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Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
By Inshan Mohammed.

Gabby's Government Boots ringing bells.

When The Mighty Gabby from Barbados sang his 80’s calypso super hit "Government Boots," he was certainly not referring to anything related to T&T, but rather his frustration with the then Barbadian Prime Minister Tom Adams for wasting taxpayers' money.

Now, when you sit back and look at the current state of Trinidad and Tobago, the future appears bleak for its youth through sports and many Trinbagonians can’t help but echo Gabby’s frustration.

Protecting and educating our young people will pave a bright future for T&T. Sports is also a way out for underprivileged young people to ease the pressures of life and secure a brighter future. It appears though that our government may see things differently.

Here is a bit of football trivia- He was known as a hard nosed defender who rarely gave up on tackles, he fought for players off the field, led many strikes against his former employers for better treatment, and even spearheaded the 2006 Soca Warriors into a court battle against the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association. He was also the only T&T player to have literally scored a goal at a FIFA World Cup, an own-own to be exact.

If you haven't guessed by now who is being referenced here, well, his name is Brent Sancho, a soft spoken and congenial gentleman who has been in the game for most of his life. He practically tailored his life and built his career around football.

Today, Sancho has cut all ties with football and became a full-time politician and is perfecting his new position gracefully. The former dreadlocked defender, who founded current Pro League Champions Central FC in 2012, has also cut ties with the Club. In fact, rumor has it that the club is on the verge of a major restructure due of negligence. With both Sancho and his current adviser Kevin Harrison playing more active roles in the T&T government, it has left the club in disarray and board members fuming.

Daren Mohamdally, one of the main directors at the Club and also the operations manager at Super Industrial Services Limited (SIS), is actively running things at Central FC. Former T&T player Anthony Rougier is said to have taken up the void left by managing director Harrison, who played a very big part of Central FC's success in its 3 year existence.

Sancho seems to have found favor with the current TT government and replaced Dr. Rupert Griffith as Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs. Recently, Sancho again was on Rupert's trail when he was given the nod by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to run for the Toco/Sangre Grande hot seat.

Lately, the Sport Minister has been in the spotlight again, but this time he is in fierce battle with the TTFA head Raymond Tim Kee over funding for local football.

Sancho is stressing to the football heads that he wants more transparency and has given them an ultimatum to open their books or face total isolation.

The TTFA in return made it clear that they had no problem doing so and after a couple of meetings with auditing company KPMG, they sent documents from 2008-2011 to the Sport Minister and were awaiting further word from Sancho who insisted he had not received the documents.

He also made it clear that: "We have asked and received information about CONCACAF monies for their (T&T's) participation in the Gold Cup, but up to this minute, we still have not gotten any official documentation other than what we were told CONCACAF gave them (TTFA)."

"They (TTFA) have said to us they have paid certain bills with this money, but lo and behold, the Ministry is left with the bill in our hand and we have had to cover again all they have said they had paid. So clearly, they have not been transparent and honest in what they have said they have distributed,” Sancho concluded in a T&T Express report from Mark Pouchet.

Brent Sancho then responded to claims of “systematically bullying” the TTFA . The Sports Minister told Sean Taylor of the T&T Express that he has consistently requested to see the TTFA accounts, a stipulation placed in the cabinet notes. “I believe I have a duty to have these conditions met,” he said.

“This is the only governing body that we have any problems with. It is abundantly clear that this organisation is playing politics with sport. During the Jamaica impasse, the government went as far as to fund $9.5 million to ensure staff were paid. The question is, when will it end? It has to stop.” he emphasised.

According to him, the Ministry has had enough and will not entertain any further funding unless the TTFA can be more transparent and account for previous funds. “They will not be funded,” Sancho said. “Unless they can account for where our funds will go,” he ended.

Fresh from the Pan American competition and another successful Gold Cup campaign, both T&T men and women team are left scratching their heads thinking what's next for them and this latest stance by the Ministry could make things get even worse.

Matches are rumored to happen starting next month with games against: Mexico (September 4th [confirmed]), Bolivia (September 8th), Panama (October 8th [confirmed]) and a play-off match against Haiti in (October?) for a Copa America Centenario spot. It would be interesting to see the support the team gets. If the rumor is true then the TTFA must be credited for these matches and outsiders must take note and go out and support the T&T team.

It was also revealed by an inside source that: "I would say, money well spent and it all goes back into the teams, these games are not cheap." As for Sancho, he has gotten the ear of some of T&T's women team members and is using them as a political tool to help show up their employers and they are not aware of the damage it is causing. To date, according to a TTFA representative, the TTFA has spent close to $180,000 USD on Women’s football development over the past year, a sum of over one million TT dollars."

Even Soca Warriors captain Kenwyne Jones was in the press lately calling for unity between TTFA and Sport Minister. And Kenwyne is right, saying, “who are really the winners and losers here?”

A former TTFA Insider wanted to know:

1. Is Minister Sancho misleading the public about the amount of money that was spent in the cabinet note when he first raised the issue that he later recanted?

2. Is Sancho’s claim that the FA didn’t submit budgets true when they clearly did and when he was given a record that supported their position, he didn’t have the decency to admit to the error?

3. Why does Sancho continue to say through his spokesman that they never received accounts information when I was given proof showing that documents were sent directly to him and his Permanent Secretary.

4. Why did Sancho demand that the FA pay a $100,000 travel bill the ministry had to pay and they have an affidavit from a former SPORTT board member supporting their claim?

