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Author Topic: Akeem Adams Thread.  (Read 85858 times)

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #510 on: January 02, 2014, 10:29:58 AM »
As a cash strapped organization, the TTFA gave all they could so when others criticize their efforts, I have one question: what was Lasana's contribution?

Offline weary1969

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #511 on: January 02, 2014, 10:47:44 AM »
As a cash strapped organization, the TTFA gave all they could so when others criticize their efforts, I have one question: what was Lasana's contribution?

He probably bought a T-shirt which most of us did. I believe his focus was on the lack of support from govt. Even if he did nutten he had plenty company so as a journalist his job is to report on what goes on whether he did nutten. So to yuh post BIG FAT WET LOUD STEUPSSSSSSSSS
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Offline Bakes

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #512 on: January 02, 2014, 10:53:57 AM »
Y everybody assume we wanted d govt to give financial contribution. All his bills were being paid for. It would have been nice if they had paid 4d mom and son ticket but guess what d club did that. All we are saying is that a citizen was in dire need and no govt official even called 2 c how this citizen was doing. Now everybody talkin bout d gr8 loss.

Might I point you back to Elan's post... which is specifically what I was responding to.

Nice article and very good timing. This is the 2nd T&T athlete (that I know of) in recent times that had major medical problems. We need to put things in place to assist. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the people of a country looking to its government in their time of need. This is the most basic responsibility of an elected government.

What should the government do, only build roads or should that be the problem of the citizenry? Should the government not assist in food benefits as that may be seen as to paternalistic? How about privatizing the medical system in T&T and absolve the government from further paternalistic responsibility.

We talk about the loss of love in the Country, but then turn around and say every man for himself. This is a unique situation and the government MUST assist its people in such situation. A young man, a young son of the soil, in his most dire moment should not be able to turn to the people charged with the responsibility of providing security and medical assistance to improve his well-being?

We often talk from a play of "enlightenment" but within that realm we often forget our character, our moral obligations to each other. This youth, this young fella, was a Son first, a citizen second and a footballer third. If WE refuse to look after WE, then we have failed as a nation. No amount of infrastructure or resources will be able to make up for our lack of social compassion to each other.

Happy New Year.

What needs did Akeem have, that the government failed to provide?  Again, helping the mother and brother is a separate issue.  How did the government abandon Akeem?  The club did the right thing to pay for his family to come be with him, it was more their responsibility (he was in their care when he got hurt) than it was the government's, why allyuh feel they was so forthcoming with the help? Because they recognize their responsibility... this is how any professional organization would act, provided they have the resources.  Had the government flown someone out to visit or paid for the family members to go, then the next Trini end up in a bind abroad their family members would be looking for the same help and talking about favoritism.  To be honest this probably wasn't even high on anybody radar... is not like the government don't have other things to focus on closer to home.

Yes, the idiot government likes to pick and choose how to lend favor too, as exemplified with the Olympic athletes, but even that (much as I don't totally agree with it) is somewhat justifiable given that the athletes were 'representing' the country and did the country proud.  God forbid that something happens to FS in Trinidad tomorrow, there's a British ambassador/high commission right there in TnT and somebody might visit him.  But if there was not, do any of allyuh think the British would fly anybody to Trinidad (let alone his family members) to go look for him?  Allyuh out allyuh minds.

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #513 on: January 02, 2014, 11:44:33 AM »
Y everybody assume we wanted d govt to give financial contribution. All his bills were being paid for. It would have been nice if they had paid 4d mom and son ticket but guess what d club did that. All we are saying is that a citizen was in dire need and no govt official even called 2 c how this citizen was doing. Now everybody talkin bout d gr8 loss.

Might I point you back to Elan's post... which is specifically what I was responding to.

Nice article and very good timing. This is the 2nd T&T athlete (that I know of) in recent times that had major medical problems. We need to put things in place to assist. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the people of a country looking to its government in their time of need. This is the most basic responsibility of an elected government.

What should the government do, only build roads or should that be the problem of the citizenry? Should the government not assist in food benefits as that may be seen as to paternalistic? How about privatizing the medical system in T&T and absolve the government from further paternalistic responsibility.

We talk about the loss of love in the Country, but then turn around and say every man for himself. This is a unique situation and the government MUST assist its people in such situation. A young man, a young son of the soil, in his most dire moment should not be able to turn to the people charged with the responsibility of providing security and medical assistance to improve his well-being?

We often talk from a play of "enlightenment" but within that realm we often forget our character, our moral obligations to each other. This youth, this young fella, was a Son first, a citizen second and a footballer third. If WE refuse to look after WE, then we have failed as a nation. No amount of infrastructure or resources will be able to make up for our lack of social compassion to each other.

Happy New Year.

What needs did Akeem have, that the government failed to provide?  Again, helping the mother and brother is a separate issue.  How did the government abandon Akeem?  The club did the right thing to pay for his family to come be with him, it was more their responsibility (he was in their care when he got hurt) than it was the government's, why allyuh feel they was so forthcoming with the help? Because they recognize their responsibility... this is how any professional organization would act, provided they have the resources.  Had the government flown someone out to visit or paid for the family members to go, then the next Trini end up in a bind abroad their family members would be looking for the same help and talking about favoritism.  To be honest this probably wasn't even high on anybody radar... is not like the government don't have other things to focus on closer to home.

Yes, the idiot government likes to pick and choose how to lend favor too, as exemplified with the Olympic athletes, but even that (much as I don't totally agree with it) is somewhat justifiable given that the athletes were 'representing' the country and did the country proud.  God forbid that something happens to FS in Trinidad tomorrow, there's a British ambassador/high commission right there in TnT and somebody might visit him.  But if there was not, do any of allyuh think the British would fly anybody to Trinidad (let alone his family members) to go look for him?  Allyuh out allyuh minds.

