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Author Topic: The Leo Beenhakker Thread.  (Read 86916 times)

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Re: weh the thread gone??
« Reply #270 on: June 11, 2013, 07:42:08 PM »
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Re: weh the thread gone??
« Reply #271 on: June 11, 2013, 09:15:05 PM »
I had always love Gally eh...

but that right they is de old man mentality in Trinidad and Tobago.
Nobody cyah say nothing against yuh... dem wrong and you right. Cyah take no criticism... well yes

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Re: weh the thread gone??
« Reply #272 on: June 11, 2013, 09:55:00 PM »
I had always love Gally eh...

but that right they is de old man mentality in Trinidad and Tobago.
Nobody cyah say nothing against yuh... dem wrong and you right. Cyah take no criticism.
.. well yes
This is what i was telling FS on the corneal thread about skeene, romany and david williams, them men have the same mentality you speak of.

they hated the fact that pfister opposed them, and the sad part, the man did not oppose them maliciously, in fact the criticism was rather constructive and geared towards the welfare of the players, but they missed the gist thereof.

as for gally, like i said, all these yrs this man waste in T&T feeling sorry for himself he coulda went england or italy, humble himself under ah good coach and further his craft by getting all his badges from A - C, he coulda come back home with that kinda credentials and encourage ppl in the business community to help with the building of an academy for kids as young as ten and up, and i sure panday or manning woulda run some land for the project, especially manning.

i notice ah trend there in T&T of lately, ppl does go on like the government owe them something, ah man house bun down he crying how the government eh helpin him, so why aren't you insured??

it seem like today the government is every body fairy godfather, while the private sector goes relatively uninterrupted. build ah coaching school gally and pass on the knowledge, it's ah hard luck , yuh miss the boat, just hold ah medi and start afresh.
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Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #273 on: June 12, 2013, 02:01:24 AM »
Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
By Andre Baptiste (Guardian).

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) is considering hiring former coach Leo Beenhakker. And while we are uncertain of the discussion between Raymond Tim Kee, president of the TTFA, Sheldon Phillips secretary and Beenhakker, it would appear his role would be to manage T&T at the Gold Cup.

If so, this is a mistake, because while one may point to his track record as a tournament coach, the Gold Cup is not the WORLD CUP.

Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

His job, which he takes very seriously is to NOT LOSE matches, yes NOT LOSE matches, we not only witnessed this in Germany in 2006, but also with coaching stint with Poland, where many of the leading footballing scribes in that proud nation, described his brand as boring, passive and ultra-defensive.

There is also the question of his age, he is 70 years old and this is seven years later from 2006, as we all sadly watched and listened, the last elderly statesman we had as our coach in Otto Pfister, struggled with our lifestyle, with the players and with the media and looked unfit for the job.

The result was the team was beaten by Guyana and dumped out of World Cup. Also what are the messages Tim Kee and his association are sending if after two defeats, 4–0 to Romania and 1–0 to Estonia, they decide to make drastic changes to the management team that helped to qualify T&T for the Gold Cup. Hudson Charles and Jamaal Shabazz would have every right to protest this action as very unfair.

In addition, the fact, that several frontline players were not available will tell a different story, given the shortage of quality experienced players in this country.

While everyone will forever be thankful for the part Beenhakker played in the team reaching Germany, and especially for that fighting performance against Sweden, there will also be questions about the tactics that were adopted, and whether or not players were used in orthodox positions.  The country needs to be told the TTFA plans. What is the thinking and indeed, have they spoken to Charles and Shabazz.

Given the history of football administrators, not many trust what is stated by them, and even though there have been noticeable changes in the personnel at the organisation, it will require a lot more attention and faith before there is wholesome support.

As a country, we must not allow ourselves to always be considered easy targets for prospective coaches, who believe a job in the Caribbean is easy pickings and all they need to do is turn up for work. Perhaps, as a country, we are our own worst enemies, in that very often we accept that our coaches are mediocre and not good, but this is far from the truth.

Another problem is the attitude of our players, not necessarily the local based players, but rather those overseas based players, who are under the misguided impression, that they know so much about football, that they know more than the local coach, because they play outside.