5. Why did Sancho push for the TTFA to pay 50% of match fees when the cabinet note already accounted for full payment of player match fees?

6. Why did he try to establish that the FA pay 50% of gate receipts to player fees (do you remember that)? When they explained it would leave the players in worse shape he relented?

7. Why did he spend over $1.7 million on a farce of a women’s league (WPL) and claim the league would have prepared the senior team for the Pan-Am games?

Here’s why it didn’t work:

a. Some of the 40 foreign players brought in were of questionable quality yet they were housed and fed at the expense of our national teams.

b. WPL teams took precedence over national teams for practice fields. It was usual for our national teams to have to give up fields for training to WPL teams.

c. Players spent more time going to clubs, beaches, and basically having a vacation on tax dollars while national teams suffer.

d. The established league that had been serving the women’s game (WoLF) was damaged instead of helped. Asked yourself, what now for WoLF? How did the WPL helped? Sancho needs to be honest about how much it really cost tax-payers.
e. In the end, the Senior Women’s team failed to advance in their Pan-Am outing because the WPL was used instead of a traditional camp setting of 4-6 weeks.

In comparison, the Senior Men had a traditional camp and trained together for 6 weeks prior to the Gold Cup under the TTFA program, which one worked?

8. Lastly, the money football gets from the ministry is NOT A HANDOUT or A FAVOR. It is an investment of public funds designed to prepare and enable our national teams to represent the country. It is not Brent Sancho’s money, and furthermore, Brent Sancho does not have the right to come in and add additional terms to funds allocated to national teams.

The source also revealed: "He does so because he has a personal slant against the FA that disables him from carrying out his duties objectively and with the mindset that the players and coaches will feel the hurt more."

"The TTFA spent $10 million of its own funds to help pay-off the 2006 Warriors."

"As a former national footballer who went through the same tribulations that he is putting the current crop through and his cynical method of becoming a hero and saving people from problems he actually created shows a level of self importance that should concern anyone who is a fan of football."

"Look at the situation with Central FC and the bonus issue. Just like Jack Warner, he denied the players a promise, but in return felt better to just say that Raymond Tim Kee is a reincarnation of Jack and cause of all his negativity to be focused on the TTFA and away from the real problems."

"Sancho is an active litigant against the TTFA and the incidents that are playing them in front of the public should be no surprise once people understand that Sancho has every motive to not work with the TTFA."

"Why make the players, coaches and fans suffer? No one is saying that the Ministry should blindly give money to the TTFA, why not pay some of the burden directly to the source then?

"Even government agencies such as the National Lotteries Control Board (NLCB) are fighting against the FA, last year the chairman (Winston Siriram) said no money will be given to national teams because its a “PNM” TTFA", added the source.

Raymond Tim Kee is here already and will be until next election no matter the outcome of this battle and minister Brent Sancho will be here until next election no matter what’s the outcome?

One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal? What caused this?

As for the new constitution, a president can only serve two terms and the TTFA election is suppose to be in November. And the voting panel has opened up where many others can vote unlike before where it was set up so that the ruling party was assured victory.

Why can't these two gentlemen take the battle to the voting polls and let's just get behind our national teams. November is only a few months away.

When our players take the field in T&T’s next match, it is the name of our beloved country that is uttered by commentators, not Raymond Tim Kee or Brent Sancho.

SWO is therefore pleading with the Sport Minister as well as the TTFA to put aside any possible hidden agendas or personal grudges and please find some common ground. You both have been down that road before and should know how it negatively affects our players. They do not deserve this.

There are about 4 weeks until general elections and it would be relieving to see Mr. Sancho do the right thing for a change and lead the politics away from our football. At least if he loses his post in the next election, he will be remembered for his positive contributions to the sport we hope he still loves.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2015, 08:00:09 AM by Flex »
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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2015, 11:41:41 AM »
Great, well written article Flex. Really shows that in this personal battle the only losers are the T&T footballers and fans.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 11:50:20 AM »
Great, well written article Flex. Really shows that in this personal battle the only losers are the T&T footballers and fans.


The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2015, 11:52:29 AM »
You make some valid points Flex and we all want football first...

however, your article is one sided and aimed entirely at Sancho... Sancho is not the prez of TTFA, he is the MOS of the nation..

questions that need to asked by yourself and others:

where is the sponsorship from TK? how much money has TK brought to the TTFA?

the reason TK is  not bringing money and sponsorship in is because he doesn't want this current government to look good in regards to the football... if this current team is well prepared and does well, it will be viewed as a UNC government has turned around our football, TK would rather that be under a PNM government...

hence the reason he is not garnering sponsorship and added investment... it is also political with TK...

if you want a well balanced article, you would have made it about both individuals... Sancho is not perfect and has made mistakes... but he understands and loves football, can the same be said about TK?

does TK love football? and why did he walk out of that meeting for the Russia prep? these are questions that also need to be asked to make it a fair assessment..

the MOS was going to fly and pay for a trip to Brazil, but the date conflicts with our Mexico match.. and that was their only available time slot.. other friendlies are being tossed around and discussed but the question is, will TK attend these meetings..

i doubt it, he's too busy campaigning for the PNM... sheldon was willing to sit and discuss, but no TK...
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 11:56:38 AM by Controversial »

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2015, 11:54:28 AM »
One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal?
I always asking these same questions myself.
Also I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2015, 12:21:15 PM »
One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal?
I always asking these same questions myself.
Also I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister.