Sadly, Bakes is quiite correct.

you wouldn't see the American or British Govt. running to assist if this were one of their own because it's not their responsibility.
However, we are a small country and it would have been nice if ALL parties could've shared the burden, eg. his local MP, the MOS, TTFA, et

If the Govt. had gone overboard on this, then everybody playing sport abroad would've had a reason to ask for assistance when in need and cry favourtisim if they were ignored.

It wouldn't have bothered me one bit if the govt. had footed all bills for Akeem but I can understand why not.
Local entities at home should've augmented the club's efforts; eg. Akeem's mother should never had had to worry about spending money, groceries and a phone bill. The MOS alone could've guaranteed her about a thousand US per month for three months and then more assitance if necessary.  A mere pittance when you look at what was wasted on the Taruba Complex or what they spend on boxing coaches who doh show up at gyms.

I hope the govt. will bear the expense of his body being brought home and pay the funeral expenses. But I eh holding my breath.


Offline weary1969

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #514 on: January 02, 2014, 12:12:11 PM »
Y everybody assume we wanted d govt to give financial contribution. All his bills were being paid for. It would have been nice if they had paid 4d mom and son ticket but guess what d club did that. All we are saying is that a citizen was in dire need and no govt official even called 2 c how this citizen was doing. Now everybody talkin bout d gr8 loss.

Might I point you back to Elan's post... which is specifically what I was responding to.

Nice article and very good timing. This is the 2nd T&T athlete (that I know of) in recent times that had major medical problems. We need to put things in place to assist. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the people of a country looking to its government in their time of need. This is the most basic responsibility of an elected government.

What should the government do, only build roads or should that be the problem of the citizenry? Should the government not assist in food benefits as that may be seen as to paternalistic? How about privatizing the medical system in T&T and absolve the government from further paternalistic responsibility.

We talk about the loss of love in the Country, but then turn around and say every man for himself. This is a unique situation and the government MUST assist its people in such situation. A young man, a young son of the soil, in his most dire moment should not be able to turn to the people charged with the responsibility of providing security and medical assistance to improve his well-being?

We often talk from a play of "enlightenment" but within that realm we often forget our character, our moral obligations to each other. This youth, this young fella, was a Son first, a citizen second and a footballer third. If WE refuse to look after WE, then we have failed as a nation. No amount of infrastructure or resources will be able to make up for our lack of social compassion to each other.

Happy New Year.

What needs did Akeem have, that the government failed to provide?  Again, helping the mother and brother is a separate issue.  How did the government abandon Akeem?  The club did the right thing to pay for his family to come be with him, it was more their responsibility (he was in their care when he got hurt) than it was the government's, why allyuh feel they was so forthcoming with the help? Because they recognize their responsibility... this is how any professional organization would act, provided they have the resources.  Had the government flown someone out to visit or paid for the family members to go, then the next Trini end up in a bind abroad their family members would be looking for the same help and talking about favoritism.  To be honest this probably wasn't even high on anybody radar... is not like the government don't have other things to focus on closer to home.

Yes, the idiot government likes to pick and choose how to lend favor too, as exemplified with the Olympic athletes, but even that (much as I don't totally agree with it) is somewhat justifiable given that the athletes were 'representing' the country and did the country proud.  God forbid that something happens to FS in Trinidad tomorrow, there's a British ambassador/high commission right there in TnT and somebody might visit him.  But if there was not, do any of allyuh think the British would fly anybody to Trinidad (let alone his family members) to go look for him?  Allyuh out allyuh minds.

Sadly, Bakes is quiite correct.

you wouldn't see the American or British Govt. running to assist if this were one of their own because it's not their responsibility.
However, we are a small country and it would have been nice if ALL parties could've shared the burden, eg. his local MP, the MOS, TTFA, et

If the Govt. had gone overboard on this, then everybody playing sport abroad would've had a reason to ask for assistance when in need and cry favourtisim if they were ignored.

It wouldn't have bothered me one bit if the govt. had footed all bills for Akeem but I can understand why not.
Local entities at home should've augmented the club's efforts; eg. Akeem's mother should never had had to worry about spending money, groceries and a phone bill. The MOS alone could've guaranteed her about a thousand US per month for three months and then more assitance if necessary.  A mere pittance when you look at what was wasted on the Taruba Complex or what they spend on boxing coaches who doh show up at gyms.

I hope the govt. will bear the expense of his body being brought home and pay the funeral expenses. But I eh holding my breath.


D Club paying for that so u eh hv 2 hold yuh breath. So by ignoring Akeem's mther and bther Akeem was not abandoned. I really eh bright like all yuh fellas. All u mention that could hv been done my the MOS but was not done indicate with my ltd intelligence that he was abandoned. There is a Medical Aid committee that the MOH has 2 assist nationals abroad that need medical committee treatment. Was this committee activated to see if there was anything they could do help wit mom and bro assistance? The biggest beef I have is that the High Commission in Belgium never ever call these people but we want 2 know what was a journalist contribution. This is y we will forever b a banana republic.

I know what can be done to assist a national abroad when there is a crisis. When Ivan was heading to JA all the students were airlifted out but a national footballer is in hospital his club covering d expenses they flew in his family and we eh even call 2 see how they was doing and all is well.
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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #515 on: January 02, 2014, 01:32:44 PM »
When I was robbed at gunpoint in T&T, the High Commission contacted me.

