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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #420 on: July 05, 2019, 07:06:07 AM »
How­ev­er, Lawrence took of­fence to calls head­ed by Look Loy, a for­mer na­tion­al play­er and coach, for him to step down, say­ing, "Had I tak­en his ad­vice then, I wouldn't be where I am to­day. When I was 15-years-old, that was the same guy who said to me, you would not make it in foot­ball. I didn't take his ad­vice then.

In 1998, while serv­ing as Joe Pub­lic's Tech­ni­cal Di­rec­tor, that team was beat­en 8-0 by DC Unit­ed in the CON­CA­CAF Cham­pi­ons Cup, but he (Look Loy) did not re­sign then, in­stead, he got an­oth­er pro­mo­tion."

Ac­cord­ing to Lawrence, Look Loy, the for­mer FC San­ta Rosa coach, was al­so ap­point­ed man­ag­er of the coun­try's youth teams in 1999, where, in three con­sec­u­tive games the side was beat­en by six goals, but still he was pro­mot­ed a sec­ond time to the coun­try's se­nior team as an as­sis­tant, where there were al­so un­favourable re­sults.

Dis­ap­point­ed by Look Loy's in­sis­tence that he is not the man for the T&T coach­ing job, Lawrence said Look Loy was then el­e­vat­ed to the po­si­tion of tech­ni­cal ad­vis­er and ap­point­ed a Ger­man coach who failed to get T&T to the Hex stage of the World Cup Qual­i­fiers.

Yuh see this is why  he not stepping down

Im disappointed by this response from DL. Pointing fingers at this stage is unproductive. Seems like an axe is out the toolshed
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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #421 on: July 06, 2019, 07:46:53 AM »
Lawrence tackles criticisms after Gold Cup exit.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

TT MEN’S football team coach Dennis “Tallest” Lawrence yesterday fired back at criticisms, specifically from TT Football Association (TTFA) board member and FC Santa Rosa owner/president Keith Look Loy, who has been vocal in his call for the ex-T&T defender to step down after a poor run of form.

T&T were eliminated in the first round of the Concacaf Gold Cup last week, following a 2-0 loss to Panama, a 6-0 trouncing by joint-hosts United States and a 1-1 draw against Guyana in Group D.

Lawrence, in a media conference yesterday, at the Media Room, National Cycling Centre, Couva, highlighted Look Loy’s coaching tenure, both with the national men’s and youth teams.

“Keith Look Loy, if I (took) his advice, I wouldn’t be sitting where I am today,” Lawrence said. “When I was 15 years old (at then Malick Senior Comprehensive), that’s the same guy who said to me ‘you would not make it in football’. I didn’t take his advice then. I continued to keep going.

“Look at 1998, he got (beaten with Joe Public) 8-0 against DC United. He didn’t resign then, he got promoted. He then went on to manage our national junior teams. (In) 1999, three consecutive games he got (beaten) by six goals. He didn’t resign, he got promoted again.

“He then joined the national senior team as an assistant. What happened then? We all know. He didn’t resign, he got promoted again.”

Lawrence touched on Look Loy’s time as the then TTFF (TT Football Federation) technical advisor (2011-2012), with the experienced Otto Pfister as men’s team coach.

Pfister’s stint will be remembered for T&T’s shock exit, in the second round of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Concacaf Zone Qualifiers, following a 2-1 defeat away to Guyana on November 11, 2011.

“He became the technical advisor and he appointed a German coach and paid him US$50,000/month,” said Lawrence. “When questioned he said it was shop change. We all knew what happened then. We didn’t even get to the Hex. He didn’t resign. Today, he’s still involved in our football, making decisions.”

Lawrence acknowledged that he sets high standards, both for himself and the team.

“I expect high things of myself,” said the T&T coach. “When we suffer, we all suffer together. I will always be here to face it. I am going to demand from these players that we have to improve. Our footballers have to play more football.”

Dennis Lawrence talks to the Media about #GoldCup2019 Part 1

Dennis Lawrence Press Call - Part 2

« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 07:53:46 AM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #422 on: July 16, 2019, 04:01:54 PM »
It sounds like DL and DJW is partners now they better not let this guy get reelected.

So you now know that DJW is in charge of the TTFA. DJW has to be removed to restart the organization. The sad thing is, I have some sympathy for DL because a lot was he said about getting the right players is true. But you are judged by wins and losses. DL stats are abysmal.

The same rationale used to hang the U23s out to dry can be applied to refute DL's claims regarding the Gold Cup. In life we all live with the hands we are dealt and the issue of accountability is always relevant.