One simple question Thommo...do you have any phone numbers of work mates from 4 or 5 years ago? Or people who worked with you last year, or even last month? For whatever reason footballers tend to look up to Sancho and request his opinion or advice. Also, whatever line of work you are in, if you know the Minister in that sector personally, of course you're going to call him if you have an issue.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2015, 12:25:58 PM »
Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
By Inshan Mohammed.

Gabby's Government Boots ringing bells.

When The Mighty Gabby from Barbados sang his 80’s calypso super hit "Government Boots," he was certainly not referring to anything related to T&T, but rather his frustration with the then Barbadian Prime Minister Tom Adams for wasting tax payers' money.

Now, when you sit back and look at the current state of Trinidad and Tobago, the future appears bleak for its youth through sports and many Trinbagonians can’t help but to echo Gabby’s frustration.

Protecting and educating the youth will pave a bright future for T&T. Sports is also a way out for underprivileged young people to ease the pressures of life and secure a brighter future. It appears though that our government may see things differently.

Here is a bit of football trivia- He was known as a hard nosed defender who rarely gave up on tackles, he fought for players off the field, led many strikes against his former employers for better treatment, and even spearheaded the 2006 Soca Warriors into court battle against the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association. He was also the only T&T player to have scored a goal at the FIFA World Cup.

If you haven't guessed by now who is being referenced here, well, his name is Brent Sancho, a soft spoken and congenial gentleman who has been in the game for most of his life. He practically tailored his life and built his career around football.

Today, Sancho has cut all ties with football and became a full-time politician and is perfecting his new position gracefully. The former dreadlocked defender, who founded current Pro League Champions Central FC in 2012, has also cut ties with the Club. In fact, rumor has it that the club is on the verge of a major restructure due of negligence. With both Sancho and his current adviser Kevin Harrison playing more active roles in the T&T government, it has left the club in disarray and board members fuming.

Daren Mohamdally is one of the main directors at the Club and is also the operations manager at Super Industrial Services Limited (SIS) is actively running things at Central FC. Former T&T player Anthony Rougier is said to have taken up the void left by managing director Harrison, who played a very big part of Central FC's success in its 3 year existence.

Sancho seems to have found favor with the current TT government and replaced Dr. Rupert Griffith as Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs. Recently, Sancho again was on Rupert's trail when he was given the nod by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to run for the Toco/Sangre Grande hot seat.

Lately, Sancho again has been in the spotlight, but this time he is in fierce battle with the TTFA head Raymond Tim Kee over funding for local football.

Sancho is stressing to the football heads that he wants more transparency and has given them an ultimatum to open their books or face total isolation.

The TTFA in return made it clear that they had no problem doing so and after a couple meetings with auditing company KPMG they had sent documents from 2008-2011 to the Sport Minister and was awaiting further word from Sancho who insisted he had not received the documents.

Sancho also made it clear that: "We have asked and received information about CONCACAF monies for their (T&T's) participation in the Gold Cup but up to this minute we still have not gotten any official documentation other than what we were told CONCACAF gave them (TTFA)."

"They (TTFA) have said to us they have paid certain bills with this money but lo and behold the Ministry is left with the bill in our hand and we have had to cover again all they have said they had paid. So clearly they have not been transparent and honest in what they have said they have distributed,” Sancho concluded" in a T&T Express report from Mark Pouchet.

Brent Sancho then responded to claims of “systematically bullying” the TTFA . The Sports Minister told Sean Taylor of the T&T Express that he has consistently requested to see the TTFA accounts, a stipulation placed in the cabinet notes. “I believe I have a duty to have these conditions met,” he said.

“This is the only governing body that we have any problems with. It is abundantly clear that this organisation is playing politics with sport. During the Jamaica impasse, the government went as far as to fund $9.5 million to ensure staff were paid. The question is, when will it end? It has to stop.” he emphasised.

According to him, the Ministry has had enough and will not entertain any further funding unless the TTFA can be more transparent, and account for previous funds. “They will not be funded,” Sancho said. “Unless they can account for where our funds will go,” he ended.

Fresh from the Pan American competition and another successful Gold Cup campaign, both T&T men and women team are left scratching their heads thinking what's next for them and with this latest stance by the Ministry things could get even worse.

Which supposed matches rumored to happen next month with games against; Mexico (September 4th [confirmed]), Bolivia (September 8th), Panama (October 8th [confirmed]) and a play-off match against Haiti in (October?) for a Copa America Centenario spot. It would be interesting to see the support the team gets. If the rumor is true then the TTFA must be credited for these matches and outsiders must take note and go out and support the T&T team.

It has also been revealed by an inside source that: "I would say, money well spent and it all goes back into the teams, these games are not cheap." As for Sancho, he has gotten the ear of some off the T&T's women team members and is using them as a political tool to help show up their employers and they are not aware of the damage it is causing. To date, according to a TTFA representative, the TTFA has spent close to $180,000 USD on Women’s football development over the past year, a sum of over one million TT dollars."

"Even Soca Warriors captain Kenwyne Jones was in the press lately calling for unity between TTFA and Sport Minister. And Kenwyne is right, “who are really the winners and losers here?”

A former TTFA Insider wanted to know:

1. Is Minister Sancho misleading the public about the amount of money that was spent in the cabinet note when he first raised the issue that he later recanted?