These people are not willing to listen to a local coach, instead they often find themselves quarrelling and arguing, when they cannot get their way. It is amazing to witness how very subservient these very people are to the foreigners and how they do not question any instruction given.

This same association, however it may now be reincarnated, had the reputation of not paying our local coaches. This despicable treatment continues today.

Russell Latapy is a prime example and there are several more local coaches and even a technical director waiting for their outstanding monies. Therefore, where will Tim Kee find money to pay Beenhakker because I am sure Beenhakker would not have been in the association’s 2013 budget.

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Re: weh the thread gone??
« Reply #274 on: June 12, 2013, 02:04:36 AM »
Gally against proposed Beenhakker return.
T&T Newsday Reports.

EVERALD “GALLY” Cummings, former Trinidad and Tobago football team midfielder and coach, is against the proposed return of ex-national tactician Leo Beenhakker, by the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA), in a technical capacity.

It was confirmed last week that the TTFA met with the 70-year-old Dutch-born Beenhakker in Romania on June 4, hours before the TT football team fell 4-0 to the Romanians in a friendly football international at Bucharest. But the 64-year-old Cummings, in a letter to the Editor which was published in Newsday on Monday, admitted, “I have been bombarded by members of the public to say something. I have nothing personally against Leo Beenhakker. But he is not what we need at the moment.

“Let us not make the same mistake like we did with (former coach German-born) Otto Pfister, looking for short-term solutions for problems that are deeply rooted in our football.”

Cummings, who coached the then “Strike Squad” to within the brink of qualification for the 1990 FIFA World Cup in Italy, admitted, “I offered my services in a technical capacity to our new president (Raymond Tim Kee) which he suggested should be free of charge. Is he planning to offer the same to Beenhakker?”

Cummings, who is the lone footballer to be named as the TT Sportsman of the Year (in 1973), also referred to a letter he sent to

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar in October 2011, as well as heads of the respective political parties of the People’s Partnership Government.

“I believe her hands were previously tied with her former Minister of National Security but I think she should be free to take action and to ensure proper governance at all levels where public resources are to be used,” said Cummings.

The former United States and Mexico-based player, in his letter to the Prime Minister last year, highlighted her “brilliant contribution to the budget debate on October 11 in which you made reference to your Government’s commitment to uphold the principles enshrined in the constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago on the individual human rights and in particular to the issues of merit, ability and integrity as the foundation on which citizens are expected to be treated by the State.”

Cummings, who is currently employed with the University of Trinidad and Tobago, went on to state, “it was on this basis that I felt I would be given a fair hearing and that attempts would be made to bring closure to years of discrimination and victimisation I have endured at the hands of the former vice-president of FIFA and a member of your Government for upholding my values of honesty, integrity and complete dedication to the development of football in Trinidad and Tobago.”

He continued, “I have been continually bypassed although I have expressed my interest on many occasions publicly and to officials of the (then) TTFF to assist in any area where there is a need (and there is a lot that needs to be done) by persons of less merit and ability, many junior to me whom I have trained earlier in my career but who lack the experience, and are given opportunities to contribute at national level. I feel proud that many of them were developed by me but I still see areas that are lacking in which I could advise.

“I feel hurt by all the injustice done to me in the past, opportunities lost, reduced income and grossly underutilised when compared to my experience and knowledge and value I could bring to the football table.

“I feel comforted and encouraged by so many nationals of all ages, races and social standing whom I meet on a daily basis and who thank me for my contribution and express how they long to see me playing a role so I could bring back the excitement and happiness they felt when I was involved.”


The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #275 on: June 12, 2013, 03:31:03 AM »
Mr. Baptiste yuh talking ah pack ah corbeau shittt. Imagine this man say his job is solely not to lose...what wrong with that?????? Winning matches will gain public support.  Youth development will come by don dadda leo bringing in de best players from wherever whichever  however whenever he eyes talent. Wdffff....these fellas are philosophists...they want to develop ah strong team bond and still lorse!!! Nah enough is enough...this car eh running right...time to change de mechanic....leh we get back to firstly winning...then winning the population support...then let us take it from there...

