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Topics - Sando

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Football / Cheating in Football.
« on: May 31, 2017, 05:45:36 AM »
Culture of cheating.
By Fazeer Mohammed

Many explanations, most money-related, have been offered as to why cheating is such an established aspect of football that variations of dishonesty are so well practised as to border on being celebrated as high-class skills in their own right.

Of course the world’s most popular sport is not alone when it comes to coping with the rising tide of devious behaviour among its most prominent participants. It just seems though that the game’s authorities have given up on sanctioning players who engage in more acting than all of Hollywood and Bollywood put together.

Maybe it’s because the virus, which was always part of the game, has developed to a global pandemic of such proportions that if everyone attempting to fool the referee and his assistants in some form or fashion were sent off the field for most high-profile games these days there would hardly be anyone left on the pitch.

Football is such a multi-billion dollar business now that its superstars are given the same sort of treatment as the most popular entertainers in the music industry: indiscretions are celebrated, there are no consequences for utterly reprehensible behaviour and, conversely, it is the officials who are roundly pilloried by an idol-worshipping array of journalists and broadcasters unwilling to acknowledge how fundamentally corrupt the sport they love and make a healthy living from has become.

Even the altering of the language of the game to sanitise the flagrant cheating reflects the extent to which one of the very fundamentals of football—fair play—essentially no longer exists.

Already on a yellow card from earlier in the game, Chelsea’s Victor Moses was sent off in Saturday’s English FA Cup final against Arsenal at Wembley for the commonplace tactic politely known as “simulation.” It has become the accepted term for the now widespread practice of players pretending to be fouled either to win a penalty or to get an opponent yellow-carded or sent off altogether.

It probably has something to do with the legal ramifications of describing an action as “cheating” that other terms have cropped up. What is unforgiveable though is the way media personalities behave, always with the benefit of hindsight and numerous television replays, in going after the officials for “poor decisions” when they themselves were unsure of the offence when describing the action in real time.

This is not meant to excuse sub-standard officiating for that is an entirely different story, something we are acutely familiar with after the erroneous disallowing of Joevin Jones’ strike for Trinidad and Tobago against Mexico in the World Cup qualifier at the Hasely Crawford Stadium two months ago.

But when those who are described as respected voices and personalities in the game continue to mollycoddle cheats while at the same time pour scorn on officials who will inevitably misread some of the acting—given that it is done so often and so convincingly—then it should be no surprise that at very grassroots of football, children who can barely kick a ball are already learning the art of diving and constantly pulling on their opponents’ shirts.

Even when their dishonesty is exposed for the world to see they are still hailed as heroes and exemplars. In the final round of games in the Spanish top division just over a week ago, Neymar earned a penalty for Barcelona at the Nou Camp with a dive that was so poor in its execution that replays showed him to be some distance away from the lunging defender when the Brazilian initiated the well-practised process of collapsing spectacularly to the ground.

It hardly ever looks so clear-cut in real time and real speed which is why the referee was fooled. So the official attracts the criticism and Neymar gets away scot-free. If such incidents ever come up in any analysis in the media environment it is often minimised as “part of the modern game.”

Look, football and cheating have gone hand-in-hand, literally, for a long time, as Diego Maradona’s infamous “hand of God” goal in the 1986 World Cup quarter-finals for Argentina against England in Mexico will attest. At least then there was a measure of embarrassment with the player studiously avoiding any discussion of the incident to media outside Argentina for years.

Now it’s taken for granted as exemplified by Maradona’s fellow-Argentine Paulo Dybala writhing on the turf in pretend agony only to get up and sprint towards goal when the ball rolled in his direction during the second leg of Juventus’ European Champions League semi-final against Monaco in Turin earlier this month.
Still, Saturday’s final in Cardiff between Juve and title-holders Real Madrid will attract a huge global audience with enough real skill on display to mesmerise us into accepting the attendant cheating as just another dimension to the presumed beautiful game.

Football / Comedy central, TTFA takes center-stage.
« on: January 12, 2017, 03:06:32 PM »
Comedy central, TTFA takes center-stage.
By Inshan Mohammed.