Also, there is a difference between mitigating circumstances (those things which we would weigh as tempering the critique of the coach) and exculpatory circumstances (things which would render the outcome not the coach's responsibility or exonerate the coach of responsibility in the outcome).

DJW and DL are obviously circling their wagons, but it's a fairly small circle.

There is no exonerating DL's role here. Cannavaro had two matches with China and then had to say goodie bye bye. DL has had 10 times that. Cannavaro is not the only example of a NT coach having to face the music under imperfect circumstances. Say goodbye, Dennis. This is a job you will/can get again down the road, but by lingering on the doorsteps at the Ato Boldon, you're actually contributing to a diminishing of standards at the federation ... and that says a lot where new depths have already been ploughed by the Big Man at de Ato. Be a patriot and go. 

Look Seedorf get dismissed with a record of 4 wins out of 12 and a Round of 16 exit in the Africa Cup. How serious are we?

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #423 on: July 17, 2019, 03:17:09 PM »
It sounds like DL and DJW is partners now they better not let this guy get reelected.

So you now know that DJW is in charge of the TTFA. DJW has to be removed to restart the organization. The sad thing is, I have some sympathy for DL because a lot was he said about getting the right players is true. But you are judged by wins and losses. DL stats are abysmal.

The same rationale used to hang the U23s out to dry can be applied to refute DL's claims regarding the Gold Cup. In life we all live with the hands we are dealt and the issue of accountability is always relevant.

Also, there is a difference between mitigating circumstances (those things which we would weigh as tempering the critique of the coach) and exculpatory circumstances (things which would render the outcome not the coach's responsibility or exonerate the coach of responsibility in the outcome).

DJW and DL are obviously circling their wagons, but it's a fairly small circle.

There is no exonerating DL's role here. Cannavaro had two matches with China and then had to say goodie bye bye. DL has had 10 times that. Cannavaro is not the only example of a NT coach having to face the music under imperfect circumstances. Say goodbye, Dennis. This is a job you will/can get again down the road, but by lingering on the doorsteps at the Ato Boldon, you're actually contributing to a diminishing of standards at the federation ... and that says a lot where new depths have already been ploughed by the Big Man at de Ato. Be a patriot and go. 

Look Seedorf get dismissed with a record of 4 wins out of 12 and a Round of 16 exit in the Africa Cup. How serious are we?

How serious are we ?

Who is we ? We as in this forum are serious. DJW is not. As it pertains to DL he is not. There no PanAM games. No Olympic qualifying tournament. So DL will be there for the WC qualifications which starts some time in 2020 after the Olympics.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #424 on: July 23, 2019, 10:58:57 AM »
This jackass looking to sue Look Loy for defamation now.... Like he have nothing better to do... well yes!

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #425 on: July 23, 2019, 11:26:52 AM »
This jackass looking to sue Look Loy for defamation now.... Like he have nothing better to do... well yes!


I eh check fuh yuh dey, DL. This would all have been preempted had you resigned at the appropriate time.

All might happen is that there's a Keith Look Loy civil defence fund galvanised or an emergent plethora of pro bono advocates on his behalf. Anyhow, what's left to happen in the courts will unfold as it will, but in the court of public opinion yuh painting yuhself into a less than flattering place.

Again: BWDMC!
« Last Edit: July 23, 2019, 11:31:10 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #426 on: July 23, 2019, 11:35:18 AM »

Lawrence just destroying his whole reputation by himself... have nothing to do with Look Loy

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #427 on: July 23, 2019, 11:43:31 AM »
Same Khaki pants..not a negative comment...why take it as a negative? I said it before ..coaching in the English league is comparing apples to oranges when it comes to coaching a National team.
It would be even more difficult coaching Trinidad for many reasons. I'll name a few..lack of resources, player limitation, limited time to build a strong cohesive unit, leadership experience by the coach.
This coach is an assistant who is an active participant in another man's philosophy..does he fully understand Martinez's methods? I don't understand Martinez's methods..I never liked him, I always thought he was overrated and his relegation into the Championship Division is long overdue.
That methodology would not work with any National set up.
Who knows what is Dennis Lawrence's philosophy?