Since when winning ah match is a bad thing...these guys are so stupid...and tryna portray themselves as caringgg sooo much when infact they jess looking for profit...buddy buddy thing....
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Trinidad and Tobago jump up now!

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #276 on: June 12, 2013, 05:57:09 AM »
I trying to be open minded here. If TTFA can hire Beenie, then money is no problem. This guy don't come cheap. The "rich" benefactors who forking out the money for Beenie, should really be forking out money for developmental(grassroots) football. A national academy in central will be good for starters.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #277 on: June 12, 2013, 06:30:06 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #278 on: June 12, 2013, 06:44:35 AM »
This article wreaks of xenophobia!

remember it's been yrs now that i've been tellin you guys how backward and unreasonable these old fellas could be, and they are the reason why our country has fallen to such an all time low, but quite ah few of yuhs took a negative stance against me and accused me of talking the country down, but this week was a perfect example how backward and out of it these old fellas could be.

alvin had his say, gally had his say on the issue, and now andre baptiste had his say, and in the end all of them against the appointment and would rather see charles and shabbaz continue although they are clearly over their heads.

these old fellas would rather have the two rookie coaches stay on and experiment with the national team even if it means embarrassing the country world wide, than to have our football in the hands of a seasoned veteran, all bc the man is a foreigner, allyuh see how destructive these old geezers could be??!!

andre's talking bout youth development, but since when is it the responsibility of the national coach to develop players?

the last i checked it wasn't even the responsibility of their club managers, let alone an international coach. BTW what players charles and shabbaz developing?

these old men in T&T have no shame WSE, and they does show it all the time, especially in the media, not only are they shameless, they are clueless as well!

this ton of manure that andre took precious time to write should have been tossed in the nearest dumpster where it rightfully belongs, it also pains me that the editor had the unmitigated gall to publish this hog feed, how does these ppl get these kind of jobs anyway??  :o

don't get me wrong, i am definitely no beenhakker fan, but since when defensive tactics are frown upon when it's exactly what the doctor ordered.

we've played 6 friendlies and we had one clean sheet, and it was vs belize the weakest of the teams we've played. so since when defensive tactics are inconsequential to our national team when we concede easy goals in almost all our national team, from the u17 all the way to the seniors.

i would think that defensive strategies would be just what the doctor ordered to get us right back on track.

anyway i was hoping to see beenhakker in a more advisory position, working with the babies on up to the seniors, but i definitely would not frown on his appointment as senior coach either, bc we are in desperate need of a solid coach, and what better time than now, a month away from the gold cup.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 06:50:37 AM by just cool »
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #279 on: June 12, 2013, 06:46:55 AM »
Tallman, good call, since when we does ever study development.

With T&T is short term and quick fix.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #280 on: June 12, 2013, 06:53:18 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.

Correct Tallman. Player Development is a Club / School issue. The process of National U15-17-20 is part of the Development process, tied into Clubs / Schools. National Team development is part of formulating the National Team selection & that is limited since most National teams play around 10-12 games a year
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #281 on: June 12, 2013, 06:57:14 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.

Correct Tallman. Player Development is a Club / School issue. The process of National U15-17-20 is part of the Development process, tied into Clubs / Schools. National Team development is part of formulating the National Team selection & that is limited since most National teams play around 10-12 games a year
AND ANDRE SHOULD KNOW THIS!!  after all, look how long he in football!

what he think, is dummies he talking too?? the man is just ah plain ole bigot, him , gally and forkin alvin. these guys are a facking embarrassment to football, and T&T!!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 06:59:11 AM by just cool »
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #282 on: June 12, 2013, 07:33:00 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.

Correct Tallman. Player Development is a Club / School issue. The process of National U15-17-20 is part of the Development process, tied into Clubs / Schools. National Team development is part of formulating the National Team selection & that is limited since most National teams play around 10-12 games a year

Spot on from both of you

It is beyond hilarious when people cry out for a development coach at SENIOR Level..