Grab a bucket of popcorn, a pair of 3D glasses, turn on your 60-inch television, take a double-shot of babash, then kick back in your sofa and get ready to watch one of T&T's funniest comedy of the year.

The name of the movie, in case you're wondering is: “TTFA's Musical Chairs”. It's a show where you have too many cooks stirring one pot at the same time trying to finish dinner in time for their March customers (Mexico & Panama) and guess what, all they have at their disposal is a pot and a burning flame with no ingredients.

With David-John Williams cast in the lead role, he is ably supported by co-stars Joanne Salazar, Ewing Davis, Allan Warner, Richard Quan Chan, Jamaal Shabazz, Muhammad Isa, Dexter Skeene, Dr Alvin Henderson and Sharon O’Brien.

Since David John-Williams’ was elected as TTFA President two Novembers ago, T&T football has plunged headfirst into the deep unknown “where no man has gone before”, wait, it's a comedy not a science fiction. ... Anyway...

Teams are failing worse than elementary school students writing their Secondary Entrance Assessment examinations.

Let's see...

* - There are no active women's teams.

* - The Men’s U-15 team failed to get to the CONCACAF stage for the first time in 10 years.

* - The Women’s U-17 team went from reigning Caribbean champions—under the previous regime—to finishing third at CFU level and failing to qualify from the region.

* - The Women’s U-15 team went from third in CONCACAF to a group stage exit in the same competition, which included a record 22-0 defeat to the United States.

* - The Men's U-20 team is in dire need of improvement and has barely scraped through to the CFU U-20 Championship Final Round schedule for February, without even kicking a ball. They got some embarrassing results to Antigua & Barbuda and Bermuda only to be saved from a draw between Cuba and St Lucia that got them through. Ironically, the team is coached by former W Connection youth coach Brian Williams.

Then the Russell Latapy story, a football icon who was known as the “little magician” on the field is now waving his magic wand into T&T football under the current president and could do no wrong despite, his continual failure at different levels while other coaches are falling on the roadside like corn-vendors on the Solomon Hochoy Highway.

In September 2016, Latapy was unsuccessful as T&T U-17 head coach. He saw his team knocked out of the competition leaving Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, Curacao (wow) and fifth place finishers Suriname (double wow) advancing to the CONCACAF Finals in Panama City, later this year. His team finished sixth with just one win against Bermuda from three group matches.

Latapy had refused any friendly games leading up to the tournament, maybe his reluctancy to spend his boss' money probably played a pivotal role in his ceaseless employment?

For his troubles, Latapy was quickly promoted to Assistant Coach of the Men’s Senior Team alongside (guess who?) Jamaal Shabazz, another recyclable in T&T football. Shabazz has suffocated the game for decades like a python strangling a wild boar in the Amazon rainforest. Former TTFA Adviser Jack Warner’s colleague, Muhammad Isa, was given the Technical Director position, while Shabazz were given an added bonus occupation as current TTFA adviser himself. Oh yeah, he is also in charge of the Elite Youth Program. Talk about a man with many caps.

Shabazz runs Morvant Caledonia United (formerly Caledonia AIA), a professional Club based in the Morvant area where he says he wants to develop local football and bring the game back to the community, mind you, the Club is littered with foreign players and have been so for many years. If I'm not mistaking only one player (Densill Theobald) hails from the community. There might be more, but nothing to brag about.

Pro League CEO Dexter Skeene has been unchallenged in his position despite the stagnancy of the T&T Pro League for over a decade, drawing no major sponsors and supporters, at least for most parts, is now head of the TTFA's Technical Committee.

I've known David John-Williams for quite some time and I can tell you he does have a passion for football, however, I do have the right to question his nonconformist selection process of certain individuals and the methodology in which things are being handled.

Furthermore, expecting any kind of success after two games with an inexperienced squad might be wanting too much, especially from a coach who does not have a successful track record. Coach Hart was already on-board for the past 3-years, and it probably would have been appropriate to help him fix the problem instead of replacing him, but then again, that's just me, like Beenie man once sang; who am I?