2. Is Sancho’s claim that the FA didn’t submit budgets true when they clearly did and when he was given a record that supported their position he didn’t have the decency to admit to the error?

3. Why does Sancho continue to say through his spokesman that they never received accounts information when I was given proof showing that documents were sent directly to him and his Permanent Secretary.

4. Why did Sancho demand that the FA pay a $100,000 travel bill the ministry had to pay and they have an affidavit from a former SPORTT board member supporting their claim?

5. Why did Sancho push for the TTFA paying for 50% of match fees when the cabinet note already accounted for full payment of player match fees?

6. Why did he try to establish that the FA pay 50% of gate receipts to player fees (do you remember that?). When they had explained that would leave the players in worse shape he relented?

7. Why did he spend over $1.7 million on a farce of a women’s league (WPL) and claim the league would have prepared the senior team for the Pan-Am games?

Here’s why it didn’t work:

a. Some of the 40 foreign players brought in were of questionable quality yet they were housed and fed at the expense of our national teams.

b. WPL teams took precedence over national teams for practice fields. It was usual for our national teams to have to give up fields for training to WPL teams.

c. Players spent more time going to clubs, beaches, and basically having a vacation on tax dollars while national teams suffer.

d. The established league that had been serving the women’s game (WoLF) was damaged instead of helped. Asked yourself, what now for WoLF? How did the WPL helped?
e. In the end the Senior Women’s team failed to advance in their Pan-Am outing because the WPL was used instead of a traditional camp setting of 4-6 weeks.

In comparison, the Senior Men had a traditional camp and trained together for 6 weeks prior to the Gold Cup under the TTFA program, which one worked?

8. Lastly, the money football gets from the ministry is NOT A HANDOUT or A FAVOR. It is an investment of public funds designed to prepare and enable our national teams to represent the country. It is not Brent Sancho’s money and furthermore, Brent Sancho does not have the right to come in and add additional terms to funds allocated to national teams.

The source also revealed: "He does so because he has a personal slant against the FA that disables him from carrying out his duties objectively and with the mindset that the players and coaches will feel the hurt more."

"The TTFA spent $10 million of its own funds to help pay-off the 2006 Warriors."

"As a former national footballer who went through the same tribulations that he is putting the current crop through and his cynical method of becoming a hero and saving people from problems he actually created shows a level of self importance that should concern anyone who is a fan of football."

"Look at the situation with Central FC and the bonus issue. Just like Jack Warner he denied the players a promise, but in return felt better to just say that Raymond Tim Kee is a reincarnation of Jack and cause of all his negativity to be focused on the TTFA and away from the real problems."

"Sancho is an active litigant against the TTFA and the incidents that are playing them in front of the public should be no surprise once people understand that Sancho has every motive to not work with the TTFA."

"Why make the players, coaches and fans suffer? No one is saying that the Ministry should blindly give money to the TTFA, why not pay some of the burden directly to the source then?

"Even government agencies such as the National Lotteries Control Board (NLCB) are fighting against the FA, last year the chairman (Winston Siriram) said no money will be given to national teams because its a “PNM” TTFA, added the source."

Raymond Tim Kee is here already and will be until next election no matter the outcome of this battle and minister Brent Sancho will be here until next election no matter what’s the outcome?

One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal? What caused this?

As for the new constitution, a president can only serve two terms and the TTFA election is suppose to be in November. And the voting panel has opened up where many others can vote unlike before where it was set up so that the ruling party was assured victory.

Why can't these two gentlemen take the battle to the voting polls and lets just get behind our national teams. November is only a few months away.

When our players take the field in T&T’s next match it is the name of our beloved country that is uttered by commentators, not Raymond Tim Kee or Brent Sancho.

SWO is therefor pleading with the Sport Minister as well as the TTFA to put aside any possible hidden agendas or personal grudges and please find some common ground. You both have been down that road before and should know how it negatively affects our players. They do not deserve this.

There are about 4 weeks until general elections and it would be relieving to see Mr. Sancho do the right thing for a change and lead the politics away from our football. At least if he loses his post in the next election, he will be remembered for his positive contributions to the sport we hope he still loves.

Nice article Flex, but I don't think it needed the "former TTFA Insider" viewpoint unless you balanced it with an MoS insider! Maybe one who would ask a question like this: If Tim-Kee publicly stated some months back that Sheldon Phillips will no longer deal with Ministry of Sport issues, and William Wallace is overseas, and you have a financial crisis, and Tim-Kee, being the only person able to discuss funding with the Ministry refuses to meet the Minister and also then walks out on the Permanent Secretary, how are such issues supposed to be resolved?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 03:25:32 PM by Football supporter »

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2015, 12:50:38 PM »
Big write up they Flex.

The MOS only wants transparency from the TTFA what about de other association. Everybody should be transparent.

Didn't our players just made it to the gold cup quarterfinals for a second time? Why they not rewarded by the government but yet de government going and reward the medalist at the Pan Am games? it should be across de board, ent?

Tim Kee walk out because I just it wasn't going any where with Sancho except for a back and forth currel.

As Flex pointed out FS, both men have to put down their guns, no winners here.

Sancho spending more on his own agenda (de WPL) and have his own country suffering. Look at de WoLF league, nobody know if they exist but all de focus was on WPL because Sancho running it? How that helping T&T? He just want credit for a league he created.

Look at all de sponsors for de WPL, all UNC supporters.

