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Messages - ironman

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I agree with the approach of marketing needing improvemen etc etc...but there is a deeper underlying problem.Our society is suffering from a cancer of recalcitrancy,debauchary,excess,selfishness,greed and apathy.Look at sports as  a whole nobody cares of something that benefit the nation collectively,to have some interest..it must be a fad!!!

Football / Re: TnT and Jamaica players in UEFA Champions League
« on: October 01, 2013, 05:28:38 PM »
Jerren Nixon i think for Dundee Utd..not sure

Football / Re: Passing of David Cumberbatch
« on: March 11, 2012, 03:00:35 PM »
Through track field I was on teams with "Batch" as physio...RIP

Football / Re: Jorsling joggles career options
« on: December 15, 2011, 08:23:38 AM »
I figured they would give him a window to do his thing with the option to resume his service...best option.

Asylumseeker thanks for posting
Being called a white so & so eh de same ting...theoretically it is, but in reality it just isn't - That's why I say your post was too theoretical (and generalizing)...Because of the history of race, racism & social class dynamics and the effects that systemic, endemic and oppressive racism has had on certain racial groups, the historically marginalized races (e.g. blacks) receive derogatory comments about their skin color with a completely different degree of sensitivity and hurt compared to whites, who as a race have not been detrimentally subject to racial marginalization...I think that, as a generalization (with exceptions of course), is widely accepted and understood...Again denying it doh change what it is... That said, if a white person expressed feelings of hurt about being racially abused, who is me tuh tell him his feelings not justified?

Just like there's no perfectly acceptable logic to justify racism, the reactions to racism are on many levels also emotional, so yuh can't fully rationalize it like you're trying to do... and it hard tuh use one person's example to advocate or denounce someone else's situation, because like ah say.... everyone's situation and experience is different. 
Thanks for posting my thoughts!!!

Football / Re: Chelsea v Racing Genk Thread (19-Oct-2011).
« on: October 19, 2011, 02:44:15 PM »
A start is a start .....with hard work and determination you will improve!Hyland little stones fill the basket,Champion League is no joke!!and I could say anything from my sofa!!!!!! here look some positive energy meh boy!!!

Football / Re: Sport reporter Trujillo passes away
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:14:16 AM »
RIP Greg Trujillo

Football / Re: Flex's mother passed away.
« on: May 22, 2011, 11:22:15 AM »
Deepest Condolences to Flex and his family.

Football / Re: Latchoo embraces coaching role
« on: May 05, 2011, 01:26:08 PM »
I passed through Stylie hands also..boss coach.Instilled discipline that I took to my other sporting pursuits.Remember running up St.Stephens hill with a team mate on my back!!!!!!!

Football / Re: Pfister is the man in charge
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:57:38 PM »
A jeans and jacket is accepted as relaxed formal dress......if one travels/do business to Latin America/Europe this will be seen. Yes there is other culture beyond the Neo Anglophone Horizon!

Football / Re: Gone so young, he was a good player
« on: February 27, 2011, 12:35:06 AM »
Very sad RIP Dean Richards

Football / Re: U-17s go under to Barbados
« on: February 09, 2011, 12:52:14 PM »
Well sain Die Hard

Football / Re: GNC welcomes Warriors.
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:53:34 AM »
Socapro and Flex to be honest I really miss the days going back to marc purcell into this wonderful board when cokesman,socapro,flex as a poster,patriot and company had an enviroment that fostered heavy sports conversation then times I posted as steve......hey Flex ah stop playing with heavy balls and I playing football now but ah different code ;D.Blessed

