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Topics - Gazza

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Football / Please suggest some develpmental programs.
« on: April 06, 2011, 08:37:58 AM »
We speak often of developmental programs, but do we know precisely what that is? i am not saying I know but maybe someone can help me. But in my travels I would observe that Young footballers whether they may be very good or aspiring from as early as 8 or 9 years old would be in constant training and education of football. Not the seasonal training or Saturday morning coaching schools or the occasional every evening. I mean institutionalized training schools. Where the most qualified Physical Education instructors, coaches specialized with the rudiments of teaching, nutritionists etc. are employed. These student athletes are specially selected and are given a special academic curriculum with their daily training routines. Psychological sessions, the full works for their development. Have about 5 of these schools around the country including one in Tobago. They can play in zonal tournaments as well as their own institutional tourney. We just have to stop depending in the secondary school league to select our youth teams as they will never be prepared sufficiently. The youth players of even El Salvador are school boys yes, but, they never play in their regular secondary school leagues. thats for the regular chickens. Notice i didn't mention mexico. Youth players there just as in England and every other serious football country of the world are professionals from a very early age. this pro does not mean only earning big money but receiving specialized training and academic scholarships to ensure they can read write and speak well. We set up these institutions have they QUALIFIED instructors, hire the normal academic teachers, have them training, competing, and preparing on a year round basis and select our youth teams from this program and maybe, just maybe it can work. Even Cuba has this in their system.       

Football / Latapy not Ready yet
« on: October 20, 2008, 08:24:31 PM »
Modern international coaches has all the practical and academic credentials going for them before they are even considered to be a national team coach. We are being caught up in a world being fanatics if we are to reall demand for Latas to be our national coach. Maybe he might be a success but in terms of credentials he will be way out of his league. Great player he was, skillfull he still has flashes. But that does not give him enough to be an international coach. Modern successful international coaches are all interlects, thinkers highly qualified professional individuals who are not only footballistically trained but interletually. This will make them muh more tactically sound and communicative in terms of teaching and explaining tactics and systems. We talk about Klinsman and Van Basten but besides being great ballers they are educated men which is a different type of training that goes with being a professional in modern sports. I personally am not yet impessed by his credentials as yet if we are to really take our football to a different level(this being my real area of concern). 

Football / New leadership in TTFF
« on: August 22, 2007, 01:19:41 PM »
Shaka Hislop for the new presidend. We need a new regime, new vision, new ideas, better relationship with gov't. Better results

Football / Bomb Squad Tobago United
« on: July 31, 2007, 05:09:14 PM »
De Police just get arrested,convicted and sentenced to 6 years imprisonment eligible for parole after 2 years by Tobago united.  6-2 final score

Football / Tobago United Just Win
« on: June 23, 2007, 04:35:30 PM »
First win in four years, Tobago Utd beat Petrotrin.
By: Opuku Ware (ttproleague).

Shock waves ran through the sister isle as Tobago United scored an historic first league win for 2007 in the TT Pro League on Saturday evening at the Dwight Yorke Stadium in Tobago.
The Peter Granville and Kenny Thomas coached Tobago United outfit scored a well-deserved 2-0 win over the South based United Petrotrin, which also represented their first league win in four years of professional league football.
In the competition five years now, Tobago United's last league win came in their first season in 2003 when they had a total of four league victories in 36 matches.
Saturday's game was a re-match, following a 1-1 draw that was protested by Petrotrin. The Pro League ordered a replay because it was deemed the referee made an error regarding the laws of the game.
This was the first game for both teams after a month-long break in League action because of the CONCACAF Gold Cup tournament. During the break, the Tobago based team stepped up their training and employed the services of a trainer from the Defence Force to improve their physical fitness, while coach Granville instituted a firm regimen of discipline for the players.
These factors were quite evident in the team's play, as they displayed more energy and concentrated for longer periods.
As early as the ninth minute, the combination of Collie Hercules and Kayode Legall got moving as Hercules fed Legall a through pass inside the Petrotrin penalty area and Legall slammed a fierce right foot shot past Tristan Charles in the Petrotrin goal.
The South based Pro Team refused to lie down and mounted a number of attacks on the Tobago United goal, but they were thwarted by solid defence from Jamal Jack, Kevin Adams, George Dublin and the flying goalkeeper Andre Durant.
Tobago-born national player Keon Daniel and Devon Drayton were orchestrating numerous plays for Petrotrin. But their forwards failed to convert the chances created.
Tobago United went in with a 1-0 advantage at the end of the first half. Both teams sought the ascendancy during the second period, but Petrotrin suffered dearly when playmaker Devon Drayton was red carded mid-way into the second half.
Tobago United took advantage of the 10-man Petrotrin team by spreading their play across the field. They also added fresh legs by replacing Handel Manswell with Uriah Palmer and Tichord Joseph for Pierre Joseph.
The Tobago team mounted a series of attacks and their persistence paid off when Garvin McKenna blasted home a right foot shot after good work by Legall and Hercules.
When referee Lester Alleyne finally blew his whistle to signal the end of the game, the Tobago United players were given a standing ovation by their many supporters, having registered their first victory of the season.
Meanwhile, United Petrotrin Head Coach Brian Williams was circumspect after his team suffered a stunning 0-2 defeat to the Pro League table-proppers Tobago United last Saturday at the Dwight Yorke Stadium.
The former National defender told ttproleague.com that he was aware that the Tobago team was playing an improved brand of football and it was only a matter of time before they got good results.
“I did not want us to be the team which would lose to them, but this is a ball game and those things happen,” Williams said, “It was a hard fought game and Tobago United must be given credit for their win.” The dreadlocks coach indicated that his Team did not convert their chances but he said “We will have to lift our heads up and face the future games with confidence.”
Williams noted that a win would have moved the South Team to second place in the standings and he was disappointed at throwing away that opportunity.
Tobago United assistant coach Kenny Thomas took the win in stride. He said, “We really worked hard during the one month break and we got the result to show.”
He showered praise on Army physical instructor Marvin Brassey for the work he did with the team. “We are improving and we will seek to improve further,” Coach Kenny added.
Head Coach Peter Granville made it clear however, the journey has only just begun, “Now is not the time for us to forget our mission which is to build a team which could make Tobago proud and make a positive contribution to National football.”
Both Granville and Thomas felt that the Team’s first win in the competition will serve as an inspiration to the players to work even harder.”

Football / Who allyuh say was de man ah de match
« on: September 04, 2005, 01:47:29 PM »
Well for me i say is ah toss up between Yorke ,Spann and Sancho.Boy dem three play real good and was in de pick of the game all de time but I would say Yorke cause of his astute leadership in face of adversity,his general control of the game and his awarenes.He was excellent in all departments defense and attack.He was in all parts of the ground.Totally involved positively in the game..

Football / Say What BSC is the best local national coach we ever had
« on: July 21, 2005, 01:04:03 AM »
Check he record-World cup sub-20 in 1991,Gold Cup semi finals 2000.And that team under he guidance wouldda qualify for 2002.Porterfield just run de team on he work when he took over,then he run out of his own ideas.Some of the best quality college players in the states come from he coaching school.He last stint he had to deal with ah bunch ah hard head local shit hound who could hardly trap a ball and want to talk bout coach this and coach that.We will never qualify for the world cup if Yorke, Andrews and lawrence ent there.Afer them gone dog  eat we supper,everybody i must say regretfully  go beat we unless we local coaches learn to first instill pride and discipline in our young footballers as he did for us.Because we have coaches locally that know we youngsters does smoke and all thing and does nothing e.g under 17 2001.

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