Now allyuh think coache was a prophet?  :P

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #428 on: July 23, 2019, 12:31:57 PM »
Well d TTFF will get a stooge in Dennis after all he was jack hatchet man encouraging people to take jack 30 pieces of silver. He will tell d national team no need for FPATT or any such body.

weary too


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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #429 on: July 23, 2019, 12:40:17 PM »
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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #430 on: July 23, 2019, 02:58:00 PM »
Same Khaki pants..not a negative comment...why take it as a negative? I said it before ..coaching in the English league is comparing apples to oranges when it comes to coaching a National team.
It would be even more difficult coaching Trinidad for many reasons. I'll name a few..lack of resources, player limitation, limited time to build a strong cohesive unit, leadership experience by the coach.
This coach is an assistant who is an active participant in another man's philosophy..does he fully understand Martinez's methods? I don't understand Martinez's methods..I never liked him, I always thought he was overrated and his relegation into the Championship Division is long overdue.
That methodology would not work with any National set up.
Who knows what is Dennis Lawrence's philosophy?

Now allyuh think coache was a prophet?  :P

Martinez is the Belgium coach.


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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #431 on: July 23, 2019, 06:56:05 PM »
Sometimes people do the wrong thing for the right reasons. Trying to add legitimacy to the smelly, toxic mess that is the TTFF will only help diminish your own standing
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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #432 on: July 24, 2019, 12:39:07 AM »
Look Loy apologises to Lawrence.
By Walter Alibey (Newsday).

T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) board mem­ber Kei­th Look Loy has pub­licly apol­o­gised to his one-time youth play­er, na­tion­al coach Den­nis Lawrence, for com­ments he made af­ter T&T's re­cent CON­CA­CAF Gold Cup per­for­mance.

Un­der Lawrence, who played for Mal­ick Sec­ondary un­der coach Look Loy in 1990, the T&T team fin­ished Group D of the Gold Cup with just a point from a 1-1 tie with Guyana in their last match of the group phase. In the oth­er match­es, the So­ca War­riors were beat­en 2-0 by Pana­ma and hu­mil­i­at­ed 6-0 by the Unit­ed States. The per­for­mance prompt­ed an avalanche of crit­i­cism from the pub­lic and foot­ball stake­hold­ers, in­clud­ing Look Loy.

In fact, at a press con­fer­ence at the Nor­mandie Ho­tel in St Ann's on Ju­ly 10, Look Loy was high­ly crit­i­cal of Lawrence's tenure as coach as he made out a case for his re­moval.

Yes­ter­day, how­ev­er, at­tor­neys for Lawrence wrote to the out­spo­ken T&T Su­per League pres­i­dent call­ing on him to apol­o­gise.

“Your com­ments have brought my client to dis­re­pute and odi­um and have held up my client to ridicule among the peo­ple of T&T and his peers in the foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty, both lo­cal­ly and in­ter­na­tion­al­ly. I, there­fore, call up­on you to pub­licly apol­o­gise to my client forth­with to avoid fur­ther le­gal ac­tion,” the lawyers wrote.

Lawrence's lawyers said he took par­tic­u­lar of­fence to Look Loy's claims that there were play­ers in the team who were not used, mis­used or abused.

Apart from the apol­o­gy, Lawrence's lawyers al­so called on Look Loy to pay $5, 500 in le­gal fees the T&T coach would have ex­pend­ed on send­ing the le­gal let­ter.

Con­tact­ed yes­ter­day, how­ev­er, Look Loy said he was as­ton­ished by this de­vel­op­ment, not­ing coach­es are sub­ject­ed to crit­i­cism in every coun­try, es­pe­cial­ly when their re­sults are poor.

Look Loy said, "I am ad­vised that this claim has no le­gal mer­it but nonethe­less, I have cho­sen to re­spond to this via pub­lic me­dia in ac­cor­dance with Lawrence's wish­es.

"I, as a loy­al sup­port­er of T&T foot­ball and more­so, as a TTFA board mem­ber, has a re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to en­sure that the TTFA and the coun­try re­ceive val­ue for mon­ey spent. My crit­i­cisms were made with this in mind."

He added: "How­ev­er, if it is that Lawrence is suf­fer­ing un­sus­tain­able per­son­al hurt, oc­ca­sioned by what I be­lieve to be le­git­i­mate crit­i­cism of his abysmal record, if Lawrence be­lieves that my cri­tique as a TTFA board mem­ber, his em­ploy­er, that his per­for­mance as na­tion­al coach is dam­ag­ing to his rep­u­ta­tion, even in the face of his cat­a­stroph­ic record, then I am sor­ry."