Somebody need to ask Sancho to open the books for the WPL, how much it really cost.

Sancho founded Central FC and now his own board kicking him out, how is that?

So wait, he elect a board and now they unelecting him?

Or SIS wanted to hide money and found Central to be a good place to do so and Sancho sold out.

De PP government giving SIS all de contracts in T&T they need to be transparent also, like how much they investing in Central FC and were they getting all this money.

By de way FS, I see Rougier take yuh job, ah tell allyuh to watch that man.

And look at de line up of games de TTFA plan nah allyuh, Panama, Mexico and Bolivia, give them lil credit for that nah?

« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 12:52:53 PM by Sam »
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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2015, 01:04:00 PM »
Flex yuh large, enjoy reading your articles, you need to be involved in T&T football more, definitely better that what they have.

Sam asked a valid question here, Somebody need to ask Sancho to open the books for the WPL, how much it really cost.

I guess Sancho will give them the money on September 6th.


I am sorry to hear what has happened to Harrison, I think he did a good job with Central.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2015, 01:34:57 PM »
Big write up they Flex.

The MOS only wants transparency from the TTFA what about de other association. Everybody should be transparent.

Didn't our players just made it to the gold cup quarterfinals for a second time? Why they not rewarded by the government but yet de government going and reward the medalist at the Pan Am games? it should be across de board, ent?

Tim Kee walk out because I just it wasn't going any where with Sancho except for a back and forth currel.

As Flex pointed out FS, both men have to put down their guns, no winners here.

Sancho spending more on his own agenda (de WPL) and have his own country suffering. Look at de WoLF league, nobody know if they exist but all de focus was on WPL because Sancho running it? How that helping T&T? He just want credit for a league he created.

Look at all de sponsors for de WPL, all UNC supporters.

Somebody need to ask Sancho to open the books for the WPL, how much it really cost.

Sancho founded Central FC and now his own board kicking him out, how is that?

So wait, he elect a board and now they unelecting him?

Or SIS wanted to hide money and found Central to be a good place to do so and Sancho sold out.

De PP government giving SIS all de contracts in T&T they need to be transparent also, like how much they investing in Central FC and were they getting all this money.

By de way FS, I see Rougier take yuh job, ah tell allyuh to watch that man.

And look at de line up of games de TTFA plan nah allyuh, Panama, Mexico and Bolivia, give them lil credit for that nah?

Where the press release from TTFA that they secure Panama and Bolivia?

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2015, 01:59:54 PM »
One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal?
I always asking these same questions myself.
Also I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister.

One simple question Thommo...do you have any phone numbers of work mates from 4 or 5 years ago? Or people who worked with you last year, or even last month? For whatever reason footballers tend to look up to Sancho and request his opinion or advice. Also, whatever line of work you are in, if you know the Minister in that sector personally, of course you're going to call him if you have an issue.
Yes I do and I understand they can be friends. However, in this case there is a conflict of interest and by Sancho entertaining and giving advice to players concerning the TTFA who he has a personal and professional dispute with is TOTALLY unethical. In my line of work (accounting) I CANNOT give advice or information to a client about another client no matter what!! It is a breach of professional ethics. In some instances it can be illegal.Yuh from the UK so I'm sure you're quite aware of the Data Protection
Act 1998. Come better than that FS
PS What's your take on the bit I highlighted?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 02:01:41 PM by Thomo »

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2015, 02:51:35 PM »
Interesting list of friendlies. I wonder If we will have at least one at home? Would be nice to see the boys in action in the HCS.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2015, 03:24:31 PM »
One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal?
I always asking these same questions myself.
Also I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister.

One simple question Thommo...do you have any phone numbers of work mates from 4 or 5 years ago? Or people who worked with you last year, or even last month? For whatever reason footballers tend to look up to Sancho and request his opinion or advice. Also, whatever line of work you are in, if you know the Minister in that sector personally, of course you're going to call him if you have an issue.
Yes I do and I understand they can be friends. However, in this case there is a conflict of interest and by Sancho entertaining and giving advice to players concerning the TTFA who he has a personal and professional dispute with is TOTALLY unethical. In my line of work (accounting) I CANNOT give advice or information to a client about another client no matter what!! It is a breach of professional ethics. In some instances it can be illegal.Yuh from the UK so I'm sure you're quite aware of the Data Protection
Act 1998. Come better than that FS
PS What's your take on the bit I highlighted?

Who said he was giving advice? You asked "I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister." and I answered you. What they talk about is their business. Data protection has nothing to do with a Minister talking to a footballer. And this ain't the UK. I get your point, but comparisons like that are not accurate. For example, if the UK Minister of Sport was in a bar and Raheem Sterling started chatting to him and the Minister said "Raheem, you should stay at Liverpool, son" is that wrong? Or if he said "Sterling, you need to squeeze another 10 grand a week out of City" is that wrong?

And, no, Sancho does not have a suitable replacement. Now that would be a conflict of interest! In fact we have speculated on who could take RTKs place and we can't think of anyone suitable who would do the job!!

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2015, 03:39:25 PM »
Interesting list of friendlies. I wonder If we will have at least one at home? Would be nice to see the boys in action in the HCS.

Not confirmed... If it's true, it's good but truehatian has just pointed out that we play them a day after the Panama match was scheduled.. So TTFA right now is looking like they screwed up again... Plus nothing has been published..