Anyways, after that quick commercial break we are now back to the show, thanks for tuning in. Belgium-born Tom Saintfiet was hired on a short-term contract as a replacement for former head coach Stephen Hart. What is really facetious is that Saintfiet's ultimatum from his new employers was quite forthright and predispose, “Win the next two World Cup games or you're out.”

Guess what? Latapy is still here and Saintfiet barely made it past a month, never even came close to the two World Cup games he was promised and is now on the breadline.

Saintfiet’s resignation came on January 10th. Now, no one knows for certain if Humpty Dumpty was pushed or if he genuinely resigned (lol), but he did make it clear from his Facebook page (not Ruby Tuesday, right Hart...) that: “From the first day of my unveiling, I did not get the support of the TTFA and its President; support which is needed to be able to do my job in a professional and successful way. I never got the chance to work with the players nor staff requested.”

“Perhaps I should have taken this decision right from day one of my appointment, after the President openly second guessed his own choice of employing me. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt.”

With a depleted squad, some uncommitted players and the exodus of several W Connection (former and current) players for dubious reasons, maybe this move was the turning point in Saintfiet's short-lived T&T career that broke the camel's back? I guess you'll have to do the math for me.

In a Soca Warriors Online (SWO) interview, Saintfiet was quick to highlight Stephen Hart's less than stellar 2016 record, stating that he had only won 3 games for the year. Saintifiet now finds himself in the same boat, if not worst. I'm sure it's a jab he would have liked to take back now. You see, too many cooks spoil the broth, like I always say: “You are only as good as your boss.”

Trying to pick your brain, figuring out who will be the next victim to fall into the TTFA's coaching web will definitely give you 'gray hairs’. One thing's for certain is that the power of belief and the power of thought will move reality in the direction of what we believe and conceive.

Stevie Wonder could see another hammer dropping soon on the next Soca Warriors coach after T&T's next two World Cup matches carded for late March destine for failure. Unless !!! You're Russell Latapy of course. Then again, current W Connection head coach Stuart Charles-Fevrier’s name just fell into my hat, I meant pot.

Let's see if Ms. Carolina Morace will ever show up?

WARNING - If you are a T&T football supporter and are experiencing pain from conditions such as muscle aches, toothaches, menstrual cramps, heartburn, sore throat, or headaches (including migraine) please stop taking on T&T Football and call your doctor right away.

If you are taking an over-the-counter product to self-treat, read all directions on the product package before taking any medication. If you have any questions, consult your pharmacist. If your doctor has prescribed a medication, take it as directed...

You have been warned. Senna & Salt might be another option.

What about Track & Field / Olympic medal count all time
« on: September 08, 2016, 10:24:17 AM »
Anyone have an updated country list of the olympic medal count all time?

Football / Best goalkeeper in the world right now.
« on: February 07, 2016, 09:26:45 AM »
My list in order

David de Gea
Fraser Forster
Manuel Neuer

Football / InStat Scout.
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:42:59 AM »
Anyone familiar with InStat Scout?

My friend coaches a team here in the US and was interested in it.

Any advise would be nice.

Thank you.

Football / Wht does USA, Mexico and Canada get byes all the time?
« on: June 28, 2015, 05:56:22 AM »
Okay, Caribbean Football Union has 25 votes out of 41 all together if you include CONCACAF which is more than half.

What I cannot understand is, why does Mexico, USA and Canada qualify directly for the final tournaments; Olympic, Gold Cup, etc.

Now, I get that USA and Mexico play host most of he times and only this 2015 Gold Cup (for example) Canada are co-host.

But why every time these 3 nations do not go through the qualifiers.

Mexico are USA are seeded most of the times because they do good in pervious tournaments, but the way its set up they benefit from this greatly, I am sure if they had to go through all the qualifiers it will not only improve smaller teams but they could also get upsets along the way. It will also provides revenue for small teams.

Canada are one of the weaker teams in CONCACAF.

Sure, their Women team is up there, but the men's are poor especially at senior level.

They do not even have a Professional league.

CFU needs to get together and do something about this and change up the format.