Look Loy, how­ev­er, sought to put in­to con­text Lawrence's record, which shows of 23 match­es played, the T&T team has won four, drawn five and lost 14 in his two years on the job. He point­ed out that Lawrence re­placed pre­vi­ous coach Stephen Hart, who was fired af­ter two loss­es.


Look Loy ‘sorry’ for sorry Lawrence record.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

T&T coach threatens to sue outspoken critic…

OUTSPOKEN board member of the TT Football Association (TTFA) Keith Look Loy has tongue-in-cheek publicly apologised to national men’s coach Dennis Lawrence for his criticism of Lawrence on the heels of the TT team’s embarrassing showing at the recent Concacaf Gold Cup.

Lawrence, via his attorney Marsha King, has threatened legal action against Look Loy for statements made against him which were “untrue, unfounded, malicious and disrespectful.”

Lawrence has demanded that Look Loy publicly apologise to avoid further legal action and pay his legal representative $5,500, presumably for services rendered.

According to his attorney, Lawrence referred to a few statements made by Look Loy at a recent media conference.

In one of his statements Look Loy said, “It looks like the national coach needs armchair psycho analysis because he goes all the way to when he was in Malick when I was his coach 30 years ago.”

Look Loy mentioned in another statement, “(Lawrence) have MLS players in (the Gold Cup) that were either not used or misused or abused.”

According to Lawrence’s attorney, “On 7 July 2019, my client wrote an email to the TTFA Board, of which you are a member, requesting an apology from you within seven days thereafter. You responded twice by email on 7 July 2019 categorically refusing to apologise to my client and intimating that you would counter-sue.”

In a written statement and subsequent video, which both were released to the media yesterday, Look Loy said Lawrence’s claim was without merit and doubled down on his criticism of the former Soca Warriors World Cup defender. He said Lawrence’s coaching record was “abysmal” and he maintains the belief that he has shown “clear incapacity for handling the job.” Lawrence’s record as T&T coach (including friendly matches) is five wins, six draws and 15 defeats.

Look Loy, however, said, “If Lawrence believes that my critique, as a TTFA board member, of his performance as national coach is damaging to his reputation, even in the face of his catastrophic record, then I apologise.”

Brent Sancho, who was Lawrence’s teammate at the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, and a former player, under Look Loy, at Malick Senior Comprehensive (now Malick Secondary) said yesterday, “There is a line between criticism and slander. If the statements that Look Loy made (are) considered slanderous, then (Lawrence) has a case.

“At the end of the day, you’ll always face criticism in the sport but criticisms have to be done in a particular structure or manner,” Sancho continued.

With regards to Lawrence’s team selection at the Gold Cup, Sancho said, “It’s always a coach’s prerogative to select (who he wants). He’s the one who’s in training, he would know what (are) the attitude of the players like in the camp. Coaches live and die by their decisions.”

On the other side of the coin, Sancho said, “Look Loy is a very experienced coach. He was in FIFA so he has every right to make any pronouncements as it relates to football. However, you have to be careful that you don’t cross the border from criticism to slandering somebody.

“Dennis’s record would show that it hasn’t been good, but I’ve held the fact that he has a big challenge on his hands,” he added. “I don’t think the crop of players is good enough. That is the challenge that he has.”

This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.

OUTSPOKEN board member of the TT Football Association (TTFA) Keith Look Loy has tongue-in-cheek publicly apologised to national men’s coach Dennis Lawrence for his criticism of Lawrence on the heels of the T&T team's embarrassing showing at the recent Concacaf Gold Cup.

Lawrence has threatened legal action against Look Loy for statements made against him which were “untrue, unfounded, malicious and disrespectful.”

Lawrence has demanded that Look Loy publicly apologise to avoid further legal action and pay his legal representative $5,500, presumably for services rendered.

In a written statement, and subsequent video, which both were released to the media today, Look Loy said Lawrence's claim was without merit and doubled down on his criticism of the former Soca Warriors World Cup defender. He said Lawrence's coaching record was "abysmal" and he maintains the belief that he has shown "clear incapacity for handling the job." Lawrence's record as T&T coach (including friendly matches) is five wins, six draws and 15 defeats.

Look Loy however said, “If Lawrence believes that my critique, as a TTFA board member, of his performance as national coach is damaging to his reputation, even in the face of his catastrophic record, then I apologise.”

« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 12:41:32 AM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #433 on: July 26, 2019, 08:08:46 AM »
So we rank 101  now
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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #434 on: July 26, 2019, 09:20:17 AM »
So we rank 101  now


you feel it done?