An example of help available to UK citizens abroad:

If you’re an independent traveller and you’ve run out of money abroad you’ll need to contact your bank or a friend or relative and organise money to be transferred to you. If you need help with this you should contact the British Consul where you’re staying. They can give you information on how to transfer money and help you contact relatives and friends.

From the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office guide:

What kind of help we can provide
We offer help which is appropriate to the individual
circumstances of each case, including:

Issuing replacement travel documents.

Providing information about transferring funds.

Providing appropriate help if you have suffered
rape or serious sexual or physical assault, are a
victim of other crimes, are ill or in hospital.

Providing details of local lawyers, interpreters,
doctors and funeral directors.

Doing all we properly can to contact you within 24
hours of being told that you have been detained.

Offering support and help in a range of other
cases, such as child abductions, death of relatives
overseas, missing people and kidnappings.

Contacting family or friends for you if you want.

Making special arrangements in cases of terrorism,
civil unrest or natural disasters.

Providing documentary services such as consular
birth or death registration, help with marriage or
civil partnership documents or providing notarial
services as appropriate

Of course, what they say and what they do are entirely different subjects!

But, again, all that I have been speaking of is a simple phone call or visit to support the family and, maybe, give a boost to Akeem.

Offline weary1969

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #516 on: January 02, 2014, 01:36:23 PM »
When I was robbed at gunpoint in T&T, the High Commission contacted me.

An example of help available to UK citizens abroad:

If you’re an independent traveller and you’ve run out of money abroad you’ll need to contact your bank or a friend or relative and organise money to be transferred to you. If you need help with this you should contact the British Consul where you’re staying. They can give you information on how to transfer money and help you contact relatives and friends.

From the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office guide:

What kind of help we can provide
We offer help which is appropriate to the individual
circumstances of each case, including:

Issuing replacement travel documents.

Providing information about transferring funds.

Providing appropriate help if you have suffered
rape or serious sexual or physical assault, are a
victim of other crimes, are ill or in hospital.

Providing details of local lawyers, interpreters,
doctors and funeral directors.

Doing all we properly can to contact you within 24
hours of being told that you have been detained.

Offering support and help in a range of other
cases, such as child abductions, death of relatives
overseas, missing people and kidnappings.

Contacting family or friends for you if you want.

Making special arrangements in cases of terrorism,
civil unrest or natural disasters.

Providing documentary services such as consular
birth or death registration, help with marriage or
civil partnership documents or providing notarial
services as appropriate

Of course, what they say and what they do are entirely different subjects!

But, again, all that I have been speaking of is a simple phone call or visit to support the family and, maybe, give a boost to Akeem.

Nah u askin 4 2much.
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Bakes

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #517 on: January 02, 2014, 02:55:13 PM »
When I was robbed at gunpoint in T&T, the High Commission contacted me.

Good, they contacted you... and they are right here as I stated so they probably could have visited if need be.  Already addressed:

there's a British ambassador/high commission right there in TnT and somebody might visit him.  But if there was not, do any of allyuh think the British would fly anybody to Trinidad (let alone his family members) to go look for him?

Do you think if there was no High Commission here in Trinidad that the British government was going to fly someone in to visit you if you were hospitalized?

An example of help available to UK citizens abroad:

If you’re an independent traveller and you’ve run out of money abroad you’ll need to contact your bank or a friend or relative and organise money to be transferred to you. If you need help with this you should contact the British Consul where you’re staying. They can give you information on how to transfer money and help you contact relatives and friends.

From the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office guide:

What kind of help we can provide
We offer help which is appropriate to the individual
circumstances of each case, including:

Issuing replacement travel documents.

Providing information about transferring funds.

Providing appropriate help if you have suffered
rape or serious sexual or physical assault, are a
victim of other crimes, are ill or in hospital.

Providing details of local lawyers, interpreters,
doctors and funeral directors.

Doing all we properly can to contact you within 24
hours of being told that you have been detained.

Offering support and help in a range of other
cases, such as child abductions, death of relatives
overseas, missing people and kidnappings.

Contacting family or friends for you if you want.

Making special arrangements in cases of terrorism,
civil unrest or natural disasters.

Providing documentary services such as consular
birth or death registration, help with marriage or
civil partnership documents or providing notarial
services as appropriate

Of course, what they say and what they do are entirely different subjects!

But, again, all that I have been speaking of is a simple phone call or visit to support the family and, maybe, give a boost to Akeem.

None of this is unique or special to be honest... this is pretty routine and most of if is premised first on a request for assistance.

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #518 on: January 02, 2014, 03:11:26 PM »
When I was robbed at gunpoint in T&T, the High Commission contacted me.

Good, they contacted you... and they are right here as I stated so they probably could have visited if need be.  Already addressed:

there's a British ambassador/high commission right there in TnT and somebody might visit him.  But if there was not, do any of allyuh think the British would fly anybody to Trinidad (let alone his family members) to go look for him?

Do you think if there was no High Commission here in Trinidad that the British government was going to fly someone in to visit you if you were hospitalized?

An example of help available to UK citizens abroad:

If you’re an independent traveller and you’ve run out of money abroad you’ll need to contact your bank or a friend or relative and organise money to be transferred to you. If you need help with this you should contact the British Consul where you’re staying. They can give you information on how to transfer money and help you contact relatives and friends.

From the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office guide:

What kind of help we can provide
We offer help which is appropriate to the individual
circumstances of each case, including:

Issuing replacement travel documents.

Providing information about transferring funds.

Providing appropriate help if you have suffered
rape or serious sexual or physical assault, are a
victim of other crimes, are ill or in hospital.

Providing details of local lawyers, interpreters,
doctors and funeral directors.

Doing all we properly can to contact you within 24
hours of being told that you have been detained.