The coach at senior level is there to pick the best "developed" players he has at his disposal and finding the best team , formation, tactics etc.. Everything is analytical at that point . unless he is a hands on coach he will run the sessions but majority observe and use their presence while their staff run the sessions.

If you want development coach then hope for more men like La Foucade , Jean Lillywhite and Anthony Sherwood  at Under 13 level to show kids the proper technique and more importantly intensity of training similar to methods away..

I dont know how Andre Baptiste have this big tag in the game when he knows f**k all ...

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #283 on: June 12, 2013, 08:07:10 AM »
OK, so Beenie is older, and there are valid arguments as to whether he is a developmental coach.  Hiring him for the Gold Cup would be a stop gap measure that ultimately does not aid in the longterm advancement of Trinidad's football, but you have to admit that Charles and Shabazz are out of depth in their current roles.  Show me the local candidates who could step in.  Our coaching stock is obsolete, as they refuse to keep up with the progress that football has made, and they refuse to engage in continuous learning.  Only place we could look for a coach is abroad.  Why not Stephen Hart or an American coach?  They're definitely better than what we have at home, and they'd come with good knowledge of how things work in the region.  Just putting it out there.  We need a coach that is willing to take a holistic approach to out football and who is willing to work the the TD to bring talent through the pipeline and implement a structure that will ensure the longterm survival and eventual success of our football.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #284 on: June 12, 2013, 08:12:50 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.

Correct Tallman. Player Development is a Club / School issue. The process of National U15-17-20 is part of the Development process, tied into Clubs / Schools. National Team development is part of formulating the National Team selection & that is limited since most National teams play around 10-12 games a year
AND ANDRE SHOULD KNOW THIS!!  after all, look how long he in football!

what he think, is dummies he talking too?? the man is just ah plain ole bigot, him , gally and forkin alvin. these guys are a facking embarrassment to football, and T&T!!

Germany's latest golden era of talent was the brainchild of Klinsmann, although he did get the clubs to buy into the process.  The clubs are obviously under standard, and so the unfortunately the national team has to fill the void.  We still need a structure that allows a more seamless transition from the various youth levels to the senior team, as too many talented players fall by the wayside.  The reality is that we probably do need a senior coach that is into talent development.  Which club nowadays operates with a manager who ignores talent coming through the pipeline.  While they may not be involved in the day-to-day talent development men like Moyes, Brendan Rodgers, Wenger and company all see it as part of their job.  Heck, right now Martin Jol is being criticised for not paying enough mind to the talent that is coming through the pipeline at Fulham.  Point is, this is a necessary part of any senior team manager in the modern game.  You can't isolate the senior team like that; it is more of a national team set-up with different levels of ages.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 08:17:45 AM by Tenorsaw »

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #285 on: June 12, 2013, 08:22:46 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.

Correct Tallman. Player Development is a Club / School issue. The process of National U15-17-20 is part of the Development process, tied into Clubs / Schools. National Team development is part of formulating the National Team selection & that is limited since most National teams play around 10-12 games a year
AND ANDRE SHOULD KNOW THIS!!  after all, look how long he in football!

what he think, is dummies he talking too?? the man is just ah plain ole bigot, him , gally and forkin alvin. these guys are a facking embarrassment to football, and T&T!!

Germany's latest golden era of talent was the brainchild of Klinsmann, although he did get the clubs to buy into the process.  The clubs are obviously under standard, and so the unfortunately the national team has to fill the void.  We still need a structure that allows a more seamless transition from the various youth levels to the senior team, as too many talented players fall by the wayside.

I dont think he was the brainchild to be honest... he brought about enthusiasm but that Germany team at the World Cup in 2006 were not as good(overall play, better structure , better players) as the recent teams that got to the Euro final in 08 and semis in 10' and 12' of the World Cup and Euros respectively

Sammer is the man with the plan,  especially the young talent we now see as a feature in the German team : Gotze , Ozil, Reus, Schullre , Gundogan etc

About Sammer's role:
On 1 April 2006, he was appointed technical director of German Football Association (DFB), on a five-year contract. The position was new in the DFB at the time. It included responsibility for the national youth teams, focusing on young talents between the ages of eleven and eighteen, as well as incorporating the latest developments in sports science into the DFB's training theories. Sammer was also expected to work on a tactical system for all of Germany's national sides in close co-operation with national coach Joachim Löw.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #286 on: June 12, 2013, 08:38:12 AM »
Germany's latest golden era of talent was the brainchild of Klinsman, Not accurate.   This was put in place back before 2000, before Klinsman was involved, but what you are saying is valid.