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #435 on: July 26, 2019, 09:30:00 AM »
So we rank 101  now


you feel it done?

Not if we lose to SVG.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #436 on: July 26, 2019, 11:27:15 AM »

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #437 on: July 28, 2019, 06:59:55 PM »
This DL vs Look Loy ting escalating.

Now Selby Browne jump in the ring.

Everybody drinking bush tea for DJW fever now that elections in sight

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #438 on: July 28, 2019, 08:40:30 PM »
This DL vs Look Loy ting escalating.

Now Selby Browne jump in the ring.

Everybody drinking bush tea for DJW fever now that elections in sight

What is Shelby saying?

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #439 on: July 28, 2019, 09:24:35 PM »

Browne wants review of Board members’ ‘public behaviour’ after new Lawrence letter on Look Loy
Lasana Liburd - Wired868

Veteran Footballers Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (VFFOTT) president Selby Browne has called on the Board of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) to hold an urgent review of the ‘the public behaviour and conduct of Board members’, in the wake of legal threats by Men’s National Senior Team coach Dennis Lawrence to Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) president Keith Look Loy.

Browne and Look Loy are both members of the current TTFA Board.

Browne’s request came after a midweek communiqué by Lawrence to the Board, which was a follow up to his own threat of a defamation suit against Look Loy and the latter’s response to it. (Lawrence’s letter is published below.)

Browne thanked Lawrence for his letter and urged Board members to act.

“I wish to humbly suggest that in keeping with your request, the review of public behaviour and conduct of Board Members be included on the Agenda for the next meeting of the TTFA Board of Directors,” stated Browne. “I trust other Board Members, the President of the TTFA (David John-Williams) and General Secretary (Camara David) would consider my suggestion urgent and take the necessary action in this regard.”

Look Loy’s appeared to give Browne’s petition short shrift in his response.

“Maybe we should be talking about the disastrous 2019 Gold Cup and our subsequent tumble by a further NINE places to 101 in the FIFA rankings,” stated Look Loy. “How about that?”

Browne was unbowed and insisted that Look Loy had not followed proper procedure in his public criticisms of Lawrence.

“As the self proclaimed ‘Football Ombudsman of the United TT’, you surely know that proper procedure requires a Board of Directors to immediately review reports of Tournaments upon receipt from the Technical Director after his evaluation of the coach’s report,” stated Browne. “This along  the reports of the Chief de Mission and Team Manager. But then, it may have been done differently during JAW’s time, the greatest era of TT football, with vast sums of money and not a single financially successful year.

“Your kind suggestion in this regard is most welcome.”

The TTFA Board has not met since Monday 6 May and, according to the local football body’s constitution, it is obliged to meet at least once every two months. In the interim, John-Williams has made decision through an Emergency Committee which Referees Association and vice-president Osmond Downer criticised as a subversion of the constitution.

(Letter from Soca Warriors head coach Dennis Lawrence)

Mr President/General Secretary/Board Members,

Good Night to all as I will like to take the opportunity to give and update on the subject above to where my email dated 07/07/2019 states my Disappointment with Two Comments made by Board member Keith Look Loy (email attached above) and not of Majority of what is being quoted by the board member in his of my unhappiness of his Criticism of Performances/record/results etc as it is clearly understood by myself Dennis Lawrence The Head Coach.

Before going further with my Factual updates I would just like to clear up a few things for Board Member Keith Look Loy.

I was appointed the national senior team coach in 2017 (not a board member as stated in [Look Loy’s] video)
The 2018 World cup was not in Brazil (as stated in [Look Loy’s] video I am sure it was Russia)
Wigan Athletic / Everton FC i would like to believe they both played in the ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE deemed the greatest league in the world during my 6 1/2 years COACHING period in the uk and unless I am wrong Wigan Athletic 2013 FA CUP Winners. (if these are not considered High level teams that i worked as a COACH as stated in the video then just maybe i should throw my ENGLISH FA CUP WINNERS MEDAL i have in my possession in the bin and try to achieve winning a super league medal then this will count as working at a high level and winning a title) 👌👌

I can go on but as stated i am here to give an update to subject above as the matter was brought to public by Board member Keith Look Loy so i believe its only fair i give the facts to My Employers. My email was sent and replies was received by Board Member Keith Look Loy dated 07/07/2019.

Once replies was received i then consulted my Family and friends for advice and then seek legal assistance in the matter as my request via email was outright turn down.