Offering support and help in a range of other
cases, such as child abductions, death of relatives
overseas, missing people and kidnappings.

Contacting family or friends for you if you want.

Making special arrangements in cases of terrorism,
civil unrest or natural disasters.

Providing documentary services such as consular
birth or death registration, help with marriage or
civil partnership documents or providing notarial
services as appropriate

Of course, what they say and what they do are entirely different subjects!

But, again, all that I have been speaking of is a simple phone call or visit to support the family and, maybe, give a boost to Akeem.

None of this is unique or special to be honest... this is pretty routine and most of if is premised first on a request for assistance.

All true. But I'd would expect some contact, wherever I am. And, as you say, these situations aren't unique, but Akeems is pretty high profile, so you would think that an effort would be made.

But here's a question: While everyone here is saying it's the employers responsibility etc how do you think Akeems body will reach T&T? Unless I'm very much mistaken, the hub for Trinidad from Europe is the U.K. Special permission will have to be obtained to allow the body to enter the UK while awaiting the flight to T&T. I believe it can't be done solely by Hungary. There will need to be some assistance from T&T. Not financial, but administration. If I am correct in this assumption, shouldn't someone in Govt be aware of this and already be "greasing the wheels"? Now, maybe they have already begun the process, but it's an example of how the state should be offering advice and assistance to Akeem's family.

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #519 on: January 02, 2014, 03:25:52 PM »
Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868)

Acting Prime Minister Errol McLeod told the Trinidad Express yesterday that the national community should observe a minute’s silence for former two-time World Youth Cup player Akeem Adams, who passed away yesterday in Budapest, Hungary.
Unquestionably, the Trinidad and Tobago Government has taken the lead on this initiative. There were virtually three months of silence from McLeod and his Cabinet colleagues while the 22-year-old Adams fought for his life at the Varosmajori Heart Clinic.
Adams’ employer, Ferencvaros, met all the Trinidadian’s medical expenses but his mother, Ancilla Dick, had to relocate to Budapest to lend emotional support and approve the medical procedures necessary to give her son a fighting chance. Dick, who is a domestic worker by profession, needed groceries, winter clothing and a living allowance and the family pleaded for financial assistance.
But, when Adams needed them most, McLeod and company were rehearsing for their minute’s silence. And the Prime Minister who offered the nation discounted rice, oil and flour for Christmas never thought to give Dick and Adams a few TSTT phone cards to help the humble Point Fortin family communicate during this traumatic time.
“As a father I cannot begin to imagine the grief and despair his family is feeling in these difficult moments,” said Sport Minister Anil Roberts, via a press release. “Akeem was a talented young man who (…) stood as an example to many on how fully utilise all the gifts and talents bestowed on him by the Creator.
“He even faced his final challenge with an optimistic spirit and kept up the fight, right until the end.”
Roberts certainly never thought of Adams as his son, though. The Sport Minister flew all the way to Barcelona to cheer on his swimmer, George Bovell III, from poolside in Barcelona, Spain last August. But he never thought of repeating his voyage to Europe to offer a word of encouragement to Adams.

Expose the hypocrites Lasana, no apology required! :thumbsup:
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #520 on: January 02, 2014, 03:40:36 PM »
Sometimes i feel we Trini's does forget or we just don't care,this is not the first time we end up with a situation like this,correct me if i'm wrong but i'm just trying to compare this with Marvin Lee,who took care of Marvin Lee,was the government involved,who were the Doctors,who took care of his treatment,where the money came from,who made contributions,where did he get damage,wasn't he an amdassador of T&T,was any cards sent to him etc etc etc

Well, from what I understand, the nation was told at the time that Jack warner covered all of the bills, so the nation would stand proud and think we were looking after our fallen warrior. Of course, it appears that everything was actually paid for by someone else. But, the point is, it APPEARED as if Marvin was taken care of and supported by T&T.

I think it is right that we question the silence from govt. After all, God forbid, many posters here live overseas. What happens if they fall ill or suffer a tragedy overseas and need a little support? Not financial, but the support of their country. Trinis have the right to expect a little more.
      I didn't want to respond to this but i have to say something.FS where were you when this incident took place?how long u in T&T?how long u involved or following T&T Football?what u know of our history?my guess is what ever u know was told to u by someone,from the time u start stateing "from what i understand" "the nation was told at the time" "it appears" you not sure of what the person told you,when you all coming on here get your facts right.Is Football your full time job?what you used to do before u came to T&T?manage a club in England or something?or are u a lawyer?

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #521 on: January 02, 2014, 04:23:31 PM »
All true. But I'd would expect some contact, wherever I am. And, as you say, these situations aren't unique, but Akeems is pretty high profile, so you would think that an effort would be made.

But here's a question: While everyone here is saying it's the employers responsibility etc how do you think Akeems body will reach T&T? Unless I'm very much mistaken, the hub for Trinidad from Europe is the U.K. Special permission will have to be obtained to allow the body to enter the UK while awaiting the flight to T&T. I believe it can't be done solely by Hungary. There will need to be some assistance from T&T. Not financial, but administration. If I am correct in this assumption, shouldn't someone in Govt be aware of this and already be "greasing the wheels"? Now, maybe they have already begun the process, but it's an example of how the state should be offering advice and assistance to Akeem's family.

Though not obligated to, I think it's fair to expect someone from the nearest Embassy/Consul/High Commission to reach out to the family, would have been nice if that contact also included an inquiry as to their needs regarding temporary shelter, food etc.

With regards to bringing the body home, his agent should be spearheading that effort... including any necessary liaising with the authorities, both local and foreign.