On another note: If Bennie is hired just sit back and watch how Alvin, Andre, Gally, Shabazz and many others will fight down his appointment. He will get little to no support from the locals involved. When Beenie was hired the first time Alvin was very critical, even after T&T Qualified for the WC.

Just like our politicians they love ignorance & thrive off it.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #287 on: June 12, 2013, 08:55:59 AM »

His job, which he takes very seriously is to NOT LOSE matches, yes NOT LOSE matches, we not only witnessed this in Germany in 2006, but also with coaching stint with Poland, where many of the leading footballing scribes in that proud nation, described his brand as boring, passive and ultra-defensive.

Ah think this plan better than Shabbaz plan...

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #288 on: June 12, 2013, 09:06:24 AM »

His job, which he takes very seriously is to NOT LOSE matches, yes NOT LOSE matches, we not only witnessed this in Germany in 2006, but also with coaching stint with Poland, where many of the leading footballing scribes in that proud nation, described his brand as boring, passive and ultra-defensive.

Ah think this plan better than Shabbaz plan...

plan ??? ??? ??? shabbaz....plan ??? ??? ??? ....interesting that u would think that dumbass had any kinda plan
I pity the fool....

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #289 on: June 12, 2013, 09:30:41 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.

Correct Tallman. Player Development is a Club / School issue. The process of National U15-17-20 is part of the Development process, tied into Clubs / Schools. National Team development is part of formulating the National Team selection & that is limited since most National teams play around 10-12 games a year
AND ANDRE SHOULD KNOW THIS!!  after all, look how long he in football!

what he think, is dummies he talking too?? the man is just ah plain ole bigot, him , gally and forkin alvin. these guys are a facking embarrassment to football, and T&T!!

Germany's latest golden era of talent was the brainchild of Klinsmann, although he did get the clubs to buy into the process.  The clubs are obviously under standard, and so the unfortunately the national team has to fill the void.  We still need a structure that allows a more seamless transition from the various youth levels to the senior team, as too many talented players fall by the wayside.

I dont think he was the brainchild to be honest... he brought about enthusiasm but that Germany team at the World Cup in 2006 were not as good(overall play, better structure , better players) as the recent teams that got to the Euro final in 08 and semis in 10' and 12' of the World Cup and Euros respectively

Sammer is the man with the plan,  especially the young talent we now see as a feature in the German team : Gotze , Ozil, Reus, Schullre , Gundogan etc

About Sammer's role:
On 1 April 2006, he was appointed technical director of German Football Association (DFB), on a five-year contract. The position was new in the DFB at the time. It included responsibility for the national youth teams, focusing on young talents between the ages of eleven and eighteen, as well as incorporating the latest developments in sports science into the DFB's training theories. Sammer was also expected to work on a tactical system for all of Germany's national sides in close co-operation with national coach Joachim Löw.

Exactly so...what you are witnessing now, is as a result of that structure that was put in place.  You wouldn't expect to see immediate divident form a longterm talent development strategy, would you?  Not saying that he developed the talent, but he was the one that said Germany had to change its approach to the game, and that the clubs had to focus more on youth development.  He took this to the German association and there was extensive interaction with the club structure to implement the structure.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #290 on: June 12, 2013, 09:34:06 AM »
England currently in a similar boat, both junior and senior teams playing poorly but I dont see the press critisising Hodgson for not developing the senior team players. The failure of the U21's have people bawlin about use of younger players, progression through the age groups and development at the youth level.