General Discussion / Where have all the Indians gone?
« on: January 25, 2015, 12:11:10 PM »
Where have all the Indians gone?
By Kevin Baldeosingh (express)
Story Created: Aug 1, 2013.

In his book The Underachieving Society, economist Terrence Farrell writes that the Central Statistical Office (CSO) is so incompetent “that there are now serious questions about the integrity and reliability of certain data produced”. And last Monday’s by-election result clearly prove Farrell’s claim.

You see, the CSO in its 2011 census says that 46 per cent of the population of Chaguanas is Indian and nearly 60 per cent of those Indians are Hindu. Yet, in Chaguanas West, where most of the Indian Hindu reincarnated voters live, a black man was able to get 69 per cent of the votes cast. This shows that the CSO cannot count Indians, by which I mean real Indians, not people like me who Food Production Minister Devant Maharaj back in his Maha Sabha days used to describe as “creolised Indians”.

Mind you, I had predicted that Jack would lose badly, not because he was black, but because I thought people in Chaguanas West would vote for whoever could give them more drains and roads and scotch, which naturally was the Government. But the Chaguanas West voters were smarter than me, since they realised that by voting for Jack they would get goodies from him and even more goodies from the UNC administration for 2015.

Those voters have been criticised for electing a individual with serious ethical defects, but I never considered corruption to be an issue because, as far as public if not legal opinion goes, the choice was between a corrupt party and a corrupt individual. And, in any case, neither United National Congress (UNC) fanatics nor PNM-till-Ah-deads have ever voted against corruption, which may be why only 2,000 persons who voted in Chaguanas West in 2010 stayed away from the polls this time. But even these people cannot be the Indians, real Indians, that the CSO refuses to count.

After all, this is why Devant and Mr Suruj Rambachan PhD and Attorney General Anand Ramlogan SC (Self-Conferred) rolled up behind red woman Khadijah Ameen in the campaign. They wanted to send a message to Indians, real Indians, to vote UNC. In fact, Anand was so committed to this goal that on polling day his security detail in their black Prado even knocked down a man who Anand said was drunk. How much more Indian than that can you get? Yet all the Indian Hindus the CSO says are infesting Chaguanas West apparently still voted for black Jack, proving that the 2011 census figures are, as Farrell says, badly flawed.

After all, Housing Minister Roodal Moonilal told UNC supporters that depriving him of a Range Rover belonging to the Housing Development Corporation was an attack on Hindus. Yet these putative thousands of Chaguanas West Hindus still didn’t vote for the UNC or fat men. On top of that, Maha Sabha leader Sat Maharaj also came out in support of Khadijah, presumably because she lacks panty-lines. It is true that, in 2007, Sat supported the Congress of the People and that party still didn’t win any seats, but that’s only because the COP didn’t have real Indians, the kind who can eat dhal and rice with their fingers. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar even bowed down and touched Sat’s feet in the mandir which hosted the political meeting, an act which should have made all devout Hindus either run out and vote UNC immediately or wash their hands with cow’s milk even faster.

And then Khadijah, just one day before the election, announced that she would be getting married, which should have impressed all Hindus who are biased against six-foot-tall single mothers. Yet Khadijah’s promise to be shorter than her fiancé apparently did not persuade the Indian voters to vote for her, which leads to the obviously absurd conclusion that Indians no longer respect people who use marital status to win an election.

All this either means that Hindus are rejecting their gurus or that the CSO has refused to count Hindus in Chaguanas West.

And, since all Hindus obey their gurus without question, it must be the CSO which is at fault. After all, all racists know that all Indians racial and would never vote for an African man. One woman on Facebook, a dougla who didn’t get any genes for curry, even said that Indian columnists never criticise the present Government: and, when I cited Clarence Rambharat, Vaneisa Baksh, Sheila Rampersad and me, she explained that she didn’t read columnists with Indian surnames and that Jack got votes only because Indians like money more than they dislike black people.