Football / Re: GNC welcomes Warriors.
« on: February 04, 2011, 10:43:03 AM »
Wheeeeeyyyy....boy..lawd we in the dark frigging ages.Fellas education is the key and a culture of wanting to be the best e.g
Bee Pollen/Fish Oil,High Quality Protien Supplement,Basic Multi vitamin,B 12 isolated and ZMA that should be basic for any trying to attain top level performance PERIOD..these things supplement a HIGH QUALITY DIET.
 Most of GNC products are along the line of the above stated.The bigger mainstream eg MetRx,GNC supplement providers generally stay away from having any WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) listed supplements in their products,when you start deal with stimulants,duretics,Test enhancers,growth hormones,pro hormones then there is obvious concern.Anyway I think the point I am trying to make is biased, having been involved in sport in Trinidad for approx 17 years and seen the embarrassing level of ignorance we suffer from.You think Usain Bolt or Kenwyne Jones goes on suppligen and common fowl egg!!!! no they take the best performance enhacing supplements that are not on IAAF,FIFA and/or WADA's ............list simple.

Football / Re: GNC welcomes Warriors.
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:55:13 AM »
Dont see where the mention of steriods is needed!A club is making the right steps to getting together with a supplement distributor maybe other sports e.g track and field,swimming should take a page out of this club's book

Football / Re: GNC welcomes Warriors.
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:02:17 AM »
Mr. Ephraim your statement is supporting an ignorant culture we have about taking care of ourselves as athletes and by coaches who handle our athletes locally.GNC have simple products like the MegaMen line that would be invaluble to footballers and not to mention the athletics arena.GNC is a respected supplier of supplements to world sports,in pro sport  an athlete ingests fish oils,multi vitamins,creatine enhancers,joint treatment,testosterone level maintainers,ZMA etc for optimum performance,optimum performance something we are totally daft to.All this is just one aspect of our greatest sporting weaknesses "PREPARATION".
Listen about being naive.........dont go there  :devil:

Football / Re: GNC welcomes Warriors.
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:06:15 AM »
How steriods come in this? out ah timing and kiss meh ass negative is gross understatements to explain  this statement.

Football / Re: Defence Force takes Digicel Pro League Championship title
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:00:51 AM »
Congrats to Defence Force...............Big Rawle Fletch from Polo Ground! do yuh thing!

Football / Re: Khaleem Hyland speaks during winter training
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:22:29 PM »
Well said Ngozi!He has the attributes that the mordern day engine room midfielder requires

Football / Re: Hyland scores in Belgium
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:04:35 AM »
Hatorade being distributed.....in powdered form and ready to drink liquid....even a form able to mix with life water if you in hospital, it is all here!!! :devil:

Football / Re: CAMPS GONE
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:42:18 AM »
wheyyy cruel...cruel ???

Football / Re: Training and fitness level. Can this work for TT teams?
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:52:17 PM »
Not entirely new as a sporting concept.....rugby union and league explores such concepts,track and field explores such concepts also.No brain no gain.
1500m at a torrid pace is more usefull than 3500m at half?
15 80 m sprints at 80% better 2 miles at 40%?

A lot of rugby union teams have dumped the beep test sighting it as untrue reflection of applied fitness as regards to a game of rugby....and not being position sensitive.
In Trinidad concepts of fitness are very outdated.By our standards Kenwyne Jones would be overweight and he would still have pull the long runs.Why?when he needs according to position and playing style burst of speed,great strength and vertical leap at say 210LBs,answer save the knees with the rowing machine and running emphasising repeating burst.High intensity, low volume.
 In football we see the stat 'distance covered' this is futher broken down by trainers how many burst,lateral movement,jogging,walking etc,this of course is extremely positon sensitive and player style,approach etc sensitive,this is the guide for player prep.Why do what is not needed?
Even military training has shifted to this school of though e.gRoyal Marine 'long run' being 1 mile at pelt pace,French foreign legion fitness test running component being suicides(shuttles) as opposed to long drawn out runs and generally more emphasis on upper body strength.Why?statistical breakdown of real time battle situations.

Football / Re: Sad to say discontinue the pro league.
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:26:32 PM »
Yeh cop out..while we at it ban football.Simplistic idea at best.

Football / Re: Venezuela whips U-20 Warriors 4-2
« on: October 31, 2010, 10:44:15 AM »
Zandolie one of the best post I have ever read period......kinda sums up the reason why I stay low on this board the negativity and different hang up from posters...just too much.