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2015, 03:43:07 PM »
Todays Trinidad Express- Ready to work alone.
 Minister of Sports Brent Sancho said he would continue to help the National  Men's Senior  Football team to qualify for the FIFA 2018 World Cup with or without T&T football president Raymond Tim Kee
 Check it out in the Express.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2015, 04:37:15 PM »
Very informative  article.Flex   well done .... Keep up the good work !

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2015, 07:00:47 PM »
As pointed out, only the Bolivia game is not confirmed..

And unless, the match vs Haiti which is strictly in the hands of CONCACAF end up being on the 9th as someone suggested, then off corse the Panama game will have to be moved.

Again, the article stated that "With supposed matches rumored to happen next month with games against; "

Controversial makes a meal of everything.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 07:02:41 PM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2015, 07:21:53 PM »
As pointed out, only the Bolivia game is not confirmed..

And unless, the match vs Haiti which is strictly in the hands of CONCACAF end up being on the 9th as someone suggested, then off corse the Panama game will have to be moved.

Again, the article stated that "With supposed matches rumored to happen next month with games against; "

Controversial makes a meal of everything.


I find the TTFA should request the playoff game to be at home.
We finished higher than Haiti in the Gold Cup (we were undefeated in all 4 games) while they lost their QF within 90 minutes.

We should therefore have the home advantage in a playoff game just like Panama should host Cuba.

It will be a good game to host for gate receipts , merchandise sales etc.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2015, 07:23:38 PM »
As pointed out, only the Bolivia game is not confirmed..

And unless, the match vs Haiti which is strictly in the hands of CONCACAF end up being on the 9th as someone suggested, then off corse the Panama game will have to be moved.

Again, the article stated that "With supposed matches rumored to happen next month with games against; "

Controversial makes a meal of everything.

Not making a meal of anything flex.. TTFA hasn't announced nothing and other countries were proposed for friendlies ... So I was confused that Panama and Bolivia came up... We have no releases from them... Plus that Panama match will probably have to be moved.. Is it on the official date?

This is the point I'm trying to make about TK and the TTFA, no one knows nothing...

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2015, 07:40:52 PM »
Is not that they don't want games, they have to wait for the other FA's to approve it, its a process.

Panama and Mexico games are confirmed.

The Haiti play off match is in the hands of CONCACAF and they have not worked out a format yet, so I doubt its on the 9th??

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2015, 07:45:15 PM »
Is not that they don't want games, they have to wait for the other FA's to approve it, its a process.

Panama and Mexico games are confirmed.

The Haiti play off match is in the hands of CONCACAF and they have not worked out a format yet, so I doubt its on the 9th??

Thanks for the info brother... Just disappointed the fed couldn't announce it to the public.. But at least you shared it with everyone..

What are the official Fifa dates? I don't think they were outlined to us... I'm happy that at least two games are confirmed..

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2015, 03:01:28 AM »
One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal?
I always asking these same questions myself.
Also I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister.

One simple question Thommo...do you have any phone numbers of work mates from 4 or 5 years ago? Or people who worked with you last year, or even last month? For whatever reason footballers tend to look up to Sancho and request his opinion or advice. Also, whatever line of work you are in, if you know the Minister in that sector personally, of course you're going to call him if you have an issue.
Yes I do and I understand they can be friends. However, in this case there is a conflict of interest and by Sancho entertaining and giving advice to players concerning the TTFA who he has a personal and professional dispute with is TOTALLY unethical. In my line of work (accounting) I CANNOT give advice or information to a client about another client no matter what!! It is a breach of professional ethics. In some instances it can be illegal.Yuh from the UK so I'm sure you're quite aware of the Data Protection
Act 1998. Come better than that FS
PS What's your take on the bit I highlighted?

Who said he was giving advice? You asked "I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister." and I answered you. What they talk about is their business. Data protection has nothing to do with a Minister talking to a footballer. And this ain't the UK. I get your point, but comparisons like that are not accurate. For example, if the UK Minister of Sport was in a bar and Raheem Sterling started chatting to him and the Minister said "Raheem, you should stay at Liverpool, son" is that wrong? Or if he said "Sterling, you need to squeeze another 10 grand a week out of City" is that wrong?

And, no, Sancho does not have a suitable replacement. Now that would be a conflict of interest! In fact we have speculated on who could take RTKs place and we can't think of anyone suitable who would do the job!!
and therein lies the problem. from the onset brent has been trying to show up timkee as a dishonest uncooperative trouble maker who's incapable of making moves of his own and is heavily reliant on government funding and is purposefully trying to milk public funds for his personal use. it is my opinion that sancho never had any intentions of working in tandem with the man or giving things a chance to blossom from the get go. and i believe the reason why he did this is because he wants to line up his mate or himself for the position and has set out to sabotage timkee at every end.

my hope is to see raymond timkee continue on as the federation president and would also be elated to see the PP government removed on september 7th. i don't know if luck would have it in that particular order but it would be a blessing if it did. what i would not want to see is sancho or kelvin jack take over from timkee and then has to contend with a pnm sports minister, and by the looks of it chances are that brent sancho would be looking for a job come september 8th and may throw his hat in the ring to challenge timkee for the job. i for one wouldn't want to relive this foolishness again where the sports minister and the federation president is on opposite sides of the coin. it's time to have a government and a sports minister who is favorable to the federation president because this kind of grumbling and mud slinging between the two entities is getting old, not to mention a huge annoyance and a gnat on ever last football lover's nerve.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2015, 05:59:26 AM »
Brent Sancho is a goat. Never liked the kid, since his days of playing for T&T to now.