But, being a tutor in UWI’s Humanities Department, this woman was too innumerate to know that the real reason Jack won is because the CSO has miscounted Indians in Chaguanas West. It cannot be that Indians and Africans have stopped voting by race because, if this is so, then the Maha Sabha and the Emancipation Support Committee will no longer get millions of taxpayers’ dollars to play dress up.


Cricket Anyone / 2014 CPL Standings Thread.
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:21:25 AM »
Caribbean Premier League, 2014 / Points table 
Teams   Mat   Won   Lost   Tied   N/R   Pts   Net RR   For   Against
Trinidad & Tobago Red Steel   6   5   1   0   0   10   +0.869   895/109.2   878/120.0

Guyana Amazon Warriors   6   4   2   0   0   8   +0.341   872/115.3   865/120.0
Jamaica Tallawahs   4   3   1   0   0   6   +0.550   577/73.3   584/80.0
Barbados Tridents   5   3   2   0   0   6   +0.115   779/99.0   756/97.3
Antigua Hawksbills   5   0   5   0   0   0   -0.835   684/100.0   692/90.1
St Lucia Zouks   4   0   4   0   0   0   -1.518   571/80.0   603/69.4

Points by match:

General Discussion / Rio Seco Waterfall Trail.
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:17:38 PM »
Anyone know about this, I am making a trip, any tips and pics ?

Other Sports / Gabrielle Reece
« on: May 15, 2013, 11:55:45 AM »
Is Gabrielle Reece really from Trinidad ?

General Discussion / US Vice-President Biden coming to T&T
« on: May 09, 2013, 02:56:22 AM »
US Vice-President Biden coming
By Clint Chan Tack Thursday, May 9 2013
TT Newsday

UNITED States (US) Vice-President Joe Biden will visit Trinidad and Tobago at the end of this month.

Announcements of Biden’s visit to TT were made in separate statements issued yesterday by the Office of the Prime Minister and the US Embassy. Biden and his wife Dr Jill Biden are due to arrive the week of May 26.

During his visit, Biden will hold talks with Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on TT-US collaboration in a number of areas, including citizen security.

He also meets with Persad-Bissessar and regional leaders on collective efforts between the US and Caricom to promote economic growth, energy interdependence, and development in the Caribbean. Persad-Bissessar has invited regional leaders to TT for Biden’s visit.

In expressing her enthusiasm for Biden’s visit, Persad-Bissessar described it as “the continued strengthening of diplomatic relations between the United States and Trinidad and Tobago”.

In the embassy statement, US Charge d’Affaires Thomas Smitham said Biden’s visit showed the importance the US government placed on its partnership with the Caribbean region. “We look forward to a warm and productive visit in Trinidad and Tobago with Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar and to engagement in Port-of-Spain with other Caribbean leaders,” Smitham said.

US President Barack Obama was in TT in April 2009 to attend the Fifth Summit of the Americas. Biden did not accompany Obama to that summit, but Smitham notes Biden’s presence here later this month “is an excellent opportunity to reflect on what we have accomplished together since President Obama’s visit in 2009, and look ahead to continued cooperation.”

“And we know Vice President Biden will enjoy a very warm welcome from the people of TT,” Smitham said.

Biden’s visit follows Persad-Bissessar’s trip to Washington last month, when she discussed matters of critical interest to TT and Caricom with US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns. Those matters included the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act; assistance in the fight against the illegal drug trade and the process of criminal deportations from the US. Persad-Bissessar, who will assume chairmanship of Caricom when the next Caricom Heads of Government Meeting is held in TT on July 1, also discussed the convening of a US-Caricom Summit with Burns in April. This was in keeping with a decision taken by Caricom leaders at their last meeting in Haiti in February.

At the Sixth Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia last April, Persad-Bissessar said she held talks with Obama about the possibility of TT acquiring fast patrol craft from the US to bolster its border security.

Government, under former national security minister Jack Warner, was in talks with Colombia regarding the acquisition of long-range patrol vessels for the Coast Guard. Following his visit to TT, Biden heads to Colombia and Brazil. and plans to discuss ways to deepen America’s global and economic partnership with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, and security relations and ways for mutual prosperity with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.