Football / Re: Here is another white elephant
« on: April 05, 2010, 10:31:56 PM »
Could not help,to begin with the stadium is part of an Australian model of High PERFORMANCE CENTERS to be feed by schools and other less formal systems,Anil Roberts talk about unpopulated.....what is Gasparillo,Reform,Palmayra,St.Clements,Coceyea,St.Madeline,Toruba Housing District,Vistabella,Marabella,Iere Village,Brasil Squatters,Thompson Gardens,Corinth,Golconda to start with?Fellas is clown with hole in dey face!!!! and getting on thinking people nerves with frigging misinformation and alternate MOs.....seriously.
The cricket Center in Balmain is for now is not a stadium it is more of an academy with a pavilion.
All de talk about white elephant......who does go to the present stadia inthe evening?where neon trackers,simplex,silver bullet,phoenix,eagles does train?Not disputing finances but what let the youth go back to VOS ground or any patch of grass to train?then hope for gold?BTW how many stadia in Guadeloupe?fellas does bump dey gum ahh lawd.

Football / Re: Jabloteh edge Petrotrin in Classic snooze-a-thon.
« on: November 05, 2009, 08:08:17 AM »
A couple things,Lasana tries to be the hard hitting,no reservation reporter a little too hard sometimes,thus if you notice he is a little predictable now,all leagues have bad games Bolton vs Blackburn or Cologne vs Bocchum not exactly heart stopping.
  People if you not looking at the games yourself please ease up on the plans "if" the state of the football sooo bad.I dont know but if we have a league less than 15 years around in a public that is generally pathetic when coming to sport on the whole on the backdrop of a extremely shallow cancer like cable infested/BET/MTV I want to be gangster or I want to be Abercrombie culture and minimal co-operate support,please dont grab at straws when coming to crowd support.If it is not hype we not going!
 The league is improving for anyone who looks at it as a whole,it is getting much more competitive stretching at least to mid table, better teams are competitive in CONCACAF with some way to go of course,the average age of teams I would like to think is dropping eg Mau Pau and Jabloteh,the latest attempt to get one the most football rich diasporas in Trinidad playing national league football Southend FC is alive, God help them to get  a sponsor.
  Coops and/or Tenorsaw I remember one of you having some connection to P/Town,so imagine P/Town FC potential sponsor roll call 1.Karl King.......... oil contracts and if they play ball who will fill the wapee table?gambling brings money,F.... the youths,2.Khalid.......we trying to recover the empire without the baking powder!...3.T'lucksingh................recovering from building the fortress and nearly losing the princess!4.Amour............we bury want to be gangster youths not change them....fast cars cost money!

The problem of no crowds and no sponsors run much deeper my friends!

Football / Re: Baygo boy passed on....
« on: October 27, 2009, 08:14:56 PM »
Condolences to his family

Football / Re: Trinis in Action (Sept 25-27, 2009).
« on: September 27, 2009, 01:57:25 PM »
Just a point.People we have to realize that a manager does not expect a player like KJ to cover grass like say Anelka,all 14 stone plus of KJ has its strengths,like a prop forward in rugby.KJ lack the know how of playing without the ball.I would like to think that steve Bruce and his strength and conditioning people know a lil more about conditioning a top class athlete than us.KJ is fit to do what is expected of him.

Football / Re: Hi.. just a hail up to Socapro et al...
« on: November 12, 2008, 03:24:37 PM »
To see a post from Portia really take me back,I used to post as steve back on M.purcell forum and the early Flex forum.Anybody could give a update on cokesman?

Football / Sancho
« on: October 26, 2008, 09:25:11 AM »
I was looking at today's papers and saw in the sports a pic from NE Stars vs St Ann's,boy it had Sancho and quite frankly that fella out of shape bad,he look like a prop or forward from  the tri nations ???, and not in a good way!!!No wonder he could not get a contract.The type of center back Sancho is,take away his physical attributes and take into consideration his average anticipation,positioning and game reading he will struggle!at any decent level!

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