Rowley suspended  from House

Yvonne Baboolal
Published: Trinidad & Tobago Guardian
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley responds to heckling from the government bench during the People National Movement's walkout of yesterday's sitting of Parliament. Photo: Jeff Mayers
Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley has been suspended from Parliament for the remainder of this parliamentary term.
He is the first opposition leader to be suspended in this manner from Parliament.
A Government motion calling for Rowley’s censure and suspension from the House, which began earlier in the day, was approved around 9.20 pm.
The motion was passed with 24 Government members voting for it and only Independent Liberal Party leader Jack Warner voting against, the other PNM MPs having walked out the House earlier. There were no abstentions.
Yesterday’s vote followed the recent passing of another no confidence motion against Rowley, which questioned his leadership abilities.
In wrapping up the debate, Leader of Government Business Dr Roodal Moonilal noted that all members of the Opposition, led by Rowley, had walked out “kicking and screaming” during the debate.
He said they had walked out on the no confidence motion but promised to sit through this one, focusing not on the emails themselves but their contents.
The motion centered on 31 emails Rowley read out in Parliament two years ago, in May 2013.
The emails, purporting to come from Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and other members of her Cabinet, revealed a plot to murder a journalist, bug the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and commit other acts of misconduct in public office.
Persad-Bissessar said she had instructed Moonilal to bring the motion against Rowley for what she said were reckless and unsubstantiated allegations designed to destabilise the Government and incite revolt among citizens.
The Government brought the motion with the backing of notified reports from Google International, US computer expert John Berryhill and the US Justice Department, which all said the emails were fake.
Moonilal, in winding up the debate, said it appeared Rowley had not discussed the debate with his colleagues and took them by surprise with the walkout.
“They started to pass a piece of paper around and then walked out,” he said.
Moonilal said PNM Diego Martin Central MP Dr Amery Browne was preparing notes for his presentation and was taken by surprise. So too was Diego Martin North East MP Colm Imbert, he said. He said just before the walkout, Rowley got up and started to yell angrily across the floor.
“I quickly looked around to ensure there was no teacup or glass around,” he said, referring to the incident in Parliament’s tea room between Rowley and Fyzabad MP Chandresh Sharma.
“Ten seconds more and we would have had to suspend the House,” he said.
Moonilal said it was a “landmark day.”
“When history looks back they will judge us on whether we held up the honour and dignity of Parliament.”
He quoted the now famous statement of Tobago House of Assembly Chief Secretary Orville London, which he made after Rowley read out the emails in Parliament. London had said if and when evidence come out on the emails, one man or one woman would be left standing.
“Today, one woman from Siparia has been left standing,” Moonilal said.
He vowed this was not the end of the Emailgate, renamed Rowleygate, fiasco, however.
He promised Government will chase Rowley down with the reports they have stating the emails were fake in Port-of-Spain, Diego Martin, Roxborough and everywhere they go on the 2015 general election campaign trail.
“We will take the truth and hang it around his neck.
“It is not the last day. The public must judge him. If you lie, you must say goodbye.”
Quoting Shakespeare, Moonilal said, “What a tangled web we weave when, first, we sought to deceive. He (Rowley) is the maker of his own destiny.”

« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 02:45:08 AM by Flex »

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Re: Rowley suspended from House
« Reply #269 on: May 09, 2015, 07:16:18 AM »
What a. Joke. What another embarrassment for the country? Looks like another " Politricking"  but so when you have power and it becomes corrosive. Tell meif this is the action of the speaker of the house or if this is the intent of the PM being parlayed through the Speaker?

I had to clear my govt’s name—PM
Richard Lord
Published: Trinidad Guardian
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said yesterday she could not await the conclusion of police investigations into suspended Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley’s Emailgate claim before acting to clear her and other cabinet ministers’ names.

She said it was critical that she do so now as the Parliament was close to dissolving.

Persad-Bissessar made the comment during yesterday’s tea break of the sitting of the House of Representatives, Tower D, International Waterfront Centre, Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain.

She said the Parliament had a duty to regulate itself notwithstanding investigations being conducted by the police.

“It happened in the Parliament, I had a duty to clear our names in the Parliament and it was important doing it now, having got the evidence and further, given the timeframe within which we have left in Parliament.”

Rowley was suspended on Wednesday from the services of the House, which means he will also lose his monthly salary, following a substantive motion brought by Housing and Urban Development Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal for failing to apologise for “patently misleading and scandalous statements” on the Emailgate scandal.

In May 2013, during the presentation of his unsuccessful motion of no confidence in Persad-Bissessar, Rowley made public 31 alleged e-mails involving Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and other cabinet ministers, including then attorney general Anand Ramlogan. The e-mails revealed an alleged plot to murder a T&T Guardian journalist and bug the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in connection with the Section 34 matter.

The Government has continuously denied the emails existed and has said they were fake.

Yesterday, Persad-Bissessar told reporters she had a duty to clear her government’s name.

Persad-Bissessar stressed there were two reasons why the action was taken this week.

She said she “had a duty to myself and the members of my Government to have that record cleared in the Parliament, because now is when we got the evidence from independent sources.

“We got the evidence through court processes from Google, the Integrity Commission and the US Justice Department,” she said.

“Therefore, should we have not done this now, that would have stayed on the Hansard record for the rest of our lifetime. We would not have been able to clear that record.”

She said it was for that reason “why I could not await the work of those (police) who have been, rightly or wrongfully so, taking their time to do it.”

Persad-Bissessar was also asked to comment on a threat by Rowley to release new e-mails. She said she did not hear his comments but insisted that the first question people should ask was “are those fake, fabricated or true e-mails. Thereafter, we check them out and if they impugn me in any way I will take such action as necessary


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