Football / Johan Welch
« on: April 13, 2013, 09:10:28 PM »
What a wonderful find.

We need to groom him for the senior team.

Should make a best 11 for the current tournament in Panama.

Technical Support / Why should I by a Mac ?
« on: March 07, 2013, 07:13:41 AM »
Can anyone of you guys give me a break down why should I buy a Mac.

I am doing a research and I need help on which I should buy, a Mac Pro or Windows ?

Please do not post just links, give me a better review.

Thanks guys.

Technical Support / Samsung Galaxy S3 vs Iphone 5
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:12:18 PM »
I am on the verge of renewing my contract, can someone tell me who has experience with both who should I go with or who's better; Samsung Galaxy S3 or Iphone 5.


Technical Support / Cell Phones from China
« on: June 28, 2012, 07:22:15 PM »
Anyone know how effective them cell phones from China is ?

I want to buy one, in the US the price is ridiculous.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / blue lagoon the awakening
« on: June 15, 2012, 06:34:01 PM »
blue lagoon the awakening was film in Trinidad.

Anyone knows?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / The Avengers
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:14:56 AM »

Ah trying to make a CD with the top 12 soca and top 12 chutney songs of 2012, like all the decent/big hits, can anyone help ?

Name of song and atrist ?

Thanks in advance.

General Discussion / Animals in Trinidad & Tobago
« on: December 09, 2011, 09:20:59 AM »
Just can't stand the way our locals treat our animals in T&T, they killing everything out and sooner or later we will have nothing.

A shipment of 83 yellow-headed parrots, 9 black headed caiques, 10 conures, 16 orange-winged parrots, an agouti and a wild hog were seized on Thursday, June 25th by Customs and Excise Officers at Cedros, Trinidad and Tobago after being brought in illegally by boat from the Venezuelan mainland. The perpetrators were charged for illegally importing prohibited animals.

Four smuggled Caique parrots sit in a cage at the Emperor Valley Zoo in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Four police officers in Trinidad intercepted a smuggling boat at gunpoint and stole 1,000 endangered birds and monkeys along with 400 pounds of wild animal meat, according to authorities. The boat had sailed from Venezuela and the illicit load was estimated to be worth about $500,000.

The Blue-headed Parrot, also known as the Blue-headed Pionus, Pionus menstruus, is a medium large parrot. It is about 27 cm long and they are mainly green with a blue head and neck, and red under tail feathers. It is a resident bird in tropical and subtropical South America and southern Central America, from Costa Rica, Venezuela and Trinidad south to Bolivia and Brazil. It is named for its medium-blue head and neck.

Three smuggled raccoons sit in a cage at the Emperor Valley Zoo in Port of Spain, Trinidad, Tuesday, May 5. Four police officers in Trinidad intercepted a smuggling boat at gunpoint and stole 1,000 endangered birds and monkeys along with 400 pounds of wild animal meat, according to authorities. (AP Photo/Shirley Bahadur).

A smuggled monkey hangs in a cage at the Emperor Valley Zoo in Port of Spain, Trinidad, Tuesday, May 5, 2009. (AP Photo/Shirley Bahadur). Officers in Trinidad allegedly hijacked a smuggling boat. The boat had sailed from Venezuela carrying more than 500 bull finches, 300 picoplat songbirds and an assortment of monkeys — all crammed into tiny cages piled up on the craft, officials said.

OCELOT RESCUED: This Ocelot was one of several endangered and protected animals rescued by game wardens yesterday following a raid at a house in upscale Haleland Park, Maraval

Red-capped Cardinal digiscoped @ Caroni Swamp, Trinidad 28 July 08.

Savanna Hawk (adult) perches in Moriche Palm, Wallerfield, Trinidad 29 July 08

Red-bellied Macaw

Male and female White-lined Tanagers

Blue-headed Parrots

A Southern Lapwing

A Savannah Hawk

Blue & Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna)

Scarlet Macaw [Ara macao]; Aracang

Channel-billed Toucan

Blue-Crowned Motmot

Oil bird

Violaceous Trogon

Scarlet Ibis

The Leatherback Turtle (an endangered species)

The Toucan

The Cocrico - National Bird of Tobago

Technical Support / M4V to MP4 converter
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:35:22 AM »
Does anyone know where I can get a free m4v to MP4 converter, the ones I am getting is just free to try and only allowing me 5 mins conversation.