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #522 on: January 02, 2014, 05:44:14 PM »
Sometimes i feel we Trini's does forget or we just don't care,this is not the first time we end up with a situation like this,correct me if i'm wrong but i'm just trying to compare this with Marvin Lee,who took care of Marvin Lee,was the government involved,who were the Doctors,who took care of his treatment,where the money came from,who made contributions,where did he get damage,wasn't he an amdassador of T&T,was any cards sent to him etc etc etc

Well, from what I understand, the nation was told at the time that Jack warner covered all of the bills, so the nation would stand proud and think we were looking after our fallen warrior. Of course, it appears that everything was actually paid for by someone else. But, the point is, it APPEARED as if Marvin was taken care of and supported by T&T.

I think it is right that we question the silence from govt. After all, God forbid, many posters here live overseas. What happens if they fall ill or suffer a tragedy overseas and need a little support? Not financial, but the support of their country. Trinis have the right to expect a little more.
      I didn't want to respond to this but i have to say something.FS where were you when this incident took place?how long u in T&T?how long u involved or following T&T Football?what u know of our history?my guess is what ever u know was told to u by someone,from the time u start stateing "from what i understand" "the nation was told at the time" "it appears" you not sure of what the person told you,when you all coming on here get your facts right.Is Football your full time job?what you used to do before u came to T&T?manage a club in England or something?or are u a lawyer?

Coops, you are 100% correct. Most of the knowledge I have acquired about T&T football came from this site. As I wasn't actually here and therefore not completely certain of the facts, I frame my statements to reflect that. As opposed to others who state "facts" which are then found to be incorrect.
Regarding Marvin Lee, I'm fairly certain that it was revealed that the medical bills etc were never paid for by Jack Warner (I seem to recall it may have been the U.S. F.A. or CONCACAF?) Because I can't remember exactly,  which is why I wrote "Of course, it appears that everything was actually paid for by someone else."

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #523 on: January 02, 2014, 05:45:24 PM »
Ok, this is the last I am posting on this as we see everything is judged by American "standards'.

Bakes assisting Akeem is doing whatever, if that means getting his family to him then so be it. You conveniently separate Akeem from his family. They are one and the same. His parents weren't his medical team, but they provided emotional support.

I believe what I believe, that this situation called for some type of government intervention. Sorry the USA does not do things like that. Let's see what the good ol' US of A do when another one of it's embassy is attacked. Or when they send their winter Olympic contingent to the Russia or the soccer team to Brazil.

"Sorry"....... it's all your country can offer you Akeem and Family.
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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #524 on: January 02, 2014, 06:47:14 PM »

I eh won't to quote everybody damn quote.

But to summarise. It's not the Govt. job to cover medical expenses abroad. If so, please tell me how this works.

Because I know some situations when I coulda call them to foot the bill. My mother break she foot in Seychelles a few years back and dem muddafkkers wanted to amputate (thank God they were talked down), no call from TT govt.

As I said it's not their job but I wouldn't have buffed them for stepping forward. Flying a body home and spending money on a heart operation aren't the same things.

Yes, the govt. has rescued nationals from places like Egypt and you said J'ca but that is different from covering your medical expenses abroad. Now if he were a soldier injured in the line of duty, different story.

Heart transplant and the expenses that go with it are not the same as rescuing nationals in danger abroad.
This is why the Canadian Govt. sent an Air Carrier some years ago to rescue people from Libay, spent tens of millions of dollars but don't pay for operations for nationals abroad - DIFFERENT.
Likewise when the Biritish rescued people from Montserrat about 20 years ago. Sent a Carrier for them but pretty damn sure if they fall and buss dey head wasn't covering neuro surgery unless it was covered by the insurance.

This was never the Govt.'s responsibility. Their willingness to step forward and assist is up to them.

I eh go discuss this again. Becz this point getting beat up like meh old washikongs.


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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #525 on: January 02, 2014, 07:14:52 PM »

I eh won't to quote everybody damn quote.

But to summarise. It's not the Govt. job to cover medical expenses abroad. If so, please tell me how this works.

Because I know some situations when I coulda call them to foot the bill. My mother break she foot in Seychelles a few years back and dem muddafkkers wanted to amputate (thank God they were talked down), no call from TT govt.

As I said it's not their job but I wouldn't have buffed them for stepping forward. Flying a body home and spending money on a heart operation aren't the same things.

Yes, the govt. has rescued nationals from places like Egypt and you said J'ca but that is different from covering your medical expenses abroad. Now if he were a soldier injured in the line of duty, different story.

Heart transplant and the expenses that go with it are not the same as rescuing nationals in danger abroad.
This is why the Canadian Govt. sent an Air Carrier some years ago to rescue people from Libay, spent tens of millions of dollars but don't pay for operations for nationals abroad - DIFFERENT.
Likewise when the Biritish rescued people from Montserrat about 20 years ago. Sent a Carrier for them but pretty damn sure if they fall and buss dey head wasn't covering neuro surgery unless it was covered by the insurance.

This was never the Govt.'s responsibility. Their willingness to step forward and assist is up to them.

I eh go discuss this again. Becz this point getting beat up like meh old washikongs.


There is a Medical Aid Committee of the MOH that you could have written for some reimbursement. Do not know the maximum is since 2000 stop wuking health. It is up to them whether they reimburse or not. So 4 instance if Akeem was on holiday and he suffered d heart attack his mother could have written to them to cover the medical expenses. Again up to them to help or not.

D matter at hand is not who paid 4 Akeem medical expenses that was covered. They even flew in his family while our govt did zero. Not a phone call, not a phone card 2 call home. A little concern would have been nice. An acct existed which we here deposited money we were not obligated to but we did anyway because we realised this lady needed some support but I guess the powers at be felt that she was on holiday in Hungary seeing the sites so she was aok.