After seeking advise which was confirmed the TWO comments (not anything else as is being portrait over the last few days by Board Member Keith Look Loy) which was used in my email outline was addressed By letter via my legal representative and Served to Board Member Keith Look Loy on the 19.07.2017 and i will like to point out the FACTS that the letter served was purely on the TWO comments addressed to the President/General Sectary and asked to be presented to you all the board members as i did not have all email addresses so i would like to believe you are all aware and if not all email correspondence to the matter including Board member Keith Look Loy very first email to the board in regards to my comments about him which was purely not in any way form or fashion defence of performances/results during the Gold cup 2019 but to reply to a question asked about the fact the Board Member Keith Look Loy said i should Resign, so unless this Boy that grew up in the streets of Marigold Crescent Morvant is wrong i cannot see how this could be seen as being used to defend the 2019 Gold cup performances.

These are the facts that i can assure you Will all be made available to the public at the right time so it can all be seen as the Board Member Keith Look Loy rightfully says coaches are Criticized Globally which in the video Link below during my interview i Clearly stated and accept but am not sure if Coaches Globally are subjected to The TWO comments that were used against me that was indicated in my email dated 07/07/2019!!!

I have shared my Factual informed to all and I refuse to waist anymore time with anyone that cannot help to improve my life so all my focus and attention will be to work hard and improve Results with our national Senior Team while be in the stadiums to support ALL other national teams as I was for the u15 tournament recently ( right KLL 😉😉 ) wish you all a good night.


Dennis Lawrence


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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #440 on: July 28, 2019, 09:25:26 PM »
I can't believe this is what they have time to do...  :frustrated:

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #441 on: July 28, 2019, 09:26:35 PM »
Further from Selby Browne who have the nerve to call somebody a sycophant

Selby Browne Sunday 28 July 2019 at 2:11 pm
Dear Lasana,

Here is my unedited letter of response to Mr. Look Loy.


Let me again repeat to you.

Stop your darn NONSENSE. Catch yourself and be guided accordingly.

Worse, your self professed claim to knowledge of all things Football, arrogated unto yourself is solely based on your sycophancy, and servitude to Austin Jack Warner who granted you every single appointment you have had in football and you continue to be widely recognized for your blinded false grace for JAW.


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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #442 on: July 28, 2019, 10:21:58 PM »
I can't believe this is what they have time to do...  :frustrated:

New depths are being ploughed. Forget about snakes and ladders, we are in the dungeons and dragons phase of the intrigue and subterfuge.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #443 on: July 29, 2019, 06:37:53 AM »

There are really people who batting on the side of DJW for him to be re-elected? My god what a disgrace  :o

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #444 on: July 29, 2019, 08:18:20 AM »
So what is it exactly that DL want to sue Look Loy for? I mean what did he say that surfaced globally on a video that's so egregious? Board members aren't allowed to criticize publicly? This whole thing don't make much sense to me.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #445 on: July 29, 2019, 09:10:45 AM »
Distractions. They taking one from the Trump playbook

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #446 on: July 29, 2019, 09:53:20 AM »
So what is it exactly that DL want to sue Look Loy for? I mean what did he say that surfaced globally on a video that's so egregious? Board members aren't allowed to criticize publicly? This whole thing don't make much sense to me.

There was an insinuation, in one of DL's initial comments, of a broader impact beyond the domestic audience. Now, with each escalation, the remoteness of attracting the attention of a wider audience is likely to diminish ... although there is still considerable movement necessary before it has traction on the global proportions represented in the initial quibble.

Internecine battles within federations are not uncommon, but most federation actors do not have an insistent chronicler in the form of a Liburd or a platform on which to air their linen and appeal to public sentiment.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 09:55:00 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #447 on: July 29, 2019, 03:01:23 PM »
FF, until you made that post I thought Wired's posting feature was disabled or not wukkin. Ppl like they staying clear of a hot potato.

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #448 on: July 29, 2019, 03:07:33 PM »
FF, until you made that post I thought Wired's posting feature was disabled or not wukkin. Ppl like they staying clear of a hot potato.

I think most people responding on the Wired Facebook community

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Re: Dennis Lawrence Thread
« Reply #449 on: July 29, 2019, 03:11:55 PM »
I think DL doing himself a disservice and damaging his own brand.
If I am a club looking to hire and looking at his accomplishments, reading that letter and further investigation into this whole imbroglio would give me pause.

He could have stayed apolitical but it seems he is casting his lot with the DJW faction

p.s. just to be clear. That letter is embarrassing and reads as immature  :frustrated: who are his so called advisors?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 03:15:07 PM by FF »


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