Thanks in advance.

Football / Terry St Louis vs Evans Wise
« on: November 08, 2011, 11:26:20 AM »
Who was a better dribbler ?

Terry St Louis

General Discussion / Yelp !!!
« on: November 04, 2011, 09:54:15 AM »
Anyone here use Yelp.

Football / Most muscular legs in football.
« on: October 04, 2011, 05:56:47 PM »
Most muscular legs in football. And no for the jokers, I don't like man..  :rotfl:

Check Romauld Aguillera legs, I feel he could give Roberto Carlos a run for he money. I doubt we had any locals that I know off who had muscular legs.

From left: Andrei Pacheco, Romauld Aguillera and I think Sylvester Teesdale.

Technical Support / Aquos vs Quattron
« on: September 20, 2011, 10:06:01 AM »
Which is better to boy ?

I am looking at the Sharp TV which seems to be doing well as of lately....

Sharp Aquos vs Sharp Quattron

Or should I buy a Samsung ?

My were.

The Club (Gulf City) with DJ Lennox and Martin.
The Tunnel (Marabella).
Anchorage (Chaguaramas).
51 Degrees (Cipriani Boulevard).
Pier 1 (Chaguaramas).
The Edge (La Romain).
Screamers 2 (Gulf City).

Nice bars/food I have been to were.

Cocktails and Dreams (Marabella) - Small but a nice get away from the busy areas.
HI-RPM (Gulf City) in the early days.
The Gallery (Gulf City) - Small but was decent.
Trotters (Port of Spain).
Jenny's on the Boulevard (Cipriani Boulevard).
Soong's Great Wall (San Fernando) - Nice, but a little expensive.

How is the casinos in T&T, anyone here ever been to one, give me the run down. ?

Football / Cardiff City in the play-offs.
« on: May 03, 2011, 10:10:09 AM »
I think Cardiff is in the play off, they blew a chance of automatic promotion to the premiership when they lost 3-0 yesterday to Middlesborough.

Jlloyd injured or had a poor game.

He came off after all goals were scored in the 31st min. Goals were scored in the 3, 13 and 21st mins.

I hope Samuel is ok.. ?

Football / Possible 2011 Under 23 Prospects.
« on: April 13, 2011, 06:45:37 AM »
Isn't Olympic qualifiers and Pan American Games starting soon ?

We should have a decent U-23 team.

Lester Peltier (FK AS Trenčín)
Khaleem Hyland (SV Zulte Waregem)
Robert Primus (FC Aktobe)
Hallam Hope (Everton)
Jake Thomson (Exeter City)
Kevin Molino (Orlando City)
Kevon Villaroel (Puerto Rico Islanders)
Quame Holder (F.C. New York)
Daniel Carr (Reading FC Academy)
Stephen Campbell (Austin Aztex)
Krisitan Lee-Him (Sigma FC)
Greg Ranjitsingh (Sigma FC)

Daniel Cyrus (Caledonia AIA)
Joevin Jones (W Connection)
Ataullah Guerra (San Juan Jabloteh)
Marcus Joseph (Joe Public)
Devon Jamerson (Ma Pau)
Elton John (Ma Pau)
Micah Lewis (Joe Public)
Shahdon Winchester (W Connection)
Kevon Neaves (T&TEC)
Glenroy Samuel (Defence Force)
Curtis Gonzales  (Defence Force)
Jean Luc Rochford (Caledonia AIA)
Sheldon Bateau (San Juan Jabloteh)
Jevaughn Vance (1st Santa Rosa)
Duane Muckette (1st Santa Rosa)
Jerrel Britto (San Juan Jabloteh)
Johan Peltier (San Juan Jabloteh)

Leston Paul (University of South Florida)
Sean Da Silva (College of Charleston)
Kyle Bethel (Oakland University)
Chike Sullivan (Colorado School of Mines)
Shastri Spencer (East Stroudsburg University)
Uriah Bentick (Liberty University)
Malcolm Manswell (Towson University)

Javed Mohammed (?)
Theon James (?)
Isaiah Mejias (?)
Jamal Clarence (?)
Jamal Gay (?)