He is a total kiss ass and have a vendetta against Tim Kee but his real fight should be Jack Warner.

These guys are afraid of Jack Warner and now have turned all they frustration on Tim Kee.

Monkey really know what tree toi climb.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2015, 08:41:52 AM »
One cannot see how not giving funds to the TTFA (indirectly) will affect Tim Kee? The worst that can happen is he steps down, but then what? Does Sancho have a suitable replacement? Will he give unlimited funds to the new president? Is his riff with Tim Kee personal?
I always asking these same questions myself.
Also I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister.

One simple question Thommo...do you have any phone numbers of work mates from 4 or 5 years ago? Or people who worked with you last year, or even last month? For whatever reason footballers tend to look up to Sancho and request his opinion or advice. Also, whatever line of work you are in, if you know the Minister in that sector personally, of course you're going to call him if you have an issue.
Yes I do and I understand they can be friends. However, in this case there is a conflict of interest and by Sancho entertaining and giving advice to players concerning the TTFA who he has a personal and professional dispute with is TOTALLY unethical. In my line of work (accounting) I CANNOT give advice or information to a client about another client no matter what!! It is a breach of professional ethics. In some instances it can be illegal.Yuh from the UK so I'm sure you're quite aware of the Data Protection
Act 1998. Come better than that FS
PS What's your take on the bit I highlighted?

Who said he was giving advice? You asked "I can't understand for the life of me why so many players have direct phone contact or such easy access to the Minister." and I answered you. What they talk about is their business. Data protection has nothing to do with a Minister talking to a footballer. And this ain't the UK. I get your point, but comparisons like that are not accurate. For example, if the UK Minister of Sport was in a bar and Raheem Sterling started chatting to him and the Minister said "Raheem, you should stay at Liverpool, son" is that wrong? Or if he said "Sterling, you need to squeeze another 10 grand a week out of City" is that wrong?

And, no, Sancho does not have a suitable replacement. Now that would be a conflict of interest! In fact we have speculated on who could take RTKs place and we can't think of anyone suitable who would do the job!!
and therein lies the problem. from the onset brent has been trying to show up timkee as a dishonest uncooperative trouble maker who's incapable of making moves of his own and is heavily reliant on government funding and is purposefully trying to milk public funds for his personal use. it is my opinion that sancho never had any intentions of working in tandem with the man or giving things a chance to blossom from the get go. and i believe the reason why he did this is because he wants to line up his mate or himself for the position and has set out to sabotage timkee at every end.

my hope is to see raymond timkee continue on as the federation president and would also be elated to see the PP government removed on september 7th. i don't know if luck would have it in that particular order but it would be a blessing if it did. what i would not want to see is sancho or kelvin jack take over from timkee and then has to contend with a pnm sports minister, and by the looks of it chances are that brent sancho would be looking for a job come september 8th and may throw his hat in the ring to challenge timkee for the job. i for one wouldn't want to relive this foolishness again where the sports minister and the federation president is on opposite sides of the coin. it's time to have a government and a sports minister who is favorable to the federation president because this kind of grumbling and mud slinging between the two entities is getting old, not to mention a huge annoyance and a gnat on ever last football lover's nerve.

It never fails to amaze me how people here look for plots and conspiracies.   

When has Sancho (or anyone else) ever said Tim-Kee "is purposefully trying to milk public funds for his personal use."? I don't believe anybody has accused RTK of being corrupt, so why would you say this? What Sancho has said is that TTFA have not been transparent about monies they have received from FIFA and CONCACAF. The reason for this is that before the Ministry can establish a need, they need to understand their position. TTFA is the only sporting body to receive 100% of it's subvention. In fact, it's received over 100%. And there was the cabinet note as well.

Tim-Kee was the last national sporting body President to meet with Sancho. This wasn't by Sancho's design. So you tell me who "never had any intentions of working in tandem with the man or giving things a chance to blossom from the get go."

"chances are that brent sancho would be looking for a job come september 8th and may throw his hat in the ring to challenge timkee for the job." Are you mad? If Sancho loses, he will have to get a job, just like anybody else. The President of TTFA does nor receive a salary. Why would anybody who has to earn a living want that position? In fact, that is one of the TTFA's problems. In order to do the Presidents job effectively, a decent salary should be offered. RTK has accomplished very little because he has three other jobs.

"it's time to have a government and a sports minister who is favorable to the federation president"  What the hell is wrong with the people of T&T? They vote for governments to improve society, grow the economy, develop infrastructure when what they should do is vote for a party who will work with Raymond Tim-Kee. So thats where Rowley and Kamla are going wrong- they need to announce "doh worry, brothers and sisters, vote fuh meh an ah give Tim-Kee plenty dullahs fuh we fitbal"

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2015, 08:43:26 AM »
Brent Sancho is a goat. Never liked the kid, since his days of playing for T&T to now.

He is a total kiss ass and have a vendetta against Tim Kee but his real fight should be Jack Warner.

These guys are afraid of Jack Warner and now have turned all they frustration on Tim Kee.

Monkey really know what tree toi climb.

And yet Sancho speaks highly of you!  And you do realise that it was the players court case that uncovered much of the evidence now being used by FBI?