BTW did the closest Embassy etc knew about your mom accident?
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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #526 on: January 02, 2014, 07:25:26 PM »
Ok, this is the last I am posting on this as we see everything is judged by American "standards'.

Bakes assisting Akeem is doing whatever, if that means getting his family to him then so be it. You conveniently separate Akeem from his family. They are one and the same. His parents weren't his medical team, but they provided emotional support.

I believe what I believe, that this situation called for some type of government intervention. Sorry the USA does not do things like that. Let's see what the good ol' US of A do when another one of it's embassy is attacked. Or when they send their winter Olympic contingent to the Russia or the soccer team to Brazil.

"Sorry"....... it's all your country can offer you Akeem and Family.

The only thing 'convenient' here is the spin you trying to put on things to fit your narrow perspective.  I NEVER said American standards govern or we should only do what the US does, and I know that you are intelligent enough to read and actually understand what you read.  I specifically used examples involving different nations, the US being one of them.  I spoke about FS and Rooney from England... I spoke of Oscar at Chelsea and Brazil.  You 'conveniently' look past these to latch onto the US, implicitly invoking a deliberately controversial topic ("judging TnT by American standards"), rather than discuss the merits of what was stated.  At the end of the day I have no skin in this and I don't need to be going back and forth with you.  I'll just sum up what I've already stated:

1. There's a risk of opening up the government to more criticism, as well as unrealistic expectations from others, if you set this precedent.

2. We bemoan the way that TnT is run and wonder why we can't operate like other progressive Western nations, yet when the time comes for us to adhere to that position, we disavow it whenever it's convenient.

The situation with Akeem is a real tragedy and people are emotional and upset, that is to be expected.  In the end however clear heads have to prevail and we need to be both measured and objective in our response.

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #527 on: January 02, 2014, 07:30:02 PM »
And Elan yes, I am treating support to the family and aid to Akeem as two different things, they are not one in the same.  Separate from that I have my own opinion on certain things said/done by the family (and agent) but now is not the time to get into that.  Some of it is understandable, but some of it goes to the heart of the "entitlement" question presently being discussed.

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #528 on: January 03, 2014, 03:59:46 AM »
Unless you're in the EU, it's standard to expect you to take out travel insurance to cover medical bills (From a Western perspective), but the most important support from your embassy is non-monetary

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Re: Death at a funeral: Akeem’s passing sparks race to bandwagon
« Reply #529 on: January 03, 2014, 05:56:26 AM »
Unless you're in the EU, it's standard to expect you to take out travel insurance to cover medical bills (From a Western perspective), but the most important support from your embassy is non-monetary

True, but travel insurance is usually not available for longer than 1 month. Also, technically, Akeem wasn't travelling, he was working overseas. Therefore he would fall under the benefit system of the country he was employed in and has the option to purchase medical insurance or life insurance. Also, Hungary has a players union which may also provide certain benefits.

Again, I believe this issue does not concern money as his employer has been superb.

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Re: Tragic News... Akeem Adams Has Passed Away
« Reply #530 on: January 03, 2014, 07:21:03 AM »
Memorial site desecrated: A photograph of late international footballer Akeem Adams set up in front of his alma mater, Presentation College, San Fernando, has been stolen. Thieves made off the photograph, candles and flowers within 24 hours after they were put outside the school on Carib Street.

Expressing shock and disappointment over the callous act, president of the Presentation College Past Pupils Association Steven Samlalsingh said, “It was placed there Old Year’s Day. They first stole the flowers and candles. Then yesterday (New Year’s Day) I discovered the picture missing.” However, he said another memorial site had been set up at the school under a mango tree in the carpark.

“We put it in the carpark because we want the public to have access to it. We placed a photograph, three candles and my son placed his football boots.” Referring to a similar memorial in Hungary, where a photograph of Adams was placed outside Ferencvaros Torna, the club he played for, he said, “You don’t hear about anybody touching it.” Read More VIA The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper http://ow.ly/seIc9 Caption: Memorial situated at Presentation College, San Fernando for Akeem Adams Photo by Gary Acosta

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Re: Tragic News... Akeem Adams Has Passed Away
« Reply #531 on: January 03, 2014, 09:54:08 AM »
Memorial site desecrated: A photograph of late international footballer Akeem Adams set up in front of his alma mater, Presentation College, San Fernando, has been stolen. Thieves made off the photograph, candles and flowers within 24 hours after they were put outside the school on Carib Street.

Expressing shock and disappointment over the callous act, president of the Presentation College Past Pupils Association Steven Samlalsingh said, “It was placed there Old Year’s Day. They first stole the flowers and candles. Then yesterday (New Year’s Day) I discovered the picture missing.” However, he said another memorial site had been set up at the school under a mango tree in the carpark.

“We put it in the carpark because we want the public to have access to it. We placed a photograph, three candles and my son placed his football boots.” Referring to a similar memorial in Hungary, where a photograph of Adams was placed outside Ferencvaros Torna, the club he played for, he said, “You don’t hear about anybody touching it.” Read More VIA The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper http://ow.ly/seIc9 Caption: Memorial situated at Presentation College, San Fernando for Akeem Adams Photo by Gary Acosta

Another clear sign that all is not well ...

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Re: Tragic News... Akeem Adams Has Passed Away
« Reply #532 on: January 03, 2014, 10:26:45 AM »
Memorial site desecrated: A photograph of late international footballer Akeem Adams set up in front of his alma mater, Presentation College, San Fernando, has been stolen. Thieves made off the photograph, candles and flowers within 24 hours after they were put outside the school on Carib Street.