As has been said before, the main national side should be about selecting the best you have and trying to get them to gel both mentally and tactically. Glenn Hoddle gave some good insights on Skysports after the U21 loss to Israel last night on what an international manager is able to do when preparing for games and tournament's. He said its all about making sure your players understand and implement your vision on how to play the next opponent, that is what you are judged on. He said due to time constraints there is very little need to do fitness work and most drills should have the purpose of assisting in implementing your game plan.

On Shabazz and Charles; though I have no specific opinion on their ability...why do we need two Head Coaches? Are there any countries who still do that? It dosent seem to have improved our performances in any way. Yes the opposistion is of a higher standard but if anything the players seem more unsure of what to do since Shabazz joined than they did when Charles was on his own. I'm not saying Charles is better or worse, I just think we should have a solitary voice calling the shot for better or worse. what is the old saying, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth!'
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 09:35:52 AM by Rodney »

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #291 on: June 12, 2013, 09:40:36 AM »
England currently in a similar boat, both junior and senior teams playing poorly but I dont see the press critisising Hodgson for not developing the senior team players. The failure of the U21's have people bawlin about use of younger players, progression through the age groups and development at the youth level.

As has been said before, the main national side should be about selecting the best you have and trying to get them to gel both mentally and tactically. Glenn Hoddle gave some good insights on Skysports after the U21 loss to Israel last night on what an international manager is able to do when preparing for games and tournament's. He said its all about making sure your players understand and implement your vision on how to play the next opponent, that is what you are judged on. He said due to time constraints there is very little need to do fitness work and most drills should have the purpose of assisting in implementing your game plan.

On Shabazz and Charles; though I have no specific opinion on their ability...why do we need two Head Coaches? Are there any countries who still do that? It dosent seem to have improved our performances in any way. Yes the opposistion is of a higher standard but if anything the players seem more unsure of what to do since Shabazz joined than they did when Charles was on his own. I'm not saying Charles is better or worse, I just think we should have a solitary voice calling the shot for better or worse. what is the old saying, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth!'

that much is clear
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #292 on: June 12, 2013, 10:47:27 AM »
Instead it is to be used to engender hope and passion back into the sport. Beenhakker is not a development coach and his ability is a traditional coach who can motivate and inspire players, his efforts do not necessary lie in training and ensuring the growth of our young footballers.

The national team is not the place for a developmental coach anyway. Why is it after all these years people still talking about ah coach developing players at the national team level? Steups! Maybe daiz why we cyar see we way.

Correct Tallman. Player Development is a Club / School issue. The process of National U15-17-20 is part of the Development process, tied into Clubs / Schools. National Team development is part of formulating the National Team selection & that is limited since most National teams play around 10-12 games a year
AND ANDRE SHOULD KNOW THIS!!  after all, look how long he in football!

what he think, is dummies he talking too?? the man is just ah plain ole bigot, him , gally and forkin alvin. these guys are a facking embarrassment to football, and T&T!!

Germany's latest golden era of talent was the brainchild of Klinsmann, although he did get the clubs to buy into the process.  The clubs are obviously under standard, and so the unfortunately the national team has to fill the void.  We still need a structure that allows a more seamless transition from the various youth levels to the senior team, as too many talented players fall by the wayside.

I dont think he was the brainchild to be honest... he brought about enthusiasm but that Germany team at the World Cup in 2006 were not as good(overall play, better structure , better players) as the recent teams that got to the Euro final in 08 and semis in 10' and 12' of the World Cup and Euros respectively

Sammer is the man with the plan,  especially the young talent we now see as a feature in the German team : Gotze , Ozil, Reus, Schullre , Gundogan etc

About Sammer's role:
On 1 April 2006, he was appointed technical director of German Football Association (DFB), on a five-year contract. The position was new in the DFB at the time. It included responsibility for the national youth teams, focusing on young talents between the ages of eleven and eighteen, as well as incorporating the latest developments in sports science into the DFB's training theories. Sammer was also expected to work on a tactical system for all of Germany's national sides in close co-operation with national coach Joachim Löw.

Exactly so...what you are witnessing now, is as a result of that structure that was put in place.  You wouldn't expect to see immediate divident form a longterm talent development strategy, would you?  Not saying that he developed the talent, but he was the one that said Germany had to change its approach to the game, and that the clubs had to focus more on youth development.  He took this to the German association and there was extensive interaction with the club structure to implement the structure.