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2015, 09:10:12 AM »
Brent Sancho is a goat. Never liked the kid, since his days of playing for T&T to now.

He is a total kiss ass and have a vendetta against Tim Kee but his real fight should be Jack Warner.

These guys are afraid of Jack Warner and now have turned all they frustration on Tim Kee.

Monkey really know what tree toi climb.

And yet Sancho speaks highly of you!  And you do realise that it was the players court case that uncovered much of the evidence now being used by FBI?

Breds don't waste your time with these brainwashed people... They only see one way, they think TK is some saviour and Sancho ruining football, when he exposed corruption and also has these dictators on the back foot.. He's not perfect but no one is..

They are mad Sancho happens to be with UNC... If Sancho was a PNM till I die like weary, bakes, brown sugar or one of those myopic stooges then he would be accepted.. They don't realize all these politicians are manipulators.. Sancho jump at an opportunity, God given.. Everything happens for a reason.. TK doesn't have the time or focus for the job.. With the new constitution he will be departing soon form the position.. So it's best he make it amicable while he's there...

Last time I check.. Sancho not running our football, he merely facilitating the process for MOS in helping TTFA..

Where is TK sponsors and investment?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:15:25 AM by Controversial »

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2015, 09:33:00 AM »
It has become so unfortunate, that RTK is the president of TTFA and Brent being elected MoS. I applaud Brent for requesting transparency from TTFA, if they receiving taxpayers money. I applaud RTK for having an independent team do the new constitution. Everything in between is total f--king confusion. I don't know who to believe. I friggin fed up of both. One have the money, the other don't.

FS, while Brent has not openly come out and state that RTK is corrupt, the way he says things about RTK and TTFA, makes one feel he is implying the RTK and TTFA wants to bleed the govt for money. Like Star Child, said, Brent fight is with Jack Warner and he taking  it out on RTK. RTK on the other eh backing down from Brent. He inherited this massive debt left by Jack. He feels, and many agree that the govt should at least retire some of the debt Jack had incurred while he was both a prominent minister(acted as pm) and the socalled special advisor. The money that he spent to curry favor his way in the UNC/pp coalition, should have been used to retire all TTFA expenses. We all know that did  not happened. Many people seem to have convenient amnesia about that.
RTK can't find the money outside of govt fast enough to retire that debt and move the TTFA forward. Waiting on the election is a gross injustice to TT football. PNM eh sure to win. If they don't, what the frigg RTK go do. Continue with this impasse. Hell friggin NO.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2015, 10:44:55 AM »
This question is for Flex because he seems to know a lot about ttfa documents and its insiders. Why would the ttfa schedule these upcoming games when they know the MOS is not going to sponsor them? If that isn't assinine and political meandering to win the favoritism of the public then what do you call that?

Where is the proof that the ttfa spent $180,000 on the women's team? Not because your insider says so means that its so.

And what is the ttfa's strategic plan for the development of sponsors and football in the country? Selling t-shirts is not a strattegic plan.

Why should all the other NSO' in the country adhere to the policy set forth by the MOS regarding present and fufure funding except the ttfa? I would not give the ttfa any funds nor sponsor any games schedule by this NSO unless they comply with those rules set forth by the MOS.

Why is Sheldon Phillips still the GS when he was supposed to be replaced? Has the TD been paid for his services?

Were all the required documents for funding submitted by June 30tb without discrepancies?

I have so many questions to ask. Some of which have been asked repeatedly, yet, very little answers have been given. He say and she say does not provide proof.

The rules set up by the MOS is not rules set up by Sancho but he is enforcing those rules and I for one appreciates that.

Forget Jack Warner. Meet Tim Kee. Didn't tanty tim say he is his own man? Imagine Sancho trying to tell the Mayor of Port of Spain what to do. If I am not mistaken the ttfa is the only NSO in the country with an encumbent policitician as its head.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 10:53:07 AM by King Deese »
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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2015, 10:55:46 AM »
This question is for Flex because he seems to know a lot about ttfa documents and its insiders. Why would the ttfa schedule these upcoming games when they know the MOS is not going to sponsor them? If that isn't assinine and political meandering to win the favoritism of the public then what do you call that?

Where is the proof that the ttfa spent $180,000 on the women's team? Not because your insider says so means that its so.

And what is the ttfa's strategic plan for the development of sponsors and football in the country? Selling t-shirts is not a strattegic plan.

Why should all the other NSO' in the country adhere to the policy set forth by the MOS regarding present and fufure funding except the ttfa? I would not give the ttfa any funds nor sponsor any games schedule by this NSO unless they comply with those rules set forth by the MOS.

Why is Sheldon Phillips still the GS when he was supposed to be replaced? Has the TD been paid for his services?

Were all the required documents for funding submitted by June 30tb without discrepancies?

I have so many questions to ask. Some of which have been asked repeatedly, yet, very little answers have been given. He say and she say does not provide proof.

The rules set up by the MOS is not rules set up by Sancho but he is enforcing those rules and I for one appreciates that.

Forget Jack Warner. Meet Tim Kee. Didn't tanty tim say he is his own man? Imagine Sancho trying to tell the Mayor of Port of Spain what to do. If I am not mistaken the ttfa is the only NSO in the country with an encumbent policitician as its head.

Excellent points and questions  :beermug:

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2015, 11:37:44 AM »
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/YImm2xLQgXE" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/YImm2xLQgXE</a>



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