Expressing shock and disappointment over the callous act, president of the Presentation College Past Pupils Association Steven Samlalsingh said, “It was placed there Old Year’s Day. They first stole the flowers and candles. Then yesterday (New Year’s Day) I discovered the picture missing.” However, he said another memorial site had been set up at the school under a mango tree in the carpark.

“We put it in the carpark because we want the public to have access to it. We placed a photograph, three candles and my son placed his football boots.” Referring to a similar memorial in Hungary, where a photograph of Adams was placed outside Ferencvaros Torna, the club he played for, he said, “You don’t hear about anybody touching it.” Read More VIA The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper http://ow.ly/seIc9 Caption: Memorial situated at Presentation College, San Fernando for Akeem Adams Photo by Gary Acosta

Another clear sign that all is not well ...

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Robber hits Akeem Adams' memorial site at Presentation College
« Reply #533 on: January 03, 2014, 12:11:30 PM »
Vampire islands: S/Fdo hustler burgles Adams’ memorial
By Mr Live Wire (Wired868)

It turns out politicians are not the only ones in Trinidad and Tobago who are happy to exploit a corpse for personal gain.
At Presentation College in San Fernando, the past pupils’ association president Steven Samlalsingh set up a memorial, which included a photograph, candles and flowers, for former student and “Soca Warrior” Akeem Adams, who died on 30 December 2013 after failing to recover from a heart attack in Budapest, Hungary.
The memorial was constructed at the school’s car park on December 31; but, within 24 hours, the car park was empty once more.
“It was placed there (on) Old Year’s Day,” Samlalsingh told the Trinidad Guardian. “They first stole the flowers and candles. Then (on New Year’s Day), I discovered the picture missing.”
One man’s catastrophe, it seems, is another man’s catasr-ortunity.
Arguably, it would take a twisted mind to see tangible value in used candles and flowers that were either plastic or dying. Or, perhaps, someone in San Fernando just made the most bizarre romantic gesture since Basdeo Panday offered to bed the devil to give the PNM the shaft, which probably was not what the French had in mind when they coined the phrase “ménage ŕ trois.”
Read more: http://wired868.com/2014/01/03/vampire-islands-sfdo-hustler-burgles-adams-memorial/

PS: This is a satirical piece on a real event.

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Akeem Adams, Heart of a Warrior
« Reply #534 on: January 03, 2014, 03:12:57 PM »
Akeem Adams, Heart of a Warrior
By Gaby Kovács (hungarianfootball.com)

On Monday 30th December 2013, Akeem Adams brave fight for life came to an end.

The 22 year old Ferencváros and Trinidad and Tobago defender suffered a heart attack back on the evening of September 25th following a training session earlier in the day. Complications and infection led to him having his left leg amputated shortly after whilst being cared for at Budapest's Városmajori Heart Clinic. Further surgery was needed, after which an artificial heart was installed. Akeem went onto the waiting list for a transplant, which was scheduled for the 4th February 2014. On Saturday 28th December, Akeem had a stroke which caused bleeding to the brain. On the morning of 30th December, doctors announced he was clinically dead. His mother, Ancilla Dick, and his brother, Akini Adams after consultation, decided after signing paperwork and asking for a last hour together, that they would like to leave it in gods hands and wait a bit longer for a miracle. The miracle we all wanted sadly didn't happen.

Akeem burst onto the football scene at 16 years old when he was called up to play for Trinidad and Tobago in a friendly against El Salvador in 2008. Critics who were outraged at a schoolboy being selected ahead of professional players were soon eating their words as a man of the match performance in a 2-2 draw against Jamaica saw the team get an honorary reception for their efforts. Akeem went on to represent his nation at the 2009 World Youth Cup but after the death of his father, Renwick Adams, Akeem became withdrawn from football. Whilst playing for  Point Fortin Civic, a series of trials were set up in Europe and after PSV Eindhoven decided not to sign him, Ferencváros saw enough to offer a contract which was signed on August 7th 2013.

Ferencváros are Hungary's largest club and also one of the most complex. The expectation and hostile atmosphere has seen the downfall of players in their 30's, never mind young hopefuls. Akeem played in 6 games of which 5 were wins and Ferencváros soon found themselves living up to the hype and into 2nd place in the league. One of those wins was against fierce rivals Újpest , which is one of Europe's biggest and most hostile derbies. Akeem never looked out of place and was calm and collected.

Perhaps his biggest achievement while at the club was becoming a fans favourite. As odd as that may seem, it really is remarkable that a young man from Trinidad, under the shadow of racism in Hungarian football, won the fans over. Ferencváros are notorious for their off field difficulties but after Akeem was admitted to hospital, a side of these supporters rarely seen came to the fore. Fans lit candles, made banners and flocked in their hundreds to give blood donations. Before manager Ricardo Moniz was sacked (After Akeem was hospitalised, Ferencváros had just 1 win in 8 games) he told Akeem to take his coaching badges when he got out of hospital as he would have a job with him wherever he may be.

His death has shocked all those associated with Hungarian football. The words I am writing are some of the hardest I have had to write and I don't think I could ever fully make those reading this understand what a loss he is to us. He united a rivalry between Budapest clubs Újpest and Ferencváros and lit up a league struggling for stand out players. Thank you Akeem.

Hungarianfootball.com would like to pass on our condolences to the family and friends of Akeem. God bless you.