Wonder what our coaches up too ?

Zoran Vranes (head coach), Angus Eve and Clint Marcelle as his two assistants.

Football / Trinis in action today (07-Aug-10)
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:06:45 PM »
7th Aug - 2010

Middlesbrough  1 - 3   Ipswich Town - Carlos off 64th

Exeter City  2 - 2   Colchester United - Jake Thomson came on 78th

Zulte-Waregem  1 - 2   KV Mechelen - Khaleem Hyland score 30th - Yellow in the 31st then Red carded in the 90th. Seeing that he will miss Zulte's next game maybe Latapy should call him to face Jamaica.

New England   v   DC United - Julius James started.

Colorado   v   San Jose - Both Cornell Glen and Scott Sealy is on the bench.

North East Stars  2 - 1  W Connection

San Juan Jabloteh   v   Defence Force

Football / Reggae Boyz invest in local market
« on: July 25, 2010, 05:04:24 AM »
Reggae Boyz invest in local market
BY HOWARD WALKER Observer staff reporter
Sunday, July 25, 2010

JAMAICAN professional footballers are playing their part in the economic survival of the nation, sending home a portion of their earnings which contributes significantly to their personal and family developments.

Despite the ongoing economic challenges resulting from the financial crisis, Jamaicans living abroad sent home 7.4 per cent more money to their families this February than at the same time last year, according to the International Fund of Agricultural Development.

Remittances are vital to the Jamaican economy, representing approximately 15 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) last year.

The Reggae Boyz might not be among the top earners in the sport, but they are raking in some decent cash from as high as US$150,000 (J$13m) a month to a low US$2,000 (J$170,000).

Horace Reid, general secretary of the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF), revealed that there are over 30 professional footballers plying their trade overseas and they are playing their part in nation building.

Said Reid: "Remittances are one of our main foreign exchange, so in the scheme of things, football is contributing significantly to our economic indicator in terms of income.

"Most of them are fairly comfortably, especially those that are playing in the UK (United Kingdom). Most if, not all, those players are reinvesting a substantial part of their earnings into the Jamaican economy. They are building new homes and supporting their families," said Reid.

As it currently stands, there are seven players each in England and the United States, six in Norway, two in Hungary and one in Sweden.

In additional, there are seven players strutting their stuff in the Caribbean, with four playing in Antigua and three in Trinidad and Tobago.

Since Jamaica qualified for the 1998 World Cup Finals, approximately 42 players have gained contract overseas and the clubs and local-based players are more aware.

"This is why in the last couple of years we are seeing more young footballing talent eager to pursue a professional career in football," noted Reid.

"This was not the case 15 years ago. A lot more players are seeing it as an alternative and are pursuing it with vigour. Our talent is now being expose in numerous markets. We have players in Scandinavia; we have players as far as Russia, the UK, USA and other parts of the Caribbean," Reid added.

Senior local players are earning from between $20,000 to $50,000, with a few earning more. It was rumoured that certain star players from Waterhouse and Harbour View were carrying home as much as $150,000 per month.

"The economy is very tight and we could argue that they deserve more, and maybe they do. The fact is that clubs are struggling day to day," Reid pointed out.

But there can be no comparison to the salaries earned overseas to those earned locally. There are at least two players in the English Premier League that are at the high end of the salary scale, earning US$150,000 (J$13m) a month.

Players plying their trade overseas can usually be seen driving Mercedes Benz SUVs, Jaguar or Mitsubishi Montero Sports. Another player who plays in Norway, it was said, recently built a house for approximately J$20m after a few seasons.

"Their ambitions are to return to Jamaica eventually and settle down when they finish playing professionally overseas, which speaks to the reason they are reinvesting their monies into the Jamaican market," said Reid.

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