To the tune of 1 Billion over the last 10 yrs. The investment by the German Federation and Clubs was significant, both euros and man power. Most people ignore this fact and would rather talk about coaching
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #293 on: June 12, 2013, 11:07:54 AM »
Funny doh..I like Mr baptiste article.
I think the point on 'development coach' is taken out of context. I could be mistaken, but his point seems to me. 'Don't pay the kind of money to a world class coach for a non-world class tournament' and 'the long term benefit of hiring, does not justify the requirements of such an individual'...We need a long term development coach/program that can be afforded..Not a big money short term fix, especially when we don't have much.(sam & Deeks points)..that's what i got.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #294 on: June 12, 2013, 01:19:31 PM »
They more concern about paying a foreigner,instead they believe the money should be given to our locals who dont know crap about the beautiful game.The great USA want to be a power house in football they hired a foreigner who they believe understand the game better than them.Come on Tnt we just want to bring back the confidence in TnT football once more which may only comes from the hands of a Foreigner.Check Lord Best theory,the great economist,who said bring in the foreigner to teach us the trick of the trade.Do your thing Tim Kee and forget the critics. ;) ;)

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #295 on: June 12, 2013, 02:22:35 PM »
its almost laughable  reading andre baptiste  article, ..... question to andre baptiste ...... andre do you  have inside info of the role  or assignment  to be given leo beenhakker upon his potential to the national soccer program??? no one can assuringly say in what capacity  and what role he may play provided he returns....  its a wait and see for the moment ... lets not get ahead of ourselves yet .......

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #296 on: June 12, 2013, 02:32:14 PM »

About Sammer's role:
On 1 April 2006, he was appointed technical director of German Football Association (DFB), on a five-year contract. The position was new in the DFB at the time. It included responsibility for the national youth teams, focusing on young talents between the ages of eleven and eighteen, as well as incorporating the latest developments in sports science into the DFB's training theories. Sammer was also expected to work on a tactical system for all of Germany's national sides in close co-operation with national coach Joachim Löw.

In view of that...what is the role of our technical director?

What age group do we think we competitive at? All we see is potential...but do we have a system in place to harness and develop the potential? We have any kind of academy...consistently working on talent? Do we even have a plan that involves all age groups and all stakeholders in our national football? Do we have set targets to achieve...not just in terms of on field results but a vision that we set for all players, coaches or other contributors that are involved in our football?


So...why the suprise and outcry? Fail to prepare..prepare to fail. And this doesnt go just for tournaments....preparing is an ongoing cycle. Unless and until we look to do that...dont expect anything different from what is happening now.
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #297 on: June 12, 2013, 03:27:37 PM »
With due respect while acknowledging Andre's article and from since the inception of this domain the emphasis of developmental theories and getting our asses kicked  has been discussed  over and over and over and over..  What next?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 03:43:07 PM by davyjenny1 »
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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #298 on: June 12, 2013, 03:33:57 PM »
Since when development is synonymous with getting our asses kicked. I'm not seeing any development, I am seeing regression. Since when is it a massive accomplishment to qualify for Gold Cup. Who gives a crap about gold cup, especially if we are just going there to collect level licks. We are not the hottest thing from CFU anymore. We are not competitive. We need an injection of motivation or something. Someone who can get the team working and Shabazz and Co aren't it.

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Re: Andre Baptiste: Leave Beenhakker out Gold Cup.
« Reply #299 on: June 12, 2013, 04:34:38 PM »
Andre is on point. The qualification had a lot to do with the international experience of Latapy and Yorke and it was still tough, even with nice fixtures. With this group there IS a lot of development work to do to make the team truly competitive . Give Hutson and Shabazz  a chance to see how they fare in the Gold Cup and get a serious plan drawn up to start 2018 qualification. If we put clear thinking heads together and do some serious analysis we can come up with  a Good plan. Time for a fresh approach! Not running for a foreigner when it is crunch time, and looking for a saviour!


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