Rest in peace warrior.
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: Tribute to Akeem Adams: The young Warrior who unified two nations
« Reply #535 on: January 03, 2014, 06:35:46 PM »
Akeem Adams, Heart of a Warrior
By Gaby Kovács (hungarianfootball.com)

His death has shocked all those associated with Hungarian football. The words I am writing are some of the hardest I have had to write and I don't think I could ever fully make those reading this understand what a loss he is to us. He united a rivalry between Budapest clubs Újpest and Ferencváros and lit up a league struggling for stand out players. Thank you Akeem.

Hungarianfootball.com would like to pass on our condolences to the family and friends of Akeem. God bless you.

Rest in peace warrior.

I had no idea... and now I have a much better understanding as to the response by the club and fans.  Thanks to Gaby Kovacs for the insight and report.  RIP Akeem.

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Re: Tragic News... Akeem Adams Has Passed Away
« Reply #536 on: January 04, 2014, 04:50:50 AM »
Memorial site desecrated: A photograph of late international footballer Akeem Adams set up in front of his alma mater, Presentation College, San Fernando, has been stolen. Thieves made off the photograph, candles and flowers within 24 hours after they were put outside the school on Carib Street.

Expressing shock and disappointment over the callous act, president of the Presentation College Past Pupils Association Steven Samlalsingh said, “It was placed there Old Year’s Day. They first stole the flowers and candles. Then yesterday (New Year’s Day) I discovered the picture missing.” However, he said another memorial site had been set up at the school under a mango tree in the carpark.

“We put it in the carpark because we want the public to have access to it. We placed a photograph, three candles and my son placed his football boots.” Referring to a similar memorial in Hungary, where a photograph of Adams was placed outside Ferencvaros Torna, the club he played for, he said, “You don’t hear about anybody touching it.” Read More VIA The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper http://ow.ly/seIc9 Caption: Memorial situated at Presentation College, San Fernando for Akeem Adams Photo by Gary Acosta

Another clear sign that all is not well ...


Steups!!  This place just firetrucking sick!!!   :cursing: :frustrated:
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Tragic News... Akeem Adams Has Passed Away
« Reply #537 on: January 04, 2014, 04:58:18 AM »


p.s. ah still want to know why a 22 year old get a massive heart attack to begin with..... :-\

Less and less unusual, unfortunately.  Could be just a quirk of genetics.

Yuh know what was really bothering mih Bakes?  How he end up on a football team both here and abroad and nobody detected that something was wrong.  He didn't do medicals?  Something didn't show up in those tests if they were done??

Then earlier this week, a caller to I95.5fm kinda answer mih questions.  She started off her discourse by stating outright that the requirements for testing at the club level here are poor.  She doubted whether or not he would have been properly screened at his new club.  Based on what she was saying, she came across as someone having a lot of inside information on what happens in terms of medical tests etc. on athletes, footballers etc. and she eventually revealed that she was a member of the medical fraternity.  She was/is involved some research into this area and has indicated her finding to the Ministry of Sport.

She stated she was involved in the investigation of the youth (14) who collapsed and died at his school's cross country run in Tobago.  I suspect I95.5 may do a follow up with her because she appeared to be so knowledgeable about the topic.

But yuh understand where ah coming from??
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Tribute to Akeem Adams: The young Warrior who unified two nations
« Reply #538 on: January 04, 2014, 05:03:31 AM »
Akeem Adams, Heart of a Warrior
By Gaby Kovács (hungarianfootball.com)

His death has shocked all those associated with Hungarian football. The words I am writing are some of the hardest I have had to write and I don't think I could ever fully make those reading this understand what a loss he is to us. He united a rivalry between Budapest clubs Újpest and Ferencváros and lit up a league struggling for stand out players. Thank you Akeem.

Hungarianfootball.com would like to pass on our condolences to the family and friends of Akeem. God bless you.

Rest in peace warrior.

I had no idea... and now I have a much better understanding as to the response by the club and fans.  Thanks to Gaby Kovacs for the insight and report.  RIP Akeem.

Tear jerking stuff......... :'(
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

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Re: Tragic News... Akeem Adams Has Passed Away
« Reply #539 on: January 04, 2014, 06:12:15 AM »


p.s. ah still want to know why a 22 year old get a massive heart attack to begin with..... :-\

Less and less unusual, unfortunately.  Could be just a quirk of genetics.

Yuh know what was really bothering mih Bakes?  How he end up on a football team both here and abroad and nobody detected that something was wrong.  He didn't do medicals?  Something didn't show up in those tests if they were done??

Then earlier this week, a caller to I95.5fm kinda answer mih questions.  She started off her discourse by stating outright that the requirements for testing at the club level here are poor.  She doubted whether or not he would have been properly screened at his new club.  Based on what she was saying, she came across as someone having a lot of inside information on what happens in terms of medical tests etc. on athletes, footballers etc. and she eventually revealed that she was a member of the medical fraternity.  She was/is involved some research into this area and has indicated her finding to the Ministry of Sport.

She stated she was involved in the investigation of the youth (14) who collapsed and died at his school's cross country run in Tobago.  I suspect I95.5 may do a follow up with her because she appeared to be so knowledgeable about the topic.

But yuh understand where ah coming from??

So, to follow your thread, Trini clubs just jokey because they didn't locate something that no doctor in the world would locate unless they specifically carried out tests to check for that condition? These are the same doctors that allowed a woman to die after she presented with a toothache? And yet the hugely expensive tests that you are demanding didn't detect the condition of Fabrice Muamba?

These men could have lived until they were 100 if they weren't athletes. Like a car, if you push it to it's limits day after day, a minor defect can suddenly blow.

It an ultra perfect world, you would test for everything humanly possible. But the reality is that nobody could reasonably expect every defect to be detected in a human being. Let's worry more about the basics such as mothers dying in childbirth etc at our hospitals eh?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 06:14:48 AM by Football supporter »


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